What is ecosystem restoration? A science-based Outlook High-level panel | June 1st 13:00 – 13:45 CET

IUCN YouTube livestream

English: https://youtu.be/85ZkyxI-aWw French: https://youtu.be/9FR3kP8Vsa8 Spanish::https://youtu.be/qyUjhqZfd3A Event description

Expert voices from the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Science Task Force will share the fundamentals of the science behind ecosystem restoration. They will walk us through their recommendations for high-quality restoration and focus our attention on critical considerations to ensure that the Decade delivers its promise. Here is your chance to ask them the hard questions about ecosystem restoration, and what the science behind this Decade is all about.

The Science Task Force is convened by IUCN as a pillar of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to deliver a foundational think-piece on ecosystem restoration as well as to support the strong science throughout the Decade. In the final stages of development, this think piece will establish a baseline understanding of ecosystem restoration from which all partners involved in the UN Decade can build pathways of action.

During this 45 minutes session, the experts will share key messages for the kick off-of the Decade as well as engage with the audience in an interactive Q&A format. Moderator

Luc Gnacadja, Founder and President, Governance and Policies for Sustainable Development () Chair of the Science Task Force - Luc Gnacadja - World Future Council

Science Task Force Members

Mike Acreman, University College London (United Kingdom) Freshwater ecosystems - Prof. Michael Acreman | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (ceh.ac.uk)

Angela Andrade, Senior Climate Change and Biodiversity Director, Conservation International (Colombia) Chair of IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management - Angela Andrade (conservation.org)

James Kairo, Chief Scientist, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute (Kenya) Marine and coastal ecosystems - Dr. James Kairo (kmfri.co.ke)

Gam Shimray, Secretary General, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (Thailand) Indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge - Mr. Gam Shimray - Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights by The #RBHRF2020 Team (heysummit.com)

Priya Shyamsundar, Lead Economist, The Nature Conservancy (USA) Economics of restoration - Priya Shyamsundar (nature.org)

Bernardo Strassburg, Executive Director, International Institute for (Brazil) Terrestrial ecosystems - Bernardo Baeta Neves Strassburg Archives | IIS (iis-rio.org)

What is ecosystem restoration?: A science-based Outlook A Science Task Force high-level event for the launch of the Decade

Luc Gnacadja, Chair

Angela Andrade Mike Acreman Gam Shimray Bernardo Priya James Kairo Chair of the IUCN University College Secretary-General, Strassburg Shyamsundar Chief Scientist, Commission on London Asia Indigenous Executive Director, Lead Economist, Kenya Marine and Ecosystem People Pact International The Nature Fisheries Institute Management Institute for Conservancy Sustainability