Stock Exchange Peactice8
STOCK EXCHANGE PEACTICE8 MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1934 UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, Washington, D.C. The committee met at 10:30 a.m., pursuant to adjournment on Triday, March 9, 1934, in room 301 of the Senate Office Building, Senator Duncan TJ. Fletcher presiding. Present: Senators Fletcher (chairman), Adams, Bulkley, Golds- borough, Townsend, and Kean. Present also: Ferdinand Pecora, counsel to the committee; Julius Silver and David Saperstein, associate counsel to the committee; and Frank J. Meehan, chief statistician to the committee; and Koland L. Eedmond, counsel to the New York Stock Exchange. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order, please. Will Mr. Whitney please come up to the committee table ? STATEMENT OP RICHARD WHITNEY, PRESIDENT OP THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE—Resumed The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Whitney, Mr. Pecora wants to ask you some questions in connection with the additional data to be submitted to the committee this morning. Mr. PECORA. Mr. Whitney, as to the additional data you expected to receive from the members of the New York Stock Exchange in reply to a questionnaire you addressed to them a week ago Saturday, that is, on March 3, 1934, respecting transactions in the so-called " aviation stocks ", have you that data here now? Mr. WHITNEY. Yes, sir. We have the originals right here on the table before you. I might explain that we have brought in both the originals and duplicates of the originals. Mr. PECORA. Mr. Chairman, I wish that they might be received in evidence but need not be spread on the record of the committee's hearings.
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