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^ r-«-* *•»••'•'»'»v«' H-i-?in.m!in. Library Page Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, COKN., JUNE 6, 1941 THE HOME TOWS PAPER nations are ot non-White or mixed this young inen should visit on THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A ot blood. The Nazi and Communist his leave from <:amp. Neither in VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN NORTH BRANFORD THE POCKETBOOK propagandists down there point dustrialists nor laborer has as yet Business Directory BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD with malicious glee at our race shown any willingness to make any STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD PORTRAYING AS IT DOES (/KNOWLEDGE pride and Intolerance here. They sacrifice tor the preservation of SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN Services In the local churches on alumni dinner at the commence say with very plausible credibility this land unless they are well paid 42 Inoh sink ana tab osmblnatlm GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS FAMILIAR LANGUAGE Sunday will be: ment exercises of the Berkeley that we are not to be trusted. Our for it. Instead of all classes joining COVE—EAST HAVEN CJe Ptanfotb i^ebteto $29.95 complete. Toilet ontflts Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St, Augus Divinity School on Wednesday, Ronulne interest In an Internation together in a really Democratic campleta $12.95. Bath tubs I14.S*. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS tine's R, C. Church, Rev William al democracy upon which our sur fashion, we, all ot us, want to make The North Branford Fife and Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumblnf Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Edward Daly, vival as nation depends Is betrayed ourselves as rich as we can through VOL, XIV—No, 9 Braivtord, Connecticut, Thursday, June 12, 1041 organist and choir director., Drum Corps held a special meeting by our lack ot true democracy at this present trouble as rich as we and Heattng Materials Co., 1730 Price Five Ceata Dominican Nuns from New Haven on Tuesday evening at the club home which recognizes the equal can make ourselves In a gentle State St, New Baven, Conn., •will instruct children ol St, Augus house. ity of all men. We are not willing manly fashion. Phone 6-0028. THE FORGOTTEN M4N \^^^-^^\ 3^^-,^^^ tine's Church directly after Mass to sacrifice the very pride ot race Selflshness and pride have and high school boys and girls will, A Decoration Day party was held and linage that we condemn in brought these things to pass and Membership List Every once and awhUe a person also remain for their study club. Outer Island Residents Branford High School at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the race consciousness ot Adolf until we go down on our knees has • Hevlland Schuesslcr ot Sea Mill Welcomes Public Hitler. Until we learn what that and pray God's forgeveness and the TIPEWRITERS — ALL MAKES Of Garden Club The right to "blow his top." Holy Eucharist and morning Road. Quests included Mr. and Mrs. sacrince means, until we give the forgiveness ot these dead we pro About the grandest guy in the prayers will be celebrated at 9:30 Loren Barker and son Loren gf New, Rcbuilts, Rentals, Portablea, negro within our borders a sport tess to honor, our honoring ot Recovering From Burns whole roide toorW, To Hear Concert Announces Graduation o'clock at Zion Episcopal Church, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Blandlng ing chance and abandon our arro them and our calling upon His Supplies Reaches Quota Rev. Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Klngsford and daughter Dorothy of The lorgotten man; his "pop." gant attitude toward Mexicans and Name Is a mockery. Convenient Terms ~ ., , J '- Musical Art Society members will I'aul n. Hawkins, organist and East Haven;' Mr. and Mrs. Mal- their kin, we have no right to ex The touch of Democracy has choir director. bourne Preston and children Jean As Result Of Explosion A meeting of the executive board ; guess -pops" were inade. to step 1,, ^ ,o„,„t ,„ jjlackstone Li Schedule And Program pect our southern neighbors to be been passed to us. Let us hold it RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. of the Branford Garden Club pre and Loren of West Haven. tVin Mrn,TfnrH flnrnon Clllb OrP- I OSide brary Hall Tuesday evening in ob- Church School will follow Im lieve us disinterested in our pro high with our might in our every C. B. GUY, Mgr. ceded the regular meeting in the \ ;,i (,„ apologetic way. mediately. testation of friendship. Nor can we day living man with man, nation homc of Mrsrj. iloward Marlln of :^'J„r'to fcinSirsofia^^^^ °' "^"^ library's 45th Miss May Holablrd and Miss Lucy marvel too- open-mouthed at the with nation. Then we shall be re Ttlephone 1-2738 Two Weil Children Trapped In Cabin When "The Islan Pine Orchard. New menibers ao- |por his child' to have a day. onnlversary. Traditional Ivy Planting Will Follow Baccalaureate Ser Morning worship at the Con- Holablrd have had as their house racism that has launched this lieved of the necessity of holding 100 Crown Street, New Haven der' ' Explodes—Nelson Tryon And Others Assist In' I^VM were Mrs. aemgeR. Adams | Margaret Whltaiter Fouser has vices—Monday Is Class Night And Senior Promen Grcgatlonal Church at U o'clock on guest at their home on North Street present manifestation of the disor it high by force of arms. Then He does Ms liiorfc and gets "° charge ot the program to which Miss Cecelia Pledrahlta of Bogota, _ .„ « ..^ , „, .„ Mrs. John D, Baldwin, Mrs. Agnes' ade—Commencement Wednesday Evening. Sundoy morning, ReV. O, DUlard ganization ot the world. Too much and only then shall God's peace WANTED—Employment to do Barnes, Mrs. John H. Doss, and thanks, • •• the public Is Invited without Lessley, pastor. Miss Ethel Maynard Columbia. of the same sin Is In ourselves. reign. Then and only then shall housework, day or week. Willing Rescue—All On Road To Recovery. Mrs. M. Pierpont Warner. The club For the drudging, mcary task charge. organist and Mrs. Douglas B, Hola- The last area ot trouble os dally those honored dead not have died worker. Tel. Branford" 899-5 Burned severely by an explosion now has its quota of 100 members. Of leeding mouths. Yet his face re The program follows: Branford High School grodua- bird, choir director. The Memorial Day Committee in vain. and fire aboard a 35-foot cabin Mrs. Samuel A, Grlswold, presi mains Marriage of Flgoro^-Mozart, Mu Picnics Planned tlon exercises begin Sunday with a Sunday School will convene at feels very grateful to all who assis In our headline but was particular British Relief ly pointed up by a conversation I Judge ot the Nations, spare us yet. cruiser "The Islander" about to put dent ot the cub, presided with a An imperturable mflsfc. • sical Art Quintet, Margaret Whlt- Baccalaureate Services at 7:30 in :o o'clock Mrs. Burton S. Hall, ted tn making the exercises of the LOST —Ptissbook No. 9292. If out from the Stony Creek public had last week with a chaplain ot Lest we forget — lest we forget! found return to the Branford patriotic service. .Notice was read I aker Fouser, Alice Burr, Rossalle By Republicans; the auditorium. The program fol superinlondent. day so enjoyable and successful. at the Indian Point House for Outer Benefit Party ot the wild flower preserve andUboiit that mask', He seldom Plnkham, Cornelia Osborn, Nellie one ot our training camps. He was Savings Bank, 6-5,19,7-3 Island Friday night, four persons lows. , discussing one ot these strike historic homes in Lltchneld on shows Osborn. Closing Season A meeting of the North Branford Mrs. Minnie Richmond of Notch RED CROSS NOTES are In hospitals. June 20; of the Woodbrldge Oar- The troubled, worried side. Processional, Senior Class; Invo Defense Committee will bo held in Hill Road entertained the Zlon headlines with a lad who had been LO ST—Pass Book No. 4007., It Attracts Many Echoes ot 1917—Loretta Yates; I cation, The Reverend Adolf T. forced to sacrifice a very good Job Under treatment in New Haven den Club flower show June 13-14 But just do a iborthy deed the town hall on Friday evening at Parish Guild on Tuesday, A covered The First Aid Class under the in found return to Branford Savings Hospital tor first and second-de hear a Harp—Brahms, and Reward The last meeting ot the season Bergulst; Hymn American the Beau by the draft. Said the young man, In the town hall; ot the Madison And watch it. glow With pride. —Brahms, Musical Art Chorun. eight o'clock. Representatives ot all dish luncheon was followed by a struction of Mrs. Mae Palmer will Bank 5-22, 6-5-19 gree burns Leonard Well, 40 of For the benefit of the British House and Garden tour June 24 tor tor the Women's Republican Club tlful Authlence: Prayer, "The Rev organizations and,any cltitlzens tn busslness session and sowing hour. "I wish I could talk to those strik complete the course tonight. War Relief Society, Mrs. Pierpont , : , , , . Revolutionary Etude — Chopin; will bo held Monday noon at the erend Alfred W, Jones; Address, ers for about five minutes. They New Jersey, who was blown over the benefit of American seeds tor tcrestcd are urged to attend. Twenty-five new knitters have WANTED 'or October first oc board by the blast; his son, Dant- Tyler, Miss Eleanor Tyler and Miss He fries to ease his offsprings road goanng _ Schumann, Barbara home ot Mrs. Roland Geler, Sum The Reverend Kenneth Brookes; are knifing me In the back. We are British soil. By acting like a brother.^, Thompson Nordineyer.