ISSN: 1698-6180 /info/estratig/journal.htm Journal of Iberian Geology 31 (2) 2005: 253-275 Stratigraphy and biofacies of the Lower Aptian of Cuchía (Cantabria, northern Spain) Estratigrafía y biofacies del Aptiense inferior de Cuchía (Cantabria, N. de España) M. Wilmsen Institut für Paläontologie, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Pleicherwall 1, D – 97070 Würzburg, Germany Fax: ++49/+931/31-2504; e-mail:
[email protected] Received: 31/03/03 / Accepted: 12/03/04 Abstract The lithostratigraphy and facies development of the Lower Aptian in the central part of the North Cantabrian Basin (NCB) are re-evaluated, and the Lower Aptian Caranceja Formation, consisting of a lower Calcarenite Member (shallow marine limestones), a middle Marl Member (basinal to prodeltaic marls), and an upper Sandstone Member (deltaic sediments), is formalized herein by designation of a lectostratotype. In response to transgressive development, a (?latest Barremian-) earliest Aptian carbonate ramp depositional system was established in the NCB. This system is documented by the Calcarenite Member of the Caranceja Forma- tion, the biofacies of which is clearly dominated by heterotrophic organisms (‘heterozoan carbonates’). A strong terrigenous nutrient input under wet-subtropical climate is held responsible for the more temperate carbonate facies in a warm water environment. Shortly after its establishment, the ‘juvenile’ carbonate ramp system was drowned in the early Early Aptian. Stratigraphic, sedimentological, biofacies, and geochemical data suggest that the drowning occurred in response to synsedimentary tectonics associated with an eustatic sea-level rise and environmental perturbations associated with the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE) Ia. The Calcarenite Member is overlain by deeper water marls of the Marl Member of the Caranceja Formation.