Purnangshu Kumar Roy and the S.N. Bose Tradition in Theoretical Physics By Charles Wesley Ervin Email:
[email protected] August, 2016 INTRODUCTION This year Calcutta University marks a historic mile- stone. One hundred years ago the university started teaching physics courses at the newly created College of Science and Technology. Three of the most brilliant Indian physicists of the twentieth century began their careers there. C.V. Raman, the first Palit Professor of Physics, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his work on light scattering. The two young lecturers, Meghnad Saha and Satyendra Nath Bose, made major breakthroughs even sooner – Saha in 1920 for deriving the equation that accounts for the spectral classifica- tion of stars and Bose in 1924 for inventing the statisti- cal model that validated Einstein’s hypothesis of light quanta (the Bose Statistics). But this “golden age” of Calcutta physics was P. K. Roy (right) with Satyendra Nath Bose in London, short-lived. Saha went to Allahabad University in March, 1958. Roy studied theoretical physics with Bose for 1923, Bose decamped to Dacca University in 1924, ten years at Calcutta University and then earned his PhD at and Raman left in 1932 to become the first Indian di- Imperial College under Abdus Salam. This photo was taken when Bose came to London to be inducted Fellow of the rector of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. Royal Society. Courtesy of Anjana Srivastava. After the war, however, there was something of a re- naissance. Bose returned in 1945 and gathered a team of talented research workers in the Physics Depart- ment and the Khaira Lab.