An Analysis of the Japanese Voluntary Export Restraint Upon
An Analysis of the Japanese Voluntary Export Restraint upon Automobiles to the U.S. and Canada: An investig.tion of its impacts upon International, Bilateral and Domestic Legal Fr amewor k 5 for safeguard me a sure s . , by : Keiki Kimura Institute of Comparative Law December 1985 « McGill University Montreal, Canada , 1 Ath e sis su bm i t te d t 0 the Fa cul t Y 0 f Graduate Studies and t Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the deg ree of Haste r of Laws ';1 , ., t' .. • • AB5TRACT This study IHms, flrst of aIl, to examine various view$, and alternatives raised in the Course of conclusion and exten- sions of voluntary restralnt agreements for the Japanese auto- mobIle exports to the u.s. and Canada and, secondly, to assees l ts impacts upon legal framework of safeguard measures at 1 multllateral, domestlc and bilateral levels. A frequent and widespread usage of voluntary reBtraint agreements for a prolonged period would disrupt the safeguard mechanism under the GATT, due highly to i~s discriminatory nature. However, if they are instituted as the last resort subsequant to a thorough investigation of the inJury to domes- tlC industry and its causation by imports, it will st.abilize the safeguard mechanism. The incorporation of the Art. XIX of the GATT into cor- respond ing domestic laws and the acceptance of voluntary ... restraint agreement at the GATT will lessen tt scr iminatory application of safeguard measures. 1 • ( \ c r.' r L, [ /1 f- (pltp l"tll!lP V]<;p, 'Pi,r('lhes et él tprnClt lvr>e; c;nlllt>v('>pc, ,111 ,(>lIre; 'lI l,) ((' [l, ,,[ (h' l 't'xt l'nc; (Hl ,1('<, cH' (lrcle., \!,,) "nt Cl] rpc; 1)"11t ( [' 1t' il Il' , TI ri ] C, ( 'C; " 1 1 Y r t Cl t c~ - 1 n 1 C; (' t , 1 r' [' i1 ( pt l '1 t ,'r i' (, 1 J C; ,1 (j" 1 1 (, (,, JI'" t ,1 (',' .' ,,"-, t' C ,) r r \ {.,.
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