The Papacy — Extra No. 9 This Extra Price of this should be EXTRA read in 15 for $ .10 every home, 25 for .15 hence the 50 for .30 low price 100 for .50 for wide dis- 1000 for 4.00 tribution Vol. 92 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 45 dominion in the earth. The invisible king particular examination of the prophecy of of ancient Babylon is the invisible king of the eighth chapter of Daniel. The Papacy in Prophecy modern Babylon. The universal temporal In the Bible study printed in another part sway of ancient Babylon is a type of the of this Extra there is a verse-by-verse exam- The Little Horn of Daniel's Second Vision a attempted universal sway of modern Baby- ination of the main features of this prophecy, lon. In proof of this statement that the and the conclusion is there drawn that the Symbol of Ecclesiastical Rome Papacy, "modern Babylon," demands uni- little horn represents Rome in its two phases, By W. W. Prescott versal submission to its rule, we quote the pagan and papal. As supplementary to this last sentence of the famous bull Unam sanc- Bible study we present herewith some brief hr the book of Daniel there are three lines the agency of Rome, made a supreme effort tam, published by Pope Boniface VIII in extracts showing the views of other writers of symbolic prophecy which trace the history to thwart the purpose of God concerning this 1302: — upon this prophecy. Referring to the first of the world from the time of Babylon to the world, and to retain indefinitely the domin- Moreover, we declare, affirm, define, and two symbols, Dr. John Cumming in his "Pro- setting up of the everlasting kingdom of God. ion which he had secured by fraud.. But the pronounce it to be necessary to salvation for phetic Studies; Lectures on the Book of In Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the great im- purpose of God stands sure, and his counsels every human creature to be subject to the Daniel" (page 263), makes this clear appli- age and the authoritative interpretation of it cannot be overthrown. The weakness of Roman Pontiff."—" Vatican Decrees in Their cation:— (Dan. 2: 31-45) we have a brief outline of the Satan's principles of government was never Bearing on Civil Allegiance," Archbishop of " The ram's head of gold was, as every his- course of world empire, culminating in the more clearly demonstrated than in the down- Westminster, London, Longman, Green & Co., torian will tell you, the diadem. of the Per- establishment of the fifth kingdom — that fall of Rome, which came as the direct result 1875, page 60. sian king, this alone identifying that symbol kingdom which will stand forever. This is of internal weakness due to the excessive in- with the personage to whom it refers; and the basic prophecy which serves as the divine dulgence of appetite and passion. The hardy The Religion of Babylon 'pushing westward,' denotes that empire sub- background for all other predictions. barbarians of the North were shocked at the The religion of ancient Babylon is the re- duing Lydia and Babylon by Cyrus, and In the vision recorded in the seventh chap- frivolities and the immoralities of Rome; ligion of modern Babylon with some varia- Egypt by Cambyses. The he goat is plainly ter of Daniel the world's history is again out- and their overthrow of the fourth kingdom, tions, veneered with Christian names and explained in the chapter to be the Macedo- lined, but for a different purpose. In the and the establishment of ten kingdoms in phrases. nian power; his 'pushing' (as is stated in prophecy of the second chapter the aim is to its place, according to the prophecy (Dan. The following extract will fully justify this verse 4) 'westward, and northward, and show that the effort to establish a universal 7:24), both put an end to all dreams of a last statement: — southward; so that no beasts might stand be- and permanent kingdom of this world will world monarchy, and gave further oppor- "On the overthrow of Babylon by the Per- fore him,' denotes his conquests, his advanc- end in failure, and that the eternal ing and irresistible might. The nota- purpose of God to restore all things ble horn that starts: up between the in Christ and to reestablish a reign eyes of the goat might shortly be shown of righteousness in this world, long to be, what it may be indisputably cursed with sin, will be realized. In proved, Alexander.-. the Great, by the prophecy of the seventh chapter whom the Persian ram was destroyed, a revelation is made of the plan to and by whose destruction immense ad- establish upon this earth a kingdom dition was made to his own empire." of a different kind after the fall of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Dr. Pusey's Exposition lthine had demonstrated the failure To the same effect is the exposition of the long-continued effort to estab- of Dr. E. B. Pu.sey: — lish a world-wide rule under the in- "The two empires represented to spiration and direction of the god of Daniel are, that of Persia under the this world. symbolpers o o.f tohfe ram,its that,i ar ucende,inr The Great Controversy monarch, under that of the he goat. No..ong has This view of these two prophecies been found to doubt that by these will perhaps be more clearly under- [four horns of the goat} are intended stood by referring briefly to some Alexander's four suecessom.the Died- scriptures which throw light on the ochi, who collectively held whatever great controversy for the possession survived of his' Asiatic gonquesti and of this world. Even the devil un- his -own dominions, subject to the rule derstood that the purpose of Christ's of Greece."—"Lectures on Daniel the work was to win back this world to Prophet," E. B, Pusey; D. D., Landon, its allegiance to the government of 1868, pages 88, 89. God, and he therefore sought to de- feat this plan by a spurious offer to Another Testimony give to the Son of God dominion over all the kingdoms of the world (Luke Another testimony to the correct- 4:5, 6), in return for his allegiance ness of this exposition is voiced in the and his acknowledgment of the devil's - following quotations:--. right to rule. In opposition to this "Then the pushing of the ram west- purpose of the gospel of Christ is the ward, northward, and southward, ex- avowed determination of Lucifer to actly represents the successful wars of Cyrus himself, who earried his victo- establish his kingdom in the earth in THE PAPAL INSIGNIA open rebellion against God. This rious arms, first, to the very bounds of purpose is thus clearly revealed: — Asia in the west; afterwards, to the "How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lu- tunity to win the kingdoms of this world to glans, who nourished a traditional hatred for north, against the Armenians, Cappadocians, cifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut be the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ. its idolatry, the Chaldean priesthood fled to and others; then, again, over Egypt in the down to the ground, which didst weaken the Pergamos, in Asia Minor, and made it the south. nations! For thou host said in thine heart, "The Mystery of Iniquity" headquarters of their religion. Hence Christ The rough goat is the king,' or kingdom, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my But although the original plan of the god in his charge to the church in that city speaks 'of Grecia,' or Macedonia; and the great throne above the stars of God: I will sit also of this world was thus brought to naught, of it as being 'where Satan's seat is.' The horn between his eyes is the excelling power upon the mount of the congregation, in the yet he did not cease his efforts to bring the last pontiff king of Pergamos was Attalus III, of the first king, Alexander the Great. Com- sides of the north: I will ascend above the world under his rule. On the contrary, he who at his death bequeathed his dominions ing swiftly from West to East, he marched on heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most evolved "the mystery of iniquity," the coun- and authority to the Roman people, 133 B. c., Persepolis.... High." Ise. 14: 12-14. terfeit of "the mystery of godliness,'" and and from that time the two lines of Pontifex "As the breaking of the great horn was A reading of verses 4-23 of this chapter having failed to enthrone himself as king of Maximus were merged in the Roman one. one of the most remarkable incidents of will show that Lucifer, who was originally a world empire maintained by force of arms, Therefore, when Julius Cesar was elected prophetic action, so was its fulfillment one of the light bearer but became Satan, the ad- he sought to establish an equally extensive ;Pontifex Maximus, he assumed to himself the most impressive events of history. Alex- versary, by his rebellion, was the invisible spiritual rule, and by enthroning himself as ,the divinity claimed by the pontiff kings of ander had broken the two horns of Persian king of Babylon; and the greatness of this the professed vicar of Christ, to secure to "Chaldea, and declared himself to be 'Venus strength when he burnt Persepolis, and when, ancient monarchy was but the outward ex- himself by his crowning deception that wor- genetrix,' or born of Venus, and from hence- in Media, he killed Darius II.
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