Advertizing, 47, 54 Ainsworth, Harrison, 10 Rookwood, 10
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67634-2 - The Cambridge Introduction to Charles Dickens Jon Mee Index More information Index advertizing, 47, 54 Chapman and Hall (publishers), 7 Ainsworth, Harrison, 10 children/childhood, 2, 10, 14, 20, 57, Rookwood, 10 64–5, 86, 97 Allegory, 20–1, 29, 69 orphans, 22, 65, 74, 81 Anderson, Gillian, 98 Christie, Ian, 103 Andrews, Malcolm, 101, 103 cinema and film,46, 84–5 anti-semitism, 95 A Tale of Two Cities (Fox), 92–3 Armstrong, Nancy, 104 A Tale of Two Cities audience/readership, 3–4, 88, 89 (Vitagraph), 92 Austen, Jane, 3, 36 Barnaby Rudge (Hepworth Company), 91 Bakhtin, M. M., 34, 36, 37, 88 Chimes (Hepworth Company), 91 heteroglossia, 35, 37 Cricket on the Hearth (D. W. Barr, Charles, 106 Griffiths), 92 Barreca, Regina, 106 David Copperfield (Hepworth Baudelaire, Charles, 52 Company), 91 BBC, 85, 98, 99 Death of Nancy (Mutoscope), 91 Beadnell, Maria, 3 Nosferatu, 94 Benjamin, Walter, 52, 53 Old Curiosity Shop (Hepworth Bevis, Matthew, 36 Company), 91 Blessington, Marguerite Gardiner, Oliver Twist (Hepworth Company), Lady, 47 91 Booth, Wayne, 39 Oliver Twist (Vitagraph), 91 Bowen, John, 102 The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, 94 Boyle, Thomas,102, 104 Collins, Wilkie, 4, 11 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 11 The Frozen Deep, 65, 86 Browne, Hablot Knight (‘Phiz’), 85–6 ‘The Unknown Public’, 4 Buchanan, Judith, 106 The Woman in White, 4, 42, 46 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 47 copyright, 88, 102 Cranham, Kenneth, 97 Carey, John, 8 Cruikshank family (illustrators), 7 Carey, Peter Cruikshank, George, 85 Jack Maggs,
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