Proposed research examining the habitat use, social behavior and communication signals of canyon and rock wrens in Larimer County, CO. Dr. Lauryn Benedict Assistant professor School of Biological Sciences University of Northern Colorado 2480 Ross Hall, Campus Box 92 501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639 (970) 351-3364
[email protected] Stephanie Pitt Graduate Student School of Biological Sciences University of Northern Colorado 2480 Ross Hall, Campus Box 92 501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639
[email protected] Project Description: This project seeks to describe the nesting behavior, ecology and vocalizations of canyon wrens (Catherpes mexicanus) and rock wrens (Salpinctes obsoletus). This research will improve knowledge of Colorado Natural History, utilize public resources and contribute to scientific understanding of the evolution of animal communication signals. Canyon wrens and rock wrens are closely related species that require rocky cliff habitats, but little is known regarding the interactions and habitat use of these species (Jones and Dieni 1995, Jones 1998, Lowther et al. 2000). In areas of Northern Colorado they occur in sympatry and may often share territory boundaries. Territorial occupation may be determined by a number of factors, including specific habitat preferences and fighting ability relative to conspecifics and heterospecifics. Our project will examine the roles of abiotic and biotic factors in determining the spatial distributions of members of the two focal species. The first portion of the project will examine territory size and characteristics, the second will examine interactions between individuals. Goal 1: Describe habitat use and quantify characteristics of breeding sites for canyon and rock wrens. In some areas of Colorado both rock wrens and canyon wrens occur in sympatry, breeding in close association within the same habitat types.