Official Pubiicatton of the United States Track and Finld Federation
OFFICIAL PUBIICATTON OF THE UNITED STATES TRACK AND FINLD FEDERATION VOLUMT 20 luNE 1974 NUMBER 222 Ken Burke. 2.29i56, wins Freedom Marathon in tllinois on lune 29, 1974. PIGK A WINNER FR@M THE AMERICAS Nylon..cin..pak. Dan.nc6 irainino NIKE [[NE $22 35 FTNLAND BLUE (K€6v. r€d) - Nyron racino.nd n3inins ft6t g2o.oo the 4!i olhlclic t'lftl deporlmenl I lll Htu:ili':::'*:, With rerail "A.D." stores n Barketey, carden Grove, Culver Cily 6nd Fosemead, Californiaj Natick, Masechusers; Montcrair, Now JeGev; 8nd Po.iland, Bdaveton and Elqene, Oregon, Volumedkco!nis avai ab e. cins fkt Mail ordore r€qulre 91.50 !hipping & handlinq $15 65 2 THE LONC DISTANCE I-OG Emerson CoIIeg€, 89:48; 68. Stephen Mccabe, unat,, A PUBIICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS 90:1,1; 69. colin S.hihl, Quebec, 90rI8; ?0. Don euido- vol..Ee 20, No. 222, JnLe 1974 lone, uat,, 90:3I; 7r. Joer StefaDski, unat., 9t:09; ?2, Published monthly wder the auspices o{ the United Dick Samlson, unat. , 9l:ll; 73. RoLand vermette, NMC StateB Track & Fi€1d Federation, 1225 No. loth Ave., 9l:14; ?4. Bill venoneau, uat., 9r:38, ?5. Lawrence Tucson, Arizona 85?02 Rice, qat., 9t:45; 7ri. Charles Ratri, NMc, 9I:4?; ??, Amual subscriprion Rat€s: $5.00. Add $3.00 tor Lst A1 Fereshelian, unat., 92:00; ?8. Rick Schnable, NMC class Mail oa $5,00 ldr Air Mail in U.S.A, & Canada. 92.03; ?9. Jack Thoirnitl, NMC, 92:05j 80, Jame6 Bur- Siasle copies and back i6sue6 - 50+.
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