The Times , 1992, UK, English
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—— 5 BRITISH GAS ARTS MOTOR INFOTECH Teli Sid that Ballet: the myth of My heap- ON FRIDAY the party’s over The Nutcracker by Tim' Section^ Page 25 News, p5; Business, pi 9 Section 2, page 29 Kevin Eason, page 30 THE TIMES No. 64,519 Blindfolded Palestinians on a one-way bus journey into exile Cambridge researchers beat Oxford Wien's * challenge 1 By John O’Leary, education correspondent IOI1K SUCCf^ CAMBRIDGE University age score among the provin- yesterdayestablished a dear cial universities, although lead over its ancient rival Nottingham equalled its Oxford in the most extensive record of 1 1 top-rated units. university research rankings Both finished ahead of tra- carried oat in Britain. ditional Oxbridge alterna- The official assessment of tives such as Bristol and 43,000 academics’ research Durham. Edinburgh was wifl be used to distribute the most successful Scottish more than £650 million to university. university departments next Professor Graeme Davies, year. Those with the lowest chairman ofthe Universities rating will have no access to Funding Council, which car- the new higher education ried out the exercise, said funding councils’ main re- that he expected criticism search budgets. but the rankings represent- Traditional universities, ed “informed peer review". which previously received He added: "If we are com- automatic funding for re- mitted to quality, then we search. dominated the rank- must be prepared to be ings of 72 different subjects. measured, and that Is what A media studies research this is all about" centre of five academics at The assessment showed a Westminster University, the rise in the quality of re- former Polytechnic of Cen- search in the traditional tral London, was the sole universities since their last Expelled: Palestinians from the Gaza Stop slump in their seats as guards wait for the order to wave their bus across the Israeli frontier into Lebanon yesterday representative of the new assessment three years ago. universities in the top cate- The new universities, includ- gory. Forty of the 52 units ed for the first time, had Expulsions entered by Cambridge some notable successes, but South-East achieved the maiimnm registered most of tiie low score, compared with 28 of scores. put Israel the 45 Oxford entries. Univ- One former polytechnic, alert as Serbs jobless ersity College London had the University of Central 22 toprated units out of43. England at Birmingham, peace talks Dr Anne Lonsdale. Ox- did not enter any academics total hits ford’s directs of external for assessment and others relations, said the university have complained that the at risk had reservations about the exercise did not reflect the record 1 0% exercise. “There are one or applied nature of their work By Martin Fletcher two areas where we are mid lack of previous fund- and Our Foreign Staff By Philip Bassett surprised by the results. We ing. Professor Davies said By George Brock. combat forces. Although his INDUSTRIAL EDITOR certainly do not think that that the assessment showed ISRAELI buses carrying de- Michael Evans John Major’s defiance of a Serbian warnings have been greeted the substance of the work is sound research in many new ported Palestinians crossed and PhilipWebster with angry contempt, they ONE in ten of the workforce accurately reflected but it is universities, and several mil- into Lebanon last night and ultimatum suggests that Western aircraft highlight precisely the feats in the South-East is now our of up to us to look at how we lion pounds was being made ’’ took with them the hopes of NATO is ready to take mili- may soon start enforcing die ‘no fly* expressed by Mr Major. Mr work, according to figures set about it" available to develop areas of the Middle East taiy action to help the United Hurd and Mr Riflrind. In his released yesterday. Unemploy- None the continuing over Bosnia of Oxbridge potential. peace talks. Nations to enforce the “no-fly^ zone letter, Dr Karadzic claimed ment nationally has risen to units assessed scored less More than 450 leading The Israeli supreme court’s zone over Bosma-Herzegovi- that he would not be able to more than 2.9 million. The than three out of five points, researchers and non-aca- decision to allow the expul- na. The dedaration from die control his troops on the government admitted that the indicating that most re- demic experts assessed the sions to go ahead came in spite alliance’s foreign ministers Britain's Douglas Hurd said officers on the staff of the UN ground if they saw there increase was discouraging, search was of national research. of an appeal by President last night came in direct that the UN Security Council Bosnian command headquar- aircraft shot down. If that while Labour said it would be standing. All 3.000 academ- Bush and warnings from Arab defiance of an ultimatum would issue the enforcement ters at Kisdjak, 20 miles west happened, the UN would be a dismal Christmas for those ics will continue to be eligi- League table negotiators that the expulsions from tiie leader ofthe Bosnian resolution “reasonably soon". of Sarajevo. Mr Major is wise to withdraw all its ground out of work. ble for research funding. and reports, page 7 wrote to added, however. “That is expected to underline this troops, wrote. could "deal a death blow" to Serbs, who yesterday He he In the South-East, one ofthe Warwick had the best aver- Leading article, page 15 the talks. Mr Bush, in a state- John Major threatening to not to say it wfll be implement- point as diplomatically as he “If it is decided that tfre UN areas hardest hit by the reces- ment issued after he had met attack British soldiers if West- ed immediately." can when he meets President security council resolution sion, the unemployment rare Arab and Israeli delegates to ern combat aircraft became Lawrence Eaglebmger, the Bush today for a weekend of should be enforced byt he sue topped 10 per cent for the first the negotiations, urged the involved in the conflict American secrdajy of state, talks that win almost certainly of force, and if this results in time. The rate of 10.1 percent parties to keep talking. He Radovan Karadzic whose added that aid convoys might pave the way for a UN tiie destruction fif our represents 916,800 people. said Arabs and Israelis should seU-dedared Serb republic in have to be halted while air resolution next week. helicopetets, the parliament of Unemployment in the South- carried If the Tbe prime minister dearly tiie republic will cer- stop all forms of violence “and Bosniayestenday claimed to be strikes were our almost East has risen by a quarter in avoid such reactions as depor- unilaterally ending the “ethnic UN passed a resolution hopes that such a resolution tainly declare all UN forces as the past year, compared to a tations that risk complicating religious war", said in his authorising force to be used wSQ be enough to persuade the hostile I think we should hare national average rise of 15.5 to the search for peace". letter that if the “no-fly" zone against Serb aircraft imple- Serbs back off although contingency arrangements to per cent In London the total is were enforced by Western menting if “might have to take ministers accept that if that evacuate all UN ground . f Earlier. Lawrence Eagle- ' burger, the Secretary of Stale, aircraft. UN troops on the precedence over the question does not happen, the allies will troops currently serving in the ground would be declared of delivering aid for a short have to face up to enforcing it Serbian controlled parts of T: had expressed strong objec- FALLING OUT tions to deportations. The hostile and be in danger of period of time," he said. Malcolm RffidncL the defence Bosnia Herzegovina as quick- secretary, does believe Palestinians. Syrians and Jor- attack. The ultimatum was Mr Hurd and Mr not that ly as possible" Six hundred army officers rejected the Eagleburger spoke after a a case has been made out for The letter, which was also will be redundant because - danians boycotted yesterday’s immediately by that sharply increasing the 2,400-strong sent to Boutros peace talks with Israel. Haidar prime minister, who made strained meeting Boutros Ghaii, there are not enough lieu- Abdd-Shafi. the chief Pales- dear thar he would not be exposed the differences be- British force, but senior offici- the UN secretary general was tenant-colonels volunteer- tween the British Ameri- als say that if British resolve Karadzic’s tinian negotiator, said that intimidated. and Dr second such ing to leave Page 2 can approaches to the next were put to the test, it would warning this week. unless the deportation order That view was reinforced by On Wed- ministers meeting in stage of tiie Balkan conflict. not be found wanting. nesday, he declared in Geneva was rescinded, it would be the Nato There is a degree of annoy- In writing to Major that any shooting down of 458,300 — an even higher impossible to continue the Brussels who pronounced Mr to support ance that the Americans have yesterday. Dr Karadzic was Serbian aircraft would be rate of 1 1 per cent, also the talks. their willingness .3 the UN in enforcing a ban on suddenly become so bullish seeking to exploit the divisions treated as an act of war. highest on record. Only the have no troops in between countries with troops North England, 1 1 Hardliners deported, page 9 flights over the republic Their when they of at .8 per statement did not elaborate on Bosnia.