Copyrighted Material
INDEX “abnormality,” 8–12 race and, 187 Abrams, M. H., 45–46 Arendt, Hannah, 39–40 Action Comics #1, 108 Ariel. See Pryde, Kitty (Kate, adamantium, 105, 165 Shadowcat) African Americans, 64 Aristotle, 71, 74–78, 109 African characters, 2 Asian characters, 2 Age of Apocalypse, 167 Astonishing X-Men #25, 186 Ahab, 89 Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 79–80 “Allegory of the Cave” (Plato), autonomy, 33, 103, 104–105 109–110 Avengers, 68, 90, 91 “alterity,” 210 Avengers Annual #10, 94 Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Avengers Disassembled, 91 Clay, The (Chabon), 41–42 America, Captain, 22, 42 Bacon, Sir Francis, 70–74, 78, 79 Angel, 1 “bad faith,” 41, 93 cure and, 175–178 Banshee, 187 existentialism and, 44 Batman (character), 108 normality and, 8, 11 Batman (Kane, Finger), 41 phenomenology and, 202 Baudrillard, Jean, 91 Animalibus, De (Aristotle), 74 Beak Animal Man (Morrison), 120 personal identity and, 20 Anti-Semite and Jew (Sartre), 39 telepathy and, 155–156 anti-Semitism, 39–44 Beast (Hank McCoy), 1, 54, 71 Apocalypse COPYRIGHTEDcure MATERIAL and, 44, 178–179 cure and, 44 disability and, 181 genetics and, 53, 58, 60, 65 existentialism and, 96 personal identity and, 22 normality theme and, 8, 11, 13 phenomenology and, 204, 206 personal identity and, 20 race and, 187 race and, 186, 189 telepathy and, 161 telepathy and, 149, 168 Arclight Becker, Ernest, 205 cure and, 180 benefi cience, 177–178 241 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224141 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:24:25:24 PPMM 242 INDEX Bentham, Jeremy, 129, 144 Celestials, 186, 187 Big Bertha, 115–116 Cerebro,
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