Introduction of computer languages pdf

Continue Source code for simple computer programs written in the language C for passing instructions to the computer. If you compile and run, i will give you an output hello, world!. A programming language is a type language that contains a set of instructions that generate different kinds of output. Programming languages are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers. There are programmable computers that use a specific set of instructions rather than a regular programming language. The early computers preceded the invention of digital computers, probably being auto flute players described in the 9th century by Baghdad's brother Musa during the Islamic Golden Age. [1] Since the early 1800s, programs have been used to direct machine movements such as jacquard looms, music boxes, and player pianos. [2] The program for these machines (e.g. a scroll of player piano) did not generate any other behavior in response to different inputs or conditions. Thousands of different programming languages have been created, and more languages are being created each year. Many programming languages are written in required types (i.e., written in sequences of actions that need to be performed), and other languages use declarative forms (i.e., the desired results are specified and not the method is achieved). Descriptions of programming languages are typically divided into two components: syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). Some languages are defined by specification documents (such as C programming languages specified by ISO standards), while others (such as Perl) have a dominant implementation that is treated as a reference. Some languages have all the default languages, and the underlying language is defined by standards, and extensions from dominant implementations are common. The definition programming language is a notation that writes a program that is the specification of calculations or algorithms. [3] Some authors limit the term programming language to a language that can represent all possible algorithms. [3] [4] Characteristics are often considered important for organizing a programming language: the functionality and target computer programming language is the language used to write computer programs, which perform some kind of computer [5] or algorithms and perhaps control external devices such as printers, disk drives, robots, [6] and so on. For example, postScript programs are frequently created by computer printers or other programs to control displays. More generally, programming languages can describe calculations on some abstract machines. Typically, the full specifications for a programming language include a description of the computer or processor for that language, an idealized description. [7] Most Context, programming languageincludes computers; Therefore, programming languages are typically defined and studied in this way. [8] Programming languages differ from natural languages in that natural languages are used only for human interaction, and programming languages allow humans to communicate instructions to machines. Abstract programming languages typically contain abstractions to define and manipulate data structures or to control execution flows. The practical need for programming languages to support proper abstraction is expressed by abstraction principles. [9] This principle is sometimes formulated as a recommendation to programmers to make appropriate use of such abstractions. [10] The phenotype calculation theory classifies the language by a calculation that can be expressed. All of Turing's entire languages can implement the same set of algorithms. ANSI/ISO SQL-92 and Charity are examples of languages where Turing is not complete, but it is also known as a programming language. [11] [12] Tag languages such as XML, HTML, or troughs that define structured data are not generally considered programming languages. [13] [14] [15] Programming languages can share tag languages and syntax if computational semantics are defined. For example, XSLT is the entire Turing language that fully uses xml syntax. [16] [17] [18] Also, LaTeX, which is primarily used for document structuring, also contains a full subset of Turing. [19] [20] The term computer language is often used interchangeably with programming languages. [21] However, the use of both terms varies from author to author, including the exact range of each. One usage describes a programming language as a subset of the computer language. [22] Similarly, the language used for computing with a different goal than expressing a computer program is generally specified in the computer language. For example, tag languages can be applied to computer languages to emphasize that they are not used for programming. [23] Another use considers a programming language to be a theoretical configuration for abstract machine programming and a subset of the computer language running on a physical computer with limited hardware resources. [24] John C. Reynolds emphasizes that the official specification language is just like a programming language, just like a language for execution. He also argues that the text and graphic input format that affects the behavior of the computer is generally a programming language, despite the fact that Turing is not complete, and that ignorance of programming language concepts is the reason for many flaws in the input format. [25] History main article: early development of the history of programming language sped computers, colossus, etc., was programmed without the help of You can program by modifying the circuit or setting up a physical control bank. A little later, the program can be written in a mechanical language, and the programmer writes each command in the form of numbers that the hardware can run directly. For example, a command that adds a value to two memory locations can consist of an opcode that selects a follow-up action and three numbers at two memory locations. Using a program in decimal or binary form, it was read from punch cards, paper tape, magnetic tape, or switches on the front panel of the computer. The machine language was later called the First Generation Programming Language (1GL). The next step was to develop a so-called second-generation programming language (2GL) or assembly language, which was still closely tied to the command set architecture of a particular computer. They reassured the programmers of the tedious and error-prone address calculation that made the program much more human-readable. The first high-level programming language, or third-generation programming language (3GL), was written in the 1950s. The initial programming language designed for computers was flanked by Conrad's For the German Z3 between 1943 and 1945. However, it was not implemented between 1998 and 2000. [26] John Mauchly's short code, proposed in 1949, was one of the first high-level languages ever developed for electronic computers. [27] Unlike machine cords, shortened code statements represent mathematical expressions in an understandable form. However, the process was much slower than running the computer code because you had to convert it to each time you ran the program. At the , Alick Glennie developed automatic codes in the early 1950s. The was used as a programming language to automatically convert the language into computer code. The first code and compiler was developed in 1952 for the Mark 1 computer at the University of Manchester and is considered the first compiled high-level programming language. [28] [29] The second was developed by R. A. Brucker in 1954 for Mark 1 and called the Mark 1 Autocode. Brooker also developed an automatic code for the Mercury in the 1950s with the University of Manchester. The EDSAC version 2 was devised in 1961 by D. F. Hartley of the University of Cambridge's Institute of Mathematics. Known as EDSAC 2 Autocode, it was developed directly in mercury autocode tailored to local conditions, and was famous for its advanced object code optimization and source language diagnostics at the time. A modern but separate development, the Autocode was developed for The Atlas 1 Mechanical College in Manchester. In 1954, Fortran was invented by John Backers at IBM. It was the first widely used high-level common Unlike design on paper, languageprogramming is programmed for functional implementation. [30] [31] It is still a popular language for high-performance computing [32] and is used in programs that benchmark and rank the world's fastest supercomputers. [33] Another early programming language was devised by American Grace Hopper called FLOW-MATIC. It was developed for UNIVAC I in Remington Land from 1955 to 1959. Hopper discovered that business data processing customers were uncomfortable with math, and in early 1955 she and her team created specifications for the English programming language and implemented prototypes. [34] The FLOW-MATIC compiler became publicly available in early 1958 and was practically completed in 1959. [35] FLOW-MATIC had a big impact on cobol design because it was only Amako at that time. [36] Tablets have introduced requirements for low-level programming languages or system programming languages to increase the use of advanced languages. These languages provide facilities between assembly languages and advanced languages from different angles. It needs direct access to the hardware facility, but it can still be used to perform tasks that provide a higher level of control structure and error checking. During the 1960s and late 1970s, APL introduced array programming and influenced functional programming. [37] ALGOL purifies both the discipline of structured and language specifications; The revised report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60 later became a model for how to write language specifications. Implemented in 1958, Lisp was the first dynamically input functional programming language. In the 1960s, simulating was a native language designed to support object-oriented programming. In the mid-1970s, Smalltalk followed the first pure object-oriented language. C was developed as a system programming language for unix operating systems between 1969 and 1973 and is still popular. [38] The prologue, designed in 1972, was the first logical programming language. In 1978, ML pioneered a static, functional programming language by building a polymorphic system on top of the lisp. Each of these languages has descendants, and most modern programming languages count at least one of them as ancestors. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was considerable debate about the benefits of and whether it should be designed to support programming languages. [39] Eder Dykstra, famous in a letter published in 1968 in ACM's communications, argued that the Goto statement should be removed from all high-level programming languages. [40] Selection of textbooks to teach programming in both languages, integrating and growing And it's ambiguous. These are some of the thousands of programming languages and dialects designed in history. The 1980s were years of relative consolidation. C++ combined object-oriented and system programming. The U.S. government has standardized Ada, a system programming language derived from Pascal, for use by defense contractors. In Japan and elsewhere, huge amounts of money were spent investigating the so-called fifth-generation languages that incorporated logic programming configurations. [41] The functional language community has moved to standardize ML and Lisff. Rather than inventing a new paradigm, all these movements elaborate on the ideas that have been invented over the past few decades. In the 1980s, one important trend in language design for large-scale system programming increased interest in the use of modules or large organizational code units. Modula-2, Ada and ML all developed notable modular systems in the 1980s, often married to regular programming configurations. [42] The rapid growth of the Internet in the mid-1990s created opportunities for new languages. Perl, an Unix scripting tool that was first released in 1987, became commonplace on dynamic websites. Java was used for server-side programming, byte-codevirtual machines once used, and run anywhere (UCSD Pascal became popular for some time in the early 1980s) and became popular again in the commercial environment. These developments were not fundamentally novel. Rather, they were an improvement in many existing languages and paradigms (although their syntax was often based on the C family of programming languages). The evolution of programming languages continues in both industry and research. The current direction includes security and reliability verification, new types of modularity (blended, delegate, sideways), and database integration, such as Microsoft's LINQ. The fourth-generation programming language (4GL) is a computer programming language that aims to increase the abstraction of internal computer hardware details over 3GLl. A fifth-generation programming language (5GL) is a language based on solving problems by using constraints provided to the program instead of using algorithms written by programmers. Element All programming languages have a description of the data and some raw components for the applied process or transformation, such as adding two numbers or selecting items from a collection. These primitives are defined by syntax and semantic rules, each describing structure and meaning. Syntax main article: The syntax (programming language) syntax tree of Python code with inset tokenization syntax highlights is often used by programmers to recognize elements of the source code. The above language is Python. The surface form of a programming language is known. Syntax. Most programming languages are purely text. They use sequences of text, including words, numbers, and punctuation marks, similar to written natural words. On the other hand, some programming languages that specify programs using visual relationships between symbols are inherently more graphical. The syntax of a language describes a possible combination of symbols that form a syntaxly correct program. It is handled by a semantic sysmaround (type or hard coding in a reference implementation) given to a combination of symbols. Because most languages are text, this article describes text syntax. Programming language syntax is typically defined using a combination of regular expressions (for lexical structure) and backus-nau form (for grammatical structure). Here is a simple grammar based on Lisp: expression::= Atomic | List Atom::= Number | Symbol number:: = [+-]? [0'-'9']] + Symbol::= [A'''A'a'z''z'z'z'].* List:='Expression*'' this grammar specifies the following: expressions are atomic or list; An atom is a number or symbol. A number is an unbroken sequence of one or more decimal places, optionally preceded by a plus or minus symbol. The symbol is at least zero for all characters after the character (except for spaces); The list is a matching pair of parentheses, with at least zero expressions in it. The following is an example of a well-formed sequence of tokens in this grammar: 12345, () and (b c232(1). Not all sysparable correct programs are semyon-correct. Many syntactically correct programs are nevertheless misformed according to the rules of the language; Errors in translation or execution may occur (depending on the language specifications and the soundness of the implementation). In some cases, these programs may exhibit undefined behavior. Even if the program is well defined within the language, the person who wrote the program may have unintended meaning. For example, you can't use natural language to assign meaning to grammatically correct sentences, or sentences can be false: colorless green ideas are sleeping wildly. It is grammatically well formed, but it does not have a generally accepted meaning. John is a married Bachelor. It expresses meaning semantics that are well formed grammatically but cannot be true. The following C-language fragments perform sysmlingly accurate but not meaningfully defined tasks (operation *p >> 4 is not meant for values with complex types, and p->im is not defined because the p value is a null pointer): complex *p = NULL; Complex abs_p = sqrt (*p&>4+ p-&im); Omit the type declaration of the first line will result in an error in variable p that is not defined during compilation. However, because it only provides type declarations, the program is still sysmandly accurate. Information. The grammar required to specify the programming language can be categorized into locations in the Chomsky hierarchy. The syntax of most programming languages can be specified using type-2 grammars, or noncontextual grammars. [43] Some languages, including Pearl and Lisff, contain phrases that allow execution during the parsing phase. Languages with syntax that allow programmers to change the behavior of parser make parsing an unreliable problem and generally blur the distinction between parsing and execution. [44] Unlike Lisp's macro system, which can contain normal calculations, and the BEGIN block of Pearl, the C macro is only a string replacement and does not require code execution. [45] The term semantics refers to the meaning of the language, not the form (syntax). Static semantics Static semantics define limits on the structure of valid text that are difficult or impossible to express in standard syntax formalism. [3] For compiled languages, static semantics include by default the semantic semantics that can be verified at compile time. For example, it includes ensuring that all identifiers are declared before they are used (in languages that require such declarations) or that the weapons in the case statement are labeled distinct. [46] Many important limitations of this type, such as ensuring that identifiers are used in the appropriate context (for example, do not add an integer to a function name) or to ensure that a call has the appropriate number and type of argument, can be defined and applied as a rule in the logic of the . Other forms of static analysis, such as data flow analysis, can also be part of static semantics. Modern programming languages, such as Java and C#, provide clear allocation analysis, a form of data flow analysis, as part of static semantics. Dynamic semantics main document: When data is specified, the semantics of the programming language should instruct the computer to perform its work. For example, a semantic can define how a strategy or control structure in which an expression is valued is executed conditionally. The dynamic semantics of a language (also known as execution semantics) define how and when the various syntax of a language generates program behavior. There are several ways to define execution semantics. Natural language is often used to specify the execution semantics of the language that is actually used. A significant amount of academic research has entered into the formal semantic semantics of programming languages, which allow for the formal designation of execution semantics. The results of this study have seen limited applications for language design programming and implementation outside of academia. Type System Basic Articles: Data Type, Type System and Type Safety A The system defines how the programming language classifies values and expressions into types, how they manipulate them, and how they interact. The goal of a type system is to detect and apply certain invalid actions to a certain level of accuracy in a program written in that language. The deciduous type system involves a trade-off: while it rejects many wrong programs, it can also ban some correct, albeit unusual programs. To circumvent this shortcoming, many languages have type loopholes, and there are generally unselected casts that programmers can use to explicitly allow tasks that are not generally allowed between different types. In most type languages, the type system is only used to enter inspection programs, but it generally relieves programmers from having to write functional language, inference types, and type annotations. The formal design and research of formal systems is known as type theory. If the specifications of all operations define the type of data that the job applies to, an unformatted language A language is entered. [47] For example, the data displayed in this text between quotes is a string, meaningless and does not run in many programming languages that divide the numbers into strings. Incorrect activity can be detected when the program is compiled, and it can be rejected by the compiler with the compilation error message, or while the program is running (dynamic type inspection), it can cause run-time exceptions. If you use many languages, a function called an exception handler can handle this exception, for example, always returns -1. A specific case of a language with a type is a single type language. These languages are often scripting or tag languages such as REXX or SGML, and there is only one data type [ambiguous - discussion]- the most commoncharacter string used for both symbolic and numeric data. On the other hand, if you use a language that is not of any type, like most assembly languages, you can work on all data, which is typically a sequence of bits of varying lengths. [47] High-level informal languages include BCPL, Tcl, and some varieties of the Force. In fact, there are very few languages entered in type theory (checking or denying all actions), but most modern languages offer a degree of typing. [47] Many production languages offer a means to bypass or overturn type systems and trade type safety (see casting) for greater control over the execution of programs. In static-to- dynamic input static typing, all expressions typically determine their type before the program runs at compile time. For example, 1 and (2+2) are integers. Strings cannot be passed to the expected functionors or stored in variables defined to hold dates. [47] Enter statically it can be explicitly typed or formatted. In the first case, the programmer must explicitly write the type in a specific text location, such as a variable declaration. In the second case, the compiler infers expressions and declaration types based on context. Most mainstream static input languages, such as C++, C# and Java, are explicitly entered. Complete type reasoning has traditionally been associated with less mainstream languages such as Haskell and ML. However, many languages that are explicitly typed support partial type reasoning. For example, C++, Java, and C# are all inference types in certain limited cases. [48] Also, some programming languages allow you to automatically convert some types to other types. For example, you can use int where the program expects a float. Dynamic input, also known as latent input, determines the type of operation at runtime. In other words, the type is associated with a runtime value, not a text expression. [47] As with type inference languages, dynamically typed languages do not require programmers to make explicit type comments on expressions. Best of all, a single variable can refer to values of different types at different points in the program's execution. However, type errors cannot be detected automatically until the snippet is actually executed, which can make debugging more difficult. Lisf, Smalltalk, Perl, Python, JavaScript, and Ruby are all examples of dynamically typed languages. Weak, strong input weak inputs allow you to treat values of one type to another (for example, a string as a number). [47] Sometimes it can be useful, but you can also make some types of program errors undetected at compile time and runtime. Strong input prevents these program errors. An attempt to take action on the wrong type of value results in an error. [47] Strongly entered languages are often referred to as type safety or safety. Alternative definitions for weak inputs represent languages such as Perl and JavaScript that allow for large numbers of implicit type conversions. For example, in JavaScript, expression 2 * x implicitly converts x to a number, and this conversion succeeds even if x is null, undefined array, or character string. These implicit conversions are often useful, but they can mask programming errors. Strong, static concepts are now generally considered orthodoconcepts, but the use of literature is different. Some use strongly typed terms, static inputs, or more confusingly, simply static input semantics. Thus C was strongly called both entered and weakly, statically entered. [49] [50] C may seem strange to some professional programmers who can be entered weakly and statically. However, if you use a void* pointer, which is a regular pointer, Pointers to other pointers without the need to perform explicit casts. This is very similar to casting an array of bytes to any kind of data type in C without using explicit casts such as (int) or (char). Standard library and runtime system main document: Most programming languages in the standard library include the relevant core libraries, especially if included as part of published language standards. The core library includes definitions of commonly used algorithms, data structures, and input and output mechanisms. The lines between languages and core libraries vary from language to language. In some cases, language designers can treat libraries as separate entities from languages. However, the core library of the language is often treated by the user as part of the language, and some language specifications require that it be available to all implementations. In fact, some languages are designed to not explain the meaning of a particular syntax structure without referring to the core library. For example, in Java, string literals are defined as instances of the java.lang.String class. Similarly, in Smalltalk, anonymous function expressions (blocks) form instances of blockcontext classes in the library. Conversely, because the configuration contains several consistent subsets that are sufficient to organize the remaining languages into library macros, the language designer must implement a portion of the language as a language configuration and does not speak the language that should be implemented as part of the library. Design and implementation programming languages share natural languages and attributes related to the purpose of communication, have a syntax form that is separate from semantics, and showed the language family of the relevant language branching with other languages. [51] [52] But as an artificial structure, they also differ in the language and fundamental way that has evolved through use. The important difference is that because it has an accurate and finite definition, you can fully describe the programming language and study it as a whole. [53] In contrast, natural language changes the meaning that users provide in different communities. Constituent languages are artificial languages designed from the beginning that also have a specific purpose, but they lack the exact and complete meaning definition that the programming language has. Many programming languages were designed from scratch, changed to meet new needs, and combined with other languages. Many eventually fell into use. There have been attempts to design one universal programming language for all purposes, but all of them It was accepted as filling this role. [54] The need for a variety of programming languages arises in a variety of contexts in which the language is used: programs range from scripts written by individual hobbyists to huge systems written by hundreds of programmers. Programmers offer a wide range of expertise, from beginners who need simplicity above all else to professionals who are familiar with a great deal of complexity. Programs need to balance the speed, size, and simplicity of a system, from microcontrollers to supercomputers. The program can be written once, and may not change for generations, or receive continuous modifications. Programmers may simply differ in their tastes: they may be accustomed to discussing problems and expressing them in a particular language. One common trend in programming language development is to add the ability to solve problems using higher levels of abstraction. The initial programming language was very closely tied to the computer's underlying hardware. As new programming languages are developed, programmers have been given the ability to express ideas farther away from simple translations with basic hardware guidelines. Programmers are less connected to the complexity of the computer, which reduces the effort of the programmer to perform more computing. This allows you to create more features per unit of time. [55] Natural language programming has been proposed as a way to eliminate the need for specialized languages for programming. However, this goal remains distant, and its benefits are open to debate. Edsger W. Dijkstra took the position that the use of formal language was essential to prevent the introduction of pointless structures, and dismissed natural language programming as foolish. [56] Alan Pulis likewise ignored this idea. [57] The hybrid approach was taken in structured English and SQL. The language's designers and users must configure several artifacts to manage and activate their programming practices. Of these artifacts, the most important are language specifications and implementations. Specification s: The specifications of the programming language specification are artifacts that the language user and the implementer can use to agree whether the language is a valid program, and if so, agree to what it will be. Programming language specifications can take many forms, such as syntax, static semantics, and explicit definitions of the language's execution semantics. Syntax is typically specified using formal grammar, but semantic definitions can be written in natural language (such as C language), or formal semantics (such as standard ML[58] and Scheme[59] specifications). A description of the translator's behavior in the language, such as: C++ and Fortran specifications). The syntax and semantics of the language must be inferred from this description, which can be written in natural or formal language. Implementation of references or models written in the specified language, such as prologue or ANSI REXX[60]. The syntax and semantics of the language are explicit in the behavior of the reference implementation. Implementation Basic documentation: Implementation of programming languages Provides a way to write programs in that language and run on one or more configurations of hardware and software. In general, there are two ways to program language implementation: compilation and interpretation. Typically, you can use both techniques to implement a language. The output of the compiler can be run by a program called a hardware or interpreter. In some implementations that use the interpreter approach, there is no clear line between compilation and analysis. For example, some implementations of BASIC compile the default and then run the source at once. Programs that run directly on hardware typically run much faster than programs that are interpreted in software. [61] One technique for improving the performance of interpreted programs [need a better source] is to edit on time. Here, the virtual machine converts a block of byte code that uses code as a computer to run directly from the hardware just before execution. Exclusive language This section does not cite the source. Improve this section by adding citations to trusted sources. Unsupplied materials can be challenged and removed. (July 2015) While most of the most commonly used programming languages have completely open specifications and implementations, many programming languages exist as proprietary programming languages with implementations that are only available to a single vendor, and these proprietary languages can be argued as intellectual property. Proprietary programming languages are typically domain-specific languages or internal scripting languages for a single product. Some proprietary languages are used internally only within the vendor, while others are available to external users. Some programming languages exist on the boundary between proprietary languages and openness. For example, Oracle Corporation claims ownership of some aspects of the Java programming language[62] and Microsoft's C# programming language, which has an open implementation in most parts of the system, also has a common language runtime (CLR) in a closed environment. [63] Many proprietary languages are widely used, despite their exclusive nature; Examples include MATLAB, VBScript, and Wolfram languages. Some languages can be switched. It's open. For example, Erlang was originally Ericsson's inner programming language. [64] Thousands of different programming languages have been created primarily in computing. [65] Individual software projects typically use five programming languages. [66] Programming languages differ from most other forms of human expression in that they require a greater degree of precision and integrity. When communicating with others using natural language, human authors and speakers can make ambiguous and small errors, and still expect to understand their intentions. But figuratively speaking, computers can't understand exactly what they need to do and what the programmer wants to write. The combination of language definitions, programs, and program inputs must completely specify the external behavior that occurs within the program's control area when the program runs. The idea of algorithms, on the other hand, can be passed to humans without the precision required for execution, using code written in programming languages and pseudo-code that communicates natural language. The programming language provides a structured mechanism for defining data fragments and actions or transformations that can be performed automatically on that data. Programmers use abstractions in languageto represent concepts related to calculations. These concepts are represented by a collection of the simplest elements available (default values). [67] Programming is the process by which programmers combine these fundamentals to construct new programs or adapt existing programs to new uses or changing environments. Programs on computers can run in batch processes without human interaction, or users can enter commands in interactive sessions in the interpreter. In this case, the command is simply a program that is executed together. If a language is not compiled and can execute commands through an interpreter (such as a Unix shell or other command-line interface), it is called scripting language. [68] Language Usage Measurement Key Article: Because the definition of use depends on context, it is difficult to measure the popularity of the most popular programming languages. One language can take up more programmer time, the other language has more lines of code, and the third language can spend the most CPU time. Some languages are very popular for certain kinds of applications. For example, COBOL is often in a large main frame, still strong in corporate data centers; [69] [70] Fortran in scientific and engineering applications; Ada in aerospace, transportation, military, real-time and embedded applications; In embedded applications and operating systems, C. Other languages Create many different kinds of applications. Various methods of measuring the popularity of languages, each target of different biases about what is measured, have been suggested: calculate the number of job advertisements referring to the language[71] the number of books sold to teach or describe the language [72] estimates of the number of existing lines of code written in the language – which can often underestimate the language not found in public search [73] of language references (i.e. combining and averaging information from various Internet sites, we have reported 10 most popular programming languages such as Java, C, C++, Python, C#, JavaScript, VB .NET, R, PHP, and MATLAB. [74] Dialects, spices and implementation programming languages or dialects of data exchange languages are (relatively small) variations or extensions of languages that do not change the intrinsic nature. Languages such as Scheme and Forth often break the standard and create new dialects because they lack standards, are inappropriate, or can be considered illegal by implementers. In other cases, dialects are often created for use in a subset of domain-specific languages. In the Lisp world, most languages that use semantics, such as basic S-expression syntax and lisp, are considered Lisp dialects. Because it is common for a language to have multiple dialects, it can be very difficult for inexperienced programmers to find the right document. The basic programming language has many dialects. The explosion of force dialectifyou've seen one... You've seen one force. More classification: The list of categories in the programming language does not have the most important classification scheme for the programming language. The specified programming language typically does not have a single ancestral language. Languages typically occur by combining elements of several previous languages with new ideas that were then distributed in. The idea of starting in one language will spread throughout the family in the relevant language, and gradually leap beyond the family gap to appear in a completely different family. The fact that languages can be categorized across multiple axes complicates the process. For example, Java is an object-oriented language (because it encourages object-oriented organizations) and concurrent languages (which contain built-in syntax for running multiple threads in parallel). Python is an object-oriented scripting language. In a broad stroke, programming languages are divided into programming paradigms and domain-specific classifications intended for use, with domain-specific programming languages and other general-purpose programming languages. Languages. Traditionally, programming languages have been considered to describe calculations in terms of command sentences, such as issuing commands. This is commonly referred to as a required programming language. Many studies on programming languages aim to blur the distinction between programsets and programs by claiming the desired answers, a key characteristic of declarative programming. [75] More sophisticated paradigms include procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, and logic programming. Some languages are paradigms or hybrids of multiple paradigms. The assembly language is not as paradigm-driven as the direct model of the underlying machine architecture. Intentionally, a programming language can be considered a universal, system programming language, scripting language, domain-specific language, or a concurrent/distributed language (or a combination of those languages). [76] Some general purpose languages are primarily designed with educational goals. [77] Programming languages can also be categorized by factors that are not related to the . For example, most programming languages use English keywords, but not minority languages. Other languages can be intentionally classified as derogatory. In addition, comparing computer programming portals of programming languages (basic instructions) comparison of programming languages computer programming computer science and computer science domain-specific language domain modeling training programming language related programming language expansion programming language expansion programming language expansion programming language programming language expansion programming category: scalable syntax programming language non-zen programming language basic dialect-based programming list programming language researcher list programming language researcher list most popular web Site language-oriented programming logic programming literant programming literant programming literant programming ruby (programming language) § Meta programming language programming language theory pseudo code Rebol § Dialect reflection science programming language software engineering and software engineering topic list reference = Koetsier, Teun (May 2001) is used. In prehistoric times of programmable machines; Musical automata, loom, calculator. Mechanisms and mechanical theory. 36 (5): 589–603. doi: 10.1016/S0094-114X (01)00005-2. ^ Ettinger, James (2004) Jamad Webb, Oxford University Press ^ b c Aaby, Anthony (2004). About programming languages. Originally from November 8, 2012. It was discovered on September 29, 2012. ^ In mathematical terms, this means that the programming language is Turing Complete McLennan, Bruce J. (1987). Principles of language programming. Oxford University Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-19-511306-8. ^ ACM SIGPLAN (2003). Bylaws of special interest groups The language of the Computing Machinery Association. The of SIGPLAN, archived from the original on June 22, 2006, is the theory, design, implementation, description, and application of computer programming languages, in a language that allows for specifications of various calculations, which gives the user significant control over the operation of the computer (immediateor e., or delayed). ^ Dean, Tom (2002). Programming robots. Build intelligent robots. Department of Computer Science, Brown University. It was archived from the original on October 29, 2006. ^ Narashimahan, programming languages and computers: integrated meta-theory, pp. 189-247 Franz Alt, Maurice Rubinov (eds.) Computer, Volume 8, Academic Press, 1994, ISBN 0-12-012108-5, p.193: The complete specifications of the programming language, by definition, you must include the specifications of the ideal language. [Quote many references to support this statement] ^ Ben Ari, Mordecai (1996). Understanding programming languages. John Wyle and his sons. 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Frank Turbak and David Gifford with Mark Sheldon: The Design Concept of programming language, MIT Press 2009. Peter Van Roy and Safe Haridi. Concepts, technologies and models of computer programming, MIT Press 2004. David A. Watt. Programming language concepts and paradigms. Prentice Hall 1990. David A. Watt and Murphy Thomas. Programming language syntax and semantics. Prentice Hall 1991. David A. Watt. Programming language processor. Prentice Hall 1993. David A. Watt. Programming language design concept. John Wyle and son in 2004. External link programming language Wikipedia's sister project Wikimedia Public News wikimedia in public news wiki media from Wikimedia Public News to Wikimedia cites Wikimedia from Wikidata from Wikibook resources to wiki data from Wikidata to from Wikidata

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