15, quai de la Gironde 75019 Paris H 06 30 51 59 56 Léa Toulemon B
[email protected] Current situation 2016–present Post-doctoral researcher, Hospinnomics (Paris School of Economics- Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris). − Contribution to a European research project on orphan drugs − Organisation of a bimonthly workshop on drugs prices − Coordination of a Massive Open Online Course on Health Economics Education 2013–2016 PhD, Economics, Sciences Po Paris, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies , Advisor: Etienne Wasmer. 2011–2013 Master Economics and Public Policy, Sciences Po, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE. 2008–2011 Joint degree Sciences and Social Sciences Sciences, Sciences Po, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). − Bachelor of Sciences Po − Bachelor Sciences and technologies − Erasmus year at University of Warwick (United-Kingdom) Publications 2018 In progress, “The Economics of the Positive List for Innovative and Costly Drugs in Hospitals”, (with Laurie Rachet-Jacquet). 2017 Working paper, “Regional Purchasing Groups and Hospital Medicine Prices: Evi- dence from Group Creations”, Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers 17/21, HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York., Revise and Resubmit, Health Economics. 2016 Working paper, “Long-term Impacts of Job Displacement on Job Quality and Satisfaction Indicators: Evidence from Germany”, (with Lexane Weber-Baghdiguian), Laboratoire d’Economie de Dauphine, WP no3/2016, Submitted. 2015 Publication, “Does moving to a system with a more generous public health insurance increase medical care consumption?”, (with Laurent Davezies), Annals of Economics and Statistics . Conferences and seminar presentations 2017 Paris, LIRAES young researcher seminar- Descartes University . 2017 Bonn, IZA workshop on social and welfare consequences or unemployment.