GAZETTE Peopje Without Even Trying
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PERSPEUTM By Robert Prucha Did you ever have one of those days. One when nothing goes right. One in which you manage to offend GAZETTE peopJe without even trying. Enter Punxsutawney Phil. I can't Guantanamo Bay, Cuba even write a story about a ground hog without making somebody mad at me. I apologize to all the fine folks at the Naval Oceanographic Detach- Volume 36 Number 23 Tuesday, February 3, 1981 ment who I offended yesterday. I meant no harm; I didn't mean to por- tray them as being unprofessional just because they made one mistake. Fuel and ticket pnces up up up The men and women who monitor and predict our weather provide round- Automobile production is down, The move was needed if Chrysler the type of oil used to heat the-clock service to Guantanamo Bay. fuel prices are up, and if airlines is. to pick up an additional large apartment buildings and run They render service to the fleet plane tickets will have their way, $400 million in federal aid. electric power plants. via forecasts and warnings, help the be going up too. The final vote was by a closer With the price of fuel flying fishermen and divers by calculating Motors has closed out General margin than two previous-votes-of high, the major airlines want the high and low tides, predict the worst loss in its 1980 with the Chrysler workers to help their Civil Aeronautics Board to grant paths of hurricanes and even disturb and both Ford and Chrysler Dory company, and that may indicate them fare increases. the PAO at home, interrupting his expected to soon post even their patience is running out. An industry-wide group sent a dinner, to complain about articles. larger losses. Sun Oil has followed the lead of petition to the CAB Monday, seeking By the way; my office phone is All of the red ink comes with other- oil companies and raised its an unspecified increase that will 8502 and I'm there from 7 a.m. to high interest rates that have wholesale gas and home heating oil reflect higher fuel costs. A CAB 5:30 p.m. scared customers away from dealer prices two to- three cents a gallon. spokesman says the board will made it even showrooms, and have On Monday Exxon raised pricesson consider the request quickly. more expensive for dealers to keep those cars on the showroom floor, Clash over, maybe and for car makers to make the cars. For the first time since 1921, Reagan, friends mark 70th It looks as if that border war the acknowledged leader of the between Peru and Ecuador is at an auto industry has failed to turn end. President Reagan will celebrate Only Reagan's closest friends a profit. Instead General Motors Representatives of those two and advisers will be invited. posted a $763 million loss. his 70th birthday on Friday, nations sat down with envoys from In Tampico, Illinois, where The complete story for rivals Ford becoming only the second president Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the Reagan was born on February 6th, and Chrysler will be posted shortly. to reach that age while in office. United States in Brasilia, and 1911, there will be a Reagan Again, the figures are to be in Dwight Eisenhower was the other when that session was over, birthday dance Friday night. red ink. Lots of it. Analysts say president to mark his 70th birthday Ecuador agreed to a cease-fire Citizens of Tampico yesterday Ford may post losses at $1.5 in office. It came less than three already announced by Peru. sent the president a large billion. months before the end of Ike's At issue in the brief border birthday car featuring hundreds Chrysler will be even higher, eight-year tenure in the White war, high in the Condor Range of of signatures and a sketch of his $1.7 billion, the largest single House. the Andes Mountains, Ecuador's old neighborhood. loss ever in U.S. history. Before Eisenhower, the two oldest territorial claims to access to the Chrysler did get some help yester- presidents were Andrew Jackson In Dixon, Illinois, where Reagan Amazon River. lived day, from its workers. and James Buchanan, both of whom after hs was nine years Despite the announced cease-fire, old, the high school By a relatively slim margin were 69 when they left office. band will put Ecuador's president says Ecuador oon a birthday they have approved a $46 a week President Reagan's wife Nancy celebration concert has not given up on that goal. pay cut, to be followed by a 20 has planned a party for him at the honoring Reagan. But, it will It may take some time for the month wage freeze. White House Friday night. But, her be held on Thursday night because cease-fire to actually take hold, All of this is designed to give aides will not disclose the menu the high 'school gym is needed for because of the inaccessibility of ysler $622 million in badly or the entertainment. a basketball game on Friday. the battle front. ed financial help. Base DEFEX Reminders EVACUATION ACTION CHECK LIST EMERGENCY SIGNALS EVACUATION PAYMENTS TO MILITARY any new address immediately to: DEPENDENTS AND U.S. CIVILIAN EM- Navy Finance Center When orders for evacuation are SIRENS - GENERAL ALERT PLOYEES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS Allotment Department received, take the following action: Five minute continuous tone on New Federal Office Building base siren - This signal indicates In the event of an actual evacu- Cleveland, Ohio 44199 a major fire, conflagration, or a. If a family member is to re- ation, all those little things that This will insure prompt receipt probable attack. main at Naval Base, keys to quarters nobody paid any attention to before of your checks. If, however, the Action: 1. Remain at work or should be left with the remaining suddenly loom in front of those who evacuation is only temporary ,action school. member. If all family members are are unprepared. will be taken by the Naval Station 2. If not at work or evacuated, quarters should be lock- One such are is pay. Super- Disbursing Office to forward school, proceed to ed, keys tagged and deposited with visors can mess around with working allotment checks to the safe-haven quarters. evacuation officials at the embar- hours, give you a hard time about area. kation area. 3. Do not use telephone haircuts and the like and say nasty except for emergen- things about you. But who cares? U.S. civilian employees and/or b. Turn off all lights and cies. Fool around with their money, their. dependents are required to unplug all other electricial appli- 4. Tune to 1340 AM though, and the guys in charge present some type of identification. ances EXCEPT refrigerators and radio. better stand by for heavy rolls. and the original Authorization and freezers. Do not secure power at Don't put your dependents in the Consent Agreement, NAVSO 12550/3 the main switch. TAKE COVER difficult and embarrassing position at the time emergency payment is c. Turn off water faucets. Continuous series of 10-second of not having any cash. made. d. Close all windows, close wails on base siren for three min- When the evacuation of depend- The NAVSO 12550/3 should be com- venetian blinds and drapes. utes. This signal indicates that ents and/or U.S. civilian employees pleted by the civilian sponsor e. Post inventory of household attack is imminent, hurricane con- is directed by Commander, U.S. shortly after arrival on station, goods and personal effects in dition One is set, or a Defense Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and maintained at all times in the kitchen. Exercise has been set. the following emergency payment personal custody of the person des- Action: 1. Listen to instruc- procedures will apply: ignated thereon. f. Place pets on chain in yard tions on 1340 AM. and leave a two day supply of food - The Naval Station Disbursing 2. Non-combatant per- Officer will establish payment The NAVSO 12550/3 is also a water. sonnel proceed to facilities at designated embarka- means for providing emergency sta- g. Private vehicles should be quarters or shelter, tion points and effect- payments. tion allowances which will accrue left at quarters and the keys and as instructed. in ease of evacuation to an over- proof of ownership given to the re- - Military dependents are 3. School children will required to present an identifica- seas safe-haven area. maining member. If all family mem- be returned by bus tion card and the original Emer- Such allowances are not deduct- bers are evacuated, keys should be to quarters or des- gency Payment Authorization, DD ible from the sponsoring member's tagged, noting make, color, year, ignated shelters. Form 1337, at the time emergency pay. and location of vehicle. Keys are 4. Turn off lights. payment is made. Emergency payments may be made to be deposited at embarkation area. 5. Do not use tele- in one lump sum or in installments The DD Form is a means of h. Proceed by bus to designated except for (usually not more than two.). phone in the event of an enbarkation points. providing funds However, the total ammount cannot emergencies. emergency evacuation, and should 6. Make final prepar- exceed the amount designated on the i. MEDICAL - Dependents having be completed in triplicated by the ations for evacua- DD/NAVSO forms. had surgery in the past ten days; military sponsor shortly after the Emergency payments, except for women in the last three months of tion.