January 2021
January 2021 In a new Apostolic Letter entitled Patris the one that helps us accept our corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope weakness, because “it is through” and Francis describes Saint Joseph as a despite “our fears, our frailties, and our beloved father, a tender and loving father, weakness” that most divine designs are an obedient father, an accepting father; a realized. “Only tender love will save us father who is creatively courageous, a from the snares of the accuser,” working father, a father in the shadows. emphasizes the Pontiff, and it is by The Letter marks the 150th anniversary encountering God’s mercy especially in of Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph the Sacrament of Reconciliation that we as Patron of the Universal Church. To “experience His truth and tenderness,” – celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis because “we know that God’s truth does has proclaimed a special “Year of St not condemn us, but instead welcomes, Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of embraces, sustains and forgives us.” and full of hope, he is able “to accept the Immaculate Conception 2020 and Joseph is also a father in obedience to life as it is, with all its contradictions, extending to the same feast in 2021. God: with his ‘fiat’ he protects Mary and frustrations and disappointments.” The Holy Father wrote Patris corde Jesus and teaches his Son to “do the will In practice, through St. Joseph, it is against the backdrop of the Covid-19 of the Father.” Called by God to serve the as if God were to repeat to us: “Do not pandemic, which, he says, has helped us mission of Jesus, he “cooperated… in the be afraid!” because “faith gives see more clearly the importance of great mystery of Redemption,” as St John meaning to every event, however “ordinary” people who, though far from Paul II said, “and is truly a minister of happy or sad,” and makes us aware the limelight, exercise patience and offer salvation” that “God can make flowers spring up hope every day.
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