RAPTURE FEVER Why Dispensationalism Is Paralyzed
,. ,, Key Dates in Dispensationalism’s History .“- ,,. ,-.:.. , ,.:.-.. “, . -, -., .” “:: .-- .,:,. .. -.. ...”-: - -“? . .. ,: . .. ,, 1830 ‘The initial development of the pre-tribulation doctrine, either by the trance-induced 20-year-old Margaret Mac- , donald or by John Nelson Darby. : > 1855 John Cumming announces that Russia will invade Israel: ; The End: 0~ The Proximate Signs of the Close of This Dispen- ~, sation, Lecture ‘7. 1878 Publication of the immensely popular book by William E. Blackstone (W. E.B.), Jesus Is Coming. I 1909 C. 1. Scofield’s Scofield Reference Bible is published by Ox- ford University Press. ; -.. 191’7 Balfour Declaration promises British support for the - ~ ~ ,... ., . .:.. :.. - <-< --- -, ;., ; :: / ..2 . -, ,. .---..,-’ creation of a State of Israel in Palestine. ,. .-’ -. -,. “::.”.. ” “ > -.. -’”” ‘:’”. ; :. ‘. $ 1925 The Scopes’ “ Monkey Trial” results in a public disgrace i- :: for William Jennings Bryan and the voluntary withdrawal ;,, ,;. of American fundamentalism from public discourse. .-,, . .,. ..,.,., ,. 1926 Founding of Dallas Theological Seminary. ,. ,.,,-., .“’. $-::. ., :“ 1948 The creation of the modern State of Israel, May 14: the “generation of the fig tree” supposedly begins. 1970 Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth creates a huge new market in “ticking clock” prophecy books: an unstated but obvious rejection of traditional dispensationalism’s doc- trine of the any-moment Rapture, which insists that the 70th week of Daniel begins only after the Rapture. -. -,. ,.,..::.,. ,%. (continued
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