DIGGER 62 Is Our Annual Colour Cover and Centrespread Issue
DIGGER Above: Heath Cemetery, Harbonnieres, is situated on the south side of the straight main road (D1029) from Amiens to St Quentin, approximately 13 kilometres from Villers-Bretonneux. The Australians buried here were killed in August and September 1918. Photo courtesy of Gwenda Stanbridge. March 2018 No. 62 Magazine of the Families and Friends of the First AIF Inc Edited by Graeme Hosken ISSN 1834-8963 Families and Friends of the First AIF Inc Patron-in-Chief: His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia Founder and Patron-in-Memoriam: John Laffin Patrons-in-Memoriam: General Sir John Monash GCMG KCB VD and General Sir Harry Chauvel CGMG KCB President: Jim Munro ABN 67 473 829 552 Secretary: Graeme Hosken Trench talk Graeme Hosken. This issue DIGGER 62 is our annual colour cover and centrespread issue. The photos have been kindly contributed by Peter Morrissey, Michelle Bomford, Gwenda Stanbridge and John Skene, and all relate to the AIF on the Western Front in 1918. Following are the details for the photographs on the centre pages of this issue: Page 38, clockwise from top left: Jeancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, between Peronne and the town of St Quentin (Peter); Cross of Sacrifice, Adelaide Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux (Gwenda); Grave of Stanley Clyde Maybury, 2936 57th Bn, died 8/8/18, Heath Cemetery, Harbonnieres (Gwenda); Headstone [centre] of Bernard Coyte, 4757 13th Bn, Died 18/9/18 (Peter); Adelaide Cemetery (Gwenda); Panorama of Mont St Quentin from Bouchavesnes Spur, Peronne on right (Michelle); Peronne Communal Cemetery Extension, with grave of Alexander Henry Buckley VC, 1876 54th Bn, died 1/9/18 (Michelle); Tree-lined entrance to Heath Cemetery (Gwenda); Plaque on Amiens Cathedral in memory of AIF soldiers killed in the defence of Amiens (Gwenda).
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