Jorden Åt Folket
1. INLEDNING JORDEN ÅT FOLKET 1 JORDEN ÅT FOLKET Lindkvist, Anna, Jorden åt folket. Nationalföreningen mot emigrationen 1907–1925. [Land for the People. Th e National Society Against Emigration, 1907–25.] Umeå 2007, Monograph, 347 pp. Swedish text with a summary in English. Department of Historical Studies, Umeå University, Sweden. ISSN 1651-0046 ISBN 978-91-7264-387-1 Abstract: Land for the People. Th e National Society Against Emigration, 1907–25 Th is thesis deals with the National Society Against Emigration (Sw.Nationalföreningen mot emigrationen) – re- ferred to as the NE – and its radical right-wing leader Adrian Molin. Th e NE was founded in 1907 in order to stem the tide of emigration from Sweden and facilitate re-immigration by providing jobs and accomodation. Its many bureaus served as employment offi ces, land distribution centres and own-your-own-home companies, mainly aimed at creating smallholdings for Swedish working-class families. Th e purpose of the study is to investigate the organization, concept and practise of the internal coloniza- tion of rural Sweden between 1907 and 1925. By following both the successes and setbacks of the NE during the fi rst decades of the twentieth century, ideas and opportunities circulating in Swedish society in a time of wide-ranging ideological and material change are discussed. Questions in focus include why a society to prevent emigration from Sweden emerged at that particular time; the function it served for both society and the state; the form internal colonization actually took and how it was conducted in comparison with other governmental and private agricultural reforms; and the attitude of the NE toward modernization in general.
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