Patients With Dry Disease and Low Subbasal Nerve Density Are at High Risk for Accelerated Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss

Ahmad Kheirkhah, MD,* Vannarut Satitpitakul, MD,*† Pedram Hamrah, MD,*‡ and Reza Dana, MD, MPH, MSc*

Key Words: corneal endothelium, corneal subbasal nerves, dry eye Purpose: To evaluate changes in corneal endothelial cell density disease over time in patients with dry (DED) and to correlate endothelial cell loss with corneal subbasal nerve density. ( 2017;36:196–201) Methods: This retrospective study included 40 of 20 patients with DED. Laser in vivo confocal microscopy had been ry eye disease (DED) is the most common reason for performed in the central cornea of both eyes at an initial visit and Dpatients to see an ophthalmic care provider and affects repeated after a mean follow-up of 33.2 6 10.2 months. The 5% to 35% of the population.1–3 Although DED is tradition- densities of corneal endothelial cells and subbasal nerves were ally considered as a disease of the tear film and ocular surface, measured in both visits and compared with 13 eyes of 13 normal recent studies have demonstrated more extensive involvement age-matched controls. of the and cornea in these patients. Using in vivo Results: At the initial visit, the DED group had lower densities of confocal microscopy (IVCM), various conjunctival and 6 2 corneal changes have previously been reported, such as corneal endothelial cells (2620 386 cells/mm ) and subbasal fl 6 2 increased density of conjunctival in ammatory cells, reduced nerves (17.8 7.5 mm/mm ) compared with the control group fi (2861 6 292 cells/mm2 and 22.8 6 3.0 mm/mm2,withP =0.08 density of corneal super cial epithelium, increased density of and P = 0.01, respectively). At the end of follow-up, although there corneal basal epithelium, increased number of subbasal was no significant change in subbasal nerve density (16.7 6 7.2 immune dendritic cells, decreased density of subbasal nerves, 2 and increased number of hyperreflective activated stromal mm/mm , P = 0.43), the mean corneal endothelial cell density 4–6 significantly decreased to 2465 6 391 cells/mm2 (P =0.01),with keratocytes. 6 Furthermore, we have recently observed that patients a mean corneal endothelial cell loss of 2.1 3.6% per year. The fi endothelial cell loss showed a statistically significant negative with moderate to severe DED have a signi cant reduction in correlation with the initial subbasal nerve density (Rs = 20.55, central corneal endothelial cell density (CECD), which is P = 0.02). accompanied with a decreased density of corneal subbasal nerves.7 The cornea has the highest nerve density in the Conclusions: Patients with DED have an accelerated corneal body,8,9 and these nerves are known to provide trophic support endothelial cell loss compared with that reported in the literature for the .9,10 As a simultaneous reduction of for normal aging. Those with lower subbasal nerve density, in corneal nerves and endothelial cells has been observed in many particular, are at a higher risk for endothelial cell loss over time. local and systemic conditions,11–15 we previously suggested that these nerves may play a role in the maintenance of corneal endothelial cell function and survival.7,16 In this study, we have hypothesized that because of the Received for publication July 25, 2016; revision received August 23, 2016. potential supportive role of nerve-derived molecules for Published online ahead of print November 2, 2016. From the *Cornea and Refractive Surgery Service, Massachusetts Eye and Ear corneal endothelial cells, DED patients with a reduced corneal Infirmary, Department of , , nerve density have an accelerated corneal endothelial loss, Boston, MA; †Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, which is more than that found with normal aging. Therefore, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, this study was designed to evaluate corneal endothelial cell ‡ Bangkok, Thailand; and Department of Ophthalmology, Cornea Service changes over time in patients with DED and to correlate these and Boston Image Reading Center, Tufts Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. changes with corneal subbasal nerve density. P. Hamrah has an impending patent on methods of reducing corneal endothelial cell loss. The remaining authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in METHODS Vision and Ophthalmology, May 1–5, 2016, Seattle, WA. Reprints: Reza Dana, MD, MPH, MSc, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, This retrospective observational study included 40 eyes 243 Charles St, Boston, MA 02114 (e-mail: [email protected]). of 20 patients with DED (the DED group) and 13 eyes of 13 Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. normal age-matched controls (the control group). To evaluate

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Copyright Ó 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Cornea  Volume 36, Number 2, February 2017 Accelerated Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss in DED changes in densities of corneal endothelial cells and subbasal Image Analysis nerves over time, patients included in the DED group were To measure the density of subbasal nerves, 3 representa- those who had 2 full-thickness IVCM scans of the central tive images from various locations of the layer immediately cornea at least 18 months apart as their routine evaluation for posterior to the basal epithelial layer were selected. All visible DED. In all these individuals, images obtained by IVCM nerve fibers in each frame were traced, and their density was were used to measure CECD and subbasal nerves, as detailed calculated using NeuronJ software (http://www.imagescience. below. The patients had been seen at the Cornea and org/meijering/software/neuronj/), which is a semiautomated plug- Refractive Surgery Service, Massachusetts Eye and Ear in program of ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Infirmary, Boston, MA. The protocol of the study was MD, The nerve density of the 3 approved by the Institutional Review Board of Massachusetts IVCM images was averaged and expressed as mm/mm2. Eye and Ear Infirmary, and the study was in compliance with To measure CECD, 3 representative images of the the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and corneal endothelial layer were chosen for analysis. The in adherence to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. CECD measurement was performed using the variable- The DED group included patients who had typical frame method.7,18 To do this, IVCM images were exported symptoms of DED with a Schirmer test score with anesthesia and then analyzed using ImageJ. First, the boundary of the ,10 mm and/or tear breakup time (TBUT) ,10 seconds. largest possible area in which all cell borders were clearly Exclusion criteria consisted of any of the following before the distinct was traced using the Polygon Selection tool of initial visit or during the follow-up: history of increased ImageJ. Second, the area of the selected part was measured intraocular pressure, history of any ocular surgery, contact in mm2. Third, the number of the cells in the selected area was wear, history of use of any medications known to have counted using the Cell Counter plug-in of ImageJ. These were corneal toxicity, any corneal disease including herpetic used to calculate CECD as cells/mm2. The mean CECD of 3 keratitis, or presence of guttae on clinical examination or IVCM images was then calculated. All measurements in this IVCM scans. Patients with diabetes mellitus were excluded study were performed by 2 independent, masked observers, from this study as well. and the average values were used for the analysis. The control group consisted of healthy individuals with normal ocular examination without any previous ocular disease or surgery. Those with endothelial guttae in IVCM, Statistical Analysis a history of contact lens wear, or those with diabetes mellitus SPSS for Windows version 21 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) were excluded from the control group. was used for statistical analysis. The lack of a normal All individuals had a complete ophthalmic evaluation distribution of the data was first confirmed using the including a detailed slit-lamp biomicroscopy with measure- Shapiro–Wilk test. To compare the age and sex between ment of corneal fluorescein staining (Oxford scale, grades DED and control groups, the Mann–Whitney U test and 0–5) and TBUT as well as the Schirmer test with anesthesia. x2 test were used, respectively. To compare CECD and Furthermore, all these individuals had full-thickness IVCM subbasal nerve density between DED and control groups as imaging of the central cornea as described below. well as between initial and follow-up visits in the DED group, mixed model analysis was used to compensate for including both eyes of patients in the DED group. In this model, the In Vivo Confocal Microscopy potential confounding effect of age was also accounted for. All participants had undergone laser-scanning IVCM of To compare CECD and subbasal nerve density between both the central cornea using the Heidelberg Tomograph 3 eyes at the initial and follow-up visits, as well as to compare with the Rostock Cornea Module (Heidelberg Engineering, the changes in CECD and subbasal nerve density over Heidelberg, Germany). The microscope uses a 670-nm diode follow-up in right and left eyes separately, the Wilcoxon laser source and provides images from full thickness of the signed-rank test was used. Moreover, to correlate the changes cornea. These images represent a coronal section of 400 · of CECD over time with age and subbasal nerve density, the 400 mm of the cornea. Spearman rank-order correlation test was performed. Two- The details of IVCM imaging of the cornea have been sided P # 0.05 was considered statistically significant for described before.17 Briefly, hypromellose 0.3% (GenTeal gel; all comparisons. Novartis Ophthalmics, East Hanover, NJ) was used to fill the disposable sterile polymethylmethacrylate cap (Tomo-cap; Heidelberg Engineering). The same gel was also used as RESULTS a coupling medium between the cap and the cornea. The This study included 40 eyes of 20 patients (15 women module was manually advanced until the gel touched the and 5 men) with a mean age of 60.4 6 12.3 years (range, 32– corneal surface. After visualization of the corneal epithelium, 88 yrs) as the DED group and 13 eyes of 13 patients (8 the focus was advanced to the corneal subbasal layer, stroma, women and 5 men) with a mean age of 56.8 6 4.8 years and endothelium. Multiple locations in the central cornea (range, 50–64 yrs) as the control group. There were no were imaged using the Sequence Scan mode to obtain at least significant differences in terms of age or sex between both 1 to 2 sequence scans in each layer with each sequence groups (P = 0.22 and P = 0.46, respectively). In the DED consisting of 100 digital images (at least 100–200 images group, all patients had chronic dry eye with a mean duration per layer). of 3.8 6 3.3 years.

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At the initial visit, the mean values for corneal At the initial visit of this study, we noted a significantly fluorescein staining, TBUT, and Schirmer test in the DED lower density of corneal subbasal nerves in the central cornea group were 1.3 6 0.9 (range, 0–4), 4.3 6 2.3 seconds (range, of patients with DED compared with the control group, and 0–8 s), and 9.4 6 4.1 mm (range, 2–15 mm), respectively. the nerve density in the DED group did not show any The mean follow-up time in the DED group was 33.2 6 10.2 significant change during the mean follow-up of 33 months. months (range, 21–57 mo). In this follow-up, patients had Although reduced subbasal nerve density in DED has been treated with autologous serum drops in 15 (75%), topical previously been reported,19–22 its changes over time have antiinflammatory medications in 15 (75%), omega-3 fatty not been evaluated before. Although the exact mechanisms of acid supplements in 14 (70%), and doxycycline or azithro- corneal nerve loss in DED are not clear, it may be speculated mycin for associated meibomian gland dysfunction in that the induced inflammation may be the causative factor for 15 (75%). such nerve loss. Therefore, treatment of inflammation, as had At the initial visit, central corneal subbasal nerve been performed in the majority of our patients, might have density was significantly lower in the DED group (17.8 6 prevented further loss of corneal nerves, resulting in a stable 7.5 mm/mm2) than in the control group (22.8 6 3.0 mm/ nerve density. On the other hand, most of our patients were using mm2), with P = 0.02 (Figs. 1 and 2). CECD was 2620 6 386 autologous serum eye drops, which have some nerve growth cells/mm2 and 2861 6 292 cells/mm2 in DED and control factors23; this may also further increase the nerve density,24,25 or groups, respectively, with the difference being marginally at least compensate for the DED-induced nerve loss. significant (P = 0.08) (Figs. 1 and 2). In our study, we noted that at the initial visit, patients At the end of follow-up, although there was no with DED had a lower CECD than that of the control group significant change in central subbasal nerve density (16.7 6 with the difference being marginally significant. This further 7.2 mm/mm2, P = 0.53), the mean CECD significantly confirms our previous study, which demonstrated a significantly decreased to 2465 6 391 cells/mm2 (P = 0.01) (Figs. 1 and lower CECD in patients with DED.7 The lack of a statistically 2). The mean corneal endothelial cell loss during the follow- significant difference in CECD between both groups may be up was 2.1 6 3.6% per year. due to the fact that DED was less severe in the present study Corneal endothelial cell loss during follow-up showed compared with the previous one, or alternatively, it may be due a statistically significant negative correlation with the initial a smaller sample size in the present study. subbasal corneal nerve density (Rs = 20.55, P = 0.02) but not Interestingly, repeat IVCM imaging after a mean with the age at the initial visit (P = 0.33) or initial CECD (P = follow-up of 33 months showed that CECD decreased 0.82). Comparisons of CECD and subbasal nerve density in significantly in our patients with DED, with a mean corneal both eyes at the initial and follow-up visits have been endothelial cell loss rate of 2.1% per year. This is higher than presented in Tables 1 and 2. physiologic corneal endothelial cell loss with normal aging, which has rates of 0.22% to 0.6% per year.26–28 It is important to note that in studies on the effects of normal aging on DISCUSSION corneal endothelial cell loss, although obvious causes of This study demonstrated reduced densities of corneal endothelial cell loss have been excluded, such as intraocular endothelium and subbasal nerves in patients with DED surgeries, corneal dystrophies, contact lens wear, or glau- compared with an age-matched control group. In addition, coma, they have not excluded DED. Therefore, with exclud- we found that patients with DED had an accelerated corneal ing DED, which is more common in the elderly,1 normal endothelial cell loss over time compared with physiologic aging may be associated with less endothelial cell loss than aging. The cell loss was more prominent in those who initially reported before. In addition, higher standard deviations of had a lower corneal subbasal nerve density. These findings corneal endothelial cell loss in older individuals, which have provide additional evidence of more extensive involvement of been reported before,29–31 may partly be due to the presence corneal structures in DED. of DED in only a subgroup of these cases.

FIGURE 1. Corneal subbasal nerve density and CECD at the initial and follow-up visits of patients with DED and in the age-matched control group. Data are presented as mean 6 SEM.

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FIGURE 2. Corneal subbasal nerves (A) and corneal endothelial cells, as their borders were marked by the variable-frame method, (B) in a nor- mal control. A patient with DED shows reduced densities of corneal subbasal nerves (C) and corneal endothelial cells (D) compared with those of the control. After a follow- up of more than 3 years, there was no substantial change in corneal subbasal nerve density (E). However, CECD showed a significant reduction (F). Note that not all cases demon- strated such a dramatic decrease in endothelial cell density.

The mechanisms underlying this accelerated corneal endothelial cell loss, or alternatively, it may show the role endothelial cell loss in patients with DED are not clear. of other contributing mechanisms such as corneal nerves. Accelerated endothelial cell loss compared with normal aging Interestingly, our study demonstrated a significant has previously been described in various conditions including correlation between initial corneal subbasal nerve density Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, corneal infections, , and the rate of corneal endothelial cell loss over time, with and intraocular surgeries such as and corneal more cell loss noted in patients with low subbasal nerve transplantation.32–36 Although accelerated corneal endothelial density. Previously, a significantly lower corneal endothelial cell loss over time may be easily explained by direct density compared with that of the controls has been reported involvement of the endothelial cells in some of these in patients with neurosurgically induced neurotrophic kerati- conditions, the presence of such a phenomenon after intraoc- tis, which showed a correlation with the duration of the ular procedures is more complex. It has been shown that neurotrophic state.38 Moreover, in addition to DED, a reduc- corneal endothelial cell loss after surgical procedures has 2 tion of density and/or function of both corneal endothelium phases: a rapid early phase due to the surgical trauma and and subbasal nerves has been reported in other ocular a slow chronic phase that persists for many years after conditions such as diabetes, contact lens wear, and herpes surgery.37 Although the mechanisms involved in accelerated simplex keratitis.11–15 Thus, it may be speculated that nerve- endothelial cell loss in this slow chronic phase have not been derived molecules may directly or indirectly play a role in understood, chronic subclinical inflammation due to break- maintenance of corneal endothelial cells. down of the blood–ocular barrier has been proposed to play The potential effects of nerve-derived molecules on a role.37 Therefore, it may be speculated that in patients with corneal endothelial cells may be expected as these cells DED, chronic inflammation involving the deep cornea and/or originate from the neural crest.39 It has been shown that these aqueous humor may result in an accelerated corneal endo- cells express muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.40,41 More- thelial cell loss. The majority of our patients had been treated over, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), which is with antiinflammatory medications during their follow-up in a neuropeptide, has been demonstrated to enhance survival this study. Thus, the presence of the observed accelerated cell of corneal endothelium.42,43 Therefore, the reduced number loss may implicate that the treatment of subclinical inflam- of corneal nerves in DED may be associated with decreased mation in DED was not adequate to prevent corneal trophic support for corneal endothelial cells, resulting in

TABLE 1. Comparison of CECD Between Both Eyes at the TABLE 2. Comparison of Subbasal Nerve Density Between Initial and Follow-up Visits Both Eyes at the Initial and Follow-up Visits CECD Initial Visit Follow-up Visit P Subbasal Nerve Density Initial Visit Follow-up Visit P Right eye (cells/mm2) 2627 6 383 2460 6 476 0.05 Right eye, mm/mm2 17.8 6 7.3 17.4 6 7.5 0.84 Left eye (cells/mm2) 2547 6 455 2390 6 443 0.04 Left eye, mm/mm2 17.2 6 7.4 16.4 6 7.8 0.75 P 0.7 0.7 P 0.78 0.71

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