The Stowe Missal
HENRY BRADSHAW SOCIETY Jounbeb in i$t T2edr of £>ur £orb 1890 for f(}e ebtfin^ of (Rare &tfurgtcaf Serfs. Vol. XXXII. ISSUED TO MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR 1906, PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY. THE STOWE MISSAL MS. D. II. 3 IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, DUBLIN. EDITED BY SIR GEORGE F. WARNER, M.A., D.Litt., F.B.A., late Keeper of MSS., British Museum. Vol. II. Printed Text With Introduction, Index of Liturgical Forms, and Nine Plates of the Metal Cover AND THE STOWE St. JOHN. feonfcon. *9«5- LONDON : HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. CONTENTS. VOL. I. The Stowe Missal : Facsimile. VOL. II. page Introduction vii Plates : — to follow lx I-VI. The Metal Cover of the Stowe Missal. VII-IX. Three pages of the Stowe St. John. The Stowe Missal: Printed Text Appendix : Translation of the Irish Treatise on the Mass 40 Index of Liturgical Forms 43 INTRODUCTION. The text here printed is that of the oldest Mass-book of the early Irish Church known to have survived, and is intended to accompany the collotype facsimile of the MS. which has already been issued in a separate volume. Incongruous as it may seem that it should take its title from an English country seat, the Stowe Missal is so called, not with any reference to its origin, but merely from the fact that for a few years it was in the library at Stowe House in Buckinghamshire, formed early in the last century by George Grenville, first Marquess of Buckingham, who died in 1813, and Richard his successor, afterwards Duke of Buckingham and Chandos.
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