Geo-Analyst ( ISSN 2249-2909), Vol.1, No.2 2011 SANTINIKETAN POUSH MELA: AN ECONO-CULTURAL AND ECOLOGICAL REVIEW Priyanka Das Abstract: Santiniketan Po!s" #ela is a le$en%ary so&io-&!lt!ral $at"erin$ in 'est (en$al )"ere lar$e n!*+er o, -eo-le )it" %i,,erent &astes an% &ree%s are inte$rate% e.ery year ,ro* %i,,erent nooks o, t"is &o!ntry an% a+roa%. A+o!t 13/0 stalls o, %i,,erent kin%s "a.e taken -art in t"e 2010. It is a $oo% -la&e )"ere &ra,ts*an e0&"an$e t"eir e0&ellen&ies o, skill, &!lt!rally e1!i--e% $ro!-s an% in%i.i%!al &lai* t"eir &!lt!ral e0-ertise. Di,,erent .!lnera+le &!lt!res ,in% ,res" +reat" o, s!r.i.al an% lo&al ri&ks"a) -!llers en2oy relia+le e&ono*i& re.i.al. (!t, re&ently, t"e stron$ onsla!$"t o, "i$"ly -ro,it &entri&, &ons!*eristi& *oti.ation o, t"e s"ark +!siness*en, t"e -oor &ra,ts*en is +ein$ en%an$ere%. 3"e r!%i*entary *otto o, 4G!r!%e.5 6a+in%ranat" 3a$ore to "a.e ass!re% inte$rate% e&ono-&!lt!ral %e.elo-*ent o, t"e r!ral e0-ertise "as to so*e e0tent !n%er$one into *eta*or-"is*. 'it"in .ery s&ar&e s-atial an% in,rastr!&t!ral en.iron*ent, "!$e -o-!lation -ress!res, -ress!re o, &o**er&ial stalls "a.e a%%e% anot"er -ro+le*ati& %i*ension like air -oll!tion, so!n% -oll!tion an% $ar+a$e -oll!tion )"ic" are not e&olo$i&ally s!--orta+le.
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