www.mbro.ac.uk 2017 / 2018 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS A guide to additional learning support available at Middlesbrough College WELCOME At Middlesbrough College, we take Special Educational Needs very seriously. Meeting your individual needs is the best way to help you achieve your educational goals and we hope this booklet gives you an overview into the support available. Middlesbrough College wants all students to have equal opportunities to achieve their full potential and welcomes applications from students with a learning difficulty, disability, or any other support need. Our aim is to provide the appropriate resources, facilities and services to enable you to be successful in your chosen programme of study. Whatever your educational need, we aspire to have the right provision for you; from Life Skills courses for students with severe learning difficulties through to in-class support for students who need additional assistance with their vocational course. We are committed to co-operating with local authorities to adhere to special educational needs and disability code of practice (SEND) using our best efforts to meet the needs of students. If you have an Educational, Health and Care Plan and want more information on our courses, or would just like further information on the additional support we offer, don’t hesitate to contact the Additional Learning Support Team. Your Additional Learning Support (ALS) Team: 01642 333528 / 01642 333902 / 01642 333605
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[email protected] CONTENTS Meet the Team Page 4 Autism