Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 Edited by: A. van Wijngaarden, B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck, C.H.A. Koster, M. Sintzoff, C.H. Lindsey, L.G.T. Meertens and R.G. Fisker. This Report has been accepted by Working Group 2.1, reviewed by Technical Committee 2 on Programming and approved for publication by the General Assembly of The International Federation for Information Processing. Re- production of the Report, for any purpose, but only of the whole text, is explicitly permitted without formality. The translation 1.1.5 of the Report to TEX source language was created by: f W.g B. Kloke, mailto:
[email protected] . Remarks on this edition are collected into a separated document, wb/RR/vorwort.tex. Further versions will be found also in http://vestein.arb-phys.uni- wb/RR/. The table of contents had to be removed, because page numbers are not a valid concept in TEX source language. Known errata, as published in Algol Bulletin No. 41 and ::: , are cor- rected. Syntactic errors in the standard-prelude, as mentioned in Commen- tary AB 43 p.7f, are corrected also. The Partial Parametrization Proposal (AB39.3.1) has been appended to the text. Layout of examples may still be improved. 1 Section ALGOL 68 Revised Report Acknowledgements Habent sua fata libelli. f De litteris Terentianus Maurus g Working Group 2.1 on ALGOL of the International Federation for Infor- mation Processing has discussed the development of \ALGOL X", a succes- sor to ALGOL 60 [3] since 1963.