BONES PRÀCTIQUES LA CATALUNYA INSTITUCIONAL I ADMINISTRATIVA 08/14 A PRESIDENT FOR EuropE? The elections of 2014 in response to European democratic crisis EUROPEAN GOOD PRACTICES Albert AIxAlÀ I BlANCh VERSIÓN EN CASTELLANO EN EL INTERIOR ENGLISH VERSION INSIDE Albert Aixalà i Blanch Degree in Political Science and Master in European Integration. he has been an analyst at the CIDOB Foundation, director at the Rafael Campalans Foundation (2005- 2013), associate professor of political science at Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and academic collaborator at ESADE. he is currently program’s director at the Catalunya Europa Foundation and associate professor of political science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. he has published several articles and studies on international and European policy, including “Euro scepticism and economic crisis (2007-2014)” and “The Transformation of the Presidency of the European Council as a result of the lisbon Treaty”. BONES PRÀCTIQUES LA CATALUNYA INSTITUCIONAL I ADMINISTRATIVA 08/14 A PRESIDENT FOR EuropE? THE ELEctions OF 2014 IN RESPONSE to EuropEAN DEmocratic CRISIS EUROPEAN GOOD PRACTICES Albert AIxAlÀ I BlANCh fundAció cAtAlunyA europA Mallorca 272, 9è 1a, 08037 Barcelona
[email protected] AUThoR: Albert Aixalà Blanch coveR imAge: Jon Worth ( design And lAyoUT HoBrA SuMMARY 0. introduction 7 1. the european political parties and the process of democratisation of the eu institutions 11 1.1. European Union democratic policy as a response to the “democratic deficit” 11 1.2. The Treaty of Lisbon and the election of the President of the European Commission 16 1.3. The European political parties 19 1.4.