Article A Tunable Brake for HECT Ubiquitin Ligases Graphical Abstract Authors Zan Chen, Hanjie Jiang, Wei Xu, ..., L. Mario Amzel, Sandra B. Gabelli, Philip A. Cole Correspondence
[email protected] (S.B.G.),
[email protected] (P.A.C.) In Brief Chen et al. describe an autoinhibitory Phosphorylation mechanism for WWP2, WWP1, ITCH, and NEDD4-1 ubiquitin ligases involving a linker-HECT domain interaction. This intramolecular interaction traps the HECT Autoinhibited HECT Activated HECT enzyme in its inactive state and can be • Blocked allosteric • Moderate activation: relieved by linker phosphorylation. ubiquitin binding site Substrate ubiquitination • Locked hinge loop • Hyper-activation Self-destruction Highlights d Autoinhibition of HECT ubiquitin ligases by a linker segment d Phosphorylation of linker or cancer associated mutation relieves autoinhibition d Complete loss of linker leads to hyperactivation and self- destruction of ligase Chen et al., 2017, Molecular Cell 66, 345–357 May 4, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. Molecular Cell Article A Tunable Brake for HECT Ubiquitin Ligases Zan Chen,1 Hanjie Jiang,1 Wei Xu,1 Xiaoguang Li,2 Daniel R. Dempsey,1 Xiangbin Zhang,3 Peter Devreotes,2 Cynthia Wolberger,3,5 L. Mario Amzel,3,5 Sandra B. Gabelli,3,4,5,* and Philip A. Cole1,5,6,* 1Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences 2Department of Cell Biology 3Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 4Department of Medicine 5Department of Oncology John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 6Lead Contact *Correspondence:
[email protected] (S.B.G.),
[email protected] (P.A.C.) SUMMARY Of the 28 human HECT domain E3 ligases, the most intensively studied comprise the nine members of the NEDD4 family (Fig- The HECT E3 ligases ubiquitinate numerous tran- ure S1A) (Bernassola et al., 2008; Buetow and Huang, 2016; scription factors and signaling molecules, and their Scheffner and Kumar, 2014).