Inside: Dorm CounCil pagE! 3 Alcatraz Tnal page 5 B.C SWII'1 T am page 6 NY NIckS page 11 Fire Safety Regulations To Be Enforced Because of the almost days. or fined not less than constant tampering witb frre one hundred ($100) dollars extingui..'ibers and fire alarms, or both, for the first offense. sons who are caught. will For each subsequent offense, r, '.t. ,'. t the following each person shall be :t'1!U I.e' F r om the imprisoned for Dot less than studt>nt ha, Id six (6) months nor more than 'Tampenngm ar.y way with one year or fined not more di$missal. than five hundred ($500) From Rhode Island S ruLes: dollars, or both. Section 2. This act shall An BCt. n'lating the to take effect upon passage. unlrorm (aJse ftrl' \larm (This has been passed) statute. S·lQO, Approved July CHAPTER 212 16. 1 fin It is enacted by the An Rct providing that .. General. Assembl:,. ill. roUows: unlawful interference with Section 1. St'<'tion 11144·21 f ir e a l arm a p pa r atus of the gent~ law in haptcr constitutes a r~E LO NY . PII/J'o Ir)' Hrillhorl 11 14 E'nlIUt'd l'ro.:pass and It is enacted by the Vandalt!In a .lr nded, is General A sse mbly as eteb:y at. , d d 0 read as follows: , New rchwa He d Named folow Section 1. Chapter 11-4 \. uf tn. ~ laws entitled ALAR !\non .. hereby The Edl rl 80trd or po 1&1 n. of Bu 10(' r ueue or our P Ion who Of amended Jhereto the Archway h .. _,,0U'ftCf'd \'I' naJt'er Adve-r i tn .. n .. I' po a T' @r. THE 1m~w," ' l y 110 that Robert unda, Jr Ma lager and M anag"'111 ARCI1WAY iA no II n 'f. a 11 l' I •. J. til'( ,ER- h as be ·-I, n.m~d t dlt ~ r have bt ome ub r,;at, n "a.. anE a flI Lt any m v.ml FIRE ALARM Editor·in·Ch f for ont year lDcreaatngly more .ware of (oUep! but LS now mdeed. h I br \i. ty of 8 APPAR'l"'~ PENAL Y R ob is a ath ~meater the responsibilities and ne-wspapt't • m.ldemeanor and upon • E"e-ry perlon wh o marketing m Jor ongmaliy problems 01 which t,he TIlE Altr:UWAY :as baa C(I.llv1.ction thereof ahaIl he unlll"'(Wly and WIthOUt just from Warwick. Rhode Island. Editor-in-Chief must he heen done '" the put will punished b)! ..mprtsonment cause WIllfully or knowmgly He now resides in ('raruton knowledgable. place grt'Jlt IILre.o;s on the [or not I ~ thirty 1;)01 continued P' e 9 with his wife of COlif months. The operation ol B objectiVity of Its n~ ..... Rob officially takE'S over hi' newspuper re~ardl('ss of Its reporLlIlg r esponsi bilit. i s after the lil~e is by no means a onC' In th(' pa.'il, advE'rtlsmg A r chway a ds banquf"t man job. A hardworking Rnd hal played II rathf'r ml:'nial w hich will lx" ht'ld this ambiliou~ 518ft is the- heart roll! for the newsplI.pt.'r, evening at the \'"nus de :-..tllo and guta o[ any newspaper .\dv''l'tl m..: rC~'l'nut: has never restaurant. Fortunal~ty THE i""'11 Ii 'I' 11 I: .] pn} W hen pd L 0 ARCHWAY has lUlt &Ul:h tl .;.re degr II. 'il, pay t comment 0 hi. new .taff This dOf"Cl no' Olear, our burdf'J;l I~m' 'xpenses. posit ion, Rol:J madP the that we do not have ~Itlo One of m r·m·:1I01 ~ goals as following com men avatlable (or anynnt' IS Editor-In hi.-' i r.o establish " A s t h e .Pt'\\ v.'IL:.~ to do som(-' rk. THE A CH\\ AY as a self Editof- in-Chief o f I!. THE AR HWA Y is, and s up p rt ,n g 'le w spa pe r ARCHWAY. my first and has been, the Bryant College throu I rigul <- ampaign to fo remost obligation is tbat o f student press since it has ine r fi <lr adver t ising recognizing the problems and obta ined its independance rev Ul responsibililies that. surround from the Student Senate. TilE \R ' HWAY is such a position. As my predecessor, U "t'w II ,so let 's get Since 1 have held the .StewArt E. Cohen, pointed it tog er and make it work. Spectrum House To Return The ARCHWAY has made a. m. 'til 4.30 p.m. 'rickets life in this successful drug arrangements to bring back are $ 1.00 in advance or c e nter . One sees an members of Spectrum House $1.50 at the door. The encoun ter, takes part in a to present again the play performance will only be symposium, and finally sees "The Challenge." held if a sufficient number of and feels a marathon - an The action ms taken advanced tickets are sold. encounter of up to 48 hours because many students have "The Challenge" is the in length. requested another showing " powe r ful" story of after hearing about the play Spectr um House, a drug The invitation to return Photo by Sidoruk from those who attended the rehabilitation center in given to Spectrum House is Last F riday night the Rhode Island Press club held their performance two weeks ago. Shirley and Worcester, an eHort by the ARCHWAY second annual Governor's Night at Bryant. The cocktail The play will be held April Massachusetts. It begins with to provide inlormation and party and dinner was attended by almost all members of the 18 at 8 :00 p,m. in the Bryant a short introduction to the entertainment to the Bryant Rhode Island press. After tbe dinner. Govenor Licht was College Auditorium. Advance reason for drug abuse done Co mmunity. Speakers are presented wi th a shield making him an honorary member ot tickets will be available in the mostly in pantomime and also being contracted for the Bryant Student Patrol. The presentation was made by ARCHWAY oifice from 9:00 continues with a glimpse of future dates, Sgt. Craig Heuitson of the Student Patrol. Page 2 THE ARCHWAY March 17, 1972 From The Editor's Desk Creative Arts And Bryant College Brya nt Coll ege is a business school. Everyone can agree upon chis paine. However, can it remain a good business school if it continues to neglect the desires and demands of its multi-faceted student populace without tryi ng to sound like an advocate of student power.- I say NO. Without students there is no Bryant College. The Bryant student has changed a grea t deal in the past years , and for the most part th e sc hool has eventually realized the changes in its students, and modified its direction. The addition of more liberal arts courses, the beginning of the co re curriculum program , and the ~ ." .. proposed co-cd dorm are three examples of these adjustments. .." .... " I see a new trend in Bryant students. An article in last week's paper by one of our own psychologists stated that students are " bored". Another psychol ogist has the theory about the atrophy of the III c . usc of our hands. O'- c /) I As business students, except for some note taking, a few letters, 4/... ,'!f'/l_t/ and the occasional turning of a car wheel, we do noc usc our hands. 'J,) ;,IJ Tr..f)1 This has been t.rue for 20 or more years. A great many students are , beginning to change this theory by becoming involved in creative endeavors using their hands--creative arts, students carve stone, work with me tal and leather, sculp, and paint. For most, improper facilities and tools hi nder their enjoyment. Bryant like all institutions of higher learning, has a great deal of creative talent in its midst. However, by the nature of this institution /I(J.f ;WlJOP, <l4S'~ OF I b c.. the talent sta oates-- disappointing for the school, the individual student, and even his future employer. I suggest it is time to re-evaluate our students and rhe i.r wishes, and the need for a CREAT1VE ARTS program will be seen and will be justified. I suggest the school-Vice presidents of Student Affairs and Academic Affaire-implement procedures to hjre an industrial arts or creative arts persall who wiJJ (each two or three fu nda mentals cowses, caUed Spots and Dots by Brown University. These could be taught ill the area of basic drowing and painting, wood, me tal, and stone working, photography. and . filmmaking, basic design, and basic architecture. Furthermore, arts facility shold be established where students, either enrolled in the above courses or not, could work. Equipment would be needed.-a potter's wheel, woodworking, learherworking, and metaJ working tools, art supplies, a kiln, etc. I realize this is a costly program, but lab fees could pay for everything but the initial investment, and maybe it's time for the school to consider student Mixed Dorm es: - An Innovation at Bryant College Thanks' Stewart By Jean Susan LeSage It has come to the " mixed dormitory" will be attention of THE used because of the effect and s e c ond floors of ARCHWAY that Bryant that such a term as a "co-ed DorDormitorymitory 66 .will (4) be The a'lsigned College will undergo a change dormitory" would have on to the male residents; ~~~the rj~~~8~~~l~~~~ !1 in its dormitory certain mis-understanding third and fourth floors will l!.fr om environment.
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