Updated Electorate Proforma 11Oct2012
Electoral data 2012 2018 Using this sheet: Number of councillors: 51 51 Fill in the cells for each polling district. Please make sure that the names of each parish, parish ward and unitary ward are Overall electorate: 178,504 190,468 correct and consistant. Check your data in the cells to the right. Average electorate per cllr: 3,500 3,735 Polling Electorate Electorate Number of Electorate Variance Electorate Description of area Parish Parish ward Unitary ward Name of unitary ward Variance 2018 district 2012 2018 cllrs per ward 2012 2012 2018 Bletchley & Fenny 3 10,385 -1% 11,373 2% Stratford Bradwell 3 9,048 -14% 8,658 -23% Campbell Park 3 10,658 2% 10,865 -3% Danesborough 1 3,684 5% 4,581 23% Denbigh 2 5,953 -15% 5,768 -23% Eaton Manor 2 5,976 -15% 6,661 -11% AA Church Green West Bletchley Church Green Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 1872 2,032 Emerson Valley 3 12,269 17% 14,527 30% AB Denbigh Saints West Bletchley Saints Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 1292 1,297 Furzton 2 6,511 -7% 6,378 -15% AC Denbigh Poets West Bletchley Poets Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 1334 1,338 Hanslope Park 1 4,139 18% 4,992 34% AD Central Bletchley Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Central Bletchley Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 2361 2,367 Linford North 2 6,700 -4% 6,371 -15% AE Simpson Simpson & Ashland Simpson Village Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 495 497 Linford South 2 7,067 1% 7,635 2% AF Fenny Stratford Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Fenny Stratford Bletchley & Fenny Stratford 1747 2,181 Loughton Park 3 12,577 20% 14,136 26% AG Granby Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Granby Bletchley
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