Archbishop to Dedicate Convent DENVER a M O L IC REGISTER
t uiHWiw'tiiWBiBiiHHiiwHHWiiififtirmHmimniimmiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHBiwiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiwiiiiiiiwwinfWBHWi^ iwwnnnnnfnwiinnwfniiiiiiwfiwiiiiiiiifin:?m'ffrj jPriests of Three Dioceses Are Invited Archbishop to Dedicate Convent jTo Forty Hours^ Closing at Seminary! Five members of the Hier tor, announced. Bishop Hubert Newell of Chey Men's Communion, Confirmation, Two Blessings in Colo. Springs archy -will attend the closing of Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will enne. the Forty Hours’ .devotion at St^ officiate. The sermon will be de The closing ceremonies will ba + + + Archbishop Urban J. Vehr’s nex has 13 private rooms, with boasts, besides its graceful church Thomas’ seminary, Denver, Tues livered by Bishop Mark K. Car- followed by a dinner, to ba schedule in Colorado Springs this adequate toilet facilities, and two and the rectory, a $300,000 grade day,: March 10, at 5 p.m. roll of Wichita, Kans. served at 7 o’clock. Sunday, March 8, when he dedi rooms to be used as an isolation school, a completely modern high An invitation to attend the Other Bishops who will be in Took Four Years to Carve solemn closing has been sent to attendance are Bishop Joseph C. cates the new addition to St. ward. school (the former grade-high every priest in the Archdiocese Willging of Pueblo, Bishop Mary’s parish convent, will be a ’The project entailed also the school), a spacious new gymna of Denver and the Dioceses of Charles Quinn, C.M., exiled Ordi busy one. complete renovation of the old Pueblo and Cheyenne, the Very nary of Yukiang, China, now in sium, and a new convent. Rev. W. J. Kenneally, C.M., rec residence at St.
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