Download 1941-06-12
^ r-«-* *•»••'•'»'»v«' H-i-?in.m!in. Library Page Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, COKN., JUNE 6, 1941 THE HOME TOWS PAPER nations are ot non-White or mixed this young inen should visit on THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A ot blood. The Nazi and Communist his leave from <:amp. Neither in VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN NORTH BRANFORD THE POCKETBOOK propagandists down there point dustrialists nor laborer has as yet Business Directory BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD with malicious glee at our race shown any willingness to make any STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD PORTRAYING AS IT DOES (/KNOWLEDGE pride and Intolerance here. They sacrifice tor the preservation of SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN Services In the local churches on alumni dinner at the commence say with very plausible credibility this land unless they are well paid 42 Inoh sink ana tab osmblnatlm GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS FAMILIAR LANGUAGE Sunday will be: ment exercises of the Berkeley that we are not to be trusted. Our for it. Instead of all classes joining COVE—EAST HAVEN CJe Ptanfotb i^ebteto $29.95 complete. Toilet ontflts Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St, Augus Divinity School on Wednesday, Ronulne interest In an Internation together in a really Democratic campleta $12.95. Bath tubs I14.S*. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS tine's R, C. Church, Rev William al democracy upon which our sur fashion, we, all ot us, want to make The North Branford Fife and Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumblnf Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Edward Daly, vival as nation depends Is betrayed ourselves as rich as we can through VOL, XIV—No, 9 Braivtord, Connecticut, Thursday, June 12, 1041 organist and choir director., Drum Corps held a special meeting by our lack ot true democracy at this present trouble as rich as we and Heattng Materials Co., 1730 Price Five Ceata Dominican Nuns from New Haven on Tuesday evening at the club home which recognizes the equal can make ourselves In a gentle State St, New Baven, Conn., •will instruct children ol St, Augus house.
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