Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Volume 130(2), 1996 33 LATE WISCONSIN GLACIATION OF TASMANIA by Eric A. Calhoun, David Hannan and Kevin Kiernan (with two tables, four text-figures and one plate) COLHOUN, E.A., HANNAN, D. & KIERNAN, K., 1996 (xi): Late Wisconsin glaciation of Tasmania. In Banks, M. R. & Brown, M.F. (Eds): CLIMATIC SUCCESSION AND GLACIAL HISTORY OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE OVER THE LAST FIVE MILLION YEARS. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. 130(2): 33-45. ISSN 0080-4703. Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia 2308 (EAC); Department of Physical Sciences, University of Tasmania at Launceston, Tasmania, Australia 7250 (DH); Forest Practices Board ofTasmania, 30 Patrick Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7000 (KK). During the Late Wisconsin, icecap and outlet glacier systems developed on the West Coast Range and on the Central Plateau ofTasmania. Local cirque and valley glaciers occurred in many other mountain areas of southwestern Tasmania. Criteria are outlined that enable Late Wisconsin and older glacial landforms and deposits to be distinguished. Radiocarbon dates show Late Wisconsin ice developed after 26-25 ka BP, attained its maximum extent c. 19 ka BP, and disappeared from the highest cirques before 10 ka BP. Important Late Wisconsin age glacial landforms and deposits of the West Coast Range, north-central and south-central Tasmania are described. Late Wisconsin ice was less extensive than ice formed during middle and earlier Pleistocene glaciations. Late Wisconsin snowline altitudes, glaciological conditions and palaeodimatic conditions are outlined. Key Words: glaciation, Tasmania, Late Wisconsin, snowline altitude, palaeoclimate.
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