The No. 4241 - Tuesday, March 6, 2012 - A002977L ossicker FWeekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800 PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOOTBALL – MORE THAN JUST A KICK IN in residence who will paint the volunteer’s portrait, THE PARK dressed or otherwise, and donate the paintings for Today was our thirty fourth meeting for the Rotary sale. My offer to pose nude for one of the portraits Year and our guest speaker David Newett, the new was refused by Graeme, for obvious reasons. He also coach of the Bendigo Pioneers Australian Rules encouraged members to quickly sell the raffle tickets football team, enlightened those in attendance distributed so far and, when sold, see Des Samson about the nuances of being the coach of a for more books. The aim is to sell $6,000 worth of team of U18 footballers. tickets, so it is incumbent on all members to sell as More about David’s presentation a many tickets as possible. THE little later. Bryan McMahon advised members of the upcoming FOUR Good to see Stuart Cox from car-parking job on Saturday 17th March and said he Pembroke Wales with us again. would be chasing volunteers over the next few days. WAY This will be the last time we FOOTBALL – ETC. see him this trip. It’s back Our Guest Speaker David Newett was introduced by TEST home to Wales later this Chairman Ian “Bear” Coates who told us that David of the things we think, week. commenced his football coaching career in 1998 as the U18s coach at Glenorchy District Football Club say or do... ANNA’S ANTICS Today I remembered in Tasmania, whilst still playing senior football with 1. Is it the TRUTH? to invite Anna to the the club. podium and she told us He remained playing football until 2004, when 2. Is it FAIR to all about her trip to see the appointed assistant coach with the Tasmanian Devils concerned? mechanical harvesting Football Club in the VFL. of tomatoes and how From 2005 to 2007, he coached at senior level 3. Will it build GOOD she spent some time on a back at Glenorchy and followed this with stints as WILL and BETTER harvester. She also had a development coach at AFL Clubs North Melbourne FRIENDSHIPS? trip to Melbourne to meet and Richmond. up with a friend from home. David comes to the Bendigo Pioneers with a wealth 4. Will it be She enjoyed chilling out with of coaching knowledge and we welcome him, his BENEFICIAL her friend and speaking Finnish. wife, Catherine, and 17-month old daughter, Nina, to to all Finally, she told us about her our beautiful city of Bendigo and David, in particular, conerned? crazy Aussie friend who introduced to speak to our Rotary Club today. her to play-dough and they spent all David devoted the first part of his presentation telling afternoon making Pokémons. Talk about us about his beginnings and his life to date. Initially, I a miss-spent youth. thought he was being a little self indulgent, but as the ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE FLOOR presentation developed it became evident that his life Graeme Clarke reminded us about the Easter Art Show experiences were important to the way he approaches and asked for volunteers to pose for the three artists his profession and, hence, needed to be told.

NEXT WEEK: COMBINED CLUSTER MEETING - WEDNESDAY David was born in Queenstown on the west coast accordingly. Not David. He lands in when of Tasmania – you know, that copper mining town it is snowing, wearing a tee shirt, shorts and thongs, that looks like a moonscape. He told us that the and with his luggage on its way to Toronto. He did moonscape was created by the removal of all the trees survive however, being the typical Aussie male – no to burn in the copper smelter and now the locals are sense, no feeling. continuing to remove any regrowth to maintain the He didn’t miss out on his footy in the US either. He moonscape. Queenstown is also famous for its gravel found an Australian Rules football team in Denver, football ground. the Denver Bulldogs, which competed in a USA wide David told us that he left school at sixteen to take competition. Having played at senior level in both the up an apprenticeship with an electrician, working TFL and SANFL, I don’t think David had a problem underground in the mines. It was here that he learnt getting a game. After Denver, it was back to Adelaide about reliance and responsibility. He was reliant upon to play at Woodville-West Torrens and complete an his underground workmates and colleagues for his Honours Degree in Sports Science. livelihood but, more importantly, they were all reliant In 2004, with Degree in hand and a good deal of life on him as an electrician to his work responsibly. and football experience, David took up the role of On the football front, David played on that famous assistant coach with the Tassie Devils Football Club gravel ground and endured all of the skun knees, in the VFL, under head coach Matthew Armstrong. elbows and other body parts as one would expect. The job was in conjunction with an appointment as Whilst he didn’t say so, David must have been a fair the Northern Tasmanian Academy coach. footballer at that stage, because he was invited to After a year at the Tassie Devils, he returned to play with Ulverstone in the NTFA and then in 1993 Glenorchy for two years as senior coach, and followed by Glenorchy in the TFL. (By the way, Glenorchy this with stints as development coach at AFL Clubs, wear those magnificent black and white vertical North Melbourne in 2008 and 2009 and Richmond in stripes - GO PIES!!). As mentioned by Bear earlier, 2010 and 2011, the latter including as senior coach of David started his coaching career with the U18 side VFL Club Coburg in 2010. in 1998 and captained the Glenorchy senior side to a David is now at the Bendigo Pioneers, coaching U18 premiership in 1999. footballers in the TAC Cup competition, which for In 2000, he moved to Adelaide to play with Woodville- some, will become the precursor to an AFL career. West Torrens in the SANFL. By this time, he had But as he said, it’s not all about developing the players been an electrician for ten years with his football footy skills, it’s also about creating a group dynamic being only part time. He decided then that he had and team culture and developing personal skills and a better future with football than electricity and reliance and responsibility. With tongue in cheek, returned to studies to undertake a university degree in David also said that his aim was to win more than human movement and sports science, which took him one game this season, which unfortunately has been to Denver, , USA for twelve months. the plight of the Pioneers over the previous two years. Here, I digress slightly. When Rotary outbound After listening to David’s presentation, I believe that exchange students travel from an Australian summer he is very well placed to achieve his goals and I wish to a northern hemisphere winter, they do some him all power as he takes on his new role. research about the weather conditions and dress Following his address, Chairman “Bear’ presented

PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER PAST PRESIDENT Wayne Smith Kaye Graves Ken Richmond John Gallagher BOARD MEMBERS: President Elect - Brian Figg Vocational Service - John Krakowiak Club Service - Tom Seddon New Generations - Nic Bannan Community Service - Libby Hughes Public Relations - Joy Bruce International Service - Valerie Barker Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler

Editor: Noel Hobley [email protected] - Distribution: The Terrace [email protected] Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552 David with the customary gift of hand-made soap, not Fellowship Sunday with the Glazebrooks at from Samoa but from Timor Leste. Morland NOTICES A reminder that the fellowship day at Arthur “Rotary Family” Messages Glazebrook’s is now on Sunday 25th March. I spoke to Mike Hughes this morning and he advised Easter Art Show that Libby is now at Anne Caudle and she is improving Don’t forget to select your times to help out at the Art every day. He said she is mobile being able to shower Show and sell your allocated raffle tickets. and do all those sort of things by herself. She still Special Meeting gets tired and needs her afternoon nap, but don’t we On Tuesday 10 April 2012 (the first Tuesday after all. Her memory is improving and she is now doing Easter and the Art Show), the outgoing GSE Team to crosswords, etc. She is also talking about getting back California will be visiting our Club to make their final to work and out and about as soon as possible. Still presentation before heading overseas the following no visitors at this stage, although I think that it’s now weekend. Libby’s preference rather than the Doctor’s. Mike Mother’s Day Classic said she wants to get home first. I also spoke to Bill Gray this morning and he told The Mother’s Day Classic run and walk around me he is going home today for the second time and Kennington Reservoir and Strathdale Park will be hopefully for good. He feels that his recovery will conducted this year on Sunday 13th May. We have take some time, so it’s doubtful that we will see him agreed again to cook a barbeque breakfast for the at Club meetings for some time. He apologised to me participants and spectators; this time bacon and egg for probably not being able to help at the Art Show. sandwiches as well as sausages. I will be looking for volunteers to help on the day in due course. John Krakowiak also emailed to say that Cas Sens THANK YOUS is fairly immobile after his stint in hospital and his eyesight is continuing to deteriorate. He would be Thank you to our cashiers Hugh Wheeler and Frank very pleased to have a visit from any member who Lean, to our welcomers Charlie Martin and Peter might be passing. Hyett with the Art Show raffle tickets, to Alan Cox Samoa Advance Party for regalia, to Tom Dobeli for the Four-Way-Test and Barry Ackerman for grace. Our Samoa advance party of Colin Burns, John Gallagher, Ken Gilchrist and Garry Gunnell are due Thank you also to Brian Figg for his shortened back later this week. Sergeants session and to his able corporals Val Barker and Hugh Wheeler. International Women’s Day Dinner Sorry Brian, I didn’t take a lot of notes during Again a reminder that the International Women’s Day your Sergeant’s session. Suffice to say, there was Dinner is on tonight. something about the excitement shown by Kim Carr District Conference when sworn in to his new Ministerial role and that The District Conference is on this coming weekend. old chestnut about Melbourne beating Collingwood Combined Rotary Meeting seconds which made Chairman “Bear’ happy. The combined Goldfields cluster group Rotary NEXT MEETING meeting is on next Wednesday evening and I have to Our next meeting will be the Combined Cluster Clubs provide the organisers with numbers attending in the meeting next Wednesday evening. next few days. If there anyone still wishing to attend The week after our Guest Speaker will be Lindsey but hasn’t yet let me know, please do so ASAP. Robinson, Alida’s daughter, who will talk about her Golf Day (Night) time in South Africa and, the following week, we will Don’t forget the Golf Night on Friday 16th March. be hearing from the Mayor, Alec Sandner. Glenn Reilly is still looking for 10-15 helpers on the night. UNTIL NEXT WEEK Car Parking at the Races HAPPY ROTARYING The Club will again be parking cars at the Bendigo President Races on Saturday 17th March. I have engaged Wayne Smith. the trusty services of Bryan McMahon to enlist the required volunteers. GOLDFIELDS Members and family are invited to a fellowship CLUSTER MEETINGS

Bendigo Sandhurst BBQ lunch Wednesday 7.30 am and afternoon at BRIT Restaurant. Morland Bendigo South Arthur and Lorraine Glazebrook’s property, Thursday 6.30 pm 147 Carnochans Road, Sutton Grange. Foundry Hotel Bendigo Strathdale Sunday 25th March Tuesday 6.30 pm at 1.00pm for a late lunch around 2.00pm. All Seasons Quality Resort More details are to follow and a list for collection of names will be available at our next Rotary meetings. Eaglehawk Over the years we have enjoyed many pleasant afternoons in the Wednesday, 6.30 pm company of Arthur and Lorraine on their magnificent property. California Gully With a possible change in life style coming up this could be the Mechanics Institute last time we can enjoy the surrounds of the property so all past Kangaroo Flat attendees and new ones are encouraged to attend. Monday 6.30 pm Rotary Gateway Park Anniversaries MARCH 13 to MARCH 19 Echuca-Moama BIRTHDAYS: Marlene Hyett March 19. Wednesday 6.30 pm ROTARY Ron Rogers March 13, Jim Mahoney, John Sva- Rich River Golf Club INDUCTIONS: nosis March 17, Barry Ackerman, Warren Cam- Rochester bridge, Evan Trevorah, March 19. Thursday 6.30 pm WEDDING Val and John Barker March 14. Criterion Hotel. ANNIVERSARIES:

ROSTER MARCH 13 MARCH 20 MARCH 27 Chairman COMBINED CLUSTER A. Robinson TBA Sergeant at Arms MEETING WEDNESDAY N. Hobley N. Hobley Corporals G. Clarke J. Gallagher M. Horne I. Coates K. Gilchrist L. Hughes Cashiers V. Broad D. Coia D. Watts J. Bruce N. Cox A. Glazebrook Regalia A. Cox J. Mahoney J. Mahoney Reception N. Burdon T. Dobeli B. Gray C. Burns B. Doherty G. Gunnell Grace D. Buttolph B. Figg A. Hampton Four Way Test J. Cartwright J. Flood N. Hobley

A Notice for Chairman - To assist the President and as a courtesy to guest speakers, when the president calls for visiting Rotarians and guests to be introduced, the Chairman for the day is asked, please, to stand and introduce the guest speaker by name with the comment that he/she will be more formally introduced later in the meeting. Members are reminded that if for any reason you are unable to fulfil the duty for which you are rostered it is your responsibility to arrange a replacement An Opportunity of a Lifetime Our Rotary Club has been assisting the needy in Samoa for the past 20 years. In September 2009 Samoa was hit by a devastating tsunami and in response, The Rebuilding Samoa Project was born. Last year saw 3 teams of Rotary Volunteers provide assistance to the people of villages of Papa, Sataua, Salua and Tufutafoe.

This year we will be sending 5 teams to assist 5 more villages by working in the village schools to:  Upgrade water supply facilities  Provide library facilities  Undertake building maintenance Volunteers will spend two to three weeks in Samoa living and working in a Samoan village with some time for rest and recreation to enjoy the wonders of a relatively unspoiled pacific island paradise. Volunteers will work hard but will be well rewarded by the experience of doing wonderful work in a wonderful place with wonderful people. The only essential qualification is a willingness to serve with volunteers of all ages, genders and skill level being welcome to join a team. All members of the Rotary Club of Bendigo are invited to join a team and to extend an invitation to family members, friends and associates that may be interested. The Rotary Club of Bendigo Team will be departing for Samoa on the 2nd June 2012 and returning to Australia on the 21st June 2012 In addition, there are vacancies on other teams that will be in Samoa as follows:

Departing 23rd June 14th July 25th August 15th September Returning 11th July 1st August 13th September 3rd October If you are thinking about it, talk to somebody in the club who has been in the past, Garry Gunnell, Jack Gallagher, Bill Gray, Ken Gilchrist, Neil Burdon, Tom Dobeli, John Flood, John Krakowiak, Charlie Martin, Garry Spence, Hugh Wheeler, Colin Burns. If you are interested or know somebody that might be please contact: Colin Burns Tel 5443 1563 0407 457 104 Email: [email protected]

WEBSITE: Click to visit District 9800 newsletters and videos G’DAY ROTARY - LIAM G’day Rotary, some great people. There was 10 and had a far few questions at the The first month of my exchange of us in total 9 from Australia and end. In attendance were presidents has been an amazing experience 1 from New Zealand poor guy! from 2 nearby rotary clubs, one throughout all the whole time! It During this week we walked on of which offered for me to join all began with massive flight from a frozen lake, visited a traditional them at anytime. Coming up in the Melbourne to Gothenburg with Swedish mansion, the house was future is a 5 day ski trip with rotary some long stopovers in Bangkok huge! We had fika there. Fika is to Åre, the largest mountain and and Stockholm. The trip was an amazing thing, it’s a Swedish ski slope in Sweden. There is also interesting and met a lot of great word meaning to have a drink and a trip to Kiruna the northernmost exchange students. Arriving in some sort of cake or sweet bread. town in Sweden. The town has Gothenburg I felt anxious about Swedish people like to do this once an ice hotel and we will be doing meeting my new family, would or twice a day. We also learnt all such activities as riding on snow they like me? would I fit in? things about Swedish customs and the mobiles and dog sledding. like that. I need not have worried language. The language is quite This concludes my report, I’d like as I felt at home immediately. They hard but I am slowly getting better, to thank Bendigo Rotary Club are amazing and I couldn’t have learning new words and phrases once again for providing me this asked for a better family, happy everyday. once in a lifetime opportunity, to ship me off to different places The culture here has some very along with Gary and Val for being for sports training and parties, similar things to Australia and also my counsellors and contact people although I do try and make my some massive differences. The back home. I am having an amazing own way to these things so as not Swedish community as a hole is experience I couldn’t have asked to be a massive burden. quite rude as they tend not to say for a better start and can’t wait for By the third day I had started please and thank you very much. what is in store for the future. school, no rest for the weary. Also they do not great each other Many greetings from Sverige, Everyone in my class is fantastic as they pass in the street. I found Liam! and they all speak a little English. this quite strange at first as in One of the benefits of coming to a Australia you always used your Scandinavian country is that you manners and would say hello to can communicate instantly. The complete strangers as you passed ROTARY LINKS swedes are very kind people once them in the street. The culture is you get into there little bubble as amazing and Swedish people will they can be quite shy. I have trained go out of there way to help you Link to District with the local team, a once you finally get to know them. Governors Blog fantastic experience! The thing I’ve been skiing twice at a local with being an exchange student slope, I think I adjusted quite in a small town is that everyone quickly, it was a lot of fun and Link to District 9800 has heard of you and when you I didn’t fall over as much as I start to met people everyone thought I would. I watched an elite Conference 2012 becomes interested because you ice hockey match in a nearby town are so different. I have also started that was awesome! The crowd training with Axels football goes nuts and the noise sent chills Link to Rotary (soccer) side and will be joining down my spine. I skated on a lake International them for this season. with another exchange student and I’ve already made some lifelong that was very exciting as it was Home page friends amongst exchange students, something I’ve wanted to do for a my class mates and sporting mates. very long time. Link to Rotary During the second week there was A couple of days ago I presented to a language and introduction to the Rotary Club of Anderstorp all International 2012 Swedish culture camp with all the about myself, my family, Bendigo new inbound exchange students. and Australia. The speech went very Convention It was an amazing week, with well, everyone seemed interested