Collection of the Official Accounts, in Detail, of All the Battles Fought By

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Collection of the Official Accounts, in Detail, of All the Battles Fought By COLLECTION OF THE OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS, IN DETAIL, OF ALL THE FOUGHT BY SEA AND LAND, BETWEEN THE NAVY AND ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE NAVY AND ARMY OF GREAT BRITAIN, BYH A. FAY, Late Capt. in the Corps of U. S. Artillerists. NEW-YORK : PRLYTEJJ Bl £. CO^^BAD, 1817. 148 nt Southern District of Niw-York, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the twenty-ninth day (if Jpril, m the forty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, H. A. Fay, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title ofa book, the right whereof he claims as author and proprietor, in the words andjigures following, to wit: " Collection of the official accounts, in detail, of all the " battles fought, by sea and land, between the navy and array of the United " States, and the nary and army of Great Britain, during the years 1812, 13, " 14, and 15. By H. A. Fay, late Capt. in the corps of U. S. Artillerists."-- In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled •' An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an act, entitled " an Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authors and proprietors of suck copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts ofdesigning, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." THERON RUDD, Clerk of the Southern District of New-York. PREFACE. Whether the reader approved, or disapproved of the causes, conduct, and issue of the late war, is not so mate- rial at present—as it is, that he should have it in his pow- er, for a very moderate sum, to preserve, for his own and his children's use, the very skeleton aud soul of the histo- ry of the war, by this record of the most extraordinary actions ever fought ; nor is it conceived, that any man, with American feelings, can object to a collection of this kind It was no part of my object to write a history : this should not be attempted but by a MarsHx\l, Clinton, Ramsay, or other eminent writer, who could, without prejudice or partiality, state the whole grounds of the war—the manner in which it was conducted—the events which happened between the actions herein recorded, with the political and other effects which the war itself produced on the people of the United States. This, therefore, is only a collection of the " Official Accounts, in detail, of all the battles fought, by sea and land," during the late war, as given by the officer who commanded in each action, or, (in case of his death,) by the next in command. Nor did I think proper to add a single comment of my own—choosing rather to leave the reader to make his own remarks, and form his own opinion, from a simple statement of facts, as given to the people by those whose duty and whose honor were deeply concerned in givmg correct statements ; nor is it proper (as some have done) to alter the style of these communications, not even m a single word j because, from the composition itself, much may be seen of the character of the writers. ; I am happy, however, in this opportunity, to state my beh"ef, that tiie actions, herein detailed, are reported with less partiality than were ever a like number of actions by any otiier nation ; but this only shews my opinion of Ame- rican oificeis, compared with others. It would be very satisfactory to have a genuine collec- tion, of similar events, during our revolutionary war—the general result has been stated by Ramsay and Gordon ; but, I believe, there never has been collected a detailed account of the actions fought—hence the names of those (especially subalterns) who distinguished themselves, have not been made kown, except in very extraordinary cases and it is one prime object, in publishing this collection, to do justice to alL f^f every s^rade, that their names may be alwavs remembered by the American people. Besides, a complete history of the war will form a work, which will be beyond the means of the majority of the people to purchase. This collection was put low, with a view of obviating that objection, and placing it within the means of almost every man; and, if I may be allowed to recommend a book to be used in our schools. I know of none better calculated to keep alive the true national fediiiiX^', than the one here presented. Instead of publishing in duodecimo form, as at first pro- posed, it was thought advisable to make it an octavo, with a larger type, and a much fairer pa^re—the cost, to me, is more; but, if the work has a tendency (as I believe it will) to disseminate, and keep alive the national feeling, a main object is answered. The collection was made for my own use, as a soldier, without reference to, or inten- tion of publication—I wish it may prove useful to others, H. A. FAY INDEX. Actions fought at Detroity Fort Mdgs, and within their vicinity. PAGE. BallJe of Brownstown _ . - _ 9 GtiK'i-al Hull's 8ui'ien<ler - - - - 25 Block's Account of Hull's Surrender - 26 Captiiifi Z. IXylor's Uefence of Fort Harrison - 29 Co!<»fiei Jiiisscll against the Indians - - - 53 G'Mcriil Siipkins a,a;ains( the Indians - - 58 CiiiHain Heaid's Defeat, by the Indins - - 65 DcfejtofGen. Win hester - - - - 73 - FuHiier part i ulars of Win hest"r's Defeat 75 General Udmsou's A.-eount of an Attatk upon Fort Mei^-s -..-.- 88 Second L'*{te'', on the same subject - - 90 Colonel Dudley's Defeat . - - - 92 Croi^lian's Defence of Sandusky - - - 117 D''clar (ion of War by the Six Nations - - 119 Fort Maiden taken . , - - . 127 Defeat uf Gen. P octor - - - - 12S Treaty wit!: the Indians at Detroit - i&. Gener 1 Hurrisun's Detailed Report of the Defeat of Gen. Proctor . _ - - - 133 Captain Holmes, on the river De French - - 17S Actions fought on the Niagara^ at SackeVs Harhory and their vicinity. Battle of Queenstown _ _ - _ 33 Attack upon Fort Niagara - - - - 56 PAGE. Winding up of Gen. Smy<li's Affairs - - 61 Capture ol two Btitisli armed vessels, on the Niagara strait, by Capt. Elliott, and others - - 67 Capture of York, U. Can da - - - 81 Terms of Capitulation (York) - - - 85 Loss of the Enemy, in the above Capture - - -86 Capture of Fort George (U. C.) - - - 95 Proceedings, after the captuse of Fort George - - 100 Di'fenec of Sacket's Harbor - - - - 101 Capture of Generals Chandler and Winder - 104 Movements of Gen. Lewis, subsequent to the capture of Chandler and Winder ... - 105 Colonel Boerstler's Surrender - - - 112 Major Chapin's Escape . _ > . 114 S' ott and Chauncey's Expedition to Burlington Bay (U. C.) 116 Commodore Chaun(cy and Sir James Yeo—skirmishing i^G Loss of Fort Niagara - - - - 165 Dest. uction of Buffaloe . _ . ±e7 Colonel Mitchell, at Oswego - . igs Major Appling, at Sandy Creek - - - 191 Battle at Chippewa, July. ISli ... 209 General Bmwn's Detailed Report of the above - 212 After movements of Gen. Brown's army - - 216 General Brown's Disappointment, in not having the fleet on Lake Ontario to assist him ... 217 Battle of Bridge wnter - - . - 218 Detailed Report of the Battle of Bridgewater - 219 Battle at Fort Erie (U. C.) - - - 228 Sortie at Fort Erie - - , . » 24.0 Detailed Report of the Sortie at Fort Erie - 254. Affair near Chippewa ... - 264. General Izard's Account of the above Affair - 265 Actions on the St. Lawrence^ Plattsburgh, and their vicinity. Affair at St. Regis - - - _ . 40 Colo: fl Clark's Expedition, and success - -\ 14,2 Geaciul Wilkinson's Proclamation ... ^145 Action at Williamsburgh (U. C.) - - 146 Correspondence between Generals Wilkinson and Hamp- ton, on the proposed junction of their armies - 151 General Hampton's Affair at Chatauguay - 155 Wilkinson^ at La CoUe Mill - - 181 PAGE. His General Order - - - - - IS'i Defence of Fort Morcau . - . _ xiyt General Macomb's Detailed Account of tbe above 2il Naval Actions. Capture of the Sloop of war Alert, by the Essex - 27 Guerrier, by the Constitution - ib. Commodore Chaun ej, on Lake Ontario - - 42 Capture of the Frolic, by the Wasp - - -4,4, Macedonian, by the United States - 5i Jt va, by the Constitution ^ - - 71 Peacock, by the Hornet - - 77 American Gun-boats, with the Frigate Junon - 109 Loss of the Frigate Chesapeake -V' - - - ilO /Capture of the English Schooner, Lady Murray 112 a British Tender - - - 113 Gun-boat, on Lake Ontario - - 115 the Dominico . _ 120 Boxer _ . _ _ i&. Commodore Perry's Victory, on Lake Erie - 122 Loss of the Argus—British Account -I' - - 127 ''Re-capture of the Julia and Growler - - 129 Commodore Chauncey and Sir James L. Yeo—the for- mer having the Litter in his power - ISO Capture of the British Brig Morgiana - - 141 Epervier - - - - 185 ^^Commodore Barney's Flotilla, with Enemy's Frigates 192 Destruction of a Gun-boat, on Lake Ontario - 193 "^Captain Porter's Cruise, and Loss of the Essex - 194- Captain Hillyar's Complimentary Letter - - 209 Destruction of a vessel (building) at Presque-Isle 210 - Frigate Adams destroyed . - - - 235 , M<Donougk's Victory . - . - 236 His Detailed Report - - - - 237 '-Capture of the Reindeer .
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