The Ledger and Times, May 28, 1953
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-28-1953 The Ledger and Times, May 28, 1953 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 28, 1953" (1953). The Ledger & Times. 1309. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • aaa 1 ••• WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 195S 949•14•1 Zs lise AU goseiReutesilky Crianatalty nowspipse ati Doubles Profit he 1947 With-GOod -C-Ows We Are Weather re Forrest of Metcalfe Coun- ,alerlon L KENTUCKY. I' a . r and id his profit almost Rea ty increased Helping To pleasant. high in the 70's it when he sold 14 old scrub percent this afternoon. Fair and cool .ip replaced them ,with six cows and Build Murray tonight, low 45 to SO in the 35 grade animals, sai4 Harem good • east and 50 to 56 in the ray Crenshaw, county agent in ith tee west. Friday partly cloudy Univershe of Kentucky By .so Each Day with little change in tem- Its doing. Forrest increased the total perature. sh pounds of milk produced and curt to costs a little more than half. It. er1111111MIWINWri in- recently started in the dairy bust. United Press TOUR PROGRISSIVE HOME NEWSPAPER 'n, ness through improvement of Ins IN ITS 744h TEAR Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, May 28, i953 MURRAY POPULATION - - - 8.000 rn. herd and buildings. Futase plans Vol. XXIV; No. 127. ret include pasture development and de feed supplies produced on the farm. n Coronation INTEREST MOUNTS IN SCHOOL ELECTION 1X4 Taft EISENHOWER &Meard 14.1 Split On US Funeral For HONORS LAFAYETTE Question Will Be Decided "Seen • Around Forgt, +/UN In Korean War Mrs. Glbbs By Voters Next Tuesday WASHINGTON May 28 (UP)— safety for a free country standing President Eisenhower said flatly to- alone. Is Today Iriterest in the school election merce. therefore, offers its ser- MURRAY day that he does not snare the 5. He said no solution of the to be 'pheld next Tuesday is be- vices and endorsement, to the view of Sen. Robert Pa Taft that Korean war should be adopted ginning to sharpen according to plan" Funeral services for Mrs Cora the United States should forget which, according to our consciences, reports from the Murray High Murray Chamber of Corn. E. Gibbs will be held this after- It's mulberry tune again and the the United Nations as fat as the is basically unfair to South Korea. School Parent-Teacher Association. Jack W. Frost, Sr. Execu- noon at 3 o'clock at the Martins kids in the neighbeehood are Korean war is concerned. In -connection with the truce talks, The PTA is sponsoring the elec- tive Secretary teeth Chapel Methodist Church with Rev voters. going a round with their He said the Senate Republican the President restated In :s un- tion which will determine if "Washington, D. C.. April 17,1983 H. L. Lax and Rev. L. L. Jones of- arid mouths looking as if they living in the Murray School Dis- leader is entitled to his own con• changebale position that there be ficiating_ permits the sum of $113,- had been eating tar. victions, but that in the Presi- no forced repatriation of prison- trict, wish to continue a 10 cent 550 of federal funds to be reserved Mrs. Gibbs. age 76 formerly of dent's opinion, a Iono ri e" ers. He said the Allies stend to- tax or not. The tax was originally tentatively pending your ac- this county, passed away at the It Is an annual occuranee. The policy has no place in American gether on this principle. levied in 1929 to build the gym tign Highland Park General Hospital, birds are in the top of the tree planning. The President's discussion of flow in use at the school rind for Office of Education by Lilly- . Highland Park. Mich.. Monday. Her arid the kids are ringed around The chief executive told his Taft's speech this week — in which adidtional classrooms. white" the death 'was caused from a cerebral school the bottom. Both vying for news conference that no single the senator advocated independent The tax of 10 cents per "Murray School District has the hemorrhage she suffered one week juicy berries. free nation can live alone in t4is action by the United States if the hundred is scheduled to expire opportunity' of getting a new ele- prior to her death. She waa a mem- World. , Korean truce negotiations fail — in June. If it is decided ay voters mentary scalars' building costing ber of the Martins Chapel Metho- Speaking of kids, the neighbor- policy to continue the tax for fram three $113.550 if a Other foreign highlights was touched off by the opening dist Church. suitable site with play- hood IS strangely quiet -from the in Mr. Eisenhower's news confer- question of the news conference. to five years. the money will be ground can be furnished The Survivors are five daughters, 19 hours of 8:00 to 12:00 now. a ence: A reporter asked the President used to purchase a site for a new cents levy voted in 1929 to build Mrs. Rob Lamb and Mrs. Herbert 1. He said the Big Three meet- whether he shared Taft's view that grade school building. gym and classrooms expires in Farmer of Murray. Mrs. Lois Har- It Is temporary though, just ing in Bermuda — tentatively set this country might as well "forget Murray citizens wilt not have to June. By continuing it from two grove. Mrs. Wade Enoch aridajtera. while the daily vacation Bible for mid-June — might be delayed the United Nations as far as the pay for the school. directly. The to four years a site costing from Kenny Wilkins of Detroit. aficha Schools arc in, progress. by the failure to form a new Korean war is concerned." Federal aillovernment, under a pub- 510,000 to $20.000 can be paid for. two sons, Jesse Gibbs of Murray • French government. Earlier Sen. John J. Sparkman lic law pernias use of 5113.500 for The tax rate will not and can and Russell Oibbs of Detroit, not The neighborhood begins to rock does ID-Alai Mich.: the building of the school itself. be more Than 2. He said he not necessari- said that Taft may be to 23 grandchildren. it now is. By voting again at noon when they all start ly believe the Bermuda conference blame if the current Korean truce •This public law involves the grant- YES the rate 25 cents we now pay 'ere and back to the patace. The Yen- Active pallbearers will be Feed, arriving again. will lead to a later meeting with talks collapse. of money to localities whose the Sinking Fund will be continued :ally is regarded as one of the worldat Harold, Joe Edd and Virgil. Gibbs, Russia, despite British and French schools become overcrowded due until the site is paid for. The 15 shish to ride. (intcrnattoi Charles Lamb and Darrell Har- 4 , ll‘tirs being towed by the office. hopes that it will. to government projects in the cents is for the Grade School ULI grove. Honorary pailbeerere will e always involuntarily jump 3. The laresident opposes admis- High School Boy's vicinity. Ninth Street.- / be Roy Pool. Johnny Robertson, when we look up and suddenly sion of Red China to the United The school census of the Muree• 'Murray Board of Education Commentaries Cut Charlie Clark. Gingles Barnes, Otis see the back ear movin,g along Nations under present day carcum- High School has increased over A Luther Robertson, Chm, Johnson, Clifton Harrell, Tilghman with no driver. Takes a minute Stances From Voice Budget per cent, from causes attributed W. Z. Carter, Sec. wherein the Chinese gov- Armstrong, Tommie /, to realize that it is being towed. Atkins, Haf- to government activity in...the area. ernment supposedly is subservient ford Rogers and Harry Suttee. to Moscow. NEW YORK May 28 (UPr—A There is now a total 25 cents Burial will be in the Martins Activity, going on at the old 4. He sees no evidence of a 17-year old high school senior per huedred tax in the Murray Chapel cemetery with the Max H. Ford Garage. Our sleuthing so far rising tide of isolationism in this whose chatty commentaries on School District. Fifteen cents et Heaviest Churchill Funeral Home has been fruificas. but something American life were heard from in charge this tax is used for the normal country. He said the bulk of the of the arrangements. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER stands with bared head after piecing •" is giiing•nn. American people feel Pakistan to Scotland has given up wreath at statue operation of the school system. The F• room brick home located on the there is no of General Lafayette in Washington during eere- his Fhortwave broadcasting because ' monies on 119th remainingainit:sch ,i tenev,k,m. cents has. n used large lot w anniversary of his death. •niternationcd) ng ace streets, has a Floilyhorka are beginning to his fan mail is too heavy. to pay fur the priorneipasion af NO PLACE LIKE HOME Hopkinsville gement, electric furnace. Pyiced bloom. The weekly broadcasts by Billy the May 26 IUP) tittii transferable.