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ASA PIPER, of Wakefield, N. H., SOLOMON PIPER, of Boston, Mass.,



FROM -1630 TO 1389.


Washington, D. C. 1889. ^•1

(. 1C41101


PAGE Preface Explanations *"

4 Desceud- GeueaWv of Elisha Piper, of Pavsonsfield, Me . and His N il ti Copy of the Parole with the Names of the Prisoners of War, taken by the British at the Battle of Hampden, Me., in 1314 25

Copy of the Will of Nathaniel 1 Piper 81

1 Copy of the Inventory of the Goods ami Chattels of Nathaniel "~ Piper "° Stratharn Soldiers A ppendix CtJ Genealogy of Asa 4 Piper, of Wakefield, N. H.,and His Immediate Descendants ^o

Genealogical Record of the Ancestors, and Brothers and Sisters of

Asa4 Piper, of Wakefield, N. H., written b • himself in 1833. 90

Genealogy of Solomon5 Piper, of Boston, Mass., and His Immedi-

ate Descendants • • • 91

Genealogy of Stephen 6 Piper, of Newfield, Me., and His Immediate Descendants ""

Index to Elisha4 Piper and His Descendants having the Name of Piper 106

Index to Elisha 1 Piper and His Descendants having Other Names than Piper * J *-

4 3 5 Piper, and their Immediate Index to Asa , Solomon , and Stephen Descendants having the Name of Piper 117

4 5 5 Piper, and their Immediate Index to Asa , Solomon , and Stephen Descendants having Other Names than Piper 12t



1 have had three principal objects in view in the preparation of

ist. To make a complete and reliable genealogical record of Elbha4 Piper and his descendants, with portions of other related families. To effect this object, much correspondence has been held, and many early records searched, at considerable expense. In the genealogies of our early ancestors, some dates could not be found, as the family records have been lost or have not been made, and when stones have been erected to their memories, only the date of their death and their age in years have generally been inscribed upon them, and therefore the exact time of their birth could not be ascertained, although it is as essential as the date of their death. This fact suggests the importance of giving the exact date of the birth and of the death. The age in years should also be stated, to save the per- son who reads the inscription the trouble of calculating it mentally. The surname of the wife before marriage, as well as the Christian

name, should also be given, since it is often as important, in tra- cing families, to know the name of the wife as that of the husband.

1 have also had in view the importance of making a record which would be likely to be preserved. When genealogical records are made of individual families only, and recorded on a single sheet or in a single book, they are frequently lost, or destroyed by fire or other

accident, in a few years, rendering it very difficult, and often im-

if they have been collected and print- possible to replace them ; but

ed in a book, and many copies distributed among various persons,

or deposited in libraries, it is not probable that they would all be lost for many )ears—perhaps tor centuries. 2d. To gi»e a history of the family. It is a moral and religious duty which we owe to our friends to become acquainted *vith those living, and to preserve in our memories the names of those who

have departed, that they may not be forgotten, or be lost to future

generations by long lapse of time. With this view I have collected

all the history of the family which I have been able to obtain,

and given it principally in the remarks which 1 have made concern-

ing the persons whose genealogies I have recorded. I cannot trace the family, with certainty, beyond Nathaniel 1 Piper, our Eng- lish ancestor in this country, whose genealogy and history are given

on page 11. 1 have thought, however, that it might be interesting,

and perhaps throw some light on our ancestral origin, if I should give some facts relating to the Pipers in . The name of

Piper is quite common in that country, burke, in his " General Arm- ory of England, Scotland. Ireland ana Wales," mentions, in the

last edition (1878). seven families of that name, residing in. differ- ent counties, which have been permitted, by the Sovereign of Great Britain, to bear a coat of arms. The family with which we are especially interested resides in Devonshire, from which county Na-

thaniel 1 Piper emigrated to this country. It is called the Culliton

House, or family, from the town of Culliton in which the estate is located, being a few miles east of Exeter. The estate was purchas- ed of Sir John De la Pole, baronet of Shute, by John Piper, Esq.

The family traces its lineage from Magnus Piper, of Neustadt, in llolstein, formerly a part of Saxony, whose ancestors were from

Eubeck. The coat of arms borne by the C illii.011 family is describ-

ed by Parke as follows : " Quarterly, embattled gold and ermine, over all an eagle displayed sable, quartering azure, two chevrons gold." The motto is, Feroci fortior, or, More brave than fierce:. John Piper, Esq., was born in 1740, and was a Captain in the 6th Regiment of Infantry. He was destined at an early age for the military profession, and sent to Berlin where he completed a scien- tific and military course of study. In 1757 he entered the army, and fought in the battle of Minden in Prussia, where he was wound- ed through both legs. He afterward served in the West Indies, participating in the capture of Martinique. He also served in America, to which he came in the 25th Regiment, in 1769, and was appointed to the staff. While in this country, he married Frances Ayrault, second daughter and co-heiress of Stephen Ayrault, Esq., ol Newport, Rhode Island, the only remaining representative ol a distinguished and opulent Huguenot family. He returned from this country to England with Ids wife in 1782, and retired from


with his 1 Culliton estate, where he lived military lite in 1788, to the family till his death in 1S02. .per, born suns: 1st, John 1 He had by his wife, Frances, three Colonel . with the title of C.B., and was in 1783. He was knighted Own Regiment of Infantry. He served in , ofthe 4th-or King's Portugal, Prance, Holland. Denmark, Flanders, Spain, Canada J pernicious finally fell a sacrifice to the and the West Indies ; and ol his age, his in the thirty-eighth year effects of climate, in 1821, from the last and almost mor- death being hastened by exhaustion the neck, ,n the received in the vertebrae of tal wound which he 2d, Samuel Ayramt Pi- neighborhood ofBayonne, inNov.,1813. his was Surgeon of the 30th Regiment of born in x 8 . He per, 7 7 was Sloper Piper, born in 1790- He Majesty's troops. 3d, Hubert Engineers, and served in six campaigns Major of the Corps of Royal Spain. France, and Flanders. under the Duke of Wellington, in du- in the Canadian Province was also Commanding Engineer He pay, and 1S1S. He retired on full ring the insurrection in 1817 #

as Lieut. Colonel.* . Nathaniel' .per is able to ascertain whether 1 I have not been j in the same but the tact that it resides related to this family or not, this country, and that the countv from which he emigrated to have been are found in both families, and names', lohn and Samuel, families of the large number of the ^ retained as favorite nan.es in a fam- renders it possible that both descendants of Nathaniel' Piper, Magnus ipei the same common ancestor, 1 ilies are descended from of Saxon doubt, however, that both are of Holstein. There is no Anglo-Saxon origin. or _ of stm- of the family to the importance , d To call the attention degree of usefulness and distinction. i„a to elevate it to a higher but a high- accomplished as much as must families, It has doubtless attained This needed than it has yet er degree of excellence is by education. It is true that chil- nmst be accomplished principally qualities of their parents, and dren generally inherit the intellectual whose parents possess superior minds those children are fortunate and should although it is important but the subject o( heredity, folbymrderjm^^^ noc be overlooked, is not so family have been taken * related of the Culliton x[, Ht of the inhere Heraldic and his Genealogy and from '-Burke's General Armory,- of Great Britain and Ireland. Dictionary of the Landed Gentry


should ucation. The idea of the importance of a good education is one be impressed on the minds of the young at an early age. It their children. They should of the first duties of parents to educate parents be ambitious to make them intelligent and useful. No education than should be satisfied with giving their children less school, whatever occupation they would fit them to teach a common all should endeavor to give some of are expected to pursue : and country afford. them the best which the institutions of their State or devel- Their moral faculties, as well as their intellectual, should be training. They should feel oped by a thorough moral and religious until they t v,of- fi-,Ai-r fb»fies oc "arents have not been fully discharged philosophers that have done all this. It is believed by intellectual mental development acquired by education is, in some degree, doubt transmitted to the offspring: and, if this is so, as 1 have no intellectual growth of the family in it is. there will be a constant succeeding generations to an extent that cannot now be known. 4 The record of the genealogy of Elisha Piper and his descendants ends when neither of the parents of the children has the name of of that name, Piper, for in that case, having no immediate ancestors have, however, they would belong wholly to another family. I notes at the given the genealogy of a few children of this class in with the expecta- bottom oi the pages, whose names were sent to me I have given tion that they would be included. In the Appendix 5 4 of Solomon Piper, the genealogy of Asa Piper, of Wakefield, X. H. ; 5 Me., and their of Boston, Mass.; and of Stephen Piper, of Newfield, immediate descendants, but have extended them no farther, as to could possibly have done so would have required more time than 1 devote to them. Much time and labor have been expended in collecting the gene- others, alogies of the various families, and had I not been assisted by for to have obtained all ot it would have been almost impossible me assisted me, my thanks them. While I am grateful to all who have s Mass., son are especially due to William T. Piper, of Cambridge,

5 and of Solomon Piper, of Boston, who has searched early records,

' also furnished me much information never before published, and Solo- given me the use of his father's "Genealogy of the Family of copied freely; mon/ Piper, of Dublin, X. H.," from which 1 have 7 furnished the gen- to Hiram H. Piper. ofMalden, 111., who has me F." ealogies of a large number of the Pipers m that State; to George

4 Piper for the genealogy of the descendants of Asa Piper, of Wake- 8 those of field. N. H. ; to Lewis L. Piper for the genealogy of Ste- phen5 Piper, o\ Newneld, Me.; to Noah P. 7 Young, of Stratham, N. H., who has searched the records of Stratham, visited neighbor- ing towns for in format ion, and furnished me the genealogies of several of the Piper families of that town. ; to Miss Harriet C. Brown, of Cincinnati, , fur the history and genealogy of the Moffatt 7 families and of the family of her father ; and to Mrs. Mary Thaxter

5 jemegan) McGill for the genealogy and history of P^avid Piper, ( her grandfather, and of several other families of his descendants, besides her own family. All the genealogical records given in this book have been brought down from 1630 to the present tune, 18S9, embracing a period of more than two hundred and fifty years. H. P.

Washington, I). C, Sept. 26, 1SS9.



The numbers on the left of the page are the serial numbers of the persons whose genealogies are given in the book ; those in Roman those in par- letters are the numbers of the children in each family ; enthesis refer hack to the same serial numbers on the left, where the genealogies of the parents are given; those following. " See their children," refer forward to the same serial numbers on the left, small elevated where the genealogies of the children are given ; the figure at the right of the Christian name denotes the generation of the person from his English ancestor, Nathaniel 1 Piper, who is the first generation of the family in this country; when nothing is .-.aid cf the death of a person, the person is now ( 18S9) living; when nothing of the marriage, the person has not been married. This ride in regard to marriage has been observed, except in a tew cases of our early ancestors, where it could not be known whether they were married or not, and in some few of the notes at the bottom ol the pages.



1. NATHANIEL 1 PIPER, ancestor ofElisha4 Piper, and so far as I have been able to ascertain, of nearly all the Pipers in this country, was born in England, probabl) about 1630. He emigrat- ed from Dartmouth, in Devonshire, and settled in Ipswich, Mass., as a farmer. James Savage, in his Genealogical Dictionary, repre- sents him as being here in 1665. Solomon 1 Piper, author of the

4 Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Piper, says : " He drew a share and a half in Plum Island in 1665, and was an early inhabitant of Ipswich, Mass." Rev. Asa 4 Piper, of Wakefield, N. H., in his gen- ealogical record, says: " He emigrated from England to this coun- try dur ; ng the Revolution in the days of Charles the First," under Oliver Cromwell, which could not have been later than 1658, Wil- liam T. G Piper, in a recent search of the Ipswich records, now in the

Essex County Registry of Deeds, finds, Rook II, p. 251, a deed of marsh land on Jaffrey's Neck, Ipswich, hum Andrew Hodges 10 Na- thaniel 1 Piper, daieo March iS, 1662. Also, in the Suffolk County

Registry of Deeds, Book I, p. $$o, a deed from Martyn Stebens, of

Boston, Mass., to Win. Bartholomew, oi~ Ipswich, dated Dec. 15, 1653. and witnessed by Nathaniel 1 Piper, which seems to prove con- clusively that he came to this country as early as Dec. 15, 1653. He

11 married Sarah , and died in 1676, in Ipswich. His will, a copy of which is given in this book, and recorded in the Ipswich records, is dated March 7, 1675, and was proved, Sept. 26, 1676. After his decease his wife married E/ekiel Woodward, of Wenhani, Mass., a carpenter. She was living in Wenhani in 1696, and prob- ably died there, but no record oi the time of her death can be found. Her second husband, Ezekiel Woodward, died Jan. 29. 169S, in

*_2, Wenham. See their children : Nos, 3, 4 V >, 6, 7. 8, t->. IO. i2. 13.

* it is probable that lie married li.s nit;' in tins country . where all his t liihlooi were horn.


SECOND GENERATION. (1.) Nathaniel 1 Piper married Sarah . THEIR CHILDREN : 2. i. Sarah* Piper (JVatW'rfl), born about 1656 in Ipswich Mass.; was living in ^75, being under twenty-one • yearsJ of a<-*e *> died. '

8. ii. Nathaniel2 Piper (tfathanW), born June "25, /6 ;8 in Ipswich; died probably about l6 S 9 , in Ipswich. The children' with the consent of their mother Sarah, sold the homestead of their lather to John Wainright, of Ipswich, 1*' the deed being dned J»ne and signed 1690, by John* -Piper, Thomas3 Piper, MarV P,C r and Tristram Greenleaf, who married Margaret 2 Piper. Nathaniel'* Pi per aoes not appear as a signer of the deed, nor , do , hi. n-n- •, pear in it, although his father had given him by will a part' of h-- property. It would seem, therefore, that he had died before the farm was sold. Rev. Asa' Piper speaks of three sons of Nathaniel- Ph «- namely, Nathaniel", 2 Thomas , and Samuel'. He

1 •'• - il "lattiumcr, •">•> \<- born Jan irm ;., 1 ,- , v enham : died in Stratham. ;i. »~: Patio-- ' W fV-, o- <-n

'" ' •»•'! ni* • Immediate Descendant*." X,. s . 13. u, ir,.

4 niER. III EUSHA — GENERATION'. I 3 not certainly known whether he went to Strathaia or not ; his son Thomas3 went there.

2 1 5). viii. Margaret Piper ( Nathaniel ), born June 16, 16G8, in Ipswich married Tristram ; Greenleaf Nov. 12, 1689 ; died ; he died.

10. ix. SAMUEL- PIPER ( Nathaniel}), grandfather o! Elisha" Piper, born June 12, 1670, in Ipswich; married Abigail Church,* April Oct. in 23, 1694 ; died 31, 1747, Stratham, N. H., to which place he removed probably a short time before the incorporation of the town. She died in Stratham. He last appears on the town records of Stratham, as a voter, in 1746. He was one of the sign- ers of a petition, in 1 7 15. to incorporate the town of Stratham, which was incorporated in 17 16. He held several offices in town, as scaim of leather, surveyo; of highways, and constable. See their chil- dren-: Xos. IS, 11, 1«>. IO.

- - x. 2 1 11. Jonathan Piper ! ( Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich, proba-

bly in 1672 ; a farmer; married, 1st, Sarah Leach, of Boxfcrd,

Mass., May 7. 1695. She died May 6, 1700, in Ipswich, 2d, Alice Darbey, of Beverly, Mass., published Sept. 21, 1700; certificate granted Oct. 9, 1700. He died May n, 1752, in Concord, Mass., to which place he removed from Ipswrch in 1 7 3 1 . She died April 23. 175S, in Concord.

1 13. xi. William- Piper;}; (Nathaniel ), bom in Ipswich; died Jure id. 1674, in Ipswich. THIRD GENERATION. (IO.) Samuel- Piper married Abigail Church.


3 IS. i. SAMUEL PIPER (Samuel*, Nathaniel), father of Eii- sha4 Pipei, born according to the latest information obtained, prob- ably in Ipswich, Mass., in 1701. He was baptized in Wenham in

1 701, but some families living in the part of Ipswich near Wenham

*See Proceedings of Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. XIV. p. 151.

3 3 t Jonathan- had nine children : 1. Samuel ; 2. Jonathan ; 3. Nathan- 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 iel ; 4. Josiah : 5. John : 6. Alice ; 7. Sarah : 8. .Mary : 9. Joseph- . Joseph3 was grandfather of Solomon 5 Piper, late of Boston, Ma.ss. See "Genealogy of Solomon 3 Piper, of Boston, Mass., and Ins Immediate De- scendants," Nos. 13, 14, To, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

5 8 1 t William and the first Mary died before their father Nathaniel made 3 his will, and are therefore not mentioned in it. As the time of William's

birth is not know n. 1 have placed his name last.

14 ELISHA* PIPER. — III GENERATION. attended church in the latter place, as it was nearer than the church in Ipswich. He married Jane Gate, and lived in Stratham, N. II., as a farmer the most of his life, or till 17S5, when he removed with his youngest son Samuel 4 to Loudon, X. H. He held some town offices in Stratham, as surveyor of highways, constable, &c. He died in Loudon about 17S8. No record of the exact date of his death can be found. The one given does not vary much from the true- one. His wife died in Stratham. The record of his baptism is found in the Wenham records. See their children: Xos. IT, 18, 19. 20.

3 1 I-1-. ii. John Piper* (Samuel', Nathaniel ), born about 1703,

' [ .' blj ;„ Ipswich ; married jane Haines, daughter of Samuel Haines, of Greenland, N. II., Dec., 1729. She died March 20,

1741, in Stratham, X. II. He died Nov. 4, 174?, in Stratham, being drowned in the Great Bay.

3 iii. 2 1*5. Abigail Piper (Samuel , NathanieV), born about 1705,

probably in Ipswich ; died.

* 3 John Piper has the names of three children recorded : 1. John", bap- tized in 1736, ia Greenland, X. H. ; married, had a family, and died in

4 '21, Stratham, X. II. 2. Samuel , June in born 1739. Stratham , died about 4 1829, inStratiiam. 3. An infant child , born in Stratham ; died March 1G, 1741, in Stratham. The statement concerning John 3 Piper and his wife, and first and third child may be found in the " New England His- torical and Genealogical Register," Vol. XXII, p. 431 ; concerning the second, in the Stratham records.

6 3 Richard Upton Piper, M. D., is a descendant of John Piper, as follows :

6 5 Richard Upton , born April 3, 1818, in Stratham, H. N. Samuel , born

Feb. 22, 1785. in Stratham ; died about lb60, in Exeter, X. H. Samuel*, 3 born June 21, 1739, in Stratham ; died about 1829, in Stratham. John , 3 born and died as stated above in Xo. Id. Samuel , born June 12, 1670, in Ipswich. 1 Mass.; died Oct. 31, 1747, in Stratham. Nathaniel , born about 1G30, in England ; died in 1676, in Ipswich. He graduated from the Medical Department of Dartmouth College in 1840; married Eliza- beth Frances Folsom, daughter of Nathan Boardrnan and Sarah (Quincy) Folsom, Nov. 9, 1843, born March 7, 1819, in Portsmouth, X. IJ. He practiced medicine in Woburn, Mass., several years, and also in Chicago. Ill, ne is an author, and published, in 1852, " Operative Surgery.'' 8vo.. 378 pages, illustrated with about two thousand engravings, made by him- self: in 1835, an edition of" Maclice's Surgical Anatomy," 4to , illustrated " with plates of his own engraving : in 1857, The Trees of America," with illustrations ' ; ; and has also contributed articles to the New Orleans Med- ical Journal" and other scientific publications. He has given much attention to the study of microscopy, and is an expert in that science, being often called to make microscopic examinations in cases in courts


3 1 1<>. iv. Sarah Piper* (SamueP, Nathaniel ,) born about 1707, Thomas Wiggin. Both prob- probably in Ipswich ; married Capt. ably died in Strathani. FOURTH GENERATION. (IS.) Samuel3 Piper married Jane Cate.

'their CHILDREN" : 4 2 NatlianieV born J 7. i. Jonathan Piper (SamueP, Samuel , ,)

a farmer ; married Olive Light, Tuly 31, 1742, in Stratharn N. H. ; of Exeter, X. H., born April 12.. 1752; died in Stratharn. She

died in Stratharn.—See their children : No?. 21, 22, 23, 21, 25. 26, 27. 28. 29, SO. 31. 32, 33. 34. 4 SathanieV), born 18. ii- Samuel Piper {Samuel?, SamueP, 17S1, Sept. 24, 1753. in Stratharn; married Sally Xorris Feb. 15,

of justice and elsewhere, on which he has made many reports. He has several thousand drawing? of various objects, made under the microscope and admirably executed, -which have not yet been bound in book form, and issued to the public. A writer in the " North American Review," in " of an artist, the hand of a a notice of his works, says : He has the eye draftsman, and the spirit of an enthusiast." He resides in Washington. 6 merchant 01 Exeter, X. H., ]». C Stephen Howard Piper, a successful as born August, 1814, in Stratharn, is a descendant of the same ancestors 6 brother. Richard Upton , being his e 4 Upton is a Samuel Piper, before mentioned, grandfather of Richard , 4 (Seep. 16, No. SO). He firs cousin of Elisha Piper, of Parsonsfield, Me. t, 1744 she died in Strath- married Mary Robinson, June. 1762, born Aug. ; 5 records, are : 1. Mary arn. His children, as recorded in the Stratharn , 5 3. 1766. 2. Jane , born April 9, 1765. born May 19, 1763 : died April 16, 5 5 5 1769. 5. . 1767. 4. Mehitable , born Nov. 15, Mary John , born July 16, 5 6. Noah Robinson , born Feb. 2, ; died Sept. 29, 1774. I orn Feb. 23, 1772 5 Sally 5 born 1778. 7. Nancy , born May 3, 1779. 8. , 1777 ; died Sept. 16, 5 1785. 10. 14, 1783. 9. Samuel , born Feb. 22, Aug. 6, 1782 : died Nov. 3 1788. All were born in Strathani. None are living. Sally , torn Jan. 25, 5 6 married Mary Folsorn, and Samuel Piper, father of Richard Upton , resided in Stratharn most of his life, but removed to Exeter a few years several years after his decease. bt fore his death. Hi^ wife died in Exeter 6 6 Upton . Samuel . 2. Richard 3. His children are : 1. Stephen Howard 6 6 in infancy. 5. Simeon Francis . G. Mary Folsorn* 4- A son , died 6 6 . Victoria 6 Robinson . 8. Sarah Folsorn 9. An- Boardman . 7. Hannah in Stratharn. There are 6 Caroline Elizabeth . All were born na . 10. 3 6 Richard Upton . Samuel Folsom , Simeon now living. Stephen Howard , 8 6 Victoria Anna . Francis , and *They had one child at least, named Abigail Church Wiggin*. born 4 Piper, 20. 1754.—See " Gene- Aug. 28, 1737, and married Stephen June 5 Descend- nlogy of Stephen Piper, of N'ewfield, Me., ami his Immediate ants.'' No. 16.

l6 ELISHA4 PIPER.'— IV GENERATION. born May 28, 1756, in Stratham. Soon after his marriage lie sold the homestead farm in Stratham, and removed with his father to Loudon, N. II. He was there a hotel keeper, town clerk, and se- lectman eight year*, from 1787 to 1794. He died about 1813, in

Loudon. She died May 3, 1S43. in Loudon. — St:f. their chil- dren : Xos. 35, 36, &7, 3S, SO, -JO, 41, 49, IS.

4 2 I!fc. iii. Comfort Piper* (Samuel?, Samuel , XathanicP), born

is in July 10, 1756, in Stratham N. H. ; married Joseph Norr 1774. died in Stratham. died in born Jan. 31, 1753. in Stratham ; He the same place. See their children : Nos. 44, 45, d!<>, 47, 48, 40,50, 51, 52. 4 1 JiO. iv. ELISHA PIPERt (&rm-^f\ Samuelr, Nathaniel ,) born married, 1st, Sarah Parker, daughter June 17, 1746. in Stratham ; in in Stratham; died of Ebenezer BarkerJ, of Stratham, born 1748, years 2d, Olive Dyer, Nov. 13, 179S, in Parsonstield. Me., aged 50 ;

* I not able to learn the i There were six other daughters, but have been order of their ages, nor anything about their genealogies, and little of 4 their history. Abigail4 married Robinson; Rachel is supposed to have married Jeremiah Avery, who mice lived in Parsonstield, Me., in the south-west part of the town, on lot No. 41; Jane 4 married 4 Pottle; one. name unknown, married Merrill; Betsey never married. I do not know the name of the other, nor whom she married. 4 4 next after Jonathan fElisha Piper, in the order of age, would follow , h it in order to bring all his descendants together, 1 have introduced him here.

t Ebenezer Barker lived and died in Stratham.—His Children : Enfield. II. 1. Nathaniel, born inStratham, N. 11. : settled in N. 1784. 3. Noah, born in Stratham; settled in Cornish, Me., in . —CHIL- Aver. DREN: 1. Noah, married Sally Clark. 2. Thomas, married Sally

3. Enoch, married Sally Jewett, and was a member of Massachusetts Legislature before was separated from that State. 4. Humphrey, nianied Sally Hodgdon. All are dead.

3. Ebenezer, born Aug. 21. 1758, in Stratham ; married widow Hannah

Brashree (maiden name, Burleigh) ; settled in Cornish, in 1784.—Chil-

Jewett : removed to dren; 1. Betsey, born May 4. 1782 ; married Stephen Ezra, born Mar. 18, 1784; died (Jet. Sidney. Me. : died April 10. 1863. 2. Pease as his sec- 15, 1807. 3. Sarah, horn Sept. 26, 1786 ; married Mark 1826. 4. Mary Johnson, born July 13, ond wife ; died in Sidney, Oct, 9, 1788; died Aug. 27. 1*15. 5. William, born May 3D, 1790: died Jan. 11, died 1815. 6. Ebenezer, born May 23. 1792; married Hannah Jewett ; Pease Aug. 15, 1SG5. 7. Nancy Ciark. horn Oct. 1, 1794: married Mark

8. Olive, horn Sept. 5, 1797 : died ashis first wife : died Jan. 29, 1822. Thurs- Dee. 30, 1855. 9. Cyrus Snell, horn May 26. 1800 : married Nancy ton Smith. lie furnished me this genealogical record of the Parker

EI.ISUA 4 PIPER.— IV GENERATION, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Melcher) Dyer,* of Biddeford,

Me., born in 175S, in Biddeford ; died April 20, 1S0S, in Parsons- field, aged 50. years; 3d, Rosannah Dyer, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Melcher) Dyer, of Biddeford, Oct. r, 1S0S, born July 15, April in Parsonsfield. 1767, in Biddeford ; died 23, 1839,

After he married his first wife he lived about five years in Stratham, and then purchased a farm in Wakefield, N. H., located not far from Province Pond. He removed there in the spring of 1772, and re- ma ined nearly nine years. The farm proving frosty and his prospects for supporting his family on such land being ver> discouraging, he resolved to sell, and find a home in a more favorable locality. He uuccied his course to P^rsonslicld, then called Parson^town, in the province of Maine, at that time belonging to Massachusetts. family about two years before his death, which occurred Aug. 21, 1889, at the age of 89 years. He was a man of high integrity and much respect- ed. All are dead.

4. Simeon, born in 1768, in Stratham ; married Hannah Rundlet : set- tled in Cornish. Me., in 1784. but subsequently removed to Limerick, Me., and died therein 1812.—Children : 1. Mary, married Daniel Perry. 2. in Simeon, born Nov. 14. 1792 ; deacon of the Congregational Church

Limerick and Senator in the Maine Legislature : married Almira Board- Lie man, of Newburvport, Mass.. born Oct. 1. 1800 : died Mar. 19. 1S84. died July 15, 1856, in Limerick, where he resided. :i. Hannah, married Warwick Hobbs. of Wells, Me. 4. Sarah, never married. 5. Betsey, married John Jewett. 6. Susan, born May 2B 1802; married George Washington Drake, of Effingham, X. FT. She is now living (1839) in Portsmouth, N. H. 7. Levi, married Olive Storer. He died in Arling-

married ; died in ton, Mass. 8. Charles, born in Limerick ; was twice Fairfield. Me. All, except Susan, are dead. 4 5. Sarah, married Elisha Piper, as before stated— Sek THEIR CHir.- .">«, DtlEX : No^. ."»:*, r»t, .-;5, .%7\ 58, .>!>, CO, 61, OS. of Strat- i) A daughter, born in Stratham ; married Wiggin. ham. Tiny died. of Meredith, 7. A daughter, born in Stratham : married Berry, N. II. They died. of Cor- !S. Hannah, horn in Stratham ; married Thomas Avers Johnson, ('apt. James Wedgwood, of nish. Me.—CHILDREN : 1. Sarah, married Parsonsfield. Me. 2. Olive, married Jonathan Garland, of Winslow, Me.

:;. Wiliatn, married Nancy hike. 4. Augustus, married .Mary Hodguon. He was a member of the Maine Legidature. All, 1 think, are dead. The sons of the first Rbeuezev Barker are arranged in the order of their ages, and the daughters next in the order of tin irs, although some of the daughters are older than some of the sons. He had other children, but their names not being kno-vn. they have been omitted. * Thomas Dyer, who was published to Elizabeth Melcher Nov. 2S. 1741.


lie first purchased lot No. 25, in the second range, of Benjamin Hil- ton, of Parsonsfield, for one hundred and twenty-five pounds,* the deed being dated Nov. 5, 1778, and on this lot he settled. He sub- sequently purchased five other lots, — lot No. 171, in the tenth range, of Alpheus Spring, of Kittery, Me., for five pounds, deed dated Nov.

•28, 1785 ; lot No. 51, in the third range, of John Brown, of Par- sonsfield, for five dollars, hundred deed dated May 13, 1790 ; lot No. 13, in the first range, which was a tax sale, for six shillings and

two pence, deed dated June 27, 1791 ; lot No. 88, in the fifth range, of Chase Wiggin, of Stratham, N. H., for forty-five pounds, deed

dated Feb. 15, 1793; lot No. 50, in third range, which I do not

find recoiucu in Lhe County Registry of Deeds, although it is prob- ably there. It now forms a large part of the old homestead.

In June 1779, the next year after his first purchase, he went from Wakefield to Parsonsfield, built him a log camp, covered with hem- lock bark, felled several acres of trees, and then returned to his family in Wakefield. In March of the next year, 1780, he went back to Parsonsfield. As there were no roads passable for teams at that

season of the year, he hauled his camp furniture, consisting of a bed and some cooking utensils, on a hand-sled, over Picker's Mountain, on the crust. This was a great hardship, and he was obliged to get some assistance in his passage over the mountain. Before the time arrived for burning the trees, felled the preceding season, he was employed in preparing materials for building a log-house for his fam- ily. He burned the trees in May, and planted the ground with lived in Biddeford, Me., at Winter Harbor, on the Pool Road, left hand side when going down, between two and two and a half miles from- the

Pool, by the road, and about a mile in a straight line. The house is still standing, ami is owned by Joseph Edwards. All the vessels going out of Saco Kiver can be seen from the door. He had quite a family. Be- sides Obive and Rosannah, there were Elizabeth', published to Caleb Locke, of Hollis, Me., Jan. 1, 1762 ; Miriam, to William Wadlin, of Biddeford,

ITT') : Phineas Downs, of Hollb, Dec. Feb. 20, Mary, to 4, 1771 ; Sarah, to Jeremiah GiJpatrick, of Limerick, Me., in 1775; Abigail, to

Coburn, of Kennebunk, Me., time unknown ; Thomas, an only son, who married, and died by drowning in Saeo River, leaving two sons, Thomas and Oliver, and one daughter, Abigail. Capt. Ira C. Doe, of Saeo, mar- ried a daughter of Thomas, last named. All those mentioned, except the last two, I think are deal. Tlie.se facts, copied from the Biddeford rec- ords have been kindly furnished me by Stephen Locke, of Biddeford, grandson of Caleb Locke who married Elizabeth Dyer. * The value of a pound at that tim^ was about thrt-e dollars, thirty- three and one third cents.


would be needed for the support of his corn and such other crops as planting was all completed before the family the next winter. His famous Dark bay- ot 1780, oi nineteenth of May, which was the being .a speak with much earnestness, as which I have heard him his On that day he was helping very wonderful phenomenon. planting his com. After his crops reighbor, George Bickford, finish log-house completed, he returned to had been harvested and his consisting of his wife and six small Wakefield to remove his family, late in the year ' ox-team on the snow, children He moved with an as having December, as the day is represented l7 8o-probably in that winter. The suffering or the been bitter cold-the coldest of oc- been severe, but such exposures often little children must have cur in pioneer life. nome, and was about now settled down in a permanent He had He prosperity unknown to him before. to enter upon a career of when he purchased bis farm in i 7 7>. was thirty-two years ofage energy and years young'cr, both being full of ond his wife about two Farming was a business in which hope, and ambitious of success. successfully and scientihcally, al- hedeli-hted, and he pursued it scientific farming. tWhbfi had never received any instruction in his crops were abund- from frost ; and His hand was fertile, and free neat one- was succeeded, in a few years, by a ant The log-house was added to finally about 181, a story story frame-house, and finished and painted. It is ^.tand- this and the whole neatly T ullerton Piper. hi, great-grandson, Samuel ing and is occupied by quite a hundred years old. T he lower story is nearly or gave a farm, and assisted theothers To each of two of his sons he To each of his daughters he purchasing farms for themselves. m as her mar- time, of one hundred dollars, lZ the usual sum, at that not less than kept money by him, usually riage portion. He always him to have fie and sometimes I have known one hundred dollars ; hundred, derived from i^^o^tod^^m^^W^ and continued ten o'clock in the forenoon, "^Ida^sTt^*lhe daikness . about candles had to be lighted, about fourteen hours I -- £«* ^ . fo to ^ could no be^read, common prmt explained. ne satisfactori i y to the barn. c. eha> returned £ & ^ i The theory smoke ' pel , charged I ^Zvapoi K^S?^ more favorably*x reCeived1

•• Our First Century.

20 EL1SHA' PIPER. — V GENERATION. not permit any of his neighbors to be in advance of him in his farm work, or surpass him in their farm products. His farm stock was of the best breeds, and carefully selected ; and having a good pastur- age, and being fed in winter on hay of the best quality, it was un- surpassed, in size and beauty, by any in the town. It therefore sold for the highest market prices. He kept one hired man through the year, and in the haying season, one additional, and sometimes

it so two, if needed to secure the crop at the best time for cutting ; that his haying was generally finished by the end of July or the first choicest kind. In week in August ; and his hay was of the 1796 he paid the largest tax of any man in the town, and was always among the largest tax-payers.

His first wife was a large woman, with dark hair and black eyes. She was the mother often children, five sons and five daughters, all three of them of whom lived to be married, and have families ; and lived to be over eighty years of age. His other two wives were also large women, and all of them managed their household affairs with economy and ability. In person, he was of medium size, quick.. and active, and of the pure Anglo-Saxon type. He was prompt in all his business transactions and private duties, and never omitted to ask a blessing at the table. To the needy he was kind and be- nevolent, and none e\er went away from his house hungry. He died of ohi age March 10, 1S36, in Parsons "kid where he had always

lived after leaving Wakefield, N. H. — See their children : Nos. 53, 54, 55, 56c 57, 58, 59, GO, 01, 0£. FIFTH GENERATION. (17.) Jonathan 4 Piper married (.dive Light.


*-£!. i. John Light' Piper (Jonathan*, SamveP, Samuel', Nathan-

itV), born March 25, 1771, in Stratham, N. H. ; died.

6 3 2 *2t£. ii. Deborah Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

1 iel ), born Feb. 7, 1773. in Stratham; died.

1 U'5. iii. Olive" Piper (Jonathan*, Sa/nucF, SamiteP, Nathaniel ), died. born March 10, 1775, in Stratham ; 5 3 'Nathaniel 1 J5-S-. iv. Jane Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel , Sumw-P, ),

burn Feb. t, 1777, in Stratham ; died.

5 1 25, v. Samuel Piper (Jonathan*, SamiteP, SamiteP, Nathaniel ),

born March S, 1 779, in Stratham ; died.


3 3 vi. - tm. Jonathan Piper (Jonathan,*, Samuel , SamueF, Nathan

icV), born Jan. 21, 17S1, in Stratham ; died.

5 3 27. vii. Noah Piper* (Jonathan*, Samuel , Samuel", Nathan-

1 iel ), born Sept. 13, 17S2. in Stratham; a farmer and Christian Baptist minister. He was ordained in 1S12, and was pastor of the Christian baptist Church in Stratham, for about forty years. He also represented the town of Stratham in the State Legislature three

year.--, and was several years county treasurer. He was deeply in- terested in his ministerial work, and emphatically a good man. In

person he was tall, but spare. He married. 1st, Mary Crimbell,

April 12. 1S20, born July 19, 1791. in Xonh Hampton, X. H.;

died Aug. 1?, 1836, in Stratham ; 2d, Hannah Crimbell, April iS,

1837, born April 23. 1786, in North Hampton ; died April 50. 1S63. in Stratham. He died March 25, 1865, in Stratham, where he resided.

5 4 3 2 *2H. viii. Sally Piper (Jonathan , Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

iel',') born Sept. 2, 1784, in Stratham ; died.

5 3 2iK ix. Auigail Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel , Samuel-, Nathan-

1 iel ), born March 5, 17S6. in Stratham; died.

3 1 !$Q. x. Betsey Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel', Samuel', Nathaniel ),

born Jan. 15, 1708, in Stratham : died.

5 3 2 151. xi. Joanna Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

i V ). burn Jan. 13. 1790. in Stratham ; died.

5 *Noah Piper's Children :

6 •",. in N\ H. : married Mark 1. Olive Light , born Aug. 1822, Stratham, Furnald Young, Sept. 7, 1845, born March 21, 1817, in Tuftonborough,

V. II. : a farmer, tie died April 10,1876. She died Feb- 2, 1&>6. F»-.»tli 7 died in Stratham. where they resided. —Their children : 1. John Edwin , v born Aug. 28, l '-h'>. in Tuftonborough: died July 20, lSol, in Tuftonbor- 7 ough. 2. Hannah Augusta , born Dee. 9, 1848, in Tuftonborough: mar-

ried Mark G. Robert ; Nov. 28, 1872, born Dee. r>. 1839, in Stratham : a 7 18">0, fanner. He resides in Stratham. :). Mary Crimbell . born Nor. 7, 7 in Tuftonborough : resides in Stratham. 4. Noah Piper , horn July 28,

1 s.i;?. in Stratham : a farmer. He has rendered me' valuable assistance in cullecting genealogies for this book. See p. 9. He resides in Strat-

"1. 7 in ham. John Edwin , horn Jan. 20, 1>V>. in Stratham. He resides 7 Exeter. Florida. 6. Olive Jane , born Dee. 4, I860, in Stratham : married

7 James Clark Piper Jan. ">. 1884, born Pec. 7. 1866, in Oskaloosa, Lowy : 7 7. 1863, a fanner. He resides in Stratham. 7. Sarah Lizzie , born Feb. in Stratham, and resides there. 8 Ste- 2. Hannah Dearbori. . horn April 14, 1829, in Stratham : married

''. 24, phen W. Sudd, Sept. 1846 : di< .1 in Boston, Mass. She died June 1M7. in Boston, where tliev resided. Thev had one child.


5 '£2. xii. Polly Piper (Jonathan*, 2 1 Samuel?, Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born May 16, 1792, in Stratham; died. 5 33. xiii. Mark Walton Piper (Jonathan4 2 , SamueF, Samuel , 1 born March in NaVianiel ), 18,1794, Stratham ; died.

5 3 J>-£. xiv. Ebenezer Smith Piper (Jonathan*, Samuel , Samuel*, in Nathaniel) burn May 6, 1796, Stratham ; died.

(IS.) Samuel 4 Piper married Sally Xorris.

their children :

3 2 i- Piper (Samuel', 35. Jonathan' Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

1 iel ), born May 22, 17S4, in Stratham, X. H. : died in March, 1861.

5 l$ii. ii. Benjamin Piper (Samuel*, SainueP, Samuel*, Nathan-

iel'), born April 1, 17S6, in Loudon, X. H. ; died.

5 4 3 1 id- Sally Piper uel , J5'7. (Sam Samuel , Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born March 9, 17S8, in Loudon ; married Anthony Sherman Feb.

3, 1S08; died; he died. 4 3 iv. Piper (Samuel Samuel 1 JiS. Jane' , , Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 21, 17S9, in Loudon; married Nathaniel Sherburne

Mar. 4, 1S13 : died ; he died.

5 4 2 1 v'. Piper Samuel', 31). Betsey (Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ),

3 3. Jonathan , born Oct. 7, 1830. in Stratham ; married Sophia Antoin- ette Clark. Feb. 27. 1836, born .May 20, 183S, in Giles County, Tenn.; a te-icher before marriage. He was formerly a teacher, but is now con- nected with Ivison. Blakeman & Co., of Chicago, in the book business. 7 He reside^ in Chicago. 111.—THEIR CHILDREN : 1. Mary Jane , horn July 7 23, 1S57, iu St. Francisville, Mo.; a teacher. 2. Lizzie Avery , born Sept. 7 10, 1839, in St. Francis ville ; a teacher. 3. Nettie Clark , horn May 1. 7 1802, in Eddyville, Iowa : died Dec. 1, 1807, in Eddyvilie. 4. Noah , born

May 22, 1864, in Eddyville ; married Olive Jeannette. B\ rues. Feb. 17. 1887, born May 5, 18ufi, in Manitovvoc, Wis. lie is engaged in railroad busi- ness. 5. James Clark", born Dee. 7, 186(5, in Oskaloosa, Iowa : a fanner : married Olive Jane" Young. Jan. •"}. 1884, born Dec. 4. I860, in Stratham, where they reside. H. Harriet Rebecca", born Nov. 20, 1807, in Manches- ter. Iowa. 7. Jonathan Lane", born Nov. 20, li>68. in Manchester. 8. 7 Olive Elfrida , born Dee. 7. 1876, in Wheaton, 111. All except James Clark 7 reside in Chicago.

7 8 (4. Noah Piper's child : Jonathan , born Jan. 8. 1888. in Belvi-

dere. 111.)

(.". 7 James Clark Piper's children : I. Mark Furnalu*, born Aug. 5 2. Aug. 11.18*5. 3. Fdwii<\ born 5,1884. Jonathan , born James Oct. 26, 1880. All were-ljorrHrrOskrrlnosftpfnww.)

6 2s, ls:;-,>, 4. Mary Jane , born Dec. in Stratham : died Jan.' L. 1>74. in Northwood. N. 11. She was never married.


born March in 8, 1791. London ; married Lewis Flanders Feb. 6,

1S12. She died March 1 , in 31, S 7 7 Readfield, Me. ; he died.

-iO. vi. Samuel" Piper* (Samuel*, Samuel', Sa?nuel~, Nathan-

1 iel }, born March 22, 1792, in Loudon; married Martha W. Brown,

born March 6, 1S02, in Pittsfield, N. H. lie died Jan. 29.. 1874. She died in Loudon, N. H. in 18SS.

vii. David 5 Piper"]' 4 3 1 41. Norris (Samuel , Samuel , Samuel ,

1 Nathaniel ), born Aug. 26, 1794 in Loudon ; a clothier and cap- tain ; removed from Loudon, X. IL, to Rockland, Maine ; married Eliza Gleason in 1821. He died June 27. 1S69, in Thomaston, Me., where he resided. She died in Thomaston, Me.

viii. 5 3 1 42. Elisha Piper (Samuel*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

1 iel ), born Nov. 22,. 1796. in Loudon ; died in May, 1S62.

5 3 1 43. ix. Enoch Wood Piper (Samuel*, Samuel , Samuel . Na-

1 thaniel ), born Aug. 23, 1799, in Loudon ; died.

(IJi 1 .) Comfort' Fiiier married Joseph Xorris.


5 3 1 i. ?-l. Mehttable Xorris (Comfort*, Samuel , Samuel , Na-

1 thaniel ), torn Feb. 21, 1775, in Stratham, X. H.; died.

5 3 1 45. ii. James Norris (Co mfort*, Samuel , Samuel?, Nathaniel ),

born Jan. 31, 177S, in Stratham ; died.

3 1 -i''i. iii. Joseph' Xorris (Comfort*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathan-

1 iel ,) burn Nov. 5, 1779, in Stratham ; died.

* Samuel5 Piper's Children: 6 8 1. Alonzo , bom March 14, 1822; died young. 2. Sarah Jane , born

">, Oct. 2 1825 ; mar; ied James Stickney, .of Lowell. Mass. She died June 6 1852. 3. George"*, born Sept. SO, 1827 : died Feb. 22, 1828. 4. Maria 4, , born June 2. 1832, married James Stickney, of Lowell, Mass. as his second

wife. 5. Elisha , born Oct. 8. 1834, married A. Nutter, of Pitts-

field, N. If. He resides in Loudon. 6. Stephen B<\, born March 28, 1837 : married Sarah Berry, of Pittsfield, N. II. 7. Samuel'', born March 2C,

1S39 ; died young. 5 t David Nokris Piper's Children : 6 1. Aaron Gleason , born Feb. 27, 1822, in Thomaston. Me. : married 6 Eliza L. Young Aug., 1857 He died July 12, 1886. 2. Sarah Jane , born

Dec. 3, 1823, in Thomaston ; married, 1st, Nelson S. Fales Nov., 18-18; 6 2d. G. C. Dow July, 1862. 3. Mary Elizabeth , born Jan. 7, 1826, in Thom-

aston : married Barnabas Webb Sept., 1848. They reside in Concord, lH^s, California. 4. Martha Fiances", born March 20. in Thomaston ; mar- ried George W. Beveredge Jan. II, 1846. She died April 24. 1864, in 8 2*'. Thomaston. 5. David Norris , born Jan. 1831, in Thomaston, Me.,

\\ here lie now resides.


5 47. iv. Benjamin Norris (Comfort*, SamveP, SamueP, Nathan-

1 iel ), born Aug. 31, 1781, in Stratham ; died.

5 1 4:8. v. Mary Norris (Comfort*, Samuel?, Somud-, Nathaniel ),

born Nov. n, 1784, in Stratham ; died. 5 3 4i>. vi. Charles Norris (Cum/mi', Samuel , Samuel--, Nathan-

1 iel }, born June 22, 1786, in Stratham ; died. 3 50. vii. Nancy" Norris (Comfort*, Samuel , Samuel", Nathan- 1 in iel }, born July 30, 178S, Stratham ; died. 6 51. viii. Nathaniel Norris (Comfort*, SamueP, Samuel*, Na-

1 thaniel ), born April 14, 1791, in Stratham; died.

3 3 5>*2. ix. Caleb W . Norris (Comfort', Samuel , Samuel-, Nathan-

iel'), born Nov. 8, 1792, in Stratham; died.

4 (20.) Elisha Piper married, 1st, Sarah Barker; 2d,. Olive- Dyer; 3d, Rosannah Dyer.


5 3 2 1 53. i- Suky Piper (Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Feb. 15, 1767, in Stratham, N. H. In her publishment and her father's will, her name is Susanna. I have given it as found

in the family record, as I have given the names of the other chil- dren. She married James Remick Aug. 3c, 178S, born about 1764, in Kittery, Me.; a farmer, blacksmith, and justice of the peace. She died about Feb. 2S, 1791, perhaps a few days later, in Parsuns- neld, Me., at the birth of her second daughter, at the early age of twenty-four years. His second wife was Anna Haynes, born in 1764, in Warerborough, Me.; died April S, 1848, in Bangor, Me., where she resided with her step-daughter, Susan (Remick) Clarke. He resided in Parsonsfield on the south side of the North Road, about half way between Blazo's Corner and Limerick Village, on the farm now owned by Samuel Bartlett, being lot No. 171 and nearly opposite the residence of the late Samuel Lougee. He was

a large, portly man ; died July 31, 1822, in Parsonsfield. I have not been able to ascertain the exact time when he was born or she died, but the time given varies very little from the true dates. They were both buried in the burying-ground on the Moses Mighels farm, on the north side of the road, near where they resided.* See their

children : Nos. <>:>. Hi.

* The facts given above were obtained mostly from William Bean, of

Denmark, Me., who lived •<% ith Esijuire Remick nine years, and was there when he- died.


3 3 5-1. ii- Benjamin Piper (Elishn*, Samuel , Samuel?, Nathan-

1 iel ), born Aug. 19, 1769, in Stratham ; a farmer ; married Hannah Hodgdon, born in 1770, in Limerick, Me. He died April 15, 1803, in Parsonsfield, Me., of pneumonia, from exposure by standing in the snow, without exercise, at town-meeting on the fourth of the same month, the unparalleled quantity of one foot having fallen the previous day. She died April 12, 1849, in Parsonsfield, aged 79 years. He resided in Parsonsfield on the South Road. See their children : Nos. .65. 66, 67, 68.

5 3 1 55. iii- David Piper (J2Usha*, Samuel , Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born Dec. 24. 1771, in Stratham. N. H.; a ship-builder, brick- maker, ana farmer ; married, Nanc) Chevers* May 23, 1793, born Sept. 16. 1776, in Salem, Mass. After his marriage he settled in Hampden, Me., and was engaged in ship-building in company with another man, in 1S14, when the British, on the third of Sept. of that >ear, made an attack on the town, pillaged the houses and stores, and burned several vessels which were in course of construction, one of which belonged to him and his partner. After a battle of one hour the British were victorious, and according to "Coolidge and Mansfield's History of New England," carried away to Castine, Me., about eighty of the citizens as prisoners of war, of whom he

was one ; only fifty-seven appear on the parole. They were, how- ever, soon released on the condition that the selectmen of Hampden

should pay one thousand dollars as a ransom ; but the war soon closing, and the treaty of peace having been ratified at Washington

Feb. 17, 1S15, the money was never paid. A copy of the parole

of the prisoners is now in the possession of his grand-daughter, Mrs. Mary P. 7 (Jemegan) McGill, of Amelia, Ohio, who has had the kindness to furnish me a copyt. The great loss of property occa-

* There has been some doubt about this name, hut it is recorded in the marriage records of the town of Parsonsfield, Me., Nancy Chevers.

+ Copy of the parole with the names of the prisoners of war : Samuel Webster, Josiah Ward, Eben Atwood, Archibald York. Tru- man Dean, Bangs Young, .Solomon Covill, Jonathan Hopkins. John Smith, Abraham Know les, Nathaniel Moysper, Isaac Hopkins, John Phil- lips, Jason Simpson, Benjamin Walker, Charles Page, Jessy Libby, Jr., Samuel H. Scott, Richard Ellingwood, Henry Smith, Benjamin Higgins, Henry Snow, Joel Hopkins, Rich. Stubbs, Eben Stubbs, Robert Daing, William Snow, Seth Higgins, Daniel Deane, Micajah Snow, Jeremiah Simpson. Lt. of Infantry, Abisha Higgins, Barnabas Atwood, Dawson Lined. Amos Deane, Jr.. Solomon Mvrkk, Barker Turner, Truman Snow,

26 ELISH-V* PIPER. V GENERATION. slotted by the destruction of his vessel, and the complete prostration of business at the close of the war, in connection with the cold years of 1S15 and 1816*. caused his financial ruin, and he resolved to em- igrate to the West, and try his fortune there. Some time in 1S17 he went to Ohio, and settled in New Richmond, Clermont County. After remaining there a year, and making the necessary prepara- tions, his son-in-law, Hiram Harding, in 1S18, moved his family and his own, consisting often persons in all, to that place, traveling all that long and tedious journey of twelve hundred miles in a wagon covered with canvas, and drawn by two hordes. In many places the roads were so soft and muddy that all, except the smallest chil- dren, i.^it obliged Uy tvaik, many a iiule on loot. i'hey ad, How- ever, arrived safely. He lived in New Richmond about eleven years, or till 1828, and was engaged in farming and brick-making, and made the first bricks ever made in New Richmond. He removed from this place to Cincinnati, and carried on brick-making there for three years, when he purchased a farm at Pleasant Hill, a place about four miles from Amelia, Ohio, and pursued the business of farm- ing about six years, and made considerable money. He then sold this farm, and purchased another in Amelia, to which he removed and continued the business of farming till his death, which occurred

David Piper. Jeremiah Baker, Elias Dudly. Adj. Bath Cav'y, Peter Nevcomb, Capt. 3<1 10th Division, Jacob Nelson. Lieut, of the Cavalry, Stephen Dolbur, Ensign, Allen Rogers. Joshua Shannon, Benjamin Swett, Simeon Mayo. Amos Rider, Joseph Mayo. Ezra Mayo. James Mayo, Moses Baker. Thos. Mayo. Eben Young, Jr.. William Higgins, Samuel Hambleton. The above names, prisoners of war, are hereby paroled upon honor net to serve and take up arms directly or indirectly against Great Britain or her allies during existing hostilities with America until regularly ex- changed, to which engagement they have pledged themselves by a writ- ten document. G. Gossilin, B. G. Comt. Castine. 13th Sept., 1814.

The within is a true copy of a document in our possession.

Attest : Simeon Stetson, ) Selectmen of the

Jona. Knowles, * Town of Hampden. Hampden. Sept. 20, 1814. *During tbe summer of 1816 tbere was a killing frost in Maine every month, which has never happened since General Chamberlain, in his work, -i Maine: Her Place in History," says that in 1S15 and 1816 " tbe State lost fifteen thousand oi' her most energetic people." This great exodus was sometimes called the Ohio fever.


almost ninety years. at that place Dec. 10, 1S61, at the age of of high His wife died Sept. 27, 1852, in Amelia. He was a man person he was integrity, and respected by those who knew him. In height, and capable of great tall and erect, being fully six feet in endurance. He visited his early home in Parsonsheld, in 1S26, which was the only time after he went to Ohio. Notwithstanding a good prop- his reverses he made life a success, and accumulated his children.— erty which, at his death, was equally divided among

_ OS. iiit. 70, 4 E, ?&. 3 Samuel2 Nathaniel 1 &&. iv. Sarah" Piper (Elisha*, Samuel , , ),

» Wakefield, H.; usually called Sally, born March 17, 17 74- n N. married Daniel Felch, son of Abijah Felch*, born September 26, captain. His store is said 1771, in Limerick, Me.; a merchant and the country, or between the to have been the first in that section of great two Ossipee Rivers. He pursued the business of trade with dying so young. success, and accumulated a large property for a man where he resided. She died He died Oct. 3. 1S06. in Limerick, than a year alter. Feb. 28, 1808, in the same place, a little more were scattered, and By the early death of the parents, the children all except one arrived at never again united in one household ; but became the most distin- maturity, married, and had children ; and

: Nos. guished branch of the Piper family.—See their children 73, 74* 75. 7©j 77. 78. 3 1 5 4 Nathaniel (Samuel , Samuel*, ), 57. v. Daniel Piper (Elishu , a farmer, selectman, and born March 4, 1776, in Wakefield, N. H.; married Anna Parsons Aug. 25, 1799, ensign in the war ol 1812 ; and daughter of Thomas burn May 7, 17S3, in Parsonsheld, Me., was son of Thomas and Hannah (Foster) Parsons. Thomas Parsons the town took its Parsons, the proprietor of Parsonsheld, from whom " Mr. Piper came name. The << History of Penobscot County" says : and settled in Newburgh, to this county from Parsonsheld in 1799, was for many years being one of the early settlers of the town. He prominent town one of the active men of his town, holding all the the battle of Hampden, be- offices, at different times," and was in was a little above ing ensign under Captain Ichabod Bickford. He

~ early proprietors of the laud of the town- f »AbVjaTiri^lT^-as'^e'orthe for many years. He rep- ship of Limerick, and a prominent man there Boston, before resented the town in the Massachusetts Legislature, in served in the army Maine was separated from that State in 1820. He also of the Revolution.


his opinions. the medium size, of high integrity, and decided in He died August In religion-, belief, he was a Freewill Baptist. lived after his settle- to.. 1842, in Newburgh, where he had always Me., where ment there. His wife died Oct. 5. 1S65, in Monroe, 6 date of she was living with her son, Simeon Barker Piper. The is Nov. 1S65, her death s;iven in the town records of Newburgh 1, their chil- but her son says the one here given is correct.—See 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, dren : Nos. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 90. 2 1 5 Samuel Nathaniel 58. vi. Mary Fiver (EUsha*, SamueP, , ), Wakefield, N. H.; usually called Folly, born April 14. 1778, in Maine, as is married Joseph Mpffalt in i;yo, born Sept. 4. 1771, in Mass. He became acquainted supposed, but it may have been in Parsonsfield, Me., while with his wife at her father's residence in settled on lot employed by him on his farm. After his marriage he the town then being tailed Plantation No. 5, in Newburgh, Me., years, sowed a nursery, and made No. 2, where he lived several his farm to George Bickford, other improvements. In 1S05 . he sold Isaac Bickford, who is nearly nine- and it i? now owned by his son,

: the family well, and from him I have ty years old . He remembers portion of the remain- obtained a part of the facts here given, and a We have no certain der from the records of the town of Newburgh. till we find him in knowledge of his location after he sold his farm, Benjamin Franklin Canada on a farm near , where his son. thinks that he resid- Moffatt, was born Oct. 8, 1S15. Mr. Bickford town, for several years after ed in Newburgh, or some neighboring are of opinion that he he sold his farm. Some of his grandchildren Mass., near Boston, before also lived a short time in some town in removed to Clean. Cattarau- he went to Canada. From Canada he 1S18, or the spring gus County. N. Y., probably about 1S17, and in a farm located between Ham- of 18:9 went to Ohio, and settled on made the passage from ilton and Oxford, in Butler County. He family, on a raft loaded with Olean to Cincinnatti, Ohio, with his Pittsburgh, Pa., lumber, going 300 miles on the Alleghany River to whole distance being and then 4S0 on the Ohio to Cincinnatti, the weeks. He lived on nearly Sco miles, and the time occupied, six there in Dec. 1S22, of measles, thisfarm till 1823. His wife died in Illinois in contracted from the children, while he was absent

after this was written, being * He. died April 14. 1S89, a few month's bom Mav 26, 1799.

— ,


search of a farm for a new residence. Nearly all the family were sick at the same time, but all survived except the mother. She was buried in the burying-ground on the farm. She was an active. wo- man, and an excellent, manager. The next spring, in 1823, here-

moved his family to a farm near Peoria, 111., which he had selected

the previous year. He resided here till the latter [/art of his life, when he went to live with his daughter, Olive (Moffatt) Proctor, and

her husband Abel Proctor, at Scales Mound, 111. He died there Fell. 10, 1850, at the age of 78 years. He was an upright and very

industrious man.—See their children : Nos. 91, 92, 92£, 94, 95, 98, 97, 98, 99, 109, IOI. vii. Piper (Jblisha*, 2 1 i>9. Elisha* SamucP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born May 1. 1781, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer; married Betsey Mighels*, born Jan. 29. 1773. in Newmarket, N. H., being older

than her husband. He died of fever Oct., 1S1 2, in Newburgh, Me.

where he first settled. She died Aug. 15, 1S64, in Newburgh, aged 91 years. See their children: Nos. 192, JKK>, 194., 10>>, IOC*, 197, 198.

viii. 3 3 1 1 (10. Jane Piper (E'isha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ),

born May 1, 1783, in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Jacob Bradbury,

June 20, 1803, born Jan. 7, 1769, in Biddeford, Me.; a farmer.

He was an active man and a good farmer. He died May 4, 1S37,

in Limerick, Me. She died Oct. 2, 1S63, inLimerick. She was a

woman a little above the medium size, of an amiable disposition, with black eyes and dark hair. He resided in Limerick, near belch's

Corner.—See their children : Nos. 199, 119, 111, 112, 113.

5 3 1 61. ix. Betsey Piper (Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel?, Nathaniel ),

born April 11, 17S6, in Parsonsfield, Me. ; married Isaac Felch, son

of Abijah Felch, in 1805, born in Limerick, Me., May 7, 1782 ; a farmer, selectman, trustee of Parsonsfield Seminary, and lieutenant. After his marriage he lived in Limerick several years, but in 18 16 removed to Parsonsfield on a farm near the "Seminary, where he lived many years as a successful farmer. In 1836 he sold his farm, and

removed to Gorham. Me., where he died. June 14, 1S41. His wife

died Oct. 3. 1S41, in Gorham. She was a woman of medium size, with blue eves and dark hair; of active temperament and very in-

*This name was originally Miguel, but most of the family now spell it Mighels, and almost all the people pronounce it so. Dr. Jesse Mighel ami Rev. Moses Mighel Smart, who have investigated the subject, spelled

it Misihel.


dustrious. See their children: Nos. 11-1, IKS. 11G, 117, 118, 119. 120. 5 62. x. Jonathan Piper (Elisha*, Samuel?, 3 1 Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 30, 17SS, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a former, teacher, school

committee, selectman, land-surveyor, justice ol" the peace, county commissioner, and one of the surveyors appointed to establish the

boundary line between Maine and New Hampshire. He was in public business a large portion of his time tor more than twenty years. He had a good common school and academical education, and in 1801 attended Fryeburg Academy, at Fryeburg, Me., for some time, and was under the instruction of Daniel Webster, who was Principal 01 the institu/cion at that time, and subsequently became so distinguished as a lawyer, orator, and statesman. In politics he was a Whig, and subsequently a Republican. He was several times a candidate for representative to the State Legislature, and had the full vote of his parly as ; but there were about twice as many Dem- ocrats in town as Whig's, he was not elected. No Whig was elected by the town as representative to the Legislature during his political

career. He had a taste for music, could read it readily, and sung re

nah (Baird) Burbank*, born in Scarborough, Me., Aug. 6, 1 788. She

*Capt. Silas Burbank was horn in Massachusetts, and died Sept.. 1814, at his residence in Parsonsfield, Me., being in the 70th year of his age.

His family consisted of five sons and four daughters : Eleazer married

Anna Brackett : Silas married Sally Wedgwood : David married Miriam

Dunnells ; Samuel married Esther Boothby ; Caleb, unmarried ; Abigail married Silas Harmon ; Betsey married Solomon Hodgdon ; Hannah married Capt. Tristram Redman ; and Mary married Jonathan Piper, as above. At the breaking out of the War of the Revolution, he raised a company of soldiers in Scarborough, Me., where he then resided, and be- ing made captain, marched to Boston, Mass., and joined the Continental

Army. His two young sous, Silas, then 17 years of age, and David 15, were the musicians, the former being the drummer, and the latter the fifer. He served through the war, participating in some of the most im- portant battles of that great struggle. He was at one time captain of Washington's life-guard, and permitted to sit at the table with him and his higher officers. One day at dinner, when Washington began to wait


was a faithful mother, of a kind and cheerful disposition, and of true Christian character; and always instilled into the minds of her chil- dren high moral and religious principles. She died suddenly of heart-disease July 14, 1873, in Parsonsfield, only three days after

the death of her husband. He always resided in Parsonsfield, first on the South Road where all his children were born. The house was located on the south side of the road, opposite the residence of

his father. It has been removed recently, but the place where it stood can be easily identified, being at the easternbase of thehill on which is the new cemetery. He .sold his farm on the South Road, and removed to the north part of the town, near Parsonsfield Sem- inary, on the farm previously owned by his brother-in-law, Isaac

Felch, which he purchased of him in 1S36. In person he was a lit- tle below the medium size, decided in his opinions, and quick and accurate in all his business transactions. He was of high integrity, and gained the confidence and respect of those with whom he asso- ciated. Hedied July n, 1873, in Parsonsfield, where he resided.

—See their children : Nos. 121, 122, 12S, 124. SIXTH GENERATION. (5S.) Suky 5 Piper married James Remick.


6 G3. i. Jane Remick (Suky*, Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel?, Nathan-

1 el '), born in 17S9, in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Thomas Carll, Sept. iS, 1S11, born in 17S4, in Waterborough, Me.; a timber-dealer, lumber-manufacturer, and representative in the Maine Legislature. She died at Union Falls, in Hollis (now Dayton), where they then resided, Sept. 29, 1829, aged 40 years. He afterward married Su-

6 san Felch , cousin of his first wife, and removed to Salmon Fails, Hollis, Me.

6 4 ii. 4. Susan Remick (Suky*, Elisha , SamueP, SamueP, Na-

1 thaniel '), born Feb. 28, 1791, in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Royal

upon the table, he filled a plate, and handed it to him first. He vras sur-

prised, blushed, hesitated, but finally took it. After he had recovered his self-possession, he began to think why Washington waited upon him first. He came to the conclusion that he looked eagerly at the food on the table (it being a boiled dinner of which he u-as very fond, and he was also very hungry, having been on duty the previous night, and had no breakfast) and that Washington observed it, and his tender care for his soldiers, prompted him to wait upon him before his higher officers, who had their regular meals. He loved Washington as a father, and often tears would start in his eves at the mention of his name.


Clarke, of Cornish, Me., March 29, 18*09, born in 1783, inEpping, N. H.; a deacon of the Calvin Baptist Church, trustee of Colby Uni- versity, and high sheriff of Penobscot County. He died Dec. 5,185s, in Bangor, aged 75 years. She died Nov. 19, 1S66, in Bangor, where they resided, aged 75 years. The following notice of her ap- peared in the " Zion's Advocate :" " Susan (Remick) Clarke was an estimable Christian woman, of great force of character, and of more than ordinary intelligence."*

3 («>4r.) Benjamin Piper married Hannah Hodgdon.

Their children :

6 2 f*.~, i. Elis ha Piper (Benjamin*, Elisha", Samuel?, Samuel , XnthanicP), born Jan. 22, 1796, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer and carpenter ; married Sally Foster, born Aug. 21, 1812, in Par- He was a man of great indus- sonsfield ; died there Dec. 24, 1869. trv, of high moral principles, and respected by all who knew him. He founded Parsonsneld Free High School with an endowment of eleven thousand and fifty-six dollars. He also gave the Methodist Church, in Newficld, Me., where he was at that time residing, a fine church heil, costing three hundred and fifty dollars, and weighing nine hundred pounds. He was reared a Freewill Baptist, and al- ways attended that church when he lived in his native town ; he was not, however, confined to any particular religious denomination in his gifts, but bestowed them wherever he thought they would do the most good. He was a constant attendant on religious services on the Sabbath, and contributed a liberal proportion for the support of the ministry. He resided the most of his life on the old homestead of his father, on the South Road in Parsonsfield, He died March 22, 1S77, in Parsonsfield. They had no children.

6 4 <>(v. ii. Sally Piper (Benjamin*, J-J/isfm , SaviueP, Samuel?,

1 Nathaniel ), born about Sept. 10, 1797. in Parsonsfield. Me.; mar-

ried Isaac Moore, born March 5, 17S8. in Parsonsfield: a farmer. Shedied July 10, 1835, in Parsonsfield, aged 37 years and 10 months.

He died May 6. 184 1, in Parsonsfield. where he resided. See 1 heir children : Xos. 123. 126, 127. I2H. 12«>. ISO, 131, *:52. 6 fifisha4 SamueP, SamueP, 6T. iii- Polly Piper (Benjamin*, , X'lt/i/nu'rP), born Jan. 9, 1800, in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Gid-

*They had several daughters, one <>f whom, Anna Judson, Lorn Feb.

14, 1819, married Rev. Joseph Bicker, D. !>.. born June 27, 1814, in Par- sonsfield, and now residing in Augusta. Me. She died Nov. Hi. 1847.

—— — — ;


eon Bickt'ord, born Jan. 12, 1796, in Parsonsfield; a fanner, cap- tain of Parsonsfield Light Infantry, and deputy sheriff. After his marriage he first settled on the South Road in Parsonsfield, but sub- sequently removed to the Hathaway place, in the north part of the town, where he resided many years. A few years before his death he sold his farm, and purchased the Dame plate on the North Road,

where he died Feb. 3, 1S73, aged seventy-seven years. She died March 20, 1SS2, in Monmouth, Me., aged eighty-two years, two months, and eleven days. He was a successful farmer. See tkeir

children : Xos. 188, 134, 135, 136, 137,138,139, 140, 141,142, 143.

iv. Benjamin' Piper JsJiisha', 3 68. (Benjamin*, Samuel", Samuel ,

1 Nathaniel ), born March 29, 1802, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer Sargent, married, 1st, Nancy born Nov. 9, i8oS ; died Jan. 24,

1870, in Parsonsfield ; 2d, Mercy Smith, Oct. 28, 1872 (maiden name Mercy Lang, widow of David Smith, of Limerick, Me.), born Feb. 24, 1S05, in Effingham, N. II. He died Dec. 23, 1881, in New-

field, Me. After his first marriage he resided, first, in Shapleigh, Me., then in Parsonsfield, and lastly in Newfield, Me. He was a

successful farmer. See their children : Nos. 141, 145, 146. 147, 148. (55.) David 5 Piper married Nancy Chevers.


6 A 3 69. i. Lavinia Piper (David*. Elisha , Samuel , SamueP, Na-

1 thaniel ), born Oct. 22, 1794, in Hampden, Me.; married Hiram Harding Feb. 16, 1815, born Aug. 2, 1790, in Med way, Mass.; a farmer and boatman. He died March 27, 1827, by drowning in the Ohio River about midway between New Richmond, Ohio, and Cin- cinnati, Ohio. She died Oct. 9, 1871, in Bloomington, III., where she was living with her daughter, Lavinia (Harding) White and son- in-law, David E. White. He resided at New Richmond at the time of his death. See their children : Nos. 149, 150, 151, 152, 153. 6 70. ii. Ezekiel Piper (David?, Elisha*, SamneF, Samuel",

1 Nathaniel ), born Dec. 27, 1795, in Hampden, Me.; a farmer ; mar- led Ann Roberts, born July 17, 1797, in Bucks County, Pa. She died Feb. 6, 187 1, in Hollowayville, 111. He died Dec. 30, 1S75, in Maiden, 111. After the death of his wife he removed to Maiden.

He was a successful farmer. See their children : Nos. 15 I. 155.

156. I! 57. 158, 159. 160.

— —


6 5 3 71. iii- Elisha Piper (David , Elisha*, (Samuel , Samuel-, Na-

1 thaniel ), born April 4, 1799, in Hampden, Me.; a farmer and brick- maker; married Ann Lewis, Oct. 25, 1S24, born July 2, 1S00, in

Pa. He died July 16, 1841, in Leepertown, 111., where he resided. She died Nov. 25, 1S69, in Selby, 111., to which place she removed after the death of her husband. See their children: Nos. MSI. 162, 163, 161, 165, 166, 167. 6 5 3 72i. iv. Nancy Frothingham Piper (David , Elisha*, Samuel ,

1 1 Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 2, 1809, in Hampden, Me.; mar-

ried David Jemegan Sept. 24, 1829, born Dec. 7, 1S06, in Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; a wool-carder and merchant. She died Dec. 30,

lboo, in Amelia, Ohio, lie died Aug. 3, 1SS5, at Amelia, where

he resided. See their children : Nos. I6&, 169. (56.) Sarah" Piper married Daniel Felch.

their children :

5 4 78. i- Susan Piper" Felch (Sarah , Elisha , SamueP, Samuel',

1 Nathaniel ), born May 23, 1797, in Limerick, Me.; a teacher be-

fore marriage ; married John Felch, born Jan. 1, 1795, m Limerick ; a farmer and merchant. He first resided in Limerick, being engaged in trade for several years, and then removed to New Limerick, Me., and pursued the business of tanning. His wife died Nov. 28, 1S53, in New Limerick. After her death he went to Livonia, Minn., and dLd ihere May 20, 1870.

6 5 ii. 74. Sarah Barker Felch (Sarah , Elisha*, SamueP, Sam-

1 ueP, Nathaniel ), born in 1798, in Limerick, Me.; married Caleb Fessenden Page, born in 179S, in Fryeburg, Me.; a Congregational clergyman; graduated at Powdoin College in 1S20, and studied theology with Rev. David Thurston, of Wintbrop, Me. He was pas- tor of the Congregational Church in Limington, Me., ten years;

Bridgeton, Me., eighteen ; Granby, Ct., five ; Granville, Mass., five ; Tolland, Mass., three; Colebrook, N. H., four; and Milton Mills,

N. H., eight. After a long career of usefulness in his profession, he died at Milton Mills Nov. 6, 1873, at the age of seventy-five years. His wife- was educated at Limerick Acadamy, Limerick, Me., and was awaccomplished lady, worthy of the important position which she occupied. She died May 24, 1839, in Bridgeton, Me., where they then resided, aged forty-one years.

,; 5 75. iii.'LvDiA Felch (Surah , Elisha*, Samuel', SamueP, Na-

1 thaniel ), born May 8, iSco, in Limerick, Me.; married Simeon

Lougee Dec. 12, 1816, born Jan. 9, 1795, in Parsonsfield. Me.; a

ELISHA4 PIPER. —VI GENERATION". 35 mechanic and farmer. He resided several years in Limerick near

Felch's Corner, working at his trade and on his farm ; but. subse- quently removed to New Limerick, Me., and continued to pursue the business of fanning. He died Sept. 9, 1S74, in New Limerick. She died Nov. 6, 1877, in New Limerick, where they resided.

6 6 2 "/£>. iv. Julia Felch (Sarah , Elisha', Samuel?, Samuel , Na- thanie?), born July 31, 1S02, in Limerick, Me.; married James Hopkinson March 20, 1S21, born May 28, 1794, in Saco, Me.; a tanner, timber-dealer, and lumber-manufacturer. He carried on the lumbering business at Union Falls in Hollis (now Dayton), Me. He owned a fine farm in Saco, where he was engaged in farming also. She died Oct. 16, 1845, in Suco. He died Feb. 18, 1854, in Saco, where he then resided.

6 5 3 77. v. Alpheus Felch (Sarah , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel?, Na-

1 at thaniel ), born Sept. 28, 1804,* in Limerick, Me.; graduated Bowdoin College in 1827, entered immediately upon the study ot law, and was admitted to the bar at Bangor, Me., in 1830. He first be- gan to practice in Holton, Me., where he remained three years, from 1^30 to 1833. His health having become impaired by the se- verity of the climate, and desiring a more promising locality for business, he removed to Monroe, Michigan, where he resided ten years, or till 1S43, and then settled at Ann Arbor, in the same State, where he lias continued to practice his profession to the present honor has been rep- time. He has held various offices of trust and ; resentative in the Legislature of Michigan, Lank Commissioner, Commissioner of California Land Claims, Tappan Professor of Lav/ and President of the board of Regents of the University of Michi- gan, Judge of the Supreme Court and Governor of Michigan, and Senator from 1847 to 1S53. He discharged all these offices with much ability and honor to himself and his State. In 1877 Bowdoin College conferred on him the honorary degree of

* The date of his birth has sometimes appeared in print as being Sept. 28, 1806, hut the one here given is correct, having been furnished me by born Oct. himself. His children are as follows : 1. Caroline Ophelia, Lu- 22, 1S38. 2. Elizabeth Hopkinson, bom March 20, 1841. 3. Emma 20, 4. Arthur Willis, bom cretia, bom March 21, L843 ; died Dec. 1875. bornMarchSO, Fell. 1."), 18-15; died July IT, 1846. 5. Theodore Alpheus, 1862.. 7. 1847. 6. Florence Cornelia, bom Jan. 9, 1852; died Oct. 31. Feb. Francis Lawrence, born Jan. 5, 1854. S. Helen Louise, bom 6, first three, who 185S. All were born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, except the Arbor. were bom in Monroe, Michigan. Those deceased died in Ann

— — — .


LL. D. He married Lucretia Williams Lawrence Sept. 14, 1837, an estimable lady, daughter of Judge Wolcott and Caroline (Steb- bins) Lawrence, born Dec. 31, 1S17, in Monroe, Mich. She died July 30, 1882, in Ann Arbor. He resides in Ann Arbor.

6 4 2 Samuel , 78. vi. Eunice Felch (Sarah , Elisha , Samuel?, Na- 1 Limerick, Me.; died Oct. thaniel ), born about May 30, 1806, in 30, 1809, in Cornish, Me., aged three years and five months. She was buried in Limerick, in the cemetery near the Calvin Baptist meet- ing-house, where her parents were buried.

(57.) Daniel 3 Piper married Anna Parsons.


6 4 3 v'J. i- Thomas Parsons Piper {Daniel*, Elisha , Samuel , Sam- 2 1 Me. a farmer uel , Nathaniel ), born April 23, iSoo, in Newburgh, ; ; married, 1st, Lucy Turner Oilman March n, 1S27, born Sept. 30, 2d, wid- 1806, in Belfast, Me.; died Dec. 24, 1S45, in Newburgh ; ow Abigail Burdick True (maiden name Abigail Burdick Lanpherj,

May 2>i; 1S46, born May 9, 1S04, in Searsport, Me.; died April 4, 1S72, in Belfast. He died Dec. 26, 1871, in Belfast, where he re-

>idea. See their children : Xos. 17©, 171, 172.

6 2 HO. ii. Daniel Piper (Daniel?, Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel , Na- died 1810, thaniel*), born June 14, 1802, in Newburgh, Me. : Jan. 19, in Newburgh.

8 6 4 2 Samuel?, San'tie! , 81. iii. Benjamin Piper {Daniel , Elisha , farmer mar- Nathaniel?), born July 25, 1804, in Newburgh, Me.; a ; ried Julia Bickford Sept. 17, 1829, born May 5, 181 2, in Newburgh. He died of heart disease May 29, 1882, in Boston, Mass., while on

a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Newcomb (Piper) Rutledge. His residence was in Dixmont, Me. See their children: Nos. 17:5. 174, 175, 170, 177. 178, 170. 6 6 4 Samuel3 Na- 82. iv. Elisha Piper (Daniel , Elisha , Samuel?, , 1 a farmer; married thaniel ), born Sept. 1, 1806, in Newburgh, Me.; Rhoda Hilton Bickford Aug. 28. 1S31, born May 7, 1809, in New- burgh; died Dec. 21, 1879, in Newburgh. He resides in Newburgh.

' See their children : Nos. 180. 181, 182, ISJ5, 181.

6 6 4 815. v. Hannah P'oster Piper (Daniel , Elisha , Samuel? , Sam-

1 married uel?, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 16, 1808, in Newburgh, Me.;

Elijah Bachelder Aug. 12, 1S34. born Feb. 7, 1S06, in Phipsburg, Me.; a farmer. He resided in Dixmont, Me., many years, but has

— — — — —

ELISHA* PIPER. — VI GENERATION. 37 recently removed to Fairfield, Me. See their children: Nos. 185, 180,187, 188. 6 5 4 2 84. vi. Abigail Holbs Piper (Daniel , Elisha , Samuel , Sam-

2 1 uel , Nathaniel ), born Nov. 25, 181 1, in Newburgh, Me.; died Dec.

25, 1 8 38, in Newburgh. 6 4 85. vii. Enoch Parsons Piper (Daniel*, Elisha , SamucP,

2 1 Samuel , Nathaniel ), born July 1, 1S14, in Newburgh, Me.; a car-

penter ; died Aug. 11, 1S3S, in Newburgh, where he resided.

6 4 2 80. viii. Daniel Piper (DanieP, Elisha , Samuel , Samuel",

1 5 Nathaniel ), a twin brother of Enoch Parsons , born July 1, 1814, in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer and selectman ; married Hannah Fos- ter Parsons, daughter of Enoch Poor and Betsey (Burnham) Par- sons, July 16, 1837, born Sept. 14, 180S, in Parsonsheld, Me. She- died June 7, 1883, in Parsonsfield. He settled in Parsonsheld in 1837, and has always resided there since that time. See their child : No. S89. 6 4 2 87. ix. Simeon Barker Piper, ( Danicl'% Elisha , Samuel , Sam-

1 uel*, Nathaniel ), born Dec. 2, 1S16, in Newburgh, Me.; a carpenter ; married, 1st, Hannah Kaylor in 1840, born in Baton Rouge, Ea.; died Dec. 184S, in New Orleans, Ea. ; 2d, Harriet Augusta Wildes, daughter of Nathaniel and Anne Wildes, July 20, 1857, born Feb.

g, 1830, in Monroe, Me. He first settled in New Orleans, but now

r .-sides in Elizabeth, N. J. See their children : Nos. l!JO, 1.01, 1<>2, 193. 5 88. x. Alpheus Felch Piper (Daniel , Elisha*, SamueP, Sam-

1 ueP, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 28, 1820. in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer

1st, Smart Perkins March and mill-wr'ght ; married, Catharine 27, 1843, born Aug. 10, 1826, in Palermo, Me.; died Nov. 11, 1843,

in Newburgh ; 2d, Susan Hannah Smith March 27, 1849, born Jan.

11, 1834. in Monroe, Me.; died Feb. 28, 188 1, in Swanville, Me. He died Oct. 31. 1886, in Swanville. He first settled in Newburgh,

and afterward in Swanville. See their children : Nos J!»4. 193. S9«. 197. 198.

5 S9. xi. John Usher Parsons' Piper (Daniel*, Elisha*, SmnutP,

Samuel'-, 'SathanieV ), born June 20, 1823, in Newburgh, Me.; a mechanic; married Elizabeth Packard Dec, 1844. born April 24, 1823, in Troy, Me. He died July 17, 1889, in Newburgh, where

he resided. See rHEiR children : Nos. 190,1200.201.

90. xii. David8 Piper (Daniel?, Elisha*, Samuel*, SomveP, N>-


1 thaniel ), born June 4, 1827, in Nev/burgh, Me.; a soldier in the

war with Mexico ; died Aug. 2, 184S, at Fortress Monroe, Va.,on his return from Mexico.

5 f»>8.) Mary Piper married Joseph Moffatt.


6 5 Ol. i. Alvah Moffatt (Mary Piper, Elisha*, Samuel?, Sam- 2 1 a farmer uel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 29, 1797, in Newburgh, Me.; born and school trustee ; married Clarissa Eades Feb. n, 1S23.

Dec. 19, 1S05, in . He owned a large farm which he cul- tivated carefully. It contained a coal mine which he also worked profitably, in addition to his farm, he owned a large tuct of lard in the vicinity of Peoria, 111., and became one of the most wealthy and prosperous farmers in his town. He was of a gener- ous disposition, and gave liberally to those who needed assistance. In religion he was a Methodist. He died July 20, 1884, in Lime- stone, 111., where he resided. His wife died March 16, 1884. in the same town.

6 £>£. ii. Joseph Moffatt ([Mart/ Piper, Elisha*, SamueP, Sam-

1 uelr, Nathaniel ), born in Newburgh, Me., about 1799; a farmer and lumberman. When about ten years of age he went to live with his grandfather, Elisha4 Piper, of Parsonsheld, Me., and remained

with him till he was about fourteen, when hf went to live with his father again. He was with him when the family went on the ratt

fiom Olean, N. Y., to Cincinnati, Ohio ; and also on the farm near Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. He died in 1822, a short time before his mother, on his return from New Orleans, La., where he had been with a boat-load of lumber for sale, and had contracted a fever. He was buried at " Mount Pulaski," in Pulaski County,

111., probably a swell of land then called by that name, on the bank of the Ohio River, perhaps where Mound City now stands.

6 4 iii. Piper, US. Moffatt (Mar if Elisha , SamueP, Sam-

1 uel-, Nathaniel '), born about 1801. in Newburgh, Me., and died there in infancy. 6 iv. Mary" Piper, Q4L. Aquila Moffatt ( Elisha*, SamueP, Sam-

1 ueP, Nathaniel ), born March 19, 1S02, in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer 1st, and school trustee ; married, Matilda Jones March 9, 1S32,

born in Ohio ; died in 1S33, near Peoria, 111.; 2d, Mary Bogar-

dus (maiden name Mary Fowler) Dec. 4, 1S34, born Jan. 4. 1S05, in Connecticut; died July 27, 1S73, near Peoria. He owned a


brother Alvah's, contained a coal mine large farm which, like his tract profit. He also owned a large from which he derived a large was a Methodist, and took a deep inter- of land near Peoria. He land where he lived, giving it a lot of est in the Methodist Society as a place of on it for the society's use and a church which he built have and convenient, and is said to worship His house was large Methodist ministers traveling m that been almost a home for the farm near died Jan. 10, 1880, on his section of the country. He where he resided. Peoria, in Peoria township, 111., 6 Piper, Elisha*, Samuel,. Sam- 95' v. Sarah Mo.fatt {Martf Me. After Nov. 21, 1804, in Newburgh*, uel\ Nathani*), born ^ .hen eighteen years of age, sue lett the death of he. mother, provide for herself in Cincinnati, paternal home, and went to her Matthew there about a year she married Ohio -Vfter remaining Keighley, Yorkshire, England, Oct. Brown, Dec. 25, 1S23, born in his father when only - to this country with , 1S06 He emigrated age he educated here. When twelve years of six years old, and was cabinet-maker, serving five .years and be-an to learn the trade of When General Lafayette visited this became a first-class workman. committee of selected by the reception country in 1824, he was chair for him to sit in. The Cincinnati to make an elegant chair preserved and is now carefully was of extraordinary workmanship, He followed the business wth other interesting relics of the city. and then Cincinnati about thirteen years, of cabinet-making in and close attention to busi- entered into trade, and by strict integrity with much merchant. In the meantime, ness, became a successful largely on estate in the city, which rose sagacity, he purchased real After diligent laoor in h^ hands, and he became quite wealthy. i8 more, he retired from business in 3 4, trade for twenty years or Purchased a real estate in the city and retaining a portion of his about four and a half miles from country seat of ten acres at Delhi, gentleman farmer and capitalist Cincinnati, where he lived as a Mei>ure attached, 11, quiet was much 1 with his family, to which he Delhi. May 30, r868, at death, which occurred suddenly until his - interest in the sue deep : was a Republican, and took a . In politics he Iassacbu ^^ur^ri^rchil.ln-n dmt ST^s born in » No. 2 j"*\ Newburgb before ^ib mcorp ra|on Maine was a part of Mass. till 1820. was then a part of She Jailed Plantation No. 2. and n 1819, -s ^Ma*,a< that she was born in No. 2, was, therefore, correct in saying

I setts."

40 ELISHA 4 PIPER. —VI GENERATION. cess of the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion. His wife died

May 24, 18S6, in Cincinnati, to which she and her surviving chil- i dren* removed after the death of her husband. She was an active woman, of medium size with dark hair and black eyes, of amiable disposition, and highly respected.

5 ?KJ. vi. Mary 6 Moffatt (Mary Piper, Eliska?, Samuel?, Sam-

2 1 uel , Nathaniel ), born July 21, 1806, probably in Newburgh, Me.; married Abel Proctor, Dec, 23, 1S31, born March 31, 1S00, in

Vermont; at first a printer, but subsequently a farmer. He lived on his farm at Scales Mound, 111., for many years until sometime after the death of his wife, He then sold and purchased a tract of land tor himselfand children in Wright County, Iowa. He was a man of cultivated mind and high moral character. He died in 1 Wright County, March 12, 1888, where he was residing with his daughter. His wife died May 14, 1S65, at Scales Mound. Both were buried at Scales Mound.

6 5 07. vii. Olive Moffatt (Mary Piper, Elisha*, Samuel?, Sam-

1 uel?, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 23, 1S09, probably in Newburgh, Me.; married Samuel Scales, April 1 1, 1833, born in Rockingham County, North Carolina, April 17, 1805; a fanner, and extensive land- holder. He owned a farm containing over seven hundred acres near Shullsburgh, Wisconsin, and another large tract of land, rich in lead ore, near Scales Mound, 111., which was named in honor of him. His mining lands rose to almost fabulous prices, and he became

quite wealthy. All his purchases of land resulted favorably. He i died Sept. 13, 1878, near White Oak Springs, Wis. His wife died July iS, 1S45, in the same place. OS. viii. Elisha6 Moffatt (Mary* Piper, Elislia*, Samuel?, Sam-

1 uel?, Nathaniel '), born about 1S11, perhaps in Me.; died aged two years. v

* Their children are as follows : 1. Mary Ann. born Dee. 3, 1824 : died

Jan. G. 1862. 2. Catharine, born Jan. 11, 1827. ; died Sept. 1, 1832. 3.

2."», Jane, born March 23. 1829 ; died Aug. 1829. 4. Joseph, born Jul} 30,

1830 ; died July 10, 1832. 5. Matthew, born Nov. 16, 1832 ; died Feb. 16,

1836. 6. Clarissa, born Oct. 28, 1834 : died Oct, 29, 1834. 7. Frances

Olive, born Aug. 14, 1836 : die 1 Dec. 18, 1874. 8. Sarah Euphemia, born

July 7, 1838, living in Cincinnati. 0. Harriet Cor win, born Oct. 13, 1840, living in Cincinnati. She has tendered me valuable assistance in collect- ing genealogies for this book. See pa.ire 9. 10. Martha Erinina. born

June 2, 1844 ; died Aug. 17, IS53. All were born in Cincinnati except Clarissa, wbo was born near Peoria, Illinois.

— — —


3 99. ix. Eliza Moffatt (Mary* Piper, Elisha*. Samuel , Samuel",

1 Nathaniel *), born about iS 13, perhaps in Mass.; died in childhood.

8 4 100. x. Benjamin Franklin Moffatt (Mary* riper, EUsha .

3 2 1 '), Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel born Oct. S, 18 15, near Quebec,

Canada ; a farmer; married, 1st, Nancy Jane Risdon Jan., 1S35,

born in 1820 ; died Aug. 3, 1S53, in Wisconsin ; 2d, Mercy Wayne (maiden name Mercy Rockwell), born in 1S26, in Dayton, Ohio. He was a man of fine physical development, generous, and hospi- table. He owned a good farm, but was not a land-holder. He died March 17, 18S6, near Peoria, 111., where he resided. His sec- ond wife resides in Lenora, Kansas.

s Jtv>jL. Xi. " IvioiFA'l'i (A[avy Piptf, Elisliu?, SuviueV',

1 Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born about 18 17, perhaps in Olean, X. Y.; died in infancy. (SO.) Elisha 5 Piper married Betsey Mighels.


4 3 1©2, i. Sally" Piper (Elitha*, EUsha , Samuel?, Samuel , Na-

1 thaniel ), born Sept. 24, 1799, in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Gid- eon Leavitt Oct., 1S24, as his second wife, her sister Betsey having been his first, born May 10, 1793, in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer.

He died Oct. 5, 1857, in Newburgh. She died Dec. 25, 1S84, in Newburgh. where they resided. See their children: Nos. 202, 203, 2C4, 205, 20&, 207, 208,209, 210, 211, 212.

6 s 3 ii. IOS. Betsey Mighels Piper (Elisha , EUsha*, Samuel ,

1 Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born Aug. 9, 1801, in Newburgh, Me.; mar- ried Gideon Leavitt Feb. 11, 1S20; born May 10, 1793, in New- burgh ; a firmer. She died March 22, 1824, in Newport, Me. He resided in Newport at the time of his wife's death, but afterward re- moved to Newburgh, and married her sister Sally. See their children: Nos. 213,214. 8 3 2 104. iii. ANN Piper {EUsha?, EUsha*, Samuel , Samuel , Na-

1 thaniel ), born May 16, 1803, in Newburgh, Me.; married George Bickford, son of Thomas and Nancy (Pease) Bickford, Sept., 1S32.

He was born June 9, 1S02, in Newburgh ; a farmer ; died Sept. 3,

18S0, in Newburgh, where he resided. She is now living (1S89) at the age of eighty-six years, the fond mother of a large and respect- able family of children, two of whom are college educated, and hold- ing responsible positions in society. See their children : Nos. 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222.


105. iv. Elisha6 Piper (Elisha?, Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel 1 ), born Feb. 10, 1805, in Newburgh, Me. ; died in Au- gust, 1805, in Newburgh.

IOJ5. v. David6 Piper 3 2 (Elisha*, Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Na-

1 thaniel ), born May 11, 1S07, in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer; died of consumption Oct., 1826, in Newburgh, Me., where he lived. 6 107. vi. Elisha Piper (Elisha", 3 2 Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Na-

1 thaniel ), born April S, 1S09, in Newburgh, Me.; a farmer; mar- ried Harriet Burbank, daughter of Ensign Samuel and Esther (Boothby) Burbank, Nov. 21, 1833, born Jan. 15, 1S11, in Parsons-

iield, Me. She was noted for her good scholarship when a school -

girl, and now for the good management of her household affairs. p She takes a deep interest in passing events and the progress of so- ciety. He resided on the old homestead devised to him by his grandfather. Elisha" Piper, with whom he had lived from early child-

hood, and whose confidence and esteem he had gained by his fidel-

ity, industry, and integrity. He was one of the largest and best tanners in town. In the management of his farm he followed in

the footsteps of his grandfather, and conducted it with equal energy

and success. He was acquainted with music, played the fife, and was chorister of the church choir for eighteen years. He was a

Freewill Baptist in religious belief and by profession, and so are all his family. He died of pneumonia April 11, 1S76, in Parsonsfield, where he resided. See their children : Nos. 22^5, U!*4, i.$^S.

vii. 6 Piper 3 10S. Jesse (Elisha*, Elisha', Samuel , Samuel'-, Na-

1 thaniel ), born March 9, 1S11, in Newburgh, Me.; died May iS, 1827, on the homestead of his father, in Newburgh. On the day of his death he and another young man, by the name of Albert Nash, were planting corn, and during a thunder-shower took shelter from the rain under the body of a large tree which had been broken off by the wind and fallen nearly down, leaving a long splintery stump to which it was still attached near the bottom. While sitting under this tree both were instantly killed by lightning— "by touch ether ;al slain." (GO.) Jane' Piper married Jacob Bradbury.


3 i- 109. John Bradbury {.Jane Piper, Elisha*, Samuel , Sam-

1 ueP, Nathaniel ), born March 22, '.805, in Limerick, Me.; a car- penter and teacher; married Mary Hill Burnham in March, 1829,

fcLlSHA* PIPER. VI GENERATION. 43 daughter of Esquire John and Mary (Hill) Burnham. She was born Dec. 22, in Limerick, aged 29 in 1S04, in Limerick ; died 1833, in Limerick, where years and 7 months. He died Feb. 24, 1834, he resided. 6 5 Piper, Elisha*, Scan- 110.' ii- Benjamin Piper Bradbury (Jane Limerick, Me.; ner, Sumner, Nathaniel'), born June 6, 1S07, in died Nov. 24, 1S0S, in Limerick. 4 3 8 5 Samuel Sam- Piper, Elisha , , 111. iii. Jane Bradbury (June 2 1 1S09, in Limerick, Me.; died June uel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 9, The following obituary 2, 1SS5, in Limerick, where she resided. " faith was notice of her appeared in on: of the county papers : Her the promises of a positive one. It neve: occurred to her to doubt God. As she lived so she died, trusting in her Redeemer."

8 h Piper, Elisha*, Samuel?, 112. iv. Albion Bradbury (Jane Me.; a farm- Samuel?, Nathaniel') born May 6, 1810, in Limerick, Liscomb Wentworth Jan. 10, 1S56, daughter er ; married Elizabeth was born June^ of Shadrach and Lucy (Liscomb) Wentworth. She 21, 1S82, in Limerick, on 13, 1831, in Acton, Me. He died Nov. farmer and respect- the farm left him by his father. He was a good ed citizen.* 3 8 5 Sam- Piper, Elisha*, Samuel , IIS. v. Sallv Bradbury (Jane Me., where 2 1 born March 31, 1S15, in Limerick, uel , Nathaniel ), she has added much to she now resides. By her cheerful dispositioi the happiness of the family. 5 Felch. (61.) Betsey Piper married Isaac

THEIR CHILDREN : 3 6 Piper, Elisha*, Samuel , Sam- 111. i. Susan Felch (Betsef 1S06, in Limerick, Me.; a teacher uel", Nathaniel}), born Sept. 20, Thomas Card Jan. 11,1831, as his sec- before marriage ; married his first. He was born ond wife, her cousin Jane Remick being timber-dealer, lumber-manufac- in 17S4, in Waterborough, Me.; a ' Legislature. He died Oct. turer and representative in the Maine Holds, Me., where he then resided, 17, 1S65, at Salmon Falls, in in Holds. aged Si years. She died June 19, 1SS1, - 6 SamneF, Sam Piper , Elisha^ 115. ii. Noah Felch ( Betsetf Jacob, born Jan. 18, 1857. 2. *Thei7chiiaren are as follows : 1. John Carlton, born Jan. 31, 186~. George Dana, born Dec. 6. 1853. 3. Annie ISO,, in Limerick, 1SG5 ; died July *5, 4. Henry Sawtelle, born May IS, Me. All were born in Limerick.



1 in Limerick, lie resides in ueP, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 25, 1808, San Francisco, California. 8 (Betsey5 Piper. Elisha*, Sam- HO. iii. Hannah Ricker Felch 1 in Limerick, Me.; a ueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 19, 1810, as his second wife, Jonathan Stick - teacher before marriage ; married, Me.; ney Evans April 28, 1845, bom July 31, 1794, in Fryeburg, He died March a farmer. She died July 12, 1845. in Fryeburg. resided. 24, 1857, in Fryeburg, where he always 6 5 4 Piper, Elisha , SamueP, 117. iv. Euza Jane Felch (Betsey Limerick, Me.; was Samuel',- Nathaniel'), born April n, 1813, in before marriage educated at Parsonsneld Seminary, and a teacher ; Gray, married hlnatnan Hunt Sept. 24, 1S38, born July 7, 1804, in Me.; a farmer. He resides in Gray.* 6 Piper, Elisha", SamueP, US. v. Isaac Newton Felch (Betsey* 1 18 in Limerick, Me.; grad- SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 16, 15, law. and was admitted to uated atBowdoin College in 1S3S : studied the " Progressive Age," » Waldo Sig- the bar in 18^3 ; was editor of ;" member of the nal" and the " Portland Evening Courier and a Nichols Maine Legislature for several years. He married Isabella Brunswick. Me.; and died Johnson in Oct.. 1841. born in 1S18. in in Hollis, Me., where there July 2, 1873. He died April 21, 1870, in one of the he then resided. In a sketch of him which appeared « popular in college, kind- Portland papers, the writer says : He was respected by all."t hearted and genial, ever thoroughly honest, and A 6 Piper, Elish SamueP, 119. vi. Sarah Piper Felch (Betsey' ,

1 Parsonsneld, Me.; io, t8iS ? in SamueP, Nathaniel ), born March in Gorham, Me., where she resided. a teacher ; died April 23, 1841, 6 [Betsey' Piper, Elisha\ SamueP, 120. vii. Lydia Clarr Felch a 1 11, 1823, in Parsonsneld, Me.; SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Aug. She was a young lady teacher, educated at Parsonsneld Seminary. prospects before her, but s he did of much promise, and had bright Weston, born Sept. 1839. ^The7r"children are as follows: 1. Emma 5 died June IS. 1863, being a soldier in o Edwin Felch. bom Feb. 4. 1841 ; born Oct. 27,1842. 4. James Henry, the Union Army. 3. Mary Elizabeth, William, born Sept. 28. 1848. 6. Freeman born March 1, 1845. 5. George 11. 18.74. T.Jennie Larll, born Haskell, born July 2, 1851; died Aug. Me. June 22. 1854. All were born in Gray. year,. Isabella, who died Aug. 16, 1801. aged 18 t Their children are : 1. aged 22 years. 3. Lucretia Lawrence: 2. William Johnson. Oct. 28, 1867, all died in Holhs, Me. June 6. 1861, aged 11 years. They


not live to enjoy them. She died Oct. 24, 1841, in Gorham, Me., at the early age of eighteen years. (02.) Jonathan3 Piper married Mary Burbank.


6 121. i. Horace Piper (Jonathan*, Elisha*, SamveP, Samuel',

1 Nathaniel ), born Dec. 30, 1S10. in Parsonsfield, Me.; graduated at College in Bowdoin 1838 ; received the degree of A. M. in iS^i ; was Principal of Limerick Academy six years, from 1S3S to 1S44 ; of Biddeford High ten, School from 1S49 to 1859 ; and taught other four, in all schools about about twenty years ; was trustee of Lim- erick Academ) and Pursc-iisfield Seminary ; member, for York Conn ty, of the Board of Education of the State of Maine three years, from 1S46 to 1S49 ; assisted Salem Town, LL, D., in preparing his series of " Progressive Readers." and Benjamin Greenleaf, A. M., inrevising his "Common School Arithmetic;" pursued a legal course of study, and graduated at the Law School of the National University, Washington, D. C, receiving the degree of LL. B. He married Jo- sephine Bennett Lord, daughter of Richard and Lydia (Bennett) Lord, Aug. 30, 1838, born July r6, 1S16, in Parsonsfield, Me. She was a woman of much decision of character, of a keen intellect, and a kind and cheerful disposition. Her attachment to her family and friends was strong, and her great desire was to make them happy. She took a deep interest also in the welfare of others, and was prompt and faithful in all her duties. In person she was a little above the medium height, and ol prepossessing appearance. She united with the Second Congregational Church of Biddeford, Me., several years before her death, and lived a life consistent with her pro- fession. She died Aug. 5, 1S67, in Biddeford. He has resided in Parsonsfield. Limerick, and Biddeford, and for the last twenty vears

has lived in Washington, D.C. See their children : Nbs. Ut26.

8 lt2!i. ii. Irving Piper (Jonathan?, Elisha*, Samuel?, SamveP,

1 Nathaniel ), born Nov. 29, 1S13, in Parsonsfield, Me. ; a farmer,

teacher, and town agent ; married, 1st, Mary Emery, daughter of

William and Lucy (Scamman) Emery, in 1841, born April 1, 1S15, in

Buxton, Me., and died Pel). 6, 1847, in Parsonsfield ; 2d, Elizabeth Chase, daughter of Edmund and Betsey (Day) Chase, Dec. 15, 1849, born June 15, 1822, in Parsonsfield. She died Sept. 3. 1SS2, in Poland, Me. Both of his wives were worthy women, and discharged

— —


in their household duties with ability. He died May 14, 1881, father Parsonsfield, on the homestead, devised to him by his He of high moral char- was a good former, attentive to his business, and acter. See their child : No. 229. 6 5 Elisha*, Sam-- 123. in. Catharine Redman Piper (Jonathan , Parsonsfield Me. ueP, Samuel*, Nathaniel'), born Dec. 23, i8i5,in ; a farmer and select- married Abram Fogg Marston, Oct. 3. 1S47 ; he and his man, born Oct. 5, 1819, in Effingham, N. H. Both wife were members of the Freewill Baptist Church, and took a all be- deep interest in the education of their children, and in the nevolent movements for the improvement of society He died Dec. he resided, first purchased by 4, 1887, on the old homestead where chil- his grandfather in the early settlement of the town. See their

dren : NOS. 23©, 2:52. 6 1 3 ', Samuel 124. iv. Osdokne Barker Piper (Jonathan Elisha*, , 1 in Parsonsfield, Me.;, died Samuel", Nathaniel ), born Jan. 25, 18 19, May 20, 1873, in Parsonsfield, where he resided. SEVENTH GENERATION. (68.) Sally" Piper married Isaac Moore.

their children :

7 6 5 Piper, Benjamin . Elisha*, 125. i- Mary Jane Moore (Sally 3 born in Parsi nsfield, Me.; a teacher Samuel , Samuel*, Nathaniel'), Burbank, the marriage certificate before marriage ; married Caleb 1S04, in being granted Nov. 4, 1835. He was born March 31, teacher. She died July 2, 1856, in Parson-field ; a farmer and died March 11, Parson-field, aged 43 years and 7 months.* He 1S59, in Parsonsfield, where he always resided. 7 6 Benjamin", Elisha*, 12£>. ii. CHARLES Moore (Sally Piper, 2 2 1 born Nov. 10, 1816, in Parsonsfield, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), Carroll, June 21, 1841, born Nov. Me.; a sea-captain ; married Ann died Nov. rS6o, in 15, 1S16, in St. Johns. New Brunswick. He 4. Mass. Boston, Mass., and was buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, His residence was in Boston. 7 8 Piper, Benjamin*, 127. id. Benjamin Piper Moore (Sally 4 Nathaniel 1 born in 1818, in Parsons- Elisha , SamueP, Samuel*, ), Ellen Carroll in 1S51, born in field, Me.; a sea-eapcain ; married

*Thisisher age and the time of her death given on her gravestone, her but her brother Ira thinks she was a year younger. No record of birth cun now he found.


1S19, in St. Johns, N. B.; died in 1876, in Boston, Mass. He died in 1874, in . His residence was in Boston, Mass. 8 Elisha*. X2S. iv. Caroline' Moore (Sally Piper, Benjamin*, 3 Nathaniel}), born May 1822, in Parsonsfield, Samuel , Saviuel*, 29, Sent. Me.; a teacher before marriage ; married Amzi Libby Aver, farmer. She 14, 1848, born Oct. 22, 1824, in Limerick, Me.; a died March 20, i860, in Limerick. He first resided in Limerick, but subsequently removed to Biddeford, Me., where he now resides.

7 6 4 (Sally Piper, Benjamin*, Elisha , 125J . v. Harriet Ann Moore 3 2 N~a.tka.niel1 born in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Samuel , Samuel , ), James Dearborn Wadleigh, Lee. 12, 1842, born Sept. 26, 1818, in Parsonsfield; a blacksmith. She died July 8, 1853, in Gorham, Me., aged 29 years and 9 months. He died Dec. 22, 1872, in Coaticook, Canada. He resided in Gorham when his wife died, but afterward removed to Coaticook. She was buried in the ceme-

tery in North Parsonsfield, and he in Coaticook. Elisha*, ISO. vi. Addison-' Moore (Sally* Piper, Benjamin*, 3 2 born about Nov. 7, 1S27, in Parsons- Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel*), months. field, Me.;, died June 7, 1828, in Parsonsfield, aged 7 6 Sam- 1J?S. vii. Ira' More* (Sally Piper, Benjamin*, Elisha*, 3 born May 20, 1829, in Parsonsfield, Me.; uel , SamueP, Nathaniel'), in graduated at the State Normal School, at Bridgewater, Mass., Hingham, 849, and afterward taught in the same school, and in Milton, and Newimryport, Mass.; graduated at the Scientific De- elected first assistant in the partment of Yale College in 1855 ; was Chicago High School in 1856, and helped organize it, especially Mathematical the Normal Department; in 1S57 was elected to the in the Department ot Illinois Normal University; in 1861 enlisted 33d Regiment of Illinois Infantry, and was made Captain of Com- years, and participated in the siege and cap- pany G ; served three on 1 resigned his commission as Captain ture of Vicksburg ; in 1S6 ~ others Moore. John and *This name is spelled by some More, and by 1774. Eben More, brothers, the former of whom settled in Parsonsfield in their names and the latter, the same year, in Newfield near by, spelled Moore, More. The younger sons of John More changed their names to spell their names and now nearlv all the descendants of John and Eben John Moore. Ira More has adhered to the spelling of his grandfather, spelling. Miss Hannah More. It is difficult to tell which is the original Chancel- More, the distinguished authoress, and Sir Thomas More, Lord Thomr>s Moore, tic poet, and ' lor of England, spelled their names More. Moore. General Sir John Moore, the hero of Corunna. spelled theirs

48 ELISHA4 PIPER — VII GENERATION. account of ill health from hard service; was Professor of Mathemat- ics in the University of Minnesota in 1S67 and 1869; in the latter year was appointed Principal of Minnesota State Normal School ; in 1875 removed to California, and taught in the State Normal School at San Jose until 1883, since which time he has been Prin- cipal of the State Normal School at Los Angeles, Cal. He has taught thirty-one full years, twenty-five ol which were in normal schools. He married Lucy Chesley Drew, daughter of Winborn A. and Martha (Aver) Drew, April 16, 1S57. She was born Feb. 18, in N'ewfield, Me. 1S31, ; graduated at Lapham Institute, at Crans- ton, Rhode Island, and v.as a teacher in Limington Academy, Lim- ington Me., and Limerick Academy. Limerick, Me., about three years. He resides in Los Angeles, California.* 13 2. viii. Isaac 7 Moore (Sally* Piper, Benjamin*, EUsha?,

3 2 1 Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born about Oct. 17, 1S33, in Par- sonsfeld, Me.; died May 17, 1S36, in Parsonsfield, aged 2 years and 7 months.

(4>>7.) Polly 6 Piper married Gideon Bickford.


7 5 133. i. Hannah Piper Bickford (Poll/' Piper, Benjamin ,

2 1 "), EUsha*, Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel born July 9, 181S, in Par- scnsfield, Me.; married George Washington Thompson, born in

Newfield, Me.; a factory overseer. She died Oct. 20, 1840, in

Parsonsfield ; he died. His residence was at Great Falls, N. H., at the time of his wife's death.

7 13-fc ii. Marv Ann Bickford (Polly* Piper, Benjamin*, EUsha*,

3 2 1 Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 20, 1820. in Parsonsfield,

Me.; married Andrew McChapman, June 6, 1841, born May 18,

1 82 1, in Parsonsfield ; a farmer and merchant. He resides in Par- sonsfield on the old homestead of his father on the North Road.

7 6 3 iii. Bickford (Polly 13«>. Harriet Newell Piper, Benjamin ,

1 EUsha*, Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born June 30, 1S22, in

Parsonsfield, Me.; married Ivory G. March, May 5, 1847, born May 8, 1820, in Parsonsfield; a carpenter and farmer. He resides in Monmouth, Me. 7 I'.llt. iv. George Irving Bickford (Polly* Piper, Benjamin*,

2 1 EUsha?, Samuel?, Samuel ,- Nathaniel ), burn Aug. 6, 1824, in

* Their children are as follows: 1. Kate, horn Oct. 14, 1858, in Waukon, Iowa. 2. Caroline, horn April 5, 1861, in Normal. 111.: died Jan. 28, 1878, 111 San Jr>s«, Cal. 3. Ira, born July 24, 1H70, in St. L'loud, .Minn.


married Eliza Jane Parker May 10, Parsonsfield, Me.;, a farmer ; resides in Gorham, 1845, born July 20. 1825, in Parsonsfield. He Me.' 7 (Polly Piper, Benja- 137. v. Albion K. Paris Bickford 3 Nathaniel 1 born Get. 24, 1826, min", Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel*, ), Jones March in Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer; married Clarinda Turner, Me. He resides in 28, 1S52, born June 1, 1832, in Turner.

5 1 7 Piper, Benjamin , Elisha , 138. vi. Cyrus Bickford (Polly* 1 12, 1829, in Parsonsfield. Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born July 12, in Parsonsfield. Me. ; died July 1834, 7 Piper, Benjamin", 3 SO. vii. Roscoe Greene Bickford (Polly,. 1 born Feb. 1S32. in Elisha', SamueP, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), 3, married Julia Ann Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer and carpenter; in Parsonsfield. She Leavitt Jan. 1, 1S56, born Jan. 15. 1837, short time ago he resided in died May 1, 18S3, in Turner, Me. A Utica, Montana, but he now resides in Monmouth, Me.

7 (Polly* Piper, Benja- 140. viii. Laurinda Elvira Bickford 1 born April 1835, min", Elisha', Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), 27, Littlefield Feb. 27, 1874, born in Parsonsfield, Me.; married Almon He resides in Standish, Jan. 10, 1841, in Standish, Me.; a farmer. near Sebago Lake. 7 (Polly8 Piper, Benjamin', 141. ix. Rufus McIntire Bickford 1836. in Par- Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel'), born June 24, Kezar June 23. sonsfield, Me.; a carpenter; married Martha Ann resides in Romeo. 1862, born May 2. 1S44, in Parsonsfield. He Mich. 6 7 (Polly Piper, Benjamin-', 142. x. Sarah Moore Bickford 1 born Aug. 2, 1838. in Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), 1S58, born May Parsonsfield, Me.; married Perry Rankin June 20, merchant. He resides in Waltham. 28, 1S34. in Hiram, Me.; a Mass. 7 (Polly8 Piper, Benjamin', 14». xi. Adaline Hannah Bickford 1 born May 1S4-', "» Elisha', SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), 19, Simeon Strout before marriage ; married Parsonsfield, Me. ; a teacher . Me.; a Hobson May 26, 1861, born April 29. 1839. in Limington, Me. He resides farmer.' She died Aug. 27, 1863, in

in CJtica. Montana.


(68.) Benjamin 6 Piper married, ist. Xaney

Sargent : 2d, Mercy Smith.


7 Benjamin , Elisha\ 14 f« i. Lorknzo Dow Piper (Benjamin*, Samuel?, Samuel', Nathaniel'), born Sept. 19, 1S29. in Parsons- County, field, Me.: a farmer, teacher, and high sheriff of Mitchell Iowa; married Mary Jane Xason Sept 26, 1S50, born March 27, •• Mitchell 1829, in South Berwick, Me. The History of County" was says of him: ' In 1S57 he came to Iowa. In 1S73 he three elected hi:ih sheriff of Mitchell County, which office he held to his farm and term.--. After his term of office expired he returned has engaged in farming, which occupation he still follows. He three built one of the finest farm-houses in the county, at a cost of thousand five hundred dollars, and a barn costing one thousand two hundred. Mr. Piper and family are members of the Congregational Church." He resides in West Mitchell, Iowa. — See their chil-

dren" : Xos. 232. 233. 7 6 Benjamin5 Elisha*, 145. ii. Joseph Perkins Pipzr (Benjamin , , 2 SamveP, Samuel ', SatJianieP), born July 9, 1S31, in Shapleigh, Me.; Frost Sept. 23, 1S52. is in railroad-business ; married Ann Maria born Sept. 23. 1S36, in Parsonsfield. Me. He resides in Charles-

town, Mass.—See their children : Xos. 23-3. 23»>. 7 Benjamin3 Eii- £.40. iii. Charles Abbott Piper (Benjamin , , 2 1 born Jan. iS, in .

Mass.—See their children : Xos. 23G, 237. 238, 239, 240, 241. 7 Benjamin Elisha*, 1-27. iv. Sarah Jane Piper (Benjamin''', , 1 1 born January. 1S3S, in Shapleigh, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), Me.; died July 24, 1841, in Shapleigh. 3 7 Benjamin Elishu*, 148. v. Horace Manson Piper (Benjamin?, , 1 May 11. in Parsonsfield, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born 1844, Me.; a carpenter, teacher, and soldier in the Union Army in the Infantry, fought War of the Rebellion, in the 27th Iowa Co. K ; Hill, Tupelo, Creek, in the battles of Lake Chico, Pleasant Okltown April and Nashville. He married, ist, Hannah Wedgwood Moore in Xewiield, Me.: died May 1S79, 9. 1872, born Dec. 2. 1844, $0,


in Newfield ; 2d. Emma Mary Joy Dec. 20, 1SS1, born Oct. 22, 1861, in Mitchell, Iowa. He resides in Minneapolis, Minn. They have no children. (GO.) Lavinia6 Piper married Hiram Harding.


7 6 I-IO. i. Lodnor Harding (Lavinia Piper, David?, Elisha*,

2 1 Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 8, 1S15, in Hampden,

Me.; a car upholsterer ; married Mary Gray Feb. 19, 1839, born Aug. 1, 1816, in Clermont County, Ohio. He resides in Ludlow, Ky.*

6 1L>0, ii. Susan' Harding (Lavinia Piper, David'', Elisha?,

3 2 1 Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel }) born Apr. 12, 1817, in Hampden, Me.; married Marcus Pumpelly, born in Turner. Me.; a cooper. She died March 25, 1842, in Amelia, Ohio, where they resided.

151. id- Lavinia 7 Harding (Lavinia 6 Piper, David?, Elish a*,

Samuel?, SamueP, Nathaniel*), born Jan. 1, 1S19. in New Rich-

mond, Ohio ; married David E. White Sept. 28, 1834, born in

Batavia, Ohio. He resides in Bloomington, 111.

7 6 £»>2. iv. Hiram Harding (Lavinia Piper, David', Elisha?,

1 SamucP, Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 8, 1821, in New Rich-

mond, Ohio ; died Aug. 21. 1S29, in New Richmond.

I»">o. v. Julia Ann 7 Harding (Lavinia6 Piper, David?, Elisha*, Samuel?, SamucP, NathanieP), born July 27, 1S27, in New Rich-

mond, Ohio ; married Ruths P. White ; a painter, born in Ohio.

She died Apr. 24, 1S48, in Amelia, Ohio, where they then resided. He now resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. (TO.) Ezekiel6 Piper married Ann Roberts. their children.

7 3 55-i. i. Perry H. Piper (Ezekiel , DavicF, Elisha*, Samuel ,

1 1 Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 8, 1S19, in Harveysburg, Ohio.

He went to Illinois in 1836 ; married Harriet Hart Savage Aug. 31,

1843, born Jan. 11, 1S27, in Jacksonville, 111. He pursued the business of farming till 1876, when he sold his farm and removed into the city of Princeton, III., and invested his money in bank

* Their children are as follow-; : 1. Valeria, born Jan. 3, 1840, in Bata- via, Ohio. 2. Albert, born Feb. 12, 1842, in Perin, Ohio. '3. Susan, born Feb. 7„1S44, in Perin, Ohio. 4. Olive', born Dee. 4, 1857, in Perin. Ohio.

J. Edgar H., Kern Sept. 18, 183U, in Cochran, Ind.

—— — —


f stock. He is now engaged in real estate business, and is director j of a bank. He resides in Princeton. See their children : Nos. j 242, 243, 241, 245. \ 7 6 155. ii. David Piper (Ezekiel , David*, Elisha*, Samuel?, Sam-

1 uel?, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 17, 1S22, in Harveysburg, Ohio; a farmer; married Philipina Heintz Aug. 31, 1848, born Sept. 16, 1816, at Edenkoben, in Bavaria, Germany. He died Dec. 26,

1S67, in Ottville, 111., being killed bv the accidental discharge of a gun while on a hunting exclusion. He resided in Hollowayville,

111. --See their children : Nos. 246, 24V, 248, 24ft, 250,

7 15CJ. iii. Marinda Piper (Ezekiel*, David?, Elisha*, SamvcP,

1 Samuel', Nathaniel ), born Jan. 30, 1825, in Harveysburg, Ohio; married Frederick Heintz Feb. 8, 1844, born May 4, 1S14, in Ger-

in Hollowayville, 111. See their 5 many ; a farmer. He resides

children : Nos. 251, 252, 253, 254. 7 Elislur, Sam- 15V- iv. Hiram Harding Piper (EzekicV\ David , 3 1 born Dec. n, i£2S, in Harveysburg, uel , Sanv

William T. and Mary Ann McWilliams, Dec. iS, 1S59, born Jan. 16, j 1841, in Middlecown, Ohio. She died Nov. 9, 1S76, in Maiden,

111. He is a large land-holder, and carries on farming extensively, owning two thousand and sixty-five acres of land. His farm at home, which he cultivates, contains three hundred and twenty acres

It is located in of this, and the remainder is rented to tenants. j

different townships, some in Berlin, and some in Hall and Selby. j

The land being valuable affords a large income from the rents, and is I constantly increasing in value. He has rendered me important page He assistance in collecting genealogies for this book. See 8. j

resides in Maiden, 111. See their children : Nos. 255, 25S, 25V, 258, 25ft, 2GO, 261, 2G2, 2GS, 261.

7 6 1 David", Samuel , 158. v. Mary Ann Piper (Ezekiel , Elisha*, 2 1 1S30, in Harveysburg, Ohio; Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Sept. 3, married William Simon Dalcon Jan. 1, 1855, bom Dec. 2, 1S24, died 16, 18S7, in Maiden, in Mason, Ohio ; a farmer. He July

111., where he resided. See their children, Nos. 2G5, 2GG, 26V, 208, 269, 2VO, 2V1.

7 15ft. vi. Lavinia Harding Piper (Ezekiel*, David', Elisha*, 3 2 born 20, in Princeton, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel''), Jan. 1833,

111.; married Jonathan Oglesbee Feb. 24, 1858, born Sept. 30,

— —


a farmer. She died Oct. 6, 1864, 1830, in Harveysburg, Ohio ; their chil- in Harveysburg. He resides in Harveysburg, See dren : Nos. 272, 273, 274.

7 David' , Elisha*, 166. vii. William Wilkinson Piper (EzekieV, 3 Nathaniel 1 born Feb. 20, 1S36, in Harveysburg, Samuel , SamueP, ), married, 1st, Lydia Ann Savage March 12, 1S56, Ohio ; a farmer ; in Selby 2d, born Oct. 6. 1S40, in Selby, 111.; died Nov. 1, 1S68, ; Cordelia Barrett (maiden name Cordelia Young) March 7, 1869, resides in Princeton, born June 17, 1842, in Addison, N. Y. He

111. See their children : Nos. 275, 276, 277. - ("710 Elisha8 Piper married Ann Lewis.


7 3 Piper (Elisha*, David , Elisha*, Sam- 161. i- David Clinton 1 Cincinnati, Ohio 3 born June 14, 1826, in ; uel , Samite?, Nathaniel ), only one of the a farmer. He resides in Selby, 111., and is the family living. 7 6 1 Elisha*, Sam- Piper (Elisha , David' , 162. ii. George Lewis

1 in Cincinnati, ufP, SamueV; Nathaniel ), born March 24. 1829, born April Ohio; a fanner; married Nancy Long Feb. 26, 1S54, Feb. 1S70, in Selby, 111. 20, 1834, in Xenia, Ohio. He died 13, They had no children. 7 6 David', Elisha*, Samuel', 163.. id. Mary Ann Piper (Elisha ,

1 Ohio 1S31, near Cincinnati, ; SamueP, Nathaniel ), born March 12, 1821, married John Guilford Combs Dec. 13, 1848, born April 19, died Nov. 26/1868, in in Grainger County, Tenn.; a farmer. She resides in Auburn, Hall, 111., where they then resided. He now 282. Neb'.—See their children : Nos. 278, 279, 2SO, 281,

1 7 (Elisha '', David\ Elisha*, 164. iv. William Harding Piper 1 Sept. 1S37, near Cincin- Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born 8, Miss. died Dec. 13, 1S63, at Holly Springs, nati, Ohio ; a farmer ; His residence was in Selby, 111. 7 David", Elisha*, Sam- 16.3. v. John Connor Piper (Elisha", 2 born Feb. 26, 1S39, in Leepertawn, 111.; ueP, Samuel , Nathaniel'), resided. 26, 1S64, in Selby, 111., where he a farmer ; died April 7 (Elisha", David", Elisha*, SamueP, 166. vi. Caroline Piper 1 16, near Cincinnati. Ohio ; Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 1833, n, 1832, married Francis Marion Long March 20, 1S52, born Jan. She died Dec. 16, 1862, in Selby, 111., in Xenia, Ohio ; a farmer.

ELISHA 4 PIPER. — VII GENERATION. 5 4 where they then resided. lie now resides in Vinton, Iowa. See their children : Nos. 2S8, 284, 285, 2S6. 6 2 David", Elisha*, Samuel , 1CT. vii. Kzf.kif.i7 Piper (Elisha , Cincinnati, Ohio SamueP, Nathaniel}), horn Oct. 20, 1835, near ; where he resided. a farmer. He died May 16, 1865, in Selby, 111., (72.) Nancy Frothingham" Piper married David Jemegan.

THEIR CHILDREN : 7 (Nancy Frothingham* Piper, 16S. i. Mary Thaxter Jemegan 3 1 Samuel?, Nathaniel ), horn Apr. 15, 1S32, DaticP, EUsha*, Samuel , McGill, Oct. 1850, in Amelia, Ohio; married "William Crossman 7, \., in Lowdlville, Ohio; a teacher. She has korn z . 2A 1824., this rendered me valuable assistance in collecting genealogies for book. See page 9. They reside in Amelia.* 6 7 (Nancy Froth ingham Piper, 169. ii- Huldah Ann Jemegan 2 2 1 horn Nov. 1835, , Nathaniel ), 21, BaviiP, Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel married Hope Brown Miller, Aug. 23, 1855, horn in Amelia, Ohio ; a merchant. She died Feb. June 23, 1S32, at Flagg Spring, Ky.; Ohio, where they then resided. 15, 1856, at Mount Washington, He now resides in Michigan City, Ind. 6 1st, Lucy Turner (70.) Thomas Parsons Piper married, Gilmore; 2d, Abigail Burdick True.

THEIR CHILDREN : 6 7 Daniel', Piper (Thomas Parsons , 170. i- Albert Parsons 2 1 1S30, in Nathaniel ), born Jan. 20, Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , married, 1st, Abby Richards Newburgh, Me.; a carriage-maker ; Searsport, Me.; died Towle. May 11, 1853. born June 2, 1833, in Maria Arnold Vose, Dec. 24. April 22, 1S70, in Belfast, Me.; 2d, Warren, Me. He resides in Thom- 1872, born March 25, 1842, in Nos. 288. aston, Me.—See their children : 287, 6 7 Daniel", Piper (Thomas Parsons , 171. 'ii. Makilla Mares born Aug. i, 1S33. in Elisha', SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel'), married John Bradford Newburgh, Me.; a teacher before marriage j in Searsport, Me.; a Mason, °Aug. 29, 1852, horn Aug. 12, 1830, Jacksonville, Flonda. They master' mariner. His residence is in have no children. Fredonia, born June 21, 1854, "^helTchihl^n are as follows : 1. Mary Huldah inGermantown, Kv.; died Sept. 24. 1654. in Amelia, Ohio. 2. Ind. died March 12, 1861. in Lunetta, born Jan. 1, i860, in Greensburg. ; March 21, 18(32, in Amelia. 4. Nan- Amelia 3. William Jemegan, hum nie Ruv. born Jan. 7, 1871, in Amelia.


7 Parsons6 Daniel', 172. iii. Charles Rigf.y Piper (Thomas , 3 2 Nathaniel}), born Aug. II, 1841, in Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Newburgh, Me.; died Feb. 15, 1S43, in Newburgh. (SI.) Benjamin 6 Piper married Julia Bickford.


7 6 5 4 (Benjamin , Daniel , Elisha , 17?,, i. CHARLbS Parsons Piper 3 Nathaniel 1 born Aug. 29, 1830, in Newburgh, Samuel , SamueP, ), Me.; died Aug. 19, 1833, in Newburgh. 7 6 Elisha*, (Benjamin , Daniel', 1 7-1. ii. Susan Bickford Piper 1 in Newburgh, SamueP, Samuel*; Nathan id ), born Dec. 8, 1832,

." born Nov. 20, 1829, 3t e married Byron Porter, March 22, 1852-, She died April in Dixmont, Me.; a farmer, teacher, and merchant. where they then resided. He now resides 5, 1871, in Bangor, Me., in Upper Stillwater, Me.— See their child: No. 289. 3 7 6 Daniel*, Elisha*, Samuel , 175. iii- Daniel Piper (Benjamin , 1 in Newburgh, Me.; a mer- SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 8, 1S34, Helen Wildes, Dec. 2, 1855, born March 50, iSju: chant ; married Me., where in Monroe, Me. He died Aug. 25, 1S74, in Dixmont, 28$. he resided.—See their children : Nos. 290. 2»1. 292, 5 7 6 Sam- Daniel , Elisha*, 176. iv. Julia Ann Pl^ER (Benjamin , 1 in Newburgh, Me.; ueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born July 19, 1S40, married Edwin Harris, Sept. 28, 1870, born March 17, 1846, in They Clinton, Mass.; a merchant. Fie resides n Boston, Mass. have no children. 3 7 6 Daniel Elisha*. 177. v. Warren Lincoln Piper (Benjamin , , 1 in Newburgh, 3 Nathaniel ), born Dec. 6, 1S41, Samuel , SamueP, War of the Me.; a farmer and soldier in the Union Army in the of small-pox Rebellion, Co. K, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery; died D. C. He resided in April 2, 1S64. in the hospital at Georgetown, Monroe, Me. 7 8 Daniel . Elisha*, 178. vi. Evelyn Newcomb Piper (Benjamin , 1 1S44, in Newburgh, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 2, married George Harvey Rutledge, Me.; a teacher before marriage ; Springfield, Mass.; a mer- April xi, 1SS4, born Aug. 3, 1842, in furnishing me the genealogies ot chant. I am indebted to her for Mass. They' several of the Piper families. He resides in Boston, have no children. 7 8 Daniel*, Elisha*, Sam- 170. vii. Benjamin Piper (Benjamin , 1 1S51, in Dixmont, Me.; ueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 14, c6 ELISHA 4 PIPER. — VII GENERATION.

March 1876, a farmer and postmaster; married Ora Johnson. 4, Me. He died Feb. 3. 1877, m born Feb. 3, 1S56, in Dixmont, Dixmont, where he always resided. They had no children. (82.) Elisha6 Piper married Rhoda Hilton Bickford.


4 7 Sam- Piper (Elisha*, DanitF, Elisha , 180. i. Elisha Sanborn Dec. 21, 1S35, in Newburgh, Me.; uel?, SamueF, Nathaniel'), born Eliza Jane Smith, June 4, 1S56, born Sept. a policeman ; married resides in- Medford, Mass.—See 21, 1836, in Monroe, Me. He 297, 29S. their children : Nos. 29-1, 293, 29$, 5 4 7 Elisha Piper (Elisha*, Daniel , , 181. ii- Enoch Franklin 3 1 born June 28, 1S38, in Newburgh, SamvrP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), 1S60, born Me.; a farmer; married Adella Whitcomb, July 4, Dixmont, Me.—See Oct. n, 1842, in Augusta. Me. He resides in theIr children: Nos. 399,300,301,302. 7 8 5 Elisha', (Elisha Baniel , 18*5. iii. Eunice Frances Piper , 2 1 in Newburgh. 3 Nathaniel ), born June ?.S, 1S38, Samuel , Samuel , Newburgh. Eunice Frances7 and Enoch Me., died Dec. 31 , 1839, in Franklin 7 were twins. 7 8 5 4 (Elisha Daniel , Elisha , Sam- 183. iv. Rhoda Addie Piper , 1 10, in Newburgh. Me.; ueP, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 1849, mrrried William Henry Holds, Jan. n, 1865, born Nov. 5, 1840, in Newburgh.—See their in Troy, Me.; a farmer. They reside

children : Nos. 315. 304. 7 8 4 SamueP, Piper (Elisha , DanieV, Elisha , IS I. v. Susan Emma 1 10, in Newburgh, Me.; mar- Samuel', Nathaniel ), born Jan. 1849, Dec. 1S65, born Sept. 10, ried Samuel Woodman Bridgham, 17, Susan Emma 7 and Rhoda Addie 7 18-7, in Bangor, Me. ; a mill-man.

their children : Nos. are twins. He resides in Newburgh.—See 305, 306, 307. 6 (83.) Hannah Foster Piper married Elijah Bachelder.

their children :

3 7 6 BaCHELDER (Hannah Foster Piper, Daniel , 185. i. Melvin 2 NathunieP'), born Oct. 1S35, in Elisha', SamueP, Samuel , 23, Connor Libby, Dec. 30, Prosnect. Me.; a farmer ; married Jennie Troy, Me. They reside in Fairfield, 1869, bom Sept. 26, 1S4S, in Me.* "* Theyhave one child, Adella, born Dec. 21, 1ST3, in Dixmont, Me.


7 (Hannah Foster* Piper, ISG. ii. James Marden Bachelder 1 Daniel", Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 28, 1837, in Prospect, Me.; died March 7, 1838, in Prospect.

7 Foster6 Piper, Dan- 187. iii. Kingsbury Bachelder {Hannah 2 XathiuieP), bom Oct. 27, 1841, in iel', Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , While Prospect, Me.; graduated from Bowdoin College in 1871. dollars for the best exami- in college he obtained a prize of thirty year. In his senior nation in Latin, at the end of the sophomore oration, and on year he won a prize of ten dollars for the best to him. He graduating, the Latin salutatory oration was assigned year, and was Uu-dii Auburn High School at Auburn, Me., one Me., eight Principal of the Maine Central Institute at Pittsfield, course of study in the Theological ears< He pursued a theological position as Principal of School of Bates College. On resigning his he was elected Waldron Pro- the Maine Central Institute in 18S3, literature in Hillsdale College at fessor of the Latin language and Professor of the Greek Hillsdale, Michigan, and in 1S87 was made the college and language 'and literature. He is also a Trustee of a Freewill Baptist one°of the Directors of the « Morning Star," been Professor in Hills- paper published in Boston. Mass. He has time during which he has dale College five years, and the whole fourteen full years. been engaged as teacher and professor exceeds daughter of Eben- He married Mary Augusta Wade, June 27, 1877, Wade. She was born Jan. 29, ezer Delano and Mary Ripley (Dyer) in 1870 at the Maine State Sem- 1851, in Parkman, Me.; graduated graduation taught several terms inary, at Lewiston, Me., and after reside in Hillsdale, Mich. They in Fryeburg Academy. They have no children. 6 7 Bachelder {Hannah Foster Piper, 188. iv. Catherine Piper Nathaniel'), bom Jan. n, Daniel', Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Ephraim Dodge Bartlett, Aug. 1S44, in Newburgh, Me.; married 1S41, in Newburgh. He resides in New- 30, 1S62, born Feb. 15, burgh.*

Cora, born May 5, 1864. 2. * Their children are as follows : 1. Annie Etta, born Dec. 22 1868. Martha Jane, born May 3, 1866. 3. Lydia 187d. 1870. 5. Emma Ethel, born Oct. ,, 4 Daisv Belle, born Dee. 20, were all born in Newburgh, i Percy Ludelle, born Jan. 30, 1881. They Me.


6 Hannah Foster Parsons. (86.) Daniel Piper married

THEIR CHILD : SamueF, 7 Piper (Daniel*, Daniel', Elisha*, 189 i Eliza Ann 1850, in Parsonsfield.. Me.; Samuel?, Nathaniel), bom Aug. 19, 1870, bom July 29, 1847, married Brackett Tobias Lord, Jan. 13, and selectman. He resides on 1the Mid- in Cornish, Me.; a farmer J. their children : Nos. 30&, «>© die Road, in Parsonsfield. -See

6 married, 1st. Hannah "(87.) Simeon Barker Piper Harriet Augusta Wildes. Kaylor ; 2d,

TH3 TO CHILDREN : Augustus7 Piper («w«n *«*«*, Zfci*ieP, 190 i Frederick born Sept. ^43- >" Jef- Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel*), 5, £K.AdS pension lawyer and special examiner ot ferson Barracks, Mo.; a Office. He graduated at the the United State, Pension claims in C and University, Washington, D. , Law School of the National He was also a soldier in the Union received the degree of LL.B. of Rebellion, was several times under fire Army in the War of the Wilderness. He in the buttle of the the enemy, and was wounded born Aug. 28, 1847, m Hank- married Aurora Low, Oct. 26, 1870, child No. their : is in Monroe, Mc-Sek fort, Me. His residence SIO. Sam- {Simeon Barker*, Daniel", EUsha*, 191 ii Airatf PiPR* Orleans, La. horn Aug. 4- 1844, in New uel, Samuel*, NathanieV), She resides in Belfast, Me. Barker" Piper {Simeon Burh:,°, Daniel', l*>o iii. Simeon NathanicV), born Dec. 12, 1846, in New Elisha< Samuel*, Samuel*, and soldier in the 1st Mame Heavy Orleans', La.; a photographer oi the Rebellion married in the War ; Artillery in the Union Army, born Ju.y 15, -53- m Maria Elizabeth Wheeler, Jan. 27. 1873, their children : resides in York, Pa.-S E E Elizabeth, N. J. He Nos. 311, 312, 313. Augusta' Piper {Simeon Barker* Daniel', 193. iv. Helen ' horn May ,9, 1858 in Mon- MM, SamueP, Samuel*, NathanieV) Cooper, son ot Cornehus and La mia Me.; married Peter foe N. a born Sept. rt, 1847. m Somerville, J., rCubberly) Cooper, ( -See their children: in Elizabeth, N. J. printer.I LHe residesredoes, u» *-

Nos. 3 J. 4, 315.

— —


(S8.) Alpheus Felch 6 Piper married, ist, Catharine Smart Perkins; 2d, Susan Hannah Smith.


7 5 Felch*, Daniel , Elisha*, 19 I. i. David Manser Piper (Alpheus 1 in Samuel", Samuel", Nathaniel ), born May 20, 1854, Monroe, Lizzie Rushton. June 15, 1881, born in Me.; a farmer ; married Maine. He resides in Swanville, Me. They have no children. 7 6 Daniel", Elisha*, l.5. ii. Wyman Brown Piper (Alpheus Fetch , 3 1 born Dec. 14, 1855, in Monroe, Samuel , Samuel-, Nathaniel ), Me.; a teacher. He commenced teaching in 1871, at the age ot

u.i the lifleeuj a:id has taught every year since. lie graduated Maine Central Institute, and afterward entered Bates College, where he remained for some time. He was Principal of Corinna Union Academy for four years, till 1S82, and has recently been elected Principal of Lodi High School, at Lodi, Cal. While at Corinna he was a member of the superintending school committee three years, and Captain of Corinna Bight Infantry. He married Annie Cole Russell, daughter of Eli and Hannah (Spofford) Russell, Monticello, Me. Feb. 25, 1S77. She was born Aug. 20, 1855, in

He resides in Lodi, Cal. See their children : Xos. 816, SIT.

7 6 5 Daniel , Elisha', 186. iii. Lizzie May Piper (Alpheus Felch , 2 1 Oct. 11, in Monroe, SathucF, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born 1857, Me.; married Joseph Granville Patterson, Oct. 28, 1878, born Apr. Belfast, 10, 1854, in Swanville, Me.; a ship-j >iner. He resides in

Me. See their child : No. SIS.

7 Felch 8 Dan- 197. iv. Kingsbury Bachelder Piper (Alpheus , 2 1 born Feb. 1S66, iel', Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), 4, in Monroe, Me.; a teacher. He has taught in several towns in years. Maine, and -in Freeport and Clemens, Cab, about three He married Inez Victoria Morse, daughter of Joseph Horace and Eliza Jane (Garland; Morse, May 2, 1SS9, born Jan. 30, 1866, in Dix- mont, Me. She was a teacher before marriage, and has taught five

years in Dixmont and other towns in Maine, being employed a part of the time as a teacher in High Schools. He resides in Waterville, Me. They have no children. 7 6 Daniel5 Elisha*, I«>,S. v. Lurilla Mason Piper (Alpheus Fetch , , 1 Me.; SamueP, Samuel', Nathaniel ), born Feb. 19, 1S67, in Monroe, a teacher before marriage for several years; married Oscar Harvey


in Newburgh, Me.; a Fall, March 4, 1885, born Sept. 3, 1858, fanner, school supervisor, and master of the Golden Rule Grange. He resides in Newburgh. They have no children. 6 Packard. (Si>.) John Usher Parsons Piper married Elizabeth

THEIR CHILDREN : 7 (John Usher Parsons*, Daniel", EU- 191>. i- Lucy Ann Piper 2 1 bjrn May 1846, in New- sha*, Samuel*, Samuel , Nathaniel }, 3, burgh, Me.; died Sept. 19. 1S50, in Newburgh. 7 Usher Parsons", Dan- •*00. ii. Elisha Franklin Piper {John 1 born June 1848, iel', EUsha*, SamueP, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), 15, married, 1st, Edith Snow, Oct. 19, in. Newburgh, Me.; r merchant ; 1SS1, in 1871, born Nov. 23, 1853, in Newburgh; died June 1st, Reed, June 15, 1884, born Nov. 18, 1856, in Newburgh ; 2d, Sahra Nos. Bangor, Me. He resides in Bangor.—See their children:

•PTiO •5»>^ ,:t*>? Q*>*> Parsons7 Piper (John Usher Parsons*, SGI. i I i - John Usher 3 1 Samuel', Nathaniel ), born July 4, 1S61, Daniel', EUsha*, Samuel , Winterport. in Winterport, Me.; died Aug. 8, 1S62, in (102.) Sail)-* Piper married Gideon Eeavitt.


7 5 Eeavitt (Sal! Piper, Elisha , EU- 202. i. Nancy Mighels / 1 Oct. 1S25, in New- sha*, Samuel?, Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born 13, burgh, Me.; died Aug. 29, 1S26, in Newburgh. 7 (Sail/ Piper, EUsha', EUsha*, 203. ii- Sally Ann Leavitt 1S27, in Newburgh, Samuel?, SamueV, Nathaniel'), born Feb. 9, born Me.; married Robert Billings Thomas, Jan. 12, 1S55, July 14, a farmer. He resides in Newburgh. 182 3, in Newburgh ; 7 (Sally8 Piper, EUsha', EU- 201. iii- Jesse James Leavitt 3 1 born Sept. 15, 1S2S, in New- sha*, Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), burgh, Me.; died Jan. 6, 1841, in Newburgh. 7 Leavitt (Sally" Piper, EUsha', 205. iv. Elisha Franelin

1 4 2 born Dec. 1, 1S29, in New- Samuel , Nathaniel ), EUsha , SamneP, burgh, Me.; died Jan. 1, 1841, in Newburgh. 7 8 Piper, EUsha', EUsha*, 201». v. Harriet Leavitt (Sally Newburgh, SamueP, SamneP, Nathaniel'), born Aug. 8, 1831, in Me.; died Sept. 20, 1832, in Newburgh. 7 (Sally8 Piper, EUsha', EUsha*, 207. vi. David Piper Leavitt 3 1 June 16, 1833, in Newburgh, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), bom Me. Me.; a farmer; died July 25, 1856, in Bangor,


5 7 8 Leavitt (Sally Piper, EUsha , 20S. vii. William Burke 2 Nathaniel 1 born March 22, 1835, in EUsha*, Samuel?, Samuel , ), Newburgh, Me.; a miner. He resides in Colorado. Piper, EUsha5 EUsha*, 209. viii. Judith' Leavitt (Sully* , 1 Feb. 16, 1S37, in Newburgh, SalnueP, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Me.; died June 2, 1840- in Newburgh. 5 7 EU- Leavitt (Sally* Piper, EUsha , 210. ix. John Bradbury 1 1 1S39. in New- 3 Nathaniel ), born Feb. 16, sha'*, Samuel , Samuel , Marietta Chase, Sept. 25, 1857, born burgh, Me.; a farmer ; married resides in Newburgh. Mav z\ 1S41, in Bangor, Me. He ' ;;.?' ,. .., 7 Piper, EH W, EU- v r ; Fn.^.-KT.r,: I r-u'rn (Wf

2 1 in New- 3 Nathhnvel born Nov. 10, 1S40*, , ), sha*, Samuel , Samuel in Newburgh, where he burgh. Me.; a farmer; died Jane 14.. 1,862, resided. 3 7 6 Elisha Lt>- Leavitt (Sally Piper, , 212. xi. Elma Frances 3 1 in New- 3 Nathaniel ), born Jan. 19, 1843, ,la\ Samuel , Samuel , married Greenfield Gardner Biekford, Oct. bur-h. Me.; a teacher ; & died in Newburgh; a farmer. She 2 i, i868, born May 18, 1S41, resided in Newburgh when his April 21, 1872, in Newburgh. He Me. wife died, but now resides in Monroe, 6 Gideon Leavitt. (lOS.) Betsey Mighels Piper married

THEIR CHILDREN : Piper7 Leavitt (Betsey Mighels* Piper, EU- 213. i- Elizabeth 1 1 1S22, 5 3 Nathaniel ), born March 28, sha EUsha*, Samuel , SamueV , EliSewell, Nov. 23, 1845, born in Newburgh, Me.; married George Brunswick a farmer. He Nov. 16. 1820. in Frederickton, New ; Me., where he resided. died Mav 1, 1865, in Dixmont, 7 Leavitt- (Betsey Mighels* Piper, EU- 21!-. ii- Gideon Piper 2 1 Dec. 1823, 5 3 Nathaniel ), born 30, sha EU*ha*, Samuel . Samuel , married. 1st, Sally Bussy Thomas, Dec, in Newport, Me.; a farmer; died April 20, 1870,^ in 1S50; born in 1S30. in Newburgh. Me.; 1S70, born Nov. Newburgh; 2d, Martha Ann Mudgett, Nov. 24, resides in Newburgh. 25, 1832, in Newburgh. He (lOS.) Ann 6 Piper married George Biekford.

their children : 5 7 EUsha EU- Leavitt Bickfcrd (Ann* Piper, , 213. i. Harriet 2 1 in^New- Nathaniel ), born July 19, 1833^ sha*, SamueP, Samuel , ~^Tuho^h'ur^^r.ra fe^v^kTbefore his brother Elisha Frank- till after his brothers death. liu' Leavitt died, he was nut named

62 ELISHA'1 I'IPLR. VII GENERATION". burgh, Me.; married Enoch Lincoln Bartlett, Oct., 1852, born Oct. in 24, 1831, Newburgh ; a fanner. She died May 5, i860, in New- burgh. He resides in Newburgh.

7 8 5 2IG. ii. George Washington Bickford Piper, (Ann Elisha ,

2 1 Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), horn Feb. 15, 1835, in Newburgh, Me.; died Feb., 1842, in Newburgh.

e 5 217. iii. Lenora Matilla' Bickford (Anu Piper, Elisha ,

3 1 Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel", Nathaniel ), born Oct. 22, 1836, in Newburgh, Me.; a teacher before marriage; married, as his second wife, Enoch Lincoln Bartlett, May, 1862, born Oct. 24, 1831, in

Newburgh ; a farmer. He resides in Newburgh. 218. iv. Horace Piper" Bickford (Ann 6 Piper, 5 Elisha , Eli-

1 sha*, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born March 23, 1839, in New- burgh, Me.; died in 1S40, in Newburgh. 219. v. Warren Franklin 7 Bickford (Ann* Piper, 5 Elisha ,

2 1 Elisha*, Samuel', Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 31, 1S42, in New- burgh, Me.; graduated from Bowdoin College in 1S72 ; taught school six months, and then commenced preaching in Feb., 187;. In Sept., 1S74. he entered the Theological Seminary at Bangor, Me., and graduated in June, 1S76 ; was installed pastor of the Congre- gational Church at Winthrop, Me., June 20. 1S76, and remained there four years. He resigned in August, 18S0, to accept a position in Colorado, under the American Home Missionary Society, where he labored successfully at Breckenridge and Manitou Springs five years. In Sept., 1885, he went to California, and became pastor of

Park Church, at Berkeley, where he is now preaching. He married Sarah Wilder, Aug. 15, 1872, daughter of Deacon Horace and Car- oline (Jennison) Wilder, of Dixmont, Me. She was born Nov. 8, 1844, in Dixmont, and a teacher before marriage.*

220. vi. Jesse Piper7 Bickford (Ann8 5 Piper, Elisha , Elisha*,

1 SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born March 3, 1S44, in Newburgh, Me. After his graduation at Bowdoin College, in 1874, he im- mediately entered upon the business of teaching as a profession. Besides several district schools, he has taught the High School at Monroe, Me.; the Classical Institute at Milton, N. H.; the Lindsey High School at Shapleigh, Me.; and West Lebanon Academy at West Lebanon, Me. He has also taught at La Moure,

* Their children are as follows : 1. Mary Perkins, born Feb. 21, 1879, in Winthrop, Me. 2. Warren Franklin,.Jr., born Jan. 2S, 1687, in Berkeley, Col.


North Dakota, and is now teaching at Carmel, Me. He has been engaged in teaching almost constantly since he left college. He married Lizzie Home, July 30, 1876, adopted daughter of James R. Home, of Milton, N. H. She was born in i860, in Mass. He resides in Carmel.

2-21. vii. Olp.er MlGHELS7 BlCRTORD (Ann* Piper, Elisha*,

1 Elizha*, SamueP, Samuel'-, Nathaniel '), born Oct. 30, 1845, in

Newburgh, Me.; a farmer ; married Emma Annette Brown, April 12, 1S67, born July 18, 1851, in Newburgh, Me. He resides in Newburgh.

viii. Annie Elizareth 7 Bickford 5 222. (Ann* Piper, Elisha ,

2 1 Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Oct. 22, 1847, in

Newburgh, Me.; a teacher. She resides in Newburgh. I am much indebted to her for furnishing me the genealogies of several of the Piper families in Newburgh. (IOV.) Elishac Piper married Harriet Burbank.


7 9 6 228. i. Samuel Burbank Piper (Elisha , Elisha , Elisha*,

1 SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born May 19, 1S35, in Parsonsfield, Me.; died April 23, 1837, in Parsonsfield.

8 4 ii. 221. Samuel Fullertov Piper (Elisha , Elisha', Elisha ,

1 SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born March n, 1838, in Parsons- field, Me.; a farmer ; married Mary Jane Brvgdon, usually called

Jennie, daughter of Edmund and Abigail (Nason) Bragdon, Nov. 6, 1S65. She was born Oct. 31, 1836, in Limington, Me.; a teacher before marriage. He resides in Parsonsfield on the old homestead of his father and great-grandfather, where he carries on the busi- ness of farming successfully, as did his predecessors. See their children : Nos. ;52,*?, 321. 7 225. iii. John Wesley Piper (Elisha", Elisha*. Elisha*, Sam-

1 ueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 4, 1839, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a farmer and teacher. He has taught successfully in his own State,

Illinois, and Virginia, making in all about eight full school years. He was sent to Virginia as missionary teacher of the freedmen, by the Freewill Baptist Home Missionary Society, in connection with the American Missionary Board, receiving his commission from both societies. He began his work at Staunton, and had charge of over four hundred scholars, being assisted by several female teach- ers. The people were bitterly opposed to the teachers, but by his judicious management he gained the confidence of some of them,


very wealthy and was invited to dine with one; and another, a which he did, giv- man, desired him to give instruction to his son, has given consid- ing him two private lessons each week. He the Freewill Bap- erable attention to music, and been organist for in Parsonsfield, twenty-eight years, tist Church, on the South Road Manson, daughter and chorister nine. He married Ellen Adelaide i, 1867. She was of George and Emeline (Meads) Manson, Jan. Me.; a teacher before marriage. born April 7, 1845, in Limington, on the farm formerly He resides in Parsonsfield, on the South Road, owned by Jonathan 5 Piper.—See his child: No. 325. Eennett Lord. (121.) Horace' Piper married Josephine

THEIR CHILDREN : 7 Piper (Horace*, Jonathan*, Elisha*, 228. i. William Wirt 1 in Limerick, Samuel?, Samuel', Nathaniel ), born July 15, 1839, of study in Me. He completed the English and classical course studied medicine, and graduated at the Biddeford High School ; degree Medical School of Dartmouth College in 1867, receiving the Regt. U. S. Colored of M. D.; was Assistant Surgeon in the 13th of the Rebellion. Heavy Artillery, in the Union Army, in the War had fully He was examined and received his appointment before he married Lucinda Cook, Aug. 28, completed his medical course ; Mich He resides and prac- 1875, born July 9, 1845, in Oshtemo, have no children. tices medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. They

5 4 7 (Horace*, Jonathan , Elisha , 227. ii. Horace Lord Piper 2 Nathaniel 1 born July 14, 1841, in Limerick, Samuel*, Samuel , ), Lieutenant in the Union Me. He was one year in Bowdoin College ; was in the battle of Baylor's Army in the War of the Rebellion ; 1S64, and Farm, Va.; of Petersburg, June 15 and 16 and July iS, minor engagements. of the Explosion of the Mine, besides several services in the He received a medal from Congress for meritorious graduated at the Law School of war, and was brevetted Major ; and was Columbian University, receiving the degree of LL. B.; was also cue of the admitted to the bar in Washington, D. C. He Commissioners appointed by the United States Government to visit emigrants to European ports in order to ascertain the treatment of with the view of modifying this country on board of steamboats, married Tryphena Stuart the laws of emigration, if necessary. He (Edgerly) Gove, daughter of Alvan Chadbourne and Mary Susan

— — —


Gove, Oct. 18, 1862, born June 11, 1S43, m Limington, Me. He resides in Washington, D. C. See their child : No. 32Q*

7 4 228. Ill- Mary Josephine Piper (Horace*, Jonathan*, Elisha ,

2 1 Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 25, 1843, in Limerick,

Me.; married Oren Hooper, Dec. 7, 1864, son of Noah and Mary (Foss) Hooper, born Dec. 10, 1S40, in Biddeford, Me.; a merchant. He commenced business in Limerick, and subsequently removed to

Portland, Me., where he now resides, and is carrying on an exten- sive business in trade. She was a kind daughter and an affectionate wife. Although surrounded with everything to make her happy, she was not permitted to enjoy it long. She died Oct. 5, 1S69, in Portland, at the early age of twenty-six years. Of pleasing man-

ners and a gentle spirit, she endeared herself to all, and left precious memories to her surviving friends. She united with the Sec- ond Congregational Church of Biddeford several years before her

death. See their children : Nos. 327, 328, 329.

(123.) Irving'5 Piper married, 1st, Mary

Emery ; 2d, Elizabeth Chase.

their child :

7 6 5 1 229 . i. Sherman Emery Piper (Irving , Jonathan , Elisha'', Sam-

1 , in Parsonsfield, uel?, Samuel?, Nathaniel ) born Jan. 28, 1S47, Me.; a larmer, teacher, land-surveyor, and trustee of Parsonsfield Semi- nary. He has taught school several years in different places with good success; married Minnie Charlotte Plack, daughter of Jacob and

Charlotte (Swett) Biack, May 1, 1878. She was born Jan. 28, 1S49, in Limington, Me.; taught school for a long time before marriage, and was assistant teacher in Parson-. field Seminary. She excelled as a reader, and gave lessons in elocution. He resides in Parsons-

field near Parsonsfield Seminary, on the homestead of his father and

grandfather. See their children : Nos. 330, Hill. (123.) Catharine Redman 6 Piper married Abram Fogg Marston.

their children :

7 230. i- Mary Lucretia Marston (Catharine Redman''' Piper,

1 Jonathan'', Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born July 6, 184S, in Effingham, N. H.; married Francis Weston Barker, Nov.

17, 1S72. born April 17, 1846, in Lovell, Me.; a farmer, teacher, superintending school committee, selectman, and soldier in the


Union Army in the War of the Rebellion. He was in the battles of North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, June 15, 1S64 ; the Explosion of the .Mine at Petersburg, July 30, 1S64; Poplar Grove

Church, Sept. 30, 1864, and the Capture of Petersburg, April 2, 1S65. He resides in Effingham, X. H.*

7 'JJ5I. ii. John' Piper Marston (Catharine Redman* Piper,

3 2 1 Jonathan" , Elisha* , Samuel , Samuel , , Nathaniel ^, born July 19, 1S50, in Effingham, N. IT. He graduated at Bates College in 1S73, and immediately engaged in the business of teaching, which he has pursued thirteen years, with marked success. Besides other schools

he taught Wiscasset High School three years ; Bath High School four

years, Rockland High School live, and is now (1889) Principal of Biddeford High School. He married Alice Guyletta Swett, Aug.

4, 1S80, born May 31, 1S59, in Bucksport, Me. He resides in Bidde- ford, Me.. EIGHTH GENERATION. (144.) Lorenzo Dow 7 Piper married Mary Jane Xason.

their children ;.

s SJi2. i. Ida Wallingford Piper (Lorenzo Don', Benjamin*, 3 Benjamin , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel", Nathaniel^, born May 27, 1851, in Berwick, Me.; married John Torsleff, Dec. 18, 1S72, born Oct. 12, 1S44, in Boston, Mass.; a farmer. He resides in West

Mitchell, Iowa. See their child : No. 3112.

8 7 8 ii. 2J5JI. Mary Wallingford Piper (Lorenzo Don- , Benjamin ,

4 3 1 Benjamin", Elisha , Samuel , Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 1S, 1S57, in Berwick, Me.; married Robert Waddell, Sept. 17, 1879,

born June 2^, 1S47, m Scotland ; a farmer. He resides in West

Mitchell, Iowa. --Sep. their child : Xo. ',V,l\\.

(14*5.) Joseph Perkins 7 Piper married Ann Maria Frost.

their children :

9 234. i. Freddy Wilder Piper (Joseph Perkins', Benjamin , Benjamin'\ Elisha', Samwl\ Samuel', NiitJianieV), born July to. 1853. in Parsonsfield, Me.; died Nov. 16, 1859. in Parsonsfield.

9 7 6 23">. ii. Sarah Jane Piper (Joseph Perkins , Benjamin , B>n- 2 jamin", Elisha*, SannieP, Samuel , NathunieV), born July 10, 1855, in Parsonsfield, Me.

* They have one child, Kate Eugenie, born Nov. G, 1*73, in Effingham, N. Ii.


(140.) Charles Abbott7 Piper married Mary Emeline Hall.


3 i. 7 23(>. Perlev Wesley Piper (Charles ALhott , Benjamin?, 4 2 Benjamin*, 1 Elisha , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born fan. 29, 1856, in Parsonsfield, Me.; died Feb. 26, 1857, in Parsonsfield. s 237. ii. Perley VVesley Piper (Charles Abbott7 6 , Benjamin ,

5 1 2 1 Benjamiu , Elisha , Samuel? , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Feb. 21, 1857, in Parsonsfield, Me.; died Dec. 22, 1858, in Parsonsfield. 8 238,, iii. Marsis Piper (Charles Abbot/', 6 5 Benjamin , Benjamin ,

1 Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born May 27, 1861, in Par- sonsfield, Me.: died July 28. 1861, in Parsonsfield.

2;*>i>. iv. George Henry 5 Piper (Charles 7 Abbott , Benjamin",

5 3 2 1 Benjamin , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born March 9, 1864, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a clerk. He resides in Biddeford. 2£®. v. Edward Everett3 Piper 7 6 (Charles Abbott , Benjamin , Benjamin', Elisha*, 3 Samuel , Samuel*, Nathaniel*), born Sept 29, 1866, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a book-keeper. Pie excels in penman- ship. His residence is in Portland, Me. 211. vi. Alvah Chessman 8 Piper (Charles Abbott', Benjamin?, iijamin', Elisha 4 2 1 B< , Samuel', Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 11, 1869, in Parsonsfield, Me. He resides in North Berwick, Me. (1.54.) Perry,H. 7 Piper married Harriet Hart Savage.

their children :

8 7 6 5 i. 242. Dorothy Piper (Pm-y H , Ezekiel , David , Elisha*,

2 1 SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 16, 1844, in Holloway- ville, 111.; died March 10, 1S46, in Hollowayville.

5 7 6 ii. WarrenTayi.gr Piper 24JI. (Perry H , Ezekiel , David?,

Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel-, Nathaniel? ), born Jan. 13, 1846, in Hol- lowayville, 111.; a farmer; married Elizabeth Marlatt, Aug. 31, 1S66, born June 17, 1S48, in Warren, Xew Jersey. He resides in

Maiden, III. See their child : No. 334.

8 7 6 iii. 244. Charlotte Piper (Perry II ., Ezekiel , David?, Eli-

1 2 1 sha , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Oct. 16, 1854, in Hollo- wayville, 111.; married Joseph Johnston, March, 1872, born Dec.

19, 1847, in Maiden, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Princeton, 111.

—See their children : Nos. 335. 336. iv. Morgan Piper 7 6 245. Hiram* {Perry If. , Ezekiel DaviiP, ,

Elisha*, 1 1 Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Feb. 19, 1S56, in

Hollowayville, 111.; a firmer; married Honora Litchfield, Nov. 1,

— — —


) 1S77, born Sept. 5, 1S58, in De Pue, 111. He resides in Vinton,

[owa.—See their children : Nos. 337, 33S, 339, 34©. 1 (155.) David7 Piper married Philipina Hemtz.

THEIR CHILDREN I 5 7 6 5 Elisha*, 246. i. Lawrence Piper (David , Ezekiel , David , 3 2 1 born Oct. in Holloway- Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), 31, 1849, ville, 111.; died Mar. 28, 1851, in Hollowayville. 8 7 Ezekiel David", Eli- 247. ii. Mary Lavinia Piper (Da rid , , 4 2 1 in Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 28, 1851. Hoi- sha , Samuel?, lowayville, 111.; married George Monroe Minier, Feb. 18, 1877, born Dec. 26, 1S4S, in Leepertown, 111.; a farmer. He resides ia Tibkilua, III. See their children : Nos. I>41, 342, 2s4;i, *

314. 1

8 7 4 248. iii. Ezekiel Piper (David , Ezekiel , David', Elisha , 3 1 in Samuel , Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 9, 1854, Holloway- ville, 111.; a farmer; married Mary Elizabeth Harris, March 14,

Sept. in Dimmock, 111. Pie resides in Tis- .1878, born 23, 1859. t kilwa, 111. See their children : Nos. 345. 343, 347.

8 7 8 4 219. iv. Edward Piper (David , Ezekiel , David", Elisha ,

2 1 Samuel", Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 28, 1S56, in Holloway- ville, 111.; a farmer ; married Jennie Warson, March 13, 1SS3. born

Nov. 23, 1S60, in Branchton, Canada. He died March 24, 18S8, in Tiskilwa, 111., where he resided. They hi d no children.

8 7 6 6 4 250. v. Kate Piper (David , Ezekiel , David , Elisha , Sam-

1 veP, Samuel'-, Nathaniel ), born Dec. 6, i860, in Hollowayville,

111.; married John Marlatt, Feb. ii,*i887, born July 24, 1S52, in

Warren, New Jersey ; a farmer. He resides in Nortonville, Kans. They have no children. (156.) Marinda7 Piper married Frederick Heintz.


3 7 6 251. i- Kate HEINT2 (Marinda Piper, Ezekiel , David", Eli- 4 2 1 in Selby, sha , Samuel?, Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 1, 1844,

111.; married Isaac Adolphus Watson, Nov. 25. 1S79, born May,

1844, in Chicago, 111.; express messenger on railroad. He resides in Chicago.*

8 1 6 252. ii. Fetnah Heintz (Marinda Piper. Ezekiel , David',

3 Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel', Nathaniel'), born March 5, 1846, in

Selby, 111.; married Leander White. Aug. 21, 1S62, born March

*They have one child, Frederick, born Sept. 14, 1882, in Chicago, 111.


29, 1S3S, in Batavia, Ohio; a farmer. He resides in Selby, 111.*

8 7 2555. iii. Henry Heintz (Marinda Piper, Ezekiel5 3 , David' ,

1 Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born June 1, 1S49, in Sel-

by, 111.; married Martha Snyder, Aug. 17, 1869, born Aug. 17,

185 1, in Hall, 111. He resides in Princeton, Ill.'j"

254. iv. Anna Trump8 Heintz 1 6 (Marinda Piper, Ezchiel ,

3 2 1 David , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Sept. 10, 1S5S, in Selby, 111.; a stenographic reporter. She resides in Bos- ton, Mass. (fl%7*) Hiram Harding 7 Piper married Mary Amanda McWilliams.


8 7 i. 2o>5. Viola Ann Piper (Hiram Harding' , EschieV, David,

3 2 1 Elisha*, Samiiel , Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born Nov. 23, 186c, in

Maiden, 111.; married William Sidwell Mercer, Feb. 5, 1SS0, born

July jo, 1S57, in Maiden. 111.; a fanner. He resides in Maiden.

—See their children : Nos. S4S, 349.

7 6 ii. Mary Lavinia* Piper 256. (Hiram Harding , Ezekiel ,

3 3 2 1 David , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Oct. 14,

1S6-, in Maiden, 111., where she resides.

8 1 5 iii- 25V. Margaret Piper ([Hiram Hording , Ezekiel , David',

3 2 1 Elisha*. Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 13, 1S64, in

Maiden, 111., where she resides. ''

8 7 6 iv. 255. Abraham Lincoln Piper (Hiram Harding , Ezekiel ,

3 3 1 David , Elisha', Samuel , Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born Jan. 6, 1S66, in Maiden, 111.; a farmer ; married Iona Belle Mercer, July 3, 18S4,

* Their children are as follows : 1. Frank, horn June 28, 1866, in Hall,

111. 2. Frederick, horn April 20, 1S68, in Hall. 3. David, horn March

14, 1870, in Hall. 4. Mary, horn June 6, 1873, in Hall. 5. Henry, horn April 23, 1S76, in Los Nietos, Cal. G. Jessie, born Jan. 11. 1879, in Los

Nietos. 7. Winfield. horn Dec. 3, 1882, in Selby, 111. 8. Edward C, horn Oct. 19, 18S4. in Selby. 9. Annie, born Sept. 19, 1886, in Selby : died Feb. 22, 1887. 10. Abbie, horn S*pt. 19, 18S6, in Selby ; died March

7, 1887. She and her sister Annie were twins.

f Their children : 1. Cora, horn April 12, 1871, in Nemaha County, Neb.

- 2. Frederick, horn Sept. J."i, 1872, in Selby, 111. 3. Alma Nancy, horn

March 20, 1874, in Hall. 111. 4. Annie Marinda, horn July 17, L875, in

Hall. 5. Flora, horn June 16, 1*77, in Selby. 6. Blanche, l>oru Oct. 30,

1879, in Dover, 111.; died in August, 1881. in Lover.


in 111. She died April iSSS, in born June 26, 1864. Maiden, 27, | Maiden. He resides in Maiden. They had no children.

8 6 259. v. June Hiram Piper (Hiram Harding", Ezekiel , Da- \

5 2 1 vid, EUsha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 27, 1S68, in Maiden, 111. He resides in Maiden.

8 6 2{*i>. vi. William Ezekiel Piper (Hiram Harding'', Ezekiel ,

1 David?, Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel '), born Feb. 28, 1S70, in Maiden, 111., where he resides. f

8 7 6 201. vii. David Ansel Piper (Hiram Harding , Ezekiel , Da-

4 1 vid?, Elisha , SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Dec. 23, 187 1,

in Maiden, 111., where he resides. j

s 7 6 5 2S2. viii. Joi!N PlPER (Hiram Harding , Ezekiel , Dauid , Eli- sha*, SamueP, SamueP, XathanieV), born July 15, 1873, * n Maiden,

111. He died Oct. 14, 1874, in Maiden.

9 6 5 203. ix. Albert Piper (Hiram Harding', Ezekiel , David , 1 Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born April 1, 1S75, in

Maiden, 111.

s 7 6 5 261. x. Harding Piper (Hiram Harding , Ezekiel , David ,

Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel*), born Aug. 7, 1876, in

Maiden. 111. (!>&.) Mary Ann7 -Piper married William Simon Dalton.

their children* : | 3 7 6 5 2C><>. i. Naomi Dalton (Man/ Ann Piper, Ezekiel , David ,

1 Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born July 7, 1S57, in Mai- den, 111. j died July 16, 1S63, in Maiden.

7 6 ii- Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel 2G6. Hiram James* , J 5 Nathaniel 1 born Aug. David , Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, ), 5, i860, in Maiden, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Maiden.

9 7 6 2$>7. hi- Elmer Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel , Da-

5 1 1 vid , Elisha , SamueP, Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 25, 1S62, in Maiden, 111.; died March 11, 1S77, in Maiden. | 8 7 6 28S. iv. William Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel , Da- 5 1 vid , Elisha', SamueP, Samuel* , Nathaniel ), born Nov. 28, 1S64,

in Maiden, 111.; a farmer ; married Mary Ann Charles, Aug. 28, 1SS3, born Nov. 12, 1862, at Bureau Junction, 111. He resides in

Princeton, 111.

8 7 6 2(>i>. v. Lillie May Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel , Da-

1 vid', Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 23, 1S66, in Maiden, 111.; married Lesliner Pierce, Feb. 4, 1SS6, born Nov.

16, 1S67, in Dover, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Wheeler, Iowa.


8 1 6 270. vi. El.ENDER Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel , Da-

5 1 vid , Elisha*, SamueP. Samuel*, Nathaniel }, born Oct. 20, 1S69, in Maiden, 111.; died Jan. 28, 1870, in Maiden. 1 271. vii. Annie Elender8 Dalton (Mary Ann Piper, Ezekiel?,

3 3 T l David?, Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , A athaniel ),hon\Oct. 26, 1S69,

in Maiden. 111., where she resides. She and her sister Elender Dalton were twins.

(152),) Lavinia Harding 7 Piper married Jonathan Oglesbee.


s 1 6 i. £72:. Ruth Oglesbee (Lavinia Harding Piper, Ezekiel ,

1 2 1 ', David Elisha*. Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 25, i860, in Princeton. 111.; died Dec. 15, 1877, in Memphis, Term. She resided in Harveysburg, Ohio.

8 1 6 ii- 273. Elias Oglesbee (Lavinia Harding Piper, Ezekiel ,

1 David', Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born May 10, 1862,

in Harveysburg, Ohio , a fanner ; married Lida Sabilla Sears, Sept.

24, 1887, born Aug. 1, 1S63, in Harveysburg. He resides in Harveysburg.

5 1 274. iii. Mary Lavinia Oglesbee (Lavinia Harding Piper,

6 1 Ezekiel , David', Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 25, 1S63, in Harveysburg, Ohio; married George Evans Watson,

Nov. 21, 1SS3, born Jan. 22, 1S62, in Maiden, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Maiden.

(IGJ>.) William Wilkinson 7 Piper married, 1st, Lydia

Ann Savage ; 2d, Cordelia Barrett..


3 7 27->. i. Florence Amanda Piper (William ]Vilkinson , Eze-

3 1 kieP, David' , El isha*,< SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born April 9,

1858, in Selby, 111.; married Thomas William Griffin, Dec. 12,

1876, born Aug. 21, 1S43, in Princeton, 111.; a farmer. He re- sides in Princeton.—See their child: No. J?.>0.

8 7 6 ii. 27G. Victor William Piper ( William Wilkinson , Ezekiel ,

1 David?, Elisha*, SanvcP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), burn Sept. 7, 1S60,

in Selby, 111.; died July 22, 1S63, in Selby.

s 1 6 iii. Owen Jkrsev Piper William Wilkinson , Ezekiel 277. ( ,

3 1 David", Elisha', Samuel , SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 8, 1S66,

in Sellty, 111.; a farmer; married Nancy Self, Feb. 10, 1S86, born

Dec. 2, 1S67, in Berlin, 111. He resides in Princeton, 111. They have no children.

! 1


\ (JG3.) Mary Ann 7 Piper married John Guilford Combs. | * THEIR CHILDREN :

8 7 278. i. George Week,s Combs (Mary Ann Piper, Elisha*, Da-

3 2 1 vid*, Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 28, 1S50, in

Hall, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Buda, 111.

3 7 6 2"?S>. ii. Howard Milton Combs (Mary Ami Piper, Elisha ,

3 3 1 David , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel-, Nathaniel ?), born Dec. 3, 1852, in Hall, 111.: a farmer. He resides in Adams County, 111.

8 7 280. ii ; - Amelia Jane Combs (Mary Ann Piper, Elisha*, Da-

3 1 1 vid , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born May 22, 1S55, in Hall, 111.; married J. E. Ross, Feb. 17, 1885. He resides in |

Bedford, Iowa. f,

9 281. iv. Oscar Lemon Combs (Mary Ann' Piper, Elisha*, Da-

3 3 1 vid , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel*, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 27, 1S57, in Hall, 111. j a farmer; died Oct. 28, 1882, in Hall, where he re- sided. I v. William Ellery 8 Combs 7 6 282. (Mary Ann Piper, Elisha ,

4 3 2 1 David , Elisha , Samuel , Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born June 29, 1S64,

in Hall, 111.; a farmer. , He resides in Auburn, Xeb.

I (ISG.J Caroline 7 Piper married Francis Marion Long.

THEIR : CHILDREN | a 8 7 i- 6 283. Henry Clinton Long (Caroline Piper. Elisha , Da-

3 4 3 2 1 vid , Elisha , Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born May 16. 1S54, in Selby, 111.; a farmer. He resides at Fort Yates, North Dakota. 8 284. ii- Mary Ann Long (Caroline 7 9 3 Piper, Elisha , David , Elisha*, Samuel?, 1 1 Samuel , Nathaniel ), born July 5, 1S56, in Sel- i by, 111.; married Benjamin Franklin Searl, Oct. 7, 1S75, born Sept.

7, 1853, in Selby, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Selby.

8 285. iii. Albert Charles Long (Caroline 7 6 Piper, Elisha ,

3 4 3 2 1 Elisha , David , Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 8, 1S59, Selby, a in 111.; farmer ; married Margaret Welsh, Nov. 22, 1S84, born Nov. 13, 1864, in Lawrence County, N. Y. He resides in Hastings, Neb. I 280. iv. Alma Connor" Long (Caroline 7 6 Piper, Elisha , Da-

3 2 1 vid-, Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan. 8, 1S59, in Selby, 111. She and her brother Albert are twins. She married

Joseph Frederick Grissible, Oct. 7, 1875, born Oct. 7 1853,111 Sel- by, 111.; a farmer. He resides in Anita, Iowa.


(1.70.) Albert Parsons 7 Piper married, 1st, Abby Richards

Towle ; 2d, Maria Arnold Vose.


8 7 i. 2§7. Charles Albert Piper (Albert Parsons , Thomas Par-

5 sons*, Daniel , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel*, NathanieV), born March

9, 1854, in Monroe, Me.; a box-maker. He resides in Lowell, Mass.

8 288. ii- Marilla Mason Piper (Albert Parsons", Thomas Par-

6 2 1 sons , Daniel', Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born June 12, 1S75, in Thomaston, Me. This child was by his second wife, whom he married in 1S72.

7 (174.) Susan Bickford ' Piper married Byron Porter.


8 2S9. i. Martin LUTHER Porter (Susan Bich-ford' Piper, Ben-

6 3 4 3 2 1 jamin , Danid , Elisha , Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Sept.

19, 1S59, in Dixmont, Me.; a physician ; married Clara Annie Quimby, April 1SS2, born in Topsfield, Me., Dec. 29, 31, 1855 ; a teacher before marriage. He graduated at the Medical Depart- ment of the University of Vermont in July, 1S80, receiving the de- gree of M. D., and immediately entered upon the practice of his profession in Danforth, Me., where he has an extensive business as a physician and surgeon. Since 1SS2 he has been United States

Examining Surgeon for pensions. He is also a member of the Penob- scot County Medical Society, and of the New Brunswick Council of Physicians and Surgeons. (175.) Daniel 7 Piper married Helen Wildes.


1 5 i. Arthur Piper 2SO. Benson* (Daniel , Benjamin , Daniel",

1 Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 8, 1859, in Monroe, Me.; a mariner, being first mate of a large merchant-ship.

His residence is in Dixmont, Me.

3 ii- 291. Allen Hamlin" Piper (DanieV, Benjamin*, Daniel ,

1 Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born June 20, 1S61, in Monroe. Me.; a farmer. He resides in Dixmont, Me.

7 6 iii. Grace Marie* Piper , 2J>2. (Daniel Benjamin , Daniel*,

1 ElisJia*, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born Jan. 29, 1S64, in

Monroe, Me.; married Willis Fletcher, Oct. 5, 1SS4, born Aug. 9, 1S62, in Dixmont, Me.; a machinist. She died March 20, 1S8S, in Dixmont. He resides in Lowell, Mass.



iv. Mabel 8 7 5 203. Gertrude Piper (Daniel , Benjamin , Daniel?

: Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel?, Nathaniel?), born Oct. 20, 186S, in I)i\- 1 mont, Me.; died March 3, 1870, in Dixmont. (180.) Elisha Sanborn 7 Piper married Eliza Jane Smith.


3 7 i- 20-1. Sarah Frances Piper (Elisha Sayiborn , Elisha*, Dan- J

4 2 1 ieP, Elisha , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 11, 1S57, in Newburgh, Me.; died May 16, 1S66, in Bradley, Me. 8 ii. 7 20"5. George Ernest Piper (Elisha Sanborn , Elisha", Dan

2 2 1 ieV", Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born June 22, 1859, in Newburgh, Me.; died May 16, 1S66, in Bradley, Me. He and his sister, Sarah Frances, both died the same day. The little innocents | wandered from their home unnoticed, their mother being sick abed j that day, to the bank of the , which was near by perhaps to gather flowers at the water's edge, or to dabble in the stream—and both fell in and were drowned. Whether the younger lell in first, and the other attempted to rescue him, or both fell in together, is unknown, for no one saw them when they went to the river, nor when they were drowned.

iii. 8 7 20(5. Frederick Warner Piper (Elisha Sanborn , Elisha?,

3 4 3 3 1 Daniel , Elisha , Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Sept. 10, | 1863, in Newburgh, Me.; a clerk. He resides in Boston, Mass.

iv. 8 7 9 207. Pearl Frances Piper (Elisha Sanlorn , Elisha , Dan- iel?, 4 2 Elisha , Samuel?, Samuel , NathanieV), born Oct. 10, 1S67, in 1 Bradley, Me. She resides in Medford, Mass..

v. 8 7 6 20cS. Edith Belle Piper (Elisha Sanborn \ , Elisha , Dan- 4 it-1% Elisha 3 2 , Samuel , Samuel , NathanieV), born Feb. 16, 1873, in Medford, Mass.

(181.) Enoch Franklin 7 Piper married Adella Whitcomb.

their children :

s 200. i. Henry Fraxklin Piper 7 6 (Enoch Franklin , Elisha , 4 a Daniel?, Elisha 2 1 , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born April 1, 1S61. in Newburgh, Me. He resides in Lowell, Mass. 8 ii. Charles 7 300. Sumner Piper (Enoch Franklin , Elisha*,

4 2 Daniel?, Elisha , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel*), born Aug. 31, 1S72, in Dixmont, Me.

SOI. iii. Adella Emma' Piper 7 6 (Enoc h Franklin , Elisha , Dan-

4 iel", Elisha 1 1 , Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Oct. 24, 18S1, in Dixmont, Me.


iv. 8 7 S©2. Vivian Angie Piper {Enoch Franklin , EUsha?, Dan-

3 2 1 iel', EUsha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel '), born Sept. 13, 1883, in Dixmont, Me.

(I8S.) Rhoda Addie 5 Piper married William Henry Hollis.


8 7 6 5 i. SOS. Angie Hollis (Rhoda Addie Piper, EUsha , Daniel ,

4 3 1 ,' EUsha , Samuel Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born March 9, 1868, in Newburgh, Me. I am much indebted to her for her assistance in collecting the genealogies of the Piper family. She married Frank Henry McLaughlin, March 22, 1888, born Sept. 26, 1863, in Car- mel. Me.; a teacher. He resides in Newburgh.

8 7 6 ii. Sfit. Charles Hollis (Rhoda AdeUe Piper, EUsha , Dan-

1 iel", EUsha*, SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel}), born June 2J, 1S74, in Newburgh, Me.

(I SI.) Susan Emma7 Piper married Samuel Woodman Bridgham.


8 6 305. i. Cora Avis Bridgham (Susan Emma' Pipe?, EUsha ,

3 1 Daniel , EUsha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born May 18,

1867, in Newburgh, Me.; married Harry Joseph Newhall, Sept. 4. iSSS, bom May 17, 1862, in Medford, Mass. He is a gold -beater, and resides in Medford.

8 SOO. ii. Merritt Bridgham (Susan Emma'' Piper, EUsha*,

1 Daniel", EUsha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Jan 6,. 1S69, in Newburgh, Me.; a clerk. He resides in Newburgh.

9 1 SOT- iii- Eddie Lue Bridgham (Susan Emma Piper, EUshnP,

1 Daniel", EUsha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 22, 1S73, in Newburgh, Mc.

(180.) Eliza Ann 7 Piper married Brackett Tobias Lord.


8 7 1 i. SOS. George Lord (Eliza Ann Piper, Daniel' , Daniel',

1 EUsha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 8, 1873, in Par- sonsfield, Me.

7 6 ii. SOO. Eliza Hannah" Lord (Eliza Ann Piper, Daniel ,

Daniel", EUsha*, SamueP, SamueP, NdhanieV), born March 7, 18S4. in Parsonsfield, Me.


(100.) Frederick Augustus7 Piper married Aurora Low.


8 3!<5». i. Ernest Low Piper (Frederick Augustus", Simeon

6 3 2 1 Barker , Daniel , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel' , Nathaniel }, born March 21, 1879, in Monroe, Me.

(1 02.) Simeon Barker Piper married Maria Elizabeth Wheeler.


8 7 i. 811. Warren Llewellyn Piper (Simeon Barker , Simeon

6 3 2 1 Barker , Daniel , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Jan.

18, 1874, in Somerville, N. J. 9 312. ii. WiNFRED Wildes Piper (Simeon Barker", Simeon

4 3 1 Barker*, Daniel , Elisha , Samuel , Samuel?. Nathaniel ), born

Jan. iS, 1878, in Elizabeth, N. J. 5 7 iii- 313. Edwin Francis Piper (Simeon Barker , Simeon

6 3 2 1 Barker , Daniel'', Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 31, 1SS2, in Washington, 1). C. (193.) Helen Augusta7 Piper married Peter Cooper.


8 7 314. i. Ellis Wildes Cooper (Helen Augusta Piper, Simeon

3 2 1 Barker", Daniel , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec.

25, 1S7S, in Elizabeth, N. J. 8 31*5. ii. Herbert Romeyn Cooper (Helen Augusta 7 Piper,

6 1 Simeon Barker , Daniel Elisha*, , SamueP, Samuel-, Nathaniel ), born May 29, 1881, in Elizabeth, N. J. (10*>.) Wyman Brown 7 Piper married Annie Cole Russell.


7 6 1. 310. Maude Lillian" Piper (Wyman Brown , Alpheus Felch ,

Daniel Elisha*', 3 2 1 , Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born June 7, 187S, in Corinna, Me.

3 317. ii. Pearl Piper 7 9 (Wyman Brown , Alpheus Felch , Dan- iel', Eisha*, 2 SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel'), born July 17, 18S2. in Corinna, Me.; died Oct. 14, 1SS2, in Corinna. f: 7 ( ElM>.) Lizzie May Piper married Toseph Granville Patterson.


8 7 35S. i. Josie Evelyn Patterson (Lizzie May Piper, Alpheua 6 3 3 1 1 Fekh , Daniel . Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born May 28, 1S79, in Swanville Me.


7 (200.) Elisha Franklin Piper married, 1st, Edith Snow ; 2d, Sabra Reed.


310. i. Mamie Emma" Piper (Elisha Franklin', John Usher 9 Daniel?, Elisha*, 1 Parsons , SamueP, Samuel,-, Nathaniel ), born Sept. 18, 1S72, in Newburgh, Me.

8 7 ii. Walter Piper (Elisha 320. Franklin' , John Usher Par- 6 Elisha*, 1 sons , Daniel*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Oct. 17, 1S74.. in Newburgh, Me. 8 J? 21. iii. John Henry Piper (Elisha Franklin', John Usher 9 5 4 Parsons , Daniel , Elisha , SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel}'), born

Oct. 20, 1876, in Dixmont,1 Me.

iv. Chester- 7 322. Earl Piper (Elisha Franklin , John Usher

1 '', 1 1 Daniel* , Elisha*, Parsons SamueP, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec. 30, 1880, in Bangor, Me.; died Sept. 21, 1SS1, in Bangor. (221.) Samuel Eullerton 7 Piper married Mary Jane Bragdon.

THEIR children :

8 7 i. 32 >. Carrie Lizzie Piper (Samuel Fullerton , Elisha", Eli-

7 4 1 ', sha Elisha , SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born Sept 28, 1868, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a teacher; graduated at Parsonsfield Free High School.

8 6 ii. 321. Hattie May Piper (Samuel Fullerton', Elisha , Eli-

7 1 sha ', Elisha*, SamueP, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born April 17. 1S72, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a teacher; graduated at Parsonsfield Free High School. (225.) John Wesley 7 Piper married Ellen Adelaide Mansoiv.


8 1 i. Augustus Burbank Piper 325. (John Wesley , Elisha , Eli- sha:', Elisha*, 2 1 S(tmueP, Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born June 4, 1S68, in Parsonsfield, Me.; a clerk. He resides in Boston, Mass.

7 (227. ) Horace Lord Piper married Tryphena Stuart Cove.

their child :

7 9 i. Lord" Piper 326. Josephine (Horace Lord , Horace , Jona-

4 Elish" 1 than', , SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born June ii, 1864, in Biddeford, Me.; married John Hopkins Foster, Dec.-2S, 1S87, son of Alexander Hamilton and Martha (Hopkins') Foster, born Jan. 31, 1862, in Evan-ville, Ind.; graduated at Indiana Univer- sity in 1S82, and at the Law School of Columbian University in


1S84, receiving the degree of LL.B. Me was admitted to the bar

in Evansville, in 1886, where he is. now engaged in the practice of his profession. See their child : No. 351. (228.) Mary Josephine 7 Piper married Oren Hooper.


8 1 32~. i. Frederick Noah Hooper' (Mary Josephine Piper,

5 3 1 Horace''', Jonathan , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel', Nathaniel }, born Oct. 16, 1S65, in Portland, Me.; a merchant; married Hattie Carlton Walden, daughter of Merrill and Mary Amelia (Carlton) Walden, Jan. 25. iSSS, born' March 31, 1868, in Portland, Me. He resides in Portland.*

8 1 328. ii. Mary Josephine Hooper (Mary Josephine Piper,

6 5 2 1 Horace , JonatJian , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 18, 1S67, in Portland, Me.; died Oct. 31, 1S67, in Portland, aged two months and thirteen days.

8 1 32S/. iii. Moses Albert Hooper (3fary Josephine Piper, Hor-

6 5 3 2 ace , Jonathan , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel*), born June

30, 1S69, in Portland, Me.; died April 14, 1S70, in Biddeford, Me., aged nine months and fourteen days.

(220.) Sherman Emery 7 Piper married Minnie Charlotte Black.


7 6 i. 330. George Irving'* Piper (Sherman Emery , Irving , Jon- 5 athan , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel*, Nathaniel^), born Aug. 9, 1879, in Parsonsfield.. Me.

8 7 6 331. ii. Frank Sherman Piper (Sherman Emery , Irving .

5 1 Jonathan , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born July 5, 1SS4, in Parsonsfield, Me. NINTH GENERATION.

(232.) Ida Wallingford s Piper married John Torsleff.

their child :

9 332. i. Lorenzo Francis Torsleff (Ida Wallingford? Piper, 7 6 6 Lorenzo Dow , Benjamin , Benjamin , Elisha*, Samuel?, Samuel",

1 Nathaniel ), born Dec. jo, 1S73, in West Mitchell, Iowa.

*They have one child, Chester Walden, horn May '2'i, 1889, in Port- land, Me.


(233.) MaTy Wallingford8 Piper married Robert Waddell.


9 Piper, 333. i. Loren Burton Waddell {Mary Wallingford? 5 5 Elisha?, Samuel', Samuel*, Lorenzo Don:', Benjamin , Benjamin , 1 Mitchell, Iowa. Nathaniel ), born July 13, 1880, in West (243.) Warren Taylor8 Piper married Elizabeth Marlatt.


9 8 7 Taylor , Perry If. , 334. i. Charles Henry Piper {Warren 6 3 1 born Samuel , Samuel', Nathaniel ), Ezekiel , David?, Elisha*, married Clara Belle Nov. 2, 1867, in Maiden, 111.; a tanner ; Jay, resides in Feb- "j 1886, born Feb. 10, 1868, in Maiden, 111. He Maiden. They have no children. (244.) Charlotte8 Piper married Joseph Johnston.

their children : 7 9 8 Piper, Perry II. . Eze- 335. i- Wilbur Johnston {Charlotte 8 4 1 1 born Sept. Samuel , Nathaniel ), 3. kiel , David?, Elisha , Samuel?, 1872, in Princeton, 111. 7 9 8 Perry II. Eze- 33C». ii. Bertha Johnston {Charlotte Piper, , 2 Nathaniel 1 born Nov. 25, kiel*, Pa r!P, Elislta*, SamueP, Samuel , ), 1S73, in Princeton. 111. (245.) Morgan Hiram 8 Piper married Honora Litchfield.

'1HEIR CHILDREN : 1 9 8 Perry II. 337. i. Harry Clyde Piper {Morgan Hiram , , born Aug. Ezekiel?, David?, Elisha', SamueP, Samuel?, Nathaniel'),

7, 1S78, in Princeton, 111. 9 9 Perry II.', Eze- 338. ii. Vern a Belle Piper {Morgan Hiram , 4 Nathaniel'), born March kiel", David", Elisha , SamueP, SamueP,

3, 1SS0, in Princeton, 111. 1 9 Hiram], Perry II. , Eze- 339. iii- Elmer Roy Piper {Morgan 2 Nathaniel'), born Jan. 21, kief, David?, Elisha', SamueP, Samuel ,

1 88 3. in Vinton, Iowa. 7 9 Perry IP Eze- 340. iv. Pearl May Piper {Morgan Hiram*, , 1 Apr. 22, kieP, David?, Elisha', SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), born iSSS, in Vinton, Iowa. (247.) Mary Lavinia8 Piper married George Monroe Minier.

THEIR CHILDREN : 9 Lavinia8 Pi/>er, Da- 341. i. Theodore Heintz Minier {Mary 1 born vid?, EzekieP, David?, Elisha*, SamueP, SamueP, Nathaniel ), Jan. 15, 187S, in Milo, 111.


1 9 lii'2. ii. George William ' Minier (Mary Laviniu Piper, Da-

7 5 3 2 1 vid , Ezekiel ; David*, ~Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born

Sept. 6, 1879. in Milo, 111.

9 341$. iii. Clarence Buet Minier (Mary Lavinia? Piper, Da-

1 e 6 3 1 vid , Ezekiel , David , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel?, Nathaniel ), born March 14, 1881, in Milo, 111.

iv. 9 1 344. Ira Ezekiel Minier (Mary Lavinio? Piper, David ,

8 3 2 1 Ezckiel , David , Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Dec.

4, 1882, in Milo, 111. (24S.) EzekieP Piper married Mary Elizabeth Harris.


...... >• .. ' j'A<. br.RiUAND in (jJxtJciti' , David', Jbztzicitl , David , i

3 2 1 Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel' , Nathaniel ), born March 7, 1879, in

Hollowayville, 111.

9 8 6 ii. 346. William Piper (Ez-ekiel , David, Ezekiel , David,

3 1 Elisha*, Samuel , Samuel'', Nathaniel ), born Aug. 30, 1880, in Hollowayville, 111.

7 iii. 347. Alva May" Piper (EzekieF, David , Ezekiel", David,

1 3 2 1 ', Elisha Samuel , Samuel , Nathaniel ), born May 5, 1S84, in Hol- lowayville, 111. -2>">5. Viola Ann 9 Piper married William Sidwell Mercer.

i their : children | 348. i. Lewis Hiram Mercer (Viola Ann* Piper, IDram 1 Harding 4 1 , EzekieP, David', Elisha , Samuel?, Samuel", Nathaniel ), born May 30, 1SS1, in Maiden, 111.

9 3If>. ii. Frank Levi Mercer (Viola Ann* Piper, Hiram

7 6 3 1 Harding , Ezekiel , David, Elisha*, Samuel'-, Samuel , Nathaniel ), born Oct. 27, 1SS3, in Maiden, 111. (275.) Florence Amanda3 Piper married Thomas William Griffin.

their child : I 9 350. i. Harry Owen Griffin (Florence Amanda* Piper, Wil-

7 5 3 1 liam Wilkinson , Ezekiel, David Elisha*, , Samuel , Samuel , Na-

' 1 thaniel ), born Jan. 3, 1878, in Selby, 111. (328.) Josephine Lord" Piper married John Hopkins Foster.

THEIR CHILD : 1 9 351. i. Josephine Foster (Josephine Lord? Piper, Harare

1 3 2 1 Lord . Horace*. Jonathan' Elisha*, , Samuel*, Samuel , Nathaniel ), T born N ov. ^o, 1SS8, in Washington, D. C. ~i


COPY OF THE WILL OF NATHANIEL!- 1 PYPER. Mass., Ipswich Records in Essex Registry of Deeds, at Salem, V(From the Book IV, Leaf 52.) Nathaniell Pyper*, of Ipswich, In- the name of God, Amen. I, good and perfect mem- in America, being weake in body, but of hath lent me, ory, blessed be God, doc dispose of that estate God unto Sarah, my loveing wile, my as followeth. Imprimis : I give lands at Hog house and house lott, barne and orchard, and all my elsewhere in Ipswich, Island, with all my marsh both there and with all my household and all my stock of cattle and sheepe, children goods and debts, dureing her widdowhood, and until! my or be marryed. And come to the age of one and twenty yeares, Sarah shall have five pounds then my will is thai mj daughter convenyently also pavd her by her mother soe soone as she can ; pounds at the age of one and twenty I give my son Nathaniell ten also I give unto all my other yeares, or at his day of marriage ; Samuell, and children, Josiah, John, Thomas, Mary, Margarett, to age, or marry Jonathan, five pounds apcece, as they come shall be payd soe will is that none of these legases away ; also my subsistence while she lives * as to hinder my wife her comfortable children shall depart this and also my will is that if any of my that then there portions shall be life before they come to age, that shall sur- equally devyded amongst the rest of my children that she if wife should marry againe vive ; 'also my will is that my of home lott dureing shall' have one halfe of my house and halfe my goods atter household ; her naturall life, and the use of halfe my niell shall have all my her decease my will is that my son Nathi the all' land at Hog Island, with house and home lott ;. and my prised and equally marsh there and elsewhere, all these being every one of them devided amongst all ray children then liveing, portion out ot the ab'ke, only my son Nathaniell to have dubble wife, sole executrix of this same'. 1 'doe make Sarah, my loveing seaventh day ot March, in my last will and testament, dated the and five, 1675. In the yeare of Grace sixteene hundred seaventy hand and seale. wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my


These being wittnesses : Francis Wainwright. James Chute, Senr. some other ~n- but, as s name was formerly spelled Pyper ; m *This Smyth, Smth. to 1 ; as, Pyke, Pike ; .-lish nam. s. the 1/ has been changed ' and Ins children abvajs Kvlton Hilton. He sometimes spelled it Piper, where they signed their names. spelled it so, as found in documents


This will was proved by the oaths of Mr. Francis Wainwright and James Chute to be the last will and testament of Nathaniell Pyper to the best of their knowledge, and they saw him signe and scale the same, and publish it to be his will in court held at Ipswich this 26 of Sept., 1676. clerk. As attest : Robert Lord,



. OF NATHANIELL PYPER. (From the Ipswich Records in Essex Registry of Deeds at Salem, Mass., Book IV, Leaf 52.) An inventory of the goods and chattells of Nathaniell Pyper, late of Ipswich, deceased, the 7th day of Aprill, 1676. £. s. d. Imprimis: The dwelling house, barne and homestead I 20 oo o Land at Hog Island .... 5° oo o oo o 3 acres of marsh & a halfe . 09 18 oo o 2 oxen 9j£, three cowes 9^ TOO 13 sheepe &: lambes .... 04 1 calfe 1 os., three swine 40s. 02 10 o 02 oo o 1 mare & old horse .... IN THE PARLER.

1 i fether bed and furniture . 06

1 trundle bed, coverlett and bolster . 02 10 a cubbard and a chest 02 00

a small chest 3s., & a longtable I 13 00 3 chaires 6s., andirons 7s. . . . L3 earthen ware 4s., 2 small silver cups 15s. 00 x 9 00 a cradle & things in it . M

things in the cubbard 00 1 o a box and a tubb in the clossett 00 01

a cushan & other things . 00 04 a gunn and a cutlass 02 00 an old sithe ..... 00 O I his weareing clothes °5 00

a small spoone 4s., weareing linnen 2>jQ 03 04 18 paires of gloves .... 00 09 IN THE HALL. pewter 2 jQ 10s., brass 3^ 05 ID pots, tramalls, & pothookes 01 OO a warming pan, morter, &: a spit 13s. 00 13 occumy* spoones .... 00 ?

*The word occumy, which is variously written oceamy, ochimy, nek* my. means a mixture of fused metals, forming a compound resemhlin silver, perhaps a kind of German silver. The elements of the com p are not given in the books, The different modes of bpelling are corrup- tions of the word alchemy.


£. S. d.

. • .00180 2 tables 12s., five cbaires 6s. . .

. • . 01 10 o tubbs & woodden ware 30s. , .

. . . 12 o earthen ware 7s., 2 fryeing-pans 55. 00

. ci o a bible and bookes 10s., three wheeles 10s. . 00 o howes & an axe 10s. . . 01 00 3 paires of cards 105., 3 04 04 o 42 lb. of woollen varne o cotten yarne 10s. . 01 10 10 lb. of linnen varne 20s., 5 lb. of brushes, a baskett 6s. o 8 lb. of cotten-wooleSs., 4 sives, 2 00 14 IN THE HALL CHAMBER. 00 15 o 15 lb. of sheepe woole 02 100 a trundle bed and other things 2£ ros 00 10 o flax 6s., onyons 4s. ... o corne and cheese 5s., 3 bushells of pease 12s. . . 00 17 IN THE FARLER CHAMBER. 00" o a fether bed & beding °5 o a chest 4s., apples 10s 00 14 co o hay & corne in the barne 04

. . ooiojd a box iron & brand iron 5s., 5 baggs 5s. .

iS 6 J^265 j Prised by us, James Chute, Xathaniell Rust. Debt? in the booke due about 30^. Debts oweing out of the estate 45^. Husband, j Sarah Pyper, executrix to the last will of her late inventory ot Nathaniell Pvper, upon oath testified this to be a true at Ipswich, the he estate to the best of her knowledge, in court 26th of Sept., 1676. clerk. attest : Robert Lord, As j

STRATHAM SOLDIERS. the First Regiment « A true list* of the Ninth Foot Company in taken the 12th day of in New Hampshire, belonging to Stratham, October, 1767. Officers.—Andrew Wiggin, Esq., Captain; William Pottle, Jr., Lieutenant; Simon Wiggin, Ensign; Ebenezer Barker]", Clerk, Sergeants.—Nathaniel Wiggin, Benja. Barker, Isaac Foss, Na- than Barker. Drummers. —William Burley, Thomas Foss. Corporals.—Daniel Mason, Andrew French, Samuel Piper, Jr. Privates.—Samuel Neal, Joseph Wiggin, F/.ra Barker, John Avery, Thomas Wiggin, 3d, -\very, Jr., Jeremiah Avery, Joshua Hill, Andrew Daniel French, Joseph Hill, Jonathan Jesvett, John 3d, Samuel Lane, Jr., John Crocket, Wiggin, Jr., Andrew Wiggin

in 1676, was about three dollars and sixty-five % The valueof a pound, cents in our present currency. Seepage 84. * See page 84. f


Joseph Merrill, Jr., Benjamin Piper, Sargent Whicher, Joshua Lane, Benja. Thirston. Daniel Jewell, Bickford Kenison, Nicklas Wiggin, Samuel Kenison, Nahum Lary, Elisha Piper, Samuel Pot- tle, Jonathan Wiggin, Jr., Jonathan Crocket, John Ford, Levy Wiggin, Nathan Goss, josia'h Piper, Jr., Joshua Allen, Jonathan French, Matthias French, Stephen Boardman, Jr., Jesse Wiggin, Issacher Wiggin, Wheeler Barley, Roby Maston, Morris Clark, Na- thaniel Wiggin, Jr., Samuel Kenison, Jr., John Piper, Samuel Wig- gin, Jacob Jewett, Josiah Allen, Jude Allen, Jude Allen, Jr.. Moses Clark, Thomas French, William French, Jr., Jonathan Taylor, Richard Wiggin, Jacob Wiggin, Joseph Dennet, Moses Wiggin, Samuel Allen, Jr., Jonathan Piper, Jr., Samuel Wiggin, Jr., Aimer Allen, Joseph Goss, Tufton Wiggin, Jr., Jacob Foss, Jonathan Foss, David Crocket, Mark Wiggin, Elisha French, Chase' Wiggin, Paul Jewett, James Jewett, Samuel Leayitt, Jr., Thomas Piper, Jr., James Clark, Chase Taylor, Jr., Nathan Piper, John Foss. Jonathan Leav- itt, Jr., Jonathan Allen, Joseph Pevey, Ebenr. Eassman."

* I have copied this Company Roll from the one sent me by Cyrus Snell Barker, of Cornish, Me. It was written by Ebenezer Barker, Cleric of the company, one hundred and twenty-two years ago. Such a document may seem foreign to a work on genealogy, but I think it will be interest- ing" to the descendants of Ebenezer Barker, who was the father of the Barkers who first settled in Cornish, and to those of Elisha4 Piper, of

Parsoxisfield, whose first wife, Sarah Barker, was his daughter : and three of the company, Avery, Merrill, and Pottle, probably married his J sisters. It may. perhaps, be of interest also to other families whose an- cestors are enrolled on it. The names are all spelled as I found them on the roll sent me. and as I suppose the soldiers wrote them when they signed the original roll.

\ Ebenezer Barker was a son of Noah Barker, of Stratham, N. II.. who

died there Jan. :J, 1749. Noah had a family of eight CHILDREN : Uuth. Ezra. Benjamin. Nathan. Ebenezer, Ephraim, John, and Noah. Ebene- zer married a daughter of Simeon Rundlet.of Stratham. She died Sept.

14, 1 791, in Stratham, where they resided, aged seventy years. His father gave him a deed, the original now (1889) in the possession of Cyrus W. Barker, of Cornish, Me., of a lot of land in Stratham, containing twenty- four acres, with a dwelling-house, barn, and orchard on the same, the deed being dated March 2f5. 1739. Three of Ebenezer's sons and two of his daughters settled in Maine, and one son and two daughters in New •Hampshire, and died in those States. He lived and died in Stratham, and four of his children besides those mentioned died there. Cyrus Snell Barker, his grandson, says: "'The first Ebenezer Barker did not

settle in Cornish : he only visited there." See his children who settled in Maine arid New Hampshire, pages 1R and 17. Most of the facts here given, some, of which were taken from the records of Stratham, were furnished me bv Ezra Barker of that town, and the remainder bv Cvrus ' Snell Barker.



: j

FIRST GENERATION; * ] 4 1 was born in 1. NATHANIEL PIPER*, ancestor of Asa Piper, Dart- England about 1650, and emigrated to this country from settled in mouth, in Devonshire, probably as early as 1653. He died in 1676, in Ipswich. Ipswich, Mass.; married Sarah ; and

: Nos. She probably died in Wenham, Mass.—See their children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, «>. 1 0, 11, 12. SECOND GENERATION.

(I.) Nathaniel' Piper married Sarah .


2 1 in Ipswich, born about 1656 ; 2. i. Sarah Piper (Nathaniel ), years of age; Mass.; was living in 1675, being under twenty-one died. 2 1 born June 25, 1658, in 3. ii. Nathaniel Piper (Nathaniel ), about 16S9, in Ipswich. Ipswich ; died probably 1 born Nov. 1660, in Ipswich'; A. iii. Mary- Piper (Nathaniel ), 5,

died Feb. 18, 166 1, in Ipswich. 2 1 Dec. 18, 1661, in Ips- 5. iv. Josiah Piper (Nathaniel ), born died. wich; was living in 1675 ; 1 mar- in in Ipswich ; <;. v. John- Piper (Nathaniel ), born 1663. in Wenham, Mass. She died prob- ried Lydia ; died probably ably in Wenham. 2 1 in Ipswich vi. Mary Piper (Nathaniel ) born Dec. 15, 1664, ; 7. j died. was living in 1690 ; born Nov. 26, 1666, in Ips- S. vii. Thomas- Piper (Nathaniel'), Grace Hawley. of Wenham, Nov. 21, 1692; died wich ; married

1 children, see pages ~^For a fullerTccount of Nathaniel Piper and his 13. 11, 12, n N (35)



place. It is perhaps in Stratham, N. H., and his wife in the same not certainly known whether he removed to Stratham or not. Some of his connections think he did. It is certain that his sons, Thom-

3 3 there. as and Nathaniel , settled 8 1 in S>. viii. Margaret Piper (Nathaniel ), born June 16, 1668, Ipswich; married Tristram Greenleaf, Nov. 12, 1689; died. He died.

1 2 '), in Ips- 10. ix. Samuel Piper (Nathaniel born June 12, 1670, i747> Church, April ; died Oct. 31, wich ; married Abigail 23, 1694

in Stratham, N. H. She died in Stratham. 2 1 Ipswich, prob- 11. x. JONATHAN PIPER (Nathaniel ), born in \ Sarah Leach, oi Boxiord, Mass., May ably iu iC"2 ; married, lot,, in Ipswich; 2d, Alice Darby, of 7, 1695, who died May 6. 170c, Beverly, Mass., published Sept. 21, 1700; certificate granted Oct. Mass., to which 9. 170c. He died May n, 1752, in Concord, April 175S, place he removed from Ipswich in 1 7 31 - She died 23,

in Concord. See their children : Nos. I J?, 1-4, 15. 1G, 17, IS, 10, 20, '21. 2 1 died 12. xi. William Piper (Nathaniel ), horn in Ipswich; June iS, 1674. in Ipswich. THIRD GENERATION. (11.) Jonathan 5 Piper married, 1st, Sarah Leach; 2d, Alice Darby.

their children :

3 13. i. Samuel Piper (Jonathan? Nathaniel*), born in Ipswich, Mass., probably in 1700, a short time before the death of his moth-

er Sarah; died March 7, 171S, in Wenham, Mass. 3 1 1 born in Ips- 14. ii. Jonathan Piper (Jonathan , Nathaniel ), of Ipswich, wich, probably about 1702 ; married Abigail Bachelder, June 10, 1724, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Bachelder, born June 15, 1703. He removed to Concord. Mass., with his lather in 1731-

Both were living Oct. 9, 1772. They probably died in Concord. 3 1 £5. iii. Nathaniel Piper (Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born in Ips- wich; baptized March 17, 1706, in Wenham*; married Susanna

-, and settled in Concord. He died Aug. 2. 175S, in Concord. She died after his decease, probably in Concord.

* His father lived in Ipswich till 17oi. butattended church in Wenham, his children because it was nearer than the church in Ipswich ; therefore were baptized in Wenham.


3 1 1C>. iv. JOSIAH PIPER (Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born in Ips- wich: baptized Oct. 17, 170S, in Wenham ; married Sarah . After his marriage he lived a short time in Concord, and then settled in Acton, Mass. Both probably died in Acton. See their chil- dren: Xos. 22. 2)5. 2-1, 5>>, 26, 27. 28. IT. v. John 3 Piper (Jonathan*, Nathaniel 1 born in Ipswich ), ; married Ruth , of Concord, before Jan. 22, 1747. Thev were living in Bolton, Mass., April 26, 1758, and probably died there. 18. vi. Alice 3 Piper (Jonathan-, Nathaniel 1 born in Ipswich ), ; married Archelaus Adams, of Newbury, Mass., in 1726 ; died be- fore Feb. 15, 1749. He died.

3 2 1 vii. Sarah Piper (Jonathan , Nathaniel born in Ipswich li). ), ; married David Pierce, of Lexington, Mass., May 9, 1734. Both were living April 26, 1758, in Harvard, Mass. They died. 2$). viii. Mary3 Piper (Jonathan-, Nathaniel1 born in Ipswich ), ; married Joseph Gould, of Nottingham West (now Hudson), N. H., June 19, 1746; died. He died.

3 3 1 21. ix. Joseph Piper (Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich in Esther Wright, daughter of Henry Wright, of 171S ; married

Westford, Mass., Nov. i

3 (1G.) Josiah Piper married Sarah .

their children :

4 3 1 i. 22. Sarah Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born Aug. 15, 1736, in Concord, Mass.; died.

4 3 1 ii. 2J>. Mary Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born July 26, 1739. in Acton, Mass.; died.

4 3 1 iii. 24. Josiah Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born

March 2, 1743, in Acton ; married Sarah ; died. She died. They resided in Stow. Mass.

4 3 1 25, iv. Abigail Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 14, 1746, in Acton; died Oct. 31, 1753, in Acton.

v. 4 3 1 2J». Samuel Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born

Aug. 8, 1749, in Acton ; married Olive Adams, of Acton, June 29,

1772 ; died. She died.

4 3 1 27. vi. Elizabeth Piper (Josiah , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born

May 8, 1752, in Acton ; died.


1 4 3 2 Nathaniel born 2S. vii. ASA PIPER (Josiaft , Jonathan , ),

Congregational clergyman ; married, March 7, 1757,* in Acton ; a in died Jan. 1st, Mary Cutts, born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1766 ; 4, 1S02, in Wakefield, X. H.; 2d, Sarah Little, born in Kennebunk, 1S27, in Wakefield. He graduated Me., in 1765 ; died Oct. 15, was ordained at Harvard College in 177S, studied divinity, and pastor of the Congregational Church in Wakefield, X. H., Sept. 22, until 17S5. He continued in that office tor nearly fifty years, or only the last seven years of that his death, having had a colleague s piety. time. He was a man of much force of character and deep His judgment was sound', and his opinions 011 the great questions

1- by the members ot his of h;-; da correct, lie was much beloved church and society, and by his townsmen generally. Rev. Albert H. Thompson, in his Address on the "One Hundreth Anniversary Fust of the Organization of hirst Church, and Ordination of the was Settled Town Minister of Wakefield. X. H.," says of him : "He of staunch English stock, a good scholar, and a priest of the Most stands at High God. He was the first pastor of this church, and the head of the line in time and talent." He was about six feet in height and of fine physical development. He died May 17, TS35,

in Wakefield.—See their children : Nos. 2s>, SO, SI, 82,33. FIFTH GENERATION. (28.) Asa4 Piper married, 1st Mary Cutts; 2d, Sarah Little.

THEIR CHILDREN : 3 4 JosiaJt3 .Jonathan-, 2!>. i. Elizabeth Gerrish Piper (Asa , ,

1 Wakefield, X. H.; married Porter Nathaniel ), born Sept., 17S9, in in 1S81, in Boston, Mas.-,., K. Wiggin, Jan. 21, 1814 ; died May, where they resided. He died. 3 Josiah3 Jonathan*, Na- 3®. ii. EDWARD CUTTS PIPER (Asa*, ,

1 farmer and deacon ot in Wakefield ; a thaniel ), born Dec. 30,1791, the Congregational Church of Wakefield for nearly half a century. He entered Harvard College in Sept., 1809, one year in advance, junior year, and dissolved his connection with it at the end of his his inten- on account of ill health, which obliged him to abandon busi- tion of pursuing a professional life of study, and to adopt a

*The time of his birth, as given by liimself when lie entered Harvard above, which is College, is March 17, 1757. The date March 7, given Style, and takerTfrom the town records of Actou, Mass.. is probably Old he added ten days for New Style, making it March 17, 1757.

ASA* PIPER. —VI GENERATION. 89 ness which required labor in the open air. Rev. Albert H. Thomp- quotation in re- son in his Anniversary Address, makes the following deacon, permitted for more gard to him : "He was the good old than half a century to embellish, in his ancestral home, a hard-work- gentleman. had ing fanner's life with the culture of a Christian He an apostolic beauty of character, and led a blameless life." He married Sarah Swasey (maiden name Sarah Jones), May iS, 1S2S, born March iS, 1790, in Portsmouth, N. H.; died Jan. 13, 1866, in Wakefield. in Wakefield. He died Feb. 27, 1S81, at his home

—See their children : Nos. 3 ?r. S-?, 3<>. 3 3 Jonathan-, Nathan- 31. hi. Asa Leonard Piper (Asa*, Josiah , in 1 Wakefield; a farmer; died Nov. 2, 1S44, id ), born in 1798, in Wakefield, where he resided. 1 5 3 Jonathan", Nathaniel 32. iv. Marianne Piper (Asa*. Josiah , ), bollard, Sept., born in iSor, in Wakefield; married 1st, Jonathan She died in 1S21 ;' died; 2d, Peter Home, Jan. iS, 1S24; died. 18S5, in Maiden, Mass., where she resided. 9 3 3 Jonathan Nathan- 33. v. Sarah Little Piper (Asa*, Josiah , , married Lewis Dearborn, Nov. iel'), born in 1S03. in Wakefield; at Great Falls, N. H., where they 17. 1823; died Nov. 19, 1S31, resided. He died. SIXTH GENERATION. (SO.) Edward Cutts5 Piper married Sarah Swasey.

their children :

3 6 4 Jonathan'-, Cutts'', Asa , Josiah , 31. i. Adeline Piper (Edward 1 8," in Wakefield, N. FL; died Dec. Nathaniel ), born April 1829,

15, 1831, in Wakefield. 3 6 1 Asa*, Josiah , Piper (Edward Cutts , 35. ii. Edward Cuits 2 1 born July 23, 1S30, in Wakefield; a ma- Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born in 1S30, in chinist; married Henrietta Cox, Aug. 16, 1852, 1S62, in Searsmont, Me.; died Aug. 19, 1865. He died Nov. 22, Wakefield. He resided in Boston, Mass. 6 PIPER (Edward Cutis', Asa*,Jo- 3C>. ii i - GEORGE FRANCIS 1 in Wakefield; a 3 Nathaniel ), born Sept. 6, 1833, s-iah , Jonathan; born Sept. 21, farmer; married Mary Jennes>, June 13, i860., valuable assistance in 1842, in Wakefield. He has rendered me He resides in collecting genealogies fur this book. See page 9. Rev. Asa 4 Piper, Wakefield, "on the homestead of his grandfather, Lovewell's Pond, a beautiful sheet which is pleasantly located near

yo ASA 4 PIPER. VII GENERATION, DOCUMENT. of water, made memorable- by Capt. John Lovewell and his brave men, who killed ten hostile Indians there at one time, in 17^5.

See their children : Nos. 8>T, SS. SEVENTH GENERATION. (SO.) George Francis6 Piper married Mary Jenness.


7 b 8,7* i. Ada Frances Piper (George Francis*, Edward Cutts , 3 born 1S67, in Asa*, Josiah , Jonathan'-, Nathaniel), March 27, Wakefield, X. H.; a teacher. She resides in Wakefield.

7 8 38. ii. Idella May Piper (George Francis , Ed'.card Cutts', 4 3 Nathaniel 1 born May 1870, in Asa , Josiah , Jonathan", ), 24,

Wakeheld ; a teacher. She resides in Wakefield.

GENEALOGICAL RECORD. A genealogical record of the ancestors, and brothers and sisters of Rev. Asa 4 Piper, of Wakefield, N. H., written by himself in 1S33, two years before his death. "The great-grandfather emigrated from England during the Revo- tion in the days of Charles the First. Which side he espoused in the controversy, whether for the King or the Commonwealth, is now un- known.* He came from Dartmouth, in thesouth-west of England, and settled in Ipswich, Mass. * * * He had three or four sons. he removed My grandfather, 1 believe, bore the name of Jonathan ; to Concord. His brothers' names were Nathaniel, Samuel, and

Thomas, if I am not mistaken. Two of these went to Stratham ; the other, I believe, died young. I think there was one daughter, if not more. She married a Greenlief. My grandfather had the

following children : Jonathan, Nathaniel, John, Josiah, and Joseph ; a and two daughters, one of whom married a Pierce ; the other Gould. Josiah, my father, settled early in Actoo, Mass., and left three sons and three daughters; another daughter died at an early age. Joseph also settled in Acton, and had a large family. These spread in various directions, mostly in New Hampshire. My old- sister est brother was named Josiah, the other Samuel ; my oldest Sarah, the next Mary, the youngest Elizabeth, all older than my- self, "t * He undoubtedly espoused the side of the Commonwealth. All his descendants in this country, of whom I have had any knowledge, have be


FJRST GENERATION. ] 5 1 was 1. NATHANIEL PIPER*, ancestor of Solomon Piper, from born in England about 1630, and emigrated to this country Dartmouth, in Devonshire, probably as early as 1653. He settled in died in in Ipswich. Ipswich, Mass.; married Sarah ; and 1676,

their children : Nos. She probably died in Wenham, Mass.—See j S>, IO, II, IS. 2 5 .% 4, 5, 6 9 7 S 8 5


1 (I.) Nathaniel Piper married Sarah .

THEIR CHILDREN : 8 1 about in Ipswich, g. i. Sarah Piper (Nathaniel ), born 1656 age; Mass.; was living in 1675, being under twenty-one years of died. 3 1 born June 165S, in S. ii. Nathaniel Filer (Nathaniel ), 25, j

in Ipswich. i Ipswich ; died probably about 1689,

2 1 Ipswich in ; 4. iii. Mary Piper (Nathaniel ), born Nov. 5, 1660, died Feb. iS, 1661, in Ipswich. 2 1 in Ips- 5. iv. Josiah Piper (Nathaniel ), born Dec. 18, 1661,

wich; was living in 1675 ; died. 2 1 mar- in Ipswich ; G. v. John Piper (Nathaniel ), born in 1663. Mass. She died prob- ried Lydia ; died probably in Wenham, ably in Wenham. 2 1 Ipswich 7. vi. Mary Piper (Nathaniel ) born Dec. 15, 1664, in ;

was living in 1690 ; died. 2 1 1666, in 8. vii. Thomas Piper (Nathaniel ), born Nov. 26, died Nov. 21, 1692 ; Ipswich; married Grace Hawley, of Wenham, |

1 see pages * For a fuller account of Nathaniel Piper and his children,

• 11.. 12, 13. ] (90


perhaps in Stratham, N. H., and his wife in the same place. It is not certainly known whether he removed to Stratham or not. Some

of his connections think he did. It is certain that his sons, Thom-

3 3 as and Nathaniel , settled there. 2 9. viii. Margaret Piper (Nathaniel}), born June 16, 166S, in

Ipswich; married Tristram Greenleaf, Nov. 12, 16S9 ; died. He died.

2 1 10. ix. Samuel Piper (Nathaniel ), born- June 12, 1670, in Ips- wich married Abigail Church, April ; 23, 1694 ; died Oct. 31, 1747, in Stratham, N. H. She died in Stratham.

2 1 11. x. JONATHAN' PIPER (Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich, prob-

ably in 1672 ; married, 1st, Sarah Leach, of Boxford, Mass., May

7, 1095, who died May 6, 1700, in Ipswich; 2d, Alice Darby, of Beverly, Mass., published Sept. 21, 1700; certificate granted Oct. 9. 1700. He died May 11, 1752, in Concord, Mass., to which place he removed from Ipswich in 1731. She died April 23, 1 7 ^S,

in Concord. See their children : Nos. 13, 14, !,">, JG, 17, IS, IS-, SO, 21.

2 1 12. xi. William Piper (Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich; died June 18, 1674, in Ipswich. THIRD GENERATION. 5 (II.) Jonathan Piper married, 1st, Sarah Leach ; 2d, Alice Darby.

their children :

3 2 1 IS. i. Samuel Piper (Jonathan Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich, Mass., probably in 1700, a short time before the death of his moth- er Sarah; died March 7, 171S, in Wenham, Mass.

3 1-1. ii. Jonathan Piper 1 1 (Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born in Ips- wich, probably about 1702 ; married Abigail Bachelder, of Ipswich, June 10, 1724, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Bachelder, born June 15, 1703. He removed to Concord, Mass., with his father in 1731. He and his wife were living Oct. 9, 1772. They probably died in Concord.

3 iii. Nathaniel Piper' 2 1 15. (Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born in Ips- wich; baptized March 17, 1706, in Wenham*; married Susanna

. and settled in , Concord. He died Aug. 2, 175S, in Concord. She died after his decease, probably in Concord.

*His father lived iu Ipswich till 17:31. but attended church ia Wenham, because it was nearer than the church in Ipswich ; therefore his children were baptized in Wenham.



3 1 1 is'. IG. Josiah Piper (Jonathan' , Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich

. baptized Oct. 17, 170S, in Wen ham ; married Sarah After his marriage he lived a short time in Concord, and then settled in Acton, Mass. Both probably died in Acton.

3 1 17. v. John Piper (Jonathan", Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich; married Ruth , of Concord, before Jan. 22. 1747. They were living in Bolton, Mass., April 26, 175S, and probably died there.

vi. Alice3 Piper (Jonathan-, 1 IS. Nathaniel ), born. in Ipswich ; married Archelaus Adams, of Newbury, Mass., in 1726 ; died be- fore Feb. 15, 1749. He died.

vii. 3 11 1 in JL9. Sarah Piper (Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born Ipswich ; majrie-.l D id Pierce, of Lexington, Mass., May 9, 1734. Both were living April 26, 1 7 5 S , in Harvard, Mass. They died.

3 1 viii. Mary Piper (Jonathan-, Nathaniel '), born in Ipswich 20. ; married Joseph Gould, of Nottingham West (now Hudson), N. H.,

June 19, 1746 ; died. He died.

3 1 11 ix. JOSEPH' PIPER (Jonathan-, Nathaniel ), born in 171S

in Ipswich ; married Esther Wright, daughter of Henry Wright, of

Westford, Mass., Nov. iS, 1743; died in Acton, Mass., Dec. 19, 1S02, to which place he removed from Concord in 1762, aged S5 years. She died April 7, 1S0S, in the same place, aged S5 years.

See their children : Nos. 22, 23, 21, 25, 2<>, 27, 2S, 29, .?0, 81, 32, 33. FOURTH GENERATION. (21.) Joseph 3 Piper married Esther Wright.

their children :

4 2 1 i. 22. Joseph Piper (Joseph , Jonathan-, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 18, 1744. in Concord, Mass.; married Elizabeth Hayward, of Ac- ton, Mass. Both were living in Sharon, N. H., Feb. 14, 1S07. They died.

1 3 1 23. ii. Philip' Piper (Joseph , Jonathan", Nathaniel ), born July

6, 1746. in Concord ; married Ann Gill, of Acton, Aug. 7, 177c ; died Oct., 1776, in Acton. She died.

4 1 1 2 1. iii. Esther Piper (Joseph , Jonathan'-, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 20, 1748, in Concord; married, in Hollis, N. H., Jonas Brooks, of Acton, Aug. 31, 1774; died in Acton. He died.

4 3 1 25. iv. Sibyl Piper (Joseph , Jonathan", Nathaniel ), born Feb. 20, 1750, in Concord; married Francis Cragin, March 30, 1773; died May 16, 1809, in New Ipswich, N, H. He died Aug. zS, 1S26, in New Ipswich.

— 3 I 94 SOLOMON 5 RIPE?,. — IV GENERATION. 1 4 1 1 2<>. v. Jonathan Piper (Joseph*, Jonathan , Nathaniel )] born

May 27, 1752, in Concord; married, 1st, Elizabeth Gibson, of \

in •, Stow, Mass., Jan. 15, 1778 ; died 1797 ; 2d, Martha who survived him. He died July, 1S07, in Ashby, Mass. She died.

4 5 1 27. vi. SOLOMON PIPER (Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ),

born Oct. 20, r7=;4, in Concord ; a farmer ; married Susanna Pratt, daughter of Rums Pratt, Sept. 28, 17S8, born Nov. 3, 176S, in

Greenwich, Mass. He was a man of great integrity ; served in the

War of the Revolution ; was one oi' the party that went from Ac-

ton, where he then lived, to meet the British at Concord Bridge ; marched to Saratoga, N. Y., and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne at that place. He was also with General Sullivan in R.hode' Island. -In polities he was a true Whig of the Federal stamp." In person he was a little above the medium height, of active temperament, with light complexion and blue eves. In 1785, soon after the close of the war, he settled in Temple, N. H., but subsequently, in 1794, removed to Dublin, N. H., where he died Dec. 20, 1827. She died June 27, 1S44. See their chil- dren : Nos. 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, 3S>, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45.

4 2 1 1 28. vii. Rachel Piper (Joseph , Jonathan , Nathaniel ), horn

Dec. 3, 1756, in Concord; married, 1st, John Barker, in 1774; died ; 2d, Daniel Barker, in 1792 ; died. She died Apr. 14, 1S3S, in Waterford, Me.

4 5 1 1 2?;. viii. Alice Piper (Joseph , Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born in Feb. 13, 1759, Concord ; married Reuben Law, of Sharon, N. H.j in 1778. Both were living in Sharon Feb. 14, 1S07. They died.

4 2 1 30. ix. Mary Piper (Joseph , Jonathan-, Nathaniel ), born

Dec. iS, 1763, in Concord ; married Amasa Piper*, July 23, 17S2. He died Dec. 13, 1828, in Hancock, Yt. She died July 27, 1839, in Hancock.

4 5 2 1 31. x. Thomas Piper (Josepih , Jonathan' , Nathaniel ), born June 12, 1765, in Acton; married, rst, Judith Powers, of Acton,

May 11, 17S6 ; died ; 2d, Sarah Ward, of Ashburnham, Mass., before

180S ; died. They resided in Weston, Yt., where their youngest child was born June 9, 1S13. He died.

* Amasa Piper is of the 5th generation. His line of descent is as fol-

5 4 3 3 2 lows : Amasa . Jonathan , Jonathan (brother of Joseph Jonathan ), ,

1 Nathaniel .


4 3 1 J£'2. xi. Silas Piper (Joseph , Jonathan?, Nathaniel "), born April in 25, 1767, Acton ; married Mehitable Barker, of Acton. June 7,

1 791 ; died in 183s, in Acton, on the homestead left him by his father. He was a man of great liberality and much force of char- acter. She died in March, 1S74, at the age of one hundred and three years. She was a remarkable woman, not only on account of her great age, but also for other qualities. Solomon 5 Piper, in his

book of genealogy, says of her : " Mehitable Barker descended from an ancient family in the town of Acton. Her comely form and benignant countenance, the faithful index of cheerfulness and con- tentment within, are the delight of all around her."

4 1 1 SS. xii. Sucmit Piper (Joseph?, Jonathan" , Nathaniel ), born

July 1, 17 71, in Acton ; died July 10, 1771. FIFTH GENERATION.

(ST.) Solomon 4 Piper married Susanna Pratt.


5 3 1 34. i. SOLOMON PIPER (Salomon*, Joseph , Jonathan , Nathan-

1 iel ,) born July 19, 17S9, in Temple, N. H.; married, 1st, Jeiusha Hollis, Nov. 11, 1817, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Owen) Hol- lis, burn April, 17S0, in Boston, Mass., being older than her husband; died Aug. 20, 1S51, in Boston; 2d, Mary Elizabeth

Taggard, Nov. 4, 1852, daughter of William and Mary Trow (Welch) Taggard, born July 22, 1S15, in Boston. She died April 19, 1S8S, in Cambridge, Mass. He was a merchant in Boston for

more than fifty-five years ; a member of both branches of the City

Council ; representative in the General Court ; and for twenty- three years President of the Freeman's Bank. He received a pres- ent of a service of plate from the Directors, " as a testimony of their confidence and respect." He was successful in business, and ac- cumulated a large property. He died Oct. 15, 1866, in Boston. Portraits of him may be seen in the Histories of Temple and Dub- lin, N. H. See their children : Nos. -16. 47, 4S, 4S>.

5 3 2 1 !$»"». ii. n*, Rufus Piper (Solorno Joseph , Jonathan' , Nathaniel ),

9 , in born Feb. 14, 1 7 1 Temple ; a colonel ; married Anna Cowing, of Dublin, N. H., daughter of James Cowing, March 20, 1817.

He died March 4, 1874, in Dublin. She died April 24, 1S85, in

Dublin. There is a portrait of him in the " History of Dublin, N. H.," and also one of his brother Cyrus.



5 ii&. ill. Cyrus Piper {Solomon?, 1 Joseph?, Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born Dec. 30, 1792, in Temple; married Catherine Greenwood, of Dublin, daughter of Joshua Greenwood, 2d, Feb. 2, 18 15 ; died

July, 1 S 7 7 , in Keene, X. H. He died Jan. 29, 1S77, in Keene.

i$7. iv. Brooks3 Piper 4 3 Jonas (Solomon , Joseph , Jonathan*, Na-

1 thaniel ), born Dec. 4, 1794, in Dublin, X. H.; married Julia

Greenwood, daughter of Moses Greenwood, of Dublin, Feb. 10,

1S1S; died Jan. 20, 1S2S, in Dublin. She died May 4, 1S84, in Dublin.

5 3 2 1 v. Piper , 38. John (Solomon*, Joseph Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born Feb. 17, 1797, in Dublin; married Prudence Greenwood, daughter of Joshua Greenwood, 1st, May it, 1.S19, born in Dec,

1799. He died Jan. 3, 1SS4, in Dublin. She died Aug. 25, 1SS9, in Deerfield, Mass., aged 90 years, wanting about four months.

5 4 3 3D. vi. Susanna Piper (Solomon , Joseph . Jonathan*, Nathan-

1 iel ), born April 1, 1799, in Dublin ; died Jan. 5, iSoo, in Dublin.

5 4 3 40. vii. Susanna Piper (Solomon , Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathan-

1 iel ), born E)ec. 28, 1S00, in Dublin ; married Ira Gibbs, of Boston,

Mass., Jan. 20, 1820. She died March 7, 1S21, in Boston.

5 3 42. viii. Artemas Piper (Solomon*, Joseph , Jonathan-, Nathan- March rS, 1S03, in iel}), born Dublin ; married Maria Mason, of Dublin, daughter of Benjamin Mason, Sept. 21, 1S24; died Jan. 24, 1S28, in Dublin. She died Jan. 26, 1SS0, in Marlborough, X. II

5 4 ix. Viper 2 1 42. James (Solomon , Joseph*, Jonathan , Nathaniel ),

born April 1, 1S05, in Dublin ; died Oct. 10, 1S06, in Dublin.

5 4 3 4.11. x. Emily Piper (Solomon 1 , Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born March 26, 1S07, in Dublin ; married Ira Gibbs, of Boston,

March 16, 1824, as his second wife. She died Aug. 13, 1S25, in Boston. Fie died in Boston.

xi. 5 4 3 44. HANNAH Piper (Solomon , Joseph , Jonathan"-, Nathan-

1 iel ), born Sept. 17, 1S09, in Dublin ; married Jackson Greenwood, of Dublin, as his second wife, July 9, 1846. He died Feb. 11,

1S72, in Dublin. She died Oct. t,o, 1S7S, in Dublin.

5 4 3 45. xii. Elvira Piper (Solomon , Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathan- iel 1 ), born Feb. 29, 1812. in Dublin ; married William Farnsworth, of Dublin, Nov. 26, 1S29. He died Nov. 14, 1851, in Dublin; she died June zt,, 1889, in Dublin.



5 (34.) Solomon Piper married, 1st, Jerusha Mollis ; 2d, Mary Elizabeth .laggard.


6 40. i. Susan Esther Piper {Solomon*, Solomon*, Joseph*, Jon-

1 athan-, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 21, 1819, in Boston, Mass.; died Aug. iS, 1S20, in Boston.

6 5 3 ii. 47. Sarah Mollis Piper {Solomon , Solomon*, Joseph , Jon-

1 athan-, Nathaniel ), born Feb. 16, 1821, in Boston ; married Charles

Edwin Stratton, of Boston, Dec. 23, 1841. Mc died Dec. 4, 1872,

in Boston. She is now living in Boston.

8 5 3 4.8. hi. S.uiAN Esther Piper (Solomon , Solomon*, Joseph Jon-

1 '), athan", Nathaniel born July 22, 1823, in Boston ; married Bar- tholomew Welch Taggard, of Boston, Oct. 22, 1856. They now live in Boston.

6 5 4i>. iv. WILLIAM TAGGARD PIPER (Solomon , Solomon*,

3 1 Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born Aug. 9, 1853, in Boston; graduated at Harvard College in 1S74; Ph. D. of Harvard in

1S83 ; married Anne Palfrey Bridge, July 10, 1S79, daughter of William Frederick and Elizabeth Guild (Crosby) Bridge, born in

Lexington, Mass., Dec. 19, 1854. He has rendered me valuable assistance in collecting genealogies for this book. Seepage 8. He

resides in Cambridge, Mass. See their children : Nos. «50, 51, 52. SEVENTH GENERATION.

(41).) William Taggard 6 Piper married Anne Palfrey Bridge.

their children :

7 9 50. i. William Bridge Piper (William Taggard , Solomon*,

3 1 Solomon*, Joseph , Jonathan*, Nathaniel ), born Nov. 21, 1S80, in Cambridge, Mass.

7 6 5 ii. Elizabeth Bridge Piper William , Solomon 51. ( Taggard , 4 9 1 Solomon , Joseph?, Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born Sept. 19, 1SS3, in Cambridge.

7 1 52. iii. Anne Taggard Piper (William Taggard*, Solomon ',

3 2 1 Solomon*, Joseph , Jonathan , Nathaniel ), born Sept. 26, 1887, in Cambridge.



FIRST GENERATION. 1. NATHANIEL 1 PIPER*, ancestor of Stephen 5 Piper, was born in England about 1630, and emigrated to this country from Dartmouth, in Devonshire, nrobablyasearlyas 1653. He settled in

Ipswich, Mass.; married Sarah ; and died in 1676, in Ipswich.

She probably died in Wenham, Mass. See their children : Ncs.

2, 3, 4, 5, G s 7, 8, & 9 10, 11, 12. SECOND GENERATION.

1 (1.) Nathaniel Piper married Sarah .


2 1 2. i. Sarah Piper (Nathaniel ), born about 1656 in Ipswich, Mass.; was living in 1675, being under twenty-one years of age; died.

5 1 3. ii. Nathaniel Piper (Nathaniel ), born June 25, 1658, in

Ipswich ; died probably about 16S9, in Ipswich.

3 1 4. iii. Mary Piper (Nathaniel ), born Nov. 5, 1660, in Ipswich ; died Feb. iS, 166 1, in Ipswich.

2 1 5. iv. Josiah Piper (Nathaniel ), born Dec. iS, 1661, in Ips-

wich was living in ; died. ; 1675 .

5 1 <>. v. John Piper (Nathaniel ), born in 1663. in Ipswich; mar- ried Lydia ; died probably in Wenham, Mass. She died prob- ably in Wenham.

8 1 7. vi. Mary Piper (Nathaniel ) born Dec. in Ipswich 15, 1664, ;

was living in. 1690 ; died.

2 1 8. vii. THOMAS PIPER (Nathaniel ), born Nov. 26. 1666, in

Ipswich ; married Grace Hawley, of Wenham, Nov. 21, 1692 ; died perhaps in Stratham, N. H., and his wife in the same place. It is

* For a fuller account of Nathaniel 1 Piper and his children, see pages 11. 12. 13. (98)

— —

6 STEPHEN PIPER. III GENERATION. 99 not certainly known whether he removed to Stratham or not. Some of his connections think he did. It is certain that his sons, Thom- 3 their children; Nos. IS, as* and Nathaniel , settled there. See 14, 15. 1 166S, in IK viii. Margaret* Piper (Nathaniel ), born June 16, died. Ipswich; married Tristram Greenleaf, Nov. 12, 1689 ; He died. 8 10. ix. Samuel Piper (NathanieP), born June 12, 1670, in Ips- died Oct. wich : married Abigail Church, April 23, 1694 ; 31, 1747, in Stratham, N. H. She died in Stratham. 2 1 Ipswich, 11. x. Jonathan Piper (Nathaniel ), born in prob- ably in ioy/, married, 1st, Sarah Leach, of Boxford, Mass., May 2d, Alice Darby, of 7, 1695, who died May 6, 1700, in Ipswich ;

Beverly, Mass., published Sept. 2.1, 1700; certificate granted Oct. Mass., to which 9, 1700. He died May 11, 1752, in Concord, place he removed from Ipswich in 1731. She died April 23, 175S, in Concord. 5 1 died 12. xi. William Piper (Nathaniel ), born in Ipswich; June 18, 1674, in Ipswich. THIRD GENERATION. (8.) Thomas- Piper married Grace Hawley.

their children : T IS. i. THOMAS' PIPER (Thomas', iV athonieV), born Nov. 17, 1697, inWenham, Mass.; removed to Stratham, N. II.; was select- died Oct. 21, man and auditor ; married Tabitha Rollins; 1767, in Stratham, N. H., where he resided. She died in Stratham.

See their child* : No. 1G. 3 1 1 born 22, 14. ii. Nathaniel Piper (Thomas' , Nathaniel ), Jan. H.; was surveyor of 1 701, in Wenham ; removed to Stratham, N. highways,' constable, and selectman. He married and had chil-

dren, but I do not know his wife's name nor the names of his 3 children. He went to Stratham probably with his brother Thomas ,

Since my manuscript was prepared for the press, William T. 8 Piper has ascertained from the Probate records of Rockingham County, N. H., now at Exeter, that Thomas3 Piper had several children, all of whom ex- cept the first are mentioned in his will, dated May 9, 1707, and proved Oct. 28, 1767. They are as follows: 1. Tabitha*, born June 5, 1729. 2. 4 4 Abigail Wiggin. 3. Thomas . Stephen , born May 14, 1733; married Church 4 4 4 Wiggin. 6. Phebe ; married 4. Jonathan . 5. Patience ; married 4 4 Young born Hill. 8. Henry , Joseph Page. 7. Abigail ; married after 1746. They wire all born in Stratham, N. H.


of his and died there Nov. 26, 1778. A letter of administration estate was granted Jan. 12, 1779. 3 2 Nathaniel*), born Feb. 25, 15. iii. Patience Piper (Thorn as , died. 1703, in Ipswich ; FOURTH GENERATION. (13.) Thomas3 Piper married Tabitha Rollins.


3 1 4 Thomas*, Nathaniel ), father 16. i. STEPHEN" PIPER (Thomas ,

5 Strat- of Stephen Piper, of New-field, Me., born May 14, 1733, in Stratham, ham, N. H.; deacon of the Congregational Church of is said to be the aRr! representative in the State Legislature. He Abigail ancestor cf the Pipers in Sanbornton, N. H. He married 3 (Piper; Church4 Wiggin, daughter of Captain Thomas and Sarah in Stratham. He died Wiggin, June 20., 1754, born Aug. 28, 1737, She died in Strat- April 20, 1797, in Stratham, where he resided. ham.—See their CHILDREN': Nos. IV, 18, 19, 2©, SI, 22, S3, 2-1, 25, 2G, 2V, 28, FIFTH GENERATION.

4 Church Wiggin. (16.) Stephen Piper married Abigail


3 3 Nathaniel*), Thomas , Thomas*, IV. i- Mary Piper (Stephen*.

r larried Andrew Jewetc born Jan. 20, 1756, in Stratham, N. H.; ; died. He died. 5 4 3 Nathan- Thomas , Thomas", 18. ii- Patience Piper (Stephen , Puzzell 1 in Stratham; married Noah ; iel ), born Feb. 26, 175S, died. He died. 5 3 Thomas", Na- 1<>. iii. STEPHEN PIPER (Stephen*, Thomas ,

1 settled in in Stratham; a farmer ; thaniel ), born June 23, 1760, Feb. Newfield, Me., in 1784; married, 1st, Mary Avers, born 3, Newfield; 1760, probably in Stratham; died Aug. 15, 1S00, in died in Newfield 3d, Widow 2d, Widow Fogg, of Limerick, Me.; ; Mary Martin, ofBrookfield,N.H., born in Oct., 1770; died Sept. 21, After the death 1S46, in Brookfield, aged 75 years and n months there April of his second wife he removed to brookfield, and died wife, the last 26, 1826.* The first seven children were by his first Brookfield, N. H.. where *This is the date given on his grave-stone in in the town records of Newfield. he resided when he died ; that recorded of Me., where he previously resided, is April 28, 1826. I have no means knowing which is the correct one.

— :


two by the second, and-none by the third, See their children : - Nos. 29, SO, SI, 32, 33, 31, S3, 8<3, 37.

5 20. iv. Abigail Piper (Stephen*, Thomas', Thomas?, Nathan- \

1 iel ), born April 23, 1762, in Stratham ; married Simeon Cate ; died, i He died.

5 3 21. v. Nathaniel Piper (Stephen.*, Thomas , Thomas', Nathan- }

1 iel ), born April 16, 1764, in Stratham ; resided in Sanbornton, and died there.

5 3 9 1 22. vi. Sarah Piper (Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas , Nathaniel ), I born April S, 1766, in Stratham; died in 1779, in Stratham, aged '

13 years. i 2 5iS. vii. ISRAEL* PlPER (Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas", Nathan-

1 iel ), born July 4, 1768, in Stratham; resided in Wolfborough, N. H.; died. ) 5 3 1 21. viii. Elizabeth Piper (Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas' , Na-

1 thaniel ), born Nov. 5, 1770, in Stratham; married Andrew San-

. bora ; died. He died.

5 3 1 25. ix. Tabitha Piper (Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas , Nathan-

1 iel ), born April 24, 1773, in Stratham ; married Chase; died. Pie died.

5 3 1 26. x. Thomas Piper* (Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas , Nathan- 1 in Strat- iel ), born Nov. 25, 1776, in Stratham ; kept the old farm

ham ; died.

5 Rev. George Fisk Piper is a grandson of Thomas Piper, being of the 7 6 : Fisk , Thomas 7th generation. His line of descent is as follows George ,

5 4 3 2 1 . March , Nathaniel He was horn Thomas , Stephen , Thomas , Thomas School in 1862 i'S, 183C, in Boston. Mass. ; graduated at Harvard Divinity ; first settled as a Unitarian minister in Houltor . Me. : then in Canton.Mass. and now resides in Bedford, Mass., being pastor of the Unitarian Church of that town. He married Fannie Almira Duncan, June 10, 1S63, born

Marcli 5, 1841, in Kittery, Me. Tney have five children : 1. Carrie Em- 8 ily , born April 22, 1864, in Kittery ; married Stillman G. Whittaker, July 8 3. 4, 1889. 2. Henry Duncan , born Jan. 10, 1860, in Canton, Mass. 8 s Fannie Maria , born Sept. 24, 1870, in Canton. 4. Mary Alice , born Nov. 3 6. 1872, in Canton. 5. George Fisk , born Aug. 28, 1877, in Cambridge, Mass. They all reside in Bedford. His father, Thomas6 Piper, was born in Stratham, N. H., June 1">, Sept. 12, 1809 ; married Caroline Tohnan, of Boston, Nov. 25, 1834 ; died 1880, in Stratham. His wife is living in North Cambridge, Mass. They 7 7 born 2. Henry , had six children : 1. George Fisk , born as given above.

March 2, 1838, in Chadestown, Mass.; died Nov. 20, 1840, inCharlestown. 7 in North Cam- 3. Carrie Louise , horn Aug. 17, 1840, in Stratham ; resides 7 re&idea in bridge. 4. Annie Mary , born Feb. 10, 1843, in Stratham ;


5 3 27. xi. Hephzibah Piper (Stephen*,' Thomas , Thomas*, Na-

thaniel}), born Jan. 13, 1779, in Stratham ; married John Wiggin ; died. He died.

5 3 28. xii. Susanna Piper {Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas-, Nathan-

1 iel ), born June 20, 1782, in Stratham; married Coleman; died. He died. SIXTH GENERATION,

5 1 (HO .) Stephen Piper married, 1st, Mary Ayers ; 2d, Widow Fogg 3d, Mary Martin. ;


• - 1 . . .. -^ -.<.,.• . ._• ,. :r. ,^» epneh , 1 nonius , lnovias ,

1 Nathaniel ), born May 16, 1784, in Stratham, X. H,, being six months old when his father settled in Newfield, Me.; married So- phia Chellis, born July 8, 1796, in Newfield. He died Nov. 16. i860, in Newfield. She died Dec. 9, 1S81, in Newfield. See their children : Nos. SS, 30, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 45, 4G.

5 5 3 ii. SO. Nancy Piper {Stephen , Stephen', Thomas , Thomas'",

1 Nathaniel ), born Nov. 6, 1786, in Newfield ; married Winthrop Hill; of Wateiborough, Me.; died Aug. 20, 1S34, in Newfield. He- died in Newfield, where he resided.

6 5 4 iii. Stephen Piper 3 81. (Stephen , Stephen , T7iomas , Thomas"-,

1 Nathaniel ), born Nov. 23, 17SS, in Newfield ; married Louisa Par- sons, daughter of Ensign Stephen and Abigail (Moore) Parsons, born in Parsonsfield; Me. He lived in Newfield several years after his marriage, but subsequently went to the South, and died in Georgia. She died.

iv. ABIGAIL6 Piper 3 2 82. (Stephen", Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas ,

1 Nathaniel ), born April 18, 1790, in Newfield; married Charles Whicher, of Newfield, Jan. 20, 1810 ; died Aug. 12, 1869. in New- field. He died March 14, 1S55, in Newfield. till, v. James 6 Piper (Stephen 5 3 , Stephen*, Thomas , Thomas*, Nathaniel 1 born Sept. in Newfield ), 9, 1792, ; a sea-capiain ; mar- ried Alice Perkins, of Kennebunk, Me.; died at sea. His resi- dence was in Kennebunk, where his wife was living at the time of hii death. She died.

North Cambridge. 5. 7 Harriot bauiua . born April 17. is (5. iu Stratham ; married Augustus M. ban-. Sopt. 10, 1870 ; resides in South Framin


6 4 3 84. vi. Pelatiah Piper (Stephen*, Stephen , Thomas , Thomas",

1 Nathaniel ), born Sept. 9, 1795, in Newfield ; married Mary Stev- ens, of Waterborough, Me.; died Jan. 17, 1S37, in Newfield. She died in Newfield.

vii. 5 4 3 1 35. Israel Piper (Stephen , Stephen , Thomas , Thomas' ,

1 Nathaniel ), born Feb. 12, 1 7 9 S , in Newfield; married Sarah Hill,

of Newfield ; died in South Boston, Mass. His residence was at Great Falls, N. H. His wife died at Great Falls.

6 5 4 3 ^36. viii. Nathaniel Piper (Stephen , Stephen , Thomas , Thom-

1 1 as' , Nathaniel ), born Aug. 7, 1S02, in Newfield ; married, 1st,

Mehitable Varney, of Newfield ; ?A, Ruth Durgin, of Newfield.

He died in Newfield, and his wives in the same place.

5 4 3 ix. 6 3v. THOMAS Pirer (Stephen , Stephen , Thomas , Thomas*,

1 Nathaniel ), born July 2, 1S04, in Newfield ; married Sabrina Dun- nells, of Newfield, and died there Sept., 1S34. She died Sept. 16, 1S65, in Iowa.


(29.) Asp. 6 Piper married Sophia Chellis.

their children :

7 8 4 3 3S. i- Mahala Piper (Asa , Stephen*, Stephen , Thomas , Thom- 1 1 in Me. as' , Nathaniel ), born April 10, 1S15, Newfield,

7 6 3 39. ii. HORACE PIPER (Asa , Stephen", Stephen*, Thomas , 1 1 a farmer; Thomas , Nathaniel ), born Feb. 8, 1S17, in Newfield; married Lydia Moulton Dunnells, of Newfield, Nov. 1, 1S40. He experienced religion when twenty-two years of age, and at the time of the organization of the Freewill Baptist Church in Newfield, Jan.

25, 1S52, became an active and worthy member. In 1858 he was elected clerk, and in 1S75 deacon, and continued to fill both offices till the time of his death, which occurred Sept. 17, 18S6, in New- field. See their children : Nos. -17, 4'S, 4i). »>4). 7 6 5 4 Thom- 40. iii- Mark Fernald Piper (Asa , Stephen , Stephen , 3 1 in Newfield; mar- as , Thomas", Nathaniel ), born Feb. 21, 1S19, ried Elizabeth Davis, of Newfield. He resides at Wolfborough Junction, N. H.

7 e -II. iv. David Chellis Piler (Asa , Stephen", Stephen*, Thom- 3 mar- in Newfield ; as , Thomas-, NathanitP), born Nov. 30, 1S21, ried. Elizabeth Hayes, of Limerick, Me. He died Jan. 10, 1S52, in Newfield.


7 6 42. v. William Gilpateick Piper (Asa , Stephen?, Stephen*, 3 1 born April 18, 1S23. in Newfield Thomas , Thomas", Nathaniel ), ; married Mary Trowbridge, of Newton, Mass. He'died Aug. 18, 1876, at Mount Vernon, Me. 7 5 4 3 4J5. vi. John Calvin Piper ([Asa*, Stephen , Stephen , Thomas ,

1 Thomas', Xathaniel ), born July 9, 1S25, in Newfield; married Mary Ann Clark. He resides in Bath, Me.

7 e 5 4 44. vii. Mary Avers Piper (Asa , Stephen , Stephen , Thomas*,

2 1 born 1S27, in Xewheld ; married Thomas' , Xathaniel ), July 4. Tohn M. Clark, of Limerick, Me. He resides in Both, Me.

7 5 4 Stephen . -i»3. viii. Lavinia Dunnells Piper [Asa*, Stephen , 2 as in the records, Thomas', Thomas' , Xathan'ieT), born, given town

Oct. 16, 1829, ir Xewfield ; died Dec. 27, 1834, in Xewfield. 5 4 4«». ix. Nancy Lavinia' Piper [Asa*, Stephen , Stephen. , Thom-^

1 as*, Thomas', Xathaniel ), born Feb. 1, 1836, in Xewfield; mar- ried Henry T. Carleton. She died May 27, 1S73, in Wakefield, Mass. EIGHTH GENERATION.

(SO.) Horace 7 Piper married Lydia Moulton Dunnells.

their children :

7 5 47. i. Sabrina Dunnei.lv Piper [Horace , Asa*, Stephen , Ste- 3 1 in phen*, Thomas , Thomas', Xathaniel ), born June 27, 1S43. Newfield, Me.; married Prank Chadbourne, of Biddeford, Me., in 1S67. She died Oct. 23. 1875, in Xewfield.

8 7 5 48. ii- Lewis Leandek Peer (Horace , Asa*. Stephen , Ste- 4 3 1 born S, 1S46, in New- phen , Thomas , Thomas", Nathaniel ), June

field ; a machinist and farmer ; married Estella Pauline - shire, of Waltham, Mass.. Dec. 25, 1S86. He has rendered me valuable assistance in collecting genealogies for this. .book. See page 9. He resides in Xewfield, on the homestead of his father. He has no children.

8 7 5 -J

Xewfield ; died April 4, 1S50, in Xewfield.

3 7 50. iv. CHARLES FREMONT PIPER (Horace , Asa', Ste- 5,' 4 3 1 1 phen Stephen , Thomas , Thomas' , Nathaniel ), born April 29,

1S58, in Newfield ; married Delia Davis, of Newfield, Jan. 24,

1S7S. He died July 20. 1884, in Newfield. See their children : Nos. 51, tl*2.



8 Delia Davis. (50.) Charles Fremont Piper married


9 7 9 Horace Asa*, Piper (Charles Fremont , , 51. i. Louis Davis Nathaniel1 born April 20, Stephen', Stephen*, Thomas', Thonms"; ), 1880, in Newfield, Me. 9 1 9 Horace Asa , Piper (diaries Fremont , , 52. ii. Edwin Horace 1 3 17, Thomas', Nathaniel ), born Jan. Stephen', Stephen', Thomas , 18S3, in Newfield.

C *jmm&>S&

. .

INDEX TO EL1SHA 4 PIPER AND His Descendants Shaving the Name of Piper.*

5 21 A. Piper. Betsey . Stratham, N. H. 5 )> e Betsey , Readfteld. Me Piper. Aaron G. , Thomaston 6 Betsey M. , Newport, Me. . . 41 Me.f

- Abigail ', Ipswich, Mass. . . 14. C. 4 . 16 Abigail , Stratham, N. H. 7 Piper. Caroline ,' Selby, 111. . . . 53 5 Stratham, N. II. . 21 Abigail , ; 6 15 Caroline E. , Stratham, N. H. 6 37 Abigail H. , Newburgh, Me. 8 . 1 1 Carrie L. . Parsonsfield, Me.

Maiden, 111. . 69 Abraham LA Catharine R. 6',Effingham,N.H 46 s Adella E. . Dixniont, Me. . . 74 7 Charles A. . Charleston n. 8 III 70 Albert , Maiden, Mass 50 7 54! Albert P. . Thomaston, Me. s . 73 Charles A. , Lowell. Mass. 3 . . 13 Alice , Newbury, Mass. . 9 . 79 Charles II. . Maiden, 111. . Allen H.\ Dixmont. Me. . . 73 7 Charles P. . Newburgh, Me. 6 . . . 23 Alonzo , Loudon, N. H. 7 Charles P. , Newburgh, Me. 6 37 AlpbeusF. . Swanville, Me, ? . 74 Charles S. . Dixmont. Me. 9 111. , . . 80 Alva M. , TIskilwa, 8 111. . 67 Charlotte , Princeton. Berwick.Me 67 Alvah C-, North 4 N. II. IG Comfort , Stratham, 6 41 Ann , Newburgh, Me 7 58 1>. Anna , Belfast. Me 8 5 Mf Arthur B. . Dixmont, Me. . Piper, Daniel . Newburgh,

8 6 . •J'i Mass. . Me. . Augustus B. , Boston, Daniel Newburgh, 6 Parsonsfield, Me. . ii. Daniel , 7 . . . 5 Daniel , Dixmont. Me. Piper, Benjamin , Parsonsfield, 5 Amelia. Ohio .... Me David , 8 5 Me. . . . 42 David , Newburgh. Benjamin , Loudon, N. H. 6 Me. . . . 6 David , Newburgh. Benjamin , Newfield, Me. 7 111. . 52 6 David , Hollowayville, Benjamin , Dixmont, Me. 3 Til Maiden. 111. . . . 7 Me. David A, , Benjamin , Dixmont, 7 111 53 3 , Selby, 111. . David C. Bertram! , Tiskilwa, 7 Me. . 59 4 David M. . Swanville. Betsey . Stratham, N. H. 5 Me. 5 David N. , Thomaston, . Betsev , Gorliam, Me. . .

with those whose gene- *Names of persons not immediately connected 4 not included in this Index to Elisha Piper. alogies are given are ^ residence, if fThe town and State at the right of the name denote the died in the case given, the place where born or ; given in the book ; if not parents. of young children, the residence of their (ioo)


Piper, David X.\ Thomaston, Me. 23 18. 3 II. . . 20 Deborah , Stratham, N. Piper, 6 Hannah D. . Boston, Masi 21 8 Dorothy ville, III. . , Holloway 67 F. 6 Hannah , Fairfield, Me. . 36 Hannah 8 E. R. , Stratham, X. II 15 Harding 8 , Maiden. 111. . . . s 70 -Piper, Earl C. , . . 77 Bangor, Me. 7 Harriet . 00 R. Chicago, 111. . . 3 Ebenezer S. . Stratham, X. H. 22 9 Harry . C. Vinton. . 8 Iowa . 70 Edith B. , Medford, Mass. . . 74 Hattie s M. , Parsonsfield, 8 Me. Edward ', Tiskihva, 111 68 7 Helen A. . Elizabeth. 8 X.J. . Edward E. , Portland, Me. . . 67 c

Henry F. . Lowell. . s Mass. . 74 Edwin F. . York. 76 Pa 7 Hiram I!. , III. . . 4 Maiden. Elisha Parsonsfieid, . . 16 , Me. 6 Horace , 1). 5 Washington, C. Elisha , Newburgh, . . . 29 i Me. 7 Horace L. . "Washington. D. C

ivi. , 6 Horace Minneapolis. Mmn Elisha , Parsonsfield, Me. . . . 32 6 Elisha . Leepertown, 111. ... 34 6 Elisha . Newburgh, Me. . . . 42 s j Piper, Ida V". 6 , West Mitchell Elisha . Xewburgh. Me. . . . 36 Iowy 6 66 , Parsonsfieid, . . 42 Elisha Me. | 6 Irving , Parsonsfield, Me. . 45 6 .'. Elisha . Loudon. X. H. . . 23;

7 .' Elisha F. . Bangor, Me. . . . 60 . , .3. 7 ; Elisha S. , Medford, Mass.. . . 56 7 Piper, James C. . 7 Stratham. . Parsonsfield, . Eliza A. Me. 58 I X. 9 1L ... " 79.' ElrhaTL . Vinton. Iowa . . . James E.\ 7 Stratham. X. H. Enocb/F. , Dixruont, Me.'. . . 56 j 4 , Stratham, . . . 6 '. Jane X. H. 16 Enoch P. . Xewburgh. Me. . 37 \ 5 Jane . . . . 3 Stratham, X. H. 15 Enoch W . Loudon. X. II. . . 23 3 s Jam . Stratham, X. H. . . . 20 Erne; t L. . Monroe, Me. ... 76: 3 7 Jam. . Limerick, M-e 20 F. . Newburgh. Me. . 56 Eunice | 5 Jane , London. X. H 7 Evelyn X. . Boston. Mass. . . 55 6

:' Jesse . Newburgh, Me. . . . 42

Ezekie: , . Holloway ville, 111. . 3M 3 Joanna . Stratham, X. H. . 21 ' 7 111. Ezekiel , Selby, ...... 54 6 8 John, Cullitom Eng Ezekiel , Tiskihva, 111. .... 6s John, Culliton, Eng 2 P. John . Wenham, Mass. . . . 12 3 3 John . Bolton, Mass 13 Piper. Florence A. , Princeton, 3 . Stratham, X. H. . . . 14 111 71 John 4 1 1 s John . Stratham, X. H. . . . Frank S. , Parsonsfield. Me. . 78 3 8 John . Stratham, X. II. . . . 15 Freddy W. . Parsonsfield, Me. 66 7 8 John , Maiden. Ill 70 Frederick A. . Monroe, Me. . 5S 7 111 •;-•? Frederick V,V. Boston, Mass. 74 John'C. , SeJby, s John H. . Bangor, Me. . . . s . 20 John L. , Stratham. X. H. 6 6 Piper. George , Loudon, X. II. John U. P. , Newburgh. Me. T F. 7 George F.\ Bradley. Me. . . John L . , Winterport, M< CO

s 7 George T!. , Biddeford, Me. John \V. . Parsonsfield, Me. 63 s 2 Mas.-. . 13 George L , Pnrsonsileld, Mt Jonathan , Concord, 1 George L.\ Selby, 111 Jonathan . Concord, Mass. . 13 3 4 IT. 15 Grace M. , Lowell, Mass. . . /Jonathan . Stratham, X.


5 5 21 Piper, Mary , N. 15 Piper, Jonathan , St ratham.N.H. Stratham, H 5 oo 5 II. . . Jonathan , Stratham, N. H. . Mary , Stratham, N. 15 5 5 . Mary , Hamilton, Ohio . . 28 Jonathan , Parsonsfield, Me. 30 6 7 111. . . Jonathan , Chicago, 111. . . . 22 Mary A. , Maiden, 52 8 oo 7 . Mary A. , Hall, 111 53 Jonathan , Stratham, N. H. 8 6 111. . . . Mary B. . Stratham, N. H. 15 Jonathan , Chicago,

; 6 E. , Concord. Cal. . Jonathan L.' , Chicago, 111. . . Mary 3 6 13 Mary J. . Northwood, N. H Joseph , Acton, Mass 7 7 Mary J. , Chicago, 111. . 22 Joseph P. , Charlestown, Mass. 50

| 8 7 Josephine L. , Evansville, Ind. 77 Mary J. , Portland, Me. 65

j 2 8 Mary L. , Tiskilwa, 111. . 68 Josiah , Ipswich, Mass 12 3 8 111. . . Josiah , Acton, Mass 13 Mary L. , Maiden, 69 j 7 s i . . . 55 Mary W. ,West Mitche.il.Iowa 66 Julia A. , Boston, Mass. s June IV., Maiden, 111 70 Maude L. , Lodi, Cal. . . 76 5 15 K. Mehitable . Stratham, N. H 8 Vinton, 67 8 Morgan H. , Iowa Piper, Kate , Nortonville, Kans. 68 7 Kingsbury B. , Waterville,Me. 59 5 Piper, Nancy , Stratham, N. II. 15 £.. 6 Nancy F. , Amelia, Ohio . . . 34 6 Piper, Lavinia , Richmond, New 1 Nathaniel , Ipswich, Mass. 11, 8] Ohio 3a 2 Nathaniel , Ipswich, Mass. . . 12 7 Lavinia H , Harveysburgh, 3 Nathaniel , Stratham, N. II. . 12 Ohio 52 3 Nathaniel . Concord, Mass. 13 8 Lawrence , Elollowayville, 111. 68 7 Nettie C. , Chicago. 111. . . 22 7 Lizzie A. , Chicago, 111 5 Noah . Stratham. N. II. . 21 7 Lizzie M. , Belfast, Me 7 oo Noah , Chicago, 111 Lorenzo D.', West Mitchell, Noah R.\ Stratham. N. H. 15 Iowa 50 7 O. Lucy A. , Newburgh. Me. . . 60 5 7 N. H. Piper, Olive , Stratham, 20 Lurilla M. , Newburgh, Me. . 59 7 Olive E. , Chicago, III. . . . 22 6 M. . Olive L. , Stratham, N. H. 21 8 B Pip-'-r, Mabel G. , Dixmont, Me. 74 Osborne B. . Parsonsfield, Me 46 8 Magnus, Neustadfc, Holstein . Owen J. , Princeton, 111. . . 71 8 Mamie E. , Bangor, Me. . . . 1*. 2 Margaret , Ipswich, Mass. . . 13 3 Ipswich, Mass. 12 8 Piper, Patienct , Margaret , Maiden, 111 69 8 76 6 Pearl , Corinna. Me Maria , Lowell, Mass 8 , Mass. . . . 74 7 Pearl F. Medford, Marilla M. , Jacksonville, Fla. 54 9 , Vinton. Iowa . . . 79 8 Pearl M. Marilla M. . Thomaston, Me. . 73 8 <;: . Parsonsfield, Me. 7 Perley W. Marinda , Hollowayville, 111. 8 . Parson sfielil, Me. 67 8 IVrley W. Mark F. , Stratham, N. H. . . 7 Princeton, III. . . . 51 5 Perry H. , Mark W. . Stratham, N. II. . 22 5 , N. H. ... 22 8 Polly Stratham, Marsis , Parsonsfield, Me. . . 67 6 Poll} Parsonsfield. Mc. . . . 32 6 '~>3 , Martha F. , Thomaston, Me. . 2 Mary , Ipswich, Mass 12 St. 2 4 16 Mary , Ipswich, Mass 12 Piper, Rachel , Parsonsfield. Me. 7 3 . Marv , Hudson. N. II 13 Rhoda A. , Newburgh, Me. 56



Piper, c 8 Kiehard U. , Washington. Piper, Sarah J. ,Parsonsfield.M 6G D. C 14, 15 7 Sherman E. , Parsonsfield. Me 65 Robert 6 Sloper, Culliton, Eng. Simeon B. , Elizabeth. X. J. 7 Simeon P.. , York, Pa. . . . 58 6 Simeon F. , Stratham, X. II. 15 3 1.-) Piper, Sally , Stratham, N. H. 4 Stephen , Stratham, X. II. . 15 Sally 5 , Stratham, X. H. 15 6 2.° Stephen B. . Loudon, X. II. 5 Sally , Stratham, X. S. 21 6 Stephen H. , Exeter. X. H. . 15 5 00 Sail} , Loudon, X. H. . . 5 Suky , Parsonsfield, Me. . . 24 6 Sally , Parsonsfield, Me. 32 7 Susan B. . Bangor, Me. . . . 55

Sails , Xewburgh, Me. . 41 7 Susan E. , Newburgh, Me. . 56 2 Samuei , Stratham. N. II 13 3 Samuel , Mass. 18 Wenham. 2 Piper. Thomas . Ipswich, Mass 12 •p.; 3 Thomas , PI. . 12 4 Stratham, X. Samuel . Stratham, N. H. 14, 15 6 Thomas P. . Belfast, Me. . . 36

Samuel*, Loudon, X. II. . 15 5 Samuel , Stratham, X. II. 14 V. 9 5 Piper, P.. Iowa 79 Yerna , Samuel , Stratham. X. II. 20 Vinton, 3 Samuel . Exeter, X. 11.. . 14, 15 Victor W.^Selby, 111. . . . 71 5 Victoria 8 15 Samuel , Loudon, X. H. , A. , Stratham. X. H 6 8 111. . , . G'J Samuel , Loudon, X. II. . Viola A. , Maiden. 8 Samuel Ayrault, Culliton, En Vivian A. , Dixmont. Me. . 7 Sanmel B. . Parsonsfield, Me 63 W. Samuel F."'. Stratham, X. II. 15 8 Piper, Walter , Bangor. Me. . 7 7 Samuel F. , Parsonsfield Me G3 Warren L. , Monroe, Me. . .

Saralr, Ipswich. Mass. . . 12 8 Warren L. . York. Pa. . . . 76 3 Sarah , Wenham, Mass. . 12 s Warren T. . Maldem 111. . . 67

Sarah , Harvard. Mass. . . 13 2 William , Ipswich, Mass. . . 13 3 Sarah . Stratham, X. II. . 15 9 William , Tiskilwa, HI. . . . 80 5 Sarah , Limeriek, Me. . . 27 8 William E. , Maiden, 111. . . 70 e 7 Sarah F. , Stratham. X. II. 15 William H. , Selby, 111. . . .

7 Sarah FA Bradley, Me. . . 74 William W. , Princeton. HI. 6 7 Sarah J. , Thomaston, Me. 23 William \Y. , Cleveland. Ohio 64 6 Sarah J. . Lowell. Mass. . 23 8 1 Winfred W.. , York. Pa. . u 7 7 Sarah J. . Shapleigh, Me. . 50 59 Wvman B. , Lodi, Cal. . .

-(-o©— e^^'-OH-


AND HIS Descendants having other Names than Piper.

A. Barker, Mary Johnson 16 Avery, Jeremiah 10 Nancy Clark 16 Aver, Ainzi Libby 47 Nathan 84 Nathaniel lu AittiWict . 4c> Noah 84 Sally . 16 Ayrault, Frances 6 Noah 84 Stephen G Noah 16 Noah 16 I*. Olive 16 Bachelder, Adella 56 Ruth 84 Catherine Piper 57 Sarah 16 Elijah 38 Sarah 16 James Marden 57 Sarah 17 Kingsbury 57 Simeon 17 Melvin 56 Simeon 17 Baird, Hannah 30 Susan 17 Barker, Benjamin 84 Thomas 10 Betsey 16 William 16 Betsey 17 Barrett. Cordelia 58 Charles 17 Bartlett, Annie Cora 57 Cyrus Snell 16,84 Daisy Belle 57

Cyrus W 84 Emma Ethel •. 57 Ebenezer 16, 84 Enoch Lincoln 62 Ebenezer 16 Ephraim Dodge 57 Ebenezer 16 Lydia Etta 57 Enoch 16 Martha Jane 57 Ephraim 84 Percy Ludelle 57 Ezra 84 Bennett, Lydia 45 Ezra 16 Berry, Sarah 23 Ezra 84 Beveredge, George W 23 Francis "Weston 63 Bickford, Adaline Hannah ... 49 Hannah 17 Albion K. Paris 49 Hannah 17 Annie Elizabeth 63 Humphrey 16 Cyrus 41) John 84 George 41 PCate Eugenie 66 George Irving 48 Levi 17 George Washington 62 Mary 17 Gideon 33


Gl Brown, Joseph 40 Bickford, Greenfield Gardner j riper 48 Martha Ermina .... 40 Hannah j Harriet Leavitt 01 Martha \V 23 j Harriet Newell 4S Mary Ann 40 j Horace Piper 62! Matthew 39 Jesse Piper 62 Matthew 1!) j

Julia 36 Sarah Euphemia. . . . 40

Laurinda Elvira 49!Burbank, Abigail . . . . 30 30 Lenora Matilla 62 \ Betsey Mary Ann 48 Caleb 30 j Mary Perkins 62 Caleb 46 30 . Olher Mighels 63 j David 36 David 30 Rhoda Hilton j 49 Eleazer 30 | 30 Rufus Mclntire . 49 Hannah 4" Sarah Moore . . . 49 Harriet | Thomas 41 Mary 30 I "Warren Franklin 62 Samuel 30 42 Warren Franklin 62 Silas 30

Black. Jacob . . . . 65 Silas 30

. . . . Minnie Charlotte. Go ! Burleigh, Hannah 16

' Boardnian, Alinira. 17 Burnham, Betsey . . . 37

. . 38 , 43 Bogardus, Mary i John :;o ! 43 Boothby, Esther . . 42 Mary Hill

Brackett. Anna . . 80 Byrnes, Olive Jeannette

Bradbury, Albion . 43 i C. Annie Carlton . . 43 1

; 31, 43 Benjamin Piper . 43 Carll, Thomas .... 78 George Dana . . . 43 Carlton, Mary Amelia | 46 Henry Saw telle . 43: Carroll, Ann Jacob 29 Ellen 46 Jane 43 Cate. Jane 14 70 John 42 Charles, Mary Ann .

. 15 John Jacob . . . . 43 Chase, Edmund . . Sally 43 Elizabeth 45 Bragdun, Edmund 63 Marietta Gl 25 Mary Jane 63 Chevers. Nancy . . . 13 Brasbree, Hannah 16 Church, Abigail . . . Brighani, Cora Avis .... Clark. Sally 16

Eddie Lue Sophia Antoinette . Merritt Clarke, Anna Judson 31 Samuel Woodman. . . . 56 Royal Brown. Catharine 40 Combs, Amelia Jane

Clarissa 40 George Guilford . .

Emma Annette 63 George Weeks . . .

Frances Olive 40 Howard Milton . . Harriet Corwin W Oscar Lemon ....

4-i Ellerv . . . Jane . William


Cook, Lucinda 64 I jp #

Cooper, Cornelius 58 : Fales, Nelson S. Ellis Wildes 76 Fall. Oscar Harvey 59 Herbert Romeyn 76 Felch, Abijali . . j Peter 5S Alpheus 35 Crimbell, Hannah 21 Arthur Willis .... Mary 21 Caroline Ophelia . . . Cubberly, Lavinia 53 Daniel Eliza Jane 44 1>. Elizabeth Hopkinson 35

Emma . . Lucretia . Dalton, Annie Elender 71 35 Eunice Elender 71 36 Florence Cornelia . . 35 Francis Hiram James 70 Lawrence . . 35

Hannah . LillieMaj 70 Rieker . . 41 Helen Louise Naomi 70 Isaac "William 70 29 Isaac William Simon 52 Newton .... 44 Isabella 44 Darin . Alice 13 John Day, Betsey 45 34 Julia 3"> Doe, Ira C 18 Lueretia Lawrence 1 44 Dow G C. . 23 Lydia Downs, Phir.eas 18 34 Lydia Clark 44 Drake, George "Washington . . . 17 Drew, Lucy Chesley 48 Noah 43 Sarah Winborn A 48 Barker 31 ; Dunnells, Miriam 30 Sarah P. per 11 Dyer, Abigail IS Susan 31 ,43 Susan Piper Abigail 18 34 Theodore Elizabeth IS Alpheus 35 William Mary 18 Johnson 44 Flanders. Lewis Mary Ripley 57 23 ." Fletcher. Willis 7-! Miriam . . i8 ;

-jg Folsom, Elizabeth Frances . . 14 Olive _ Oliver 18 Mar >" 15 Nathan Boaruman 14 Rosannah 17 ! Foss Mai ' 65 Sarah 18 ! T

' Foster, Alexander Hamilton . Thomas . 17 Hannah 27 Thomas 18 1 Thomas 18 John HoP kills 77 Josephine 80 Sally 33 E. Fowler, Mary 38 Eades:, Clarissa 38 | Frost, Ann Maria 50 Edgerly, Mary Susan 64

Emery, Mary 45 ! C« William 45 ' Garland, Eliza Jane 59 Evans, Jonathan Stickney ... 44 1 Jonathan 17



Gil man. Lucy Turner 30 Hollis, Angie 75 Gilpatrick, Jeremiah 18 Charles 75 Gleason, Eliza .... 23 William Henry 56 Gove, Alvan Chadbour 64 Hooper, Chester Walden .... 78 Tryphena Stuart 64 Frederick Noah 78 Gray, Mary 51 Mary Josephine 78 Greenleaf, Tristram 13 Moses Albert 78 Griffin, Harry Owen 80 Noah 65 Thomas William 71 Oren 65 Grissible, Joseph Fred rick 7 2 Hopkins, Martha 77 Hopkinson, James 35 Home, James R 63 Jane 14 Haines, Lizzie 63 r Hall, Mary Erne! ine . ,0 Hunt, Edwin Felch 41 Elnathan 44 51 Edgar H Emma Weston 44 33 Hiram Freeman Haskell 44 51 Hiram George William 44 51 Julia Ann James Henry 44 51 Lavinia* Jennie Carll 44 Lodnor 51 Mary Elizabeth ,44 Olive 51 Susan 51 J. 51 Susan Jay, Clara Belle 7!) 51 Valeria Jemegan, David 34 Harmon, Silas 30 Huldah Ann 54 Harris, Edwin 55 Mary Thaxter 54 68 Mary Elizabeth Jennis >n, Caroline 02 Hawley, Grace 12 Jewett, Hannah 1G Haynes, Anna 24 John 17 Heintz, Alma Nancy 69 Sally 16 69 Anna Trump Stephen lfi Annie Marinda 69 Johnson, Augustus 17 Blanche 69 Isabella Nichols 44 Cora 69 Olive 17 Fetnali 68 Ora 56 Flora 69 Sarah 17 Frederick 52 Thomas Avers 17 Frederick 69 William. 17 Henry 69 Johnston, Bertha 79 Kate 68 Joseph 67 Philipina 52 Wilbur 79 Hill, Mary 43 Jones, Clarinda 49 Hobbs, Warwick 17 Matilda 38 Hobson, Simeon Strout 49 Joy, Emma Mary 51 Hodgdon, Hannah 25 Mary 17 K.

Sally 16 Kaylor, Hannah . . 37 Solomon 30 Kezar, Martha Ann 49 ii4 INDEX TO ELISHA* PIPER.

1.. Marston, Abram Fogg 46 Lang, Mercy 33 John Piper GO Lanpher, Abigail Burdick ... 36 ' Mary Lucretia G5

Lawrence, Lucretia Williams . 36 Mason, John Bradford 54 Wolcott 36 McChapman, Andrew 48 Leach, Sarah 13 McGill, Huldah Lunetta .... 54 Leavitt, David Piper 60 Mary Fredonia 54 Elisha Franklin 60 Nannie Pay 54 Elisha Franklin 61 William Crossman 54 ] Elizabeth Piper 61 William Jemegan 51 Elma Frances 61 McLaughlin, Frank Henry ... 75

Gideon 41 McWilliams, Mary Amanda . . 52 Gideon Piper 61 Mary Ann 52 j Ffvriet 60 : William T 52

Jesse James 60 I Meads, Emeline 64 John Bradbury 61 Meleher, Elizabeth 17 Judith 61 Mercer. Frank Levi 80 Iona Julia Ann 49 Belle . 69 Nancy Mighels 60 Lewis Hiram 80 Sally Ann 60 William Sidwell , 69 William Burke 61 Mighels, Betsey 29 Lewis, Ann 34 Miller, Hope Brown 54 Libby, Jennie Connor 56 Minier. Clarence Buet SO Light, Olive 15 George Monroe 68

j Liscomb, Lucy 43 Ira Ezekiel 80 Litchfield, Honora 6T George William 80 Littlefield, Almon 49 Theodore Heintz 79 Lock?, Caleb 18 Moffatt. Alvah 38 Stephen 18 Aquila 3g Long, Albert Charles 72 ! Benjamin Franklin 41

Alma Connor . . 72 Elisha 40 Henry Clinton 72 Eliza 41

- Marion Frances 53 Joseph 2S | Mary Ann 72 Joseph j 38

Nancy 53 ; Mary 40 Lord, Brackett Tobias 58; Olive 40 Eliza Hannah 75 Sarah 39 George 75 Moore, Addison 47 Josephine Bennett 4o Benjamin Piper 46 Richard 45 Caroline 47 Lougee, Simeon 34 Charles 4G Low, Aurora 58 Hannah Wedgwood . t 50 Harriet Ann 47 Isaac Manson, Ellen Adelaide 64, 32 Isaac 48 George 64 ! Mary Jane March, Ivory G 48 46 More, Caroline 48 Marlatt, Elizabeth 67 . Ira 47

John 68 ;



More, Ira 48 Kate 48 : Quimby, Clan \imie 73 Morse, Inez Victoria 59 Quincy, Sarah \\l Joseph Horace ..." 59 I «.. Mudeett, Martha Ann 61 Rankin, Perry 49I r*. Redman, Tristram 30 Nason, Abigail 63 Reed, Sabra 60 \ Mary Jane 50 Remiek, James 24 Newhall, Harry Joseph 75 Jane 31 Norris, Benjamin 24 Susan 31

Caleb W 24 Ricker, Joseph 32; I

Charles 24 Risdon, Nancy Jane 41 1 James 28 Roberts, Ann" 83 | i. Joseph . . . 16 MarkG 21 I

Joseph 23 Robinson, Mary 15 3

Mary 24 Rockwell, Mercy 41 I .'. '. Mehitable 23 Ross, J. E. . . . . 72 \ Nancy 24 Rundlet, Hannah 17 j Nathaniel 24 Simeon 84 |

Sally 15 Rushton, Lizzie 59 I Nudd, Stephen W 21 Russell, Annie Cole 59 j Nutter, Georgia A 23 Eli 50 j ©. Rutledge, George Harvey .... 55 I i Oglesbee, Elias 71 i . i

Jonathan 52 Sargent, Nancy 83 1 Mary Lavinia 71 Savage, Harriet Hart 51 | Ruth 71 Lydia Ann 53 3

1". Scales, Samuel 40 j

Packard, Elizabeth 37 Scamman, Lucy 4o |

Searl, . . . Page, Caleb Fessenden 34 Benjamin Franklin 72 |

Sears, Sabilla . . 71 Parker, Eliza Jane 49! Lida j

Parsons, Anna 27 Self, Nancy 71 j

Enoch Poor 37 Sewell, George Eli 61 j Hannah Foster 37 Sherburne, Nathaniel 22 1

Thomas 27 Sherman, Anthony 22 ] Smith. Eliza Jane 56 Patterson, Joseph Granville . . 59

Josie Evelyn 76 Mercy 33 !

: Nancy 16 Pease. Mark 16 Thurston ] Nancy 41 Susan Hannah 37

Perkins, Catharine Smart .... 37 Snow, Edith 60 ' Perry, Daniel 17 Snyder, Martha 09 Pierce, Lesliner 70 Spoft'ord, Hannah 59 Pike. Nancy 17 Stebbins, Caroline 36 Porter, Byron 55 Stickney. James 23 Martin Luther 73 Storer, Olive 17 Proctor. Abel 40 Swett. Alice Guyletta 66

Pumpelly, Marcus 51 Charlotte 65 j n6 INDEX TO ELISHA 4 PIPER.

T. White, Abbie. Thomas, Robert Billings .... CO Sally Bussy Gl Thompson. George Washington 48 Torsleff, John 06 Lorenzo Francis 78 Towle, Abby Richards 54 True, Abigail Burdick 36

V, Vose, Maria Arnold 54 w. Waddell, Loren Burton 79 Robert 00 Wade, Ebenezer Delano 57 Mary Augusta 57

Wadleigh, James Dearborn. . . 47 Wadlin, William 18 Walden, Hattie Carlton 78 Merrill 78 Warson, Jennie OS Watson. Frederick 08 George Evans 71 Isaac Adolpbus OS Wayne, Mercy 41 Webb, Barnabas 23 Wedgwood, James 17 Sally 30

Welsh, Margaret. . 72 Wentworth, Elizabeth Liscomb 43 Shadrack 43

Wheeler, Maria Elizabeth . ... 58 Whitcomb, Adella 50


5 5


A. 5>. Piper, Abigail* (As.)f, Acton, Piper, David Chellis7 (St.), New- Mass.} field, Me 103 Abigail 4 (St.). Stratham, N. H. 99 Abigail.), Stratham, N. H. 301 23. 8 6 ! Piper, Edward Cutts (As.). Abigail (St.), Newfield, Me. . 103 Wakefield. N. H 88 Ada Trances (As.), AVakefield, Edward Cutts 6 (As.). Boston, N. H 90 Mass 89 Adeline6 (As.),Wakefield.N.H. 89 Edwin Horace9 (St.), Newfield, Alice 3 (As.), Newbury, Mass. 87 3 Me 105 Alice (So.), Newbury, Mass. . 93 4 4 Elizabeth (As.). Acton* Mass. 87 Alice (So.). Sharon. N. H. . . 94 5 5 Elizabeth (St.),Stratham,N.H. 101 Amasa (So.), Hancock, Vt. . . 94 Elizabeth Bridge7 (So.), Cam- Anne Taggard 7 (So.), Cam- bridge Mass 97 bridge, Mass 97 Elizabeth Gerrish5 (As.). Bos- Annie Mary 7 (St.), North Cam- ton, Mass 88 bridge, Mass 101 5 Elvira (So.). Dublin, N. II. . 9(5 Artemas5 (So.), Dublin. N. II. 96 5 Emily (So ), Boston, Mass. . . 96 Asa4 (As.), Wakefield, N. H. 88, 90 4 6 Esther (So.), Acton, Mass. . . 93 Asa (St.), Newfield, Me. . . . 102: Asa L. 5 (As.), Wakefield, N. H. 89 F. Piper, Fannie Maria8 (St.), Bed- Piper, Carrie Emily 8 (St.), Bed- ford, Mass 101 ford, Mass 101 Carrie Louise7 (St.), North Cam- (3. bridge, Mass 101 Piper, George Fisk7 (St.), Bed- Charles Fremont 8 (St.), New- ford, Mass 101 field. Me 104 George Fisk 8 (St.), Bedford, 5 " ,l . . 96 Mass Cyrus (So.), Keene, N. H. |

* Names of persons not immediately connected with those whose gene- 4 Solomon , alogies are given are not included in this Index to Asa , and Stephen5 Piper. name, denote that the f The letters (As.) in parenthesis, annexed to the 4 8 person belongs to the Genealogy of Asa Piper; (So.), of Solomon Piper ; 5 and (St.), of Stephen Piper. the residence of | The town and State at the right of the name denote place where born. the person, if given in the book ; if not given, the (ii7)


6 5 Piper, George Francis (As.), Piper, Jonathan' (St. ), Stratham Wakefield, N. II 89 N. H 99 Joseph 3 (As.), Acton, Mass. 87 H. 3 Joseph (So.), Acton. Mass. . 93 Piper, 5 (So.), Dublin, Hannah Joseph" (So.), Sharon, N. H. 9:3 96 N. H Josiah 2 (As.), Ipswich, Mass. 85 Harriet 7 (St.), South Emma Josiah2 (So.), Ipswich, Mass. 91

Frarningham, Ma?s. . . . 102 2 Josiah (St.), Ipswich, Mass. 9S 7 Henry (St.), Charlestown, 3 Josiah (As.), Acton, Mass. . 87 Mass 101 3 Josiah (So.). Acton, Mass. . 93 9 Henry Duncan (St.), Bedford, 4 Josiah (As.), Stow, Mass. . . 87 Mass 101 Henry Young 4 (St.). Stratham, Lavinia Dunnells7 (St.), N. H ...... 99 Piper, 5 Newfield, Me 104 Hephzibalr (St.), Stratham, Lewis Beamier 8 (St.), Newfield, N. H 102 7 Me 104 Horace (St.), Newfield, Me. . 103 Louis Davis9 (St.), Newfield, I. Me 105 Piper, Idella May 7 (As..), Wake-

field, N. H 90 i Piper, Magnus (As.), Neustadt, Israel3 (St.),Wolfborough,N.H. 101 j Holstein G, 7 6 Falls, Israel (St.), Great N.H. 103 ! Magnus (So.), Neustadt, Hol- J. stein 6, 7

| 5 (St.), Neustadt, Hol- Piper, James (So.), Dublin, N.H. 90 ! Magnus 6 stein 0, 7 James (St.), Kenuebunk, Me. 102 , 8 7 James Franklin (St.), New- Mahala (St,), Newfield, Me. . 103 2 field, Me 104 Margaret (As.), Ipswich. Mass. 86 (So.). Ipswich, Mass. 92 Joint (As.), Culliton, F.ng. . . 6 Margaret- j 2 (St.), Ipswich, Mass. 99 John (So.), Culliton, Eng. . . . 6 Margaret 7 John (St.), Culliton. Eng. ... 6 Maria Abby (St.). North Cam- 102 John (As ), Culliton, Eng. . . 7 bridge, Mass ] 5 Maiden, Mass. 89 John (So.), Culliton, Eng. . . . 7; Marianne (As.), 7 (St.). Wolfbor- John (St.), Culliton, Eng. . . . 7 Mark Fernald 2 N. II. . . 103 John (As.), Wenharn, Mass. . 85 ough Junction.


2 ' 2 Mass. . 85 John (So.), Wenharn, Mass. . 91 Mary (A.S.), Ipswich,

2 ' 8 Ma.-s. . 85 John (St.), Wenharn, .Mass. . OS Mary (As.), Ipswich, 3 2 (So.), Ipswich, Mass. . 91 John (As.), Bolton, Mass. . . 87 i Mary 3 Ipswich, Mass. . 91 John (So.), Bolton, Mass. .. 93 I Mar\*(So.), 3 John* (So.), Dublin, N. H. .. 90 Mary (St.), Ipswich, Mass. . 08 7 2 98 . John Calvin (St.), Bath, Me. . 104 Mary (St.), Ipswich, Mass.

j 3 3 Jonas Brooks (So.), Dublin, Mars (As.), Hudson, N. H. . *7 3 N. H 96! Mar} (So.), Hudson, N. II. . 93 9 ' 4 <7 ), Acton, Mass. . . Jonathan 1 A.-. Concord, Mass. 8G Mary (As.), 2 4 Vt. . . 94 Jonathan (So.), Coneord.Mass. 92 I Mary (So.), Hancock, 2 N. H. . 100 Jonathan (St.),Coucord,Mass. 09 i Mary* (St.), Stratham, Jonathan3 (As.), Concord.Mass. SO Mary Alice 3 (St.), Bedford, Jonathan3 (So.), Concord, Mass. 92 Mass 101

j 4 7 Jonathan (So.\ Ashby, Mass. 94 Mary Ayers (St.), Bath. Me. . 104


Piper, Sarah 3 (As.), Harvard, Piper, 6 (St.), Nancy Newfield, Mass ST Me 102 3 Sarah (So.), Harvard, Mass. . 93 Nancy Lavinia' (St.), Wake- 3 Sarah (St.), Stratham, N. H. 100 field, Mass 104 4 Sarah (As.), Concord, Mass. . 87 1 Nathaniel (As.),Ipswich,Mass. 85 5 Sarah (St.), Stratiiam, N. if. 10J 1 Nathaniel (So.), Ipswich, Mass. 91 6 Sarah H. (So.), Boston, Mass. 97 1 Nathaniel (St.),lpswich,Mass. OS 5 Sarah L. ( As.), Great Falls. N.II. 89 Nathaniel 2 (As.). Ipswich, Mass. S3 Sibyl" (So.). New Ipswich, N.H. 93 2 Nathaniel (So.),Ipswich,Mass. 91 Silas 4 \So.), Acton, Mass. . . . 95 2 Nathaniel (St.). Ipswich. Mass. 9S 4 Solomon (So.). Dublin, N. H. 94 3 Nathaniel (As.), Concord, Mass. SG 5 Solomon (So.), Boston, Mass. 95 3 Nathaniel (So.),Concord,Mass. 92 4 Stephen (St.), Stratham, N.II. 100 3 : Nathaniel (St.),Stratham,N.H. 99 a St-phcu (St.), Newfield, Me. 100 5 Nathaniel (St.), Sanbornton, 6 Stephen (St.), New Held, Me. 10-2 N. H 101 4 Submit (So.), Acton. Mass. . . 95 Nathaniel 6 (St.), Newfield, Me. 103 Susan Esther 6 (So.), Boston, P. Mass 97 6 Piper, Patience 3 (St.), Ipswich, Susan Esther (So.), Boston, Mass 100 Mass 97 5 Patience4 (St.), Strathara,N.H. 99 Susanna (So.), Dublin. N. H. 90' 5 Patience5 (St.), Stratham.N.K. 100 Susanna (So.), Boston, Mass. 9G 6 5 (St.), Pelatiah (St.), Newfield, Me. . 103 Susanna Stratham. N. IT. 102

Phebe4 (St.), Stratham, N. H. 99 4 Philip (So.), Acton, Mass. . . 93 Piper, Tabitha4 (St.). Stratham. N. H. 99 5 4 Tabitha (St.), Stratham. N.II. I'M Piper, Rachel (So.), Waterford, Thomas2 .As.), Ipswich, Mass. Me 94 So Thomas 2 (So.), Ipswich, Mass. 91 Robert S. (As.), Culliton, Eng. 2 Thomas (St.), Ipswich, Mass. Robert S. (So.). Culliton, Eng. 93 Thomas 3 (St.), Stratham, N.II. 99 Robert S. (St.), Culliton, Eng. 4 5 Thomas (So.). Weston, Vt. . . 94 Rufus (So.), Dublin, N. H.. . Thomas 4 (St.), Stratham. N.H. 99 S. Thomas6 (St.), Stratham. N.II. 101 riper, Sabrina Dunnells 3 (St.), Thomas 6 (St.), Stratham. N.H. 101 Biddeford, Me 104 6 Thomas (St.), Newfield, Me. . 103 Samuel 2 (As.). Stratham, N.H. SG Samuel'2 (So.), Stratham, N. H. 92 W. Samuel 2 (St.). Stratiiam, N. II. 99 Samuel 3 (As.), Wunham, Mass. Samuel 3 (So.), Wenham, Mass.

4 Samuel (As.), Acton, Mass. . Samuel A. (As.),Culliton,Eng.

Samuel A . (So. ). Culliton, Eng. Samuel A. (St.), Culliton, Eng. 4 Sarah (As.), Ipswich, Mass. .

Sarah- (So.), Ipswich, Mass. . 2 Sarah (St.), Ipswich, Mass. .



Crayin. Francis (So.) 93 A. ]

' . 97 Crosby, Elizabeth Guild (So.) . Adams, Archelaus (As.) 37 gg.l Ctitts, Mary (As.) ^

Olive (As.) . . 100 Avers, Mary (St.) ' Alice (A„., ' . 86 / a „ \ or Darby,>' v Ayrault, Frances (As.) . coJ ~ 6 1 Alice (So.) Frances (So.) 99 6 ! Alice (St.) Frances (St. ' 104 Davis, Delia (St.). . . Stephen (As.)/V'Y °:6 • 103 (St.) . . «. i s r> Elizabeth ,0^ ° . (So.) ' , Stephen 89 ft Dearborn, Lewis (As.) Stepheil(hL)04. v >©(-"* , Estella Pauline (St.)

Fannie Alrnira (St.) . 101 B. ] Duncan, 103 86 Dunnells. Lydia Moulton (St.) Bachelder, Abigail (As.) j 103 Abigail (So.) 92] Sabrina (St.) 103 Joseph (As.) S6| Durgin, Ruth (St.) ,

. Joseph (So.) 92 , _, Sarah(As.) 86 ,.-.„•" ,a > dliarn (So.) . 96 Farnsworth, ^ . Sarah (So.) 93 Barker, Daniel (So.) 94 _, John (So.) 9-ii 98 Gibbs, Ira (So.) . Mehitable (So.) 95 Gibson, Elizabeth (So.) 94 Bridge, Anne Palfrey (So.) ... 97 Gill, Ann (So.) 93 William Frederick (So.) . ... 97 Gould, Joseph (As.) 87 Brooks, Jonas (So.) 93 Joseph (So.) 93 Buzzell, Noah (St.) 100 Gowing, Anna (So.) 95 C. James (So.) 9o Tristram (As.) .... 88 Carleton, Henry T. (St.) 104 1 Greenleaf,

(So.) > Cate, Simeon (St.) 101 1 Tristram Tristram (St Chadbourne, Frank (St.) .... 104 I (So.). Chillis, Sophia (St.) 102 Greenwood, Catherine

Church. Abigail (As.) 86 Jackson (So. ) Abigail (So.) 92 Joshua, 1st (So.) (So.) Abigail (St.) 99 Joshua. 0.1 Clark, John M. (St.) 104 Julia (So.)

Mary Ann (St.) 10} Moses (So.) (So.) Cox. Henrietta (As.) 89 I Prudence


' IE. Perkins, A lire (St.) . 1O0

Hawley, Grace (A*.) . 85 Pierce, David (As.). . Grace (So.) 91 David (So.)

Grace (St.) 98 t Pollard, Jonathan (As Hayes. Elizabeth (St.) 103 Powers, Judith (So.) .

9:1 Hay ward, Elizabeth (S Pratt, Rufus (So.) . .

. . 10:] Hill, Sarah (St.) Susanna (So.). . . .

Winthrop(St) . . 100 *"*< Hollis, Daniel (So.) 95

! Rollins, Tabitha (St.) . Jerusha (So.) . . . 95 99

Peter (.As.) . 89 Home, I

! Sanborn, Andrew

! Stevens, Mary (St.) . Jenness, Mary fAs.) . . 89 . 10? Straiten, (diaries Jewett. Andrew (St.) . 100 Edwin (So.) .

1 Swasey, Sarah (As.) Jones, Sarah (A s.) . . . 89 yj


Lang, Augustus M. (St.) 102 Taggard, Bartholomew W. (So.) 9'." Mary Elizabeth . 0:, Roland S. (St.) . . 102 (So.).

' William (So.) Russell A.. (St.). • 102 95 Tolman, Caroline Law, Reuben (So.) . 94 (St.). . 101

i Trowbridge, MaiyfSt.) . Leach. Sarali (As.) . 86 KM Sarah (So.) .... F. Sarah (St.) .... 9.:

! Varncy, Meiiitable (St.) 103 Little, Sarah (As.) . M. V."

" Ward Sa aI) So -> 94 Martin, Mary (St.) 100 - ( Welch, Mason. Benjamin (So.) 00 Mary Trow (So.) 9.5 VVhicher Charles (St.) 102 Maria (So.) 9G .

Whittaker, Stillinan G. (St.) . 101 Moore, Abigail . (St.) ]02 j

I Wiggin, Abigail Church (St.). . 100 «*. John (St.) in? Owen, Esther (So.) 95 Porter K. (As.) Thomas (St.) 100 **• Wright, Esther (As.) Page, Joseph (St.) 99 Esther (So.) Parsons, Louisa (St.) 102; Henry (As.) Stephen (St.) 102' Henry (So.) 3 5 9 f;