Land at Lane, 01 BACKGROUND


Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 30 years, developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. The purpose of the consultation process and the consultation boards is to illustrate our emerging outline proposals for a new residential development on the Site located on Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton and to seek comments from the local community which will be considered before the outline planning application is lodged with Council.


WA/95/18/RES Approved Reserved Matters Applicationpp for 175 new homes




YAPTON LANE Site Boundary

South Downs National Park

Site Location Plan Walberton Village Conservation Area

The Site The Need for Housing

The Site is located on the eastern edge of the settlement of Walberton, immediately to Every Council is required by Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to WKHHDVWRI

Gladman Developments Ltd intend to submit an outline application for up A Sustainable Location to 185 dwellings on Land at Yapton lane, Walberton, to Arun District Council The Site is located in a sustainable location, within a 5-10 minute walk to the main village later this year. This application will establish the principles of development and centre of Walberton, which offers a number of local services and facilities, such as determine the access arrangements. New housing will be set within robust green convenience store, launderette, dental surgery, a hairdressers, a post office, a village infrastructure to deliver the following: hall and a public house. In addition to this, Walberton has a number of recreational • Up to 185 homes of varying sizes, types, tenures (including a proportion of facilities located a short walk from the Site, including a cricket club, outdoor play facilities, affordable housing). a community play centre and a golf club. Furthermore, the new development in the northern part of the village also provides a number of community facilities, such as tennis • A vehicular access point taken from Yapton Lane and an emergency access courts, allotments and more play facilities and is readily accessible via the public footpath point also taken from Yapton Lane. opposite the Site. • Provision of public open space for amenity and recreational use, including There are several bus stops located along Yapton Lane adjacent to the Site, which provide a new children’s play area. The new areas of public open space will connections with and Chichester. incorporate the existing trees and hedgerows along the Site’s boundaries, particularly the solitary oak tree located adjacent to the southern boundary.

• A central green corridor will be provided to maintain a framed view towards Glatting Beacon in the National Park.

• Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in the form of an attenuation basin and VZDOHVGHVLJQHGWRPDQDJHÁRRGULVNDQGSURYLGHQHZKDELWDWVIRUZLOGOLIH Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 02 HISTORIC CONTEXT

Historic Development

The historic maps below show how Walberton has grown over the last 140 years. As illustrated by the 1880 map, the village originally formed along The Street, most of which makes up the Walberton Village Conservation Area. Slightly further to the west, where The Street meets Walberton Green, was also an original part of the village, and is designated as the :DOEHUWRQ*UHHQ&RQVHUYDWLRQ$UHD:DOEHUWRQ+RXVHDQG6W0DU\·V&KXUFKFDQEHVHHQRQWKLVPDSDQGDUHWZRRIWKHPRVWVLJQLÀFDQWEXLOGLQJVLQ:DOEHUWRQGHVLJQDWHGDV Grade I and Grade II* Listed Buildings respectively. Also, St Mary’s Church, Glebe House and Church Farmhouse, all Grade II Listed Buildings in Binsted, can be seen to the east of the Site.

The 1938-1951 map shows how the two historic cores began to grow, almost connecting the two separate conservation areas with built development. New housing was also built along Yapton Lane, which overlooks the Site, and along Avisford Park Road which runs from Yapton Lane towards the centre of the village. The Walberton Cricket Ground can also be seen on this map, although it is located to the south of Avisford Park Road, whereas today it is now located to the north, as can be seen on the 1979-1980 and present day maps.

The 1979-1980 map shows how the once separate settlements at Walberton have now been completely merged through development in the central parts of the village. New housing at Prime Close and Henty Close, to the west of Yapton Lane, was constructed on the former location of the Walberton Cricket Ground, with the latter being moved to the northern side of Avisford Park Road. New development to the immediate east of the Walberton Green Conservation Area and to the east of Pigeon House Farm can be seen, which completes the merging of the two formerly separate settlements.

The present day map shows how, up until very recently, development in the village came to a halt. However, there is a development in the northern part of the village which is currently under construction, and is accessed via Yapton Lane, slightly further north of the Site.

1880 1938 - 1951

1979 - 1980 Present Day Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 03 THE SITE


of Walberton. To the north and the east, the Site’s boundaries are marked by a well- 3 managed hedgerow which physically separates the Site from Avisford Park Golf Course. The rest of the golf course is located on the western side of Yapton Lane, to the north west of the Site. Approved planning application 2 WA/95/18/RES 7RWKHZHVWRIWKH6LWHDPDWXUHKHGJHURZGHÀQHVWKHERXQGDU\WRJHWKHUZLWKD number of mature trees, including ash, oak and sycamore trees. Beyond the existing hedgerow and trees, Yapton Lane runs in a north to south direction, connecting the village to the A27 to the north and Burndell to the south. There are a number of existing properties along the western side of Yapton Lane, which overlook the Site. Opposite the southernmost part of the western boundary is the easternmost extents of the Walberton Village Conservation Area.


Map showing Site boundary and photo locations.

Veteran oak on southern Site boundary Residential properties on Yapton Lane


View from public footpath FP350, looking north west into the Site.

Veteran oak tree on southern boundary Residential properties on Yapton Lane


View from within the north eastern boundary of the Site, looking south west across the Site.

Existing hedgerows along northern and eastern boundaries Veteran oak tree on southern boundary


View from within the north western boundary of the Site, looking south east across the Site. Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 04 EXISTING LOCAL CHARACTER

Landscape and Visual Environment

The Site is not covered by any statutory or non-statutory designations for landscape character or quality, and there are no Tree Preservation Orders covering any trees within the Site.

The Site adjoins the built up edge of Walberton to the west and Avisford Park Golf Course to the north and east.

The Site lies within Landscape Character Area (LCA) SC8, which is part of the Ashlings, Halnaker and Fontwell Upper Coastal Plain. The Site is fairly typical of this LCA, comprising a small WRPHGLXPVL]HGDUDEOHÀHOGHQFORVHGE\KHGJHURZVDQGORFDWHGZLWKLQDOHDI\ZRRGHGVHWWOHPHQW$QRWKHUNH\FKDUDFWHULVWLFRIWKH/&$LVFOHDUYLHZVWRWKHKLJKHUJURXQGRIWKH South Downs National Park (SDNP) to the north, which is located approximately 170m from the Site’s northern boundary at its nearest point. There is a framed view to the north of Glatting Beacon (within the SDNP) and the communications masts atop it from footpath 350 along the southern Site boundary. However, from vantage points from the public rights of way near to *ODWWLQJ%HDFRQDQG%LJQRU+LOOLQFOXGLQJWKH9LHZSRLQW DVLGHQWLÀHGZLWKLQWKH6RXWK'RZQV9LHZVKHG6WXG\ DQGIURPWKH6RXWK'RZQV:D\ 1DWLRQDO7UDLO WKH6LWHLVQRWLPPHGLDWHO\ discernible from the wooded plains it lies within, and from some locations it is screened.


Glatting Beacon in South Downs Residential properties on Yapton Lane National Park


View from public footpath FP350, looking north west across the Site.

Local Building Styles

:DOEHUWRQSRVVHVVHVDUDQJHRIGLIIHUHQWEXLOGLQJDQGDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHVPDQ\RIZKLFKKDYHEHHQLQÁXHQFHGE\WKHVWURQJDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHVRIWKHPDQ\/LVWHG%XLOGLQJV found within the Walberton Village Conservation Area. Characteristics such as white painted brick, red tiled roofs and occasional use of dormer roofs are common along The Street, which is located in the easternmost part of the conservation area, nearest to the Site. Slightly further east, along Maple Road, are several properties which are also located within the conservation area and possess a strong architectural style. The consistent use of hipped roofs, white/grey render to the lower half of the building facades, red/orange weatherboarding to the upper half of facades, and the combined use of narrow and wide frontages creates a unique character which compliments the conservation area.

Away from the conservation area along Henty Close, is a suburban 1970s development consisting of bungalows, also exhibiting the combined use of white render with red/buff EULFN$OWKRXJKWKHDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHRIWKHVHEXLOGLQJVLVVOLJKWO\GLIIHUHQWWRWKDWRIWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQDUHDLWLVFOHDUWKDWWKHWUDGLWLRQDOVW\OHVKDYHEHHQVXEWO\UHÁHFWHGKHUH

Grade II Listed Building Smugglers Steps Grade II Listed Building Forge Cottages Maple Road/The Street Henty Close The Street The Street Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 05 SITE ANALYSIS

Local Facilities

Walberton has a good range of local services and facilities located within the centre of the village and within easy walking distance of the Site. A terrace of several facilities, LQFOXGLQJDQHZVDJHQWVDODXQGHUHWWHDGHQWDOVXUJHU\DKDLUGUHVVHUVDQGDSRVWRIÀFHDUHORFDWHGRQ7KH6WUHHWDQGDUHHDVLO\DFFHVVLEOHYLD7KH6WUHHW0DSOH5RDGRUWKH public footpath along Avisford Park Road. In addition to this, there are several more community facilities located in the village, which includes Walberton Cricket Club, Walberton Village hall, a community play centre, a Roman Catholic Church, a Baptist Church and a public house. Finally, Walberton and Binsted Church of Primary School is located at to the north of the community play centre, to the south of the new development in the north of the village.


EASTERGATE LANE 10 minute 5 minute walk - 800m walk - 400m




Vehicular routes and Hotels Religious facilities Plant nursery Site Boundary existing bus stops

South Downs National Park Existing bridleway Education facility Walberton Cricket Club

Walberton Village Conservation Existing footpath 3RVW2IÀFH Avisford Park Golf Club Area

A27 Existing watercourse Public houses Community facilities Facilities nearby:

Grade I Listed Building The Parish Church of St Mary Children’s play area in the centre of Walberton Local services and facilities on The Street Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 06 SITE ANALYSIS

Key Considerations

We have undertaken a thorough assessment of the Site and its surroundings in order to identify the features which should be protected, retained and enhanced as part of the development proposals. These considerations provide the opportunities and constraints for the development and have been used to inform the preparation of the Development Framework Plan.

Given the Site’s proximity to the South Downs National Park, it is important to deliver a sensitively designed development which respects views in and out of the national park. There is a framed view from the Site towards Glatting Beacon near Bignor Hill, which is proposed to be retained and enhanced through the provision of an attractive green corridor with minimal tree planting so to prevent any obstructions to the view. There is also a veteran tree located at the Site’s southern boundary, which is locally valued, and is therefore proposed to be retained in a large area of public open space, further enhancing the view towards the South Downs National Park.

Walberton Village Conservation Area is located to the immediate south west of the Site, and it is therefore proposed to provide new hedgerow and woodland planting along the southern ERXQGDU\WRDVVLVWLQÀOWHULQJYLHZVRIWKHQHZGHYHORSPHQWIURPWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQDUHD

Avisford Park golf club

Potential location for a Proposed pedestrian, children’s play area cycle and emergency access form Yapton Lane 45m

WA/95/18/RES Framed view from the Site Approved Reserved Matters towards Glatting Beacon near Application for 175 new homes Bignor Hill in the South Downs +19.0m National Park is to be retained B


+18.5m 20m

+18.0m Existing Open Space - Policy OSR DM1 (Arun District Concil Local Plan) Potential location for swales (SuDS)

Local Green Space (Walberton Neighbourhood Development Plan) +17.5m Community Facilities: • Parish Council • Cricket Club • Village Hall • Community Play Centre +17.0m 45m

YAPTON LANE Potential location for sustainable drainage features (SuDS)

Proposed vehicle access from Yapton Lane +16.5m

B +16.0m


Potential pedestrian link to the public footpath Walberton Village Conservation Area Potential pedestrian link to the public footpath Existing veteran tree adjacent to the Site’s southern 1HZERXQGDU\YHJHWDWLRQZLOOGHÀQHWKHVRXWKHUQ H[WHQWRIWKH6LWHDQGZLOODOVRKHOSWRÀOWHUYLHZV THE STREET Opportunities and Constraints Plan H[WHQWRIWKH6LWHDQGDOVRKHOSWRÀOWHUYLHZVRI of the development from the south and from the the development from the south and from the Walberton Village Conservation Area Walberton Villageg Conservation Area

Walberton Village Conservation Existing Open Space - Policy Site boundary: 9.60ha Opportunity to strengthen existing Contours vegetation Area OSR DM1 (Arun District Council Local Plan) & Local Green Potential vehicular access Opportunity to create new Existing vegetation point Main bus routes and bus stops Space (Walberton Neighbourhood boundary vegetation Devlopment Play) Proposed pedestrian, cycle & Potential location for LEAP Existing veteran tree Existing public footpaths emergency access point (20m offset required) Gaps between settlements - Policy SD SP3 (Arun District Council Potential locations for new Potential location for SuDS ([WHQWRIVXUIDFHZDWHUÁRRGLQJ Listed buildings Local Plan) pedestrian/cycle links features (Source:

Potential location for drainage CONSTRAINTS Potential vehicular link between Centre of fairway Existing watercourses

development parcels swales CONTEXT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES Biodiversity Opportunity Area Potential development area Opportunity to retain view Approximate 45m buffer from corridor centre of the fairway - Policy ENV DM3 (Arun District Council Local Plan) Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 07 CONCEPT FRAMEWORK PLAN

Site Boundary: 9.60ha Proposed location for children’s play area Total proposed developable area: 5.44ha Avisford Park golf club Central green corridor allows Western parcel: 3.82ha framed views of Glatting (up to 115-135 dwellings @ 30-35dph) Beacon near Bignor Hill in the South Downs National Park Eastern parcel: 1.62ha (up to 40-50 dwellings @ 25-30dph)

An area of open space will be Proposed pedestrian, Proposed vehicular access point provided between proposed WA/95/18/RES cycle and emergency developable area and the northern/ Proposed pedestrian, cycle and emergency Approved Reserved Matters access from Yapton Lane eastern boundaries due to the location Application for 175 new homes access point of Avisford Park Golf course B Potential locations for new pedestrian/cycle links

Proposed spine road through the development New woodland planting along the Site’s eastern Proposed secondary roads Existing Open Space - Policy OSR DM1 boundary from a strong (Arun District Concil Local Plan) landscape Key spaces with pedestrian priority ACCESS AND MOVEMENT Local Green Space Proposed recreational routes (Walberton Neighbourhood Development Plan) Community Facilities: Potential location Proposed areas of public open space: 3.98ha • Parish Council for drainageg swale • Cricket Club • Village Hall New street tree planting • Community Play Centre Potential location for stormwater New woodland and hedgerow planting drainage features New thicket planting

Existing vegetation within the Site to be retained

YAPTON LANE Existing veteran tree

Proposed vehicle access Proposed location play provision for children from Yapton Lane GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE (20m offset required) B Proposed location for SuDS features

Existing public footpaths

Proposed pedestrian link to Main bus routes and bus stops Walberton Village the public footpath Conservation Area Listed Buildings

THE STREET Existing vegetation tree Existing watercourses adjacent to the Site’s Proposed pedestrian linkk 1HZERXQGDU\YHJHWDWLRQZLOOGHÀQHWKH southern extent of the Site, and will also southern boundary to be Existing Open Space - Policy OSR DM1 to the public footpath retained and will inform a Development Framework Plan KHOSWRÀOWHUYLHZVRIWKHGHYHORSPHQW CONTEXT (Arun District Council Local Plan) & Local Green Space from the south and from the Walberton focal area of open space (Walberton Neighbourhood Development Plan) Village Conservation Area Walberton Village Conservation Area


• The outline proposals provide for up to 185 dwellings. The new homes will consist • New woodland and hedgerow planting will be provided along the northern of a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced homes, encompassed by and eastern boundaries, which will help to physically separate the proposed new areas of public open space. development from the golf course, whilst also providing a landscape buffer to the Binsted Valley and creating a strong landscape feature. • The development will be served by a new primary access point taken from Yapton Lane, and will deliver safe and convenient access for both vehicles • A new children’s play area in the form of a Locally Equipped Area for Play and pedestrians, either on foot or cycle. An emergency, pedestrian and cycle (LEAP) located in the northern part of the Site will promote both formal and access point will also be provided further north on Yapton Lane. Two pedestrian informal recreation and a healthy, active and integrated community for both links will be provided along the southern boundary to connect to the existing new and existing residents. public footpath. • The existing hedgerows and trees on the Site boundaries will be retained • The development will include a strong green corridor running through the ZKHUHSRVVLEOHWRKHOSÀOWHUYLHZVRIWKHQHZGHYHORSPHQWDQGUHWDLQWKHLU centre of the Site in order to retain and enhance the view from the Site towards function as wildlife corridors. Where the southern boundary is currently open, Glatting Beacon in the South Downs National Park. a new hedgerow will be provided to form an integral part of the Site’s green LQIUDVWUXFWXUHQHWZRUNDQGWRÀOWHUYLHZVRIWKHGHYHORSPHQWIURPWKHVRXWK • An area of public open space will be focussed around the existing veteran tree Where the existing veteran tree is located, there will be no additional planting along the southern boundary, which will offer an attractively landscaped area in order to retain the character of the tree. for informal recreation and to appreciate the views towards the South Downs National Park. • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), in the form of an attenuation basin and swales at the low points of the Site, will be provided as part of the • Development will be set back from the south western corner of the Site in development’s green infrastructure. They will be designed to create attractive order to respect the setting of the Conservation Area. In addition to this, new new landscape features, which complement the ecological objectives of the hedgerow planting will be located along the southern boundary to assist in development’s wider areas of public open space. ÀOWHULQJYLHZVIURPWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQDUHDWRZDUGVWKH6LWH Land at Yapton Lane, Walberton 08 HAVE YOUR SAY

Your views

Once a planning application has been submitted, you will also be able to make further representations to Arun District Council, who will take these into account before making their decision on the planning application.

You can keep up-to-date on progress using our dedicated website which provides further information and includes an online feedback form for making comments.

Thank you for taking time to view our proposals.

How do I comment?

You can respond via the website:

You can respond by email:

[email protected]

(Using ‘walberton’ as the subject line)

Or by post:

Your Views - Walberton Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB

Gladman consider all correspondence received and our response to the issues raised will be set out in a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). As part of a planning application, Gladman submit to the Local Planning Authority a complete copy of all correspondence received (including any details such as your name, address and email address where you have provided them). This ensures all your comments are available to the Council during the consideration of an application and shows who we have consulted. As the SCI forms part of the formal application documents, the Council may publish it online, subject to their own Data Protection policies. Should the application be the subject of an appeal, the same information will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. If further consultation is carried out as part of the planning process, Gladman may use your details to make you aware of this and to ask for your views, but will not use this information for any other purpose.