Nothing like the sun What's On Deck 'Colour' deafens Environmental studies instructor Frank The thunderous music of '' The special baseball section 'On Deck' Schiavo's home masters solar power previews Big West conference play sent shock waves through the Event Center Page 6 See pullout inside Page 7 SPARTAN DAILY Vol.96, No. 35 Published Since 1934 Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Moulder fire probe to query SJSU staffers By John Besse Stein said the Boccardo law firm has Daily staff writer filed claims with the State Board of Con- 'He ( fire chief) has some pretty bad things An attorney representing several SJSU MOULDER HALL trol for all seven of the injured students to say about students injured in the Moulder Hall fire whom it represents. One claim has been fire preparations at the university.' said he will be calling upon SJSU staff /i_dWr tdP(.4thu rejected by the board, and the other six are Jack Stein, members to participate in discovery pro- "pending," he said. attorney ceedings in April. of security people, sprinklers The claim that has already been heard and fire firm are Abdul Moquim. Cuong Pham, Jack Stein, an attorney from the James escapes in the hall. by the board was one of $10 million filed and the other three were from Santa Clara Boccardo Law Firm who represents six of on behalf of Brian Young, a student from Valerie Audoit, Sylvain Mehaute, Eric County. the injured Moulder residents, said the "I have retained a former San Francisco Honolulu who suffered bums on more Prost-Bouche and Marie Thoniel. The county's first two claims totaled University Police and other school offi- fire chief' Stein said, adding that he is an than half of his body. The dollar amount According to Jodi Patel of the board of more than $260,000, with the third being cials will be required to answer "adversari- expen in the field. "He has some pretty was so high, Stein said, because victims control, four claims have been received, an "undetermined" amount, Patel said. al" attomey's questions under oath regard- bad things to say about fire preparations at rarely receive the amount they sue for. and all four have been rejected. The first Patel didn't know what the money would ing details about the fire, such as the lack the university." The other victims represented by the one "heard" by the board was Young's, See FIRE, back page Forum affirms campus discrimination exists Scheller By Harry Mok report," he added. Special to the Daily Though participation by the Acknowledging that discrimi- audience seemed light, the forum nation is a problem and educating house lasted its scheduled time from people about the diverse nature of noon to 1 p.m. After initial hesita- society were some of the sugges- tion, onlookers got into the dis- tions given Monday at an open cussion. discussion in the Student Union "I don't know what to make of seeking Amphitheater. it. We got a fair amount of discus- The purpose of the forum was sion," Nuger said. "It just didn't to get "ideas to end the various last 20 minutes with nobody talk- forms of discrimination on cam- ing." bidders pus," said Kenneth Nuger, chair- The scheduled speakers echoed man of the Affirmative Action some of the sentiments that the By Corey Tresidder committee of the Academic Sen- Daily staff writer audience had on a wide range of The Scheller house on Fifth ate, which sponsored the event topics. with the Associated Students. Street must be moved before "I think there's a lot of discrim- August 20, according to an adver- After scheduled speakers dis- ination on campus," said Jeff cussed forms of discrimination on tisement for bids run by the univer- Paul, a librarian and director of sity in the San Jose Mercury News campus, audience members were the Chicano Oral History Project invited to add their insights. from Saturday through Monday. at SJSU. "A great deal more The successful bidder will abate "We have a ROTC that cate- needs to be done about it." gorically discriminates," said the asbestos in the exterior paint Paul added that the alleged acts and in the interior ducts, and move Paul Krug, who is openly gay, of discrimination that were publi- during an open microphone the house off the university cized last semester were not iso- premises. a press release said Fri- session. "Why can't Gail Fuller- lated incidents. ton make a statement recognizing day. "Isolated is the term L.A. As of Monday afternoon, no this problem." Police Chief Daryl Gates used," "We have these meetings and sealed bids had been received by Paul said, referring to the recent the university, according to Alan forums but never seem to come to beating of a man by police in Los a conclusion," said another Freeman, campus director of space Angeles. "I'd like to think noth- management and facilities plan- woman in the audience. ing like that is happening here." These suggestions and others ning. The university does not A solution to the problems of expect bids immediately. Freeman from audience members and discrimination is to ask what you speakers will be relayed to policy said, because it takes time for any- can do to stop it, according to one interested in the house to making committees. Nuger said. Jose Villa, a professor of social "I suspect the human relations develop a viable bid. The adver- board will get a copy of our See FORUM, back page tisement said sealed bids must be submitted by 2 p.m. on Friday, April 5. The advertisement also announced a pre -bid conference for the general public on March 21, to be held upstairs in Facilities Development and Operations at 404 E. San Fernando St. at 10:30 a.m. This meeting is common prac- tice when we look into develop- ments on campus." Freeman said. "We should see some bids after the 21st." Freeman mentioned a bid packet the university has produced as a guide for prospective bidders, and said that the main purpose of the conference is to go over the packet and detail what is expected from bidders. After the conference, the university will conduct a walk- through viewing of the Scheller house. Community interest in the house arose when the university planned then Left: English composition and creathe writing deaf service, listen during a forum on discrimi- asbestos abatement and demolition of the house in Decem- instructor Susan Schuiter sits with her dog, nation. Above: Director of Disabled Students ger- ber 1990. Prior to that the univer Photos by Jeanette I ;licksman Kelsey and Donna Abernathy, coordinator for vices Martin Schuller spoke during the forum. See HOUSE, back page `Eco-Are promotes global cooperation Air society shows disadvantaged By Corey ilresidder Daily staff writer Permanent trees and shrubs are being planted In conjunction with Earth Day grant on April 20, two exhibits are run- on the Seventh Street mall with a $6,680 children Jammin' good time ning on campus to publicize the from San Jose Beautiful. Arnold member said. global problems humankind faces By Robert W. Scoble About 10 members of Daily staff writer organization for After the game, Jeanette San- today. Air Society, an For a group of elementary-age ROTC cadets who want to be chagrin, a San Jose Jammer Titled "Eco-Art: Imaging a New being held in Gallery One of the from San Jose Beautiful, accord- children. Friday was a night of Air Force, chaper- cheerleader was swamped by the Paradigm," the exhibits together consists of five artists officers in the ing to SJSU Public Affairs Direc- An building, firsts. San Jose children who wanted autographs the need to act in coopera- problems oned the kids at the present tor Lori Stahl. The landscape will who are aware of these The 23 homeless children to remember the game by. As she tion not in competition to solve the present the hunrners' game. be done as part of "Urban Forest: and through their art from the Family Living Center at signed programs, the kids faces environmental problems of the world and a A Demonstration Garden." an interrelatedness of our Agnews Developmental Center The Jammers donated the tick- beamed. "It's fun," is all Damn. future. Patricia Sanders, an SJSU thinking that is con- outdoor exhibit of permanent and new mode of had a reason to smile. For most ets and SJSU's Event Center 6, could say after getting his is the curator of both prob- an historian, temporary plantings conceived sistent with the fact that the of the children, this was the first donated drinks and sweets for book signed. exhibits. and executed by Alrie Middle- lems are linked together, according time that they had been to SJSU, the children, who come from dis- brook, a specialist in interior land- to a press release. advantaged or homeless families, "I think it went pretty well," trees and shrubs are much less a semi -pm basketball Permanent scape. Anthony Merza, an air society being planted on the Seventh The "Urban Forest" is a project game. See GAME, back page Street mall with a $6,680 grant The other series of exhihts, See TREE, back page Page 2, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Forum Opinions Spartan Daily

EDITORIAL Mortaging our future

Across the state, education counties, according to Mike has been treated like an Fallon, spokesman for the illegitimate stepchild School Boards while our governor has been Association in a recent San Jose preening his pet issues like crime Mercury News article. control. Impacting all levels in the This is apparent on each level of educational ladder would be the education, from kindergarden suspension of Proposition 98, through college. The University which is on the governor's of California students will be execution list. This plan would, forced to pay a hefty 40 percent in effect, steal from the schools to increase in "fees." And the allow more flexibility for other California State University system more pressing state projects, like will have to bear a 20 percent hike prisons. Our childrens' future is in state fees while abandoning what we will end up incarcerating, funding in some areas such as however. At this rate a two-tier maintenance. society will become a reality. Compounding this financial pressure placed upon schools will ne tier with opportunities be a drop in funds appropiated by knocking at their door and Wilson's proposed budget. CSU 0 the other scratching the campuses will see their bottom of the barrel of Just look at any other country. We appropiations drop by two percent employment opportunities. REPORTER'S FORUM have a much higher crime rate because next year. Tampering with school funds in we keep kids in school less and while School districts are so gaunt that order to ease temporary budget ROBLRT W. SCORLE they are there we ask them to do less. not one in the entire state has yet problems debases the universal In Germany and Japan, kids attend .:.paid the new property tax principle that education is the school until 5:00 p.m. Then they are '::collection fees imposed by the greatest remedy for societal ills. Shoddy schools are asked to do a larger amount of homework. They also have fewer vacations and attend school about 50 what we asked for more days a year than Americans. No wonder we are getting our butts LETTERS TO THE EDITOR kicked both on our streets by our own The war on crime got heated about asked for it. Now the voters have black cops and in the international trade two weeks ago. Humanity lost. blood on their hands and everybody is Abortion 'issue' avoided essence, we want to take an asprin to cure Can you really blame the Los Angeles denying that a policy of war ever cancer. We debate issues, such as a Editor, police officers for beating a black existed. Look at the Los Angeles Police woman's right to an abortion, and get Our state is increasing There is a war raging in America today. "cnminal" into submission? Chief Darryl F. Gates: he won't step nowhere. Two sides vehemently opposed - each in I can't. down. spending on prisons next Whether or not life begins at conception possession of what they believe to be the The taxpayers of this great state asked He should. is the real issue. If the fetus is a living year while funds for higher : truth. One side claims no casualties, while for it. Everybody clamored for a police Organizations take on a whole human being at conception then abortions the other claims that millions are lost state. We wanted a war on drugs and different attitude when a troublemaker education are being cut. are nothing less than murder. If, on the every year. This is not a war fought with crime. The policemen understood this to at the top is removed. Watch what other hand, the fetus is nothing more that The voters asked for it. smart bombs, SCUDs, or cruise missiles. be open season on anybody who looked happens when a company, school or a piece of flesh, then an abortion is Neither is this war being fought with like a criminal. Rodney King was other organization gets a new leader Now the voters have black tantamount to removing an appendix. The tanks and artillery. This war is being Saddam Hussein in the cops' eyes. the attitude almost always changes. thing is that no one really knows when blood on their hands and fought with words. It's not the cops' fault. The fault lies It is time for a change at the LAPD life begins. Doctors and scientists don't everybody is denying that a It is a war about whether a woman has a with everyone who voted to approve and in the state. even agree. right to have an abortion; a war that is new prisons. It lies with everyone who Let's get off this crime war and policy of war ever existed. Since no one really knows when life 'being fought on the basis of a false hasn't protested the budget cuts that redirect our priorities to where they begins we then must must turn to an Look at the Los Angeles Indafeht. Abortion is wrong, but the eduClaketget4ast year and the really big should, have been all along on assumption accepted by our culture. We, issue is not one of a personal right to ones that it is going to get next year. education. Police Chief Darryl F. in this nation, operate on the assumption one's body. The question to be asked is, The fault lies with everyone, Sure it doesn't work in all the that the accused is innocent until proven Gates: he won't step down. "When does life really begin?" Republican and Democrat, in the state. situations. I have watched seemingly guilty. Until it is proven that a fetus is not Today's debate does not rest on what the Everybody is so caught up in the wars intelligent friends get thrown in jail for a living being we cannot allow abortions real issue is- those debating this issue over on crime, poverty, drugs and education selling drugs. to continue. Until we do find out when a woman's assumed right to an abortion. that we are forgetting that a great But people who have an education market. life begins we may be risking the greatest The question asked is whether a woman education should be accessible to all. rarely feel the pull of drugs or illegal If our parents had made sure that the in human history. has reproductive rights; which implies a slaughter Our state is increasing spending on behavior. If education is working state's money went to schools, rather right to have an abortion. You see, we all prisons next year while funds for higher properly, it will keep people from giving than to other more "politically correct" Kris Jensen want a resolution to this issue, yet we education are being cut. The voters into their "sinful" side. places like jails and welfare, we might Senior don't want to address the problem in still be using American made cameras, Political Science VCRs and fax machines. We deserve what we are getting: a Union made wrong decision require a hearing before a tenured faculty crappy education. member can be dismissed. Even The California Faculty Association, to Look around you in class. Are you professors who violate their professional which I belong, should not defend the sitting in front of state of the art ethics, corrupt students, and commit professor who was recently found guilty computers? Is your classroom clean? crimes against the environment deserve a of violating federal wildlife statutes. This Are your teachers really the best in the hearing. I just don t want my union to case did not involve some frustrated business? Did you get all the classes represent them. logger shooting a spotted owl. We are you not only need to graduate, but to be talking about an SJSU college professor successful in the field you have Roy Christman who knowingly broke wildlife protection choosen? laws. Professor No, no, no and no. Yes, our education Political Science California State University procedures is barely adequate and our students are consistently being left behind in the Smoke without a tire to live. In a world that is wrestling with state's priorities. them would Editor. difficult issues, to consider How long will it be before San Jose's anyone in the least. Let each What is most puzzling, aside from not hurt police department starts beating up religion stand unaided and let the students misapplying the Constitution, is the fact SJSU engineering students who arc inspect them and make their own that spring break has been made into an homeless because their school didn't decisions. Religion is also intertwined prepare issue. This type of blunt action appears to them to compete in a lough with culture. Would the Academic Senate be accompanied by an anti -religious if not world market? deny part of a Hispanic's identity by anti-Christian sentiment. Please note, that How long will it be before we are all removing Catholicism in any form that it I am not raising the minority flag or in King's position, lying in the gutter, might appear in? assuming the martyr complex in my getting the life beat out of us? When The Academic Senate and the students, I wnting or reasoning. What I am raising is will the state wake up and sec that their believe, see these issues and the reality of the attempt to move towards the priorities have been misdirected and that the situation. David Mesher, and those sterilization of thought. That is what I the war on crime really should have who endorse the adoption of this proposal. believe the effort of David Mcshcr could been the retreat to education? arc trying to create a lot of smoke when lead to. To give absolutely nothing to any Not soon enough. there is not even a fire to begin with. organiz.ation. religious or not, eliminates the competition of ideas on this campus. Robert W. Scoble is a Spartan Dailv William Urango Who desires this? Religion, offers man an -41frilrer4Irr; staff writer Senior assortment of all encompassing i-ft- 1:40644 4141)---C.AAE Political Science philosophies about life and how he ought SPARTAN DAILY

AN(;US IN, Executive Editor DEREK SMITH, Advertising Director AMANDA II HEN, Managing Editor/Production IIRAD DETANNA. Retail Advertising Manager SANDRA HUTCHINS. An Ihresior NIK MI( 'A ( I)miltonvit Advertising Manager WENDY BRYAN (,O1 .1), Managing Editor/Editorial IKEGETTE. piwud Ion Manager 'HIM SOMMERS. National Adseneong Manager JULIA BUDD, Co.op Advertising Manager ANTHONY ( 'ATA IM). Forum Editor LAURA DIMASCH), City Editor JF:SSI VU. Marketing Manager KEVIN SQUIRES, Photo Editor STEVE HELMER. Sports Editor Account Esetutives: Sara Harry. Carolyn taireh, Colin King. Rohm O'Leary. Ralene Matthias. Andy Rayl. Larry lranherst SHELLIE TERRY, !int./Features Editor MARY Ml RELIA% Chief Photographer %Oki,: hoof.' Ilennan. Paul Cloth in Vidal LORI SINSLEY, Copy Editor KEVIN WEIL, Copy Chief USPN a 50948000 lecand den easeeee paal at Ike Joao, CaItornie Iinncos, 01 the Ctaitorne Newspaper Kiliehers Anocibon and T. Associeted Pies Pubiehad daily, on Hen Jim State University during Ira coming. yew Ina opinions eapreeseed in Ms papa are no n.,,assaray lapperter.: John Bessa, Brooke Shelby Biggs. Claudia Bramkamp. Susan Bonen. Precy Corrects. Jim Johnson. Chris I One Pain Department of Journalese and Mass Communications the University or any demo ttudente Of fleasey capers:anon Mel surisc000iris wraipeki Schair. Rohen Scohle Carolyn Su aggan. lash Trageser. Corey Tirsidder, Lorne Multi On a remainder of esmesler basil Full academic year $20 Each mower $10 Celtelelliel WIMP*, totry It. affer. On campus delivery pod throoght instructionally Related AOIIVISIII tUNSI at SO mots per student Phone- fdllerlat 14084 92412190 Advertising ieCiai a243270 nolograpbers: Moyne ( ilick,man. Chip Loven. George Ortir. Don Richey. Hillary Schalii. Roeksford TailITIIISU Ken Wong Printed by Independent Pubildeilkeet. PoSeolieler. Please send all oddness not moans to *Wen Daily San Join State University, Ono Washington Square San JOVE Celleffele UM.

ORIGINAL DI Spartan Daily Tuesday, March 19, 1991, Page 3 ly

SpartaGuide YesterDaily Today's forecast SpartaGuide is a daily calendar avail- MARKETING Laura Battaglia from Johnson Sorrow:" Vietnernese-Arnerican Lives, 5 LIBERAL STUDIES SOCIETY: Business Because many students are not on able to SJSU students, faculty and Wax. 3 30-5 00 pm, SU Almaden Room, p m., Washington Square Room B4 (Base- Meeting. 7-9 p m Costanoan Room, Stu- campus everyday, YesterDady Scattered showers with staff organizations at no charge call 251-4134 ment), call 1415) 858-1031 dent Union call 356-9502 provides readers with a recap of mostly cloudy skies and Forms are available in the Daily ART DEPT GALLERY I Eco-Art Imaging a AS PROGRAM BOARD: Wednesday Nite the previous issue's top stories. newsroom. Wahlquist Library North New Paradigm March 19-April 18 Mon - Cinema. Double Feature. 'Predator 1 (6 NATIONAL PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS a 40 percent chance of Room 104, pm land Predator II p m ) Admission ASSOCIATION: Guest Speaker Gary and at the Information Thurs 10 00-4 00 pm Gallery One Art 9 Reyes, Oakland Tribune Photograher 7 30 rain. Highs in the upper Center of the Student Union (Letters Dept call 924-4330 $2. Student Union Ballroom Seven cars were burglarized at the p m Student Council Chambers: 3rd fl Fourth and 10th street parking to the editor can also be submitted at TUESDAY NIGHT LECTURE SERIES Pat CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: Union. or 50s and lows in the low the Student call 924-7913 924-3245 garages on March 7. No suspects Information Center 1 The deadline Sanders The New Paradigm. 5 00-6 00 Speaker of Careers Options for Commu- to mid-40s. islOam p m followed by reception. Art Dept Room nication Studies Majors, 11.30 a.m , Engr PRE-LAW CLUB: General Meeting with re- have been found. 133 call 924-4330 Bid., Room 189, Co-op Orientation, 6 p.m., freshments, 4 30 p.m Costonoan Room, TODAY Student Almaden Room, Student Union, call 924- Union call 779-5425 Members of the Academic Senate ASIAN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN STUDENT SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL E033 FELLOWSHIP Meeting with Campus Cru- COMMUNICATION Panel discussion on A RECREATION '97: Club It "fore Fun and the University Police sade, 8.00 pm., S.U. Umunhum Room, call Technical Writing Internship. 800 p m CHICANO LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTER Noon-1 pm Rose Garden. SJSU, call 249- Department claim that effects of the 275-1057. S.U. Almaden Room, call (415) 656-630 BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Joe Graham, Loma Prieta still linger at SJSU. Wednesday's forecast CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT Community Organizer-Redevelopment and INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBIL- Gentrification of the Auzerais Guadalupe 8134RE-ENTRY ADVISORY PROGRAM: Brown The tremblor was blamed for ITY Sex Discrimination in Law and Employ- Careers in the Allied Health Fields. 12 30 Bag Lunch Importance of Graduate Educa- missing possessions and p.m., S.U. Guadalupe Room. call 924-6033: Area, Noon-1 p.m.,WLN Room 307. call damaged ment,' 7 00-8 00 p.m., S.U. Lorna Prieta tion, Noon-1:30 p.m.. Pacheco Room, Stu- faculty offices. A 60 percent chance of Room. call On-Campus Interview Orientation, 10:30 924-2707 or 924-2815. 924-4519. dent Union. call 924-5939. rain throughout the day. HISPANIC BUSINESS ASSN. General a.m.. S.U. Almaden, call 924-6033; Investing CHRISTIAN SERVICE ORGANIZATION: meeting 630 pm SU Pacheco Room. in a Finance Career, 200 p.m., S.U. Umun- Testimony Meeting. Noon-1 pm Montalvo STUDENT CALIF. TEACHERS ASSOCIA- About 1,000 people r? allied outside Highs in the low 50s and call 924-2707 hum Room, call 924-6033 Room, Student Union, call 247-4409 TON: Barbeque, Noon-1 p.m.BBQ Pit the State Building in downtown San Area, call 924-3738 Jose against lows in the mid to low NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENTS ORGANI- WEDNESDAY SJSU FANTASY AND STRATEGY CLUB: proposed funding cuts ZATION Meeting to formally reconstitute the ANTRHOPOLOGY CLUB: Dr James Free- Weekly Meeting, 5:30-10:45 p.m.. Pacheco VOICE: Communication Alumni Panel. that affect state schools. 40s. Club noon, WSH 103. call 924-5722 man will discuss his new book Hearts of Room, Student Union. call 924-7097. 11 30 a m Engr Room 189 call 924-6322 A coalition of minority student groups protested Fresno State -- National Weather University's presidential selection Service Money, supplies lacking in war-tom Kuwait process.

KUWAIT CITY (AP) Gaso- Sonic merchants have goods, through. now be much weaker, al-Yahya line is free, but it's tough to find a but won't offer them for sale until For now, U.S. dollars, Iraqi di- predicted. the government announces the Ku- nars, Kuwaiti dinars and Saudi chocolate bar at any price. A more waiti dinar-U.S. dollar exchange Arabian riyals all are in use. difficult problem could Unskilled Filipino laborers have be the shortage of labor oil-rich suddenly become the subject of rate. Abdul Rahman al-Awadi, min- "I have $5 million of stock ister of state for cabinet affairs, Kuwaitis are not accustomed to bidding wars. In one of the world's working. richest countries, hardly anyone ready to go, but I'm not opening said Sunday that Kuwait would has money. until I know the exchange rate," reissue its currency "within a max- Before the occupation, foreign- Kuwait's once prosperous econ- said Samid Samad Rahami, an Ira- imum of 10 days." ers accounted for more than half of omy is now distinguished by wide- nian who runs Seven Sea Ready- He promised anyone who had a Kuwait's about 2 million people, spread shortages and quirks bewil- Made Garments. "I have to buy bank account in Kuwait on Aug. I and an even greater percentage of dering Kuwaitis as they try to everything in dollars." 1990, the day before the invasion, the labor force. But many fled after recover from the Gulf War. The government is importing would be entitled to the full the invasion. "We don't know what the gov- gasoline from Saudi Arabia and amount once currency was reis- ernment is planning to do. We pumping it free at filling stations sued. Filipino and Indian laborers, don't know how things are going that often have lines snaking for But the Kuwaiti dinar, worth who previously made $2 an hour. 10 work," said Mohammed al- several blocks. Businesses still $3.30 before the occupation, will now are being offered $8 and up. Yahya, general manager of the lack electricity, telephones, labor Tired of Facing This Commercial Bank of Kuwait, the and supplies. emirate's second-largest bank. Restoring the banking system is Man runs over police chief Kuwait City's skyline of sleek essential for Kuwaitis, even Every Morning? glass-and-steel towers now looks wealthy ones, who are desperate OCEAN VIEW, Del. (AP) -- A police station Saturday, argued We'll offer you more than just a Bus! like a ghost town that was hit by a for cash. Most banks have been man ran over the police chief with with Chief Dennis O'Malley about tornado. At street level, row after closed since December, and Ku- a pickup truck after an argument the tickets issued to his daughter Unique Combinations of Alternative 'Transportation Assistance row of shops sit empty after being waitis who have currency are about traffic tickets, authorities and then got into his pickup and Available to All Students, Faculty &Staff. looted or burned during the seven- likely to be holding Iraqi dinars said. backed over O'Malley, Chamber- month Iraqi occupation. they were forced to use during the Howard 0. Coffin, 48, of Mil- lin said. Enter Drawing For 2 FREE April Passes occupation money now consid- Iville, was charged with attempted Insurance won't cover war Environmental ered largely worthless. murder and possession of a deadly O'Malley drew his gun and fired Resource Center losses. Banks say new loans are a Washington Square Hall #115 Michael Kano, an American weapon the truck in the com- at Coffin, who suffered a flesh AlTrans distant prospect. Most consumer (Located On Campus banker working in Kuwait, said he mission of a felony, said state po- wound in the thigh. Police said (408) 924-5467 goods, from clothes to electronics at San Antonio and 4th St) Nho to cars. are not expected to reap- offered $100 for a Toblerone choc- lice Cpl. Richard Chamberlin. they believe Coffin was injured by has come flying glass " Transportation Alternatives For A Healthier Planet" pear soon olate bar. No one Coffin went to the Ocean View FUNDED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS SPARTAN B OOKSTORE YOUR SPRING BREAK HEADQUARTERS Sunglasses ( Film Ass 0,06' ooks Suntan Lotion

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AL DEFECTIVE Page 4, Thesday, March 19, 1991 Spartan Daily Mobile gymnasium looks to bulk up the busy First female president Kent State WASHINGTON (AP) For of spring water and $30.000 as Georgetown, Potomac, Md.. on a recent snowy morning as the begins job at all you 98-pound weaklings and worth of sophisticated exercise and Great Falls, Va.. no longer Drifters sang from the tape deck. KENT. Ohio (AP) Carol A. a freeze on equipment purchases cellulite queens who are too busy equipment. It's all there, from the need any encouragement. and partial hiring freeze ordered in "I'd joined an aerobics class Cartwright, the first woman to be- or lazy to join a health club, Fred digital StairMaster and Schwinn They include a retired Marine come president of a state university response to $2 million in budget Daniels can drive his exercise Airdyne stationary bicycle to colonel, a 13-year-old girl. forty- but never went. I'd put on my cuts imposed by the state. out to in Ohio. began her new job Mon- gym right to your doorstep. rowing machine, leg press and ish career women, triathletes and exercise tights and go A television commercial that de- Bloomingdale's or even to the car day at Kent State University. It's hard to crawl under the weight rack. a 74-year-old asthmatic. One of buted Sunday on Cleveland sta- wash anything to avoid it. I'd Cartwright. 49, spent her first bedcovers when Daniels' five-ton Daniels' curbside appoint- the most enthusiastic is Marilynn tions was aimed at both student re- buy aerobics tapes and sit on the day in meetings, spokeswoman "Fitness Fleet" rig is in the ments begin as early as 5:45 Breslau. wife of a corporate exec- cruiting and introducing the new living room sofa and just watch Janet Thiede said. driveway at dawn, waiting to a.m., before busy executives utive, who meets Daniels outside to the community. the tapes." Cartwright comes to Kent from president stretch those triceps, tighten the leave for work, and continue until her swank Potomac home at 7:15 the University of California at Thiede said. abdominals and banish the blub- mid-evening. He charges $50 to a.m., for an hour-long workout Desperate. Breslau called Fit- Davis, where she was vice chan- More than half of the production ber. $80 an hour (it's cheaper in the three days a week. ness Fleet. "When someone cellor for academic affairs. costs for the commercial were do- trailer, middle of the day) for a minimum Once inside the 32-foot A year ago, her mirror was rings your doorbell at 7 in the Her three-year contract will pay nated by alumni. The university which is hauled by a heavy-duty 12-week regimen under the su- giving Breslau early warnings of morning and you've already paid her $129,000 in the first year. She saved a IS percent agency fee by pickup truck. Daniels' customers pervision of a personal trainer. middle-age spread. She tried di- for it. you do it," she said. succeeds Michael Schwartz. who placing the ads directly. Thiede quickly run out of excuses to pro- Daniels insists on full payment eting, but it didn't work. She is returning to the faculty after said. long their flabby indolence. in advance, giving his customers sensed that exercise had become Monday. Breslau says, "my eight years as president. Awaiting them is a climate- a financial incentive to maintain a distasteful necessity. clothes fit better. I've stopped Kent State this spring has a re- She had no immediate estimate controlled gymnasium on wheels, their resolve. But most of his two "When I started 10 months smoking, my strength has in- cord enrollment of 22,912 on its for the cost of the advertising pro- with mirrored walls, track light- dozen clients in such affluent ago. I hated exercise," she said, creased tenfold and I have an in- main campus and seven regional gram. which is scheduled to con- ing, carpeting, taped music, jugs Washington-area neighborlux)ds pumping iron in Daniels' trailer credible amount of energy." campuses. But the university faces tinue for several weeks.

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[ ORIGINAL C Spartan Daily ily Sports Tuesday, March 19, 1991, Page 5 Men's tennis team ready, looks to tough NCAA: You're too old for tennis match against 5th-ranked UC-Berkeley SACRAMENTO (AP) El- loses a year of college eligibility "The court notes as a human eanor Keeling at 60 wants to play for every year he or she has being, not as a judge, that people ises By Faye Wells match. Hayward are rated below SJSU. tennis for California State Uni- played competitively. who Special to draft the rules ought to be :I in the Daily On Wednesday, SJSU won 8-0 the tennis team plays many teams versity at Sacramento. But the For Keeling, who has played careful about how they affect rated higher, Hubbell said. dget The SJSU mens tennis against the University of Portland college and the National Colle- in city-sponsored tournaments people's lives." he commented. team is SJSU has always had a "tough" set to play UC-Berkeley taking all six singles matches and giate Athletic Association say for the past 20 years. the rule "This rule does not manifest that today at schedule with a large number of t de- 1:30 p.m. at the Almaden two doubles games. Against Hay- she cannot. meant that she had to give up her care.'' Valley matches against higher ranked Sta- Athletic Club (AVAC), ward State on Thursday, SJSU A federal judge this week re- long-time goal of playing in an at 5400 schools. Keeling's attomey. her hus- a re- Camden Avenue in San Jose. won games between the second. fused to grant a preliminary in- NCAA tournament. third and fourth ranked players be- junction to force band Robert. a property lawyer new "We're going to have a tough the university to "I had a dream of for fore rain ended the competition. "In most sports, it's best to have allow Keeling testing my the state, argued that the nity. time," said tennis coach John to join the wom- capabilities to the were ahead in the first and the best schedule," he said. "It at- en's team. utmost," NCAA's age rule did not distin- Hubbell winding up practice last They Keeling said after the and behind in the tracts good players here because Keeling, judge's rul- guish between levels of experi- :ion Friday at the courts opposite Spar- fifth matches who was ranked the ing. "To have earned top seed Brian Eagle they will play more than at a top- top player a spot on ence, and that it failed to take do- tan Stadium. "They're ranked fifth sixth. SJSU's at American River the team, and be told was when the match ranked school and tennis players College I couldn't into account the physical decline rsity in the country." ahead 6-2, 3-I in 1988. had accused play because of age of rain. want to play," he said. CSUS that's dis- that comes with old age. L by Six players compete against the was discontinued because and the NCAA of age dis- couraging." crimination. The NCAA argued that its age ede opposite team's member of the Tennis coach John Hubbell said Hubbell added that tough sched- The school determined U.S. District Judge is intended to foster a "com- same rank. In addition, they play Hayward State and SJSU will fin- ules give the individual a chance. last fall Lawrence rule that Keeling, a junior Karlton said the court petitive balance" in college three doubles matches. The team ish the match within the next three While team victories account for a at CSUS did not win- majoring in physical education, have jurisdiction. But he indi- sports by preventing athletes Ii late that wins five of nine takes the weeks. Friday's scheduled match school's rank, the player's was ineligible under an cated that Keeling was the victim from gaining valuable experience no- competition. Often the player calls at Fresno was cancelled because of loss record gives his individual NCAA rule that states any player of an overly broad NCAA outside college before enrolling oil- serves and shots in or out. Some- the threat of rain. ranking and his chance at national over 20 rule. times a single referee oversees the Although both Portland and tournaments.

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IAL DEFECTIVE Page 6, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Features Spartan Daily Instructor's solar-run house inspires energy-saving tips redwood tree. He said the law was water his By Claudia Bramkamp began shortly after the water because it pailystaawiler Schiavo floored it in that it needed passed and indigenous to the valley Gadgets and gizmos and lots of brick and replaced large sections of was not was used to fog and such. complicated contraptions are what the bottom half of the exterior wall floor and students from Frank Schiavo's en- with stacks of black rectangular "It's my one aesthetic - it was a vironmental studies class expected five-gallon cans of water to hold in gift. And besides, it's a good use to see when they toured his "solar the heat. for recycled water," he explained. house" on Thursday. "Even though the house is 30 But instead of a lot of high-tech degrees true east of south, we can Recycling table scraps into com- wizardry, they discovered some still get 89 percent of the total sun- post was another project Schiavo simple, common sense ways of light falling on the back sun- had to fight city hall over. The using the sun and the laws of na- room." he said. Health and Safety Code for the city ture to cut energy use. He replaced all of the glass in said that all refuse had to be re- Tucked away in a typical subur- the house with double-paned win- moved front property every seven ban San Jose neighborhood, Schia- dows for insulation and draped days, which required regular gar- vo's house seemed ordinary at first them with white-on-the-outside bage pickup. Schiavo rewrote that glance. It held all of the typical and dark-on-the-inside shades. law himself and then got the city kitchen appliances used by a fam- The exterior of the house was council to approve it. ily of three and even included a originally plywood so Schiavo put clothes washer and dryer in the ga- black plastic paper over plywood He claims that recycling his rage. Yet Schiavo claimed his total to prevent mildew, then added table scraps has transformed his household energy use was only inch-thick rigid foam with foil on tired adobe soil that nothing would five to 10 percent of what his typ- both sides after that. Finally he grow in into sweet, soft porous soil ical students use. added the wood shingles that nov, for his strawberry beds and his The students discovered that the appear on the outside of the house apricot and cherry trees. key to saving energy at the Schiavo "We added to the already insu- each house was that nothing ever goes lated value of the wall twice over. Over by the front fence two to waste there - not even the sun- It's a tragedy that there are uninsu- week he digs a two foot by light. lated homes. When you have an foot hole and buries last week's The first thing Schiavo did after uninsulated house, you have to wet garbage. The bacteria rots it buying the house 12 years ago was throw enormous amounts of heat and the worms eat it. Next week to tryto add on an eight foot wide into the house in order to keep it he'll bury his garbage in the next glass sunroom across the entire warm. I spend $18 to $24 a month spot. He buries garbage under an hack of the house to capture the during the dead of winter . and my 18 foot strip of land before he ever heat. Finding that his project was neighbor next door spends $200," conies back to start the next row. him about a year unlawful according to the State he said. tan. it takes Uniform Building Code, he "There's a standard heating sys- to come all of the way back to the worked with State Senator McCor- tem in the house that hasn't been start. turned on since January, 1978. The city picks up his sorted Water is a very good conductor of newspapers, bottles and cans for 'I spend $18 to $24 a heat. In a solar home, as the air Chip Luven Daily staff photographer recycling each week. He brings cools down at night, air flows from month during the dead Environmental Studies student Mary Novilli in- from solar panels. The system heats Environ- along his own cloth bag to the gro- the warm cans to the cooler and rinses and reuses the spects five-gallon cans storing water collected mental Studies Professor Frank Schiavo's home. cery store of winter, and my room, ’ he explained. plastic bags his vegetables come in The backup heating system for at the . neighbor next door the house consists of a woodbum- the first place because the yellow household. water from the sun, and in spring, ing stove in the living room be- color of the roof reflects most of A super-insulated solar water summer and fall we're getting 1(X) Mass transit is the standard spends $200.' cause wood is renewable and oil the heat off of it, he said. heater in the garage pumps water percent. On a year round basis, we mode of transportation for Frank Schiavo, and gas aren't. Besides saving money on heat- up to the roof where it runs through figure we're getting 85 percent of Schiavo, although he admits to professor, environmental studies "Where people go wrong is that ing and cooling the house. Schiavo glass-covered dark metal panels to our water heated by the sun." he driving his propane fueled 27-year- they load a whole bunch of logs uses high efficiency household ap- be heated. The glass on the panels said old Chevy four miles a week to the quodale to change the law. onto the fire so that it slowly burns pliances to keep down his energy keeps them from being cooled off Schiavo says his household uses grocery store. He claims that the According to Schiavo. the state on the bottom, smoldering and giv- use. by the wind, so that the water can only half their water allotment per propane produces HO percent fewer building code required that the ing off all those chemicals so that The refrigerator is all solid foam heat up to 150 degrees on a warm month because of the drought-re- byproducts from combustion and hack of the house should have light you see a real smoky, sooty fire. inside instead of fiberglass and day. sistant landscaping he planted in causes 20 percent less pollution and ventilation and egress, or exit. You have to build a hot fire to keep takes only about $4 a month to run. than regular gasoline. He showed them how a sunporch it clean." he said. The gas stove has no pilot light. Winding up the tour of Schia- off the back off the house would Schiavo bought his woodbum- just an electric starter. The fluores- %II's house, Ahn Phan, a Lincoln not prevent any one of these ing stove before specialty stoves cent lights use about 20 percent of 'This is a pretty good issue to learn about right High School student who takes things. were available but he said that energy to get the same amount the now. A lot of the fields in the future are going to Schiavo's class for college credit "When you close up the sun- today you can buy clean-burning of light from standard lights and commented. "This is a pretty good room in the winter, you would also wood stoves that have catalytic they last nine times longer, he revolve around how the environment is going to close up your house. Since it's converters on them. They got rid of the automatic Issue to learn about right now, A said. lot of glass the sun will still come Cooling the house in the sum- dishwasher that came with the be affected.' the fields in the future are going to revolve around how through. In the summertime you mer is no problem for Schiavo be- house and refuse to buy a tele- Ahn Phan, the going keep it closed during the day and cause at that time of the year. the vision. student, Lincoln High School environment is to be af- fected This class is going open it up at night just like anyone sun climbs higher overhead in the "We don't have a T.V. by to be quite beneficial." else would. If you don't change the sky, and the overhang roof of the choice. I can only handle so much The solar water system hooks the code, you'll never see solar hap- sunroom shades the cans and most culture with a small k," he said. into a conventional water heater so His juniper plants in the front Another Lincoln High student. pen. Schiavo told McCorquo- of the bricks and keeps the heat Solar collectors located on the that on a cold day, the traditional yard reqiure no water at all, other Clarence Ting summed up his dale. According to Schiavo, the Out. roof of the garage and aimed to- water heater only has to heat the than what they get front rainfall. thoughts saying. "I'll think about senator introduced the law and it The cold metal cans work like a wards true south produce the heat water 20 more degrees. The jasmine on the side fence get this before I go back home and passed. a sponge and soak up the heat, but for hot water used for showers, "We think that in wintertime, little water once in a while and he watch my T. V. with the radio Construction of the sunroom not much heat gets into the room in laundry, and dishwashing in the we're getting 75 percent of our hot uses rinse water hi in, ow ing and all the light. r it" Company presents chip which Julia Roberts stars in both top videos VIDEO SALES 10."Rocky & Bullwinkle: Vol. sal) 1."Pretty Woman'. IV" (Buena Vista) 5 N.i.) Seals ’ (Orman makes computer videos easier (Touchstone) VIDEO RENTALS 6 "Problem Child" ( Al to 2. "Rocky & Bullwinkle: Vol. 1. "Flatliners (R('A-('olum- versali 1" (Buena Vista) 7 "Air (AP) C-Cube Mi- Multimedia refers to the mixture bia) America'' (Live Home) SAN JOSE lure Experts Group, and is de- 3. 'The Little Mermaid" (Dis- K 'lite demonstrated a com- of text, photos. sound, graphics 2."Die Hard 2: Die Harder Freshman" R('A-Co- crosystems signed to standardize the way ney) lumina I puter chip Monday that could video is added to computers. and video in a computer program. (CBS-Fox ) 4."Rocky & Bullwinkle: Vol. (F'ar- 9 "Young make it easier for personal com- The MPEG standard itself has It is an evolving technology that 3."Days Thunder" Guns II" (CBS-h. II" (Buena Vista) 10 "My puter makers to add video capabili- not yet been finalized. increasingly is being used in enter- amount I Blue Ilea% cii but C-Cube 5. "Peter Pan" (Disney) Warner) desktop machines. tainment and educational software. 4." Darkman" (M('A-Univer- ties to the said its chip would contain the 6." Michael Jordan's Play- said it has placed video final version. The San Jose-based C-Cube Last fall, chip giant Intel Corp. ground" (CBS) compression capability on a single company said its chip would he announced a chip set that both 7."Rocky & Bullwinkle: Vol time. Video com- chip for the first available to computer makers compresses and decompresses III" (Buena Vista) pression refers to the electronic re- sometime next year. video signals. Intel said its chips Ft."Whitney Houston: The Star the vast amount of in- -Cube's duction of C chip cannot compress would make it much cheaper for Spangled Banner" (Arista) in a television or formation carried video signals. so its use would be video technology to he built into 9."Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur- signal. Without compres- video limited to computers that take personal computers. tles: The Movie" ( Family I sion. computers cannot handle compressed video, such as that put Careers in the Law video in an effective way. on compact discs in multimedia C-Cube's technology, which is programs, and decompress it so it not yet available as a product, is can he viewed. The chip could not based on a compression standard be used in machines designed to Faculty members will discuss areas devised by the International Stan- create computer programs con- Can Christian of dards Organization. The standard taining video, since that requires _ specialization and career MPEG, for Motion Pic- compression capability _ healing options. Information will be ii be reliable? available about admission, T , \ financial aid and job placement. ' As reliable Get Paid Los as the sun... ( Sponsored hy the Christian ) Altos Science Organiiiation at SISI r Saturday, March 23 , 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 To Care I p.m. Work With I Discovering the Science Golden Gate University Handicapped Children 1 of Christian Healing Los Altos Center Room 5 Flexible Hours 5050 El $6sL / Hour Camino Real I 12:30 PM, Tuesday, March 19 For More Information, 1 Council Chambers, SJSU Student Union For more information Contact Sang at 1 415/442-7255 (408) 924 6016 Brian D. Talcott, C.S.B. I Co-Operative Education of Berkeley, California Open to the public free of charge. Preregistration not required. Come to a free Christian Science lecture ex- plaining prayer which consistently heals, an,: .e relevance of this prayer to the challenge. GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY f , ' 1 ".,r,5;. School of Law

es Spartan Daily Features Tuesday, March 19, 1991, Page 7 Living Colour's loud sound 'Class Action' brings strong satisfies Event Center crowd performances, weak drama Associated Press By Chris Lillie band's video for "Cult of Per- opening of "Cult of Personal- The sometimes scratchy and Daily staff writer sonality" -the 1988 smash that ity." complicated relationship between On the volume and subtlety propelled Living Colour to na- The concert's only drawback father and daughter can be interest- scale, Living Colour ranks some- tional fame and a tour with the was one that plagues many full- ing and compelling ink for a where above a jack hammer and Rolling Stones - has more or tilt rock bands when they play screenwriter's pen. below a space shuttle take off. less witnessed the live act. live: the lyrics were almost im- In "Paper Moon." Tatum and Such was the case Thursday Glover stomped around the possible to decipher. Ryan O'Neal were pals and part- night in the Event Center, where ners. sensitive to one another and Corey Glover's vocals and Ver- stage, shouting vocals and flay- But unlike other groups, the non Reid's guitar blasted again ing the air with his mop-like performance suffered from this, and again from the launching pad dreadlocks. Reid. meanwhile, because Living Colour's songs Class Action barely budged from his position do not rely on tired cliches but on near the audience, firing out riffs funny, probing insights. and solos that seem impossibly a a a MILS IC fast to play. For example, from "Elvis is Rating: R Skillings and Calhoun laid the Dead": Starring: Gene Hackman, VIEW the former with his "Picture a zombie Elvis groundwork, Mart Elizabeth Mastrantonio steady bass and the latter with In a tacky white jump suit Director: Michael Apted 01 Mutt Skillings' bass and Wil- monstrous drums similar to those Just imagine a rotting elvis liam Calhoun's drums. of Alex Van Haien. Shopping for fresh fruit" Spartanhead' scale is best of 5 Hits like "Type" and "Fight With this style, the group tore hard to criticize a band the Fight" drew roars of appro- through songs from its debut It's yet independent. "On Golden like that, especially in val from the concert's raucous album, "Vivid", and its recent with lyrics Pond" saw a father and daughter an era of comy "I'll be your fans, who obviously came pre- follow-up, "Time's Up." The (Henry and Jane Fonda) carve light. I'll by your guide" songs. pared and eager for a night of crowd cheered everything but through emotional concrete and the audience should be able thunderous rock. grew especially deafening when But question their estrangement. to hear the words. fix). Anyone who has seen the Reid launched into the familiar In Michael Apted's "Class Ac- tion," a father and daughter jour- ney through anger. sorrow and pity to make amends and find reconcil- iation. 'Real rockers' won't find success Jedediah Tucker Ward (Gene Hackman) is a first-rate civil liber- By Brooke Shelby Biggs as close to a familiarity hook as ties lawyer, a charismatic throw- Daily staff writer The Seers will get, as everything back to the 1950s and '60s. His The ultimately doomed UK RECORD er=o-) else on the album is fresh and orig- daughter. Margaret (Mary Eliza- band The Seers have been long in REVIEW inal. Unfortunately, the band has beth Mastrantonio), has emerged the coming and will probably be thus left itself without a commer- as a bright and aggressive lawyer quick in the going. That's too bad. cial handle. with one of the most prestigious The Seers are likely to be an- corporate law firms in San Fran- Of course, other casualty of the this fickle and rity doesn't sell, and that success- some may say the cisco. Publicity photo lazy generation of pop audiences. ful bands must sand their sound harmonica work on -Rub Me Out" So strained is their relationship il liberties lawyer Jedediah Tucker Ward (Gene Even for real fans of real rock 'n' down to edgeless, characterless is reminiscent of U2's Bono. but it that they can only mutter and nod Hackman) makes his case in an explosive lawsuit opposite his roll, the band may have reached its pop goo in an industry studio. isn't-it's better. It fronts a wall of to one another when they end up in daughter Mar- garet Ward. (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) plateau touring with lggy Pop and The secret ingredient of The punk-wise heavy-metal rhythm the same elevator in the court- in 'Class Action.' the Ramones in the late 1980s. sound must be the band's guitar and cymbal-laden percus- Seers' house. She hates him for having around the issue and convince us compelling The pitiful press package the complete lack of pretension. Un- sion. legal maneuvers and affairs and never being around that it's okay. After all, the court- unethical shenanigans. band's publicists shoot out with like many bands which grace the They are a when she was a child. He reacts to room clash is the core of the good match on The Seers' debut album. "Psych right end of today's radio dial. The But it does a disservice to the screen. her hostilities with his own arrows, movie. British filmmaker Out." prove that this band may Seers don't latch on to one element band to attempt to compare The Apted ("Coal many aimed at her corporate lean- Jedediah is all fired up over the Miner's never be the pop sensation it prob- of their music and beat it into the Seers to bands that have sold out to Daughter." "Gorky ings. because he enjoys being Park," "Gorillas ably deserves to be. It may be choppy and jar- what Woody Guthrie called "the case in the Mist' '(has ground. A class-action lawsuit against an David against institutional Go- a keen eye for This is the kind of garage band but then rock 'n' roll big-money side." relationships and di- ring in spots, automobile manufacturer brings liaths, winning justice for the little rects with that has become little more than to lull an audience to Quite subtlety. He maintains a wasn't meant simply. The Seers is a the Wards together in the court- guy. For Margaret. the case is the fine balance: urban legend. There is no polish, band that There is compassion sleep. shows more promise than room but on opposite sides. Would plum that could land her a part- - and the no slick overdubbing, no Quincy released most passions of emotions - The band's latest single multi-million dollar acts any American court of law allow nership and make her one of the without Jones production values on "Psych "Welcome to the Dead today, but dripping sentiment; there in Britain, will perish in the confla- this potential or real conflict of in- hottest young lawyers in the state. is brittle Out." just real, driving rock. Re- another gtxxl '80s gration confrontation without Town" recalls that is sterilizing interna- terests? Screenwriters Carolyn Strong performances by Hack- hysteria. member that? that died of rotation-anemia, tional culture band these days. It is sad. Shelby, Christopher Ames and Sa- man and Mastrantonio make up for The 20th Century Fox Someone decreed that such pu- and But that's about really. release David David. mantha Shad do a fancy tango a tepid courtroom drama and un- opened Friday and is rated R. Classified

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'Armor WE NEED SELF MOTIVATED etu Campbell I se Anne 977 Cit. 0744 9254110 I.., Sun C ere is now hiring lapel he,. dents Earn up to RIO Mertiot SJSU $tudent physically I. San Jo Car sr be MI 0,4010 cords on 00111905 Flea.. FIIMII1M19...i.glng.. NEIN. IS Ford Probe L X 111110 toed00 I. South Bay 07 00 per eev, Ise WM mewl hours Only 10 poItions 00411 sporty .,.to ha CO Call 072 01110 Call Bonnie G.ry WO 969 rible Cell NOW 1 90043044% Print Your Ad Here 2224 S042 . 1 20 Ad Rates 4 14. 75 ET w adial MIDNIGHT SUN' Summer employment Minimum three lines on Ills Cell MI 765 4520 Iv rnsg erode Women men to HOUSING one day 11400 Arnn roorn board CONDO FOR RENT Tahoe Nor. FOR SALE provided Hiring through April Shore Steep. 10 Firergelac RIO Each Col. nor. Info 1 900 911 1152 9106, MATTRESS SETS New Twin mi. dry allchr Sal amiss lek One Two Three Four 0.1 170 43 mIntile4 minute Five Extra 1115 Full SIPS Owen $149 King 010. by Weekly or daily rale% fn. Day Days Days Days Days Day gel both p.c. 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Cen Hey on hill Ode 0150 10 school TIES 11th Sr or heir roster pollution and peti III,,. during your Spring Meat E nclosed is S. .ndry 1.11111e security !WOO Circi I Clessi'i ride poisoning Sem.. and during your Summer bre. no way In awe, (leen & ouiei summer lobs Corer opponuni F0 Informetion Call San Jo. Anilounf Greek Spry ii remodeled Garage evel oo floir ? fin SS learn about the i 14041 977 31101 IMMEDIATE ND CHECK MONO OMNI; corns first *erred boars 11730 Automotive Heip Wanted ST,,.. Classified Desk Located inside MA 102 sues cell DANA 1413)323 5364 OPENINGS' WOO per mo I 4 adir students ALl SHIFTS V All API F PART TIME Computers Housing iavei POSITIONS in direct rn., Call manager el ?ea 9131 nec.eary SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS No werlence here firm 110.4.e schedule or Sale I ost 6 1(1111111 Typing Deadline Two days prior to publication 17 RIb, 10 sten WM 0501 11001 ;ley paid vo PERSONALS San Jose State University Personal Consecutive publication dates only 4/011010 PAY richoiershIp. Must be Cl El EC T ROL SIS CLINIC Unwented San Jose California 95192.0149 Full Ire 01P111 tr. rem oriented t4ISI 3013013 No refunds on cancelled ads 11.1? removed forever SPECIAL Apply Monday 1,14.1 Mite Ill Confidential your very Otiro orri to 5 prn 4111. mo ow IIIII ono SYR TFMS MA% 109 openings In prob. 0, III5pOt.Ill i ell 241 IMMINE Page 8, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Spartan Daily

notices. of the hall are in any danger. "It's University spokeswoman Lori very safe," he said, "we did testing FIRE Stahl said that the university "can- before the building was occupied From page I not comment on things that are still by anyone." cover, and officials from the coun- pending." Najjar said that residents of all ty could not b. reached for com- Moulder's third floor, east wing the halls on campus were surveyed ment on what damages the is closed to anyone without protec- two weeks after the fire, and Moul- amounts would pay for. tive gear, director of university der residents had the most positive Stein said the state has 45 days housing services Fred Najjar said, response of all the other halls. to respond to a claim after it has because of the asbestos danger. The building will be open July been received. The board can "We can't be up there for sever- 1, Najjar said, if the renovation is either approve or reject the claim al months," Najjar said, adding finished on time. if they approve it, the claim is that no residents of the other areas paid, if they reject it, then the plaintiff has to file suit. In the Moulder case, Stein said he expects the claims to be reject- ed. After that, he will file suit and begin sending out deposition HOUSE From page 1 sity had offered the house in December 1989 to anyone who would move it off campus. A task force was developed to determine the house's future, with communi- ty members meeting with Freeman and Executive Vice President Han- Ken Wong Daily staff photographer del J. Evans twice over the past Nursing major Tracy Rennie helps Pablo mers game. SJSU's Arnold Air Society treated month. Ramos, 3, open his licorice rope during a Jam- 23 children from Agnew Developmental Center. "We now have an opportunity to Don Richey Daily staff photographer THE S PA RTA A save (the house) again," Evans Manuel Palomino and Rodolfo Lanura place rocks in the Sev- to watch another game. Some of During Thanksgiving, a group said in reference to the university's Juan the Air Society members were of "Amies," as they call them- announcement that the bidding enth Street Plaza as part of a community beautification project. GAME thinking ahead. Merza said the selves, helps at a local shelter for process would open. "We have a Girot and Susan Leibovitz Stein- From page I group would like to take the chil- the homeless and some of the number of viable developers who man. Girot and Steinman both are very interested in moving and TREE environmental work, said society member and SJSU dren to Great America theme members visit hospitals to cheer have done restoring the house." coastline marketing junior, Diana Dye. park. up patients. From page 1 Girot with the California "The kids were very wild." Merza added that the group Even the game seemed to go that will convert the Seventh Street and Steinman in urban ecology When the children got home, tries to do a lot of humanitarian the right way. "It was a slaugh- pedestrian mall to a center for per- and forests. some wondered when they aid projects. "We like doing a ter," said William Wise, 14, The Wilson calls for formance events. Also at the gallery exhibit is would have a chance to go back project for disadvantaged chil- Jammers beat Oklahoma City After the exhibit ends, the tem- Patricia Johnson's four stages of dren." 111-104. school reforms porary landscape materials will be her site plan called "Endangered moved, Stahl said, leaving the per- Garden" and Bonnie Sherk's "A SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. manent plantings for the pedestri- Living Library and Garden of Pete Wilson on Monday called for an mall. The landscape consists of Knowledge." Johnson's plan is to the creation of a new statewide trees and plants native to this convert a pump station and hold- Spartan Daily named best in region testing program to assess student region of California, and all plant- ing tank for preventing overflows Daily staff report lively and consistent coverage of 1990. and teacher performance, and said ings are done with restraints on of sewage into a public landscape. could The Spartan Daily has been campus and associated issues," Entries were judged by mem- parental-choice enrollment water use in consideration. while Sheik concentrates on public ex- named the Best All -Around the judges wrote. "Text and bers of the society's Southeast be tried in some districts on an Francisco Perez, a Bay Area projects to integrate the unique Daily Newspaper by the Society headline writing is generally region. perimental basis. sculptor, is expected to be resources of a locale. of Professional Journalists. excellent, inviting readership. University of Arizona's Ari- installing a sculpture called The final presentation is a video The award covers entries from The Republican governor, ad- documentation of a recent perfor- Top photos are given the space zona Wildcat placed second in dressing a gathering of the Califor- "Rhythms of Life" at the site. The the organization's western they deserve. The editorial page the competition and the Cal Poly exhibit will be made using only mance of Vijali's "World Wheel." region, an area that includes nia Manufacturers Association, The video is a five-year project provides a well-balanced offer- San Luis Obispo Mustang Daily said the new tests would supple- recycled materials, and will run newspapers from Arizona, Cali- ing of editorials, letters, cartoons, was awarded third place. through April 25. consisting of a series of earth- fornia. Hawaii, Micronesia and ment the existing California As- sculpture and performance events etc. Overall, an excellent job." The Spartan Daily now has a sessment Program, which mea- The gallery exhibit is highlight- Nevada. The SPJ judges looked at chance to advance further in ed by a 20-foot labyrinth of recy- that will circle the globe, creating "This newspaper provides sures student proeress at selected a giant wheel above the globe's issues from the spring and fall, SPJ 's national competition. levels. cled materials called "Inside the Wave," produced by Suzanne 30th latitudinal parallel.

tor of student retention at SJSU. "what do you need," said Susan "Students leave for those rea- Schulter, Martin's wife and a lec- FORUM sons more than academic or finan- turer from the English department From page! cial," he said. who was in the audience. work. The discrimination that disabled Students may feel they can par- students face is due to lack of under- ticipate with the help of an assis- TIRED OF THAT "You have to look at yourself and say, 'I have discriminated, I standing and often goes unreported, tant but are afraid to say anything, am culpable.' It has to go beyond according to Martin Schutter, direc- Martin added. saying your sorry," he said. "You tor of disabled student services. "The students aren't able to join have to ask yourself what you can About 75 percent of the more the mainstream." do differently to keep from offend- than 700 students Schulter's pro- But joining the mainstream ORDINARY ing someone ... What must I do to gram serves have hidden disabili- could be helped with educating be responsible to those with whom ties such as cancer, diabetes, psy- people about the diversity there is I must interact." chiatric and learning disabilities. among the population, according Paul also said that Latino, They are often excluded from to audience member Losana Lin, blacks. Asians and other groups activities because their needs who was elected A.S. director of SUMMER JOB?? often don't assimilate into the aren't understood, though they ethnic affairs last week. mainstream and create their own could participate, he said. "People of color need to get support system. This exclusion could be avoided more involved and the campus in Because of "not fitting in" many if the instructor or staff member general should be more open," she students drop out of school, not accustomed to dealing with a said. "The administration has to 1`.N1 'S tir.I I according to Lewis Bundy, direc- disability just came out and said, work with us also." CRILL

RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS WANTED: Energetic, fun -loving, responsible students to execute the PE.P71 flint. DTI', taste test promotion this summer. Earn money Coach kall Stu while you're having fun! Positions fielder Laura Slat are other members softball team mu available throughout the San Francisco Bay to work together area. Must be flexible, computer friendly winning season. and have a clean driving record. Full-time On Deck staf employment including weekends and MY DEGREE GOT ME THE INTERVIEW. holidays. ARMY ROTC GOT ME THE JOB. ,rs got pretty Fopetinve for ties iob I'm surf- y degree and good grades kept me in the running But in the end it was the leadership and management experience I got through Army ROTC INTERVIEWS: that won them Over You can begin to develop irnpressi VP leader ship skills with all Army ROTC elective Register now without obligation APRIL 3, 1991 Find out more Contact Captain Mark Backer, Room 308. MacQuarrlo Hall, 924-2925.

all"n; Contact Placement Office with questions. nirino You must sign up there in advance. ARMY ROTC (Bring your Resume, Drivers License & THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. Social Security Card) the renovation is

ON DECK )aly staff photographer THE SPARTAN DAILY'S BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL CONFERENCE PLAY SUPPLEMENT VOL. 96 March 19, 1991 rocks in the Sev- it ion project. Lcibovitz Stein- Steinman both ironmental work, 7alifornia coastline in urban ecology

gallery exhibit is n's four stages of fled "Endangered onnie Sherk's "A and Garden of ihnson's plan is to station and hold- venting overflows i public landscape, :.entrates on public grate the unique ;ale. entation is a video if a recent perfor- s "World Wheel." five-year project series of earth- Tformance events he globe, creating bove the globe's arallel.

Hdlary Schald On Deck matt photograPhaf SJSU'S first baseman Nfattbew Wollaston is putting on his game face and getting ready for conference play which begins next week. Putting on ,nts a game :aste ney face Coach Katt Strahan. left - fielder Laura Stankm ich and See inside for men's baseball and other members of S.'S! -ti softball team must continue women's softball Bay In uork together to haw a inning season. ly Ken Wong -ne On Deck staff photographer Page 2, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 SOFTBALL On Deck Living up national ranking, softball team looks to No. 1 By Susan Brown ponent and (the game) is an "She is very frustrating to big On Deck staff writer obstacle and the objective is to hitting teams, to have to gear The 1991 Spartan softball clear them out of the way and down to slow and medium team has a new perspective on keep moving," Strahan said. speeds." Strahan said. the rest of the Big-West Confer- The major difference between Another difference this year is ence. One from the top. last year's team and this years is the return of right fielder No- Coming off their biggest sea- experience. Three of the finir leana Woodard to the lineup. son ever, the Spartans are off to starting pitchers last year were Woodard, who is in her second another great year in 1991. They freshmen. year of eligibility. was red- are currently 10-2 and ranked "We took our lumps, they got shined last year after suffering a 12th in the nation. shocked off the mound a lot," knee injury in the fifth game of The new perspective began to said Strahan. "There were times the season. As a freshman, she take focus last season, a year of when some of them would get to was named to the first team All- firsts for the Spartan women. It the end of a game and just cry Big West Conference and sec- was the first time the team ever out of frustration. Now they ond team All-NCAA West Re- broke into the national top-20 come hack as sophomores and gion. Woodard, nicknamed rankings. SJSU debuted at num- (they're) wiser. You just grow 'Woody.' set five school records ber 11 and stayed in the top 20 up so much in one year when that same year including 30 sto- for the remainder of the season. you're young like that." len bases which was a confer- The Spartans went 34-28 overall Lisa Wehren is one of those ence record as well. and an even 18-18 in the Big freshman pitchers who matured Perhaps the most significant West Conference. Their fifth enroute to becoming a sopho- difference about this year's team place finish was good enough to more. Her pitching strength is in is the overall chemistry between give them their first ever berth in the ability to throw a drop hall at the players. In describing the at- the 16-team NCAA tournament. the knees and keep the hatters mosphere surrounding the team. There was a time. before this hitting on the ground. Waren Strahan said it is like nothing she nen-perspective. that thus same sported a 13-6 record last year ever experienced before, both as softball program would dread and is currently 2-0 in 1991. a coach and a former athlete. playing against nationally Mitzi Zenger is another wise "We don't expect them to he ranked teams. In fact, they sophomore and the most intense pals off the field but when they would go into most of those of all the pitchers. get on the field they are playing games just hoping to survive. "I've seen her get a line drive together and that is all we really But not anymore. coming hack at her, just grab- expect." Strahan said. "But "We used to call them the big bing it and slamming it into the what I've come to realize from kids, you know, 'we're playing ground as she is running into the this group is that they're also with the big kids today.' and that dugout, she's so intense and so very good pals off the field, kind of thing, said Kathy Stra- fired up," Strahan said. which is a nice bonus to have." han. sixth year head coach. Zenger's strength is throwing The players are also good stu- "But we have a number next to heat and mixing it effectively dents off the field. The athletic our name now too, so we are with change-ups to throw oppo- department recently tallied the kind of all in the same plane." nents off balance. She was 10-9 grade point averages of all the The Spartans don't put as on the mound last year and is sports teams at the university much thought into who their op- currently 2-0. The softball team had the num- ponents are anymore. They have The third grown up sopho- ber one GPA rating among all of a mission this year instead. That. more is Trina Walsh. Walsh, the other sports programs. is to break into the regional play- who is still developing as a "There's a correlation be- offs, again. pitcher, according to Strahan. tween smarts in the classroom Ken Wong Daily staff photographer throws and we We try and see every game hard and has tremendous and smarts on the field, Coach Kathy Strahan gives I.aura Stankovich a pep talk after op- potential. What Walsh adds to are seeing the results of that." that comes up as a faceless she missed a fly ball against the t 'niversity of Hawaii. the team, however, is her hat. Strahan said. 1991 Softball Schedule She was named to the second To reflect upon at 013130111111IAn team All-Big West Conference further the March last year with a .266 average. team's excellence in academics are the The. 19 lows 6:011 accomplishments made fourth Spartan pitcher is inside the classmom by 111u. 21 N INT The second Prl. 22 NIST fifth year senior Leann Emery. baseman Ruiz Rim. Rios re- SJSU Hitting Sat, 23 NIST Lmery is effective in the slow to cently became SJSU's first SIM. 24 N I ST medium speed range. Her style woman athlete in any sport to Wed. 27 ...17NLV COR is effective because it throws op- earn Academic All-America Sat, 31 Nebraska 1:111. ponents off their timing honors Name_ AB R Hits RBI a 3.0 fill 51;} April Musty Henry 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 000 Wed. 3 "Fresno State 6:1111 Janice Richner 6 12 2 5 2 0 1 0 0 417 hi. 12 "Fullerton Stale 611 Darcy Stapley 10 35 8 13 2 0 1 0 4 371 Sat. 13 "IT Santa Barbara 1:110 Tracy Lopez 10 33 4 11 3 3 1 0 1 333 Wed. 17 Sacramento Stale 6:00 Jackie Tawney 10 :VI 3 10 5 0 2 0 1 303 IR New Mexico State 6:10 Thu. Stankovich 9 20 6 5 2 0 0 0 4 250 Sat. 20 'Pacific 1:0(1 SJSU Pitching Hoz Rios 10 32 2 8 4 0 0 0 2 250 hi 26 Utah State 100 Tami Rudd 10 25 7 6 2 1 0 0 1 240 Sat. 27 'nab State 1:00 N 6 Mon 29 *New Mexico State 2:00 Woodard 18 1 4 0 0 0 0 3 222 Tuna Walsh 8 May Pitcher CIS ce_G L SY I? fi BD IS ERA 27 2 6 3 0 0 0 0 222 0 Mrtzi Zenger 10 30 6 5 1 0 0 0 0 167 Tue 7 Sacramento State 1:00 0 0 130 4 0 3 2 000 Tuna Walsh 2 2 2 2 Paula Lewis 4 10 0 1 Fri 10 UNLV 1:00 2 0 1 0 0 100 t eann Emery 5 3 3 3 1 0 230 11 2 4 3 061 Jenny Gook 6 Sat II 'Long Beach State 400 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 I isa Wehron 3 3 3 2 1 0 25 0 18 6 6 6 1 12 Home games in bold Kilnjohns00 ZQ Sig Q Q QS2 0 114.2 MAL Zenoei 2 2 1 1 Q Q 2.12 2 2 3 3 Totals 10 284 42 75 26 4 6 0 16 .264 Big West Conference Games Totals 10 9 8 2 0 70.0 35 10 16 14 0.80 + TV game (Sports Channel) On Deck SOFTBALL Tuesday, March 19,1991, Page 3 Rios excels at juggling life with SJSU softball By Pamela Schatz them all:. Rios has the burning desire to On Deck stag writer After attending two years at he the best, according to Stra- Driving in winning run,. Los Medanos College, Rios han. catching ground halls, while transferred to SJSU. Not sure on successfully balancing marriage what kind of education she Rios has been playing hall and academics is all in a days wanted. Rios decided to begin since she was in the first grade work for Spartan senior second her education at a two year col- She had an older brother whom baseman Rosalind Rios. lege, instead of SJSU, right she played hardball with. Be- Rios is SJSU's first woman away. tween the ages of seven and nine athlete in any sport to ever earn "I didn't feel that spending Rios played softball. From nine Academic All-American honors. the money on an education that I until 12 she played hardball. And she is the only married ath- was not sure of was a good idea Rios liked hardball the best be- lete on the softball team. for me,'' Rios said. cause it was more competitive. Academic All-American's are At Los Medanos, she played nominated by college sports in- basketball for two years. She During the summer of her formation directors from all over didn't play softball until her sec- high school senior year. she the country. Athletes must have ond year, because she was too played on a leauge team called a 3.2 grade point average, as burnt out from the basketball the Vallejo Raiders. well as being a significant season. player. "I always enjoyed sports. Rios has two brothers. and Rios has been able to hold a Rios said. "It was the biggest two sisters, who all played soc- grade point average of 3.59 decision to make, hut now, cer. In fact, her whole family is while playing softball for three looking hack, it was a good idea involved in sports except for her years at SJSU. to have the break. When I came parents. "Good time management is back, I had a sense of where I important," Rios said, "I can't was going, and what I wanted to My "parents didn't play put off my studies until the last do." sports, (they) didn't force it. minute. It is not easy." Suzie Sheets, a friend from they encouraged it." Rios said. Rios plans on graduating this Rios's high school, came to Rios has applied to graduate semester with a double major in SJSU. This had sparked interest school at SJSU. She hasn't de- behavioral science and socio- in Rios. She didn't want to 11» clared a master's yet, but wants logy. far from home, and SJSU to find the hest program to pur- Through 10 games this season close by. sue her goal in becoming an ath- Rios is hitting .250 with four Rios is an intense ballplayer letic academic adviser at SJSU. on the to runs batted in and two stolen team, with the ability Rios is also interested in be- bases. Last year she led the think and plan ahead. Spartan coming an intercollegiate Spartans coach Kathy Strahan said. with a .328 average. softball coach. She says she "She is quick to analyze and Ken Wong On Deck staff photographer Rios asserts she doesn't have can't do both, but if a coachiny job a favorite playing position. "It's to make decisions to get the position passed by her way, slic "This is Second baseman Roz Rios gives her teammates a two-out sign nice to be able to play more than done. said Strahan. wouldn't turn it down. one position, Rios said, "I like very evident on the field." during a double header against the University of Hawaii. Strahan wields a magic wand in coaching women's softball By John Besa Strahan has led the icon' to 10 Strahan ..nd she hopes this coach. And according to second On Om* staff wnter wins and two losses so tar this year's team will head in the baseman Kelly Clark, who is When Kathy Strahan came to year. earning them a ranking of ,ame direction, and have consis- red-shirting this season because San Jose six years ago to stall a 12th in the nation. tently successful years. of a knee injury, the coach softball program for SJSU, she 'This is probably the most "It would he nice to see us knows how to keep the team was a little concerned about as- talented group I've had in six slay in it three years then you mentally, ready for situation% as sembling a team. year'..'' she said. have vdiat you call a (winning) well as physically. Since she started in August, While she credits the players tradition." she said, adding that "She always seems to know most graduating high school as being the force behind the the competition will be tough. exactly how to motivate the players had already chosen a Spartans stunning record. trainer Last year we talked about team. She knows lust what to school with a softball team to I.isa Shier said that the team's every game counting this say, to keep peoples heads in the play on. This left the Spartan success comes from Strahan 's year every pitch counts." she game. she said. head coach searching for any "whole knowledge of the game, Strahan is "awesome" at players she could find to fill the combined with her incredible Strahan has the physique of a coaching Shier and Clark said. nine holes in the field before ability to communicate that ,oftball player - average but Shier added that this doesn't Spring arrived. knowledge to her players. height with an athletic build make her "personable" charac- She resorted to recruiting vol- Success is something Strahan hut if she physically matched ter suffer She takes the game leyball players, field hockey has been well-acquainted with the high opinion the players very seriously . Sitter said. players or "anyone who knew throughout her softball career. Kathy Strahan have of her, she would rival Paul "hut she keeps it tun " what a bat and a hall was. she Strahan started playing softball Bunyan. Clark described a game the said. at an early age, and by the time As coach at Cal State Domi- According 10 the players, team plays for conditioning in- From her meager heginnings. she was 14, she was playing sec- nguez Hills. Strahan turned the Strahan has created a family at- stead of sprints called "wild Strahan has put SJSU in the top- ond base on a major-league team's record around front 10- mosphere within the team that horses. The team lines up on ranking in the nation for the sec- softball team. As a senior in .14 overall in 1984 to an Mimes- makes the Brady Bunch look one line, and are assigned to ond year in a row. Like a pi- high school, she played second sly c th-24 record the following like a pack of selfish wolves. three categories lions, tigers oneer who has to start a new life base -- on the boy's baseball year Instead of resting on her "Kathy is always there for and bears. (*lark said from scratch. SJSU softball team. Strahan said that she laurels. the 34-year-old coach other things besides softball. .1.WO of the players are half- coach Kathy Strahan has created didn't want to hurt anybody on callie to SJSU. on her way to senior catcher Tami Rudd said. way across the 90-foot playing a winning team from nothing. the softball team. leading the team to three win- "Were all like a family out here. area, she said, and they call out 'It was like walking off a "It was a rag-tag operation." ning seasons and NCAA ranking We have a lot of unity." she the names of the animals, at mountain.' she said of the expe- she said of the girl's team. "I in the top-20 in 1990 and 1991 said. which time the "animals" try to rience, "we took some lumps, wasn't out to make a statement She also was selected as Big Rudd said that in addition to run to the other end of the field and now we've grown up." Sta- for women I just wanted to West Conference co-coach of being "a really nice person" han said. play. she said. the year in 1989. Strahan is also an excellent See COACH, back page Page 4, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 BASEBALL On Deck Ringkamp 's message: The pitch is coming B) Jack Tragescr The 6-foot-3 co-captain, who On Deck staff writer has excelled at every level at Mark Ringkamp throws all of which he's played, has the rass his pitches hard, and he brushes ability to play professional base- batters hack without hesitiation ball but must first learn how to if he thinks they're crowding the maintain poise under duress, plate. His attitude about hurling according to head coach Sam Pi- a baseball strongly resembles the ram. cut-and-dried answers he gives "Mark has the ability to ad- when asked about his chances of vance in the pros," Piraro said. making the pros. "But sometimes he gets real up- Whatever it takes. tight if things aren't going his "I don't worry about anything way . lies a perfectionist, and hut winning." Ringkamp said. he has to learn not to let the little "Ever since I was a kid. I things bother him." couldn't stand losing, and it has One big thing that doesn't made me really hard on myself. seem to affect Ringkamp is the I'll get a shot at the higs. hut mantle he wears involuntar- only if I keep improving and ily as SJSU's top pitcher. Al- pitch the way I'm capable of though a team usually counts on pitching." its top starter to take the mound Despite leading Spartan pitch- once every five days and pitch a ers (who base pitched more than strong seven innings. the Spar- 10 innings) with a 4-1 record tan ace said "I don't think of it and a 1.42 ERA, Ringkamp is that way. I'm no higher than Schalit On Deck staff photographer rarely satisfied with his efforts. anyone else in the rotation." He uses a self-agitated frame of But he did admit there was Mark Ringkamp, one of the Spartans start- ference pia. SiS1 %ill begin conference mind to get the most out of his some difference. "The way our ing pitchers, has a record of 4-1 for pre-con- pla next xieek. skills. rotation is set up. coach (Piraro) to stay in school. The next , go all the way." Ringkamp tantl) Lilks about the future. 1k upset (on the year. "I'm mostly tries to pitch me in the bigger the Mariners offered him money said. "Lately. I'm more realis- prefers tit discuss his team, Ringkamp said in a mound)," games.' to come out for their team, but tic." which he describes as extremely tone. "I ex- peaceful, subdued Ringkamp. a tall, slender again he opted loran education. Not that he lacks confidence. committed to each other. perfection from myself." with a classic pitch- pect righthander He was eventually named a The 22-year-old pitcher insists "I've never played on a team has been the go-to er's build, Junior College All-American, that he has what it takes to play that plays quite this hard." the teams on 1991 Baseball Schedule roan for most ot first-team all -state. and MVP of pro ball, and seems sure he'll at Ringkamp said. which he's played. the Pacific Coast Conference, least get his shot. But he also But when he starts discussing records for low- Date Onponen1 Iim Ringkamp set among other accolades he re- readily admits that it will take pro ball. Ringkamp broadens the est ERA and most strikeouts as a ceived. total commitment and constant picture to include all players, not School, March senior at Fallbrook High Upon arrival at SJSU as a ju- improvement for hint to get just himself. The. 19 ...California 230 earning him first team all-league nior last year, Ringkamp there. "It's a huge jump (from col- West Oregon State 7:00 proved Fri. 22 honors. When professional base- that he belonged in Division I It is because of his realism lege to Class A)," he said. 'The Sal, 7:3 West Oregon State 1:00 his ac- ball clubs didn't notice baseball by posting a 2.57 ERA that Ringkamp didn't take the halls don't just hit the wall, the) Mon 25 St. Mary's 2 110 complishments and he was of- SL Mary's 230 in the tough Big West Confer- Mariners' offer years ago. lie go out of the park. The jump The. 26 fered no college scholarships, Thu. 211 UC Santa Barbara 7-00 ence. His efforts earned him a wanted to have something to fall from college to rookie hall isn't at Palomar Fri. 29 *CC Santa Barbara 250 Ringkamp enrolled second-team Big West selection hack on if his first career choice big, from what I've heard. hut Sat, 30 UC Santa Barbara 100 C'ommunity College in his and offers from several other big didn't pan out. he) old that, it's unhelievabl) hometown of Fallbrook. league clubs. cm nolletit i se " April As a freshman at Palomar. Ringkamp has calculated his Inc 2 CC Davis 7011 Ringkamp posted a 13-2 record Despite his escalating suc- The jump from personal chances of playing Fn 5 *Long Beach Slate 2:30 and was named first-team all- cess, Ringkamp takes a prag- Sat. 6 Lang Beach State 2:30 major league baseball almost conference. The Seattle Mari- matic approach to his future, college to rookie ball scientiticall). deciding that he Sun. 7 *lung Beach State I BO ners drafted hint after his stellar baseball or otherwise. Tue. 9 Santa Clara 2:30 has to keep improving and suc- trehillart seast in. det itic(I to think I was goirw isn't big. . . but Fri, 12 IJNLV 700 hut he "I used ceeding at the different levels he Sat, 13 LNLV 1:00 beyond that, it's plays. See. 14 UNLV 1:00 Tue. 16 Hayward State 2 30 unbelievably "1 know I can compete.' Fri, 19 *Fresno State 1:00 Ringkamp said "It I can put to- *Fresno Stale competitive. Sat, 20 11:00 two good years, Sun. 21 Fresno State 1:00 SJSU Pitching gether or three Tue. 23 Stanford 2:30 I II get a shot If I reach triple A. Wed. 24 St. Mary's 100 "I wanted to play pro hall I think I'll go all the way. ’ En. 26 *Pacific 7:00 ever since I was wee-high." Sat 27 *Pacific 100 Ringkamp said, holding his And yet. his lose for the game Sun 28 Pacific 100 Pitcher QSE_QW I. 51i u fl K VIA hand at his waist. "But I wanted and loft) aspirations aside, the The. 30 USF 700 D Hendrickson 3 0 0 0 00 2.672 2 1 2 0.00 a hack up plan. just in caw righthander claims he will have Mark Podesta 1 0 0 0 0 0 .33 0 0 1 0 0.00 things no regrets if things in baseball May didn't work out." Mark Ringkamp 7 5 2 4 1 1 38.0 32 11 9 20 1.42 In Ringkamp's don't work tint FrL 3 Uf Irvine 7:00 case, a hack Chris Martin 7 6 2 4 3 0 40.0 30 20 10 20 1.42 up SM, 4 *EX Irvine 1:00 plan means majoring in recre- to he where I'm LaVine 5 0 0 0 0 0 2672 1 3 0 3.37 "I'm happy Saw *IX Irvine 100 Jonathan ation and leisure studies, with an to Anthony Chavez 9 3 0 2 2 1 21.0 17 12 10 21 343 at." he said. "I've been lucky The. 7 Santa ( 'tars 200 emphasis on resort management. he with good petiole throughout to Mike Rausch 10 0 0 0 2 0 17.3 158 5 12 3.63 Fn. 10 Fullenon Stale The mere fact that he chose an my baseball 'teals Sat II Fulknon State I 00 Mike Dotson 7 5 0 0 3 0 24.0 27 19 13 13 4.40 education over bonus money Sun. 12 Fullerion State I 00 Dave Sick 7 3 0 0 0 0 24027 19 13 13 4.50 separates him from most other As he stares down hatters for Paul Anderson 7 0 0 0 1 0 8.00 13 7 2 6 563 players who blindly aspire to the rest of the SJSU season and Home games in bold Warren Baker 5 0 0 0 0 0 500 11 10 1 1 14.40 play in "the show ponders hi% baseball future. Balla Licuort 1 Q Q Q 2 2 4.442 1 1 With his sights set clearly on Mark Ringkamp has one mes- Big West Conference Games Totals 23 10 10 12 2 189.6 181 108 63 1113.65 helping the Spartans win games sage tor opponents: + TV game (Sports Channel) this year, Mark Ringkamp reluc- "They better he ready... On Deck BASEBALL Tuesday, March 19, 1991, Page 5 Getting the dugout lowdown on Big West baseball

SPORTS FORUM Big West title no cake walk - k

1, By Corey Tresidder race tor the Big West TheConference baseball title from a non-conlimence standpoint is the tightest in years. Every squad has top returning players. This, plus successful non-conference records, has prepared them all for Big West play . Fresno State. Fullerton State and SJSt are going to run I'm the conference title. But Santa Barbara won't he far behind. The Big West season opens March 28. and here is the lowdown on the competitors: FRESNO STATE138-24 overall in 1990. 134i in Big West): The 1991 Bulldogs had won seven out of their last eight non-conference games as of March 13. including two out of three from then No. I ranked Stanford in early February. The Bulldog's 16-6 record reflects strong pitching from juniors Bobby Jones and Jim Patterson. Mary Morello On Deck staff photographer Jones, a candidate for All- conference American. is 5-0 with a I 80 Mark Ringkamp hopes to receive more high Its es during a winning baseball season ERA. while Patterson is 4-2 and outstanding year as a freshman 11C-IRV 1\1 4-25. 10-11i leant at Wichita State and is Mark Ringkamp14-1) has has a 3.97 ERA The overall team and leads the conference with 11 After last sea... in', mark. Irvine's approaching Irvine's single pitched some inspired games. has a pitching ERA of 4.73. non -conference doubles. INCVIn hest since 1981), the Anteaters are season home run record of nine including an 8-1 win over In the 22 games the Bulldogs has also stolen 11 bases sum far. optimistic about improving even with live already in non- Oklahoma. ranked No 12 by have played. the team has 15 compared to 14 for the entire more this year. A 12-12 non- conference action. ESPN. on their way to a tomtit home runs. Shortstop Jason season a year ago, and leads the conference mark is nothing to UNLV (30-26, 10-11E The place finish in the Spartan Wood leads the team in hutting, team with a .373 average stick your tongue out at, hut Rebels are lookrig for power (*lassie. ith a _424 average lie has hit Mora and ken Catcher Matt Hanahaugh hit maybe Irvine can grab a piece of from 1990 All-Big West second Jorge three home runs and has driven in good 316 last year and has become a the Big West glory Their team member Ricky Scruggs. His Henderson have had 211 runs. Sophomore catcher Todd while hit-and-run specialist, as almost pitching staff has the highest ERA pre-season as erage is 436. success at the plate. Johnson is also having a good )amel Smith half his hits move ham: runners in the conference at 4.96. hut Scruggs hit It) home runs last Mark O'Brien and I season at the plate. hitting 363 plays in over to third his defense is top starter Chris Huber has 43 season and &we in 5; runs in have made some quick with 21 RBIs. notch as well. for Hattahaugh has strikeouts in 58 1,3 innings 193 at hats. the field Fresno's team batting aserage open the season thnws n out 15 would-he base pitched. Reliever Steve May (1NI.V's leading pitcher is The Spanans (il .325 at this point is a Santa Barbara stealers The Titans baseball returns from a 6.02 ERA last year Doug Vanderweele, who at home against considerable improvement over LONG publicist Tim Murphy said with two quick saves and a 1- I currently has a 6 2 ERA Ilank BEAC11 sTAn: 36- last year's 273 average, so look 22-1, I lattahaugh is not afraid to throw record. ragle returns from a product's,: 12-91. The 49ers finished for Fresno to come out fourth in 1990 to any base at any time The team's leading hitter is 1990 season, has mg thrown 17 in the Big West offensively. The Bulldogs don't and are Other key Fullerton players are third baseman Billy Hardens with strikeout., and going up only II) expected to he in the fight have a lot of out -of-the-park again this year. center fielder Frank Herman, who a .343 average. followed by earned runs in 19.1 innings Third baseman power, hut their RBI totals Jason ()iambi is leading the team with five center fielder Man Fulson at .125 pitched in 15 games. lead the team last already show thcy. can drive in year with home runs and has IS RBIs. and Shortstop Al Rodriguei. a first (NI .V suffered big kisses in a .422 as erage. 29 RBI. runs The Bulldogs open the and 10 stopper Chris Robinson team All -Big West pick last year, their recent Desert Classic doubles in 154 at-hats season at Pacific Power will Robinson has three saves already has been battling hack injunes Tournament, The Rebels lost 20- come from right FULLERTON STATE (36-23. fielder Alan in the relief role, and has struck and has played in only 16 games to Southwest I Aiuisiana and 14- Buda:. who tied for 1 I-51: Fullerton was picked to the team out 19 and only. walked two thus far Ile should return for a to tournament winner Clemson. lead with nine home runs 'mush fifth in the conference in last hatters in 12 appearances productive season. Them overall non-conterence year as a freshman. Burke 1490, hut the wain did not listen pentinned Irvine has added several record is 944. The Rebels open well in his dual role as to that prediction on its way to the has won nine out of the designated Fullerton transfers to the team tor this the season at Long Beach State. hitter, hafting .344 conference championship and an the last 11 games and is 12- with 40 RBIs season. Second baseman Joe SIS1' (43-17.9-12)11W appearance in the College World II in non -conference pitcher Andy Furukawa from Cal leads the Spartans have picked up their Right-handed Senes. This year the Titans have games. Coach Angie Oarndo will he looking to return team with 2)4 hits and has 17 play since deleanne then No I Croghan pitching %tan, hut make won his 9110th game as a coach freshman kirni. when he a weak RBIs First hasemawoutfielder ranked Stanford in March 6 to his of tense (679 at Fullerioni this year. The I V. mmli I MI strikeout. and up ha it in Bryant Winslow played on the SJS1 's m-conterence went 12 Titans open conference play at See SEASON, All-American shortstop Phil 1989 National Championship recoil is 0 12 back page Nevin returns front his U('-Irvine. 11

Page 6, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 BASEBALL On Deck Henderson striving to follow dad to the majors

By Jim Johnson member that the most. I used to nior year. He led his league in five RBIs. In the Spartans' three On Dee staff writer hang out at Wrigley Field. home runs as an all-district pick wins. Henderson had two game Ernie Banks tossed the ball to That's the best park for a kid to his senior year. winning hits including the Stan- the tall kid. Banks. the former hang out in. It was a good expe- He came to SJSU in 1988. ford blast and a run-scoring sin- Chicago Cubs star outfielder and rience for any kid. It starts to Going into this season, he had gle in SJSUs 1-0 victory over Hall of Famer, grinned inwardly wear off onto yourself," he compiled a .284 average as a United States International Uni- as the left-handed youngster said. Spartan and was fifth on the all- versity later that week. Hender- threw the ball back, noting the Henderson's greatest thrill time triples list with eight. son also scored four runs and strength and accuracy of his came after his father's playing Henderson was expected to stole two bases. arm. days were over. Henderson Sr. provide power and average from "The home run against Stan- You're going to be a major- took his son, then IS, to the the third position in the batting ford gave him confidence and leaguer someday. Banks told 1984 All-Star game in Chicago. lineup, and solid defense from respectability." Piraro said. him. "He introduced me to some right field. "The important thing is he kept Even at age II. Ken Hender- of the players like Dwight While his defense has been swinging the bat. He takes some son Jr. impressed people with Gooden and Darryl Strawberry Ken Henderson solid. Henderson's contribu- good cuts even when he strikes his talent. And not just anybody. when they were just coming tion's at the plate had been less Out. A Hall of Earner was impressed. up," he said."That was a thrill. ing a famous father. It's bad be- than expected early in the sea- "He's already done some If the company you keep My father had a great career and cause people can say, 'You just son. things here that have stood out. could guarantee your success. he still sees the players. They got this or that because of your Before the Stanford game on He just needs to swing the hat Henderson is a sure bet to he a still ask him to go to Old Timers father.' But he has always been March 6, Henderson was hitting with more consistency." major league baseball star. games. It's nice to know that he there for me. and he never put just .196 with eight RBIs and no With the news that junior des- The senior right fielder on the has that reputation no matter pressure on me. He's helped me homers. ignated hitter Matt Num SJSU baseball team already has what happens." with certain things. He's like a "I was pressing a little too SJSU's top offensive recruit, is a great pedigree. His father, Ken When his father was still play- second coach. much," Henderson said. "I was out for at least six weeks after Henderson Sr., enjoyed a suc- ing. Henderson Jr. used to move Spartan baseball coach Sam hitting the ball hard hut they knee surgery two weeks ago, cessful career with several teams to whatever major-league town Piraro has also been impressed weren't falling in. I did a couple Henderson and the other Spar- in the big leagues, including the Henderson Sr. was living in for with Henderson Sr.'s support- prayers before (the Stanford) tans will be counted on to take San Francisco Giants. the season. iveness. game.’ up the slack. As if that wasn't enough, Ken "We would move with him Henderson Jr. "has been here Against Stanford, then the As far as a future in profes- Jr. lived every kid's dream of for half the year," Henderson for four years and his dad has number one-ranked team in the sional baseball, Piraro said Hen- knocking about with major said. "It allowed me to meet a been tremendous." Piraro said. nation. Henderson slammed a derson has all the necessary league stars. lot of people. It helped me to de- "lie's a great supporter of the three-run homer with two strikes tools. "I used to play catch with velop my communication program and Kenny. And to my on him and two outs in the top of "lie has three things that you Ken Griffey Jr. and Pete Rose skills." kno ledge he has never put any the ninth inning to break a 4-4 can't teach. He can run like hell, Jr.," Henderson said. "And I Henderson is a speech com- pressure on Kenny. There's no tie. Henderson went 3-rnr-4 with he hits with power and he can hung out with Willie Stargell, munication major at SJSU. doubt pressure anyway because four RBIs in the game to lead the throw.' Pete Rose, Bill Buckner. I met Not surprisingly. Henderson the name's the same. It's not Spartans to the 7-4 upset win. For now, though. Hender- many different players through Jr. is sometimes compared to his John or Bob, it's Ken Henderson "It's something I've always son's focus will be on his col- my father. father. Jr." wanted to do." Henderson said. lege career. He is currenty tied "I was too young to remem- "I try to he my own player Henderson. 22. attended Sa "I was glad I was the one to do with Jorge Mora for the team ber when he played with the Gi- even when I get compared to ratoga High School where hi. it to help the team. I feel the lead in RBIs with 17. And his int% The last team he played him." Henderson said. batted .438 as an All-Centra coach wants me to lead with my average has risen to .253. oh was the Cubs in 1980. I re- "There's good and had in hay- Coast Section selection his in bat." "Our goal as a team is to fin- Henderson went on to earn ish in the top three in the confer- Big West Conference Position ence and go to the (College Keep Bugg'n on Player of the Week, hitting for a World Series) regionals." Hen- 545 average (6-1,r- I Ii sith ..11,1

SJSU Hitting A

Name_ AB B Hils HD] 211 U HB S AY_Ch Gene Bower 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 500 Daniel Smith 8 11 2 4 4 1 0 0 0 364 David Jennings 11 15 4 5 1 1 0 0 1 333 Matt Wollaston 14 44 6 14 8 0 0 0 0 318 David Dzierski 14 16 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 313 Steve Anderson 20 84 18 25 4 4 0 1 5 298 Jorge Mora 22 74 12 22 17 3 1 2 3 297 Matt Nuez 14 43 11 12 9 4 0 1 2 2/9 Charles Havel 13 22 0 6 1 1 0 0 0 273 Ken Henderson 22 79 13 20 17 5 2 1 4 253 Matt Winton 15 8 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 250 David Alexander 11 29 5 7 2 2 0 0 0 241 Mark O'Brien 22 80 11 19 5 4 1 0 1 218 Jason Bugg 21 60 12 14 8 3 1 0 6 233 Mike Kostainsek 11 24 3 5 3 2 0 0 0 208 Pete D'Errico 15 32 4 6 6 4 0 1 1 188 David Miller 8 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 143 Craig Jacobs 20 63 6 8 3 1 0 0 2 127 Rockslord Takamatsu On Deck staff photographer Jason Drotar 9 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 100 B Escalante 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outfielder Jason Bugg safel slides under State Northridge. The Spartans ended 000 Cx. Qhbolull,c 11 3 3 Q the tag at first base just in time against ( 'al with a pre-conference record of 10-12. QQQQ Q .12.4.12 Totals 22 707 114 177 92 37 5 6 25 .250 On Deck BASEBALL Tuesday, March 18, 1991, Page 7

Wisdom reflected Hillary Schalit On Deck staff photographer Left: Head coach Sam Piraro takes statis- talks strategy on the mound to his players. by coach Piraro tics during one of the night games to keep Piraro has been with the Spartans as head track of his players. Above: Coach Piraro coach for use years. By Steve Helmer "I was a real good team came in second place. on the year. teams win games because my Daily staff writer player," he said. "I handled the "Everytime we faced some- After the season "I had a big players outplayed their oppo- Sam Piraro grew up a member hat well. I hit in the .260 range. body, we never faced their best decision to make," he said. "I nents.". e of the 'bye bye baby' club. could pinch run. bunt. My big- pitcher." he said. "We snuck decided to stay on and get things knows the game in and His hest memory as a kid in gest problem was my arm. I had up on people. Other teams were going." out." Spartan right fielder Ken San Jose is listening to the three to four shoulder separa- not getting up on us. I told the As the 14th coach of SJSU. Henderson said. "That's one of voices of Russ Hodges and Lon tions in high sehool. I made few team 'Let's beat the odds. Go Piraro compiled a 145-94 record his greatest strengths. He's a Simmons on his transistor radio mental mistakes and knew what out and remember.' " in four years, including back-to- winner. He takes things dil- And if he didn't do his home- was going on. While coaching Mission. Pi- back 40-win seasons. Though igently and seriously. He's a work or chores, he'd he stripped That knowledge paid off ram still attended SJSt.1. earning this year's squad is off to a slow hard worker and wants to win." ot his radio and he forced to when Piraro's college playing a masters degree in 19K2. And to start 110-12). the team pulled off Another strength the team at- miss the Giants' game. Or so his days were over. Then Spartan no surprise, his thesis paper was an upset 7-4 victory oser then tributes to Piraro is his knack tor parents thought. coach Gene Menges allowed Pi- on college baseball. number one-ranked Stanford, getting along with the players. But I always kept another ram to stick to his game plan. After guiding his Mission and won its next five games. radio under my bed. Piraro making him the graduate assis- teams to a combined 190-70 re- "Coach said we hase to Cs. "You've got to earn his re- said. tant of SJSU at the age of 21 spect. which is good." Hender- Baseball has alssays been a "I was making decisions at son said. "If you do the things part of the toe ',ear SJSU 21 -years old," Piraro said in his 'When I decided to get into coaching, I said I you're supposed to do. you'll coach's lite. His dad i(x)k him to Columba-I ik tone at %owe "I get along with hint lie likes to his first game in 1960 at Candle- was probably too stupid to know wasn't going to worry about everybody liking get along with the guys. If you stick Park, hooking him on the what I was doing. The experi- me. Down the road, they understood it was in can't take the criticism, get out I fesh smell 01 peanuts, grass and ence was unbelievable." of the game." the bright sunlight of the ball In 1975. Piraro earned his their best interest.' professional team park. bachelors degree in physical ed- Coaching a Sam Piraro of P, like every kid. Piraro had an ucation at S.I.S11. And two years us not in the future plans Spartan baseball coach for ambition of playing major later he was promoted to assis- ram As athletic director during his last league hall. To prepare tor this tant coach. cord, with use Coast Confer- tablish a little consistency:. Mission College he wants to become a dream, he played tour years of Then in 1979 a new South ence titles and two state cham- Spartan ace pitcher Mark Ring- four years. AD for a tour year uni- arsity baseball at San Jose High Bay community college opened pionships. Piraro returned to kamp said. "And after the Stan- dean or School, where he earned All- up. Mission College advertised SiSt I. ford game, we were out to win at versity. basis." league honors. tar a head coach. and Piraro ap- Menges notified the Mission a consistent "Coaching is a challenge es - with little intention of get- Piraro "I decided out of high school, plied coach that he was going to retire describes his under- eryday ." he said. A diffemit it I don't play. I still wan't to ting the job. he said. in 19116. and asked Piraro to suc- standing of the span and his thing happens every day I like three inter- stay involved, Piraro said. Piraro went to ceed him. The decision was not ability to teach, his best quality that challenge Come a day views for the new school, and as a coach, "Coaching was the way to do easy for Piraro. and his players when I lose the edge or energy, 1K. was hired on June "I took a one-year leave of agree. it's time to move on After high school. the San "It's neat when you have the absence from Mission," ex- "When I decided to get into Jose native kept his goals intact opportunity to start your own plained Piraro. "If I wasn't coaching, I said I wasn't going "When I'm out at coaching. and attended SJSU, where he program," he said. "It's yours happy here. I could go back to to worry about everybody liking Iin going to smell the roses. joined the baseball team tar two We built the field, designed the Mission " toe,'' Pinot) said. "Down the 14161 then. I'll do the hest I can years. 1971-72. The then third uniforms . Piraro had no opportunity to road, they understood it was in to make people achieve their haseman describes his role on And to the surprise of the recruit before the season. but their hest interest But we don't goals and make them 'viler peo- the Spartans as a real scrapper. league. Piraros upstart club was able to record a 31-2K mark win games because al me My ple. Page 8, Tuesday, March 19, 1991 BASEBALL On Deck Fourth place finish Coming home not Spartan Classic By .lack Trageser Saitirday against Gonzaga, On Deck staff writer the Spartans played in chilling The 1991 Spartan Classic. winds despite the 3:00 p.m. shortened hut not spoiled by start. rainy weather throughout the week, concluded on schedule The weather seemed to aid the Saturday night, and SJSU got a pitchers and hinder the hatters go(xl look at competition around on both teams, as neither could the country. manage a run for five innings. Santa Clara heat Indiana in Anthony Chavez again pitched the championship game by a solidly for the Spartans in his score of 10-9. and defending second start of the tournament champ SJSU lost its final game hut only third of the year. to Gonzaga to finish fourth in the tournament. "He threw really well. said Rain shortened the Classic by Gonzaga first baseman Jim one game, hut the final on Satur- Fitzgerald. "He throws hard and day (the team with the best tour- has good mechanics for some- nament record vs. the second one his size." best. 3rd vs. 4th, etc.) coin- cidentally matched the teams Chavez gave up four hits in that had not yet played each the first five innings. but man- other, Santa Clara finished first. aged to stay out of serious trou- Indiana second, Gonzaga third. ble. He helped his cause by Oklahoma fifth and Colorado picking off two runners. one State sixth. straying from second base and Spartans Steve Anderson and the other from third. But in the Mark Ringkamp gave partic- sixth. he exhausted himself try- ularly good showings in the ing to pitch out of trouble. Spartan Classic, and received Don Fbchey On Deck stall photographer All-Tournament Team honors in Chavez walked the bases loaded with one out and still a Mark O'Brien gives Steve Anderson a low to make the score 1-0 against I .S. Inierna- return. live after he hit a game winning home run tional University in pre-conference play . Anderson went 10 for 22 in scoreless tic. hut Piraro did not the five games, scoring three opt to get any pitchers up in the bullpen. runs and driving in one. His 1(1 Henderson and RBI singles by game.' ' squelched the Spartan rally. hits included two doubles. He "We were counting on ('ha- Jorge Mora and Craig Jacobs. A With the won despite also stole one base and played score tied at three. The Bulldogs vez to go nine." Piraro said. Gonzaga error accounted for an- Chavez took error, thanks solid defense. the mound to start committing four But when we looked at his other SJSU run. the Gon- "Steve was easily our out- seventh. But after a Bulldog largely to their pitching. pitch count (after the sixth in- reached Hertz standing player in the tourney," base on an error and zaga head coach Steve ning). we got Rausch the game with his scored defense. Spartan head coach Sam Piraro (Mike) Jacobs tied the game's deciding run said "If we play better warmed up." given the said. single and could have alter a single. Piraro replaced they don't score . ' designated hint Mark Ringkamp merely con- Spartans the lead, hut with Rausch. By the time Chavez got out of was thrown Not scoring, according to Pi- tinued his indiscriminate mas- hitter Pete D'Errico the sixth, the Bulldogs had righttielder Although the score remained ram, is SJSU's chief concern tery of opposing hitters, going out at the plate by scored three runs on the three Dan-in Gleisner. 4-3. SJSU nearly tied the score right now. In the Spartans' last the distance against highly- walks, a single, double and sac- again in the seventh. With two 29 innings, they've scored only touted Oklahoma in SJSU's 8-1 rifice tly. "That play and the other put- outs. Anderson doubled and ad- five runs, in only three innings. victory. He scattered seven hits out at the plate (in the third in- vanced to third on an error by ' We're not scoring enough. over Seven innings train-short- But SJSU. as it has otter] this ning) were the key to the second baseman Dave Keller. Piraro said. "The rest of our ened game). giving up only one season, came right hack. The game." Piraro said. "If those Ken Ilendersons groundhall game is OK. hut we're just not earned run hir a I 29 tournament Spartans tied the score with throws aren't near perfect, we came right back at Keller. but he scoring, and that's the bottom ERA walks to Mark O'Brien and Ken score two runs and win the made the play cleanly and line."

Clanstkowski. Floyd is hitting a year ago. Coach Al Ferrer is in eating establishment when they .367 so far. and Johnson has hit his 11th season as Santa go on the road - Denny's. SEASON tour home runs on his way to a Barbara's skipper. and has a large COACH ' Kathy's favorite From pages .333 average. Czanstkowski leads Cast of returnees to lead the team. From page 3 place." she said. "We always the team with a .381 average. Sophomore Rich Haar returns Iiiut being tagged. If only 3.4 \\last season lips they are stay where there's a Denny's.' ERA .jumped to 4 14 from 3. lb at shortstop. but may he moved tagged, they must sit down. The Tigers' the year before. and he walked 55 pitching staff is over to third. Haar is leading the two left standing at game's end Thethe team's strong point Strahan said, "it's kind of a batters. The 49ers also hope to get so team in hits. with 34. forming a are "it" and get to call out the far. left-handed running joke on the team. I like pitching help from transfer Steve starter Joe .358 average. Jeff Antoon shifts animal names for the next game. Brownfield is 4-1 with a 3.48 Denny's because you can get Trachsel. who threw 91 strikeouts around the infield, and shifts the Clark said. ERA. Senior tust about anything you want for in 107 innings pitched at Fullerton Jim Yank() has the hall around the entire field while hest ERA Rudd said that the want breakfast." she said. "and they Community College in 1990. among starters. at 2.68. at the plate. He has collected 22 con- hut has a 1-2 gregates often to do things other can get 20 people in and out in PACIFI('115-40. 1-171: After record. Larry RBIs, including three home runs Shenk, the this than play sofball, such as an hour's time." she added. a dismal showing last season. team's stopper in 12 and five game-winning hits the appearances. has 22 strikeouts on a hitting harheque held at Rudds house Pacific has showed some promise year. Be is currently Strahan said the team can go and has walked only eight. 1k Jerrold last Sunday. late in the preseason. The Tigers has streak of 19 games. -toe to toe" with the top teams a team-leading Big West last went 0-2 before taking eight out 2.56 ERA. Rountree led the in the NCAA. especially Cal SANTA stolen bases, and "We do a lot of stuff together their next 11 . BARBARA (13-8. season with 57 State Fullerton. 40-22): The Gaucho% did well has reached the hag on 25 of 30 even the coaches, too." she said. The team leaders are Pat during non-conference action 15- attempts this season. "I feel we can look them Floyd. a senior at second base. 7-1 ) and will thunder into Big According to Trina Walsh. straight in the eye." she said, sophomore shortstop Keith West conference play looking to Carey Tresnhler i.s an On Strahan also makes a point of adding "it's not like David and Johnson and left fickler Tom improve on their third-place finish DeeA ((rewriter. taking the team to her favorite Goliath any more."