Entertainment Opinion Sports The movie dude is back! The entertainment pagre The Black Student Union responded this week to The men’s swim team is undefeated for the sea­ hosting a large video anthology, and we round it out the flurry of letters and columns appearing in this son, and the women aren’t far behind with a twelve- with a book review sure to please horror fans, a look and other campus papers; you can take a look at one record. For all the details and a look at the at Sting’s latest release, and visits to a local restau­ their perspective and a female’s answer to last ice-hockey team’s seventh victory via a last minute rant and a bookstore/espresso bar. See page twelve... week’s guest columnist on page eight.... goal. Check it all out on page twenty....

T h e T i

Volume 66 • N um ber 16 'Serving Drexel University Since 1926...' February 1,1991 Drexel recycling begins at long last

.John Pa.sterczyk Pennsylvania's Act 101 recy­ cling mandate inspired the cre­ Special to The Trianf’le ation of Drexel"s Ad Hoc Drexel's long iiwaiied recy­ Recycling and Waste cling program onicially began Management Committee and the Ihis lerm and over two thousand University's first campus-wide containers have been placed recycling program. around campus to collect white Now. with the full support of paper, mixed paper and alu­ the students, faculty and staff, minum; weekly pickups are aluminum and paper “money" being made by U.S. Recycling, will be diverted from the waste Inc. stream of landfills and incinera­ Research conducted last year tors, reducing trash disposal by Professor of Engineering Dr. costs and heightening awareness Harry Brown revealed data that and concern for the environ­ estimated Drexel's trash content ment; especially the harmful at about 80% recyclable materi­ impact of the paper industry. als: 10% aluminuni(at $5(X)/ton) The heart of Drexel’s pro­ and 70% paper (20% being gram is paper and alum inum white paper, also known as high recycling. Each office employee The board in Van Renssalaer Domiilory where students stev en m y rtle/t r ia n g l e quality paper - worth up to has a blue bin for mixed paper, have signed their names in a show of support for American troops. $ 100/ton). which will be emptied by the All totaled, the University’s janitorial staff. Recycling white waste ranges from LSOO to 2200 paper, which is encouraged but Students show support for troops tons annually. As the costs of optional, can be done by sorting waste disposal rise and the num­ in a desktop recycler, available Joseph Hicks______able for students to pul the on Berlin’s floor. “This is some­ from building monitors. names of people they know who thing that the students feel ber of landfills decline, full Triangle Staff Writer recycling emerges as the only Each individual is responsible are in the Gulf. The ribbons strongly about that they have cost-effective, energy-saving for disposing of white paper in In addition to the support were then attached to the peace rallied behind,” continued and environmentally-sound the nearest “white paper only” around campus that has been sign and residents signed the Berlin. solution. See RECYCLING on Page 3 shown for the soldiers overseas, board around the peace symbol. The students in Van R are not dorm residents have also joined Above the board, the words “We alone in their efforts. In other to let the soldiers know that they support you” were drawn. residence halls, additional pro­ are being remembered. “The board was not a state­ grams are taking place. Yellow Students have made a symbol ment on the war; it was an ribbons had been put on doors, Drexel group hosts of their feelings in Van chance for residents to say ‘we hung in lounges, and given to Rensselaer Hall’s Lobby. A pic­ support you,”’ noted Tracy people to wear. An open forum ture of a globe, surrounded by a Berlin, a Van Rensselaer called “Speak Out” had been professional seminars peace sign was placed on the Resident Assistant. formed by the Resident bulletin board across from the The design was inspired by a Assistants in Towers Hall to pro- talk show host Larry King, Brian Yates elevators. Ribbons were avail­ similar action of a few residents See VAN on Page 3 and a representative of Legal Triangle Staff Writer Placement services. They will Drexel Marketing talk on entrepreneurism and G reek system to get visit and Association, a collegiate how it has shaped their busi­ chapter of the American nesses. “Entrepreneur Day” is Marketing Association, will scheduled for February 5, be hosting the annual Drexel from 3-5 p.m., in 125 Nesbitt evaluation from national group Marketing Week scheduled to Hall. run February 4-7. On Wednesday, Joe Moore, Catherine Campbell pleting the INTERCHANGE speak with various branches of The week will include a vice president of marketing self appraisal, IFA and Panhell student life as well as adminis­ series of four seminars and for the Franklin Institute, will Triangle Staff Writer have recognized our strengths trators and the fraternities them­ workshops designed to be talk about “Marketing for At the request of Drexel and weaknesses and hope to use selves. They will not be informative and relevant to Non-profits,” a growing area University’s board of trustees, the information to refine an inspecting the individual chap­ students from all majors and of marketing specifically for Vice President for Student Life already strong and stable greek ters’ houses or policing parties disciplines. The event is enti­ non-profit organizations. Dr. Richard E. Woodring invited system,” stated Jack Kiefer, IFA but will conduct their visit like tled "How to market your­ Thursday will feature a a committee from the National President. the Middle States committee did self.” and will deal with such resume workshop with repre­ Interfraternity Association to The INTERCHANGE book­ this pa.st fall. topics as “dressing for suc­ sentatives from Mobil Oil speak with Drexel’s fraternity let also discussed matters such The specialists will then give cess” and "entrepreneurship,” Corporation, Bell Atlantic, and sorority leaders about Greek as the Promotion of Greek Week an oral public speech, with a as well as a resume workshop. and SoftEasy Software. Life. activities and the establishment See GREEK on Page 4 Monday’s .seminar is being Students are encouraged to Drexel received the INTER­ of scholarship awards for indi­ held in 308 Matheson Hall bring their resume for a pro­ CHANGE resource manual, a vidual chapters. Drexel is con­ from 1-2 p.m. It will be con­ fessional, outside opinion. quick reference guide that deals sidering topics such as judicial ducted by Marietta Mugler, The resume workshop is with all IFA policies from rush procedures for hazing and the Index image consultant with scheduled for February 7, 3-5 procedures to alcohol policies. development of an IFA newslet­ February 1,1991 Snelling & Snelling. She will p.m., in 125 Nesbitt. Approximately forty members ter. talk about “dressing for suc­ Geared for all professional of the IFA and Panhellenic After the survey is entirely , 6 cess,” and how it applies to di.sciplines, from engineering Council completed a self-evalu­ completed it will be sent to the 8 the job interviewing process. and business to arts and ation on Wednesday, January 30, national IFC. At this point it will Ed-Op...... Tuesday features a discus­ design, the event is an invalu­ in MacAlister Hall. reviewed by fraternity profes­ .11 sion on entrepreneurship with able resource to students In the booklet the individual sionals who will visit Drexel for Entertainment...... ,..12 David Lipson, publisher of preparing for Cooperative groups rated the IFA on a scale two and a half days towards the Classifieds...... „15 Philadelphia magazine; and Education. of 1-4 in the categories of cur­ end of February or the beginning Julia King, former wife of rent appraisal, desired appraisal, of March. 20 and priority rating. “After com­ While here, the group will 2 • The Triangle • February 1,1991 Drexel professor challenges idea Habitat for Humanity that fires will afl'ect global weather

smoke high enough in the atmo­ very bright, but in this case I seeking student help Triangle News Desk sphere to cause an environmen­ have to question his scientific Are you good with a ham­ lies. Families who buy the With several oil facilities in tal disaster of global judgement.” mer and nails? Do you have a homes must contribute 300 Kuwait burning and Iran report­ proportions,” says Friend, who On the most recent "60 knack for organizing fund­ service hours to Habitat, and ing black rain downwind from studied the atmospheric impact Minutes," reporter Mike Wallace raising and public relations monetary donations are used Kuwait, scientists are debating of the Mount St. Helens explo­ was shown seated in front of a events? Are you interested in to purchase building supplies the environmental impact of sion for NASA. Sagan has cited large illustration depicting a fire helping those less fortunate for work on other houses. such fires with increased urgen­ the explosion of the Tambora in Kuwait emitting smoke that individuals in our society? If The West Philadelphia cy. volcano in 1815, which lowered encircled the Earth. you’ve answered “yes” to any Chapter of Habitat is currently For instance, Dr. Jam es P. average temperatures int eh “That’s sending the wrong one of these questions then rebuilding homes on the block Friend, a Drexel atmospheric United States for months after­ message to people,” Friend says, Habitat for Humanity wants of 3900 Stiles Street. The chemistry profe.ssor, disputes Dr. ward, as an example of the eco­ "instilling fear that is not war­ you! chapter Is looking for volun­ Carl Sagan’s hypothesis, aired logical impact of large smoke ranted.” But Friend does admit On Feb. 10, the G am m a teers to plan fund-raising and on CBS’ “60 Minutes” recently, plumes. smoke from large fires would Sigma Sigma National public relations events as well that massive oil fires int he “Smoke from oil fires will pose serious problems to troops Service Sorority will tx: hold­ as help with construction. Persian Gulf could alter global rise one to two kilometers before and residents in the vicinity. ing an informational meeting Interested studetns should weather patterns. traveling horizontally. This is Smoke from a petroleum fire for students interested in help­ atent the Feb, 10 meeting at Friend says the threat has peanuts compared to volcanoes, contains carcinogenic chemcial ing Habitat for Humanity. 7:1.5 pm in room 4014 been dramatically overstated. . which spew particles some 10 or compounds that would pose a Habitat for Humantity is a MacAlister. For more infor­ "A collection of fires at wdls more kilometers high, into the health threat if breathed in high non-profit organization that mation call Jennifer at 387- and refineries would not be hot stratosphere,” Friend says. “I levels for a sustained period, rebuilds houses and sells them 0495 enough to eject a plume of think Sagan is dead wrong. He’s according to Friend. “The smoke at cost to low-income fam i­ owuld be bery noxious, forcing- people to leave the affected area. Search committee In that sense, the toxic threat would be minimal for those who New course on AIDS to be can flee,” says Friend. Friend also says large oil fires formed for security burning for months would cause offered by Bio Department Bob Pritchett______fall. ecological disruption to an area A new course, AIDS 101, will gy, clinical manifestations, and According to Schneider no of several thousand square Of The Triangle be offered byt he Department of epidemiology of HIV-! will be representative from student miles, but would not cause per­ Bioscience and Biotechnology covered by Dr. Joe Bentz, Dr. The University has formed a congress serves on the commit­ manent damage. Black rain, for in the Spring Quarter. The intent Mike O ’Connor and Dr. Bernard search committee to find a new tee yet, but the newly appointed instance, could temporarily stain of AIDS 101 is to inform the Sagik of the Department. AIDS director of security and parking, student vice president for admin­ the desert but sun exposure entire University community 101 will be listed in the catalog according to Senior Vice istration should be added soon. would eventually eliminate the about the scientific and social as a two credit course, N284-(X)2 President for Administration Dr. Currently the committee consists effect. aspects of the AIDS epidemic, for undergraduates and P280- Richard Schneider. of representatives from residen­ so there will be no course pre­ 010 for graduate students and The committee, which is tial living, physical plant, stu­ requisites, not even Biology. The will be given on Tuesday after­ chaired by Dave Noyes, the dent life, and the parking ocurse will be taught by a team, noons from 1:30 to 3:30. For head of physical plant, will committee. organized by Dr. Gail Dinter- further information contact Dr. attempt to find two or three can­ Currently the day to day oper­ Gottlieb. Aspects of the virolo­ Gottlieb at x 2631, didates to fill the position left ations in security and parking vacant when Vincent DeCerchio are being run by Jim Powell, the left for Bucknell University last assistant director. WFVEGOT Established in 1926

S t a f f

Bob Pritchett...... Executive Editor Robert L. P ioso...... Business Manager THE JOB Jack Bilson, III...... General Manager Steven M yrtle...... A ssociate Editor Ted H o w e ...... Editorial Page Editor A shley G. Sm ith...... Entertainment Editor John Van N e ss...... Sports Editor Matt C osting...... Photography Editor FOR YOU. R. Brent D iller...... Classifieds Manager The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two year ex­ Allan P incus...... C om ics Page Editor p e r i e n c e th a t will last a lifetime. Working at a professional level that ordinarily Marc T. Abrams, Jared S. Broderick, Anthony might take years of apprenticeship back home, Burokas, Catherine Campbell, Stacey Crown, Jennifer volunteers find the career growth they're looking for A. D ’Angelo, Rob Desmond, Jon Eggert, Dan Evan, and enjoy a unique experience in the developing w o rld . Lauren Francis, Mark Gaffney, Deanna Ganter, Joseph International firms and government agencies Hicks, Suzanne Hinton, Joe Koren, Deb Monaghan, value the skills and knowledge m astered during Jeanette Mulligan, Rashmi Murthy, Connie Regan, Peace Corps service. Steven Segal, Michael Tirenin, Brian Yates FILM & INFORMATION Copyright 1990 The Fridays in Philadelphia, PA, FEB. 5 @ 7 p.m. Triangle. No work herein may during the academic year, be reproduced in any form, in except during examinations and Contact Career Services for location whole or in part, without the vacation periods. written consent of the Editor. Subscriptions may be INTERVIEWS Opinions expressed within ordered for $20 for six months; are not necessarily those of The display and classified adver­ FEB. 26 Triangle or Drexel University. tising may be placed at the SIGN UP TODAY The Triangle is published address below. The Triangle • Drexel University Peace Corps 32nd & Chestnut Sts. • Philadelphia, PA 19104 The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love Business: (215) 895-2569 • News; (215) 895-2585 The Triangle • February I, 1991 • 3

R ecycling begins; cam pus groups contribute ideas

Continued From Pai’c ! and Annual Fund Outreach. To an item not in the current pro­ of cardboard and plastics such sell reusable mugs and DUFS bin located in most copy rooms volunteer to be a building moni­ gram. The Recycling and Waste as milk jugs, large soda and will offer di.scounts on drinks to and common areas. tor, contact Michelle Rogow or Management Committee, con­ water bottles, and laundry deter­ those who use them. Styrofoam Large round rubber bins for John Pasterczyk at E.Y.E. sisting of administration, faculty, gent bottles. will also be collected and recy­ aluminum can recycling arc now Openers, 895-4978. staff and student repre.sentatives To reduce the University’s use cled by turning it into pellets in place throughout cam pus. Plans for recycling in the dor­ from E.Y.E. Openers and the of styrofoam, E.Y.E. Openers, in that can be molded into new Recycling has also affected mitories are currently being Interfraternity Association, will conjunction with Drexel products. many other areas around cam­ developed through student mon­ continue their weekly meetings University Food Service, will pus; Drexel is no longer burning itors and Hall governments, and in order to monitor and improve trash, although the incinerators are supported by the Residential the existing program to meet the will remain operational in the Living Office. These plans future city, state and national Van R residents list names event of an eiriergency. Yard should be implemented by the recycling standards. waste is now being disposed of end of the summer. E.Y.E. Openers, Drexel’s only in accordance with Act 101 The estimated 1(X)0-1500 tons environmental group, has com­ of friends in the Gulf area requirements. of recyclable waste could be mitted much time and effort to Contimieit From Paf>c I resident director of Towers Hall. Low grade paper, which easily separated from our the development of the recycling vide an outlet for confusion, "We are trying to reach a level of makes up most institutional garbage adds up not only to program and its publicity. E.Y.E. doubt, and fear surrounding the awareness for the student body," trash, is not worth money many saved trees, water and Openers will continue to work crisis. The news has lieen turned Koerwer continued. because this paper market is cur­ energy, but also to dollars. with Drexel in full support of the on in the domis and discussions Additional efforts of residents rently saturated. In Drexel's Income from recycling alu­ program. led afterwards. and the Residential Living favor, however, is that the pro­ minum and white paper com­ Current related projects A program titled "Share The Office include creating banners cessing cost offered by U.S. bined with the reduction in trash include recycling awareness Moment Discussion" also began to send to the friends and rela­ Recycling, Inc. is lower than if collection costs, will balance the seminars and community out­ to give students a chance to tives in the Gulf. mixed paper was treated as initial expenses for the program, reach with the Ecology share how they feel with each Koerwer is also looking for, garbage. This is because they the containers, and will save Recycling Project at the other. "These programs have and has found, informative are an end-user, and utilize low much more money in the long Community Education Center been started to provide and edu­ speakers to speak to students. grade pulp to make chip board run. on Lancaster Avenue. While cational and supportive environ­ The Department of Student for board games, boxes and The future of Drexel recy­ Drexel’s Recycling Committee ment for students to bring about Life has planned a discussion in notepad backings. cling is not limited to two mate­ investigates the possibilities of a greater understanding of what the Cree.se Living Arts lounge The low grade recyclable rials. Pennsylvania state recycling glass, they pledge sup­ the crisis is and the ramifications today at I p.m. with Steve Bell. paper market glut will only mandate. Act 101, requires that port to E.Y.E. Openers’ plans for of it,” stated Scott Koerwer, the change if corporations, institu­ Drexel also recycle cardboard; a monthly campus collection day tions and individuals begin to use recycled paper products exclusively and thereby elimi­ January 20-April 14,1991 nate all the surplus. Drexel is now refitting restrooms with new dispensers supplied with towels and toilet tissue made from KX)^ recycled paper. HENRY vSuggestions from the Drexel community are encouraged and should be given to building O S S A W A monitors and E.Y.E. Openers (895-4978, mailbox 3029 MacAlister). Monitors to serve as liaisons to the Recycling TANNER Committee are still needed for the following buildings: Randell llall. Alumni Engineering Laboratories. Mandell Theater, Rush Building, Physical Education Center, General Services and Parking Facility, Hess Research Lab, Armory, Neuropsychology Lab, Newman Center, Academic Building and Annex, Personnel Department,

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I liiM-Khii)ilioii iii.KU- |mismIiIcIi\ l oiii .MiialMi|>|M>i( \sas pioviiicii l>\ I In* iVw Ch.ii ii.tlilc- 1 mim\, I la' VN lili.tiM I’t iiii I diiikI.iiiiiii. and (In Naiiunal l})M)\iv ilu-S.iiiuicl S hc-is ocbPiirlii Kiind ami (hi-Coiiiiiuinx^t .tlllioi l'riiii)\|\aiiia ( iloiidii Aiis. 4 • The Triangle • February 1,1991

Speaker to address G reeks Educators hoping for changes to aid B.J. Hoeptner aid and for campus aid adminis­ HEA reauthorization debates Contimu'd h'rom Piif>e I trators to hand it out. into broader college reforms During the past July. Keifer Collei’e Press Service written one to follow two to and IFA Vice-President Mike “We'd like to see a reduction before, but have generally failed. three weeks later. This will [Jornmann attended the (CPS)— Students would find of paperwork" so aid officers can In 1985, then-Education give their insight to the Greek Undergraduate Interfraternal it easier to get financial aid and pay more attention to students, Secretary William Bennett system's strengths and weak­ Institute for Interfraternal w ould get it in the form of Mclnerney said. promised a set of HEA proposals nesses and give suggestions Conference and IFA leaders grants, not loans, if some educa­ “I'm so busy with paperwork that would completely remake on how to improve. where they discussed issues tors' wish list for a major college that it limits my time with stu­ federal college policies. His Tracy Ondason, Panhel- involving the Greek system in bill in this session of Congress dents," agreed Audrey Lambert, “revolution" would end alleged lenic Council President, hopes 1990-91. The week long con­ comes true. financial aid director at campus “waste," make schools that this will improve commu­ ference was held at Butler Legislators expect to begin Mississippi State University. "accountable” for students’ nication between the University in Indianapolis, debating provisions of the “There’s got to be a better progress, help improve the loan Panhellenic council and IFA. Indiana. Higher Education Act (HEA), way," Lambert added. In early default rate and effectively make According to Ondason, soror­ The conference introduced aside from a potential military January, the Bush administration the Reagan administration’s ity members currently attend the INTERCHANGE program draft bill the most important stu­ floated a trial balloon proposal to attempts to take the federal gov­ IFA meetings to give them of the National Inter fraternal dent bill expected to arise this make the process simpler by tak­ ernment out of most campus information on upcoming Conference. The program is a session, in February. ing banks out of the loan pro­ financing schemes into perma­ events, but IFA representa­ "network of over 3(X) college The HEA effectively sets the cess. Students would borrow nent policy. tives rarely visit Panhellenic and university fraternity sys­ federal government's campus directly from their schools, Bennett, however, never meetings. tems throughout the United policies for everything from which would get the money from delivered his promi.sed package Ondason explained that States and C an ad a.” For a library support to student aid, the government. “We're quite of reforms to Congress. they do not have any prob­ small fee the program helps and is updated every five years. confident it would work well," When he finally sent some lems with the IFA but she individual IFA and IFC Although fne update process said Jerold Roschwalb of the more traditional proposals late in hopes that the INTER­ improve their relationship and begins next month. Its results National Association of State the debate to the Senate Labor CHANGE program acts as a involvement with individual probably won’t begin to affect Universities and Land-Grant and Human Resources Com­ catalyst to encourage more chapters. students until at least 1993, Colleges. mittee, they were essentially teamwork. observers say. “There’s no reason a student ignored. Reformers say they see it as has to go to a bank to get a Roschwalb predicts the an opportunity to reverse a trend, loan," he contended. Banks, Education Department, despite begun in 1981 with the ascension however, howled in protest, fore­ being leaderless until Secretary- Comedy Clubcar Logo Design Contest of Ronald Reagan, that forced casting spiralling default rates designate Lamar Alexander is students to borrow college aid and widespread mismanagement formally confirmed by the Requirements: A logo design for the CRUNCH Comedy from the federal government if the proposal passed and really Senate, probably will play a big­ Series known as “The Comedy Clubcar”. instead of getting it in the form did put untrained school officials ger role in the HEA debate than Design Theme: The name “The Comedy Clubcar" was chosen of grants. into the loan business. in 1985. to convey two points. “Comedy Club”, because the show is Until then, the majority of aid While student aid is the most Whatever reforms the depart­ exactly like a comedy one would see in a comedy night club. was granted. As a result, students visible part, the HEA also regu­ ment offers for the bill, it proba­ And "Club", extended to “Clubcar” because, unlike a night club, didn’t graduate with the kinds of lates aspects of teacher trainipg, bly won’t introduce “new a club car, as on a train, is mobile. Since our shows travel to dif­ debt burdens that now are typi­ international education, college proposals that cost a lot of ferent locations, “The Comedy Clubcar” is the night club comedy cal. libraries and graduate programs, money,” he added. show that travels to your location. C.R.U.N.C.H. would like the “One of everybody’s concerns among other things. The entire process will start, logo to reflect these ideas. is to shift the balance between “The other (parts of the law) when House and Senate subcom­ Rules: Designs must be submitted by Feburuary 21, 1991. The grants and loans,” said Charles affect .students more importantly, mittees try to sort out recommen­ winner will be selected on Febuary 28, 1991 and will be chosen Saunders of the American but more indirectly" than finan­ dations from the Education by Drew Williams of Drexel University and Jim Rhodes and Council on Education (ACE). cial aid, A CE’s Saunders main­ Department, higher education Lenny Bandoch of CRUNCH. The winning design will be used Shifting it especially would help tained. organizations and even students. by crunch for all future Comedy Clubcar events. low-income students. Saunders But whether any parts of the The bills ironed out in sub­ Prizes: 1st prize: One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), 2nd prize 4 explained. Washington college lobby’s committees will go to the Senate free passes to "The Far Side of Heaven” at Club Revival (Must "Needy students become HEA wish list come true is open Labor and Human Resources be 21), 2 free passes to "The Far Side of Heaven” at Club overburdened with Joans,” to question. Getting more money Committee and the House Revival (Must be 21). Call 895-2575 for details. agreed Ken Mclnerney of the for higher education at a time Education and Labor Committee, National Association of Student when the nation teeters on the where more changes will be Financial Aid Administrators in brink of war, when a recession is made, approved or discarded. Washington, D.C. spreading across the country and Then the full Senate and the ACADEMICS: DATE OTHERS “I’m not entirely sure (federal the crushing new burdens of the full House will vote on their WHO WORK IN ACADEMIA loans are) the best way" for a savings and loan bailout are just committees’ versions of the needy student to pay for college, beginning to compound an HEA. Low-cost network serving Philadelphia and other areas in Mclnerney added. already unmanageable federal Finally, a joint Senate-House the Northeast. ACE, a trade group for col­ deficit may prove difficult. conference committee will meet Klin by Ph.D.’s. lege presidents, also would like Cdllege lobbyists, however, to compare the two versions of Infonnation is sent in a plain envelope; privacy assured. the government to increase aid to hope President Bush will help the bill, agree on a compromise older and part-time students— them get their expensive reforms and send it back to their respec­ Academic Companions • P.O. Box 193 so-called “nontraditional” stu­ passed. tive chambers for final approval. Clinton, NY 13323 dents who now make up more “We’re anxiously waiting for If the president signs the final than 40 percent of the American ‘the education president’ to stand result, the nation should have its campus population—as well as up,” Saunders said. 1991 HEA in place by 1992. to dependent students, Saunders Bush, of course, said during “We hope we can have it done “The hippest, said. his 1988 campaign that he hoped by spring of 1992,” said Tom strangest, Moreover, higher education to be remembered as "the educa­ Wolanin, staff director of the funniest show lobbyists in Washington want to tion president” one day. House Committee for you will ever make it easier for students to get People have tried to make the Postsecondary Education. seel - Roiling Stone CONTACTS'

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Condoms Sometimes the print medium AIDS from the Parlay Things do happen! Every day, AIDS can be transmitted in both and the accompanying spermi­ just isn’t enough. It’s two- International resource book, every night AIDS happens! It’s a directions? That a guy who cides have got to become your dimensional. It requires the which is available from the virus. You can’t see it. You can’t doesn’t use a condom can “American Express” — never cooperation Wellness Committee, together look at someone and know become infected? leave home without them. And ^ of the reader with several pamphlets from the whether or not they have it; they never run out of these at home if to turn to American Red Cross. (The might not even know yet. But you’re going to be sexually what you’ve Parlay book is kept in the the virus (known as HIV) is Too drunk? active. written. But Counseling Center in Mac- alive. It comes into your body Spontaneity is a wonderful for today’s Alister where I also got the pam­ through vaginal, anal and oral Cute? Not at all. This is an thing. For many it epitomizes colum n, I phlets.) sex, and through the shared use^ argument of children. “I can’t be life itself. But it is not a syn­ need bells Here’s what I learned: of intervenous syringes. held responsible.” The AIDS onym for foolishness. It’s great and whistles and flashing Once it gets into your system, virus doesn’t have ears, feelings to jump into a car on the spur of lights... whatever it takes to get it kills the lymphocytes in your or morals. It just kills to live. the moment, but you do stop for your attention! Too embarrassed? blood — these are “central to the And you are what it kills. gas. It’s about AIDS, and about body’s immune system.” HIV National studies released in you, and about your surviving to You’re about to offer your also attacks cells in the brain January list AIDS as the number become all the wonderful things most intimate, personal parts of with gross consequences. one killer of men 18 to 25. We Questions? you can become. Why would your body and emotions to already know that incidence you struggle to get through four another person. “Offer” is anoth­ among women is rapidly catch­ There are many places to get or five years of college, only to er word for “expose,” “reveal,” Too cool? ing up to that in men. whatever answers you need. die at age 24 or 25 because you “make vulnerable.” Don’t you You might want to read again They’ll also tell you how to help were “too embarrassed,” “too owe it to yourself to find out There still exist in this day of the article from last week’s friends and family members who cool,” “too drunk,” or “too spon­ some details about that person? mass information folks of the Triangle about how drinking may be victims. You can start taneous” to use a condom (latex Hopefully you’ll do this in male gender who argue that affects sexual activity. with the health and counseling only) and a spermicide (water- advance of that moment when “rubbers” interfere with their centers here. Parlay International based) every single time you had good sense has to compete with enjoyment of sex. Guess what? lists these “National AIDS AIDS interferes with it a lot Too spontaneous? Resources”; more! Who is going to have sex Get outta town! I sit next to 1. National AIDS Hotline, 1- with them when the cancerous you in Korman as you refine, for 800-342-AIDS ulcers appear all over their bod­ the fifth time, your resume. 2. American College Health D iscover K iiiko’s ies and when they’re too weak to You’d never go to a job inter­ Association AIDS Task Force, lift their heads? And, ladies, you view without preparing in 301-963-1100 who buy into that line — well, if advance. How many of you go 3. National Association of a n d c o p y y o u r Persons with AIDS, 201-429- 2856 4. National Gay and Lesbian tru e colors. Crisis Line, 1-800-221-7044 REPORTERS 5. National Hemophilia Foundation and AIDS Hotline, 212-682-5510 COPY EDITORS 6. National Minority AIDS Council, 202-554-1076 7. National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline, 1-800-662- The Triangle is looking for reporters and HELP copy editors. N o experience is necessary. 8. American Red Cross; Linea Nacional de SIDA, 1-800-344- SIDA, for Spanish-speaking per­ Please call or stop by our offices. sons: and TTY-TTD Hot Line (1-800-AIDS-TTY) for those with hearing impairments

AIDS Awareness Day

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D rexel C hristian Fellow ship retreats to P aradise

Mark Bickel ship God, as well as just rest and small groups, and as a large impressed with how much God If this sounds like fun, it was, Drexel Christian Fellowship relax. group to discuss the life of pursued Jonah even when he and there is another trip coming Then there was food, and lots Jonah. Jonah was a Jewish man tried to run away. God used up. The entire campus is invited Last weekend, while many of it. Saturday night featured a who God called to go to the many terrible circumstances to to join in in terv arsity ’s students left Drexel for home, mystery dinner, where each per­ pagan city of Nineveh and pro­ bring Jonah back and to use him Intercollegiate Winter Break­ twenty students were headed for son made up his or her own nounce G od’s judgment. In.stead, to turn others from destruction away, February 22-24. We will Paradise. They were off to the menu from a list of books of the he decided to run away from to follow God. Many people be spending the time skiing, tub­ annual Drexel Christian Bible. Each person was then God’s presence. But God were struck with God’s love for ing, skating and relaxing in the F ellow ship w inter retreat in served, one course at a time, stopped his boat in a terrible and willingness to use messed Poconos. We will also be inves­ Paradise, PA. The event what was ordered. It was espe­ storm, and had Jonah swallowed up, rebellious people like Jonah tigating who Christ claims to be promised to be a weekend for cially interesting to watch peo­ by a fish. In the fish Jonah and God’s ability to transform in an all inclusive, self-paced fun, relaxation and spiritual ple eating pudding and changed his mind and is spit out an entire city like Nineveh. fashion. You can contact Barb growth. applesauce without a spoon and so he can go to Nineveh. There, There really is hope for each of Weidman at .^87-6758 for more One of the main events of the salad with only a spoon. Sunday, he tells them God’s judgment us and for Drexel. information. weekend was a four-part Bible the entire group visited Barb and they repent and turn to God. study on the book of Jonah. It Weidman's church and was After the retreat one of the was also the time for the annual treated to a great pot-luck din­ freshmen commented that she Upcoming IFA/Panheilenic DCF winter football game and ner. had heard of Jonah in Sunday many rounds of ping-pong, pig The study of Jonah was one school, but that she now saw events; Town watch inform ation mania, and of course, wrestling. of the highlights of the weekend. that he was much more than a We took time to sing and wor­ We took time on our own, in just a Bible story. Others were Paul G. Gomolinski Jr. 1991. Interfraternity Association 3. IFA./Panhellenic Ball at the Fiesta February 21, 1991. The IFA and Panhellenic Council will be sponsoring Townwatch will be run this How to eat for a healthier heart the following events: term by Chairman Bonnie Denise Sanginiti Coronary artery disease is caused by block­ Smith and Co-Chairman ages in the arteries that supply the heart with 1. Court drop to support Brian Hilliard. Questions Special To The Triangle blood. The blockages occur when there is a U.S. troops to be hung should be directed to Bonnie Eating for a healthier heart is a topic that has build up of fat and cholesterol along with other January 31, 1991 in Main (222-5835) or Brian (222- been highly publicized in the media. Television, material on the artery walls. As this process pro­ Building. 0488). radio, newspapers and magazines promote gresses over time the arteries become narrow 2. AIDS Day February 7, healthy eating. Did you know that in 1980 car­ and eventually the blood can’t pass through the UgEIBiBIBJBIBJBIBJBiBlBlBlBJBiBlBlBigiBJBlBlBlBIBIBlBfBIBIBlBlBIIIs diovascular disease was responsible for one-half arteries to the heart. When this happens a heart of all deaths in the United States? Are you attack results. aware that deaths in the United States secondary Cholesterol is a white, waxy substance that is to cardiovascular disease are among the highest found in all products that come from an animal. Campus: in the world? If your answer is no, stop and ask Meats, especially organ meats, poultry and dairy yourself the following questions; products provide the main source of cholesterol in the diet. Foods that do not contain cholesterol Philadelphia 1. Is your cholesterol level 200 mg/dl or high­ and should be included daily in the diet are veg­ er? etables, fruits, cereals, grains, dried beans and 2. Do you have high blood pressure? peas, and pasta. 1990-1991 3. Do you smoke cigarettes? If you’re interested in learning more about 4. Is there family history of heart disease this subject, come and join us for a free seminar before the age of 55? sponsored by the Drexel University Nutrition 5. Do you have diabetes? Center on Wednesday, February 6, at 12 noon. 6. Do you have vascular disease? The seminar will be held in 615 Nesbitt Hall. 7. Are you overweight? This free seminar, whose topic is “How To Eat 8. Are you a male? For A Healthier Heart,” will include valuable The Franklin information on cholesterol and fat, dining out, For each question answered yes, your risk lowfat recipes, appropriate food choices, and increases. selecting proper portion sizes. Institute

A M essage from A.B.E 6 : 0 0 p.m. "It is not the critic w h o counts; not the m an w ho Wednesday points out how the strong m an stum bled, or w here the doer of the deed could have done better. The February 1 3 , 1 9 9 1 credit belongs to the m an w h o is actually in the

arena; w hose face is m arred by dust, sw eat and blood; w ho srives vailanty; w ho errs and com es • Dinner at the Omni short again and ag ain ... because there is no effort Cafe (on your own) w ithout error and shortcom ing.

It is the m an w ho does actually strive to do The Future Center and the deeds; w ho know s the great enthusiasm ; the Omniverse Theater great devotions; w ho spends him self in a w orthy

cause; w h o at the best know s in the end of the tri­ C am pus: Philadelphia i s a n e w um ph of high achievem ent.. .and w ho at the

program from the Freshm an w o rst, if h e fails, at least fails w h ile d arin g greatly,

Center. Sign-up is first com e, so that his place shall never be w ith those cold and

first served at the C enter, R oom tim id souls w ho know neither victory nor defeat."

210 C reese Student U nion

Com plex, 895-2512. 8 • The Triangle • February 1,1991

The Triangle YOUR HANDT MORAL DONOR URP I hereby authorize the •terminartion of my lifis for any of the foljowing =

CHECK ONE OF THE rOLLaWING "The W eekly N ew spaper of (MM Mni HtK)

D rexel U niversity"

Published throughout the year by students

for the U niversity com m unity. Executive Editor Ed-Op Page Editor □ ACT or TABLOiP HrftoiisM Bob Pritchett T e d H o w e

Student activities the

right way... □ rREAK ACCIDCNT

R.USC IN youB VAijur at mx tihu - novnw u a ooKHNHuir tctMse While many people and organizations have complained about the banning of weeknight fraternity parties few have tried to do anything to remedy the BSU Executive B oard responds situation. One o f the favorite refrains that can be heard We, the executive board of that there is racial ignorance on the leaders of BSU are that around campus is that there is a severe lack o f social the Black Student Union, would Drexel’s campus. occasional pocket of people you activities at Drexel. like to respond to all three letters To someone without don’t respect” as long as you But not everyone is resigned to do nothing. SPA has published in The Triangle's knowledge of these incidents, it don’t disrespect us as human attempted to fill the void with a variety of new January 11 and 25 issues and is easy to say “one isolated beings. The Disseminator’s January 23 incident.” Unfortunately, this is Lastly, to Mr. Michael D. weeknight events. There was a time when SPA could be issue regarding BSU’s position not true. Toub, we think we have thought of as a weekend-only organization. The on the racial incident that Katherine Helmetag, a writer answered all of the concerns you highpoints o f the activities were Friday Night Flicks and occurred last term. for The Disseminator, stated, “ raised, except one. the once-a-year Block Party. We do this in hopes that those Who the hell are you people Students of all ethnic individuals who presented their anyway? What gives you the backgrounds gather in the Quad. Fortunately, SPA has stepped up and accepted the views will understand our right to make ‘demands.’” And it was not for this incident challenge of creating new activities that can involve position better. We are African American specifically, but for an end of everyone on campus. SPAtlight on Wednesday nights In The Triangle's January 11 students who attend Drexel ingnorance and a beginning of issue, a writer slated, ‘T d like to University who are paying the and other special events like the Super Bowl party and understanding, you should have say that there has been a full same tuition that everyone else come over to join us. As we comedian Marc Price's visit have added many new investigation and the charges is paying. (No, we do not get stated before, resorting to name diversions to relieve the stress of university life. have been dropped. A any privileged treatment in calling only negates your point Some students will no doubt shun the SPA events suspension of the fraternity is financial aid; check the books.) and that’s no 'B S.'” relatively pointless." The We exercised our right to make An analogy inay explain how simply because there is no alcohol allowed, but we feel demands were drafted prior to demands because we feel that we feel at Drexel. If a person is that they will be missing out. The quality of SPA’s the decision of the judicial we should be treated no confined in a room , in one activities this term has been first rate. board. As was stated in our prior differently than anyone else. designated spot, and drops of The only way to make a social event work is for response, had the letter that Helmetag added. " And they water begin falling on his head, accompanied the demands been wanted to replace Apple Pi with it is easily understood how that everyone to participate. We would like to thank SPA for published, the students would a traditionally black fraternity.” person would eventually become its efforts and we want to encourage everyone to attend. have gained a better We never spoke, asked or irritated. Maybe not much by the Sure it’s a cliche, but you only get out o f student life understanding of what the BSU demanded replacement. We first drop or each individual what you’re willing to put in. was trying to accomplish. wanted only recognition for the drop, but by the continual flow Quoting another statement, “ traditionally black fraternities of drops. The constant pounding If this type of abuse were and sororities. That is not asking would eventually give the frequent. I could more fully to much... is it? person a headache. understand a suspension, but for The writer stated “the BSU- The same holds true in our Student activities the one isolated incident?” This is scheduled dance” never case. Continuous racist remarks not one isolated incident; we happened. There were parties at and incidents are a headache for have experienced numerous Drexel in which black students African American students who racial incidents on campus and from Drexel attended. come to Drexel. w rong way... have found that they have been She stated, “No one in his or We hope that the University swept under the rug in the past: her right mind would replace a community can understand our 1. Numerous intoxicated fraternity with a proven track position and why we are SPA is, o f ocurse, not the only group trying to put white males donned in black record in com m unity service concerned. face and Afro wigs were seen with a bunch of disrespectful, together successful student programming: there’s the Given the perception in being led out of a fraternity well, bozos.” Resorting to name Philadelphia’s African American division of student life and its Thursday night comedy house by several of Its white calling only negated the point community that Drexel shows. members. she tried to make. University is a “racist You know, student life’s Thursday night comedy 2. A nother fraternity Does she know of the proven in stitu tio n ,” the BSU is assaulted two black students track record in community committed not to changing shows. Where there’s lots of food, folks, and fun. who attended to one of its service of any black fraternity... merely that perception, but also Ooops, wrong show. It seems that despite the parties. All of the fraternity or the BSU for that matter? to changing the reality. excellent example of SPA’s Wednesday night events brothers converged on these two We believe it is fine if Ms. student life plans and publicizes its events so poorly that students. Unknown to the Helmetag “firmly believes that BSU Executive Board fraternity members, these two they A) conflict with other events, like Club Meyers in individuals knew how to defend the residence hall, B) don’t even offer minor themselves. Unfortunately, only Women answer Rocke the black students had to spend inducements like popcorn, C) are so poorly promoted No, Rocke, not as long as going to jump into bed with you. time in a jail cell. that nobody knows about them. men like you continue to roam They have the intelligence to 3. The phrase “ KKK kills the earth. I’ve dated many men understand there are many Last night’s show was delayed for more than an hour niggers” was written in the during my life. I’ve even dated sexual diseases ram pant in while the individuals implementing this horrendous plan Korman Centers’s elevator. some men like you. Possibly society today. Before having sex 4. The phrase me for failure searched the building for students that could you (and some of these jerks with someone, women will have niggers,” was painted on the be dragged downstairs to watch a great show — a show I’ve dated) are a nice person if the intellijM'nco to say “Is this wall of the New Tower’s fire they might have attended voluntarily had they known it we’d get to know you. However, person worth risking my health tower who wants to know you longer and life lor?”. 1 can feel .“i. A study room in the library existed. Last w eek’s potential flop was re.scued only by than ten minutes! confident in saying, no, Rocke, was trashed and the phrase the last minute discovery o f a sorority meeting in No, Rocke, you will never you’re not worth it. “Have fun cleaning, niggers” MacAlister which was quickly moved to the Dragon’s understand women. Women will Well, Rocke, 1 doubt you’ve was wriuen on the chalk board. spot your chauvinism, your learned anything from this letter. Den, where the com edy show (we don’t even recall the 6. A racially derogatory narrow-minded attitudes, and You probably see me as cartoon was published in The name, the publicity was so poor) was held. your lack of intelligence in a "trouble”. But that’s o.k. I see Triangle. Black students who Student life should put more thought into its very short time. They will be out you as pathetic. responded to it were accused of the door before you can say, “get Yes, Rocke, I am an programming instead of just throwing money into empty being on a witch hunt for me a beer” (even though you are rooms; perhaps SPA could put the funds to better use. intelligent woman. racism. both sitting). These examples demonstrate No, Rocke, women are not Name withheld by request The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 9 Some advice for underclassmen As a Senior looking back your are a student who intends generated, and the organizations over the past five years. I have to graduate, you are likely not to at this school are not going to acquired some valuable fail every class you will take. A beg students to join; therefore, it good freshman GPA will, in a is up to the student to go out and sense, “absorb” a poor grade find their niches. Each student without jeopardizing your can make a difference at this average. University. One of the perks of Tip #2: joining such organizations is Align yourself with those that, while interviewing for jobs, people who have quality study it shows interviewers that you habits. More than likely, a friend are an individual with interests you may have made during and talent. knowledge that has allowed me freshman year is not a “serious” Tip #5: to be successful here at D.U. 1 student ... a slacker. This is the When it comes to time time you need studying for the week, worrying about a final felt that it was my duty to share type of person that tends to leech management, utilize the midterm worth almost 10 times nearly two months away is not these pointers with you so that information from you, and percentage breakdown of your that. In a nutshell, prioritize your going to help you study for your five year trek through these doesn’t put any real effort into work by determining the impact tomorrow’s midterm. Try to hallowed halls is less of an his own studies. The problem is it m ay have on your grade. focus on the immediate uphill climb... somewhat. simple: While you’re busy You’re better off getting a problems and deal with them. Tip#l: explaining old material to this slightly lower grade on the lab This should help alleviate the Perhaps the most valuable tip “Ignore those “dead weight,” you can’t study and a higher grade on the sense of being overwhelmed to is this: Academic success during new material, nor tend to midterm if you must allocate some extent. freshman year is the key to a w h o b l a m e homework. Group study time for both (and you probably Tip #7: high GPA throughout your sessions are a great way to study will). Last but not least: Enjoy your academic career. The reason is their academ ic material when all of the students Tip #6: life. Ultimately, you’re here at simple. Consider this: After involved are of a similar caliber. It is inevitable that you will Drexel to earn a degree and freshman year, you will have problem s on Tip #3: feel overwhelmed with build your career, but that is not accrued approximately 50 Ignore those who blame their responsibilities from time to supposed to be at the expense of credits. If you have better than a ‘The Shaft:" academic problems on “The time. D on’t forget that family, your sanity. Ten years down the 3.5, fantastic! It will take the Shaft.” The blame almost friends, jobs, and social road you don’t want to look next 50 credits of nearly straight always lies with the student who functions, although not back and regret not getting failures just to pull your GPA is complaining about the system. courses wisely. For instance, academic in nature, all add stress involved in some aspect of your down to a 2.0. Consider the These people tend to dampen let’s suppose y o u ’re taking a in your life. Whether positive or “college years.” Let's face it, opposite. If after freshman year, other students’ spirits by class where homework is 10% negative, stress is a fact of life will you really remember getting you have a 2.0 (or worse), it will condemning the school where of your grade, lab experiments and must be kept within a “C” in freshman chemistry in take 50 credits of straight A’s they may be quite successful. are 10%, midterms are each reasonable limitations. When comparison to being an editor just to have a “B” average. The Tip #4: 20%, and the final is 40%. You you feel overwhelmed, it makes for the University newspaper, or point is this, the classes you take GET INVOLVED. College should allocate study time it next to im possible to captain of the swim team, or the freshman year are by far the should be an enjoyable accordingly. If you spent 30 accomplish any task. What you lead role in a play? Education is easier courses you will take. experience, and academics alone hours on one of four labs need to do is PRIORITIZE. not gained only through books, Therefore, establishing good do not make up a whole person. (equivalent to 2.5% of your total Look at your responsibilities for its learning through experiences. grades early should be less The apathy that the student body grade), there is no way you are the week at hand rather than “the difficult. And let's face it, if complains about is self­ going to be able to spend the big picture.” If it’s the third

L o o k i n g for com fort and stability in tim e of w ar

During the past two weeks They would object to the use of few are addressing the issue of add a single hour to his life ?" troubled and do not be afraid." people around the world have any force that endangers another coping with war. While we all These words point out the I have found that the only place spent much of their time person's life. hope it will end soon and with futility in worrying about the to look for stability is in the God On the other side of the issue, few casualties, there is a future, both of our world and of who created the world in the we see many who are in favor of common feeling of helplessness our own lives. Yet, how can we first place. God is not like a From Here the war. Some of these people and uncertainty. How do we not be anxious when everything man that He should change His believe that the U.S. role as deal with living in a world that around us is in turmoil, when all mind. He is the one stable thing To Eternity world leader makes it necessary is constantly changing with no of life seems unstable and I can base my life upon. for us to oppose aggressive way we can control it ? And unpredictable ? This is a great com fort in tyrants like Saddam. If this What we need is stability in dealing with the anxieties that Mark Bickel involves going to war to prevent our lives, something that won't the war naturally brings. 1 know them from becoming too change, something to measure that God has not been taken by “ H o w d o w e focusing on the Middle East powerful, then so be it. Others everything else against. As surprise and that He already crisis. On the college campus would take the position that, simple as that may sound, it is knows the outcome. I can rest d e a l w i t h there has been much anxiety. although war is highly almost impossible to find such on the fact that having made my Many are worried about a draft, undesirable, it is necessary in stability. If we look to a person, peace with God, I can enjoy His living in a most are concerned for friends this case. They believe that we they will eventually fail us, or at peace. Unlike the world’s and relatives in Operation have truly exhausted all the very least die. If we look to peace, which is at best extemal w orld that is Desert Storm, and a majority diplomatic options and that war an organization or a cause, it and unstable, G o d ’s peace is seem confused about how to is our only current recourse. will change as new people bring internal and constant. God gives c o n s t a n t l y respond properly. These differing opinions have new ideas. If we look to a the assurance that no matter There are those who say that led to many rallies, crusades and nation, history shows us an what may happen to my life, to c h a n g i n g ? ” the war is wrong. Some of these heated debates in the past few endless succession of ‘stable’ those I love, or to the world claim our motives are wrong. weeks. There have been many empires that have fallen and around me. He will remain They see the U.S. involvement editorials written, discussion how do we respond to the death faded away. Even religious and constant. In the midst of wars primarily based on a desire for groups convened and much and destruction that have ideological movements change and rumors of wars in this oil, the expansion of our publicity generated. All this has suddenly become far too real over time, and have ongoing world, it's comforting to know capitalistic policies, or greater led some to become very and close to home ? internal and extemal conflicts. that eternity is secure. power. There are others that are outspoken on their views. It is now, in this time of At this point we must look My soul finds rest in God not as much against war as they Others have become so anxiety and fear, that the words beyond ourselves and beyond alone: are against U.S. involvement in overwhelmed by the issues that of Jesus come to mind : this world. I again draw comfort my salvation comes from him. the middle east. They believe they have chosen to ignore them "Therefore do not worry about from the Bible here, as Christ He alone is my rock and my we should mind our own altogether. Many have just tomorrow, for tomorrow will says : "Peace / leave with you; salvation: business and leave well enough become more confused. worry about itself. Each day my peace I give you. / do not he is my fortress, / will never alone. And there are still others In the midst of this debate has enough trouble o f it's own." give to you as the world gives. be shaken. that believe all war is wrong. over the legitimacy of the war, "Who o f you by worrying van Do not let your hearts he psalms 62 : 1,2

ARLO by M ike Tirenin

Aria's L'ontribiitioii

to the nciv c n iiip ii^

p m ^ n i i i i 10 • The Triangle • February 1,1991

I Family Day '91

I Winter Celebration I The division of student life, faculty, and staff of Drexel I University invite you to join us for Family Day '91 on I February 9, 1991 at Drexel's campus in Philadelphia. The I theme for Family Day is a 'Winter Celebration.' The program is designed to allow you to gain a greater I understanding of Drexel's Pride, Diversity, Uniqueness, I Spirit, and mostly our Students. Come to Drexel and celebrate with the people who give their time and energy I to make our University a lively, challenging, and caring I community of leaders. I I Celebrate Drexel's Pride I Celebration Kickoff in the Great Court — Hosted by President Breslin i Featuring the Drexel Jazz Ensemble, I Gospel Choir, 1 and Cheerleaders I 1 Celebrate Drexel's Diversity

I international Festival and Organizational Fair I Sample foods from far away! Learn about the co-curricular I activities w e have I1 Celebrate Drexel's Uniqueness

I Optional Interest Sessions Lectures, seminars, demonstrations, i comedy, etc. I See what makes Drexel one of a kind I Celebrate Drexel's Spirit M ens Basketball vs. Hofstra I Gooooo Dragons!!!! I A halftime surprise is in store I Celebrate Drexel's Students

I Open houses Hosted by the academ ic colleges, 1 a chance to m eet faculty, staff, and I other students and their families. I A variety of activities for all ages 1 To register: Send $15.00 per person (except students), m ad e payable to Drexel Univrsity, the Freshm an Center, I 210 C reese Student Center, 32nd and C hestnut Streets, Drexel University, Phlla., PA 19104 Cali 895-2512 for m ore information. The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 11


Former monarch in Iran 1 Plant pan Slow moving mammal 2 A combining form meaning six 10 Mr. Domino and Mr. Waller 3 European mountains 14 Phone or vision preceder 4 Large sandwiches 15 Copy cats word.s 5 Synchronous Meteorological 16 “There oughta be______! Satellite 17 (QUICK ?) STATEMENT 6 Miserables 19 Island in the Netherland 7 The up and down man Antilles 8 "Your wit’s _____ , it speeds 20 Bricklayer loo fast...”: Shakespeare 21 (QUICK ?) TIME PERIOD 9 Wedding vow word 23 Oil additive: Plural 10 (QUICK?) GERMAN 26 “Either out______” PRELENTEN TREAT 27 “Either” in Naples 11 Wing shaped 30 Perch 12 Forbidden 32 RPM instruments 13 Ugly duckling 36 (QUICK?) FUGITIVE’S M.O.: 18 nous: Between us 3 WDS 22 Ms. Hayworth 38 Jacob’s wife 24 Red wines 39 Ashta___, Ohio 25 Whiskey___ 40 Cease-fire 27 Edna Ferber title 42 cell; Cancer research cell 29 Clement___ : former Prime 43 Good night girls of song Minister of G.E. 45 (QUICK?) LINGO 31 Put out a candle 47 Carnival people 33 Cheesy 48 Subsequent to 34 Greeting word 49 Raven’s author 35 Quench 50 Aleutian Island 37 Home run king 52 Child’s direction 38 Adjust 54 Enjoyment 4 1 Broadway hit 58 City of lights 44 Time zones 62 Prevaricator 46 Worthless rubbish 63 (QUICK ?) DRIVERS’ 48 Borealis: Northern lights DESIRE: 3 WDS 51 Private teacher 66 Approximating words 53 (QUICK?) RUNNER 67 Emulate Patrick Henry 54 Enjoyment 68 He was: Latin 55 Italian monies 69 High Schooler 56 Facilitate 70 Coarse files 57 Time periods •Sfc 71 Formal applications: Abbrev. 59 Unusual Afceno 60 Kuwait’s conqueror 61 (QUICK?) AIRPLANES 64 Adenosine triphosphate: Abbrev. 65 Follows "FRAN": Girls name The C ryptogram

Solution to “GtrjBOUt C»wg»(«)"

YZIMPODIYD PR QXD MDDFPIW HZB WDQ LDMZSD HZB MBFFH L a s t BIODSRQCIO QXD RPQBCQPZI. W e e k ’ s H i n t s : 1. To discover something missing MPIO C r o s s w o r d : 2. A parody RCQPSD

Last week's “G eorgeous s o lu tio n ; It is better to be poor and healthy than rich and sick. G e o r g e ( s ) ” 12 • The Triangle • February 1,1991 Entertainm ent Striking back with a fo rm a l survey of the latest video releases

Steven D. Segal his shattering Do the Right Thing is a more won’t let you down as its rating might make knocking on his door, he uses his latest personal film about a womanizing musician you fear. And as with most wide-screen films, experiment - liquid skin - to hide his Triangle Movie Dude Bleek Gilliam (Denzel Washington) torn this one does indeed suffer from the theatre- hideously burned face...and get even. There’s The Adventures of Ford Fairlane: Andrew between two lovers (sorry...) and his music. to-video transfer, as its wide-screen images a love story, in the vein of Beauty and the Dice Clay is, was, and probably always will Spike Lee turns in his usual try-to-steal-the- are cropped and scanned into the square TV Beast, and there’s a wickedly dark comic be an easy target for critics to sling mud at. scene supporting performance as Giant, frame. (PG-13/AAA) Now available. streak throughout. Directed by Sam Raimi Why else would they spend so much energy Bleek’s band manager. The music is fabulous, {The Evil Dead), who shows great restraint by panning this film? If Bruce Willis had starred and the camerwork is sensual (except for a Die Hard 2 - Die Harder: Renny Harlin look not making this another of his famous all-out (as he was originally supposed to), this film tendancy for Lee to repeat techniques he used over the directing chores from John gore-fests. Danny Elfman, now the composer might very well have turned out to be a hit. so well in Do the Right Thing - the same McTieman (who was off doing Red October), of choice for comic book-orientated movies, Directed by a pre-Die Harder Renny Harlin, jerky, erratic, frantic camerwork used to and he proves himself to be a slick action turns in another moody score. (R/AAAAl/2) Ford Fairlane boasts an expensive-looking, illustrate anger and frustration about racism in director (his only previous credits were the Relea.se date: 2/14 A+ production: great camerwork, stunts, the last film takes away too much of this low budget horror flick Prison, the fourth music and a boat-full of familiar faces in film’s humanity; had Lee calmed down the Nightmare on Elm Street movie, and the Dice- Flatllners: Spooky, supernatural adventure supporting roles (Priscilla Presley, Gilbert camerwork somewhat, it would be less Man flick Ford Fairlane). Bruce Willis again that deservedly became the sleeper hit of the Gottfried, Shelia E., Tone-Loc, Morris Day, distracting). And Lee’s racist jabs at Jews and strikes the perfect balance between wry summer. Keifer Sutherland. . Robert Englund, Ed O’Niel and, in a tongue- at the French (payback for Cannes selecting humor, macho-toughness. ingenious Kevin Bacon. William Baldwin and Oliver in-cheek performance, Wayne Newton as the sex, lies and videotape over his Do the Right resoursefulness and human vulnerability. But Platt paticipate in a daring medical bad guy). The Dice man is rude and crude but Thing as their best picture winner last year) what’s missing this time ’round are the experiment; to experience clinical death, they is ultimately tame compared to his stage act. If are completely uncalled for. and only threaten original Die Hard's feeling of claustrophobia, slop their hearts (creating a “flatline” on the you absolutely hate Dice, then it’s certain the integrity of Do the Right Thing. Lee’s next its suave charismatic villan, and its overall EKG) for a few minutes and then are revived. you’ll overlook the m ovie’s many other film Jungle Fever - about an interracial powerhouse explosiveness. Still, this ranks But when they come back, they find that positive aspects as every critic on Earth did relationship - will star Wesley Snipes, a among the best sequels ever made. they’ve unwittingly unleashed their innermost, last summer. But if you don’t quite think he’s familiar black actor who is excellent here as Thankfully, director Harlin - unlike darkest closet skeletons. Joel Schumacher the foulest piece of scum around - and if you Bleek’s rival band member. (R/AAA) Now McTiernan - didn’t completely utilize the {The Lost Boys, Cousins, St. Elmo's Fire) give him a chance - you’ll agree that this film available film’s very-wide-screen image, so the transfer keeps things moving at a brisk pace and the is a lot of stupid, silly fun. You could do a lot from wide theatre screen to square TV screen musical score effectively sets a haunting mood worse for an evening’s rental. (R/AAA) Now RoboCop 2: With original RoboCop director is excellent: very little of the action is cut out for the film. The terrific cinematography is the available Paul Verhoeven off doing Total Recall, Irvin of the frame, making this one of precious few icing on the cake (by Jan de Bont. the man Kirshner {The Empire Strikes Back, Never Say wide-screen films that actually looks better on who made Japan look so mesmerizingly Dick Tracy: Now follow me here. Warren Never Again) was signed on to direct this video! (R/A A A A). Release date: 1/31 beautiful in Black Rain). (R/AAAA) Release Beatty filmed Dick Tracy with the aspect ratio sequel. Poor move, because action sequences date: 2/14 of your normal TV screen (1:1.33). In aren’t his strong point. With ab.solutely none Navy Seals: A Middle Eastern prick does theatres, in order to create a “scope” effect, of the satirical bite of the first RoboCop, and Americans nasty by starting the terroristic Quick Change: Bill Murray deserves a lot of the top and bottom of the “square” frame was not one interesting character, this movie has shuffle. We send in the SEALS to kick ass. credit for co-directing this bank-heist comedy. matted off, creating a wider aspect ratio nowhere to go. and nothing to keep any Charlie Sheen, Michael Biehn, Joanne He stars with Geena Davis and Randy Quaid (1:1.85). So when you see the square picture discerning viewers’ interest or attention for Whaley-Kilmer and Bill Paxton star. as successful bank robbers who discover that on TV, you’re actually seeing more than you more than 10 minutes. Boring, aimless and Overlong, clich6d, boring. And right now. the getting out of New York proves a greater did in theatres (because the top and bottom lacks any hint of imagination (example: the timing is quite poor. This one deserved the challenge than did robbing the bank. In their parts that were matted off have been restored only graphic violence is that of bullet holes harsh death it experienced at the box office. frantic run for the airport, they encounter on video). The bottom line: the images that ripping-up bodies; at least in the original, (R/A) Release dale: 1/31 every type of whacked-out loon and wooed audiences last summer (and caused Verhoeven showcased a variety of gross- frustrating scenario that provoked them to get them to overlook the film’s complete lack of a yourself-out sights — remember the toxic- Problem Child: If you saw the trailer (which out of NYC in the first place. The bank script or interesting hero) are vastly improved waste?). Amazingly, this one managed to pull- was great), you saw all the funny parts. What robbery that opens the film is indeed the best on video because now you see more. in almost $40 million, but RoboStar Peter a let-down. Apparently though, the folks at part of the movie, but what follows is better Technical B.S.? Maybe, but with a visual- Weller has stated that he will not participate in Universal were pleased with its box office than some critics would have you believe. orientated movie such as this, it’s nice to RoboCop 3, due this summer. I can only hope gross: Problem Child 2 will hit the screens this (R/AAl/2) Release date: 2/20 know that nothing is lost in the transfer from that the makers learn from the deadly mistakes summer. (PG/Al/2) Release date: 1/31 theatre-to-video. Pluses; A1 Pacino’s over-the- of RoboCop 2. (R/A) Now available Air America: Mel Gibson sleepwalks through top tour-de-force as Big Boy Caprice; Danny Days of Thunder: Taken as a pointless piece this supposed action adventure comedy about Elfman’s Balman-is\\ score; the colorful set- Young Guns II: Not the greatest work to of cinematic fluff, this one ranks right up there renegade pilots in Vietnam who get involved design; ’s breasts. Minuses: Beatty’s come out of Hollywood, this sequel makes up at the top for sheer entertainment. Familiar in a government-financed drug operation. too-stiff, too-deadpan performance; overlong; for what it lacks in originality with tons and and predictable? You bet. But it’s a lot of fun. Boring, pointless and - worse yet - not funny. no real script; absense of the Roger Rabbit tons of style. Australian director Geoff Tom Crui.se does his usual be-the-best thing, Robert Downey. Jr. attempts to play a Gibson- cartoon Rollercoaster Rabbit (it’s being saved Murphy has a lot to learn about continuity this time behind the wheel of a 200mph race like character and if you blink you'll miss for a future Roger Rabbit compilation video). (some spots drag on a bit too much), but Dean car. Nicole Kidman shows serious leg, and Nancy Travis. Shame on Roger Spottiswood, (PG/AAA) Now available. Semler’s (who lensed Dances with Wolves) Robert Duvall graces with his presence (but I who has already shown us that he can make an spectacular wide-screen cinematography still can’t understand why he decided on this excellent political war movie {Under Fire). The Freshman: does a makes one think back to the sylishness of one instead of Godfather III). Note: if your (R/Al/2) Release date: 2/21 hilarious send-up of his role as Don Sergio Leone’s classic The Good, the Bad and VCR is hooked up to a stereo system, this is in this witty comedy from the writer of The the Ugly. Emilio Estevez again plays boy- the tape to rent if you want to impress your The Two Jakes: In this long-overdue sequel In-Laws. Matthew Broderick plays a niave bandit Billy the Kid, reunited with Keifer friends. (PG-13/AAA 1/2) Release date; 2/7 to Chinatown, Jack Nicholson returns as run­ NYU film school student who is coerced into Sutherland and Lou Diamand Phillips and down detective Jake Gittis. It is 1948, eleven performing odd jobs for one Carmine Sabatini joined with Christian Slater (in a far-too-little Darkman: The ultimate comic-book movie, years after the events of the first film, and (Brando), an importer with shady interests. He role) and William Peterson as Pat Garrett. Darkman is so jam-packed with strange Jake finds himself involved in a case dealing is soon involved in a whirwind scheme Great stunts and a swell score (by Alan camera angles, special effects (some with marital infidelity, corruption, murder involving a kidnapped komodo dragon. Silvestri, not Jon Bon Jovi; Bon Jovi only intentionally hokey, some spectacular), ...and some tragic events from his past. Slow Penelope Ann Miller {Awakenings, Kinder­ contributes two songs during the end credits laughable dialogue and wildly inventive and deliberately paced, but reflective of the garten Cop) plays Brando’s daughter - watch and a cameo as a doomed outlaw killed by a stuntwork, that you may just have to watch it now-heavier and slower-witted Gittes. her and you’ll be convinced that she could’ve lynch-mob). Two notes: in the shadow of the two or three times to catch everything. Liam Nicholson is no Roman Polanski, but he does played the part of Mary Corleone in ultra-violent yet “R”-rated Total Recall, Neeson plays a doomed scientist, severely an admirable job as director, too. If you loved Godfather III. (PG/AAAA). Now available RoboCop 2 and Die Hard 2, this film slipped burned when hoods blow-up his lab. His Chinatown, you’ll appreciate the effort put by with a “PG-13”; it’s easily an “R.” so if nerves severed, he feels no pain but is prone to into The Two Jakes. If not, I suggest you skip Mo’ Better Blues: Spike Lee’s follow-up to you liked the violence of the original, this one violent mood swings. With vengeance this one. (R/AAA) Release date; 2/28

• •

• I BramUt and Broderick in The Freshman Mu’ Better’s Washington, Cynda Williams Bruce Willis Dies Harder Julia Roberts Flatllnes Keffer Sutherland The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 13 Borders: books, espresso and more Ted H ow e by some rather obscure authors. usually help you retnember the seepingw e enemy Of The Triangle These books would be hard to name of a book or author that is find in almost any other book on the tip of your tongue. This is The Triangle has 50 pairs — yes that’s right. 50 pairs Have you ever wished Ihat store in town. assured by the fact that all — of tickets to the Philadelphia premier of Julia there were a book store where If you can’t find a book that employees must pass a test of Roberts' new flick. Sleeping with the Enemy. The you could feel at home? Okay, you are looking for, you can go their knowledge of literature preview will take place in Center City, Wednesday, probably not, but it's still nice to one of several information before they are hired. when you find any retail store desks for help. There a clerk will As you make your rounds of February 6th at 7:30 pm. The first 50 correct answers that fits this description. check to see if they have the the store, be sure to stop by the to this week’s trivia question will win! Question: Philadelphia is now fortunate book. If so. you will be guided espresso bar. This is a unique Name the movie for which Julia Roberts was enough to be graced by just such to the correct section and shown feature to any book shop I know nominated for a best supporting actress Academy a shop. I am speaking of Borders the book. If the book is out of of, and it appears to be quickly Book Shop and Espresso Bar. stock they will order it for you. gaining popularity with the Award. Good luck! Yes, that's Espresso Bar. That no matter how small the order is. professionals in the area. Many simple fact should give you Borders also has a large people come to borders to buy a some idea of the unique selection of periodicals. They newspaper and have a cup of character of this new addition to carry all the local newspapers as coffee and a pastry before going Sting's The Soul Cages our city. well as many larger papers from to work. Borders opened about three other cities, such as the New That’s right, I did say before. Connie Regan haunting lovesong with a months ago and it has quickly York Times and Washinffton That is because of yet another universal theme. For the most Triangle Staff Writer become a hit with the residents Post. A large selection of difference between Borders and part, the album's sweet and and w orkers in tow n. In the magazines and journals is also other stores. Borders business My first instinctive reaction soothing melodies make up for 1700 block of Walnut Street, available. hours m ake it convenient for to Sting’s new album. The Soul its disappointing lyrics. Borders is sligtotly outside of the As for the store itself, it has a people who live the urban Cages, was to bury my head (as Be forewarned; Sting’s style hustle and bustle of Center City. very welcoming atmosphere. lifestyle to shop at leisure. well as the album) under my has yet again changed. Unlike This is appropriate because The first floor is mostly taken up Rather than having to rush at pillow. The first track, “Island of The Dream O f The Blue Turtles the atmosphere inside the store by the large checkout area and lunch hour, you can stop by Souls," has no redeeming and Nothing Like The Sun, there is relaxed and comfortable. the newest hardback releases. before or after work and have qualities at all. The lyrics are is hardly a hint of jazz in the Borders is a large store, and this The decor is simple and warm plenty of time to browse. whole album; instead, the works to its advantage. Unlike a with plain walls (adorned with All in all. Borders is a greater part of the tunes are low- mall book store, there is plenty prints which are for sale either wonderful experience. If you keyed and soothing, bordering of room for signs that clearly framed or unframed) trimmed have the chance, I would I CD even on New Age in the denote the different sections, as with hardwood. Overall, you get recommend stopping by there 1 R eviews: instrumental “Saint Agnes and well as directories that describe the impression that the store was and taking a look. The staff is so L © ) the Burning Train," which sections are contained on designed to make the customer friendly that even if you don’t % The album is a moving tribute each of the store’s two floors. J feel at home. Clearly the idea buy anything they will still make to Sting’s dead parents — a The selection of books is that custom er satisfaction is you feel welcome. Tht Soul Cages farewell album. It is filled with extensive. They stock all types important was a major theme in Sling Catholic images of “blood, guilt, A & M ...... ▲ A A A of books from fiction and non­ the design. Borders, located at 1727 land) death” (Rolling Stone, Feb. fiction bestsellers to sports trivia The idea of customer Walnut St., is open Monday 7, 1991), as well as scenes from to automotive repair manuals. satisfaction is also reinforced by through Friday from 7 a.m. to inane and the melody sing-.song, his childhood. “Island of Souls” Within each genre, they also the friendly staff. Borders 10 p.m., Satiidray from 9 a.m. to while the baseline’s monotony is is based upon a boy’s dream not have quite a selection. 1 was employees are uniformly 9 p.m. and Sunday from II a.m. enough to make even the most to follow in the footsteps of his especially impressed by the fact courteous and helpful. They also to 7 p.m. avid fan of Sting want to throw poor father, and the looming that they have many older books are very knowledgeable and can the tape out the window. Being ship image around which the one, however, who worships the song focuses recurs again and water upon which Sting walks, I again throughout the album. An alternative for Stephen King fans squared my shoulders and My advice to fellow die-hard braced myself for the rest of the Sting worshipers; If you don’t Stephen King and The Silence of Storm Front and her resources at Ted H ow e atrocity which awaited. like it on the first run-through, the Lambs by Thomas Harris. the newspaper, Laura manages 1 was pleasantly surprised by try it again. W hile I m ay be Of The Triangle M cC am m o n ’s M ine stands to get a lead. A chase ensues that the greater part of the album. prone to favor Sting simply For those horror fiction fans among these books as an equal will take both Mary and Laura While the lyrics are not so much because he is Sting, 1 feel that out there who are eagerly in style and power. from Atlanta to New York and the meaningful, imagery- and the few minor disasters present awaiting the next Stephen King The story is that of two then on to California. illusion-laced poetry to which on this album are easily novel there is good news: If you women whose lives become The road to the west coast is Sting’s fans are accustomed, he outweighed by the sweet and can’t wait until the spring for a intermeshed by circumstance littered with bodies as Mary adds to this album a continuity soothing instrumentals, the fix of your favorite novelist I and coincidence. Laura kills anyone who gets in her of theme and symbolism lacking subtle rhythm and, as ever. suggest trying another author. Clayborne is a thirtysomething way. Laura, desperately trying to in his earlier works. My Sting’s unforgettable tenor. Robert R. McCammon has been reporter for an Atlanta save the life of her baby boy. personal favorite track must be writing novels for about a newspaper. She is pregnant for begins to think more like the “Why Should I Cry For You," a decade now, but it is just within the first time and has hopes that horrible Mary Terror and the last few years that his books the new baby will bring balance eventually starts to act like her have been getting some notice. and direction to both her as well. His latest novel. Mine, should foundering marriage and her M cC am m on’s writing is as Skippy’s evil tw in Jif continue this trend. life. crisp as in any of his novels. The Most of McCammon’s earlier Mary Terrell (a.k.a. Mary comm entary that is embedded works have been of the Terror) was part of the Storm within his descriptions and in supernatural, fantasy horror Front Brigade, a militant the action is a telling view of visits M andell T heater genre. They’ve dealt with unreal anarchist group during the late both the sixties and the eighties. his nose, and reinserting them situations or fantastic monsters sixties and early seventies. In The narrative moves along well, Allan Pincus back into the pack from which that threaten the hero. But Mine 1972 the group was smashed by and during some parts of the Of The Triangle they came. is a different type of story. In an FBI raid and subsequent chase sequences you begin to “Skippy’s dead. His evil It was apparent that the this one, McCammon tries his shootout that left the members feel as if you are actually twin, Jif, is here now!” audience was pleasantly hand at the more difficult art of either dead or scattered to the moving along the interstates of A maniacal, evil, echoing surprised at the 22 year old’s psychological horror. In recent four winds. After reading a the midwest at seventy miles an laugh filled Mandell Theater. twisted sense of humor. When years, there have been several classified ad in Rolling Stone hour. This past Monday night, Pontiac asked if he had been stereotyped fine examples of this type of she becomes convinced that the Writing psychological horror hosted a comedy tour featuring for “geek” roles, Marc story, most notably Misery by leader of the Storm Front is is difficult, to say the least. It Marc Price who played responded: “A little bit. But calling all of the survivng depends entirely on the “Skippy” on the popular series Family Ties was a start. It got members back together. characters. If they are believable Family Ties. The audience me where I am today.” WRITERS Mary decides that she has to then the novel will succeed. The quickly learned that “innocent, Monday’s show was definitely bring “Lord Jack” a gift. She characters here are so believable NEEDED Mallory-love-sick Skippy” was proof that "Skippy” was not the wants to present him with the that I really began to feel for not the same person who was on only role he could portray, and son that he had fathered by her them in their plight. The only stage before them. he mentioned that he would be If you’re interested while they were together in the other times that I really Marc’s one-and-a-half hour appearing in a new television Storm Front. Unfortunately for identified with characters in in writing reviews of show was a potpourri of series in the near future. Mary (and, as it turns out, for horror novels in this way was in humorous sketches regarding After the show, which was books, movies, Laura) she lost the child as a the aforementioned books by sex, drugs, music, current also sponsored by Drexel’s result of the shootout with the King and Harris. music, plays, etc. events, and the “Evil Skippy.” SADD chapter and SPA, Marc FBI. Mary will not be swayed McCammon is making a good During the show Marc left the spent about an hour signing please call the from her plans though, and she case to be recognized as one of stage and entered the audience autographs on T-shirts and other ends up stealing Laura’s the top flight of horror novelists, Entertainment Editor in order to "get input from the paraphenalia. Without a doubt, newborn baby right from the and if he continues to write students.” Utilizing his -Marc Price’s performance was at 895-2585, or drop hospital. books like Mine, I don’t think “psycho-therapy techniques,” he hilarious, and one can be certain o f f a su b m issio n at After the FBI investigation that anyone could disagree. attempted to get a Drexel that we will be seeing more of stalls, Laura decides that she has Mine is currently available in our office. student to quit smoking by him in the future. to do something on her own. hardback from Pocket Books. It shoving two of her cigarettes up Using her own knowledge of the is priced at $18.95. 14 • The Triangle • February 1,1991

M ont Serrat: A cozy, classy hole in the w all w ith A + service

Ashley (J. Smith of wannabees. The seating was the Chicken Mont Serrat which nothing exciting. restaurant, and every time I've tight — when you have to worry has chicken breast with a Other menu offerings were gone the service has been Of The Triangle about knocking someone’s drink creamy mustard sauce with salads, like the Garden Salad for terrific. Breads were served As many of us have already over with your coat, the seating tomatoes, mushrooms,spinach, $5.95. the Chef’s for $6.95. promptly (and were quite tasty!), found out. South Street, Philly's is too tight. and red bell peppers over rice. Soups include French onion for and each course is presented most famous and unique strip, Then, on to the food. Beers The fettucini was described as $3.25, pizzas by design can be within a reasonable amount of has a plethora of restaurants and average around $3 with some having great flavors and good created, or Baked Brie for $5.95. time. The wait staff seems very eateries, each catering to many slightly more unusual selections consistency. The chicken is a Pastas like the Chicken St. eager to please, and speaks different types of cuisines. This available. Wines average $3 by great value — a lot of food for a James for $12.95, Linguini freely about items on the menu, week’s review is Mont Serrat. the glass, .$6 for 1/2 liter, and rea.sonat)le price.*A .salad comes Verano for $9.95, and Orange suggestions without seeming The menu begins with a $11 for a full liter. Labels with an entree, and results in too Ginger Scallops for $13.95. uninterested. which is description of the name, as it include Sebastiani, Carlo Rossi, much food for me. The chicken Grilled New York Strip Steak refreshing. titles places, landmarks, and and at least five specials are dish seemed a bit over-starched sells for $18.95 and Chicken Mont Serrat, 623 South other such trivia. I can best listed on a nearby chalkboard. and there was no relief from the Champignon for $ 13.95. Street, 627-4224, Hours are: describe this location as a cozy Entrees ordered were the sauce — it just took over. The The service at the time of the Sunday brunch 11-4, Lunch and classy hole in the wall — Fettucini Lorraine which has a same was said about the review was A+. I have had 11:30-4 every day. Call for not a trendy and glitzy roomful peppery, cheesy cream sauce and fettucini. The salad was average. previous experience with this dinner hours.

Penn and Teller visit Philly Allan Pincus them come up on stage to and around town... participate in a magic act. Of The Triangle Overall, the performance was The musical duo Gemini, twin brothers Stephanie Powers and Robert Wagner Penn and Teller’s Refrigerator astounding and left me with the Sandor and Laszio Slmovitz will present a will star in A.R. Gurney’s unique hit play Tour opened at the Schubert question “Mow’d they do that?” Theater last Wednesday night. and shaking my head in performance for the entire family on Love Letter for a limited engagement of The show lasted approximately disbelief. Penn and Teller are Sunday, Feb. 3 at 2p.m. at the Charles and one week only (eight performances) at the an hour and a half, and consisted definitely not your “run-of-the- Elizabeth Gershman YM & YMHA Shubert Theatre. Showtimes will be of a number of illusions and acts mill” magicians. Penn Jillete is Branch, Jewish Community Centers of Tuesday 7:30pm, Wednesday through of trickery, many of which were an amusing and remarkable Greater Philadelphia, Broad and Pine Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm and 8pm and entertainingly gory During their entertainer, with his partner show. Penn and Teller did what Teller’s silent but hysterical Streets. Tickets are $6. For further Sunday 3pm. Ticket prices range from most magicians would find mannerisms. information or reservations, call 545-4400, $27.50-$39.50. Tickets available at Shubert atrocious: They revealed secrets The duo’s magic show was ext. 243. Theatre Box Office, all Ticketron locations, of the trade to the audience. excellent and designed for all authorized ticket agencies, or charge 1-800- Other parts of their act included: ages (just about), and there isn’t On the Verge, playwright Eric 233-4050. For information call 735-5446. Teller swallowing embroidery a bad seat in the house. If magic needles, Penn escaping from is something that amazes you, Overmyer’s time travel comedy that "Houdini's Box," a levitation do not miss their unique follows the freewheeling adventures of The Opera Company of Philadelphia act, and “Mofo, the Psychic “Refrigerator Tour” which is three Victorian lady explorers, will be continues its 15th Anniversary Season with Gorilla." running at the Schubert through presented by Temple University Theater. Giacomo Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, one Penn and Teller utilized next Sunday. Prices range from Performances are set for evenings at 8 p.m., of the most beloved works in all of opera. Ft people from the audience $17.50 to $26.50. throughout the show by having Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 1-Feb. 2, and will be performed in Italian at the Academy Wednesday-Saturday, Feb. 6-9, in the of Music on Monday, February 4, and on M t. Olym pus Randall Theater, 13th and Norris Streets. Friday, February 8, with and 8 pm curtain. Matinees are at 2 p.m., Saturday Feb. 2 and For ticket information, call 557-2205. 9. Tickets are $4; $2 for students and PROFESSIONAL SCREEN PRINTING seniors. For information or to reserve And anyway, it’s midterms. Get some 40th and Locust 222-8088 Opan Bvaiy Day tickets, call the Temple Theater Box Office sleep! weekdays between 1 and 4 p.m. at 787- 1122. SCHOURSHIP INFORMATION FOR FREE STUDENTS WHO NEED MONEYFORCOLLECE Tame your writing dragons Every Student is EHglt>ie lor Some lype of The W riting C enter presents.., Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. • Many icholtnhlpt are given to student* bated on their academic Inleretta, career plani. lamily heritage and place ol residence. • There’e money available ter itudentt who have been newspaper carriers, Sessions for grocery clerlis, cheerleadeis, non-amohers.. etc. • Results GUARANTEED. CALL 1-800-542-5174 English as a Second Language ANYTIME Students

LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! Our tutors are sensitive Famous U.S. Women's Ski Team Diet to the special needs of During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women’s Alpine Ski Team members used the “Ski Team” diet to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. ESL students. That’s right — 20 pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical food action and was devised by a famous Colorado physician especially for the U.S. Ski Team. Normal energy is maintained (very important!) while reducing. You keep “full” — no starvation — because the diet is Stop by and make an designed that way. It’s a diet that is easy to follow whether your work, travel or stay at home. appointment today This is, honestly, a fantastically successful diet. If it weren’t, the U.S. Women’s Ski Team wouldn’t be permitted to use it! Right? So, give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets. Lose weight the 0018 MacAlister scientific, proven way. Even if you’ve tried all the other diets, you owe it to yourself to try the U.S. Women’s Ski Team Diet. That is, if you really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today. Tear this out as a Monday-Thursday - Noon to 7 reminder. Send only $10.00 ($10.50 for Rush Service) - to; SIimQuii(, P.O. Friday - Noon to 5 Box 103, Dept. 2R, Hayden, ID 83835. Don’t order unless you want to lost 20 pounds in two weeks! Because that’s what the Ski Team Diet will do. © 1990 The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 15 Classifieds

Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Modern Apartment For 7337./4/ terms. Everyone going away for co­ Eric at 222-4160 or leave a mes- negotiable. O’Donnell Inc. 222- Spring/Summer Sublet. 36th and op. Has LR and 2 full baths. Can sage./7/ 2600. Call for other listings larger Lancaster - 5 min to class. 2 Br - 319 N. 33rd St. Spacious 1 br apt. hold 3-5 people. Call Gary, Jeff, or and smaller. /2/ perfect for 3. G/D. D/W. for spring/summer sublet. Good Jim at 386-7079./2/ Furnished Luxury Studio For microwave, cable, central air, car­ security and maintenance. Large Sublet at The Cosmopolitan (12th Large Three Bedroom peted, W/D (in apartment). LR, eat-in kitchen, w/w carpet, GD, Large 4-bedroom House For & Locust) in center city from March Apartment. Renovated. 38th $795(neg.) + util. Rear enclosed W/D in building, central air, full Rent: 36th & Powelton. close to - September 1991. Features Lancaster, washer, dryer, available courtyard. For that step up - must bath. Great location, close to cam­ campus, newly renovated, washer- include: central air/heat; W/W car­ April. $825. Call 349-8981./7/ see! 387-2126./2/ pus. $585/mo. Must see! Will dryer, backyard, on-street parking. peting; washer/dryer in apartment; negotiate. 386-9808 or leave a mes­ Available June I. Call 222-8101./1/ dishwasher; cable (optional) and North 34th St. Clo.se to campus 2 Bdrm Apartment For Sublease, sage ./8/ more! Cost and dates negotiable. (across from lowers). 1 bedroom Available April 1. 314 N. 32nd St. 3413 Race St. 1 room available for A.sk for E.J. (592-7822)./7/ apt. for rent. Separate living nn & (10 minute walk to campus) Apartment for Sublet spring/summer terms. Privage kitchen & one bath. Access to $500/mo. includes heat. Call 386- Spring/summer terms. 112 N. 34th room, close to campus, goixl securi­ 27tb & South - 15 Mins, from cam­ washer and dryer. Ideal for 2 8037. Please leave message./2/ St. Across from towers. I bed­ ty. Only $260/mo. Call Jon at 222- pus. 2 Brm, 2 bath. Unique tri­ female roomates. $550 per month room, living room, bath, kitcheni^- 4160./4/ level w/spiral stairs, CA, DW, cable. plus utilities. Must .see - call 662- Apartment For Sublet: Spacious! cable available. Access to W/D. $695/mo-H 763-3303./1/ 0522.12/ 1 Bedroom for 1 or 2 people. Parking available, very safe. Close! 2 Bdr Apt, 43rd and Pine, $495, Hardwood floors, clean, secure, $475/mo Includes everything. Call one month’s rent free, 536-30I2./1/ 32nd & Hamilton - New Carriage Clark Park Real Estate: Newly W/D. small pets allowed. 4035 222-4730./8/ La. townhouse - 4 Brm, 2 bath, fire­ renovated studios. I&2 bedrooms Chestnut $4.‘)0/mo. + low utilities. Studio, 2 rooms & bath, only 295. place, w/d, CA, Sec. Syst, Roof 300-600, New kitchens, .some with Available May 1. 3^,1-4961.01 1 bdrm in 2 bdrm apt. for rent Includes heat & Hot Water. 38th & Deck, and more - $l600/mo+, 763- dish washers, intercoms, hardwood spring and summer terms. Share Baring Street. Powelton village. 3303./1/ floors, large closets, washer-dryer, 1 or 2 Bedrooms For Sublet in 6 with two other girls. 3310 Race St. Quiet secure building. Nice, sunny short term leases. Call 387-0327./6/ bedroom house. Bedrooms are Call 3S7-7972./4/ Apartment available Feb 1st. Call Powelton Village - 1 Bedroom, I large and share 3 bathrooms. 727-648S./2/ bedroom & loft, 2 bedroom, 4 bed­ 2 Bedroom Apt. for spring/summer Located on Powelton across from Apts, to Rent: Newly renovated room, +1 bedroom apartments & term. 32nd and Baring. Call Alam Village Pizza. $225/mo. + util. Eff., studio, and one bedroom. Call Take My Lease At Reduction! 2 houses available now. 395- or Jeff @ 382-3307./1/ Need your own bedroom, some fur- 3S6-2336./8/ Room apartment, H/W floors, W/D, 1750/month. 763-3303./1/ nitiure is available. Call 222- secure building. 4600 Sp. garden. 33rd & Powelton (311 N. 33rd) - 2 6112-i.ai House to Rent: Available March Empty and waiting for you. Heat 33rd & Baring (401 N. 33rd St) BR, Kitchen, LR, DR., W/W carpet, 1st. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and HW included. Save $$$. Large 2 Bdrm apt. w/d incl. Secure, AC, Wash/Dry Available. Parking Studio Sublet: large .studio apart­ kitchen, living room, and full base­ $350/mo. Call 923-8515 - Specify safe, & modern. $600 + utils. Available. Good security and main­ ment available spring and summer ment. $800 + utilities. Call 386- Apartment #D-3. Must see./l/ Claude BonI Real Estate 473- tenance. $715 -H util. Sublet for term. Includes large walk-in closet 2336./S/ 5900./3/ spring & summer, w/option to with a loft that provides a separate Apartment for Sublet: renew. Call 386-3980. Leave mes­ sleeping and studying space. 36th 2 Bedroom Apartment available Spring/Summer terms. 3411 Race Crisp New Renovation. 6 br, 2 sage if no answer./7/ and Spring Garden St. Apt D-4. 3/1/91. Near Kelly Dorm. St. On Campus. Two bedrooms, bath, brand new everything. D/W, $315/month + cooking, gas, and $700/month rent. All utilities AC, sofabed available if desired. G/D, W/D, C/A, W/W carpet. 35 & 33rd and Powelton sublet electric. Very secure building. included. Call473-8851,/2/ Please call to see apartment. Chris Spring Garden $1200 + utils. spring/summer. Spacious one bed­ Leave a message al 386-9S73./4/ 387-1928./7/ Prelease now for 2 free months. room apartment. Large loft in bed­ Fabulous Drexel Bargains! 4 bed­ 928-984S./7/ room. Sleeps two comfortably, 32XX Powelton Avenue. Spacious room houses: $550-1- & $750+. Apartment for Sublet: Great great location. W/W carpeting. Bi-level Apt, 4 bed.. 2 tile baths, Spacious & Sunny. 4 & 5 bedroom apartment in the courts. 36th & $165 Per Month + Utilities. Own New tiled kitchen, garbage di.sposal. liv. room, kitchen, fully carpeted. apartments w/deck, laundry, and Powelton. Living room, bedroom, large room in house, two windows, Clean. Heat and hot water included. Washer/dryer, AC, New much more! Only $895 + & $995. den, separate kitchen, W/D, D/W, two closets, free W/D, close to cam­ Lots of storage space. $510/mo. Renovation. First lime offered. Must see ASAP. 222-1207./2/ furnished W/W carpet. Quiet, Ian- pus. Prefer mature persons, non- Must sec. Call 387-0936. Leave Available 3/1/91. $ 1250/mo plus. scaped courtyard. Call Bryan - 386- smokers. Available February 1, message./9/ 662-0405./I/ Hillcrest Apartment for 2. 30I4./I/ 1991, Possibly earlier Call George Available for spring/summer sublet. 3S2-9242./2/ Spacious .Apartment .Available for 33rd & Powelton. Spacious 2 bed­ Wonderful location, great security. On Penn Campus. . . Available spring/summer sublet. Partially room apartment: kitchen, bath, car­ Freshmen-get out of the dorms, and immediately, June, or September. 428 N. 34th 2 Bdrm large enough furninshed 3 bedroom with on very peted. Available immediately. save money! Call 222-599S./3/ Various size apartments. Large, for 4 people - 750 plus all utilities, large bedroom - plenty of room for $500/moplus. 662-0405./1/ bright, newly decorated. W/ID. DAV, G/D, A/C, Alann. W/W 4 individuals. Large living room Rent/Sublet. 3229 Powelton Convenient public transportation. carpet. Rear yard. Lease terms 33XX Powelton Avenue. I bed­ Avenue. Spring/summer. 2 bed­ Call Mon-Sat, 9-4. Weisenthal BARCLAY SQUARE room apartment w/loft. tile bath, room, modern apt. Complete with Properties, 4029 Spruce. 386- Lemer Court Apts. • 3409-15 carpeted. 370/mo plus. 662- central heat, A/C, D/W, G/D, some 2380./7/ Garden Apartments 0405./1/ furniture available & loft built Race St. • 120 N. 34th already. Great location, $830/mo +. Apartment for Sublet Modem Apts, 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. w/own shopping center, ele­ One Bedroom Apartment. 47th & Call 222-3985 & leave message./6/ Spring/Summer. Located at 3413 CA/carpeted/gas heat/excellent vators, I - 2- or 3 bedrooms, Cedar Avenue. $350/mo. Includes Race St. Own room & bath in large location/great security, 886-9999 easy living; near 21 bus all utilities. Call 724-6379, leave 34th & Race Sts. - First floor 2 br apt. The rent is $256 + utilities, call or 387-8686 ------622-2000------message./l/ apt. for sublet spring/summer terms. Central air conditioner. Asking Sublet Now. Option to renew in $540/mo. Includes hot water. Must Summer. Own bedroom. Newly see! Leave message at 387-1928./2/ The Netherlands A p a r tm e n ts renovated. Located at 36th & Spring Garden. $ 167/mo. 4 bed­ 3 Bedroom Apartment for Apartments 3500 Powelton Ave. • 386-3177 room apartment. Call Lisa 632- rent/sublet for spring and summer • Extra Large 2 & 3 Top-notch New Apartments Available bdrm Apts. • 1 1/2 to 2 full Bths wall/wall carpet • washer, dryer • central a/c -11 -- gas heat • dishwasher • outdoor deck • Modem Kitchens • Laundry Facilities Just a Short Lancaster Avenue, 3600 block • Bike Room Commute to School $275-300 per month • On Site Super­ intendent and studio and 1 Bedroom Call for appt. day (664-3949) or night (664-3459). Maintenance FYom $495 Ask for Lloyd and best time for you to fall in love Our Exciting Features Include: • Heat/Hot Water • Central Air Conditioning • Washer & Dryer in cach unit Included • 24hr, Security Guards M&mon) Upgrades • Landscaped Private Courtyard $ 5 5 0 - 7 5 0 Open 10-5 Mon-Fri & 1-4 Sat & Sun TM ‘Backup & Sprint SenHces M a cin to sh 9i4^odems, 9{ar(C ‘Disks 636-0300 frtepfione constdtations ■ / 'r" VV'^Nf Jilt: n, y;. Mac Plus/SE memory 387-8870 'HKi '1 „';i • '.'i 11 II I 'rv :'il 2.5MB $100 “Servinfi Drexel Students for Over 15 1->4MB $200 Years." (215) 386-2257 Includes Installation 16 • The Triangle • February 1,1991 Apartments Apartments Information Information and eal-in kitchcn. D/W, G/D, and renew. Two bedrooms and 2 full apartment is located at 34th + W/D within the apartment. Quiet, bathrooms. The rent is 630 a Baring. The building has a .security safe, and very secure. Must sec!! month, all utilities included. The alarm system. Call Jen for further Call 387-2461 or leave a mes- apartment is located at 34th & details. 386-6656./1/ sage./2/ Baring. The building has a security CLASSIFIED alarm system. Call Jen for further 3406 Spring Garden St. Third Huge Two Bedroom Apartment at details. 386-6656./1/ floor five bedroom. Lots of win­ ADVERTISING 34th and Baring Sts. Entire First A Spacious, Furnished Room dows. Carpetted, cheap gas heat. Floor of secure building. available for sublet to non-smoking, Eat-in kitchen, large bedroom & liv­ IN Outstanding Condition. Wall to preferably graduate student in a 3- ing room. $440 plus. 386-6722./1/ wall carpeting, large living room, bedroom apartment on 44th & fully equipped kitchen, sunny din­ Osage streets from Jan 1, 1991 to Roommates ing room, fireplace, laundry, BBQ Aug 31, 1991. Please contact and patio. Available March 16. Kishore @386-4027./?/ Roommate Wanted Immediately THE TRIANGLE $800/month includes hot water and for spring term - brand new 1 bed­ heat. Call 387-4266.^/ Spring/Summer Sublet. Split room luxury apartment. Less than 1 level, I bedroom apt. On campus. minute walk to campus. W/D, D/W, Classified advertising is available to students, fac­ Huge Two Bedroom Apartment at Wall to wall carpet, air cond., cable A/C. $290/mo. Call Bill 387-2675 ulty, and staff at no charge. There is a limit of two 34th and Baring Sts. Entire Third ready, secure, and spacious. Great Anytime./4/ Floor of secure building. for 2-3 people. Washer and dryer in ads, of up to 25 words each, per person per week. Outstanding condition. Hardwood building. Only $420/mo. 386- Roommate Needed For Sprong- floors, large living room, modern 9A9S.ni Summer Terms; 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 Classified forms are available in The Triangle’s kitchen, dishwasher, working sky­ baths - has everything: D/W, W/D, lights provide loads of light and Apartment for Sublease. security system, cable, A/C, garage. offices; they require your name, phone number, id fresh air, laundry, sundeck, BBQ Available April 1. 36th & On campus - 3216B Pearl St. - number, and signature. Ads can be run for up to a and patio. Available now. Powelton, I bdrm, living room, behind Village Pizza. $280 per term at a time. $900/month includes hot water and kitchen, bath, & study room. Plenty month. Call Jeff after 5pm; 222- heat. Call 387-4266./7/ of closet space. $525/mo includes 5010, leave message./?/ gas, heat, & water. Interested? Call Paid classified advertising is available at a rate of 432 N. 34th St. 2 Bedroom. Total Rob at 386-8015./7/ Female Roommate Wanted: in a $3.50 for the first 25 words, and 15 cents for each Rehab. DW, W/D, ceramic bath, large 2 t)edroom apartment starting inexpensive gas heat, finished wood Room for Rent - Cheap!!! spring term. 36th & Powelton Area. additional word. floors, secure. Available April 91. Available immediately and for $240 including all utilities except All classifieds must be PRE-PAID. Ads can be $595. 386-6722./1/ Spring/Summer terms. Call 222- electricity. Please call Adrienne @ placed by mail or in our offices. 5552 or 222-7139./1/ 387-5749./?/ 509 N. 35th St. Four bedroom house. Mod. kit., yard, W/D, two Apartment For Sublease. April One Male of Female Roommate Classified advertising is NOT taken over the ceramic baths, finished wood floors, through August. 1 Bdrm w/loft, Needed to share large three bed­ phone. recent rehab., secure. $1000. 386- w/d, AC, Yard. 34th & Powelton. room house. 44th & Walnut VC. 6722. Perfect for 4-6 students./1/ $450 + Low Utilities. Call Jen or Rent $200/mo + utilities. Available Tracy 386-6473-/7/ immediately. Please call Joe or Large Studio - 34th and Hamilton. John 387-8416 after 4pm./2/ The Triangle Powelton Historic District - Fully Qualtiy renovation, separate eat-in 3010 MacAlister Hall kitchen with quarry tile, dishwasher, renovated two bedroom; bright and Wanted: 1 or 2 roommates in spa­ pine floors. $395. Includes heat. sunny; all new carpet; new kitchen; cious brand new townhouse. 33rd & Chestnut Sts. Available now. 729-4644./3/ modem tile bath; laundry. Excellent Located at 3218 Pearl St. behind Philadelphia, PA 19104 security. 550 includes heat. 387- Village Pizza. Large bedroom 3406 Spring Garden St. One bed­ 7808./9/ w/loft. Two and a half baths, W/D, (215) 895-2585 room entire third floor, wall to wall D/W, Security w/zone. Garage, Bar, carpets, lots of closets, many win­ Apartment for Sublet W/W Carpet. Around $280/mo + house - room is available immedi­ Male or Female Roomate wanted to dows, inexpensive gas heat, W/D, Spring/summer terms. 3741 utilities for 1, less for 2. Call 387- ately! Location is 5 minutes from share a nice size 2 bedroom apart­ secure. Available now. $395. 386- Lancaster Ave. 2nd floor. One bed­ 4963 and come take a look./4/ Drexel Campus & 10 minutes from ment on 32nd & Hamilton. Close to 6722./1/ room, wall to wall carpeting, central Penn. House is fully carpeted with campus. Needed Immediately! AC, newly renovated, good security, Female Roommate Needed: to fully furnished living room & large Please Call 386-1627./8/ 35th & Baring. Huge room, cathe­ very clean. Only 10 min walk to share room in 2 bedroom apt. at kitchen. Equipped with everything! dral ceilings, refinished wook campus. $425/mo + utilities. Call 3308 Arch St. Spring Term ONLY! Prefer quiet, studious upperclass­ Room for rent IMMEDIATELY! floors, marble fireplace, cable TV, 222-3360, leave message./?/ Great for anyone returning from co­ men. More rooms available next Male or female roommate wanted to stained glass, washer/dryer, security op. Call 387-9182./?/ term. Call 222-2048./3/ share an apartment on 32nd & system. Owner pays most utilities. Spacious apartment for women in Hamilton. Needed immediately - Antique furniture available. Quiet large, private Powelton Village Roommate Wanted for march until Female Roommate Needed: to $183 + utilities. Please call 386- non-smoking female. $425/mo. Home. Large second floor studio September. Perfect if you’re coming share or have own room in spacious 1627./5/ 222-4056./7/ (or large single bedroom) suitable off of fall-winter co-op. Your own two-bedroom apartment in for 1 or 2 people. Great view, par­ room. W/D, D/W, spacious living Powelton Village. Low rent, great Female Roommate Needed to Apartment for Sublet - Spring- tially furnished, tile bath. Call 222- room, kitchen, and basement. Call place. Call Ashley or Sanguta at share a bedroom in a 2 bedroom apt. Summer sublet with option to mo.ni 386-9727, ask for Tom, Mike, or 386-2416 and leave a message on Right on Campus: $175+ 1/3 of Joe./4/ machine!./?/ utilities. Call 222-1633./1/ — BalWynne Apts.— The Cloisters: Large studio, 1,2, & 2-bdrm. duplex in lovely residen 3 bedrooms starting at $445. W/W. 2 Female Roommates Needed to Male Roommate(s) Needed for Male roomate Needed Split-level hardwood floors, A/C, Gym, tial community. Garage, base sublet 2 bdrm apt at 3310 Race St. spring-summer terms. $256/mo. -k Apt. $ 180/Mo & Utilites, near cam­ Security, Parking available. Call 38?-7972./4/ ment, no pets; near 21 bus utilities. 34th & Race st. Own pus. Contact Mike 386-6499.Z2/ Historic Renovation. AVAILABLE room in 5-bedroom apt. Cable TV, IMMEDIATELY. Call Scott at 662- Female Roomate Needed to share 2 min walk to campus. Call Ed: Room for Rent Immediately! 9800./7/ Hillcrest apartment. Great location, 222-4160. Leave message./8/ Male or Female Roommate wanted security, furnished, & cable TV. to share an apartment on 32nd + Winter is Here. Apartment for Sublet- Spring- Call ASAP 222-599S./3/ 1-2 Roommates Needed. Great Hamilton. Needed immediately- Summer sublet with option to apartment in the courts. 36th & $183 plus utilities. Please call 386- As the snow is renew. Two bedrooms and 2 full Roommate(s) Wanted Powelton. Living room, bedroom, 1627./5/ falling, so are our bathrooms. The rent is 630 a Immediately. To share spacious 2 den, separate kitchen. W/D, D/W, month, all utilities included. The floor apt., large spacious bedrooms, rents. Furnished. Call Bryan at 386- Help Wanted deck, washer/dryer, near campus at 3019./1/ 37th and Lancaster Ave. Call 387- Attention! New Open Marketing 312 North 33rd St. Apartments Available 4702./2/ 1 or 2 Non-Smoking Female Plan. Tired of the hype, expense, 4Bdrm. iUeCT $850 Roommates Needed. Spacious 3 weekly meetings, and little income? Female Rommate Needed: Share 2Bdrm. 4695" $500 3409 Powelton EFF. 330. bedroom apartment w/ W/D, cable New marketing plan, no products to 3511 Baring IBd. 450. room, sublease from now to August. TV, security system and available stock! Develop excellent secondary New carpet, new kitchen, very 3721 Baring IBd. 395. parking. Great location across from monthly income, with minimum ft Powelton Ave. clean. On campus. $178.75 + utili­ Calhoun on Arch St. Beginning hours. Call 222-5869. Ask for 3200 Powelton IBd. 420. ties. Call 609-228-2171./3/ Oversize $450 spring term. Call Now! 662- John./4/ 3509 Baring 2Bd. 695. 0334./3/ 1 Bdrm 115 N. 34th 2Bd. 800. For Rent Immediately! Female Earn Great Money, part time. 3623 Hamilton 2Bd. 440. roommate needed to sublease apt. Male or Female Roommate: New Collegiate Storage Service, Inc. 509 N. 35th Msc. 1300. until August. Must share room. On townhouses at 33rd & Pearl. $260 needs campus reps. Free Storage. 3811 Baring Msc. 995. Campus. New carpet, new kitchen. month + utilities. Own room and Excellent Pay. Call David 628- W/D, big closets. $178.75 + utili­ bath. W/W carpeting, washer-dryer. 0112./1/ and many more .. ties. Call 353-0829./3/ Immediately. 386-8970./1/ Spring Break Tours. Individuals Call Urban & Bye Realtor Female Roommate Needed to Female Roommate Needed right or student organization needed to share 1 bedroom apt at 34th & Race. away. On campus location! Call promote our Ski/Sun Tours. Earn Own bedroom. Starting March, Kelly at 386-7806./2/ 222-4800 Money and FREE TRIPS to $2 13/month including utilities Cancun, Daytona, Vermont, except electric. Call 387-6021./I/ 1, 2, or 3 Roommates Needed. Montreal. Call Hl-l.lFE 1-800-263- House on Lancaster Ave. for spring 5604./3/ t a w — Park Lane East — One Male / Female Roommate and/or summer cycle. 167 per needed ASAP to share apartment. month. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Positions Available For Students (larden Apartments Own bedroom, close to campus, call 1, 2 or 3 Bedrooms, shopping cellar, deck, living and dining area, interested in providing a summer of 182-3020./3/ kitchen, alann system. Call anytime The I’roperiy Muiiugeini'Di centcr, transportation, & park­ recreation for blind and visually (iroup l.ld. at 387-5302./2/ handicapped children and adults. I'nivcrsiiy Cily/Ccntcr Cily ing ui door; near 21 bus Your Own Room For $200 Per Beacon Lodge, located in Central — 2 5 9 -9 0 0 0 ------Month! In a private 6 bedroom Room For Rent Immediately: The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 17 Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Sale Wanted Pennsylvania, is seeking camp from 1:00-4:30 p.m. on Saturday machine. Call for details - Leave a Wanted: Stock footage on counselors for summer camping afternoons. For more information, Disney World For Two! $199. message if no an.swer 386-1189./2/ Philadelphia. Need to have by this program beginning May 26 and please call 895-2424. Come and be This fabulous vacation includes Wed! Please call if you have any or ending August 21. In addition to a part of this fun and rewarding round trip air fare and three nights For Sale: Video Board for Mac SE. know someone who might. Hmily General Counselors, there is a need experience! !/4/ for 2. Interested? Call 222-5989, Turns your Mac SE into a 256 color 386-8970./I/ for WSI. Canoeing Instructor. Eileen./1 / machine. Call for details, leave a Archery Instructor, Crafts Instructor, Do you have work-study money, message. If no answer Call: 386- Wanted: Any Mac II, Mac Ilex, Cl Nature Specialist, and Nurses and and can't Tind the job you want. Dormroom Or Bedroom Seem To 1189./2/ configuration. 2MB ram, color Lifeguards. The summer offers a Work for the Triangle and use that Small? What you need is a loft! monitor keyboard. Laser Writer well-rounded program of activities money, all types of jobs avalible Raise your bed six feet off the NINTENDO CARTRIGES for Please call 745-6872. Leave mes­ from bowling to overnight canoe 895-2936, 3010 MacAlister. ground. Enough roo on top for a sale: Platoon, Skate or Die- $20 sage for Jose./7/ trips down the Juniata River. To twin or full bed, clock, books, etc. each. Dr Chaos, Golgo 13, Hoops- request an application and/or addi­ Fa.st Fundraising Program. $1000 Plenty of room below to put sofa, $25 each. Jordan vs. Bird, Ninja Lost and Found tional information, write: PO Box in Just one week. Earn up to $1000 desk, or another bed. Call 387- Turtles- $30 each. Call Jason @ 428. Lewistown, PA 17044-0428 or for your campus organization. Plus 28930./1/ 222-0577, leave a message if no Lost: I pair of gloves, black with \ call (717)242-2153./#/ a cance at $5000 more! This pro­ answer./1/ soft white fur in Commonwealth gram works! No investment need­ For Sale: Mercedes (1970). Hall, 7-306. Reward offered for t Situations Wanted: Professional ed. Call 1-800-932-0528, Ext. Classic car Runs well, needs minor SONY D-2 DISCMAN for sale: return. Call Tom at 544-8936./1/ [ Typing Services. Resumes, legal, 50./1/ repairs. $1500. Call 592-1959. excellent for use as a portable or in i medical, word processing, dictation, Leave message./1/ your car only $100! or willing to Found: A women’s wrist watch in I and miscellaneous clerical. For Sale trade for a Sega Genesis system lecture hall Matheson - 109. Call I Reasonable Rates. Call Tanita 747- For Sale: Ford pickup truck. with $$. Call Jason @ 222-0577, 386-9727 ask for Tom. Must be 0157. Please leave message./7/ For Sale: Apartment size refrigera­ (1979). In good running condition. leave a message if no answer/1 / able to describe. /2/ tor $65. Will deliver in the Drexel Call 592-1959. Leave message./l/ Wanted: Part Time Office Worker. area. Call Mary at 895-2145./2/ WANTED — Macintosh computers Personals South St. rest, seeks person with Astronomy Fans: ^ooks for Sale! - and peripherals wanted. High price Macintosh and clerical experience. For Sale: Two medium-sized sofas. Astronomy by Baker ($10), Deep- and immediate cash offered. Princess of the Towers, I am the Flexible daytime hours M-F. min. Great condition. Perfect size for sky observer’s collection (7 vol. Just Wheather working or not, new or adventure of your life. Do you want 20hrs per week. Call 215-627-2590 dorm or apartment. $50 each or $25), the moon observer’s hand­ used. Call Joe 609-273-1357 any to gel down and diny, or what?? I M-F Noon-3pm./4/ best offer Available mid-March. book by Price ($8), Astronomy time./17/ am available whenever you need me Call Linda at 387-4I87./3/ Magazine - 27 consecutive issues at 216 North 33rd street on this Sat­ Full Time Dollars For Part Time ($10). Prices are negotiable. Free Need an Outstanding GMAT, urday night hope to see you soon. Work! N.T.I. is looking for 10 stu­ Macintosh SE Hard Drive. book with purchase. Call Carlos: LSAT, or GRE Score? Call The Adventure. dents, to work weeknights and/or Includes all software and computer 3S6-4376./2/ ADVANCE Test Review immedi­ weekends. Close to campus. 801 covers, $1300 or best offer Call ately. Only a few spaces left in To The New Brothers Of 0KX: Arch St., Suite 404 Contact Eric Raj@ 386-8I36./2/ Macintosh Plus & Imagewriter II classes at Penn. 215-449-6311. Congratulation! You guys truly Vinnik at 829-1000./1 / For sale together or individually. Drexel’s best since I974./7/ workd for your letters, so wear them SKIS: Ladies Size 7 Nordica Boots Make me an offer Call Scott @ with pride. You're the best! Best Enthusiastic Individual or Rossignol Mid-S/I50’s $220 or best 320-0257. Leave a message./?/ Dorm room or bedroom seem too wishes, Angel. Student Organization to promote offer Call Kim at 386-4872,/2/ small? What you need is a loft! the two most popular Spring Break Skis For Sale: Olin 200cm Comp Raise your bed six feet off the Babs: I love you! -Always, destinations. Daytona Beach and For Sale: Professional sound loud­ CRX skis with Salomon 747 bind­ ground. Enough room on top for a BUSTER Cancun Mexico. Earn free trips and speakers, DJ, or home. ings and poises. $200, call 222- twin or full bed, clock, books, etc. cash $$$$$!. Call now. 1-800-265- 400W/Channel, 18" woofer, 3 way, 0577, ask for Jason or leave a mes­ Plenty of room below to put sofa, MARSH, We’re gettin’ to old for 1799. Student Travel Services./3/ double ported, call 222-1198, ask sage./l/ desk, or another bed. Call 387- this! (did you see that?) - Krissy. for Rob./2/ 2893, Ask for Harry./8/ Join Fastest Growing Marketing For Sale: MacPlus, printer, and ISABELLA CELLADOOR, your Firm In Center City: 1991 Topps Baseball Cards. 40th disk drive. Best offer Call 222- For Sale: $900 firm for Macintoxh kiss is sweet, your beauty runs deep. Evening/Weekends (4-9pm, 11-4 anniversary set. Selling complete 8609./7/ Plus and printer Need cash fast. Whenever we meet, you make my respectively) Base pay + commis­ sets, unopened wax boxes, and indi­ 997-1502 Terry/I/ heart leap. SWAK. *me*. sions + bonuses. If you are money vidual cards. Chance to win a card For Sale: Mac SE Accelerator motivated and have a good person­ from one of the prior 39 sets in each Board. Turns your Mac SE into an Metal Man - Thanks for a great ality, call us! 215-829-8114. 3rd & wax box./5/ SE/30. Also provides speed to your Market. /2/ Cruise Ship Jobs: Hiring Men - Women. Summer/Year Round. Photographers, tour guides, recre­ ation personnel. Excellent pay plus FREE travel. Caribbean, Hawaii, Bahamas, South Pacific, Mexico. CALL NOW! Call refundable. I- 206-736-7000, Ext. C85I./1/ The SCOTT LEARNING CEN­ TER is currently hiring College Work-Study Student Employees to C om ing February 1 2 ... be “Readers” and “Note Takers.” Only SERVICE ORIENTED stu­ dents should apply. HISTORY, SOCIAL SCIENCE, AND HUMANITIES majors are pre­ ferred. Interested students must contact the SCOTT LEARNING CENTER at 895-2568 for more information./?/ Make Thousands of Dollars in Just a few months! Send $1.00 to CMIS, 2104 Berwyn, Philadelphia, PA I9II5./7/ National Marketing Firm Seeks mature student to manage on-cam- pus promotions for top companies this school year. Flexible hours with earnings potential to $2,500 ...Valentines Personals per semester. Must be organized, hardworking, and money motivated. Call Christine at 440-9100./1/ Best Fundraisers On Campus! Is your fraternity, sorority, or club in The Triangle. interested in earning $500 to $1000 for a one-week, on-campus market­ ing project? You must be well-oiga- nized and hard working. Call Subm it a personals form by 5:00 pm Friday, Chri.stine at 440-9100./1/ Now Hiring - Several Positions, February 8,1991. Please write VALENTINE in the individuals interested in commis­ sions sales, fashion design, or pho­ tography. Call 387-8835./I/ upper right hand corner o f the form . Volunteers Needed: The Mu.seum at Drexel University seeks reliable, motivated people to volunteer in an art program designed for homeless children. Volunteers are needed 18 • The Triangle • February 1,1991 Personals Phi Mu Personals Announcements Announcements Announcements weekend. .Sorry about Sunday mom Sunday, Feb. 10 at 7:30pm. 4014 School for the Hearing Impaired (sat. night). Con.sidering the movie Phi Class- You guys are doing an MacAllister Hall. All iire welcome! (35th and Spring Garden) is in need (■ays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals at we saw, I guess I should fmd you an awesome job. Keep with it! Sharon. Come hear about this great organi­ of students to tutor the children. Drexel (CiLBD) Meets: appropriate name. How about “all zation that rebuilds low income You are asked to give one hour a Wednesday From 5:00pm to 8:00pm the time", I look forward to more Sheila, You’re the best little sister. housing. Find out how you or your week between 9am and 2:30pm in room 2020 M,icAlister Hall (con­ cuddly weekends alone, l^ove your Remember, relax. My ear is always organization can help!/2/ mon-fri. If you can help, call Sr. fidentiality is assured) for more Chickie, ready to listen. I love ya! Sharon. Dorthy at the Newman Center 590- info call 895-2063,/9/ UMOC, Vote For The Ugly Man 8760, or call the school 387- Hey Mel! I^lappy 21st, Get ready- .(ill- Happy Birthday. Have a fun On Campus! Only one penny per 171I./7/ Need an Outstanding (JMAT, I'm going to return the tequila favor term. Good luck. I’m here if you vote, with all proceeds going to LSAT or C.RE Score? Call you did for me last year. Ol'e! need me. Love your Big Sis, Dora. Children's Rehabilitation Hospital. Workshops To Enhance Your ADVANCE Test Review immedi­ Love ya lots, Marsha. Voting table in the Main Building Academic Skills: ately, Only a few spaces left in Phi Mu- The retreat was a success. all term. Sponsored by Alpha Phi Exam Preparation; February 6 at classes at Penn. 215-449-6311. Melanie, I'm sorry I keep knocking We proved how strong we really Omega./5/ 3:30pm. Creese 226 Drexel’s best since I974./7/ the water over on the table & bug are! LIOB. Laura. Assertiveness: February 13 at you for food. Hope you have a nice College Republican's Meeting: 3:30pm, Creese 201 The .Scott Learning Center is cur­ birthday. Love Gilligan, Lil Sis Karen- Keep up the good Feb. 6 in 208 Matheson. 8pm. Be Test/Math Anxiety: February 20 at rently hiring College Work-Study work! Your Big Sis. Laura. there!!/!/ 3:30pm, Creese 201 Student Employees to be "Readers" I.K. I haven't seen you around late­ All Students are invited to partici­ and "Note Takers." Only SERVICE ly - where have you been hiding? Phi Mu- Isn't it cool in pink? Work .Vppalachia Meeting: Meeting for pate free of charge. Any Questions? ORIENTED students should apply. Meet you in the library (hint, hint). it like a TITAN, Beta Tau! all .Students interested in giving ser­ Call 895-2S23./3/ HISTORY. SOCIAL SCIENCE. vice in west VA during spring break AND HUMANITIES majors are To the Phi Kappa Sigma Pledges: Phi Mu Phi’s- Phi Mu loves you (March 24-29th). Monday, Feb. Drexel Asbury .Ministry Weekly preferred. Interested students must Best of luck, I know you can do it. all! LIOB. Beta Tau. 4th. 7pm. Newman Center. For Sunday Worship Services are held contact the SCOTT LEARNING Have fun. Love, Jill info: 590-8760./1/ in Creese 226 at llam Sunday morn­ CENTER at 895-2568 for more Allison, You are the best lil’ sis. ings. Join us for singing, scripture, information. SBS - Keep up the good work, and Keep up the great work. I had a Prayers For Peace: Thursdays at and spiritual reflection. Campus keep having fun. You guys are the great time on Friday. Let’s go out 1pm at the Newman Center. All are Minister is Rev, Sharon Vandegrift. Drexel Rugby Club will be holding best. Love, Jill, again. LIOB. Jeannette. invited to join us. For more info: All are welcome,/8/ their first spring season practice 590-8760./7/ Mon. Feb. 4. We will meet in the Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha - Rene, You’re doing a great job; we Interfaith Baccalaureate: Any dance studios (basement of gym) Congrats on what I heard was a are all proud of you. LIOB, your SADD Meeting: February 5th, graduating senior who would like to from 8-10. All playsers must great party! Sorry I couldn’t be look alike. 7pm. Myers tutor lounge. Bring a help plan this please come to a attend./!/ there, but there’s always next time, friend./1/ meeting on Tuesday, Feb, 5th. I hope to see everyone alot this term Jules- I'm psyched you’re my little 12;30pm - Newman Center, Call Sr, - in between 20 credits. I love you sister- We’ve got to go out more Scott Learning Center: Last day Donhy for details, 590-8760,/1/ guys. Love. Anne Mari. often! LIOB< Jen Jar. to apply for a tutor: Friday. Feb. 15. 1991. Back exam hours: BP60: You guys are great! Keep Phi Mu the retreat was awesome- Mon.Wed.Fri 11-5. Tutoring ends up the good work and start scoping we must do it again soon! We are on Friday. March 15, 1991. Back for crush party dates! LIOB, the BEST sorority at Drexel. exam service ends on Friday March Danielle. Little Sis Melissa, You’re doing a 15. 1991./7/ great job! Keep it up! I love ya- Hi Lee Ann! Knew you’d be read­ yourBigSis Jen. Summer is Coming. Collegiate ing the personals and so now you Student Storage Service. Inc. is can feel special too! LIOB Dani Phi Mu roommates Erica and available to handle your storage The Triangle Blair. I love ya and miss you. needs. We offer the largest network Phi Mu - ril miss you. See you all of storage services throughout the on the weekends! LIOB, Kristen Kim, Nikki, Trish, and Heather- US. Professional pick-up and deliv­ You guys are the best family ever! ery, secured storage, boxes and Lori - How much wood could a We have to go out together soon. packing supplies provided, fully Midweek Edition woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck LIOB. Helene. insured. Call for more infoniiation could chuck wood? 628-0112./6/ Phi Mu- Sunday was the best. I'm Hey.Ja.se! Haven’t you heard? It's glad everyone came. Have a great Males, 18 years or older and in really cool to QUIT! weekend! LIOB, Helene. good health, wanted to participate in clinical pharmacological studies The B est C overage To my ASA Pledge Class - Hang in Announcements employing marketed and investiga­ there! I love you guys. Love in tional drugs. Please call 662-8766 ASA - Tasha Drexel University NA.^CP for details./2/ Chapter and Ida B, Wells Culture on C am pus is N ow IDA B C'ing U. Anonymous Club co-sponsors Dr, Mary Francis Sunday Mass: AT THE NEW­ Berry, former U.S. commissioner on MAN CENTER 11:00am followed To my Pledgemoms - you were the civil rights. Tues. Feb 5, 1991 at 7 by Breakfast./?/ the Tim eliest. best. - Love l^orever in ASA - Tasha o’clock pm. Crease Student Union, Grand Hall. Free Admi.ssion./l/ Interested in knowing more about Phi Mu Personals the Catholic Faith? Contact the The Last Concert In The Winter Newman Center 590-8760./?/ Beta Tau- There will be a "Bowlers Term series of organ recitals pre­ 'R' Us” meeting at the Drexel bowl­ sented by the Department of Newman Night: Thursdays at the ing alley Friday night. Jackets are Performing Arts is scheduled for Newman Center: 6:00pm. Liturgy, mandatory! Wedne.sday, February 6th at 1pm in dinner and presentation/discussion the Main Auditorium. It will fea­ etc. All students invited. Call the ture Dr. Clyde Shive, a member of Newman center for Details: 590- C lassifieds Policy for the CALL YOUR DATE! the faculty of the Drexel 8760./7/ GALS call FREE! Department of Performing Arts. All 645-0823 are invited and admission is free./l/ Singers and Musicians Needed: at M idweek Edition the Newman Center for Sunday GUYS call 976-3 111 The Drexel University Amateur liturgy. Please call the center if you 65c/niin for Romance Radio Club provides two-way radio can help. 590-8760 for Dan./?/ communications throughout the ALTERNATIVE world. We meet every Wednesday Service Projects: short term or We will accept paid classifieds and timely UFESTYLES 976-3311 from 12-1:30pm in room l-405a. long term; Contact the Newman announcements specifically submitted for the COUPLES call 976-2211 All are invited to attend. Call 895- Center for information. 590- GAY GUYS call 976-1221 7596 for more information./4/ 8760./?/ Midweek Edition. 85c/min PRIVACY! Habitat For Humanity Meeting! Tutors Needed: Archbishop Ryan

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Now you can have two of the most recognized and accepted credit cards in the world...Vlsa« and MasterCard® Y E S ! I want VISA®/MASTERCARD« Cnsdlt credit cards..."ln your name." EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN Caida Enclosed find $15 which is 100% refundable If not CREDIT or HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN BEFORE! approved Immediately. VISA® and MasterCard® the credit cards you deserve and need for— ID—BOOKS—DEPARTMENT NAME ______STORES—TUITION—ENTERTAJNM ENT— EMERGENCY CASH-TICKETS—RESTAURANTS- ADDRESS ______HOTEI.S-MOTELS—GAS—CAR RENTALS— REPAlf.S-AND TO BUILD YOUR CREDIT RATING! CITY ______ST A T E — ZIP No turn downs! PHONE ______. S .S .^ ------No credit checks! SIGNATURE______No security deposit! NQITl MAslciCard Isa rr-glstrird irddrmark ti< MasterCanJ IntrnialloiuiJ. Inc. Visa is a rrftlslcrwl trutJenfcirk of VISA USA, Iik*. and VISA inCrnialloiuii ^ Approv7)l absolutely gtiiirdnlotrd so srrvlc« A.s=«lallon. GUARANTEED! nnnK Ift NO RISK COUPON TODAY The Triangle • February 1,1991 • 19

‘Iron m an’ of tennis set to challenge IFA Basketball Sports Schedule Sam pras at U.S. Pro Indoor in M arch Time Date Teams Court and adjustments with the help of in both singles and doubles 1:00 2/3 SAE vs QC 1 Triangle Sports Desk coach Tony Roche as he began competition, several special He is the first male tennis his quest for the number one promotions are on tap for 2:00 2/3 TKE vs SA1V1 1 player to surpass the $16 million ranking at the start of the 1980's. tournament week. Prince 3:00 2/3 DSF vs FKS 1 career prize money mark and he By 1983 he reached the top manufacturing will sponsor 1:00 2/3 LCA vs TEF 2 is the all-time leading money spot. Two years later he began “The Prince Shoot Out" winner in men's tennis. an incredible streak as the Thursday evening, February 14. 2:00 2/3 APLvs SP 2 He is the only player in the world’s best player that went Early week poster giveaways 3:00 2/3 PLF vs PKF 2 Open Era to win three uninterrupted for 156 weeks, featuring Brad Gilburt, Rick 6:30 2/6 TKE vs DSF 1 tournaments in three successive from 1985 through 1988. Leach and Jim Pugh will be weeks on three different Although most players would announced, and the annual 7:30 2/6 LCA vs FKS 1 surfaces. be overwhelmed with a year’s Children’s Clinic will take place 8:30 2/6 SAIV1 vs PKF 1 He held the number one spot performance that boasted five at 11 a.m. on Saturday, February on the ATP Computer for 156 singles titles and other 16, for all youngsters holding a consecutive weeks. accomplishments, Lendl feels he ticket for the 12:30 semifinal He is Ivan Lendl, the "Iron has had a disappointing 1990 session. Man” of tennis, and he's coming sea.son since he did not achieve Tickets are available at the The Counseling Center to the Philadelphia Spectrum the his one ambition—winning Spectrum Box Office, Ticket- week of February II through 17, Wimbledon. Master and major ticket agencies 4020 MacAlister Hall to challenge Defending In addition to top-notch tennis throughout the Delaware Valley. Champion Peter Sampras for top 8 9 5 -2 4 6 0 prize at the $1 million 1991 U.S. Pro Indoor. The upcoming 30th- W omen’s swimming team ...offers support for those students anniversary tournament will affected by the war in the Gulf. mark Lendl's fifth appearance in enjoying 12-1 overall record Philadelphia. His past efforts here include three trips to the and 11-m eet win streak If you have a loved one serving with our troops in final, where he came up short the Gulf, or if you are worried that you may be call against John McEnroe in 1983 Continued from page 20 up, feel free to join us to discuss your feelings and and 1984, and won the title in a Drexel’s 200-yard medley relay combination of Sharp, Parry, walkover against Tim Mayotte Carol Collazo and Meehan was also victorious. concerns within a confidential and supportive in 1986. “We had three more Eastern qualifiers versus Bucknell, “ environment, A time will be set as the group is His last visit here in 1988 was said a pleased Head Coach Barb Kilgour of Schaeffer, Parry formed. If interested, contact Susan Eberte at 895- cut short by eventual finalist and Meehan, who all turned in qualifying times Saturday. John Fitzgerald, who up.set the "We’ve started to taper and rest for the ECC championship 2460. top seed in the Round of 16. meet. Hopefully, we can close out our association with the East Lendl's 12 years on the pro Coast Conference with a win.” If you wish to share feelings, receive support, tour have been nothing short of Entering the championships, Drexel has several swimmers release frustrations and discuss issues, come to a spectacular, as the 30-year-old seeded first in their individual events including Schaeffer (500, Czech has amassed 88 singles 1650 free), Meehan (200 IM, 1(X) and 2(X) butterfly), Collazo walk-in forum on Tuesday evenings this term from titles, including eight Grand (50 free), and Parry (400 IM). 6-7 p.m. in the Counseling Center. Slam Championships. Drexel’s 200-yard and 400-yard medley teams are also A self-motivated individual ranked first and the diver are expected to make a strong who is known as a "worka­ showing in the top six at the Championship Conference. Individual counseling is always available. holic,” Lendl underwent tre­ mendous physical conditioning

W E E K ! is every week... (But Wait, Theie's More!)

TONIGHT - SPA presents G lo ry , a great flick starring Matthew Broederick as a Cival War general. Don't: m iss it at FRIDAY NIGHT FLICKS in Stein Auditorium, Nesbitt Hall. Showing at 4:30, 7:00, 9:30, Midnight - $2 admission

Saturday, Feb. 2, Experience SHAMAN in concert. Performing at 8pm sharp in Mandell Theater. Tickets are $6.00 with Drexel ID, $8.00 without - Bring a friend!

Wednesday, Feb. 6, In the SPAtlight this week see m usician Thomas Ball LIVE at the Dragon's Den! Show starts at 8:00pm Popcorn and entertainment are FREE Bring your own laughs!

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EACH Monday nighl al 5pm in MacAlister. J O I H NOW, we'll need your help when spring co-op slartsi The Triangle February 1,1991 Sports P a g e 20 Dragons on a roll; Burke records 200th victory Dan Evan______The defense of which Cassidy Drexel the lead by making a forward Dan Leahy canned a with 18 points. UMBC center spoke was a combination of a 3- fastbreak layup with 13 minutes three-pointer with 5:13 Jim Frantz led all scorers with Triangle Sports Writer 2 zone and man-to-man matchup left in the game. However, remaining to give the Dragons a 19 points. The Drexel Dragons have that had the Retrievers guessing. UMBC refused to give in to the three-point lead. The Dragons "Our defense is a lot better. been on a roll, winning their last The defense held UMBC to 38.5 pressure. Guards Spencer proceeded on a 11-2 run that We played raggedly in the first three games. Wednesday night's percent shooting in the second Ferguson and Derell Thompson resulted in a nine-point Drexel half. We've learned how to settle victory gave Head Coach Eddie half. The deciding factor was combined with forward Brian lead with 1:18 remaining. The down and win now,” said Raab. Burke a career milestone as he Drexel's improved outside Watkins to keep the retrievers Retrievers resorted to fouls to “(Burke) told us it's the picked up his 2(K)th career win shooting in the second half. The close throughout the second stop the clock, but Drexel happiest he has been since he at the Division I basketball team shot 53.1 percent in the half. However, when the game converted its free throws to seal went to the NCAA’s. I hope we level. He is the first Drexel second half, compared to 37.5 came down to wire, the Dragons the victory. The final score was a can make him even happier by men's basketball coach ever to percent in the first. responded. 75-63 victory for the Dragons. winning the ECC tournament reach that plateau. However, the Forward Arthur Clark gave Drexel made its move when Jonathan Raab led Drexel and getting to the NCAA's.” road to Burke's benchmark The team now holds a record wasn't an easy one. of 7-13 record overall and is 3-3 The Retrievers of the in ECC play, but the evening University of Maryland belonged to Head Coach “Fast” Baltimore County, a newcomcr Eddie Burke. to the East Coast Conference, "It's a great milestone. I'm came with one objective on their excited about [the win], and I'm minds. It was to ruin Burke's excited about dealing with all evening. those great scholar athletes 'I'he Retrievers almost throughout the entire time." said succeeded by scoring the first Burke. seven points of the first half and The achievement makes holding Drexel scoreless for the "Fast" Eddie the first Division I first four minutes of the game. men's basketball coach at Drexel Guard Michael Thompson broke to win 200 games. He is the the ice for Drexel at the l.‘i:38 second men's basketball coach mark in the first half. to gain at least 200 victories. Drexel's defense allowed Coach Sam Cozen won 213 UMBC to shoot just .^2.1 games before Drexel reached percent for the first half. Division 1 status. Unfortunately, UMBC ran into The game was played in wake the locker room at the half with of a report by Dick Weiss of the a 26-2.^ lead. Assistant Coach Philadelphia Daily News that Joe Cassidy's theory on why the Drexel would not renew the Retrievers stayed in the game so coach's contract. Burke had no long pointed to Drexel mistakes: comment on the subject when "We shot horribly in the first questioned, saying, “No, I'll half. The team was 1-9 for enjoy this while I can.” three’s. Seven or eight were Drexel’s next home game is good shots. We just didn't make Thursday, February 7, at 7 p.m. them. The fact that we played Drexel’s Dragons set up on offense during a recent game at the JOHN VAN NESS/TRIANGLE in the gym against the Blue good defense kept us in the Physical Education Athletic Center. The Dragons are currently riding Hens from the University of game.” on the wings of a three-game winning streak and will take on the Blue Hens of Delaware next Thursday. Delaware.Delaware.game.”

Ice hockey captures seventh victory w ith last-m inute goal Rob Desmond______of the first period, but it would lead for a mere two minutes Drexel offense scored to capture Smith received his secorsecond not last long. until the persistent Millersville the victory. Player-of-the-Game award for Triangle Sports Writer The Dragon's started the Hawks scored with four minutes Two-year veteran Joe his three assists on Drexel's four In front of their usually second period with a goal when left to tie the game once again. Boccelli took the puck in the goals. vicious crowd, the ice hockey defenseman Russell Smith fed Both teams poured on their comer, fed it to Smith who, once Come out and continue to team played one of their most Rick Vallieres to tie the game offense while trying to pull out a again, pulled some of his magic. support the Drexel ice hockey exciting games of the season up. victory. Smith fed the puck to Scott team when they host LaSalle thus far. The Icemen recorded Four minutes later. Smith It was at the 0:10 mark of the Russell, who netted the winning next Thursday, February 7, at the their seventh victory when they made another inspiring play, third period when the superior goal, 4-3. Penn Class of ‘23 Rink. scored with ten seconds left in feeding Mark Flocco to give the game. Drexel the lead, 2-1, but the The Drexel/Millersville Dragon defense let Millersville matchup has always been a good bounce back to tie the game. M en’s swim team undefeated for the season one, but no one expected the The game remained tied until and then breaking the pool record in the 100 fly game to be so close. rookie defenseman Jim Pezone Triangle Sports Desk Millersville stepped on the ice blasted a slap shot from the blue (50.7) with a time of 50.57 later in the meet. with the intent to hammer line that beat the Millersville Saturday was the homecoming for the Drexel Fellow seniors Doug Petrie and Gamble also Drexel on their home ice. They goalie low to the glove side. swim team. With a full house packed into Logue swam well in the last home meet. Petrie led the took an early 1 -0 lead by the end The goal gave the Icemen the Natatorium, the men put on a show against a team in the 50 free with a second-place finish much weaker Bucknell team. (22.01), his fastest time in the event this year, The final score of 148-74 not only meant a while Gamble swam his season’s best in the 500 W om en swim m ers close out win for the Drexel alumni that were there, but it free. also meant the end to a dual meet season in Tom Cullen and Lear got first and second, regular season w ith win which the men went undefeated, 10-0. respectively, in the 500 free. Their times of Things got off to a great start as the 200 4:45.16 anti 4:46.26 were enough to beat out Athletic Center. The enormously medley relay team of Chris Farschon, Butch Bucknell’s Hutchinson, who was pasted by Lear Triangle Sports Desk successful seniors will be Zarrilli, Greg Rees and Hank Alexander took on the last tap. The women's swimming and instrumental in Drexel’s first place, breaking the Drexel record time of Other first-place finishes were turned in by diving team will take an anticipated success at ECC’s 1:36.74 by finishing in 1:36.6. Farschon and Zarilli in the 1(X) breast stroke and Alexander in impressive 12-1 overall record February 7-9, at the University Chris Lear kept things rolling with first and the 100 free. and an 11-meet winning streak of Maryland—Baltimore second place finishes in the 400 IM, “Anthrax” Farschon swam to a second-place into East Coast Conference County. respectively. finish in the 100 back with a personal best time championships after defeating Individual winners against The record-setting win set the stage for the of 53.9, giving Bucknell’s Steenson, last year’s Bucknell University, 138-91, Bucknell included Jill Cameron Drexel’s divers. John Carney, Dave Charney, ECC champion, a tough race. Saturday before a spirited (1000 and 500 free), Lori and Frank Ricciardi took respective first-, After great swims Saturday, the men now turn homecoming crowd of alumni, Schaeffer (100 and 200 free). second- and third-place finishes in IM their focus to the ECC championships. On parents and friends. Parry (400 IM), Meehan (100 competition. February 7-9, they will travel to the University Drexel honored its five fly and 100 breast), Jennifer Carney’s first-place score of 378.27 on three of Maryland Baltimore County in quest of their seniors, Cathy Meehan, Traci Shappel (new record in one- meters broke the pool record and qualified him second consecutive ECC championship to cap Morret, Heather Parry, Kris meter diving, 236.17 points), for the NCAA zone meet later this year. off a perfect season. Lapman and Jackie Sharp, who and Kristin Renchkovsky (three- Rees followed up the 200 medley relay UMBC’s natatorium holds 8000 and tickets made their final appearance in meter diving). performance by winning the 200 free (1:43.2) are going fast, so don’t wait to make plans. Drexel’s Physical Education See WOMEN'S on page 19