Speckled Trout
Brown Trout (German trout) Rainbow Trout (Kamloops trout, steelhead) Identification: golden brown colour, paler colour in the lakes Identification: heavily spotted along side and the caudal and dorsal fins Features: brown and black spots on its sides, back, and adipose Coho Salmon (silver salmon, blue back) Atlantic Salmon (lake Atlantic salmon, landlocked salmon) Features: back is green to greenish blue; sides silvery and dorsal fins Identification: differs from chinook salmon by having white gums in Identification: silvery on sides and below; back and head may be brown, often has a pinkish band along its sides a few orange spots with pale haloes on its sides a dark mouth Chinook Salmon (king salmon) green, or blue Size: in small bodies of water averages 200 g (7 oz) Size: weight ranges from 10 to 54 kg (2 to 12 lbs) Features: small black spots confined to the caudal fin and above the Features: tail and fins may become dark in Lake Ontario 09 to 68 kg (2 to 15 lbs) Habitat: favours slower stretches of water, eddies in rivers lateral line Identification: black spots on the head, back and both lobes of the body is very trout like; can be mistaken for brown trout Habitat: prefers cold, clean water (13oC) prefers cold clean water (18oC), but is tolerant of silver sides, steel grey back, white belly caudal fin during spawning found in both lakes and streams warmer water Size: average size 22 to 45 kg (5 to 10 lbs) Features: mouth lining black with black gums Size: average weight 900-1800 g (2-4 lbs) Spawning: reaches
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