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Published Way Down Join us on Twitter East @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Established in 1836 Facebook VOL. 179, NO. 34 AUGUST 21, 2014 © 2014 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) Still No End in Sight for Unions, Fairpoint Negotiations By Jayna Smith be still no end in sight to the been working under the terms they went through bankruptcy time went on and the union negotiations. of the expired contract which (in 2009), that’s what bought got the books, the company Union leaders from Interna- Four Fairpoint workers re- was good for five years, ac- up the debt, the stock.” said they don’t really need (the tional Brotherhood of Electrical port in Calais: three installation cording to LaPointe, “because The union, according to $720,000,000), they want that. Workers and the Communica- and maintenance technicians (the contract) took the transi- LaPointe, recently presented They basically want to be able tions Workers of America— and one central office (CO) tion from Verizon to Fairpoint” $188,000,000 worth of sav- to contract work out when they together representing nearly technician. Ed LaPointe of under the sale in 2008. ings but Fairpoint declined. want,” he said. This will result 2,000 Fairpoint Communica- Calais is the CO technician. He “ T h e c o m p a n y w a n t s “(Fairpoint) said they needed in contracting out the existing tions employees in the three began his career in 1982 with $720,000,000 in concessions to have the $720,000,000. As (continued on page 2) states of Maine, New Hamp- Bell Atlantic which preceded and basically they don’t want shire, and Vermont—have both Verizon and Fairpoint to deal with the union contract been in contract negotiations Communications.
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