Karel Capek FACTORY FOR ABSOLUTE The complete book (ebook) INTRODUCTION Preface that follows, I wanted to actually write it to the first issue, I did no t do it first, probably in a fit of laziness, of which no longer remember, first of fatalism, because I think that the preface has nothing to rectify. When the book came out, I have read about her various welldeserved criticism: that suppo sedly compares Balzakovu Search for the Absolute, that is undignified ending enj oyment of sausages, and especially that it's not a real novel. That's what I was hitting right on the head like a nail. Confess that it is not at all novel. I w ould now like to apologize to say under what circumstances, this book does not b ecome a novel. One spring day about four hours in the afternoon I wrote RUR, then I threw the p en in relief and went for a walk on Nebozizek. At first I was pretty vol Well, I got rid of hard work, of which evolved a sense of emptiness and then I found it excruciatingly bored. I said that I spoiled the day anyway, and therefore prefe r to go home and write a newspaper essay. Such determination is usually a man, h ave no idea, what will actually write in here so some time walking around the ro om, whistling to a song that can not get rid of, or catching flies, then he reme mbers something and starts to write. Also, when I remembered some old ideas, I n ařezal quarters of paper and began to write my essay. When I was in the third quarter carcase, I found that this is a short essay on p ower, and that this may have to be six columns, so the whole thing stuck in half a sentence to the third quarter carcase. After two months in the country attacked me and the loneliness of rain, there wa s no other to avoid: I bought the paper and I began to write the six feuilletons . Persistent rain and perhaps a penchant for substance fault, that I have writte n twelve chapters and divided into six bar even further. Whereupon I sent the tw elve chapters of a newspaper that is marked by a chapter in Pondělníku, swear that I will finish far end. But life is nezbadatelný; released eleven chapters, and I had a line on, I forgot that it is based, and most importantly, I forgot how it should be continued. Pri nter chasing me, I sent the end, that I (as a girl in a fairy tale I threw her a new chapter in your way, give me a few days, fleeing persecution room printer h e dropped my chapter by chapter, I wanted to overtake, but "she was behind me ju mp you leap ": As I zigzagged hunted hare, I threw all the way, I got the time a nd could still somehow correct what I messed up during the chase. Judge for your self nedrženi I have quite a long time, yet it took eighteen chapters before I pus hed White Ensign end. Yea, that this book has a coherent happening? Is not it th rilling and epic storyline, how the author, Erinyes hounded, escapes to the soli tude of mountains and still lifes editorial on Saint Kilda, in Hradec Kralove, i n the Pacific atoll within seven cottages and then a pub table U Damohorských that only when, with his arms folded and plunges his pursuers in the face of recent arguments surrendered? Watch with bated breath, how to bel ieve until the last moment, that JSA mercilessly chased despite everything i s going to kind of goal and he pursues the idea of some sort, and left him in the thirtieth chapter of breath, he left the strange belief that the winding road, w hich just took place, was a sort of common sense. This is the true story of the novel, which really is not novel, but a series fejetonovým : he name of it now als o připichuji. In October 1926, Karel Capek CHAPTER I ADVERTISEMENT On New Year's Day 1943, Mr. GH Bondy, president of the MEAS races, reading newsp apers as ever, jumped a bit disrespectful reports from the battlefield to avoid a cabinet crisis and set sail full sail ( People newspaper as long ago quintupl ed its size, the sheets would be sufficient to ocean voyage ) to the National s ection manager. Here cruised proper moment, then rolled the sails and let the ro cking dreaming. "The coal crisis," he said, "running down, Ostrava Basin stopped working for yea rs. For God's sake, it is a disaster. We carry the Upper Silesian coal, please n ote, what we will raise the price of our products, and then talk to me about the contest! We are on the stack, and if Germany will increase fares, we can close the lodge. and host decreased. Oh God, what small proportions! What a tight, stu pid, futile relationships! Oh, damn crisis! " Mr. GH Bondy, chairman, dropped. Something hauntingly irritated him. He watched it until it found the last page of the newspaper delayed. It was a word LEZ. In fact, only half a word, because the newspaper just before the L translated. It w as just the halfheartedness, which is thought of as extraordinary. "Well, gosh, there will probably IRON," he Bondy indefinitely, "or not situated. Or finding. And nitrogen stocks also fell. Terrible stagnation. Small, ridiculously small p roportions. But that's nonsense, who could find advertised? Rather loss . He's got about a loss of State, anyway. " Somewhat annoyed, Mr. GH Bondy spread newspaper to get rid of unpleasant words. Now quite disappeared board advertisements. He chased the column after column, h e hid with annoying deliberate. Now, Mr. Bondy and finally started to bottom fro m the right side. The finding was that obnoxious there. GH Bondy was waived. He folded the paper again, and lo and behold, hated LEZ jum ped the border itself, and there is thus caught his finger, opened the newspaper and quickly found ... Mr. Bondy zasakroval quietly. It was altogether a very mo dest, very ordinary inzerátek:

INVENTION very lucrative, for every factory, immediately sold out of personal re asons. Questions about inž. R. Mark Brevnov 1651st

"This to me was worth it!" thought Mr. GH Bondy. "Any patent braces, or any podvůd ek Fool's toy, and I lost it five minutes! And I no longer plays around. Small p roportions. And no, no boom!" President Bondy now put the rocking chair so comfortable awoke a little bitterne ss ratios. True, MEAS has ten factories and thirtyfour thousand workers. MEAS r esults in iron. MEAS is no competition in the boilers. MEAS grates are a global brand. But in twenty years of work, my God, would be procured elsewhere somethin g bigger GH Bondy was abruptly sat down. "Engineer Mark, an engineer Mark! Wait, is not t hat rusty Mark as quickly named Rudolf, Mark Ruda, Ruda friend of the technique? Indeed, here in the inzerátě: inž. Mark R., Rudo, the tyke, it is possible? and poor, you're it worked out! sell very lucrative invention, 'haha, from personal reaso ns', we already know the personal reasons, you have no money, right? Would you l ike to catch a Jackdaw industrial usmolený patent, well, always You used to be a l ittle obsessed with the idea of overturning the world. Oh, my lad, where are our b ig ideas! Our generous and youth quack! " The president again asked Bondy. "Maybe it's really Mark," he mused. "But Mark w as head of science.

A little chatterbox, but the kid had something brilliant. He thought. Otherwise terribly impractical man. Actually insane. It's strange, "said Mr. Bondy," there is no professor. Over twenty years I've seen him, who knows what they did, perh aps entirely met. Indeed, certainly met, and lives in Brevnov, poor ... and live with inventions! Fearful of the end! " Mr. Bondy was trying to imagine the poverty stricken inventor. He managed to con trive a wonderfully bearded, disheveled head, around the walls are dreary and ha rd like in the movie. No furniture, mattresses in the corner, on the table a poo r model of coils, nails and burnt matches, dim screen leads to the backyard. And in this unspeakable trash boldly visit to coat. "I'm going to look at your inve ntion." Halfblind inventor knows an old friend, humbly bowing spiky head, looki ng, where guests sit down, and now, good God, zkřehlými, pathetic, trembling fingers , trying to bring in their pathetic movement invention, a kind of perpetual moti on foolish, confused, and Jabber, as it It should run, how would certainly be ru nning, though if he if he could buy Visit to coat his eyes wandering all over the loft closet, and suddenly pulls out a leather bag from his pocket and put a thousand on the table, the second ("Enough, already "afraid for yourself, Mr. Bond) and a third. ("The thousand would finally mend s o far," said Mr. Bondy something.) "This is ... for the job, Mr. Marcus, no no, not quite nothing required. What, Who am I? It does not matter. Think that your friend. " President Bondy was very pleased and impressed by this image. "I will send my se cretary to Mark," he determined, "now or tomorrow. And what do I do now? Is a ho liday in the factory going, I actually leave Oh, those small proportions! Thro ughout the day have nothing to do! What if himself today he hesitated GH Bondy . It would be a little adventure, take a look at the misery of the nerds in Brev nov. "We were, finally, such friends, and memories have rights. I'm coming!" decided Mr. Bondy. And he rode. A bit bored with it then, when his car slid across the Brevnov to seek the poor house with cis. hem 1651st They had to ask the police. "Mark, Mark," sought the inspector in his mind, "it probably is an engineer Rudolf Marek, Marek et al., Factory bulbs, mix street 1651st" Factory bulb! President Bondy was disappointed, annoyed yes. Mark Ruda is ther efore podstřeší! The industrialist and selling "of personal reasons" an invention! Old boy, it stinks bankruptcy, whether or not Bondy. "You do not know how Mr. Marcu s doing?" he asked casually police inspector when he got into the car. "Oh, great!" corresponded to the inspector. "Is just a beautiful race. Famous na me," supplying the local respect. "Rich man," clarified yet, "and really learned . Nothing but attempts to do." "Street Mix" Mr. Bondy preached chauffeur. "The third street on the right!" Supe rvisor called for the car. And now, Mr. Bondy is ringing in the residential wing of a pretty decent factory . "It's clean here, the yard flower beds, vines on the walls. Well," said Mr. Bo ndy, "a piece of humanitarianism and reformism was damn Mark forever." And this is based on the steps to meet Mark himself, Mark Ruda, is terribly thin and seri ous, somewhat elevated; Bondymu is peculiarly at the heart of the ore is not as young as it was, or wonderful as the inventor of the overgrown, it is quite diff erent than anything , what Mr. Bondy thought, hardly even to know, but before he fully realized disappointment, given his engineer Mark's hand and quietly says: "Well, you've already come, Bond! I'm waiting for you!"

CHAPTER II CARBURETTOR "I was expecting you!" Mark repeated, when the guest sat in a leather club chair s. For anything in the world would be to admit Bondy his illusions about the seedy inventors. "See," rejoiced a little forced, "it's a coincidence! This morning because I tho ught that we have not seen for twenty years! Twenty years, the nature, a red!" "Well," Mark did. "So you want to buy my invention?" "Buy?" GH Bondy said hesitantly. "I really do not know ... I never thought about it. I wanted to see and "Please, do it!" Mark interrupted. "I knew you'd come. For such a sure thing. Su ch an invention is so just for you. It can wreak," he waved his hand, cleared hi s throat and began bluntly: "The invention, which will show you techniques mean greater coup than Watt's invention steam engine. I have to briefly outline its e ssence, that is, theoretically speaking, the perfect use of atomic energy ... " Banda hidden yawned. "And please, what do you do after those twenty years? Mark looked a bit surprised. "Modern science says that matter, namely atoms, is composed of a huge number of units of energy, 'atom is actually a cluster of ele ctrons, it is the smallest electrical parts " "It is very interesting," the president of Bondy. "You see, I was always weak in physics. But you look bad, Mark! How did you come to this player oh, for this factory?" "Me? Quite by accident. Fact I invented a new way to wire the bulbs It's nothi ng, I just found a way. You know, I have twenty years working on the burning fue l.

Tell yourself, Bond, what is the biggest problem of modern technology? " "Trade," the president said. "And you're already married?" "Widower," said Mark jumped up and excited. "No trade, you understand? Burning! Perfect use of thermal energy, which is the matter! Consider that coal vytopíme st otisícinu hardly what we could heat up! Do you understand?" "Yes. Coal is terribly expensive," said Mr. Bondy wisely. Mark sat down and said , inflamed, "pressdid not come because of my carburetor, Bond, you can go." "Just go ahead," the president fully justify leniency. Mark put his head in his hands. "Twenty years I worked on it," vydralo from it h eavily, "and now sell the first one who comes! My great dream! Greatest inventio n that has been! Seriously, Bond is an amazing thing." "Certainly, our small proportions" said Bondy. "No, absolutely amazing. Consider that you can fully exploit nuclear energy with out the rest!" "Ah," said the president. "We're drowning atoms. Well, why not. You have it nice here, a red, small and nice. How many workers do you?" Mark listened. "You know," he said thoughtfully, "you got one, as it says, to us e atomic energy" or "mass burn". Or, to break the matter. "You can call it what you want." "I am for burning," said Mr. Bondy, "it sounds so intimate. "But it is more accurate, splinter mass', you know, to shatter the atom for elec trons, the electrons and harness work, y'know?" "Perfect," said the president. " Just yoke!" "Think of, say, the two horses of all forces pull the two ends of th e rope in opposite directions. You know what this is?" "Probably some sport," sa id Mr. Bondy. "No, but calm. The horses pulled, but not progressing. And if you cut the rope " Horses muscles," said GH Bondy excited. "No, but unfold, they become relaxed energy. And now look: this matter is tied t eams. Intersects a bond that binds the electrons, and they " Start running! " "Yes, but we can catch and harness, you know? Or do you mean this: We are drowni ng, say, a piece of coal. It gets a little hot, but the addition of ash, gas and coal soot. The material is lost, you understand? " "Yes. Would you like a cigarette?" "I do not. But the matter that remains, still has plenty of unused nuclear power . If we had not used up all of Atomic Energy, we consumed by the atoms. In short , matter would disappear." "Oh. Now I understand." "It got so bad as we vymílali grain; as we omleli thin upper skin and the other bl ew like throw ashes. In perfect carved remains of grain nothing or nearly nothin g, right? And, with perfect burning remains of the matter or nothing almost noth ing. Vymele is good. It takes. Return to the original nothing. You know, the mat ter needs awful lot of energy that ever existed, take her there, not compel it, and thus uvolníš great power supply. That's Bond . "Oh. It's not bad." "Pflüger, for example, reckons that one pound of coal contains twentythree trilli on calories. I think Pflüger exaggerating." "Definitely." "I came to the theory of seven trillion. But this also means that one kilogram of coal with perfect combustion could power a decent factory for se veral hundred hours!" "The devil!" Mr. Bondy shouted and jumped. "The exact number of hours you neudám. I have six weeks after burn one pound of co al load kilogramometrů thirty, and man, it's still running still still Eng ineer Mark whispered to fade. President Bondy you embarrassed stroked his chin, smooth and round as a children 's buttocks. "Listen, Mark," he began hesitantly, "you're sure a bit revised ' Mark waved his hand. "Oh, nothing If you just confessed to a bit of physics, I'd explain my carburetor [1] , in which it burns. You know, this is a whole ch apter of the higher physics. But you see it down in the basement. I sprinkled a halfpound of coal in the machine and then I closed it and put a notary seal, be fore witnesses, that no one could sprinkle coal. Go look at it, go, go go! You w ill not just understand, but go to the basement! Man, Go already! " "Are you gonna go?" Bondy asked curious. "No, go alone. And listen, Bond ... do not stay there long." "Why?" Bondy asked is a bit suspect. "Just so. Think you need that ... there is not healthy. And lights a lamp there, the knob is at the door. The noise of what is in the basement, it's not my mach ine, that works very quietly, steadily, odorless ... There just roared, uh, just a fan. Well, go now, I'll wait here. Then tell me ... "

President Bondy descends to the basement, a little glad to be rid of that fool f or a while (do not doubt that he is crazy), and a little cramped thought of how quickly vymáznul. And look, the sealed vault, very thick door, a pretty armored fu nd in banks. Well, light. Button at the door. Through the vaulted, concrete, cle an as a monastic cell cellar is a huge copper cylinder of concrete goats. It is closed on every side, just above the grid is a seal. Inside the machine darkness and silence. The war and regular outgoings piston sliding motion, slowly rotati ng heavy flywheel. That's it. Just a fan in a basement window hrčí tireless bustle. Perhaps it is the breeze of a fan or something Mr. Bondy to feel the wind and the head of a special kind of feeling that his hair stand, and now it's like bei ng abducted by an infinite space, and now as it was flying, one's own weight. GH Bondy kneels in a kind of wonderful, bright bliss, I would shout and sing, it s eems to him that he heard an enormous noise and countless wings. Suddenly, someo ne suddenly grabs his hand and pulls from the basement. It is the engineer Mark, is wearing a helmet or suit as a diver and Bondy dragged up the stairs. In the hall and picks up a metal shield perlící wiping the sweat on his forehead. "It was high time," he breathes really excited. [1] The name by itself gave inž. Mark your atomic boiler, but it is totally incorr ect, it is one of the mournful consequences that the technicians do not teach La tin. More correct name would be Komburátor, Atomkettle, Carbowatt, Disgregátor, Moto r M Bondymover, Hylergon, Molekularstoffzersetzungskraftrad, EW, and other names that were later proposed, but undertook to just bad. CHAPTER III Pantheism President Bond has felt a bit like being in a dream. Mark it with a parent requi res care in a chair and quickly raises cognac. "Here, drink it quickly," Drmola, handing him the cup trembling hands: "see, you also lost badly?" "On the contrary," says Bondy uncertain language. "... It was so beautiful, man, I was like I was flying or something." "Yes, yes," Mark said hastily, "It's just mean. As one would ever flew or floate d somehow, right?" "Very blissful feeling," said Bondy. "I think it's called pas sion. As if there was something anything " " Something holy?" Marek asked hesitantly. "Maybe. Quite sure, man.'ve Never not go to church, red, had never no, but I was in the basement as a church. Please do what I do there?" "Kneeling," Mark muttered bitterly, and began pacing the room. President Bondy awkwardly stroking the bald head. "That's odd. Come on, I knelt? And please, what what in the basement so weird to humans act?" "Carburetor," growled Mark hryzaje his lips. His face as it fell even more, and his countenance fell. "But hell," he wondered Bondy. "And what is it?" Engineer Mark just jerked his shoulders and walked around the room with his head down. GH Bondy eyes watched him with admiration in the kids. Mark is a fool, he though t, but what the heck the man invades the basement? Such excruciating bliss, such a massive security, surprise, overwhelming piety or what Mr. Bondy stood up a nd poured a new cup of cognac. "You, Mark," he said, "I got it." "What you got?" Mark and he said he stood. "It's in the basement. This strange state of mind. It is a nuisance, right?" "Poisoning of course," Mark laughed angrily. "I thought it right," said Bondy suddenly satisfied. "So that your machine produ ces something, um, something like ozone, is not it? Or rather, a poisonous gas. And when the man breathe, so it's a bit ...... poison or rozjaří that? Definitely, man, is nothing more annoying than the gases around somehow developed under the burning of coal in it as your carburetor. Some coal gas, or laughing gas, and phosgene, or some such. why you got the fan. And that's why you go to the baseme nt with a gas mask, vid? Got damn gas. " "If it were just gas," he exploded Mark shaking fist. "You see, Bond, so I have to sell the carburetor! I just can not stand it, can not bear can not stand," cr ied almost crying. "I knew that my carburetor is doing this! Such terrible m ischief! Consider you done this to me from the beginning! And everyone feels who comes close. You still do not know anything, Bondy. But my housekeeper took it . "And poor," said the president sympathetically. "He died from it?" "No, but turned down," Mark cried desperately. "You'll tell Bond: My invention, my carburetor has a terrible flaw. You through it all you take, or buy me a gift , you certainly Bond, even though it poured the sand from the devil. You, Bond, you do not care, only when, it vytřískáš billion. vytřískáš You are, man. It's a great thing t I do not want s.ní already have. They have no conscience so sensitive as I hear, Bond? Billions to fetch thousands of billions, but you must take a terrible evi l conscience. Decide! " "Give me a break," said Bondy. "He's a toxic gas, authorities forbid it and the end. You know our small proportions. That's America " "No toxic gases," he said engineer Mark. "Something like a thousand times worse. Look out, Bond, as I say, it is beyond human understanding, but not even that b it of hype. So that really burns my carburetor matter completely incinerated, th at it will be left or powder, or she may break, scatter, spread in the electrons , eats, vymele, I do not know what to call it, it just totally consumes. You hav e no idea what is the huge amount of energy in atoms. With half a cent in the co al boiler steamer can circumnavigate the entire world, illuminating the whole ci ty , a power Rustonka or whatever you want, such as carbon nut you heat and cook for the whole family. And the end will be no coal zatopíme the first handful of p ebbles or clay, which we collect in front. Every bit of matter has more power th an a huge steam boiler , just squeeze it! just perfectly able to mass burn! Bond y, I know how, my carburetor can do it, admit, Bond, that this is the work of tw enty years. " "You see red," the president began slowly, "It's very strange: But I somehow bel ieve. Honestly I believe you. You know, when I stood before your carburetor, I f elt that there is something terribly great, something human right zdrcuje. I can not help: I believe you. Down there, in the basement, you've got something myster ious. Something that flips the whole world. " "Oh, Bond," Mark whispered anxiously, "So, here is the rub. Wait, I'll tell you everything. Have you ever read Spinoza?" "Read." "Me neither, but now, you know, I am now starting to read things like th at. I do not understand the technology we are terribly difficult thing, but some thing about it. Perhaps you believe in God?" "Me? Well," thought GH Bondy, "I honestly do not know. Maybe God is, but on some other star. In our Sun Nah! In our time, something not fit. I beg you, what wou ld that do?"

"I believe it," said Mark hard. "I do not believe it. I was always an atheist. I believed the matter in advance, and nothing else. I am a scientific man, Bond, and science can not accept God." "The opinion of the trade," said Mr. Bondy, "it is quite indifferent. To let the m in peace. We are not mutually exclusive." "But in terms of science, Bond," said engineer strictly, it is absolutely unbear able. Either he or science. I'm not saying that God is not, I only contend that it may be, or at least that is not manifest. And I believe that the science of i t step by step, avoiding crowds, or at least his speeches, and I believe it is h er greatest mission. " "Maybe," said the president peacefully. "So go ahead." "Now imagine, Bondy, that or wait, I tell you this: You know what is pantheism? It is the belief that i n everything there is manifested a God or the Absolute, whatever. The man in sto ne in the grass, water, everywhere. And you know what Spinoza teaches? that the weight is only one aspect or manifestation of divine substance, the second page is a ghost. And you know what they teach Fechner? "I do not know," said the president of Bondy. Fechner teaches that all things, not everything is elated that God oduševňuje all ma tter in the world. And you know Leibniz? Leibniz taught that matter is composed of mental points from the monad, which are God's nature. What do you think? " "I do not know," GH Bondy said, "I do not understand." "Me neither, it's very co mplex. But imagine that, say, indeed in every matter is God, that somehow it is closed. And when you break the matter for good, as the trip out of the mold. It is at once as unbound. Evolves of matter as it develops coal gas from coal. burn one atom, and you suddenly full basement Absolutely. It's amazing you how it is now rozprostraní. " "Wait," said Mr. Bondy. "Say it again, but slowly." "Think so," he said Mark, "that, say, in any matter contained in the Absolute so rt of bound state, say as a hardcover, inert energy or simply that God is omnipr esent, it is therefore present in each and every matter particle mass. Now imagi ne that a piece of matter completely destroy, apparently without rest, but becau se each mass is its own mass plus the Absolute, you just destroyed the material and stayed the rest of the indestructible: clean, relaxed, active Absolute. inde composable leftover chemical, intangible residue, which shows no spectral lines, nor the atomic weight, or chemical affinity, or Mariottova Act, nothing, nothin g, nothing at all of the properties of matter. God kept clean. Chemical anything that works with great energy. Because it is intangible, it is not bound to laws of matter. I it follows that this translates directly protipřírodně and miracles. All this follows from the assumption that God is present in the body. Can you think of, say, in her? " "I," said Bondy. "And?" "Well," said Marek, and stood up, "so it is really so." CHAPTER IV Divine CELLAR The president deliberately Bondy his cigar room. "And as you know, man, know?" "I was wearing," said engineer Mark are moving around the room again. "My Perfec t Carburator that completely covers material produced byproduct: pure, unrestra ined Absolute. God in chemically pure form. So to speak, one end of the mechanic al energy and spewing out the other end of the divine essence. Rozkládáš Just like whe n water into hydrogen and oxygen , but in vastly larger scale. " "Well," Mr. Bondy did. "Go on!" "I think," said Mark caution that "some exceptional figures in themselves are ab le to spread the material and the divine substance, knowing, somehow equip the A bsolute, or press a matter of their own. This is how Christ, the wonderworker, fakirs, the media and the prophets to lead a psychic power. carburetor do my cle an machine. It's kind of factory for the Absolute. " "Facts," GH Bondy said. "Stay close to facts." "Here's the facts. I constructed my Perfect Carburator first only in theory. Then I made a small model that did n ot run. It is the fourth model is really shot. He was just so great, but ran qui te nicely. And since I worked with him, in such a small size, I felt a special m ental effects. That those strange exhilaration and enchantment. But I think it's just the joy of invention, or maybe overhaul. For the first time I began to pro phesy and do miracles. " "What?" Bondy said the president. "Prophesy and do miracles," he said gloomily Mark. "I had such a wonderful momen t of enlightenment. For example, I knew quite clearly what happens in the future . I'm visiting your previously predicted. And once I've ripped the nail on the l athe.

I looked at the injured finger, and suddenly my new nail has grown. Apparently I wished, but it's special and terrible. Or imagine that I went through the air . You know, this is called levitation. I never believed such nonsense. Think of how I was horrified. " "I believe," said Bondy seriously. "It must be embarrassing." "Very embarrassing . I thought this is something from the nerves, such autosuggestion or something . Meanwhile, I stood in the cellar of the great carburetor and put it in motion. As I said, it runs for six weeks, day and night. And there I only know the full significance of the case. The day was packed with Absolute cellar and began to break it rozlízat around the house. You know, the Absolute permeates every pure co mpound, but a little slower solid masses. The air was spreading as fast as light . When I came and grabbed me out man, like a seizure. I screamed aloud. I do not know where I took the power to run. Up here, I then thought about the whole thi ng, the first thought was that this is a new, intoxicating, exhilarating gas, wh ich is developed under perfect combustion. Consequently, I have mounted outside the fan. Two of the installers were there and had visions of enlightened and the third was an alcoholic and maybe a little immunize him. If I believed it was just gas, I did it with a series of experiments ; interesting is that in absolute burn every light more clearly. If it could keep the glass pear , I gave it to the bulbs, but it's going out of each matter how well sealed cont ainer. Then I thought it would be a ultraixzáření, but is not traces of elektricitě and photosensitive plates is not even a monument. The third day had to take into San ator caretaker, who lives above the cellar, and his wife. " "Why?" asked Mr. Bondy. "He turned. Inspired. He made a speech and religious miracles. His wife prophesi ed. My caretaker was tremendously strong man, monist and free thinker, a man emi nently proper. Consider that people suddenly started to recover by folding hands . This means that the just given, the district doctor, my friend, is really exci ted, I had to take a caretaker Sanator that it did not outrage. They say he is b etter, recovered, lost his miraculous powers, I will send him further into the c ountryside as a convalescent. I myself then I began to miracles do and see in th e distance. Among other things, I had visions of vast forests přesličkových preserved wetlands with strange animals, probably because I was in the Upper Silesian coal burning carburetor, which is the oldest. Is there some Carboniferous God. " President Bondy shuddered. "Mark, it's terrible!" "Yes," Marek said ruefully. "S lowly I began to understand that it's not gas, but the Absolute. I suffered from severe phenomena. I read people's thoughts, poured out of my light, I had despe rately overwhelming, I fall into prayer and did not preach faith in God. I wante d to fill the Carburetor sand, but when it came to me to levitate. The machine i s not unstoppable. I'm not sleeping at home. Even in the factory, the workers, t here were severe cases of the Enlightenment. I do not know your advice. Bondy. Y es, I tried all kinds of insulators, which the shedding of the Absolute out of t he cellar. ash, sand, metal walls, nothing can stop it. I've tried to garnish ce llar writings of Professor Krejci, Spencer Haecklem, kdekterým positivists; Consid er that even the Absolute through such things! Neither newspaper, prayer books, St. Adalbert, a patriotic hymn books, university lectures, books QM Vyskocil, po litical pamphlets and parliamentary shorthand notes are for ab solutely impenetrable. I'm just desperate. There's not even close the drain. It unleashed evil. " "Well what," said Mr. Bondy, "is it really such evil? Even if it was all true .. . it's such a disaster?" "Bond, my carburetor is a great thing. Flips svět technic ally and socially; tremendously cheaper to manufacture; eliminate poverty and hu nger, save one planet before the freeze. But on the other hand, plunges into the world of God as a byproduct. I implore you, Bond, do not underestimate it , we are not accustomed to count the real God, we do not know what his presence migh t inflict say, culturally, morally, and so on. Man, this is about human civili zation! " "Wait," the president said Bondy thoughtfully. "Perhaps there is an incantation. You called for a priest?" "What priest?" "Any. You know, maybe religion does not matter. Maybe it somehow were able to pr event." "Superstition," Mark exploded. "Give me a break with flanďáky! To me, then arranged in the basement of some miraculous pilgrimage! Me, with my views!" "Well," Mr. Bondy said. "Then I'll call them myself. ... You never know Well, it can not harm. Finally, I have nothing against God. I just could not interfere i n the work. Did you try to deal with him for good?" "No," protested engineer Mark. "This is a mistake," he said dryly GH Bondy. "Perhaps it would be to conclude a contract. Fairly accurate contract, some of the wording:" We are committed to ma ke you quietly, without interruption, to the extent to which The contractual; fo r you undertakes to repudiate all divine manifestations in the circuit so and ma ny meters from the place of manufacture. "What do you think they come out?" "I do not know," replied Mark disgust. "It seems to have found a taste for it, c ontinue to exist independently of matter. ... Perhaps in their own interest ... he speak with him. But do not ask me that." "Well," said the president, "I'll send her a notary. Very tactful and skillful m an. And third oh, perhaps he could offer any church. After the factory basemen t and around the place for him a little, uh, a little undignified. They We try i ts taste. Zkusils it already? " "No, I would prefer water flooded the basement." "Slowly, Mark. I probably buy the invention. But you understand that ... I send my art ... more thing to investigate. Maybe it's just a really poisonous gas. An d if it was actually God himself, only when the carburetor reelně works. Mark got up. "You dare to build a carburetor factory MEAS?" "I dare," the president said Bondy rising up, "to produce large carburetors. Car buretors for trains and ships, carburetors for central heating for households an d offices to factories and schools. Ten years will drown the world than in the c arburetor. They will offer three percent of gross profits. The first year it wil l hopefully only a few million. While you can move me to send their people here. Tomorrow morning I will bring here světícího Bishop. Look, he avoided red. Absolutely , I see you like to be here. You a bit harsh, I do not want to offend the right in front of the Absolute. " "Bond," Mark whispered in horror, "I warn you last time: God, shalt thou bring i nto the world!" "Then," said GH Bondy dignity, "I will be personally committed. And I hope it wi ll not dirty to me." CHAPTER V Auxiliary Bishop About two weeks after New Year's engineer was sitting in the office of President Mark Bondy. "How did you go?" said Mr. Bondy had just lifted his head from any securities. "I am ready," said engineer Mark. "I have your engineers detailed drawings of th e carburettor. The ball, what's his name " "Krolmus." "Yes, Krolmus engineer, my wonderfully simplified atomic engine, know ing the transfer of electron energy at work. Man, this is the guy that Krolmus. And what is otherwise new?" President GH Bondy wrote and said nothing. "We build," he said after a moment. " Seven thousand masons. Carburetors factory." "Where?" "The Vysocany. And we increased our share capital. About half a billion. Newspap ers something to write about our new invention. Look at it," said Mark and plopp ed on his lap half a cent of Czech and foreign newspapers, then delved into some kind of schedule. "I have a week or two, eh," said Mark uneasy. "What?" "Have a fortnight I was in my továrničce Břevnov. I I dare you there. Something is h appening there?" "Uhm." "A. .. what my carburetor?" Mark asked the conquering your anxiety. "It runs all the time." "A.. What does ... the other one?" President Bondy sighed and put my dick. "You know, we had to make to close the s treet Mix?" "Why?" "People are going there to pray. Multitudes. The police wanted to dispers e, leaving there about seven dead. They had to beat up on each other like sheep. " "It is expected, it is expected," Mark muttered desperately. "We Zahradil streets with barbed wire," said Bondy on. "The surrounding houses, we had to leave, knowing very heavy religious accidents. Now there is the Minist ry of Health and Ministry of Education." "I think," he said Mark with a certain relief "that the authorities have shut up my carburetor." "No," said GH Bondy. "Clericals is awful rebel against your carburetor, and is a dvanced by deliberately covering it. No one really knows what's going on. It is seen that nečteš newspaper man. Degenerated in quite unnecessary polemic against cle ricalism. And the church here has little chance of truth . damned suffragan bish op informed the Cardinal Archbishop ' "What suffragan bishop?" "But any bishop, Linda, otherwise sensible people. You know, I brought him there to look at a miraculous absolutely as an expert. Investigated there for three d ays, was still in the cellar, and " " Turned up?" Mark blurted out. "Oh no! Perhaps such training is of God or an atheist is trickier than you, I do not know, but after three days come to me and said that the Catholic opinions c an be no talk about God, the church forbids absolutely rejects pantheistic hypot hesis as heresy, one word, it is not lawful, justified God, supported by the aut hority of the Church, and that a priest must declare it a fraud, error and heres y. Very sensibly said the priest. " "So he did not feel there is no supernatural phenomena?" "Everything was experie nced: enlightenment, doing miracles, ecstasy, everything. He does not deny that these things happen there." "And please, how does this explain?" "Not. He said that the Church does not explain, but it commands or prohibits. In short, flatly refused to compromise the church with a new, inexperienced God. S o I at least understood. You know that I had bought the church, what is the Wh ite Mountain?" "Why?" "It's closer. At Brevnov. Three hundred thousand was, man. I offered it i n writing and orally that the Absolute there in the cellar, that moved into him. It's quite beautiful baroque church, moreover, I volunteered in advance any nec essary adjustment . And it got weird, a few steps from the church, the house num ber 457, yesterday became a nice case of ecstasy, one plumber, but the church is nothing, nothing, nothing miraculous! One case was only in Vokovice, two even K ošíře, on Petrin wireless station directly epidemic broke out religion. radiotelegrafi sté all out there in office, suddenly sent into the ecstatic world of traps, some new gospel, God said again descends to earth to redeem him, and whatnot, you Con sider what a shame! Advanced newspaper Now cut to the Ministry of Post, to shred s are flying from him, screaming that "clericalism sticking horns, 'and similar nonsense. No one yet knows that it is related to the carburetor. Mark," Bondy sa id in a whisper, "Let me tell you, but it the secret: the week before it came to our minister of military affairs. " "On whom?" exclaimed Mark. "Silence. The minister of military affairs. He was suddenly illuminated in his v illa in Dejvice. In the morning crew in Prague later called and spoke to her abo ut the eternal peace, and urged soldiers to martyrdom. He had, however, soon tha nk you. The newspapers wrote that suddenly ochuravěl. That's it, buddy. " "I also Dejvice" zastýskal the engineer. "But it's awful, Bond, how to cover them! " "Extremely," the president said Bondy. "This man is a piano moved from the pollu ted streets to Mix Pankrac, in twentyfour hours the whole house was engulfed The president got to. Servant entered and announced a visit to Bishop Linda. Mar k hurriedly commanded, but it Bondy's power seat and said: "Just sit down and sh ut up, it's a charming man, the bishop." At that moment, Auxiliary Bishop Linda went, it was a small, cheerful man with g old spectacles and špásovnou spout, which the priests clutched in his neat ass. Mark Bondy introduced himself as the hapless owner Brevnov basement. The bishop rubb ed his hands with delight, while the engineer Mark angrily grumbled something ab out a particular pleasure, and he stubbornly took the right hand expression: I g et in somewhere, flanďáku. Bishop pursed his mouth and turned up alive Bondymu. "Mr. President," he began briskly after some okolcích, "I am coming to you in a ve ry delicate matter. A very delicate," said the gourmet. "We discussed about your , uh, about your issues in the consistory. Arcipastýř His Eminence, we are inclined to deal with the unpleasant incident discreetly as possible. You understand the wonders of the offensive thing. Sorry, I do not want to touch the emotions of Mr . Mr. owners " "Please, just talk," Mark odkývl harshly. "So in short, the whole scandal. His Eminence has stated that in terms of reason and faith is nothing more than pohoršujícího it impious and blasphemous direct violat ion of the laws of nature ..." "Allow me," he said Marek full of indignation, "natural law to please us. We als o nechytáme your dogma." "I err, sir," said Auxiliary Bishop in the spring. "Err. Science without dogma i s just a pile of doubts. What's worse is that you absolutely abhorrent to the la ws of the Church. Contrary to the doctrine of the sacraments. Lavishes religious traditions. Grossly violates the doctrine of the Trinity. Ignores the apostolic succession of the clergy. Not even church exorcism. And so on . In short, it be haves the way they must be strictly rejected. " "Nunu," said Bondy conciliatory president, "so far is quite behaving with dignit y ...." Auxiliary Bishop raised a warning finger. "So far, we do not know how to behave next time. Look, Mr. President," he said suddenly, intimately, "I respect the fa ct that there is no outrage. We also. You would like to quietly dispose of, as a practical man. We also like representatives and servants of God. We can not all ow the emergence of a new God, or even a new religion. " "Thank God," sighed Mr. Bondy, "I knew the deal." "Well," said Mr. Bishop sparkle happily brejličkami. "Just agree! Reverend Consist ory decided that out of respect for religious interests could eventually patrona nci volunteered to take over your, uh, uh, the Absolute, they would try to bring them into line with Catholic doctrine, said the house number 1651 in Brevnov a place of pilgrimage and miraculous " "Ah," Mark exploded and jumped. "Allow me," Bishop beckoned imperiously. "The place of pilgrimage and miraculous , but with conditions. The first condition is that in the said house number Abso lute limit production to a minimum, that there is produced a kind of weak, low v irulence, much diluted Absolute, which was demonstrated less rampantly and only sporadically, probably as in Lourdes. Otherwise we can not assume liability. " "Well," said Mr. Bondy. "And?" "Furthermore," the bishop continued, "that is produced only from coal dug in the Small Svatoňovice. As you'd all like to know Marian is a miraculous place, so per haps with the help of the local coal we establish in house number 1651 in Brevno v stand Marian cult." "By all means," svoloval Bondy. "Anything else?" "Third, commit that no other site now and will never produce the Absolute." "What," Bondy said the president, "and our Carburetors " " Never fit in activity, but one Brevnov, which will be owned and operation of the Holy Church." "Nonsense," protested the GH Bondy. "Carburetors will do. With in three weeks there will be assembled ten. In the first pull twelve hundred. Wi thin one year, ten thousand. So far we have facilities." "And I say unto you," said Auxiliary Bishop quietly and sweetly, "that within on e year will not work no carburetor." "Why?" "Because neither believers nor unbelievers mankind can do real and active God. C an not, gentlemen. It is impossible." "And I'm telling you," interjected into the Mark passionately, "that will carbur etors. Now, I am now myself to them, which is why I want that you do not want, i n spite of you, Grace Episcopal, in spite of all the superstitions, but despite the whole Rome! And provolám me first " the engineer Mark took a breath and opene d the nemelodickým enthusiastically:" Long live the Carburator Perfect! " "We'll see," he said with a sigh, Auxiliary Bishop Linda. "Guys are satisfied th at the Reverend Consistory was right. Within a year, stop making yourself Absolu tely. But the damage the damage, as it had buzz! Gentlemen, do not think God's s ake, that the Church of God establishes the world! Church It only binds and regu lates . And you, gentlemen nevěrci, you unleash a flood of Him. Lodice Peter survi ves even this new deluge, a Noah's Ark through the flood to pass over the Absolu te, but your modern society, "Bishop said powerfully," it takes you! " CHAPTER VI MEAS "Gentlemen," said President GH Bondy on the board of directors meeting facilitie s MEAS (Metallum A. Sp.) Held on 20 February, "I can tell you that building a ne w factory complex in Vysocany yesterday handed operation. In the coming days, be gins the mass production of carburetors, the top eighteen pieces a day. In April , we expect it to sixtyfive pieces. In late July two hundred pieces a day. We a sked our own fifteen kilometers of tracks, mainly for coal imports. Twelve steam boiler is being installed. We walked to the construction of a new working class neighborhood. " "Twelve steam boilers?" he asked casually dr. Hubka, leader of the opposition. "Yes, now twelve," confirmed President Bondy. "It's strange," said dr. Hubka. "Wonder, gentlemen," said Mr. Bondy, "What is special about twelve boilers? For such a large factory complex " "Certainly," said a voice. Dr. Hubka smiled ironically. "And what the fifteen kilometer of track?" "The import of coal and raw materials. We are counting on the daily consumption of eight wagons of coal, when we are in full swing. I do not know what the docto r Hubka objects to import coal." "I object," said dr. Hubka and jumped, "the whole thing is highly suspect. Yes, sirs, supremely suspicious. Bondy, Mr. President urged us to build a factory on the carburetor. Carburetor, as we are assured, is the only drive of the future. Carburetor, as explicitly stated, it can develop one thousand horsepower from a coal putynky. And now he says something about twelve steam boilers and wagons fu ll of coal for our boilers. Gentlemen, please, tell me, why do putynka enough co al to power our factories? Why do we build a steam boiler when we have an atomic engines?

Gentlemen, if the carburetor just empty hype, I do not understand why our presid ent arrange a new factory in the carburetor fuel. I do not understand me and no one. Why does the president has enough confidence to those of their carburetors to be introduced in our own plants? Gentlemen, this is really bad advertisement for our carburetors, when the manufacturer itself does not want them or can not use! Please, gentlemen, I ask the President of Bondy, what are his reasons. I fo r my part I am ready opinion. I'm out, gentlemen! " Whereupon Dr. Hubka resolutely sat triumphantly smrkaje. Board members uneasy si lence, accused Dr. Hubka was too bright. President Bondy look up from their pape rs, nothing stirred in his face. "Well," he said disarmingly old Rosenthal, "He's our president explains. Well, t hat explains, gentlemen. I think mmm yeah, in the best sense. Doctor Hubka is de finitely hmm hm hm Yes, because to what we said. " Bondy, President finally lifted his eyes. "Gentlemen," he said quietly, "I have set before you a good idea of the carburetor of our engineers. The thing is, indee d, as has been said. Carburetor is not hype. We have constructed ten of them on trial. All work flawlessly. Here we have evidence. Carburettor No. 1 sets in mot ion the displacement pump Sazava works without failure a week or two. No. 2, exc avator on top of the Vltava River, it works great. Number 3 in the experimental laboratory of Technology in Brno. Number 4 damaged during transport. Number 5 il luminates Hradec Kralove. This is the type of the ten kilogram . Pětikilový type, nu mber 6 mill in Slany. The number 7 is installed for central heating blocks of ho uses in New Town. The owner of the block is present factory Mach. Please, sir sw eep! " Older gentleman of that name as he woke from a dream. "Please?" "We ask you, what makes your new central heating?" "What? What heating?" "In your new block," said Bondy slightly president. "What block?" "In your new homes." "In my houses? I do not have any." "Nonono," said Mr. Rosenthal. "Last year you built yet." "Me?" wondered Mach. "Yes, I built, but I know I gave those houses now. You know , I gave them." President Bondy was carefully looked at him: "Who, sweep?" Mach slightly blushing, "Well, poor people, you know. I moved there poor people. I I'm such a conviction is entered, and in short, poor people, you understa nd?" Mr. Bondy him from his eyes, as an investigating judge: "Why sweep?" "I I somehow had to" confused with Mach. "So it came to me. We must be holy, you know?" The president nervously drummed on the table. "And your family?" Mach began beautiful smile: "Oh, we all agree on that, you understand. Those poo r people are so holy. Among them are ill my daughter used them, you know. So m uch we've all changed!" GH Bondy lowered his eyes. Machátová daughter, Elena, blonde Ellen, Ellen is seventy million, is sick! Elen, who could that be, that half has agreed to become Mrs. Bondy! Bondy nibbled his lips, this one managed nicely! "Mr. sweep," said tight voice, "I just wanted to know how you drown the new carb uretor." "Oh, great! It's so beautifully warm in all those houses! As if there drowned in finite love! You know, "he enthusiastically Machát, wiping her eyes," who enters there is sudde nly another person. Is there paradise. We live like in heaven, all of us. Oh, co me between us! " "You see, gentlemen," said Bondy, president of the conquering power, "that so ca rburetor works, as I promised you. Please, refrain from further questioning." "We want to know," said dr. Hubka truculently, "why do nezařizujete new factory ca rburetor drive? Why do we have coal to heat expensive, when we introduce the dif ferent atomic energy? Bondy U.S. President intends to communicate its reasons?" "He has no intention," said Bondy. "We will use coal. For reasons known to me fo r our production carburetor drive fit. Enough, gentlemen, I think the whole thin g is an issue of confidence to me." "If you knew," said Machát, how beautiful a person is in a state of holiness! Guys , honestly, I advise: hand out everything you have! Be poor and holy, get rid of the golden calf and call the One God! " "Nunu order," said Mr. Rosenthal. "Mr. Machát, you are very kind and nice man, yea h, very nice. But you know, Mr Bond, I'll trust you, you know, send me the carbu retor on my central heating! Gentlemen, I'll try it, huh? Jaképak Speech! " Well, Mr. Bond! " "We are all brothers before God," the bright Mach. "Gentlemen, a factory hand to the poor! I make a proposal to change the religious community MEAS humble heart s. Will be the core from which grows a tree of God, you know! Kingdom of God on earth." "I claim the word," cried Dr.. Hubka. "Well, Mr. Bondy," expostulated the old Rosenthal. "You see, I am in you. Come, lend me one such Carburetor! Mr. Bond!" "No God Himself descends to the ground," he excitedly Mach. "Hear the message: B e holy and ordinary, open your heart of infinity, be absolute in his love. You k now, gentlemen " "I call on the floor," Dr. chraptěl. Hubka. "Silence," cried the president Bondy, pale, his eyes blazing, and stood across c entového power of man. "Gentlemen, if you like them factory carburetors will take it into their own control. Charged to you on the penny for current expenses. Com pose his office, gentlemen. Shall I command." Dr. Hubka he shot: "But gentlemen, I protest! We protest! We sell manufacture ca rburetors! Gentlemen, the mighty factory item! Please, we we're not from anyone nabulíkovat to give up the profitable stuff! Let gentlemen " President Bondy rang. "Friends," he said gloomily, "let's leave it yet." It seem s to me that a friend of Mach is a little, uh, a little sick: As for the carbure tor, I guarantee, gentlemen, dividend stopadesátiprocentní. I propose to end debate. " Dr. Hubka is logged on to the words, "I suggest, gentlemen, that every member of the Management Board received a carburetor, so to speak, to try!" Bondy, president looked at all men, his face a cuklo wanted to say something but just shrugged his shoulders and through clenched teeth: "Good." CHAPTER VII GO ON! "As we in London?" "MEAS shares yesterday yesterday 720th 1470th" "Good." "Engineer Mark seventy honorary member of learned societies. And it certainly ge ts the Nobel Prize." "Good." Run orders from Germany. Carburetors Five thousand. " "Oh." "In Japan, nine hundred of orders." "Look!" "Czechs little interest. Three new demand." "Hmm. You must wait. You know, those small proportions!" "The Russian government has now ordered two hundred pieces. " "Good. In short?" "Thirteen thousand orders." "Good. How far are we building?" "The separation of atomic car is under a roof. Section atomic planes to start th e work week. Laying the groundwork for an atomic locomotive. One wing section fo r boat engines already working." "Wait. Atomobil Insert name, atomotor, atomotiva understand? Krolmus What does t he atomic cannon?" "He constructs a model in London. Our nuclear cyclecar rides in Brussels Autodrome thirty thousand kilometers, and made two hundred and seven ty per hour. Půlkilové atomotorky to have in the past two days, seventy thousand ord ers." "You said a moment ago that the sum of thirteen thousand." "Thirteen thousand ly ing atomic generators. Eight thousand radiators for central heating. Atomobilů nea rly ten thousand. Six hundred and twenty atomic planes. Our plane A 7 flew from Prague to Melbourne in Australia without stopping, all on board ar e healthy. Here is a trap. " President Bondy stood up: "But přítelíčku, it's pretty!" "In the department of agricultural machinery orders five thousand. The separatio n of small motors for twentytwo thousand. One hundred and fifty atomic pumps. T hree atomic presses. Twelve nuclear furnaces for high heat. Seventyfive nuclear stations telegraph. One hundred and ten nuclear locomotives, mostly to Russia. Founded We have general agencies in fortyeight major cities. U.S. SteelTrust A EG Berlin, Italy's Fiat, Mannesmann, and the Swedish Creusot steelworks merger o ffer. Kruppův Group buys our shares at any price. " "The new issue?" "Pětatřicetkrát overwritten. Dvěstěprocentní Newspapers prophesy bonus. After all, newspaper s do not write about anything other than our case, social politics, sports, tech nology, science, everything is the carburetor. German correspondent sent us clip pings seven tons, the French four quintals, an English coach. Scientific and pro fessional literature that has come out this year about an atomic engine, is esti mated to sixty tons. AngloJapanese War halted for lack of public interest. Only in England's nine hundred thousand uhlokopů jobless. In the Belgian Basin was a r ebellion, about four thousand dead . More than half the jam on the world stopped working. Nafta in Pennsylvania lit his crowded stores. The fire continues. " "The fire continues," said the president of the Bondy dreamily. "The fire lasts! God, we did not win!" "The president of the Mining Company had shot himself. Exchange is just going cr azy. In Berlin this morning, we above 8 000th Ministerial Council meets in perpe tuity, wants to declare a state of siege. Mr. President, it is not an invention, it is a coup!" Bondy, President and Director of Central MEAS to themselves silently watching. N either one nor the other was a poet, but at that moment their souls were singing . The director pulled his chair closer and said under his breath: "Mr. President, Rosenthal has gone mad." 'Rosenthal? " GH Bondy said. The Director nodded gloomily. "He turned into an orthodox Jew. Talmudistickou gr own mysticism and Kabbalah. Another ten million of Zionism. The other day a terr ible argument with Dr. Hubka. You know, sponges are made of Czech brothers." "I also Hubka!" "Yes. I think it's to our Board that dragged Mach. You're not at the last meetin g, Mr. President. It was terrible to you, all led to religious speech in the mor ning. Hubka designed to cast their factories workers. Fortunately forgot about h ow to vote. They were like mad. " President Bondy nibbled his fingers. "Director, what should I do with them?" "Um, not quite. It is a time of nervousness. I even newspapers occasionally some thing flashes, but not to the same place for carburetors. An awful lot of religi ous cases. Some mental disease or something. The other day I saw Dr. Hubka, prea ched before the Zivnobanka a crowd of people, something to enlighten your heart and settled the way to God. konfúzní Mega speech. He even did miracles. Forst is in on it. Rosenthal totally go mental. Miller Kolátor cane and came up with a proposa l for voluntary poverty. We can no longer convene a board of directors. It is th e pandemonium, Mr. President. You have to take the whole thing on my own. " Directors, it's terrible, "he said GH Bondy. "It is. Cukrobance Have you heard? There it all at once caught by officials. Ope ned the cash register and handing out money to all who came. Even in the main ha ll of the burning packages of banknotes at the border. Bolševictví religious, I gues s." "In Cukrobance: .. I do Cukrobanka our carburetor?" "It has. For the central heating. Cukrobanka was the first who bought it. Now, t he police closed it. You know, the proxy manager and caught it." "Sir, I forbid Carburettors supplying the banks." "Why?" 'And I forbid it! Let heated by coal! " "A little late. All the banks have installed our heating system. Now arrange in parliament and in all ministries. Štvanice Central carburetor is done, to illumina te the whole city. Padesátikilový is a colossus, a wonderful engine. The day after t omorrow at six o'clock, will be inaugurated on activities in the presence of hea ds of state, mayors, city council and representatives of MEAS. You lose. You mai nly. " "God forbid," exclaimed Mr. Bondy appalled. "No, no, God save me! I will not." "You, Mr. President. We can not send Rosenthal or sponge. After all they are fur ious fools. Would terrible speech. It is about the honor of the race. The mayor of the city has prepared a speech in honor of our work. Does the representatives of foreign countries and foreign press. Great celebration. When the light illum inates the streets, run a military band on the streets and Intrada fanfare, will sing Hlahol, Křížkovský, Dědrasbor and teachers will be fireworks and a hundred and one s hot from a cannon, lights the castle and I do not know what. Mr. President, you have to be in doing so. " GH Bondy got bruised. "Oh God, oh God, if you can," he whispered, "Take away t his cup "Will you come?" repeated relentless director. "My God, my God, why hast thou fo rsaken me!" CHAPTER VIII THE BAGRU Above Stechovice stood motionless excavator Championship 1928 in the evening twi light. Paternosterové excavator has long ceased to bring in cool sand bottom of th e Vltava, the evening was warm and windless, balmy pokosenými Women and breath of the forest. Northwest have burned a sweet little orange light. Here and there a wave of divine splendor gleamed through the mirror of heaven; shine breathed and poured out in the fluorescence levels. From Štěchovice approached dredger boat, sailed slowly against the flow of perceptiv e, brightening the black river water dog as the Beetle. "Someone goes to us," said swimmer Kuzenda peacefully sitting on the rear excava tor. "Two," he said after a moment Brych machinist. "I know who," said Mr. Kuzenda. " Lovers of Štěchovice," said Brych. "To them, brewed coffee," said Mr. Kuzenda and went down. "Come on, kids!" Brych called to the boat. "Left! Left! Woman, give me your hand , so. And off the top!" "Me and Joe," she reported to the board, we we wanted to "Good evening," greeted a young worker who spoke to her. "Where is Mr. Kuzenda?" "Mr. Kuzenda brewed coffee," said the engineer. "Sit down. Look, someone is flyi ng here. It's you, baker?" "It's me," said a voice. "Good evening, sir Brych. Vezu you Mr. postman and a ga mekeeper." "Come up, my brothers," said Brych. "When Mr. Kuzenda boiled coffee, begins. Who else is coming? "I," came alongside the dredger. "Here Mr. Hudec you would like to hear." "Welcome, Mr. Hudec," said mechanic down. "Come on up, here's the chart.

Wait, I'll shake hands, Mr. Hudec, if you're not there yet. " "Mr. Brych," called three people on the shore, "send a boat for us, huh? We woul d like to you." "Then you reach for them, you are mine," said Brych. "Let everybody gets the wor d of God. Brothers and sisters, just sit down. There is dirty ever since, as we heat the carburetor. Kuzenda Brother brings you coffee, and then it starts. I gr eet you, boys. Come on up." Whereupon Mr. Brych stood over the hole through whic h led the charts inside the excavator. "Hello, Kuzenda, ten people on board." "Well," cried a voice from deep bearded. "I can bear." "So sit down," he said ea gerly Brych. "Mr. Hudec, we've got a coffee, I think it will offend." "No," protested Mr. Hudec. "I just wanted to see your your your meeting." "Our worship," he corrected slightly Brych. "Here, you know we are all brothers. You know, Mr. Hudec: I was an alcoholic and did Kuzenda policy and came upon us mercy. And these brothers and sisters," said the show around, "the evening we g o to pray for same gift of the spirit. right here Baker had asthma, and Kuzenda cure him. Oh, say, a baker, as it were. " "I wrote to Kuzenda hands," Baker said quietly abducted, "and suddenly my breast s spilled in such heat. You know, it luplo in me, and I began to breathe like I was flying in the sky." "Wait, bakers," Brych repaired. "Kuzenda not compose his hands. He knew that he would do a miracle. Just like you did by hand, and you then said he can breathe. That was it." "We were there," she told the Stechovice. "Here, Mr. Baker was at the light arou nd his head. And I was then banished Mr. Kuzenda souchotě, right, Joe?" A young man from Štěchovice said: "It is true čistočistá, Mr. Hudec. But the stranger is, what happened to me. I'm not worthy, Mr. Hudec, I too sat in jail, you know, for robbery and for something more. Right here, Mr. Brych may be able to tell. " "But how," he waved his hand Brych. "You just lacked grace. But here at that poi nt, Mr. Hudec, dejo are weird things. However, it must itself pocejtíte. Kuzenda b rother does it say, because he went before the meeting. Look, he's coming." Everyone turned to the hole, which led from the deck into the engine room. Hole emerged with a bearded head with a forced, embarrassed smile of someone who is p ushing from the back and pretend as if nothing had happened. It was seen Kuzendu waist in both hands carried a large piece of metal on it and cups and cans, t ins, smiling uncertainly, and still rising. I could see his feet in the level of the deck, and Mr. Kuzenda soared even higher with his cup. Only two feet above the hole stopped tapa somehow beneath his feet, hung in the air and apparently s training to reach his feet on the ground. Mr. Hudec was in a daze. "What happened to you, sir Kuzenda?" uleknut almost blu rted. "Nothing, nothing," Kuzenda liked and pushed my feet from the air, and Mr. Hudec remembered at his crib once the picture was hung the Ascension and Christ with the apostles there exactly the same way they hung in the air rowing legs, but wi th less expression confined . Suddenly Mr. Kuzenda be moved forward and sailed, sailed evening air above the d eck as if it unášel slight breeze, occasionally lifting a leg, as if to move or some thing, and apparently feared for his cup. "Please, grab a coffee," he said quick ly. Machinist Brych raised both hands and received a plate with a cup. Here Kuze nda bowed legs, folded his arms and hung motionless, his head slightly to one si de, and said: "I welcome you, brother. Do not be afraid to fly. It's just a sign . Miss, do you grab the cup with flowers." Machinist Brych distributing cups and cans. No one dared to speak, those who have not yet, curiously okukovali Kuzend ovu levitation. Older guests are sipping coffee and slowly between each sip as i f praying. "Have you drunk?" said after a moment Kuzenda pale and wide open, mesmerized eye s. "Then I'll start." Then he cleared his throat, thought a moment and began: "I n the name of the Father! Brothers and sisters, we met to worship on this excava tor, where grace dejo phenomena. I do not have to send away the unbelievers and posměváčky, as do spirit. Mr. Hudec came as infidels Mr Hain was looking forward to so me fun. I welcome both of you, but you see that you know through the grace, as y ou drink, gamekeeper, and chasing the poor out of the woods, and swearing, even though it may be. Do not. And you, Mr. Hudec, you better thief, but you know wha t I mean and prchlej too. you make good faith and salvation. " On board there was a deep silence. Mr. Hudec is determinedly looking to the coun try. Gamekeeper sobbing, potahoval and shaking hands felt for the pocket. "I know, gamekeeper," said floating Kuzenda softly, "that you wanted to smoke. J ust light it. Are you at home." "Fish," she whispered, pointing to the Vltava river. "Look, Joe, as the carp cam e to listen." "I do not carp," said Kuzenda pardoned. "This is a shoemaker or Vo koun. And you, Mr. Hudec, do not worry for my sins. Look at me: I'm no heed than the politics. I'll tell you that, it's a sin. And you, the gamekeeper, weep, I thought it so badly. Once you know the grace, I see people naveskrz. Brych that everybody can see through to the soul? " "I see, 'said Mr. Brych." This Mr. postman just now you think you would like to help his baby daughter. Von has a bunch, see, postman. Mr. Von Kuzenda it helps if you take her here. " "Smell to say superstition," he Kuzenda. "Brothers, if I was ever told anyone in miracles and in God, I laughed at him. So I was zkaženej. When we got here on a n ew machine into the dredger that runs without heating, so we stopped all the dir ty work. Yeah, Mr. Hudec, this is the first wonder what happened to the carburet or is doing everything himself, as if he had reason. And he himself sailing exca vator where to sail, and look, how to stand firm. Look, Mr. Hudec, the anchor on top. Von stands without anchors, and sails again, where it is needed rejpat bot tom, and put himself and stop. We, therefore Brych and I do not have no work goi ng on. Let me tell someone if this is not a miracle. And when We saw this, not y ou, Brych, we started přemejšlet when we have made clear. It is the divine digger, i t's iron church, and we have just as priests. When the first "God manifested in a fountain or the Greeks starejch Oaks and sometimes even ženskejch, why it did no t lead to an excavator? Why would loathed the machine? m achine is sometimes cleaner than a nun, and this is all polished Brych as in cup board. This is just next door. And you know, God is not as infinite as Catholics say, has a diameter of about six hundred meters away and the county is already weak. here is the strongest of the excavator. miracles here, but the bank is alr eady doing just a suggestion and proselytized, and Štěchovice when the wind is good, it cejtit just such a holy smell. pudlovali other day about the rowers from the flash and the CVK and came to grace them all. such power it has. And what that God wants us to, it can only vycejtit here, inside, "preached Kuzenda strongly i ndicates the heart. "I know I can not stand the politics and money, brains and p ride and promotions, I know that he loved people and animals, it is very glad to come here, and to approve the good deeds. Náramnej is a Democrat, brothers. U.S. namely Brych and me, they burn every penny if you can not buy him a cup of coffe e for all. The other day on Sunday there were a couple of hundred people to sit In both banks, and you can see coffee we multiplied that i t was enough for all, and I've ever coffee! But, brother, just show up. The bigg est miracle is the influence, who's he has on our emotions. It is so very beauti ful when it freezes people. Sometimes you feel as if you had the love and happin ess to die like you were one with the water below, and all zvířátkama with earth and s tones, or as you lay in such velikanánský arms, well, that never tell how you feel. Everything about the shout and sing, you don 't understand all languages, water and wind, the everything you see, how does this relate among themselves and with you, once you know everything better than if you had printed crews. Sometimes i t comes as you attack, you have to foam at the mouth, but sometimes it works slo wly and you crawl until the last žilčičky. Brothers and sisters, do not worry, now I f ly two gendarmes, to dissolve us, that we as nevohlášená meeting. Just wait calmly and bagrovýho trust in God. " It was already dark, but the entire deck face shovels and present gentle světélkoval y September. Pod breathed a digger and stopped the boat oars. "Hola," a male voi ce shouted, "There is Mr. Kuzenda?" "It is here," said a voice Kuzenda Cherubim. "Come up, brethren gendarmes. I kno w that I gave the landlord of Stechovice." Two cops came on board. "Which of you is Kuzenda?" he asked závodčí. "I, sir," said Kuzenda soar above. "Please, Mr. Sergeant, come up. Then mounted up swimmingly both troopers and walked to the air Kuzendovi. Their legs desperately groping for a foothold, their hands clinging to hebkého air, you could hear them breathing fast and cramped. "Do not worry, the gendarmes," said swimmer Kuzenda solemnly, "and pray with me: Father God, that you incarnated into this boat " "Father God, that you incarnated into this ship," he said závodčí seškrceným voice. "Father God, that you incarnated into this ship," he began loudly, Mr. Hudec thr ows herself on her knees, and the chorus joined the board. CHAPTER IX CELEBRATION Editor Cyril Keval, a local reporter of the People of Prague, this time thrown i nto the black and raced after the eighteenth Štvanice evening, reported that the g ala opening of the new central power plants for Chubby big city. Struggled throu gh the crowds of onlookers who flooded a quarter of a Peter, and penetrated a nu mber of three guards to a small concrete building hung with flags. From inside t he house heard sakrování assemblers, but who are not ready in time and now it's quic kly catching up. The entire headquarters is more than convenience. And here come s the thought, somewhat like a philosophical Heron, editor of the oldfashioned Mr. Čvančara from rural areas. Mr. Čvančara kindly young journalist said: "You bet, my friend, that today something will happen. I have seen great, that when it did not do anything stupid. And th at is, my lad, for forty years." "Master," said Keval,, ~ it's amazing, huh? This house will illuminate the whole city and drive trams and trains to sixty miles and thousands of factories and and " Mr. Čvančara shook his head skeptically. "See, my friend, we'll see. The U.S., the o ld guard, nothing surprising, but " and here Mr. Čvančara lowered his voice a whisp er, "note, my friend, that there is no spare carburetor. If this is broken, or w as , say, blown up, then then you understand? " Keval felt sorry that this did not come alone. "It is impossible, master," then began to resist. "I have a secure information. This power is based just lip serv ice. Head office is elsewhere right, is is " he said shows his fingers deep u nder the ground. "I must not say where. Notice you, mister, he still předlážďují Prague?" "For forty years," said Mr. Čvančara pensively. "Yes, there you have it," Munchausen Cyril Keval victorious.

"You understand, military reasons. Massive system of underground tunnels. Depot, a powder mill and so on. I am quite accurate. Carburetor Sixteen underground fo rtress around Prague. Upstairs no trace of a football pitch, a kiosk at a soda o r a patriotic memorial, haha, you know? Therefore, it becomes much memorials. " "Young man," said Mr. Čvančara, "what today's generation knows about the war! We mig ht talk about. Ah, here it is, Mr. Mayor." "A new minister of military affairs. You see, I told you. Rector techniques. MEA S CEO. Supreme rabbi." "The French ambassador. Minister of Public Works. My friend, let them get inside . Archbishop. Italian ambassador. The President of the Senate. Sokol Chief of th e village. You see, my friend, that someone forgot." At that moment, Mr. Cyril Keval ceded its place a kind of lady, which was separa ted from senior journalists and the entrance through which the stream poured con tinuously invited personalities. Then the national anthem sounded, there was a f air command of centuries, accompanied by sunshine and gentlemen in top hats and uniforms, the Head of State walked the red carpet to the concrete stavbičky. Mr. K eval is built on his toes and cursed his gallantry, now, I think you get there. Čv ančara is right, he meant then, I always make a stupid, stand up to a small shack on the glorious feast! Whence, delivers speech ČTK and the sauce has come up with: deep emotion, spectacular progress, the spontaneous ovation head of state Were heard from within calm and sudden someone started Jabber oration. Mr. Keval yawned with his hands in his pockets circumventing stavbičku. Serile up. Officers had white gloves and a festive batons. The embankments pushed people. Formal sp eech is too long, as always. Who actually řečňuje? Then he saw Keval concrete wall in the headquarters of the window about two feet . He looked around, and bump, caught the bars and pulled his head into a smart b ox. Oh, she was talking about the mayor of Greater Prague, such as red Brabenec, standing next to Mr GH Bondy, president of the MEAS, as a representative of ent repreneurship, and gnawing his lip. Head of state has his hand on the lever mach ines that pressed on the sign, in the blaze while the festive lighting in all of Prague, rattle and music shoots fireworks. Minister of Public Works is wagging excitedly, will probably talk to the mayor finishes. A young officer pulls a mus tache, envoys face, as if all souls are indulged in speech, in which they do not understand a word, two delegates of the workers or nemrkají, in short, successful run, he thought briefly, Mr. Keval and dismounted. Then all five oběhl Štvanice returned to headquarters, and the bump on the screen. M ayor speaks anymore. As much tensed Keval ears, he heard: "... the disaster near ed Bělohorská." I quickly jumped down, sat to one side, smoking. It was already very dark. Above the trees flashed stars, it is strange, he said Keval that also did not wait with lighting, the head of state to press the lever. Otherwise, Prague was dark, with black republic rolled, neroztřpytěna reflections of lamps, all waiti ng to shake the solemn moment of Light. Keval When finished smoking a stogie, he returned to headquarters, and leaped at the window. Mayor speaks anymore, now p urple to black, the head of state stands with his hand on the lever, the present figures are quietly talking among themselves, the only foreign ambassadors list ened motionless. Pretty head swaying back Mr. Čvančara. The mayor ended in physical exhaustion, the words took the Minister of Public Wo rks, was seen as cutting the sentence to his shortened speech as possible. The h ead of state took longer lever to the left hand. Old Billington, doyen of the di plomatic corps, died standing up, even in death retain expression attentive list ening. Then minister ended his speech, as if cut off. Mr. GH Bondy lifted his head, looked serious look and said a few words, probably something to the effect that the MEAS surrenders his work to the public good an d benefit of our city, and enough. The head of state stood up and pressed the le ver. Here are all of Prague rozžala immense September, the crowd shouted, swung wi th all the bells in the tower and shouted Marian citadel of the first cannon sho t. Keval hanging on a lattice look back to the city. The Shooter's Island spiked shiny rockets, Prague Castle, Petrin Hill and summer bulbs shining garlands, se veral outlying bands began to face the Štvanice circled biplány lit from Vysehrad ca rried overwhelmingly in the air in 1916 decorated with lanterns, crowds took off , police officers raised their hands for helmets, immobile As statues of the bas tions houkaly now two batteries, which monitors the match Karlin. Keval again pr essed his face to the fence to see the end ceremonielu there inside the carburet or. At the same moment he cried, his eyes widening, and ju st the foyer to the window, and then said something like "Oh God, let the bars a nd slid heavily to the ground. Before you hit properly, and thrust him into the stampede fleeing man. Keval grabbed him by the coat, the man looked back. He was President GH Bondy, pale in death. "What happened, sir?" jektal Keval, "What are you doing?" "Let me go," he said B ondy, "Christ, let me! Go away!" "But what's happened to them?" "Good," he said Bondy and reflective Keval fist disappeared among the trees. I shudder leaned against a tree, Keval. The interior concrete stavbičky could be h eard singing something as barbaric. After a few days brought ČTK this product is unclear: "Compared to reports of a do mestic letter cited the outside, tells zpravených of the best places in the ceremo nial opening of the Centre of Chubby happened to any indignity phenomena. In con nection with the Mayor of Greater Prague passed my office and went to treatment. Doyen Billington, by contrast, hale and hearty. The truth is, only that all tho se present said they consider such a powerful impression experienced. Fall down and worship God the right of every citizen and of the miracles are not contrary to any official position in a democratic state. Certainly it is inappropriate to intervene in the head of state of unfortunate events caused by a lack of ventil ation and nervous reprocessing. " CHAPTER X HOLY ELEN Several days after these events, Mr. GH Bondy wandered the streets of Prague, ci gar in teeth, and thinking. Who would have met him, thought would be looking at the pavement, but Mr. Bondy was looking into the future. Mark was right, he thou ght. And the Bishop Linda was even more right. Not, in short, give the world wit hout God sakramentských consequences. What, let people do what they want, but this would be shaken by the banks and the devil knows how this would work in the ind ustry. Today in the nutrient broke religious strike, we were arranged carburetor , and after two days, officials said the bank's assets in the fund for the poor of God. This should not happen for Preiss. No, it would surely happen. Bondy dejectedly sucked on his cigar. So, say you have to hit it? In today has o rders for twentythree million. It has not stopped. Looking out the end of the w orld or something. In two years everything will be in a heap. Now working on carburetors world a few thousand, and every day and night, spewin g absolute: it is an absolute devilishly intelligent. My appetite crazy somehow just a job. Well, he has nothing to do thousands of years had nothing to do, and now we let the chain. For example, what it does in the nutrient. Of course keep books, accounts, correspondence leads. It awards a number of administrative ord ers in writing. Contractors fiery epistle writes about effective love. Now, shar es are nutrient spoilage: a smelly syreček pounds. So it goes when weaving God int o banking. Company Oberländer, textile factory in Upice us desperate trap bombs. A month ago, he built a carburetor instead of cauldrons, good, machine is running all right. But once they start selfaktory and working conditions themselves. When the thre ad breaks, it binds itself and running it on. Workers just watching, his hands i n his pockets. At six o'clock to be the end of the work, Spinners and weavers ar e going home.

But the state continues to run by themselves all night, all day, all three weeks , and weave, spin, spin incessantly. Company depešuje: the devil, remove our goods , please send materials to stop the machine! Now it possessed Brothers factory B uxbaum, Morawtze, Morawtze et al. bare infection in the distance. The site is no longer raw, thrown into a panic in selfaktorů rags, straw, clay, what they have o n hand, please also compete with the miles of towels, calico, chintz, and all so rts of things. Horrid din, the prices of textiles rushing down; England raises p rotective tariffs, neighbors threatened to boycott. A factory lament: Jesus, at least pick up the goods! Take it somewhere, I'll send people, cars, roadtrain, stop by my flat! Now suing for damages. Damn life! And these messages are everyw here, where he built a carburetor. Absolute looking for work. He furiously to li fe. Sooner created the world, now fallen on fabrication. Already engulfed in Lib erec, Brno cotton, Trutnov, twenty sugar mills, sawmills, Bu rghers brewery in Pilsen, threatening Skoda, working in Jablonec Jáchymov and mine s. Somewhere dismissing workers, closed plants elsewhere and leave the horror ru n locked. Mad overproduction. Factories with absolutely stop production. It is a disruption. And I said Mr. Bondy, I am a patriot. I will not ruin our Mother country, moreov er, we have own factories. Well, from today will be canceled orders from the Cze ch Republic. What happened, happened, but from now on in the Czech Republic will not stand a single carburetor. Zaplavíme by the Germans and French, then we Absol ute bombing England. England is conservative to conclude our carburetors, we wil l be there to throw the big airships as bombers. Infect the whole industrial and financial world by God, and just leave us such cultural bohaprostý Isle of hard w ork. It is, so to speak, patriotic duty, and, moreover, is in our own factory. GH Bondy was merry with this prospect. This gives us time at least, that invente d a mask against the absolute. Hell, he lists three million for research on prot ection against God. Say, has two million. All the Czechs will come with masks, a nd yet others are, haha, drowns in God. At least the industry to crack. Mr. Bondy began looking at the world with bright eyes. This one is a young woman , and the bears are pretty flexible, jakápak the front? Mr. Bondy was fast předhonil it and avoid suddenly deferential arc, but apparently changed his mind up and t urned on his heel so fast he nearly bumped into her nose. "You, Ellen," he said hastily. "I did that that " "I knew that going for me," she said with downcast eyes and stood. "You knew it?" Bondy said pleased. "I was just thinking of you." "I feel your animal lust," said Ellen softly. "My what?" "Your animal lust. You knew me. You just omakával my eyes as I was for sale." GH Bondy was clouded. "Elena, why you want to insult me?" Elena shook her head. "We all do it. All, all are equal. One rarely encounters s uch clear eyes." Mr. Bondy, pursed his lips to whistle. Ah, here it is: a religi ous community Machata old! "Yes," said Ellen to his idea. "You should come between us." "Oh, of course!" Mr. Bondy said, while thinking: the damage and pretty girls. "What a pity?" Elena said softly. "Look, Ellen," Bondy protested, "You're reading thoughts. It's not fair. If peop le read her mind, he could not fairly meet. It's indiscretion, to know what you think." "What should I do?" Ellen spoke. "Anyone who knows God, has the gift of your eve ry thought in my mind also: I do not read it, I got it myself. If you knew how t o purify man, can judge if each hidden perversion!" "Well," Mr. Bondy did, trembling, to thinking of something. "Sure," she Elen. "I do not heal with the love of God to wealth. I'd be really h appy if you dropped a white." "God forbid," GH Bondy was horrified. "And please do not yet understand everythi ng that this, uh, so the people see?" "Yes. Perfect." "So listen, Elena," Bondy said, "I can tell you everything, anyway you made me r ead it. I could never marry a woman who could read my thoughts. Saint could be a s you wish, merciful to the poor without restriction; earn it, and it's represen tation. I'd suffered a virtue, Elena, of love for you. all I suffered. I loved y ou in a way, Ellen. I say this because you read it herself. Ellen, no hidden tho ughts is not possible to trade company. And most importantly no hidden thoughts can not be married. It is impossible, Ellen. And if you find the most holy man, do not take it if you can read his thoughts. A little deception is the only unfa iling bond between people. Elen Saint, nevdávejte up. " "Why not?" Elen Saint said sweetly. "Our God is not against nature, only it sanc tifies. It does not ask us to kill. Tells us the life and fertility. He wants us to ..." "Whoa," interrupted Mr. Bondy. "Your God does not understand. If the U.S. remove s delusion is a damn against nature. It is simply impossible, Elena, absolutely impossible. If the mind, see it yourself. They are either inexperienced for good , or good and criminally destructive. Too bad Ellen: I have nothing against reli gion, but this God knows what he wants. Go into the wilderness, Elen Saint, his jasnozřením. Not applicable among us humans. Bye, Elena, and prefer to neshledanou. " CHAPTER XI First strike It is not yet determined how it happened, but just at that time, the factory eng ineer, Mark R. (Brevnov, mix, 1651) was filled and surrounded by a cordon of det ectives to the police, unknown offenders stole Mark's experimental carburetor. D espite the fervent search found no trace of the stolen machine. Some čásek later bought the carousel owner, John Binder, diesel motor for my carouse l and orchestrion for scrap metal merchant to Haštalské Square. Dealers offered him a large copper cylinder with a flywheel and said that it is rigidly cheap engine , said there may nasypati little coal and running it for months. John Binder was conceived special blind trust directly to the copper cylinder and bought it for three hundred. He then brought him to his merrygocart, which currently stood at Zlíchov with defective drive. John Binder, took off his coat, took a copper cylinder and hvízdaje quietly went t o work. Instead put the flywheel on the shaft wheel, the bike slung belt and led him to another shaft, which at one end to power orchestrion and second roundabo ut. Then he anointed pins stuck in one round, hands in pockets, whistling a Spůle mouth, still in its broad striped shirt and thoughtfully, waiting for the next. The wheel turned three times and stopped, then shook, swayed, and began quietly, gravely spin. Then run orchestrion all his drums and whistles, like a carousel shuddered in their sleep, and creaked all unions are spun swimmingly; glittering fringe of silver, white horse with the reins caparisons and red as if pulled th eir royal equipage, wild deer on the glazed eyes bore round, to jump vzepjat, sw an neck fine trailed in their circle were white and azure boats třpytě to roztáčel car ousel music rattling his heavenly beauty nehybnýma before the eyes of the three Gr aces, painted on orchestrion usurped his own music.

John Binder sešpulen stood still, his hands in his pockets, staring at her like a carousel in a dream, enchanted by something new and beautiful. Now was not alone . Tearful, snotty young kid I pulled monitors, and halted before the roundabout, with eyes ohromnýma, with her mouth wide, stiff with wonder. I Babyphone rolled h is eyes and stood as a vision. Carousel circled, strangely glowing, majestic, fa mous as a holiday and now swirled intense speeds, we are now rocking ark as heav y scents of India, now as a golden clouds floated high in the sky, seemed to flo at from the torn country that burns it sings . No, it sings orchestrion, now rej oices female voices, to which silver rain showers harp tones, now roaring forest or organ, but from the depths of the forest birds and flautují sit on your should er, the golden trumpets announce the winner of entry, or perhaps the whole army that glittering fiery sword. And who sings the solemn hymn? Ten thousands of wav ing branches, the sky opens and the sound of drums, flying down the singing of God. John Binder raises his hand, but that the carousel stops and leans his arms to t he child. Capek child into roundabouts, as if they were to open the gates of hea ven, and as a nanny in a dream to follow him and sit them in a swan boat. "This free," Binder said hoarsely, orchestrion shouted, and spun the carousel, as it r ose into the sky. John Binder stumbled: What is it? Now that it is not rotating carousel, but the whole country is moving around, Zlíchovský church describes a huge circle, with a sanatorium Podolské inches with Vysehrad and turns to the other ba nk of the Vltava. Yes, the whole earth revolves around the carousel revolves mor e rapidly and sharply, whirling like a turbine, a carousel stands firmly in the middle, gently rocking like a ship, on whose board they are going through white horses, deer and swans and a small child who leads a nanny and a needle stroking the animals. Ah yes, the earth spins wildly, and a cute carousel is an island o f peace and rest. And John Binder, poised, with stomach sc andalized, defeated the rotating earth, with hands raised to the roundabout stum bles, grabs the bars and pops on the peaceful deck. Now you can see how the country kolotá waving a rebel sea. And lo, the frightened people running out houses, waving his hands, stagger and fall, being abducted as a giant rotating disc. Binder, firmly gripping the bar, leaning on them and sho uting: "Here, folks, here!" And people see a bright carousel still hovers over t he country and spin him to stagger. Binder, clutching the bars gives them a free hand and pulled them from the waves of the country: children, grandmother, uncl e, and they now stand on the deck carousel breathing after the great shock and a we when they see the world spin around. We all pulled up Binder, but still the b lack dog runs, squeaks of fear and likes it up, but the country's kidnapping fas ter and faster around the carousel. Binder sat there on his haunches and reached down and grabbed the dog collar and collect them together. Now orchestrion intoned a song of thanksgiving. It sounded like a chorus of ship wrecked, in which swimmers harsh voices mingle with the children's prayer, the s torm unleashed by the melodic rozklene Rainbow (VH minor) and spread the blissfu l sky glitter Pizzica violin. Shipwrecked in whirligig Binder stands in silence, with smeknutými hats, women murmur lips in silent prayer, and children, oblivious to the horrors of it, dare to caress the deer's mouth rigid and flexible swan n eck. White horses patiently letting children stehénka drápati to saddles; fro Zarza and wisely grabs a hoof. Circle around the Earth revolves more slowly, and John Binder, high in his striped shirt, sleeveless, crudely speaking begins: "Well, folks, we are gathered here in this chaos and kolotání světskýho. Here is God's p eace in the middle of a storm, here we are in the Lord God as stored in the bed. This is a sign that we have run out of faith světskýho and resort to arms of God , Amen. " Thus and so spoke, Jan Binder, and people listened as the carousel in th e church. Finally, the country stopped orchestrion quietly and piously preludova l seskakovali and people from the carousel: John Binder, have said that it is fr ee, and dismissed the conversion and edification. And when the fourth hour of th e passing and mothers with children aged between retirees and Zlíchov Smíchov, orche strion warmup again and started circling the country, again John Binder rescued all the people aboard the carousel and the calm is a good sermon, followed six hours of labor workers , on the eighth emerged lovers and even after ten playboy come from pubs and cinemas, were gradually pulled down all the rotating earth a nd saved in the blissful embrace roundabouts and strengthened for the next life possible by John Binder. After a week of the redemptive action of left Binderův Zlichov carousel according to the Vltava river and wandered upstairs to the Chuchle Zbraslav and then to Štěcho vice By Štěchovice worked for four days with religious tremendous success when the e vent was somewhat obscure. John Binder had just finished a sermon and bless released their new disciples. T hen darkness approached by a black and silent crowd, his head came a tall, beard ed man, and proceeded straight to the Binder. "Well," said conquering anger, "spakujte it, or" Binder believers heard it and r eturned to his teachers. Binder, feeling behind his people, he said firmly: "Whe n the rainfall." "Slightly, sir," said another angry man. "He speaks to you, Mr. Kuzenda." "Let him, Mr. Hudec," said the bearded man. "I do not negotiate with him alone. I say again: spakujte it, or you punch in the name of the Lord." "And for you," said John Binder, go home, or in the name of your Lord will smite his teeth. " "Damn!" machinist said Brych, the dera of the crowd ahead, "just try it!" "Brother," he said mildly Kuzenda, "the first good. Binder, do you have the magi c shameful, and that we suffer from so close to our bagrovýho sanctuary." "Švindlovej digger," Binder said firmly. "What did you say?" exclaimed Kuzenda inj ured. "Švindlovej digger." What followed is hard to untwist a coherent storyline. It seems that the first s et off from Camp Baker Kuzendova, but Binder hit him in the head with his fist. Gamekeeper Binder butt slammed into his chest, but then lost his rifle and a you ng man from Štěchovice (Binder of the camp) Brych knocked her front teeth and knocke d his hat Mr. Hudec. Postman (Kuzendův) Binder strangled sort of little boy. Binde r jumped to help, but the girl from Štěchovice threw at him from behind and bit him on the shoulder, where he was, Mr. Binder, the Czech lion tattoo. Someone pulled a knife Binder people, Kuzendův crowd apparently backed, but smaller part of it f ell on the carousel and has gone deer antlers and noble neck of one of the swans . Then sighed and leaned carousel and its roof collapsed in the struggling group . Kuzenda, corny bars, lost consciousness. Everything was done in silence and da rkness. When people ran, Binder had a broken collarbone, Kuzenda lay in darkness , Brych vyplivoval teeth and blood and the girl, sob bing hysterically Štěchovice. The others fled. CHAPTER XII PRIVATE Associate Dr. Young scholar. Blahous, only fiftyfive years, so private science of compara tive religion professor at Charles University, rubbed his hands when he sat down to precut paper čtvrtkám. Casually wrote the title 'Religious View the last days, then began his article by "The controversy over the definition of the term" reli gion "has been going on since Ciceronových", then he thought for a while. This art icle, he said, send in time, wait, gentlemen colleagues, what makes a fuss! I'm lucky I have that right now the religious fever broke! It will be exceptionally timely článeček. Newspapers will write: "Our young scholar Dr.. Blahous just published an incisive study", etc. Then get a special chair and snaps Regner rage. Then rubbed his hands svrasklýma youthful scholar, until they crackled cheerfully, and began to write. When the evening came the landlady optat you would like for dinner, was already on the sixtieth quarter carcase at the Church Fathers. The twentythird hour (page 115) came to his own definition of religion, which was o ne word different than the definition of his predecessor, shortly thereafter tre ated the (with a few polemical lashes) on the methods of exact science religion, which was a brief introduction of his article concluded. Shortly after midnight, our professor wrote: "Just recently surfaced with variou s religious and kultické phenomena, which deserve the attention of religious exact science. Although it is certainly its main task is to study the phenomena of re ligious peoples long extinct, yet the living presence may provide a modern (emph asized by Dr. . Blahous) investigators various factors, which apply mutatis muta ndis to throw some light on the ancient cults accessible only guesswork. " Then, according to the newspaper, and oral testimony described kuzendismus, wher e he found traces of fetishism, and yes totemismu (as a totemic god digger Štěchovic e). For binderovců kultickou found kinship with the dancing dervishes and old orgi astic cults. He touched on the phenomena of power and ceremony is a shrewdly obs erved in association with the cult párským Fire. In the religious community appeared Machátová ascetic features and fakírské, citing various cases of miraculous healing and clairvoyance, which compared very well with the old kouzelnictvím vnitroafrických b lack tribes. He touched the breadth of mental disease and the crowd's suggestion s, said the history of parades flagellants, the Crusades, and Malaysian chiliasm us amok. He clarified the religious movement of the last two days of psychologic al factors: a pathological case of degenerate hysteric, and as a collective psyc hological epidemic of superstitious, intellectually inferior masses in both case s demonstrated the presence of primitive f orms atavický kultických, tiltpantheistic animist and shamanistic, religious commun ism, like Baptists and all slackening of intellectual activity for the coarsest instincts superstitious, magical, occult, mystical, and idolatrous. "It is not for us to decide all," wrote Dr. then. Blahous, "to what extent have the running of quackery and deception of individuals speculating on the popular credulity, the scientific test should be clearly shown that the alleged, miracle s' thaumaturgů today are just good old pieces of humbug and suggestions. In this r espect, we recommend a new, emerging daily , religious communities', sect, and r ings of security agencies and the attention of psychiatrists. an exact science, religion is limited to the finding that all these religious phenomena are barbar ic atavism in the core and the oldest elements of the patchwork kultických, uncons ciously living in popular imagination, few enough zealots, charlatans and landed maniacs to finish the wake of European civilization, humanity motives of those prehistoric religious beliefs " Dr. Blahous rose from his desk, just finished writing three hundred fortieth of his sixth článečku Thursday, but did not feel tired yet. I have to prepare a spectacul ar end, he said, some thoughts on the progress of science and on suspected gover nment patronage to religious obscurantism, the need to build a front against the militant response and so on. Here young scholar, winged wings of enthusiasm, he walked to the window and lean ed out into the silent night. It was half past four in the morning. Dr. Blahous looked into the dark street, a little quiver cold. Everything was dead, or a lit tle light in human nebdělo windows. Private professor raised his eyes to heaven, w as a somewhat pale, but the stars sparkled in infinite majesty. How long ago I w as looking at the sky, scholars thought, gosh, that is over thirty years! Here it lovely and cool breeze of the forehead, as if someone took his head in přeči stých, the cool hand. I'm so lonely, zastýskal the old man, still so alone! Yes, a l ittle caress my hair, oh, more than thirty years, I never have injected her hand on his forehead! TRNA, stood trembling dr. Blahous window. Something is suddenly felt in the swee t thrill and oppressive, O God, for I am not alone here! Some arms to hold me, s omeone next to me, remains a wish! If after a while came the landlady Mrs. associate professors in the room and saw him standing at the window with both hands raised high and her head tilted back in ecstatic expression of a sovereign. But it now trembled, and he opened his e yes in a daze as he returned to his desk. "On the other hand, no doubt," wrote quickly, I do not care what is written befo re, "now that God can manifest differently than primitive forms kultickými. The mo dern decline of faith is the decoupling of the old religious life, God must begi n from the outset, addressing himself to us as savages once: first the idol and the fetish, the idols of the group, clan or tribe, brings nature and work throug h the wizard. Before our eyes, repeat the following religious developments, begi nning with prehistoric forms and the extent to higher levels. It is possible tha t the current religious wave is broken in several directions, each will strive f or supremacy at the expense of others. We can expect a period of religious strug gle, which his passion and tenacity will surpass Crusade and its size will excee d the last world war. In this godless world nezbuduje bohokrálovství without the gre at sacrifices and doctrinal confusion. And yet I say unto you, Revel absolutely all beings believe in God, whether you speak in any way. K now that has come to make our country and perhaps from other planets in our of e ternal bohoříši, Empire of the Absolute. In time I tell you once more: Humble yourselv es! "

This article private docent dr. Blahous actually came out. While not all, editor s published a portion of his interpretations of new sects, and the conclusion wi th a cautious note, that this become a young scholar is certainly symptomatic of the mood of the time. Article Blahoušův commotion did not, as he was pushed by other events. Just a young scholar, associate professor of philosophy private dr. Regner přečtl Blahoušovu state with great interest, and then at various locations said: "Blahous is impossible. Absolutely impossible. I ask you, how dare he speak to t he professional man of religion, which he believes in God?" CHAPTER XIII CORRECTION Chronicler And now let the chronicler of the Absolute attention to their plight. First, he writes a chapter XIII, just knowing that this number will have the unfortunate f atal effect on the clarity and completeness of his trial. Something of this unfo rtunate chapter in the confusing, it can be sure, the author might say (if anyth ing) entitle "Chapter XIV", but the attentive reader would have felt ripped off by a chapter XIII, and rightly so, do you pay the entire narrative. After all, i f you fear Thirteen, skip this chapter, it certainly lost a lot of light on dark matter Factories for the Absolute. Worse is another embarrassment kronikářovy. He told you so coherently as he could, t he emergence and prosperity of the factory drew attention to the effects of seve ral carburettor boilers with Mr. Machata in fertile, Úpická in a textile mill, the e xcavator and Kuzendově Binder carousel; Blahoušově described the tragic case of diseas e caused by longdistance free těkajícím Absolute, which , apparently, began to cover them up considerably, though without apparent plan. But now Consider that since the beginning of the whole affair was made horror on e thousand different types of carburetors. Trains, planes, cars and boats powere d by engines cheapest threw away in their tracks all the clouds of the Absolute, as before They left behind only dust, smoke and smell. Consider that thousands of factories around the world have ejected the old boilers and is arranged on th e carburetor, that hundreds of ministries and agencies, hundreds of banks and st ock markets and supermarkets, export companies and velkokaváren, hotels, barracks, schools and theaters and workers' houses, thousands of editors and clubs, cabar ets and households with heating central heating newest Karburátorovým mark MEAS. Con sider that the group joined the MEAS Stinnesovy racing with everything that the U.S. and Ford fell to serial production, which spewed every day thirty thousand finished the carburetor into the world. Yes, please consider all this, and remember what effects they'll still be staged closer to the carburetor. Multiply those effects hundreds of thousands, and you will understand the situation suddenly kronikářovu. How I would go with you for eve ry new born carburetor přikukoval in its handling of the car, gave a bit of hay, b read cubes, sugar, heavy horses, asses royally wide, who clangorous flatbed pigg ybacking a new factory in a copper cylinder, how would like the hands on back as sisted in its installation and advising installers and then waited until it begi ns to spin, how would then eagerly searching the human faces, when "it" will act on them when they crawled into the Absolute through the nose, ears or something and starts to degrade their stubborn nature, break their affection, heal their mental wounds, as it reverses its deep plow, blaze, pulp, rebirth, both open in front of them amazing, and yet human and natural world of miracles, ecstasy, ins piration, enlightenment, and faith! For behold, the chroni cler of you admit that not enough for the historian, where historian climbing or press its historical erudition, heuristics, diplomacy, abstraction, synthesis, and other statistics for historical inventions, compress thousands and thousands of tiny, living, personal events in a kind dense, any formable material, which is called "historical fact", "social phenomenon", "public affairs", "development ", "cultural stream" or even "historical truth", chronicler sees only individual cases and found in them even affection . Now, let's say, should be pragmatic, d evelopmental, ideological, synthetically describe and explain the "religious str eam, which engulfed the entire world before 1950, being aware of this grand task , taking steps to collect" religious phenomena "of the time, and behold, heurist ic way to find this example of John Binder, Emeritus floorshow artist, how he go es in the striped shirt with his atomic roundabout from village to village. Historical Synthesis of the chroniclers, however, preaches that abstracted from the striped shirts, from carousels, even from John Binder, and held as a "histor ic core", as scientific yield only that "the religious phenomenon from the very beginning, seized the various layers. Well, here is the chronicler must admit th at he can not abandon John Binder, to be charmed by the roundabout and that the striped shirt he is interested in more than a "synthetic feature. It is a comple te scientific failure, wasted diletanství, uzoučký historic skyline and anything you w ant, but if the chronicler could allow his personal inclinations, it has gone on with John Binder forth, until Budejovice Klatovy then, to Pilsen, the Zlutice a nd so on ; only regret leaving it in Štěchovice and beckons him hands: Goodbye, pimp s Binder, goodbye, roundabout, you will not be seeing. My God, after all, I still left with Kuzendu Brych on the Vltava digger, I'd lik e to have them spend many, many nights, because I like the Vltava river, no runn ing water, and specially in the evening on the water, and I am extremely fond of Mr. and Mr Kuzendu Brych , as regards Mr. Hudec, baker, postman, a gamekeeper a nd lovers of Štěchovice, I believe that they too would become a more understanding, just like everyone, like each of you, like any living man. So far I have spěchati further and left me barely time to wave a hat for them. Goodbye, Mr. Kuzendo, go od night, sir Brych, thank you for the one night of the excavator. And with you I have to say goodbye, Doctor Blahous, I would like you stayed for many years an d described the whole of your life not a private life after his lecturer how e xciting and rich? Ms. Greet least landlady. Everything that is remarkable. And so I would accompany any new carburetor on his track; I even knew you would know more and more people, and it is always worth it, at least a peephole look i nto their lives, affected their hearts, take account of the birth of personal fa ith and personal salvation , prodlít the new wonders of human holiness, it would b e something for me! Imagine a beggar prezidiálního boss, bank manager, driver, butle r rabbi, Major, economic editor, cabaret comedian, not all human métiers, imagine a miser, a lecher, stuff, a skeptic tichošlápka, climber and all types of human temp erament; Now what different, endlessly varied, surprising and special cases and manifestations of religious grace (or, if poisoning absolute) would be befall an d how it would be worth it to care about every one of them! What is the degree o f faith from ordinary believers to zealots, from the penitent to the wonderwork er, to convert from horoucímu Apostle! This all encompassing! Everything shake han ds! Before vain, this work is never done, and chro nicler, who renounced the honor scientifically distill all the historical materi al, the longing to turn away from those which he does not tell popřáno. I wish I could still delay the holy Ellen! I wish I did not leave the deceptivel y R. Marcus, who treats her as Špindlmühlu agitated nerves! I wish I could reveal th e working brain industrial strategist, Mr. Bondy! There's no use, now flooded th e world and the Absolute become a mass phenomenon, and chronicler, glancing back with regret, it must be proactively sumárnímu the trial of certain social and polit ical events that inevitably occur. Well, let us go to a new range of facts. CHAPTER XIV Land of Plenty Chroniclers often happened (and certainly a lot of you) that if for whatever r eason BDE watching the night sky and the stars and realized in silent awe of t heir overwhelming numbers and unimaginable distances and dimensions, and said th at every that point is a huge world, or burning alive entire planetary system, a nd that these points are, perhaps, say, billions, or when looking from the high mountains (it happened to me in the Tatras) dalekoširoký to view and saw beneath mea dows, forests, mountains the nose and the dense forest and grass, all the lavish , entangled, eager and very rich life, and saw a lot of grass flowers, bugs and butterflies, and plenty of that crazy spirit multiplied stretch that opened up b efore him to god knows where, and to these stretches to be added millions of oth er areas, as full and abundant, which comprise the surface of our earth: therefo re become more chroniclers, that in such a light, remembering the Creator and sa id: If someone has done it all so created, then, let's face it, it's amazing mrhačství. To prove someone is a Creator, it did not create so much crazy. Abundance is cha os, and chaos is something like insanity or drunkenness. Yes, the human intellec t is puzzling redundancy of this creative power. There's simply too much. Crazy Borders. Who is the birth of infinity, but in every respect accustomed to large size and scale is not correct (as each provides a measure of finality), or rathe r has absolutely no standards. Please do not consider it as blasphemy, just trying to express the disparity bet ween the human mind and the cosmic abundance. The purposeless, lush, frenzied di rectly redundancy of all, what is the human eye appears to be a sober, rather th an as unleash a careful and methodical formation. So much I wanted to say in all fairness, we come to the point. Are you already know, that perfect combustion inž invented. Mark, showed the prese nce of almost absolute in all matter. Can you imagine some way ( but it's just a hypothesis) that all existed before Creation as the Absolute Infinite Free Ene rgy. The Free Energy of any serious physical or moral reasons to let go Creation : Working to become energy, and precisely according to the law passed in the inv ersion of the infinite binding energy, is somewhat lost in its working effect is created in the mass, which remained in the harbors in a latent form. And if thi s is hard to understand, I can not help it. And now in Mark's excellent combustion atomic engine, it seems, the binding ener gy released, free from material bondage, which it is attached; free energy to be come active or absolutely the same freedom as before Creation. It was the sudden liberation nezbádatelné labor power, which has manifested itself just one foundatio n of the world. If completely burned suddenly the whole cosmos, could be a repeat of the initial creative output, it would be a decisive end of the world, perfect liquidation, which would allow the formation of a new global company, Cosmos II. Meanwhile, a s you know, in Mark's carburetors burned material world only after the pounds. A bsolute, so after a relaxed little by little, either did not feel strong enough to once again formed, or perhaps did not want to repeat, just somehow decided th at it will projevovati two ways, one rather traditional and the other decidedly modern. The traditional method, which began to apply, was, as you know, religious: it wa s the variety of inspiration and conversion, moral effects, miracles, levitation , ecstasy, prophecy, and especially religious faith. The absolute burst into the personal and cultural life in ways no human ušlapanými, but not unprecedented in sc ope. In a few months of his actions was almost human in the world, which at le ast temporarily felt the impact of religion, which they absolutely have report ed about his soul. This psychological behavior absolutely will come back later w hen it will be necessary to depict the dire consequences. The second existential manifestation of the Absolute Free brought something bran d new. Endless Energy, which once employed the creation of the world, she threw herself apparently with regard to changed circumstances for fabrication. Did not form, but manufactured. Instead of creating clear, stood up to the machines . She is Infinite worker. Remember that in any factory, say the studs employed as the cheapest Perfect Car burator drive instead of the steam engine. Absolute constantly emanating from th e nuclear engine innate intelligence of the day, so to speak, omrklo method of p roduction and plunged with all his rampant ambition, or perhaps active approach to this production: it started to mint their own nails. When ran, it was not to stop. The machine, anyone uncontrolled spewing studs. Stocks iron uchystaného cvočko vání to be lifted piece by piece, moved along with air and inserted into the machine . It was awful at first sight. When he reached the material vykvétalo iron from th e ground, the soil around the plant was sweating like a pure iron vysátým the depths of the earth, whereupon the iron is raised up to about one meter, and slid into the machine torn motion, as if it were pushing. Please be careful, I say "iron rose" or "iron slippery, but all the eyewitnesses and recounts his impressions, as if the iron was lifted by fierce but invisible force, forcibly, with so evident and focused effort that attracted the horror , there was an obvious terrible strain, with which everything happened. Yes, perha ps some of you played with spiritism and saw the "lift the table", he confirmed to me that the table completely dematerialized nestoupal with ease, but with a k ind of spasmodic effort: that crackled in all unions, shudder, reared, and jumpe d as if lifted above the force with which 'it too hard struggle.

But how to write them a terrible, dumb game, which makes iron zvedati from the d epths of the country, which is zmačkuje inches and the rods in machinery and hacks in the tacks! Rods with a twist stick, goes against the movement that is shifti ng, rattling and skřípají in silence, in an intangible Nemo, which is struggling with them. All messages record the current horror of this spectacle, indeed, it's a m iracle, but do not think that a miracle is something fabulously light and easy, it seems that in fact the real miracle is annoying, enervující tension. But whatever the Absolute worked with any effort, the most astonishing in this, his new job as the production yield, to remain in the stud industry, the only factory studs, seized absolute value, spewed so many studs all day and night, that they poured in the yard across the mountains , which then knocked fences and covered the st reet. Let us now at stud. Here you can see the whole nature of the Absolute, as inexha ustible, and the Prodigal at the time of creation. When one fell on the producti on, did not provide for distribution, consumption, market share, on purpose, not for nothing, delighted his tremendous power in just spitting tacks. Being in th e core filament, and did not know the degree of restriction in any way, nor in c vočkách. Can you imagine how such workers cvočkárny amazed at the effect of the new drive. It was unexpected for them to unfair competition, something that made their work e ven unnecessary, and certainly the law would have objected to this attack on cap italism manchestráckého regularly, at least by people that vandalized the factory an d hung factory owners had not been surprised and swept away after that Absolute first page: that they broke the religious enlightenment of all forms and degrees . There were receiving levitation, divination, divotvorectví, visions, miraculous healing, holiness, love of neighbor and similar unnatural, so the miracle state. On the other hand, you might think, as assumed by the divine cvočkárny mass producti on of such owner. He certainly zajásat, throw all the workers, which are anyway uz lobil half to death, and rub your hands over the avalanche of tacks, which it di d not cost pennies cost. But first, he certainly succumbed to the mental effects of the Absolute on the spot and gave the whole factory workers, your brothers i n God, in the common property and quickly looked to the mountains studs are perf ectly without cost, because they will not be sold. True, the workers still standing at the machine and wearing iron rods, moreover, were coowners of the factory. But after a few days proved that to be any way t o remove studs stotunové mountains, which have become commodities. At first, he ga ve some attempts to circulate throughout the carriages tacks on fake addresses, and he later had little choice but to export it as a city in the huge heap. This clearing tacks all workers employed full fourteen hours a day, but nereptali, e nlightened religious spirit of love and mutual service. Forgive me for being so long prodlel at stud. Absolute did not know the industri al specialization. Invaded equally keen to mills, where the miracle took place n ot only confuse the ropes of sand, but of him and spin yarns, and weaving in a nd trikotáren washboard, and engulfed the entire textile industry, soukajíc million miles without stopping everything that can be cut. Seized the iron, rolling mill s, foundries, factories for agricultural machinery, sawmills, wood processing, r ubber production, sugar refineries, chemical plants, fertilizer, nitrogen, petro leum, printing, paper, dyeing, glass works, ceramics, shoes, tkalounek, kruhovek , down Brewers , distillation, steam dairies, mills, mints, automakers and grind ing plants. Woven, knitted, submitted, Koval, slévalo, assembled, power, hoblovalo , sawing, digging, burning, pus, bílilo, refined, boiled, filtered, die after twen tyfour to twentysix hours a day. Strapped into the machine instead of the stea m engines of economic oral, selo, dragged, plelo, hacked , beaten and žnulo. In every field of mass production itself bred and zestonásobilo production. It was endless. Debauched performance. Found a numerical expression for its own infinity: abundance. The miraculous multiplication of loaves and fishes desert garnered monumental pe rformances: the miraculous multiplication studs, boards, nitrogen fertilizers, t ires, rotary paper and all other factory goods. There was a world of unlimited abundance of everything is what people need. Howe ver, all people should just not unlimited abundance. CHAPTER XV Scourge Yes, today ordered a so to say hard to get these blessed days we can not ima gine the social evil of unlimited abundance. We think that it was nothing more t han a paradise, a paradise on earth if everything were suddenly endless supply. So much the better, we think it would be enough of everything for all, and Wow, how cheap! Well, the economic disaster industry hitting the Absolute the world was at t he time, which recounts, consisted in the fact that everything what man needs to be dostati not cheap, but simply for free. Could you take a handful of tacks fo r free, so you are beating the soles and the floor, but could you take a free wa gon studs but I ask you, what would you do with it? He drove it to one hundred kilometers and passed out again for free? That you did not do, because when you 're standing over that avalanche stud, did you have nails, so quite a useful thi ng, but something completely worthless and meaningless in their abundance, somet hing equally pointless, as the stars in the sky. Yes, such a pile of shiny new t acks were sometimes uplifting and vzbouzela and poetic ideas, like the stars in the sky. She seemed made for dumb amazement. It was a beautiful landscaped its w ay, as the beautiful landscaped sea. But the sea is also nerozváží the carriages into the interior, where the sea is not any. Seawater is not of distribution. Now she was also tacks. And while sitting here with a sparkling sea spreads tacks, not a few miles furth er stud available. Economically devalued disappeared from shops. To přitlouci nail in his heel and shove it under poslamku neighbor, you look for it in vain. He i s not, as in salt or Čáslav not the sea. Well, where are you, merchants of the past who have bought this cheap things needed to be there dearly sold? Alas, you've g one since you came to the grace of God, you are ashamed for their profits and th eir shops are closed, you can contemplate the brotherhood of man and gave away e verything you have, and never, never wanted to grow rich from the distribution o f goods to all brothers in God needed. Where there is no price, no market. Where there is no market, no distribution. Where there is no distribution, not a comm odity. And where the goods are not, need to grow, rising prices and profits grow and grow businesses. But you turned away and took the profits are not invincibl e resistance to all the digits at all. You stopped to see the material world through the eyes of consumption and market sales. With hands clasped you wondered beauty and abundance of the world. And yet received tacks. There was no stud. Just somewhere in the distance with them piled endless avalan che. And you, the baker, you go out in front of your stuff and you cried, "Come on, p eople of God, for God's sake, come and get the loaves and flour, and bread rolls munzemle, mercy, and take for free!" And you, the drygoods merchants, have rol led out a package suken plátýnek sheeting directly on the street and you slit weepin g with joy after five or ten meters of anyone who went outside and prayed for Go d's sake you have to take your little gift, and only in quite You empty the shop fell to his knees and thanked the Lord that you indulged dress neighbor as lili es of the field. And you, butchers and pork butchers, you took on the head with a basket of meat and sausage and Italian and went from door to door, knocked, ra ng and asked that everyone just chose, what he wants. And as all of you who are selling shoes, furniture, tobacco, bags, glasses, jewelry, rugs, whips, ropes, m etal, porcelain, books, artificial teeth, vegetables, medicines and why you who remember, all you breathe out the breath of God , have poure d into the streets, and "gave away everything you have" panic in the noble grace of God, then encoun to stand on the threshold emptied their shops and stores, e yes gleaming with you to communicate with each other: "Well, brother, I'm reliev ed my conscience. " In a few days then it turned out: not what you give. But it was also what to buy . Absolute pillaged and perfectly vybílilo all trades. So far away from towns rolled by machines and millions of feet suken canvases, N iagara sugar cubes, teeming, glorious, inexhaustible abundance of God overprodu ction of all goods. Feeble attempt to divide this flood utuchly consumption soon . There was simply empowering. Moreover, it is possible that this economic disaster caused something else: mone y inflation. Absolute is also seized the government mints and printers and plung ed into the world of daily stomiliardy notes, specie and securities. Devaluation was overwhelming: package pětitisícovek meant more quickly than the somewhat stiff klozetní paper. If you were a child cucáček offered a penny or half a million, it was a business no matter, you did not get him anyway, since he disappeared. All numb ers have lost any meaning. The numbering system is a wreck but a natural consequ ence of infinity and divine omnipotence. At that time, broke out in cities lack, and so hungry. Supply apparatus of the j ust causes of failed completely. Although there was a ministry of supply, trade, welfare and railways, according to our terms allow them to capture the enormous power production plants, to pres erve it from destruction and have enjoyed the site carefully burnt divine genero sity. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Ministerial staff spent their time in an official joyful prayers engulfed particularly strong in the grace. The minist ry ruled supply situation typist Miss Šárová who preached about nine bands, preaching in the ministry of trade union chief Winkler asceticism, which upomínala of Indian yoga. True, the fever lasted a fortnight, and then attended to probably at a special revelation of the Absolute miracle of the obligations. Responsible aut horities feverish work day and night to address the supply disaster, but it was probably too late, the only result was that each ministry produced a daily 1553 000 acts by resolution of the interministerial committee on the day the trucks b ring them into the Vltava. Certainly the situation was worst maintenance, but fortunately there was (if onl y depicts the situation in this country) Čacká OUR country! Gentlemen, remember this moment, the cast says the people of our country, all the way aside, the core of the nation, is that even an old song: "Who is this man? Did you know? Aye Czech peasant breadwinner ours!" Who is the man who stopped by fever wasteful Absolut e, who is the man who stood firmly in the global market panic, who is the man wh o did not fold hands in lap, was torn down to thoughtlessness and "stayed true t o its bottom the"? Who is this man? Did you know? Aye Czech peasant our breadwin ner! Yes, it was our peasant (and elsewhere was done anyway), is a way to save the wo rld from starvation. Imagine if he was so overcome with a bourgeois mania distri buted to all destitute and needy, if he gave away all his corn, cows and calves, hens and geese and potatoes: a fortnight he appeared hungry in cities and rural would be vacuumed, whipping , without the stocks themselves hungry. Thanks to o ur bodrému peasants did not happen. Let's now expost explains the miracle of our rural instincts, or his true, genuine, deep earthy tradition, or, finally, that the Absolute in the country was less virulent, as in the retail field management has not reached the carburetor houfného use as in industry, simply explain how yo u want, the fact is that the general economic collapse and shift market structur es, and any farmer nerozdával. Nedaroval or straw, corn or oats. The ruins of the old industrial and commercial order our farmer peacefully, quietly sold what he had. And sold expensively. Guessed the secret instinct of the disastrous impact of abundance, and therefore braked in time.

Braked by more expensive, requiring its granaries were sebeplnější. And it shows wonde rfully healthy core of our rural people, it said without words, without an organ ization led by just A saving inner voice more expensive everywhere and everythin g. By making everything more expensive, has kept it from vymrháním. In the middle of all the crazy abundance of scarcity and preserve the island hard to get. Surely he knew that by saving the world. For while others degraded, free handouts goods immediately with a natural nece ssity had disappeared from the market of foodstuffs are sold on. But you had t o take the country. Your butcher, baker and grocer, and not what you give, excep t fraternal love and holy words. I have picked up his backpack and rode one hund red and twenty kilometers away, you went from farm to farm, and behold, you've b ought a kilo of potatoes for a gold watch, this is an egg for binoculars, this i s a kilo of bran for a harmonium or a typewriter. And there was nothing to eat. You see, if it all was a farmer gave, you would have done long ago. But the farm er to keep you and LIBERK butter, keep it just because it had a Persian carpet o r a rare Kyjovský costume. Well, who stopped the crazy communist experiments of the Absolute? Who lost the virtues of the head in a panic? Who resisted the disastrous flood of abundance a nd save us, spare our necks and goods from extinction? "Who is this man? Did you know? Aye Czech peasant breadwinner ours!" CHAPTER XVI THE MOUNTAINS Noon to shed important in bear. Engineer Mark Rudolph sits huddled on the porch, looking in newspapers and made it again to look around for the high band Giant. It is quiet, calm and crystal high in the mountains, and the collapsed man stra ightens to take a deep breath. And this little man is a bottom and head for the shed. "As the pure air," said M arek on the porch. "Here, thankfully, it is absolutely still latent, in all the harbors, is hidden in the mountains and forests and the graceful and the grass b lue sky, here neběhá the world nestraší and doing magic, only lies in all material, God deeply and quietly present, not even breathe, just silent and looking out of the corner ... " Then Mark put his hands in silent prayer of thanks. "As God as the clean air!" The man who came from the bottom, stopped under the porch. "Well, I found you, M ark!" Mark looked less pleased. Those who stood before him, was GH Bondy. "That I finally found you!" repeated Mr. Bondy. "Come upstairs," said Mark appar ently does not like. "What you here on earth bears! You look, man!" Really. G. H: Bondy was all yellow and gaunt, wellturned gray at the temples an d around his eyes clustered tired wrinkles. He sat silently next to Mark and clu tched his hands between his knees. "Well, what's wrong with you?" Mark insisted on embarrassing moment of silence. Bondy gesture. "I'm a retired man. ... I mean to me ... for me it also came." "Grace?" Exclaimed Mark, and odsedl as the leper. Bondy nodded. It's not a tear of shame, as she was trembling on his eyelashes? Mark whistled softly. "So, to you ... and the poor!" "No," said Bondy and hastily wiping his eyes, "do not think that even now ... I did it, Rudo, přechodil somehow, I ... I did překousal, but, you know when it came to me, It was the happiest moment of my life. You have no idea, Rudo, a nightma re will it cost to be one of the vylízal. " "I," Mark said seriously. "And please have some symptoms ...?" "Love your neighbor," he said Bondy. "Man, I'm fooled by love. I never thought i t possible to feel something." There was a moment of silence. "You did it so ...," he began, then Mark. "I overcame it. You know, like a fox uhryže leg when she stuck in the trap. But I' m after that blinking light. Just ruin red. Like a fever. So I came here, you kn ow, I got up again ... It is here read? " "Quite clear. ... So far, no sign of following Him. It can only feel ... from na ture, and everything, but it has been before ... to the mountains forever." Bondy gloomily silent. "Well what," he said after a while distracted, "what do y ou say really? You know here at all, what's going on down there?" "I get the newspaper. ... To some extent, from a newspaper man can concoct what is happening. While there confuse everything, but ... who knows how to read ... Hey, Bondy, is it really so terrible?" G. H: Bondy, shook his head. "Worse than you think. Just desperate. Listen," he said brokenly, "He'll be everywhere. I think ... he has a plan." "Plan?" Mark jumped up and shouted. "Not so loud. He has a plan, man. It is devilishly clever. Tell me, Mark, what i s the greatest power in the world?" "England," Mark said without hesitation. "Nah. Industry is the biggest power in the world. And socalled" masses "are als o the greatest power in the world. You know, his plan?" "I do not understand." "He seized both. Captivated the industry and the masses. It is in the hands of everything." Seem to think of world domination. That's Mar k. " Mark sat down. "Wait, Bond," he said. "I thought about it here in the mountains, many thought. I watch everything and compare phenomena. I, Bondy, the other not think so. Sic I do not know where this is heading, but I know that Bond, that h e has no plan. I do not know myself yet what and how. Maybe he wants something b ig, but does not know how to do it. I'll tell you something, Bond: He's still no t a force of nature. It is politically amazingly uninformed. Economics is a barb arian. He is still obey the Church, that is my experience ... you know, it seems to me sometimes so childish ... " "And do not red," GH Bondy said heavily. "He knows what he wants. Therefore, it fell on largescale industry. It is more modern than we previously thought." "Just a toy," complained Mark. "He wants to employ a little bit. You know, it's sort of divine youth. Wait, I know what you mean. It's great work. It is simply impressive, I know. But it's Bond, so absurd that it can not to be no plan. " "The most absurd things in history, it has been consistently implementing the pl an," said GH Bondy. "The Bond," Mark said quickly. "Look what I got the newspaper. I watch his every step. I tell you that it is not a piece of context. All this is just improvisat ion of omnipotence. He does great tricks, but somehow random, incoherent, confus ed. You know, his work is not organized a bit: He came into the world unprepared too. That is his weakness. He impressed me this, but I see its weaknesses. It i s a good organizer, and perhaps it never was. It has brilliant ideas, but unsyst ematic. I do you, Bond, I wonder you did to Him yet immature. You, the cunning m an! " "With him, nothing can be done," said Bondy. "Ambushes you in your own soul, and you're done. When you convince a reasonable way to send you miraculous enlighte nment. You know what made sabers." "You're running away from Him," said Mark, "but I'm visiting, and in his wake. I know him a little, and I could prepare a warrant for Him. Form: infinite, invis ible, formless. Location: anywhere near the nuclear engine . Occupation: mystica l communism. The crimes for which he is prosecuted: the alienation of private pr operty, illegal operation of the medical trade, exceeding the Assembly Act, brea ch of official action and so on. A special label: omnipotence. just put it close . " "You laugh," he said GH Bondy. "Do not laugh. He overwhelmed us." "Not yet!" exclaimed Mark. "Look, Bondy, he still can not govern. He made a lot of hassle with my novotářstvím. For example, embarked on overproduction, rather than b uild first miracle railway traffic. Now he is in šlamastice, now is not anything t hat was produced. It is a huge smack in the water with the abundance of His mira culous. Secondly, the authorities zvrtačil its mystique and broke down the whole a dministrative apparatus, which could now just need to keep order. Revolution, wh ere do you want, just not in the offices, even if it be the end of the world, mu st to destroy the universe first and then offices. That's Bond. And third, it re moved as naïve communist theoretical monetary exchange, and all at once paralyzed the circulation of products. He did not know that the laws of the market are str onger than the laws of God. He did not know that the production of free Trade is absolutely absurd. He did not know anything. he acted like ... like ... It is s imply as if it abolished the one hand, what does the second hand. We have a miraculous abundance, while dire need. It is powerful, an d made a mess . You know, I believe, that really made the laws of nature once an d praještěry and mountains and everything you want, but the store, Bond, our modern trade and industry certainly did not create, because there absolutely no knowled ge. No, Bond, trade and industry are from God. " "Wait," GH Bondy said, "I know that ... that's ... disastrous consequences are i mmense ... But what can we do with him?" "Nothing yet. I, Bondy dear, just look up and compare. This is the new Babylon. This one, you see, leaves the clerical pronounced suspicion that, in our confusi on religiously turbulent time with devilish finesse are prepared from the Freema sons'. National Sheets blame the Jews, says the left Socialists, the Republicans throw at liberals, it is to bursting. And listen, this is still the right one h ad, I think the whole thing is just starting to confuse. Come over here, Bond, I tell you something. " "Well." "Do you understand that he ..., ... He is the only one?" "I do not know," Bondy said. "But it depends on something?" "Everything," Mark said. "Come closer, Bond , and pull up your ears." CHAPTER XVII HAMMER AND STAR "First Brother Watchman, what you see in the East?" asked the Reverend, all blac k with a white leather apron and a silver gavel in hand. "I see the champions gathered in the shop and ready to work," said Rangers first : Honorable struck with a hammer. "Second Brother Watchman, what you see in the We st?" "I see the champions gathered in the shop and ready to work." Reverend tapped with a hammer three times: "The work begins." Brothers of the Fr ee French Masonic Lodges' The Hammer and The Star "sat down nespouštějíce eyes of the Venerable GH Bondy, who is so unusually convened. It was quiet in church worksho p ověšenými between the black walls, which drapes were woven Base Maxima. Bondy, a rev erend, was pale and thoughtful. "Brothers," said the Reverend after a while, "I called you ... exception to this exceptional work by exceptional ... secret ... against the rules of our range . .. not a mere formality. ... I know it violates the solemn ... and the sacred ch aracter of our work ... that you have laid on the act ...... of things really s erious ... and ... the greatest public impact. " "The Reverend has to appoint a job," Judex said Formidabilis the general emotion . "Well," began the GH Bondy, "The thing that loves us ... to undertake a systemat ic attack on the clerical .... They say that our century ... covert action ... i n relation to specific ...... and deplorable events in the field of industrial and spiritual. clerical leaves argues that liberal Lodge ...... deliberately pr ovoked this unleashing demonic forces. ... you wonder what we will do in the pre sent disaster in ... benefit of humanity ... and in honor of the Most High. ... This ... I hereby open the discussion. " After a solemn moment of silence stood second Ranger. "Brothers, this historic m oment, so to speak profound words of welcome to our velevážený Venerable said. He said so to say, regrettable occurrence." Yes, we who were, we look only to the benef it of mankind, we must declare all those unfortunate miracles, enlightenment, bo uts of charity and other disorders of the event, so to speak, supremely unfortun ate. We have all the secrecy, which belongs to our Order, so to speak, to reject any connection with the regrettable facts, which, so to speak, does not agree w ith traditional and progressive principles of our great Order . My brothers, the se unfortunate policies are, so to speak, in fundamental contradiction with the fact that, as he said the Right Reverend, so to speak, because the clericals wea pons against us if we have in mind, so to speak, the highest interests of humani ty, why then I propose that we in the fullest sense has consented deplorable eve nts, as well reverend said. " Judex Formidabilis rose. "Venerable Brother, I ask for the floor. I note that there is an unfortunate way of talking about certain events. I think that those events are not as regrettab le as the second brother thinks the Rangers. I do not know which events the seco nd brother, the Rangers encounter, but if referring to a religious congregation to which I go, I believe that is wrong, indeed, say it straight that it is wrong . " "I propose," said another brother, "we voted on when the said unfortunate incide nt or not." "And I," he said about another word, "I suggest that we have chosen for closer e xamination of the Committee of unfortunate events, say, three members." "The fivemember!" 'Twelve! " "Allow me, brothers," said Formidabilis Judex, "I' m still speaking." Honorable tapped with a hammer. "The word has a brother Judex Formidabilis." "Brothers," he said softly Judex, "we will not argue with the word. The events, which have fallen on unfortunate opinions are of the kind that deserve attention , interest, and so ignored. I do not deny that I attended some religious circles , which was given a special grace of God. I hope that this is incompatible with the discipline of the Free Masons. " "There is nothing," said several voices. "Furthermore, I admit that I alone had the honor to perform some minor miracles. I think it neprotiví my degree and my degree." "Certainly not." "I can therefore according to your own experience to declare that the said e vents are, however dignified, uplifting and virtuous, that contribute to human w ellbeing and Supreme Glory, why in terms of Masonic can not be against the opposition. I suggest that the Lodge has announced its neutrality treat all such manifestations of divine presence. " The first Ranger stood up and said: "Brothers, I do not believe all the SIC, I have seen nothing, know nothing, but I think we prefer to have a religion. I think that it's nothing pretty, but why are we doing it? So I suggest we put secretly know about that we have the best i nformation and that you consent to everything was the way it is. " The Reverend looked up and said, "warns the brothers that the Union of Industria lists Absolute elected its honorary chairman. Furthermore, the shares MEAS, takřečené Shares of the Absolute, may still stoupati. By the way, someone who does not wan t to be named, gave the widow of our Lodge Possible thousand of these shares. Pl ease act on. " "I am now," reported the second Guardian, "I take back, so to speak, these regre ttable events. From the higher perspective quite agree. I suggest we talk about things from a higher perspective." The Reverend looked up and said: "I warn you that Velelóže intends to issue guidelin es about the latest events. Velelóže Masters advised to enter into religious circles and organized in the Masonic sense as Workshop Apprentices. New transgress work shops conducted in a spirit of enlightened and proticírkevním. Recommended into acco unt the different věroukám: monistic, abstinentské, fletscherovské, vegetarian, and so o n. Each ring either taught in other faith, tried to practice that is best for th e good of mankind and for the glory of the Most High. This activity Velelóže on the order is binding on all Masters . Please can deliberate further. " CHAPTER XVIII EDITORS IN THE NIGHT The largest Catholic or popular journal editor friend of the people not overly l arge, so the ninethirty in the evening just sat there night editor Kostal (who knows why the editors of the night was so noticeable smell Pipes) and Father Jod ocus to hvízdaje teeth wrote an editorial for tomorrow. At that moment arrived, Mr. Novotny meter, carrying wet proofs. "Well, editorial , gentlemen, the editorial," he said. "When we planted it!" Father Jodocus stopped humming. "Right away, Mr. Novotny," he said quickly. "I c an think of one word. We have, evil machinations?" "Yesterday." "Oh. A vicious plot 'was already too?" "Yes." "Crooked scam?" "That was today." "Wicked invention?" "At least six times," said Kostal editor. "And it's a pity," sighed Father Jost. "I think we're too wasted thoughts. How d id you like today's editorial, Mr. Novotny?" "Strong," said Mr. meter. "But us to better bet." "Right away," said Father Jost . "I think the above were satisfied with the morning numbers. You see, that come s his Grace Episcopal. Jobst, he says, well you're shouting. We have, frantic sp ree?" "We." "Too bad. We build new battery and burn. Jobst said this to me His grace, only to them! And all the time, but we are forever. Mr. Novotny, you can not t hink of any proper word?" "There should be, criminal limitations." Or, perverse malice '. "

"That would be" refreshed Father Jost. "Mr. Novotny, naberete where the good ide as?" "In the old years of the Friend of the people. But the editorial, the Majesty." "Right away. Wait: Criminal limitations and perverse malice of certain circles t hat Baal idols muddying clear waters of Peter the rock, ah, now it will be: Pete r rocks, clouds the water clean, so, and puts her golden calf caves or Devil Abs olute " "You have an editorial?" There was a night editor at the door. "Laudetur Jesus C hristus, Grace Episcopal," he said Father Jost. "You have an editorial?" repeated Auxiliary Bishop Linda quickly enters. "Who wr ote the editorial in the morning? For Jesus Christ, that you brought out! What i diot wrote this?" "I," stammered Father Jodocus back. "Bisk ... Grace ... I thought ..." "You think," cried Linda Bishop, glitter brejličkami awful. "Thomas," and squeezin g in the hands of morning numbers of friends people threw them Jošt feet. "I thoug ht! Look, he thinks! Why'd netelefonoval Why did not you ask what you write? And you, Kostal, how can you put in the list? You're thinking too, right? Novotny!" "Please," sighed Mr. meter trembling. "Why did he bet? Did you too?" "No, please," protested meter. "I, please, I bet you'll send me ..." "Nobody needs anything other than what I want," said Linda Bishop definitely. "J obst, sit down and read what you nažvanil morning. I said, read!" "For a long time," read Father Jost in a quavering voice, my own editorial morni ng, have long ... our concern to the public ... crooked scam ... " "What. "Crooked scam. Grace Episcopal," groaned Father Jost, "I thought I I see now ..." "What. "That's a little too strong, the crooked scam." "I thought so. Read on!" "... The socalled crooked scam ... Absolute, which Masons, Jews and other progr essives snow world .... It is scientifically proven ..." "Jobst Look!" Bishop Linda shouted. "He's something scientifically proved! Read on!" "... It is scientifically proven," stammered poor Jost, "that is called the Abso lute ... nevěrecký well as media hype ... pieces ..." "Wait," he said with a sudden fondness suffragan bishop. "Write this editorial: Is it scientifically proven ... you got it" ... proved that I, Father Jodocus, m y ass, oaf, butterfingers ... you got it? " "Please," he crushed Jost. "Come on, Bisk ... Grace." "Throw it to the trash, my son," said Mr. Bishop, "and pull up their stupid ears . Četls today's newspaper?" "Read, Bisk ..." "Well, I do not know. This morning, páteříčku, came above all, posted on 'unitary union: that is the oneness of the Absolute, which will have monists claimed to be God, and that it fully complies with the cult of the Absolute monistic doctrine. Četls it?" "Read." "In addition, a statement that the Masonic lodge members advise their cu ltivation of the Absolute. Četls?" "Read." "Further, that the Lutherans had synodálním Congress Superintendent Maartens pětihodinnou lecture, which proved the match absolutely zjeveným Lord. Četls it?" "Read." "Further, that the Seventh International Congress of Russian delegate Pa ruskinRebenfeld comrade suggested worship God, who has expressed his sympathy t o the people dělnému that entered the factories. Taken appreciate the knowledge, the Supreme Comrade decided to work instead of exploited. Pronounced proposal furth er proof that Solidarity launched a general strike in all its races. After the c onclave Presidium proposal dismissed as premature. Četls it? " "Read." "Finally, the Resolution, that the Absolute is the exclusive property of the proletarian layers of folk and the bourgeoisie is no right or uctívati receiv e miracles from Him. Regulation to develop a workingclass cult of the Absolute and secret arms To be carried out in the event that the funds appropriated or at tempted to exploit the Absolute. Četls it? " "Read." "Free speech also thought," posted "the Salvation Army headquarters comm unique Teozofického Adyar, public letter, addressed to the Absolute and signed by Cottagers community support, owners of the attractions of the Union speech, the President signed J. Binder, also proclaims the union of Constance, a specific nu mber of voice from the afterlife , Anabaptistického readers and abstainer Pachis i četls it all? " "Read." "So you see, my son, there everywhere advertise with Absolute great glor y for themselves, doing him honéry and great offers, is appointed an honorary memb er, patron, protector, God and I do not know why yet, and yet here some crazy Fa ther Jost, Jost Please, such a tiny Joštíček rozkřikne is that everything is crooked sca m and scientifically proven humbug! Jesus, You gave us! " "But, Grace Episcopal, for I had ordered ... to ... write those shows ..." "You should have," interrupted Mr. suffragan bishop sternly. "But can not you se e that the situation has changed? Jobst," said Bishop rose up, "our sanctuaries are empty and the sheep ran as an absolute, Jobst, stupid man, if we want to bri ng the flock together, we obtain absolute: in all the churches build Atomic carb uretors but that those velebníčku do not understand. just remember: An absolute mu st work for us, we must be, id est, it must be just ours. Capiscis me Fili? " "Capisco," whispered Father Jost. "Deo Gratias! Joštíčku, now you turn on čtyráku as Saul. Úvodníček write nice, where sdělíš ongregation has taken account of the prayers of believers and the Absolute adopt ed into the bosom of the Church. Mr. Novotny, here is the apostolic letter, a bo ld vysázejte trojcicerem the first page. Kostal, write lokálek that President GH Bon dy take a Sunday out of hand arcipastýře sacrament of baptism, and the joyous welcom e, okay? And you, Jobst, sit down and write ... Wait a stronger word to start. " "Grace Episcopal, perhaps: the limitations of criminal and perverted ire certain circles ..." "Well, then write: Criminal limitations and perverse malice certain circles afte r months of trying to seduce our people the error of his way. Heretical publicly preaches heresy, that the Absolute is something else than that God, to whom we hand was joined together from the cradle ... Got it? was joined together ... han d in childish love and faith ...... Got it? So go on ... " CHAPTER XIX Canonization process Well, you understand that the adoption of the Absolute into the bosom of the Chu rch under the circumstances was a great surprise. It really made a papal breve, and the chorus of cardinals, a fait accompli, only negotiate about it, if you ca n give the sacrament of baptism, the Absolute. Order from the drop, namely the b aptism of God's apparent religious tradition (see John the Baptist), but in this case must be personally present křtěnec, moreover, was too delicate political issue royal person would absolutely be the godfather. Therefore, the Sacred Congregat ion has recommended that at the earliest pontifical Mass with the Holy Father pr ayed for a new member of the Church, which happened as very solemn. In addition, conceived of a church doctrine that, apart from the sacraments of baptism and t he baptism of blood, the Church recognizes the baptism of the holy, and virtuous deeds of merit. By the way, three days before the pope in breve received more audience Mr. GH Bo ndy, who had forty hours negotiated with the Pope's secretary Monsignor Culattim . Almost simultaneously performed a simple form of beatification of the Absolute " great Cham immemorabili" in recognition of the good life of the Absolute, now Bl essed, and ordered an orderly, but accelerated the process of canonization, but to change veledůsažnou: Absolute nešloť the declaration as a saint, but as God. Immediat ely deifikační appointed committee of top religious scholars and pastors, as the Pro curator Dei, was appointed archbishop of Venice, Cardinal Dr.. Varese, as Advoca tus Diaboli Monsignor Culatti work. Cardinal Varese by seventeen thousand certificates of miracles performed, signed by nearly all the cardinals, patriarchs, primasové, Metropolitans, ecclesiastical princes, archbishops, abbots and performance schedules, each accompanied by a c ertificate of medical investigation capacity, faculty testimonials, expert scien ce teachers, technicians and economists and finally signed by a notary legalized eyewitnesses. The seventeen thousands of documents, as he said Monsignor Varese , is actually only a tiny fraction of the miracles performed by the Absolute, wh ich by conservative estimate, the number has already exceeded thirty million. Furthermore, provided the Procurator Dei wideranging opinions from the best sci entific experts in the world. So the rector of Medicine in Paris, Professor Gard ien, written after a thorough analysis of the following: "... Because so many cases are submitted for examination, were completely hopele ss medically and scientifically incurable (paralysis, laryngeal cancer, blindnes s, after surgical removal of both eyes, lameness due to the withdrawal of both o perational Dolení limbs, death due to complete separation from the head body, stra ngulation by hanging hanged man two days, etc.), thinks medical school at the So rbonne University, the socalled miracle cure for these cases can be attributed to either complete ignorance of the anatomical and pathological conditions, clin ical inexperience and total lack of medical practice, or which we do not want vylučovati hitting more forces, which is not limited by natural laws or knowledg e of them. " Psychologist Professor Meadow (Glasgow) wrote: "... as these actions reflected t he thinking apparently being capable of association, memory, logic and so the co urts, being that the mental operations carried out without the mediation of the brain and nervous system, it is excellent confirmation my psychophysical parall elism devastating criticism, advocated by Professor Mayer. certify that the Abso lute is known as being mental, conscious and intelligent, though as yet little e xplored scientifically. " Buck Professor of Technology in Brno wrote: "In terms of employment effect, is the absolute power of sovereign worthy of res pect." "In terms of employment effect, is the absolute power of sovereign worthy of res pect." The famous chemist Wilibald (Tübingen) wrote: "Absolutely all the conditions of ex istence and scientific development, it perfectly conforms to Einstein's theory o f relativity." The chronicler then you will stay dobrozdáními world scientific authority, all this was indeed published in the Acts Sanctae Sedis. Canonization process has continued apace, while the choir and the great dogmatis ts exegetes drew up the dossier, which is based on the Scriptures and the writin gs of spiritual teachers proved the identity of the Absolute with the Third Divi ne Person. But before there was a festive deifikaci said Constantinopolitan Patriarch, as h ead of the Eastern Church, the identity of the Absolute and the First Divine Per son, the Creator. This is certainly a heretical opinion, joined by Old Catholic, habešští circumcised Christians, Protestants Helvetic Confession, nonconformists, and several major sects of America. It sparked a lively theological struggle. As fo r the Jews, spread among them the secret doctrine that the Absolute is an old Ba al, liberal Jews have openly confessed that in this case, believe in Baal. Free Mouse went off in Basel, in the presence of two thousand delegates declared in God was absolutely free thinkers, and then with incredible vehemence kutňáky att ack on all religion, who, they said the resolution "want to benefit from the sci entific one God, and pull it into a dirty cage religious dogma and clerical mamičs tví that it stunted. But God revealed to each zrakům progressive, modern thinkers, " has nothing to do with medieval stuff of the Pharisees, the only free thought is his village, only the Basel Congress is authorized to establish doctrine and ri tual of Free Religion." Approximately the same day German Monistenbund put a great celebration the corne rstone for the future of God in the Atomic velechrám Leipzig. When it was sort of a crash, sixteen persons injured and the famous physicist Lüttgenovi broken glasse s. Incidentally, the same autumn there were any religious shows in the Belgian Cong o and French Senegambia. Blacks quite unexpectedly struck down and ate a mission ary, and a new kind of worshiped idols, who said Ato Alolto or, later revealed t hat the nuclear engine and that things were somehow participate by German Office rs and Agents. Against the Islamic outbreak that erupted in Mecca in December of that year, had been established by the presence of several French emissaries, w ho hid in the vicinity of the Ka'ba twelve atomic light engine Aero. Following a revolt in Egypt and Mohammedans Tripolsku and massacres in Arabia were about th irty lives of thousands of Europeans. Finally, the twelfth of December was made in Rome deifikace Absolutely. Seven th ousand clergymen with burning candles to accompany the Holy Father velechrámu St. Peter's, where the main altar was built by the largest dvanáctitunový Carburetor, ME AS group gift that the Holy See. The ceremony lasted five hours and twelve hundr ed umačkáno believers and spectators. Exactly at noon the Pope sang, "In nomine Dei Deus" and at the same moment the bells of all rozhlaholily Catholic church in th e world, all bishops and priests have turned from the altar and told the faithfu l: "Habemus Deum." CHAPTER XX Wed Kilda Wed Kilda is an island, almost a cliff of tuff pliocenního the far west of the Heb rides, the low number of birches, a handful of heather and grass silica, a herd of nesting gulls and poloarktický butterfly Polyommatus family, that's all the los t lives of our outpost zemědílu, obsessively among the endless sea and the waves wel l during the infinite eternally damp clouds. Moreover Wed Kilda has always been and is and will be unoccupied. But in the last days before the December launch anchor Dragon His Majesty's ship , the ship arrived carpenters, were driving along the beams and planks and built a great evening, a low wooden house. Upholsterers next day came and brought wit h them the prettiest and most comfortable furniture. On the third day came out o f the bowels of the ship stevardové, cooks and waitress and brought inside the hou se dishes, wine and preserves and everything invented culture of the noble, swee tand powerful man. On the fourth day morning arrived on HMS Sir Edwin RH O'Patterney, Premier, half an hour after the U.S. ambassador Horatio Bumm, followed one on a warship C hinese proxy Mr Kei, Dudieu French Prime Minister, General Buchtin Tsarist Russi a, Imperial German Chancellor Dr. . Wurm, Italian Minister Prince Trivellino Jan ata and the Japanese ambassador. Sixteen English torpedo boats cruised around th e mouth. Kilda, to prevent access to newspaper reporters, such as The Great Supr eme Council meeting, hastily summoned by the Almighty O'Patterney Sir, should be held with the strictest exclusion of the public. Indeed has also been sunk by a torpedo Danish whaling schooner Nyls Hans, who tried to sneak in at night torpe do chain, except the crew of twelve men died while a political reporter Chicago Tribune letter Mr. Joe Hashek. However, reporter

New York Herald, Mr Bill Prittom never moved the entire time, dressed as a butle r to Wed Kilda, and his pen thank you for those few reports that even after main taining other historical disasters of this memorable meeting. Mr. Bill Prittom meant that this highly political conference took place against a deserted place so as to avoid direct interference of the Absolute in its offic es. Everywhere else it could happen that would be the assembly of men as serious crept Absolute in the form of inspiration, enlightenment, or even a miracle, wh ich was in higher politics, of course, something unheard of. The first purpose o f the conference seems to be agreement in the colonial policy, states should agr ee not to not support the religious movement in the territories of other States. The impetus for this was a German agitation in the Congo and Senegambia, as wel l as covert influence of the French during the outbreak in England mahdismu muha medánských areas and especially Japanese shipments to the carburetor of Bengal, wher e the terrible revolt simmering various sects. Meetings are happening with the d oor closed; published a report that Germany recognizes the sphere of interest in Kurdistan and Japan on some Greek islands. AngloJapanese a nd FrancoGermanRussian alliance found here, as it resembles a particular warmt h. In the afternoon came on a special torpédovce Mr. GH Bondy and was adopted at the hearing the Supreme Council. Only about five hours (depending on English time) with famous diplomats met for lunch and there was Bill Prittom first opportunity to hear representatives of th e High Contracting Parties at their own ears. After lunch, we talked about sport s and actresses. Sir O'Patterney, the poet and head bělohřívou duchaplnýma eyes, speaks vividly about salmon fishing with His Excellency Prime Minister Minister Dudie u whose body movements, loud voice and a certain "je ne sais quoi" says the old lawyer. Baron Janata, rejecting every drink, quietly listening and smiling, as i f he had his mouth full of water, dr. Wurm Leafs in Acts, the General Buchtin th rough the hall with Prince Trivellinem, Horatio Bumm played by himself on a seri es of billiards crashed (I saw his beautiful tripleBoussard over his arm, which would appreciate any expert), while Mr Kei, very similar to the yellow and a wi zened old woman, cracks some Buddhist prayer beads, go in their Mandarin Sun Emp ire. Suddenly, all diplomats are clustered around Mr. Dudieu, which interprets: "Yes, gentlemen, c'est ça. We can not remain indifferent to Him. Him Either accept or d eny Him. We The French are more for the latter." "Because he acts like you antimilitarista," he said with some glee Prince Trivel lino. "No, gentlemen," cried Dudieu, "with it do not count. The French army is intact. As antimilitarista, bah! We have been so many antimilitaristů! Guys, watch out fo r him: He is a demagogue, Communist, un bigote, what čertví everything but always radical. Oui, un rabouliste, travel approx. It is beyond the wildest popular slo gans. pulls the crowd. For you, excellency, "he said suddenly to Prince Trivelli novi," makes nationalist and getting drunk with delusions of the Roman empire, b ut beware , excellency, it does in cities, while in the country holding the hood and waist Marian miracles. One hand working for the Vatican and the other for K virinál. Either there any intention, or ... I do not know what. Gentlemen, we can tell honestly, we are with him all his troubles. " "For us," he said thoughtfully Horatio Bumm, relying on cue, "are also intereste d in the sport. Indeed, a big sportsman. Favors all kinds of games. Accomplish t his wonderful record in the sport and sects. It is a socialist. Sticks with damp . Amend Water in drinks. The other day at a banquet at the White House all the, uh, all smeared terribly, you know, drank only water, but he said to them in her stomach turned in his drinks. " "It's strange," said Sir O'Patterney, "here looks more like a conservative. It a cts as a clergyman Almighty. Meetings, processions, preaching on the streets and things dry. I think that we stand against the liberals." Then he said with a smile Janata Baron: "For us at home. Very, very nice God. It is highly assimilated. A very large Japanese." "Jakýpak Japanese," zachrchlal Buchtin general, "what are you talking báťuško? Is Russia n, a Russian right, Slav. Broad Russian soul, excellence. It keeps us in music. Archimandrit our other day he held a procession of ten thousand candles, and the people gaspadá like poppies. Christian soul, coming together from all over Russia Matuska. I wonder we do, our Father, "supplied by the general, the crosses and worship the waist. Imperial approached the German Chancellor, and the moment when he listened in si lence, said: "Yes, she can meet people. Everywhere adopt the mentality of the re gion. At his age, weight, surprisingly flexible. We do observed in the neighborh ood. In Bohemia, for example, acts as a colossal maverick . Everyone there is ab solutely on their own. We have the Absolute State. We immediately Absolute matur ed to a higher state of consciousness. In Poland, works as an alcohol, with us a cting like ... like ... hühere Verordnung, verstehen Sie mich ? "Even in your Catholic countries?" asked the smiling prince Trivellino. "These are local differences," said dr. Wurm. "Gentlemen, do not attach weight. Germany is as unified as never before. But thank you, Prince, the Catholic Carbu retors, bootlegs to us. Fortunately there are bad, like all Italian products." "Silence, silence, gentlemen," jumped into the Sir O'Patterney. "Neutrality in r eligious matters. I, as I am concerned, I catch a salmon on double hooks. The ot her day I took this long, you see? Fourteen pounds." "A papal legate ...?" he asked quietly dr. Wurm. "The Holy See is asking us to k eep the peace at any price. He wants to mysticism police banned. In England it i s not, and everything ... I'm telling you that weighed fourteen pounds. Heaven i s what I had to keep me from falling into the water ! Baron Janata still smiling politely: "But we do not want neutrality. He is a gre at Japanese. All the world can take the Japanese faith. We also want to send one missionary and teach the faith." "Mr. Baron," said Sir O'Patterney seriously, "you know that the excellent relati onship our countries ..." "England can take the Japanese faith," smiled the Baron Janata, "and will be eve n better ratio." "Wait, báťuško," said General Buchtin, "no Japanese faith. When it any belief, so be i t Orthodox. And you know why? Firstly because he is Orthodox, and secondly, that it is Russian, and thirdly, it Gosudar wants, and fourthly, that we have, my la d, the largest army. I, gentlemen, the Military directly and truthfully. So when religion and therefore our Orthodox. " "But that's not the point, gentlemen," said Sir O'Patterney upset. "That's why w e're here!" "Quite right," said dr. Wurm. "We need to agree on joint action to God." "Which?" he said suddenly, Mr. Kei Chinese proxy, raising finally shriveled caps . "Which?" repeated Dr. startled. Wurm. "It is perhaps the only one." "Our Japanese," he smiled sweetly Baron Janata .. "Orthodox, báťuško, and no other," c ried the general, flushed a turkey. "Buddha," said Mr Kei and dropped his eyelids again, now completely dried up lik e a mummy. Sir O'Patterney rose sharply. "Gentlemen," he said, "Please, come follow me" Whereupon the lords diplomats went back to the advisory room. At eight o'clock i n the evening ran out of His Excellency General Buchtin purple in the face with clenched fists. Behind him dr. Wurm, angrily equal to their deeds. Sir O'Pattern ey regardless of civility left with a hat, a red, followed by M. zamlklým Dudieu. Prince Trivellino leaving pale, behind Baron Janata, constantly smiling. Mr. Kei came last, with eyes downcast, přemílaje fingers to the long black rosary. This concludes the report by Mr. Bill Prittom published in the Herald. Official communiqué of the conference was given in addition to the abovesaid spheres of interest and it happened when a resolution was probably more valid. For no lon ger how to gynecological says, "In the womb of history" were due to unexpected e vents. CHAPTER XXI Dispatch In the mountains, the snow falls. Cluster is large, silent flakes have all night , thinking of fresh snow on two feet, and snow is falling without ceasing. Silen ce falls in the woods. Only time will crack branch overloaded with snow and the crackling makes its short journey zhustlým snowy silence. Then the situation got tough, and flew the Prussian icy wind. Gentle flakes turn ed into a stabbing groats they fly in the face. Fallen snow crystals are sharp r ises and swirls in the air. From the dusty trees with white clouds that suddenly flies above the ground, circling and rising to the dark sky. Cluster from earth to heaven. Branches creak and deep forests skřípají, with severe cracking and breaking the tree u nderstory shattering, but these sounds are as sharp and flamboyant rozmeteny hvízd avým, booming, skučícím, biting, fitful wind roar. When it stops for a moment, you hear a squeak squeaky frozen snow under foot, as if it were a glassy powder. Above Špindlmühlem its way telegraph messenger. It is damn hard to high snow. Messen ger has a cap over his ears bandaged red scarf, woolen gloves and neck scarf mot tled, and he is still cold. Well, he thinks, as do a half hour climb to the Bear Pit, and will borrow under the sledge. What the hell people umano send a telegr am in such bad weather! For Girls footbridge messenger grabbed him and quite a storm spun round in circl es. He grabbed the hands zkřehlýma hiking stake tables. Jesus, he said, but this sti ll has to stop! Against him in open space centered on a cloud of meat snow fli es closer, it's here now, just hide your breath ... Thousands of stabbing needle s into their faces, crawling behind the neck, somewhere in my pants is a slot th rough which it depends to a body, man's wet 'the frozen clothes. The cloud passe d, and the messenger has a desire to return to the post office. Engineer Mark, y ou repeat the address that is not local, but it Telegram Express, who knows what it was, like family or something ... Now a little subsided, and he is the messenger through the Girls under a bridge and up the stream. Snow crunched under his heavy boots for both the master and i t desperately. The wind howled again, the whole mass of snow falling from the tr ees, now got a load on a messenger's head and neck, his back after running creek water ice. But the worst thing is that it glides across the damn loose snow and the road turns sharply upward. At that moment, unleashed a snow storm. It was flying above a crackling and a white wall. Before he had time to go, the messenger got shot in the face, and bent down, barely gasping for breath. Steppe d forward and fell, sat with his back to the wind, but it came to the anxiety th at will be covered with snow. He got up and tried to speak of, but again slipped and fell on his hands, stood up and slid several feet down. He grabbed the tree and panting. Damn, he thought, do I have to get up! He managed to take a few st eps, but fell back and slid down her stomach. Now climbed four, his damp gloves, leggings under his Vedral snow, but only up! Just not here to stay! His face me lting snow poured sweat and never saw the snow, it seemed to him that he lost hi s way, and cried loudly and clawed up. But hard to climb up four in a long coat, stood up and walked struggle with the storm. The halfstep forward two steps sl id down, moved a little, but his foot slipped and dug in the face of stinging sn ow went down. When stood up, he saw that he had lost his stick. And while flying over the mountains, clouds of snow recorded in the rocks, marmo ts, Hyka, eddies. Messenger škytavě sobbing with fear and exertion, and rising, stop , step back, stand, turn, breathe uřícenými mouth, and turn up, Jesus Christ! Now, cau ght a tree. How many hours is about? Gained from their jackets in yellow onions translucent housing, is sealed by snow. Perhaps it is getting dark. Returning? B ut I have to be on top! Gusty wind changed in the ongoing storm. Clouds roll directly up the mountain, f ull of dirty dark fog flying flakes. Snow rushing horizontally, in the face, and cleaves the eyes, nose, mouth, wet, fingers must zkřehlými, poloroztálý, choose from th e ears and eye sockets. Messenger is půldecimetrovou front covered with a layer of snow is hardly bent coat is tough and hard as a plank, on the soles nášlapky grow w ith every step and bear. And in the woods makes the darkness. Why on earth are b arely two in the afternoon! Suddenly, the darkgreen and made the snow dumped torrential. Snowflakes as big as the palm, wet and heavy, swirling and flying so thickly that the frontiers of air and land. You do not see the step, vdechuješ flakes brodíš the swirling snow drif ts, which extends high above the head, postupuješ blind, you would like carved cor ridor beneath the snow. The only instinct: to go forward. One desire: to breathe something other than snow. I can not pull your feet off the snow to drift ploužíš, wh ich extends to half the thighs; vyrýváš track, which immediately closes behind you. Meanwhile somewhere in the city, down there, falling snowflakes melting in a thi n black mud. In the shops lit up, lit cafes, people sitting under lamps and Bruc e, what is now hideous dark day. Countless lights splatter open city and the spa rkle of watery mud. The only little light shines on the imple mountain meadow. Hardly trying to get through the falling snow, it stirs, blinks, but it is here and alive. Shed impor tant light on the Bear. It was five hours, and thus already quite dark when he stopped the Bears shed so me formless. That "something" spread a thick white wings and began to pummel eac h other and with themselves slupovat decimetrové sheets of snow. Under the snow ap peared coat, his coat two legs and those feet kicking the stone threshold, and t hese big piles of snow fell. It was the postman Špindlmühle. He entered the hut and saw a skinny sit at the table master. I wanted to say hel lo, but his voice failed him utterly. Just so zasípělo a bit like a steam release. Risen Lord: "But Pachisi devil where are you carrying in a blizzard? After that you can be damned!" Postman zasípěl and nodded. "It's folly," scolded Mr. "Miss, bring him tea! Well, dad, where are you are scr ambled? Martin's shed?" The messenger shook his head and opened the leather bag, was full of snow, and t ook out a telegram to her frozen, rattled it. "Chchíchcharek?" zasípěl. "What?" asked the gentleman. "If there ...... engineer Mark" slabikoval messenger with reproachful eyes. "It's me," cried the thin man. "You've got something for me?" Show me now! " Engineer Mark opened his trap. It read: "Your ASSUMPTIONS CONFIRMATION Bond Nothing more. CHAPTER XXII OLD Patriot People in the Prague newspaper editors were working full steam. Telephonist scre amed into the phone, angrily arguing with the young lady from the headquarters. Chattering scissors, knocked typewriter, and Mr. Cyril Keval sat on the table an d dangled his feet. "So you are preaching to the Wenceslas Square," he said quietly. "A communist vo lunteered poverty there. Sick people that were like lilies of the field. Fusa ha s to tutok, the waist. It is terrible to you, what is now fúsatých guys. Each as an apostle." "Uhm," said old Mr. Rejzek, discussed in sheets ČTK. From what you fúsy to grow? "Thought Mr. Keval." Listen, Rejzku, I would have thou ght that even this has the effect of the Absolute. Him Rejzku, I'm afraid that I will grow it too. Imagine the waist up! " "Uhm," he said quietly, Mr. Rejzek. "Today is the Big Havlíčkovom square goodness mouse. And the Tyl miracles pastor New comer. Wait, that's again sepere. Yesterday the Novice, healed the lame from bir th. Then the procession, and the lame you knocked one Jew. Broke him three or ho w many ribs. You know, he was a Zionist. " "Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek, proškrtávaje some reports. "This will certainly be had, Rejzku," mused Cyril Keval. "Progressives are doing meeting in the Old Town. Went out again, away from Rome." Novice A priest based Maccabiah, you know, a Catholic armed guards. Wait, it will be fun. Novacek Arc hbishop forbade miracles, but he velebníček is like a man possessed, and already dea d kris. " "Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek and slashed away. "I wrote my mother," Cyril told Keval breath. "For us, as in Moravia, you know, and so on Hustopece around, have a severe oversee the Czechs, they are neznabozi and rams, and idolaters, and that establish new gods and whatnot. Gamekeeper sh ot there, that is from the Czech Republic. I said, Rejzku , it is hot everywhere . " "Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek. "I fought in the synagogue," supplied Mr. Keval. "The Zionists very nařezali those who out of Baal. There were also three very dead, man. And you know that the Co mmunists broke up? Look, it would be forgotten, that you had it. So you will now mystic communists, it is as a left, then Christiani, Mariani, Scientist, resurr ekcionáři, textile Hospitallers, železářští Hospitallers, the Knights of Malta and báňští fo ven pages. now fighting for the sickness funds and workers' houses. Wait, now I' m going to Hybernská. Man, that afternoon konsignovali crew; but so far Vršovice bar racks sent an ultimatum to černínských barracks that there Vršovice recognize the doctri ne of three degrees of redemption. when it accedes to say, let the battle come t o Sandberku. dejvičtí Gunners went so disarming Czernin barracks. Vrsovicke barricad ed the barracks, the soldiers pulled the machine rifle into the window and decla red war. besieging the seventh dragoon, the castle guards and four light batteri es. Apparently, after si x hours to shoot. Rejzku, Rejzku, what a joy to be in the world right now! " "Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek. "Yeah, and at the university," said Mr. Keval quietly, "there will now seprala S cience with the historic. You know, science denies revelation is somewhat panthe istic.'s Leading professors and the dean himself carried the banner of Radl. His torians occupied the university library in Klementinum and defended desperately, especially books. Radl Dean got to the head and tied Velenovským was killed insta ntly. Apparently shaken by the brain. magnificus Arne Smith was seriously wounde d in one volume of inventions and progress. Finally, historians have picked up t he attackers pelted the writings of John Vrba. sappers are working now , dug out the corpses of seven so far, among them three professors. I think it is submerg ed more than thirty. "

"Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek. "And Sparta, man," drmolil Keval in a quiet passion, "Sparta said the only ancie nt Greek god Zeus, while Slavia is Svantovíta. On Sunday, the receiver of the Summ er between the two gods, both clubs are football boots arm except the hand grena des, the Slavia Furthermore, said machine guns and Sparta dvanácticentimetrové a gun . massive rush for tickets, supporters of both clubs are arming themselves. Rejz ku, it will be noise! I think he will win by Zeus. " "Uhm," said Mr. Rejzek, "but now you look at the MoH editors received." "No need," Cyril svoloval Keval. "See, man accustomed to God. What is new in ČTK?" "Nothing," murmured Mr. Rejzek. "The bloody demonstrations in Rome. In Ulster it deleted, you know, the Irish Catholics. Wed Kilda with no denies. Pogroms in Pe st. Schism in France, appeared there again in valdenští Münster Anabaptists. Vzdoropap ež elected in Bologna, a priest Martin the naked brothers. And so on. Nothing loca l. Look at the letters, right? " Cyril Keval abated, and opened the mail, she was a few hundred pieces. Read them just six, and already it was impossible. "Look, Rejzku," he said, "you have it all in one brdo. So maybe this one, from the Chrudim. Dear Editor! As an old cus tomer of your honorable list will surely your readers and the general public, wh ich zviřují fruitless litigation, ' here, "supplied Mr. Keval," forgot to write int eresting "" a great miracle that made the local priest bought. " And so on. In Jicin it was a warehouseman and consumerism Benešov head teacher. Chotěboř even in the newsagent, widow Jiráková. What should I read everything? " Bylo opět chvíli pracovní ticho. "Sakra, Rejzku;" ozval se zase Kéval, "poslyšte, víte, co b y byla senzace? sólokapr? indiánská kachna? Že se někde něco stalo přirozeným způsobem, bez Ale já myslím, že by nám to nikdo nevěřil. Počkejte, já vymyslím něco přirozeného." Opět chvíle ticha. "Rejzku," ozval se Kéval žalostně. "Já neumím vymyslet nic přirozeného. Když o tom uvažuju, stně všechno zázračné. Všechno, co je, je nějaká magie." Vtom vešel šéfredaktor. "Kdopak excerpoval Tribunu? Tadyhle má zprávu a my jsme ji neměli!" "Jakou zprávu?" ptal se pan Rejzek. "V Hospodáři. Americké konzorcium skoupilo tichomořské ostrovy a pronajímá je. Takový maličk tol za padesát tisíc dolarů ročně. Veliká poptávka i z evropského kontinentu. Akcie už dva t dm set. G. H. Bondy účasten sto dvaceti milióny. A my to nemáme v listě," huboval šéfredakto a práskl za sebou dveřmi. "Rejzku," ozval se Kéval, "tohle je zajímavý dopis: ‚Vážená redakce! Promiňte, že já, starý pamětník zlých dob útlaku a pochmurných dnů poroby, zvedám hlasu svého žalujícího, prose Vá strým perem svým národu českému tlumočiti ráčili starost a úzkostiplný stesk nás starých vla dále. Tuhle: ‚Vidím národ náš staroslavný rozeštvaný brat proti bratu; nesčetné strany, sekt ako vlci potírají se, nenávistně se navzájem dávíce,' asi nějaký stařeček, má hrozně třesavé náš obchází jako lev řvoucí, volaje do lidu našeho germánské heslo Pryč od Říma, v tomtéž p vlastenci, jimž stranický zájem nad kýženou jednotu národní sahá. I vidíme s úzkostí a zárm i se nové Lipany, na nichž Čech proti Čechu, pod rouškou náboženských hesel jakýchsi, polem ležeti.bude. A aj, splní se slova Písma o království v sobě rozděleném. I bude klání, bude p praví naše slavné, pravé, bohatýrské Rukopisy'." "Přestaňte," povídal pan Rejzek. "Počkejte, tady vykládá o hypertrofii stran a církví. To prý je dědičná choroba česká. ‚O to nší pochybnosti, jak říkával doktor Kramář. Pročež zapřísaháme Vás, abyste v této hodině dva n hrozí nebezpečenství veliké a děsné, vyzvali národ náš, aby se semkl v celonárodní jednotu vlasti. Jeli pak této jednotě třeba pojítka církevního, nebuďmež protestanty ani katolíky, onisty, aniž snad abstinenty, alebrž přijměme jedinou slovanskou, mocnou a bratrskou víru pravoslavnou, která nás stmelí v jednu velikou rodinu slovanskou a získá nám v bouřlivých do hto ochranu mocného monarchy slovanského. Ti pak, kdo by se nepřidružili svorně a dobrovol ně k této slavné myšlence všeslovanské, buďtež státní mocí, ano i každým mimořádnými okolnos nuceni odložiti své stranické a sektářské zájmy ve prospěch jednoty celonárodní.' A tak dále ‚Starý vlastenec'. Co tomu říkáte?" "Nic," řekl pan Rejzek. "Já myslím, že na tom něco je," začal pan Kéval, ale vtom vešel telefonista a řekl: "Telefon z Mnichova. Včera vypukla v Německu nějaká občanská nebo náboženská válka. Stojí to za to d tu?" CHAPTER XXIII Augsburg plot By eleven o'clock in the evening arrived in the editorial of the People newspape r that telephone messages: "ČTK. In Munich, 12 tm According WTB occurred yesterday in the bloody demostracím Au gsburg. Seventy protesters were killed. Demonstrations continue." "ČTK. In Berlin, 12 tm are officially informed that the number of killed and wound ed in Augsburg exceed twelve. The police maintain calm." "Esp. Msgs from Lugano, 12 tm According to secure information on the number of v ictims of Augsburg has exceeded five thousand. Railway to the north stopped. Bav arian Ministry meets in perpetuity. Far off the German Emperor and returned to B erlin." "ČTK. Reuter, 12 tm today by 3 am, the Bavarian government has declared holy war o n Prussia." The next day, Mr. Cyril Keval already in Bavaria, and his trial fairly reliable extract the following lines: "In Schtillerově Augsburg factory on 10th pencils already dark night The 18th Hour trounce the ProtestantCatholic workers to master some controversy regarding th e Marian cult. The night was calm, but the next day by 10 am, left the Catholic workers and all factories boisterously demanded the release of Protestant worker s. Schöller factory owner beaten, shot by two directors. Clergy violence, forced t o carry the monstrance at the head of the procession. Archbishop Dr. Lenz, who c ame out to appease the demonstrators, thrown into the river Lech. Social Democra tic leaders tried to speak but had to flee into the synagogue. O. 15 pm synagogu e scattered dynamite. While the Protestant and looted Jewish shops, and there wa s a shooting and numerous fires, the city council decided by an overwhelming maj ority of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and issued a fiery call t o the Catholic nations of the world to take the sword to defend the holy Catholi c faith. The reports were different manifestations of the ot her Bavarian towns. In Munich on the 19 o'clock mass meeting, the huge enthusias m of the Resolution on the separation of southern countries of the Federal Empir e. depešovala government Munich to Berlin, it has assumed responsibility. Dr. Reic h Chancellor. Wurm minister immediately visited the military, which conducted th e Bavarian 10,000 bayonets of Saxony and the Rhine crews. The first hour after m idnight, the discarded military transports to the Bavarian border of the track, to the wounded were fired from machine guns. O 3 in the morning hours with the M unich agreement with the government in Alpine countries, the Lutherans decided t o declare a holy war. " "It seems that Berlin is giving up hope of atoning for the destruction of a misu nderstanding. By this time last emperor speech in the House, which says he did n ot know Catholics or Protestants, but only the Germans. North German troops are said to be channeled to the lineErfurtGotha Kassel; Catholic forces proceed to wards povšechným Zwickau and Rudolstadt, encoun just resistance of the civilian popu lation. Greiz city was burned, killed townspeople work, partly carried away into slavery. Rumors of a great battle yet unconfirmed. Bayreuth Voices of Refugees, to hear that from the north the thunder of heavy guns. station in Magdeburg sai d bombs thrown Bavarian airmen. Weimar fire. " "Here in Munich, there is indescribable enthusiasm. All schools operate exhaust committee volunteers crowds waiting up to twenty hours on the street. At hall po sted twelve head pastors. Catholic clergy of the day and night to serve Mass in the crowded temples, deputy minister Grosshuber died from fatigue altar. Jews, m onism, jinověrci drinkers and others barricaded themselves in their homes. Rosenhe im banker, doyen of Jewish religious communities, were publicly burned this morn ing. " "The Dutch and Danish ambassador asked for their passports. U.S. Representative filed a protest against the breach of the peace, while the I talian government has assured the neutrality of the Bavarians especially permiss ive. " "The street crowds drag conscripts, carrying flags with the white cross on a red field, and assert, that God wants." Summarily enter Ladies samaritské services an d preparing hospitals. Shops are mostly closed. Stock Exchange as well. " It was the 14th February. Fifteenth there was a major battle on both sides of the Werra, Protestant troops retreated somewhat. On the same day the first shots fell to the BelgianDutch border. England ordered the mobilization of the fleet . 16th Italy in February allowed the free passage of the Spanish army, which sent Bavorům to help. Tyrolští peasants armed with scythes, pounced on helvítské Swiss. 18th February: Vzdoropapež telegram Martin blessed the Bavarian army. Indecisive b attle of Meiningen. Russia declared war on the Polish Catholics. 19th February: Ireland declares war on England. The Bruss appeared vzdorokalif a nd develop green banner Prophet. Mobilization of the Balkan states, the massacre s in Macedonia. 23rd February: breaking through the front NDR. General uprising in India. Muslim declared a holy war against Christians. 27th February: GrecoItalian War and its first rainfall on Albanian soil. 3rd March: The Japanese fleet set sail east against the U.S.. 15th March: Crusaders (Catholic) occupied Berlin. Meanwhile in Szczecin Agreemen ts of the Union of Protestant states. German Emperor Kaspar I personally took ov er command. 16th March: China's army of two million troops across the border of Siberia and Manchuria. Troop vzdoropapeže Martin Conquers Rome, Pope Urban fled to Portugal. 18th March: Spain requests the release of Pope Urban, the Lisbon government, aft er refusing occurs ipso facto, War of the Spanish and Portuguese. 26th March: South American countries made an ultimatum to the North American Uni on, requesting the repeal of Prohibition and the prohibition of religious freedo m. 27th March: Japanese troops land in California and British Columbia. 1st April was about the world situation as follows: In Central Europe, the great conflict took place outside the Catholic and Protestant. Protestant Union pushe d the Crusaders in Berlin, Saxony and was kept occupied and neutral Bohemia, Pra gue squad had a strange coincidence Swedish General Wrangel, perhaps a descendan t of that of General of the Thirty Years War. Against the crusaders seized the N etherlands, which were flooded with sea prokopavše dam, as well as the Holstein an d Hannover to Lubeck, thence penetrated into Denmark. He fought without pardon. Town razed to the ground, the men killed, women raped in fifty years, but soon d estroyed by enemy carburetors. Witnesses of extremely bloody battles are confide nt that both sides were fighting supernatural forces, sometimes as if an invisib le hand grabbed the enemy aircraft and flung it on the floor, or would capture a flying projectile čtyřiapadesáticentimetrový ton and threw him back into their own rank s. Phenomena have been particularly severe in the dest ruction of the carburetor, when it was occupied by a hostile place, now is invis ible, but a desperate battle around the local carburetors; time it was like a st orm that crushed and swept away the entire building, which stood atomic boiler, like when he blows a pile of feathers , bricks, beams and tiles swirled in a wil d reel, and it usually ended with a terrible explosion, which put all the trees and buildings within a radius of up to twelve miles and carved a hole more than two hundred meters deep, the force of detonation but varied according to the siz e of an exploding carburetor. Suffocating gases were emitted in the width of three hundred kilometers, which b urned the vegetation to rust completely, but since this creeping clouds several times again hitting strategic supernatural power back into their own ranks, the device was abandoned as unreliable. It turned out that the absolute attack, but on the other hand, also hinder the fight, then used the unprecedented prolif eration (earthquakes, cyclones, sulfur rain, flood, angels, plagues, locusts, et c.) that was left to change the entire strategy. Fell off multiple attacks, stan ding trenches, lines, points and fortified nonsense, every soldier had a knife, some patrons and those bombs and went on his own to kill the soldier, who had to cross the chest of another color. It was two armies confronting each other, jus t a country was a battlefield, and there are two armies, and pervaded struck dow n piece by piece, until it turned out, to whom the land belongs now. But it is e xceedingly bloody method, but ultimately had its probative force . That was the situation in Central Europe in early April, the victim of a Protest ant troops through Bohemia into Austria and Bavaria, while the Catholic flooded Denmark and Pomerania. Netherlands, as already stated, had disappeared from all European maps. In Italy, an internal struggle raged urbanovců and martinovců, Sicily has found hers elf in the hands of Greek Evzoni. The Portuguese occupied the Asturias and Casti lle, but lost his own Estremadura, even here in the south was quite extraordinar ily savage war. England fought on Irish soil, and then in the colonies, held in early April just the coastal strip of Egypt. Other settlements and lost colonist s murdered by natives. Turks with the help of Arab, Persian and Sudanese troops flooded into the Balkans and Hungary seized, when the conflict broke out between Shia and Sunni for the kind seems to be very important ruling by the Fourth Cal iph Ali. Both sects are chased from Constantinople after the Tatras křepkostí bloodi ness and cry, which, unfortunately, Christians also vypíjeli. And in this part of Europe was again worse than anywhere else. Poland had disappeared, swept away by the Russian Army, Russian troops are now c onducting against yellow invasion, which rolls to the north and west. In North A merica, has ten landing corps of Japanese. As you can see, there's been talk of France. Here is a chronicler reserved for C hapter XXIV. CHAPTER XXIV NAPOLEON Mountain Brigades Bobinet Please Toni Bobinet, twentytwo year old Lieutenant mountain artillery c rew in Annecy (Haute Savoie), but this time to exercise šestinedělním tense (Les Aigui lles), from where it is nice to see them in the west and Annecyské Lake Geneva and the east blunt tip and back dobráka Montblanku you are at home? So Lt. Toni B obinet sitting on a boulder and pulls up a little mustaches, both because they a re bored, partly also the fifth time reading the newspaper a fortnight ago and t hinking. Now, the chronicler of the ideas should follow the next Napoleon, but not his (b ecause kronikářův) view of the slippery snowcovered slopes of the Arly valley, where it melts and where to attract the small town, Megève, Flumet, Ugines, churches wit h pointed, like a pile of toys oh Recollections of childhood long past! Buildi ng Dreams 6 construction sets the anchor! " Meanwhile Lieutenant Bobinet ... But not. Let us try to psychologizovat great me n and speak the embryonic emergence of Titan ideas. We can not it, and if we cou ld, we'd probably be disappointed. Imagine simply that such a small Bobinet lieu tenant sits in the middle of tense collapsing in Europe, has a battery works and the mountain beneath a tiny world that could be easily blow away the top, and t hat the old number annecyského Moniteur had just read an editorial A Mr. Babillard which calls for a strong hand Cox, who brought the ship to France from the craz y storm to new glory and power, and that here, in excess of two thousand meters, is clean, air bohaprostý in which mind freely and clearly, imagine get it all, an d understand that Mr. Lieutenant Bobinet how he sat on the stone, the thoughtful then wrote his venerable, wizened, whitehaired mother somewhat confusing writi ng that "soon hear of her Toni," and that Toni has a "wonderful idea" , then did this and that, slept soundly at night and this morning call ed his battery toy soldiers overthrew the old incompetent captain, won the polic e station in Sallanches, Napoleon declared war on the Absolute and briefly went back to sleep, day after carburetor knocked thanes in bakeries, the manned stati on Bonneville and seized the headquarters in Annecy, this time Vele three thousa nd men. Within a week, knocked over two hundred carburetor and led fifteen thous and bayonets and sabers to Grenoble. Proclaimed commander of Grenoble, was behin d armádičku forty thousand men, and then descended into the valley of the Rhone, tho roughly cleanse the country ahead of longrange guns from atomic engines. On the road to the Chamber of captured military minister in a car which drove him to c orrect his head. Day later appointed him General Secretary of the military, prob ably wholly obtained for his plans. 1st April Lyon cleaned from absolute. Bobinetův victorious advance farther up until the time without much bloodshed. Onl y the Loire is built to resist especially zealous Catholics, and sometimes there was a great mayhem. Fortunately, even for communities completely Bobineta Absol ute Gripped The French left many skeptics, on the contrary, showed a wild fanati sm skepticism and the Enlightenment. After the massacres and volatile new bartol omějských nights were "les Bobinets" greeted as liberators, and indeed everywhere th ey went, achieved a gradual calm when they broke all the carburetors. And in July, the Parliament, that "Toni Bobinet well deserved the homeland, and gave him the title of the rank of Marshal of the First Consul. France was consol idated. Bobinet introduced an atheist state, any manifestation of religion is pu nishable by death under the laws of war. Unable to ignore some scenes from the life of a great man. Bobinet and his mother. One day at Versailles Bobinet inquired with the generals . Since it was hot, and stood by the open window, suddenly saw an old lady in th e park, warm in the sun: That Bobinet Marshal Jolliveta interrupted and said: "L ook, gentlemen, my mother ..." Everyone present, so the hardy zaslzeli generals over this manifestation of filial love.

Bobinet and love of country. Once the rain was Bobinet present a show on the Pol e Man's troops. When filed heavy artillery units, military car drove into a larg e puddle of water that gushed and stained cloak Bobinetův. Marshal Jollivet wanted to punish the master site unfortunate battery degradation. However Bobinet deta ined him: "Leave, Marshal, he is a French mud." Bobinet and invalid. One drove into Chanres Bobinet unrecognized. Along the way a flat tire, and while the driver exchanged, approached and begged legged crippl e. "Where this man came on foot?" he asked Bobinet. Invalid told that she had lo st a soldier in Indochina and the poor little mother, and often throughout the d ay both have something to put in your mouth. "Marshal, note that man," said Bobi net moved. Indeed, a week knocked on the door of the hut Bobinetův invalid persona l courier and package handed to poor cripple "the First Consul." Who European co un invalidův joyful surprise when he opened the package found in him a bronze meda l! The excellent performance of mental no wonder that Bobinet finally agreed to mee t the ardent desire of the people and said the general enthusiasm for the 14 Aug ust Emperor of the French. Then certainly occurred across the globe remained very uneasy, but also historic ally spectacular. All zemědíly is literally a great heroic deeds of war. Observation s from Martha certainly brightened our Earth as a star of first magnitude, of wh ich about martští astronomers believed that the find is still in hot. I understand t hat the knights of France and her costar, Toni Bobinet emperor, did not stay be hind. Perhaps it was because of the remnants of the Absolute, if not gone out in to the world space vzbouzejíce exalted and fervent mood. In short, when two days a fter his coronation Great Emperor said that the hour had come for France to cove r the globe with their banners, he said the unanimous cry of passion. Bobinetův plan was this: 1st man conquest of Spain and Gibraltar získati key to the Mediterranean Sea; 2nd occupy the Danube Valley to the Pest side, as key European hinterland; 3rd Denmark as a key man to the northern Pomerania. And because land is usually the key must be lubricated with blood, went three ar mies of France, which won her great fame altogether. The Fourth Army occupied Asia Minor, as a key to the East. The fifth took over the mouth of the river St. Lawrence as a key to America. The sixth was sunk in a naval battle off the coast of England. Seven siege of Se vastopol. On New Year's Eve 1944, the Emperor Bobinet all keys in the pocket of his trouse rs artillery. CHAPTER XXV Socalled greatest war It is in the nature of our people that when we experience anything overly bad, f inds some satisfaction in that, if it is "the greatest" uncomfortable in said fi eld, as the world began. For example, hitting a hot cry, we surely satisfy newsp apers communicate if it is "the highest temperature attained since 1881, and yet we still have a bit of anger in the year 1881, it trumped us. Or if we namrznou ears when loupají, somehow fills us with joy, we'll find out if it was "the harsh est frost observed since 1786. Similarly, the wars. Either the current war is th e fairest, and bloodiest, and most successful, and longest, and since then, some superlative always give us some dostiučinění proud that we are in something of partic ular and record. Well, a war that lasted from 12 February 1944 to autumn 1953, was truly and with out switching (on my honor!) the greatest war, and it does not please those who remember that one welldeserved joy. Fighting in that 198 million men, all of wh om were killed in addition to thirteen. He would like to state the number, which is at numbers and statisticians have attempted illustrate this great number of losses, such as how many thousands of kilometers would do if she lay dead beside the corpse, and how many hours would have to ride the express train, if they ha ve fallen to the place of sleepers, or if the index fingers cut all the fallen a nd loaded sardinkových boxes, several hundred cars could fill up the goods, and so on, but I have a bad memory for numbers and I do not cheat you by one lousy sta tistical wagon. Then again, it was the biggest war since the creation of the wor ld, both in terms of blood loss, such as the breadth of the battlefield. Once again apologizes chronicler, it does not get a sense of generous trial. He would certainly write to the war tossed from the Euphrates, the Rhine, from Kore a to Denmark from the Lugano Haparanda and so on. Instead, with more flavors suc h as portraying the arrival of the white Bedouin night stays in Geneva with napích anými heads of enemies on twometer kopích, or love stories in French Chlupaci Tibet ; cavalcade of Russian Cossacks in the Sahara, chivalrous battles Macedonian Kom itat with Senegalese tirailleury on the banks of Finnish lakes. As you can see, the substance is distributed. Bobinetovy regiments reached as winning, so to spe ak, one of enthusiasm in the footsteps of Alexander the Great over two of India to China, but has yellow flood of Chinese arrived via Siberia and Russia to Fran ce and Spain, thus cutting off the Muslim business in Sweden from their home cou ntries. Russian regiments, retreating from an overwhelming predominance of the C hinese, found themselves in North Africa, where Sergei Nik olaevich Crime founded their Empire, but was soon killed because of his Bavarian generals were plotting against his Prussian atamanům, then came to the tsarist th rone in Timbuktu, Sergei Fedorovich Zlosin. Our Czech homeland was gradually able to Swedes, Frenchmen, Turks, Russians and Chinese, with every last soul in the invasion of indigenous people were massacre d. The St. Vitus during those years he preached and celebrated mass pastor, lawy er, Tmám, archimandrit and Bonz. But without lasting success. The only change was gratifying that the Estates Theatre was permanently full, there is the establish ment of a military depot. When in 1951 the Japanese drove the Chinese from Eastern Europe, was for a time the new Middle Kingdom (Chinese and does appoint its own), just happened to the old borders of the AustroHungarian Monarchy, in Schoenbrunn again shared betwee n oldfashioned monarch stošestiletý Mandarin Jaja Wir WEAN, "Sacred to the head wit h respect dětinnou exultant look nations," as daily Wiener Mittagszeitung assured. Official language is Chinese, which is removed at a stroke ethnic disputes, the state god of the Buddha; stubborn Catholics from Moravia breath and moved beyon d the border, Chinese propadnuvše dragonádám and confiscations, which multiplied to an extraordinary extent, number of national martyrs. But some excellent and calm C zech patriots reached the highest rank of Mandarin gracious decision, in particu lar, ItwasKay, GroSi and surely many others as well. The Chinese government h as introduced many advanced innovations, such as issuing tickets instead of food , but the Middle Kingdom was soon disbanded, as has been lead for good on the charges, which all authority collapsed, the Chinese pa ir that was not wiped out, leaving here and following peacetime and mainly as pr ezidiální officials. Meanwhile, the emperor Bobinet, now located in Indian Simla heard that yet uncha rted upper Kačák Irawadu rivers, the Mekong and Seluinu the female realm of the Amaz ons, and took out there with his old guard, but came back with more. According t o one version do wed, according to another by Queen Amalia Amazons cut off his h ead in a fight and threw it into a bottle of blood, saying: "Set your Sanguine, quem tantum sitisti." This second version is definitely softer. Finally, Europe has become a desolate scene of fighting between black race, roll ing from the interior of Africa, and the Mongolian race, what was happening in t hose two years, that rather leave smth. Unsaid. The last traces of civilization disappeared. For example, in the Hradcany proliferate bears so that the last inh abitants of Prague demolished all the bridges, and Charles, to preserve the righ t bank of the Vltava River from the bloodthirsty beasts. The population was whit tled down to a tiny fraction; Vyšehrad chapter extinct in the male and female tail ; championship match Sparta Viktor Zizkov taken into account only one hundred an d ten people. Even on other continents could not be better: North America, seamy amazingly blo ody fight prohibičníků and wet, she became a Japanese colony. In South America, the Em pire was replaced by Uruguayan, Chilean, Peruvian, Brandenburg and Patagonian. I n Australia immediately after the collapse of England established an ideal state , promising that the country turned in an uninhabited desert. In Africa, eaten o ver two million whites, blacks in the Congo Basin rushed to Europe, Africa has o ther tossed in alternate fighting hundred and eightysix different emperors, sul tans, kings, presidents and bosses. See, this is history. Each of the hundreds of millions of struggling folks have had their childhoods, their love, their plans, had ever been afraid, ever became a hero, but usually was dead tired and would like to be stretched out in peace on the bed, where he died, he did it certainly dislikes. And all this is just a handful of dry data: the battle here and there, so many losses, the result of th is or that and not to mention the fact that the result of anything really deci ded yet. Therefore, I say, then do not take people's only pride that what we experienced was the greatest war. But we know that in a few decades can make war even more, for even the direction humanity is rising higher and higher. CHAPTER XXVI BATTLE at Hradec Kralove Here cites the chronicler August Sedlacek, Joseph Baker and other authorities hi storiograřických that an important source for knowledge of history is also a local m atter, reflecting a sort of world events in a drop of water. Well, a drop of water is called Hradec Kralove chroniclers memorable by the fact that he chased her in a tiny ciliate, as an element of the local high school, a nd back then, thought it was for the whole world, rather than on it. The greatest war in Hradec Kralove came armed with a single carburetor and the b rewery's what this day is the Church of St. Spirit houses next to the canon. Per haps this sacred neighborhood were on the absolute in the sense that brew beer J alo is hearty and zealous Catholic, and it awakened in Hradec citizenship status , from which the deceased bishop was Brynych undisguised delight: However, Hradec Kralove is the somewhat too early, and therefore, soon found him self in the power of the Prussians, who broke the fury brewing Lutheran carburet or. Hradec However, true to historical continuity, maintain a pleasant temperatu re religious, especially when the local diocese got enlightened Auxiliary Bishop Linda. And when they came Bobino, Turks and Chinese, has kept Hradec proud note : 1 is the best amateur eastern theater, 2 the highest bell tower in Eastern and 3 the site of their local history, the largest in Eastern battle. These crazy i deas survived the worst test Hradec Kralove greatest war. When the empire collapsed in Mandarin, was the head of the city mayor Skočdopole c autious. His government through general anarchy was blessed with a pro peace, th anks to the wise counsel of Bishop and Linda weighted Lords earlier. But you cam e to town a kind of tailor, well, Hampl is simply named, so unfortunately Hradec ky native, but a child, he wandered the world and even served in the Foreign Leg ion in Algiers, such an adventurer.

With Bobino went to conquer India, but deserted somewhere near Baghdad, and slip ped like a needle through bašibozuky, French, Swedish and Chinese back to his home town. So the tailor, he Hampl načichl bobinetovštinou somehow, and soon returned to Hradec , thought of nothing else but how to seize the government. Sew clothes, that he smelled, and therefore began to nag and criticize that and say this onohle, and that apparently includes a Hall flanďákům and said what the money in the union, and sa id that Mr. Skočdopole check mark is incapable of caring and whatnot. Unfortunatel y, as the war posed zhovadilost morals and shattering any authority, Hampl found few supporters with them and established the social revolutionary. One day in July called the question Hampl in a small square camp people, and sta nding at the fountain, called among other things that people say categorically a sks the villain, and diebishop utřisvíčku Skočdopole to compose the mayors office. In reply to Mr. Skočdopole vylepenými decrees that he, properly elected mayor, what no one to command, and in particular no přivandrovalý deserter, that in the current turbulent times can vypsati new elections and that our discerning people are awa re of, etc. You do not Hampl expected to make his bobinetovský bit. He walked from his apartme nt in the Little Square, waving red banner, and the two guys behind him with all my strength into beating the drum. Thus, large rounded square, stood a moment b efore the bishop's residence, then dragged the drum roll on the field at eagle r iver, said the Mlejnek. There battalion stopped in the ground and sitting on the drum, he wrote a declaration of war. Then send both boys to the city to drummin g, and all places read the ordinance, namely: On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor commanded Bobineta věnnému royal town of Hradec Kralove, to put the keys to the gates in my hands. Failure to do so into the su nset, they carried out their military training and attack the city at dawn gunfi re, bayonets and cavalry. I save only the lives and property of those who arrive before dawn to my camp on Mlejnek, bringing all fit their arms and swear an oat h to His Majesty the Emperor Bobinetovi. Parliamentarians will be shot. The empe ror does not negotiate. General Hampl This proclamation was read, and caused some confusion, especially when the sexto n of Holy Spirit began at the White Tower to ring the alarm. Mr. Skočdopole visite d Linda Bishop, who, however, he laughed, then called a special city council mee ting where the proposed General Hampl hand over the keys to the city gates. It w as found that these keys is not, a few historical locks and keys, which had been the town museum, took the Swedes. These worries nightfall. Throughout the afternoon and evening, especially nice people drifted to Mlejnek avenues, "but you know," he said on sight, I'm going to also look at the camp th at fool Hampl. "When they came to Mlejnek, saw the meadow full of people already , and two drums Hamplův aide accepted the oath of allegiance to the emperor Bobine tovi. Here and there with fire, flashed around the human shadow, it just looked exceedingly picturesque. Some have returned to Hradec obviously distressed. The night was spectacular even skvělejší. Mayor Skočdopole climbed after midnight on the White Tower, and behold, according to the exit border eagle burned hundreds and thousands of characters were running around the fires, which threw a flood of b lood far and wide. Apparently there digging trenches. The mayor came down from t he tower noticeably worried. It was clear that General Hampl lied about their ar med forces. At dawn, the general walked out of wood Mlejnek Hampl, where a sleepless night o ver plans by the city. Several thousand men, mostly while in plainclothes, but a rmed with at least one quarter, it stood at čtyřstupech, crowds of women, elders and children huddle nearby. "Forward!" Hampl commanded, and at that moment zahlaholily trubačského bugle corps o f wellknown factory of Mr. Red and flutes and the sounds of joyful march (Sly d olls Road) Hamplová forces moving in to town. Under the general city stopped Hampl and sent their armies ahead with trumpeters and heralds a challenge: people that noncombatants left the house. But nobody came out. The houses were empty. Small blank square. Big blank square. The whole town is empty. General Hampl he twisted his mustache and went to the town hall. Was opened. He walked into the boardroom. He took the place of the mayor. Before him lay the gr een skirt ready Ars writing paper, and each has prewritten calligraphic: "In the name of His Majesty the Emperor Bobineta." General Hampl walked to the window and cried: "Soldiers, the battle is over. You have broken the hands of armed clerical government handles the town hall. Our b eloved city comes an era of progress and freedom. They kept you cool. Hi!" "Hi!" troops responded and broke up. Also, the mayor proudly returned home with a Hamplův fighter (later called hamplman), carrying a rifle on his shoulder after a Chinese soldier. So is Mr. Mayor Hampl; It must be admitted that the government was wary of his p ropeace blessed the midst of general anarchy, thanks to the wise counsel of Bis hop and Linda weighted Lords earlier. CHAPTER XXVII THE PACIFIC ATOL "Let me hell," said Captain Trouble, "is not a beanstalk that one of their leade r: "This is Jimmy," said GH Bondy. "Well, first served here. I thought it's pretty tame." "And the devil was owed me," concluded the captain, "that j I had landed here. . .. This poor Hereheretua! What?" "Listen," said GH Bondy put off shotgun on the porch table. "It's so elsewhere, too?" "I think," cried Captain Trouble. "This right to eat Rawaiwai Captain Barker wit h all hands. Mangaji slupli And three of them a millionaire like you." "Sutherland Brothers?" he asked Bondy. "I think. And the Starbucks baked island government commissioner. You know, larg e MacDeona, you know him?" "I do not know." "You do not know him?" shouted the captain. "And how long have you, man are you? " "Already at the ninth year," said Bondy. "You might know him," said the captain. "Already the ninth year? Business, huh? Or do such a tiny shelter, what? Due to nerves?" "No," said Bondy. "You know, I predicted that it will happen up there, so I went out of the way. I think that there will be more calm." "Ah, peace! Do not know our big black guys. Holenka, there is still a little war ." "Oh," said GH Bondy, "there was really room. Quite a lot guys, the Papuan, or wh atever you call them. Only recently started a bit ... you know ... I do not unde rstand well what they want." "Nothing," said the captain. "We just eat." "From hunger?" wondered Bondy. "I do not know. Rather, the devotions. Such a ceremony, you understand? Something such as recruitment or something. It always breaks out in them again. " "Oh," said Bondy thought. "Everyone has a hobby," growled the captain. "The local hobby is: eat foreigners and utilized his head." "To make matters worse bloat?" Bondy said in disgust. "Oh, it's only after death," looking forward to his captain. "Hide your head in memory of smoked. Did you see the dried heads in the Ethnographic Museum in Auck land?" "No," said Bondy. "I think, that ... that ... I did not look too tempting, I was smoked." "You're a little too thick," said Captain critically. "Thin Man it was so notice able change." Bondy did not seem entirely satisfied. He sat dejectedly on the po rch of his bungalow on a coral island Hereheretua, which was bought just before the greatest war. Captain Trouble is precariously. chmuřil thicket of bananas and mangroves surrounding the bungalow. "What's the natives?" he asked suddenly. "Approximately one hundred twenty," sai d GH Bondy. "And we in the bungalow?" "Seven is a Chinese cook." The captain sighed and looked toward the sea. There was anchored his ship Papeet e, but to get it, he had to pass through a narrow alley between the mangroves, w hich just did not seem worthy of recommendation. "Listen, mister," he said after a moment, "what is really up there fighting? For any boundaries?" "Less." "The Colony?" "Less." "... The business contracts?" "Sun just about right." "What sort of truth?" "The absolute truth. You know, every nation wants to have absolute truth." "Well," said the captain. "What is it?" "Nothing. That human passion. You heard it there, and even in Europe, came to th is world ... well, okay, God." "Heard." "So that's everything, understand?" "I do not, old man. I'd said he would be the true God, you know, did the world o rder. That one can not be normal and true God." "No, man," said GH Bondy (probably like that one can speak with an independent a nd experienced person). "I tell you it's true God. But I'll tell you something: He is too great." "You think so?" "Yes. He is infinite. That's the trouble. You know, everyone in my Place Him a few yards, and he thinks it is all God. Appropriates it a little třásničku or strip, and thought that has it all . Eh? " "Ah," said the captain. "And my anger at those who have another piece." "Right. To convince yourself that has it all, you must kill the other. You know, just because he is so much that matters to God and have the whole truth. Why ca n not tolerate to have another another God and another truth. If he admitted he would have to admit that it has only a paltry few feet or gallons, or bales of d ivine truth. You know, if some terribly important Snippers believed that only Sn ippersovo tricot underwear is the best in the world, it would burn with Masson M assonovým trikotovým lingerie . Snippers But not so stupid when it comes to clothes, is so stupid when it comes to English politics or religion. If he believed that God is something so solid and needed as a tricot underwear, I would order it ev ery procured voluntarily. But you know, does not trust Him enough business, beca use God is forcing people Snippersova Snippersovu Truth or swearing, wars and ot her advertising unsound. I am a businessman and I understand competition, but th is "

"Wait," the captain held his trouble and zamířiv mangrového shot in the thicket. "Well . I think that is one less." "He died for the faith," Bondy said dreamily. "You prevent him by force to make me eat it. He fell to the national ideal of an ogre. In Europe, people have alwa ys eaten the same ideals. You're a good man, sir, but maybe you ate me for a nau tical crucial question. I can not believe it . "You're right," growled the captain. "When you look, I think I " " Passionate antiSemite, I know. It does nothing, I was baptized. And you know , sir, what has gotten into these black buffoons? Yesterday dredged from the sea by the Japanese atomic torpedo. Put it up there under those coconut palms and w orships it. They have now their god. Therefore, we must eat. " The Grove mangrového heard the roar of war. "You hear that?" growled the captain "Honestly, I'd do again ...... test of geo metry ..." "Listen," he said Bondy, "we could not, so they put their faith, what 's my part " Then thundered from Papeete cannon shot. The captain shouted with joy easily. CHAPTER XXVIII For seven COTTAGE And while the military beat in world history, with boundaries as worms and stir the whole world is collapsing in rubble, scrapes Blahoušová old lady in the Seven co ttages potatoes, Blahous grandfather sitting on the doorstep, smoking a beech le aves and Prouzová neighbor, leaning on the fence, he repeats thoughtfully : "JoJo." "Oh yeah," Blahous přisvědčí after a while. "Well yeah," said Blahouška. "That's so," said Prouzová. "What's good," says Grandpa Blahous. "Indeed so," he Blahouška and understands the new potato. "They say Italians got vejprask," recalls Blahous. "Who and water?" "I water the Turk." "That'll be the end of th war?" "Nope. Von again into the soil Prajz." "This is against us?" "Ask Francouzoj against." "God in heaven, it is dearness again!" "JoJo." "Oh yeah." "What is valid!" "This ask Švejcar wrote that he would like it could stop." "I say, too." "Yeah, so I paid for this plug půldruhýho thousands. Poudám, Blahous, just a smelly ca ndle for chlíu." "And they say půldruhýho thousand?" "Oh Aye. Folks, this is dearness you!" "Oh yeah." "Well yoyo." "Who would have thought it used to be! Půldruhýho thousands!" "And for two stouky ve a nice candle." "Yeah, my aunt, it has also SOU summer. Vajčko Yes indeed, even that used to be fi ve hundred." "And butter for three thousand pounds." "And what kind of fancy." "And thousands of shoes for a wasp." "Oh yeah, Blahouško, ve a bargain." "But now " "JoJo." "Fa it was the end of it!" There was silence. Old Blahous stood, straightened up the cross and went to pick up the yard stebélko straw. "And Cák Seck is valid," he said, and unscrewed his head Pipes, stretching it to s traw. "Smrďala jackets already," said Blahouška with interest. "Smrďala," he said Blahous. "Japaka would nesmrďala. Yes indeed, it is not even the tobacco žánej lowest in the world. Last levers bring me son, as the professor, wait, it was devětačtyrycátým, right?" "At Easter it was zrouna four years." "Oh yeah," said Grandpa Blahous, "čloujek's too old. Rigidly old." "And poudám, neighbor," she strips, "and why Seck like then?" "What?" "As the war." "Yeah cackles knows," said Blahous profukoval and a check mark in it to chrčelo. " Nobody knows my aunt. I wish to faith poudaj." "And what faith?" "For ours, or helvítskou, žánej know it. Said order was only one faith." "But in our country ve only one faith." "But elsewhere was different aunt. She says the order came to only one." "And vodkáď order?" "I do not know žánej. I have such faith in my flat. Such a long boiler." "And načpak the boiler?" "I do not know too žánej. Such boilers. And wish to reveal Himself God put people li ke to believe. It used to be a fragrance, an aunt, too rigidly disbelief. The sm ell has something to believe Cák is valid. Sak fa people were believed to von God put them is not revealed. So, therefore, came out at the world through the impie ty, you know? " "Yeah, but what came the water hrozitánská war?" "Žánej know. Poudaj that he Chinese or Turk. Tejch boilers wishes to ride with me that God is own business. Prej SOU sm ells awfully pious, Turks and the Chinese. And so he wanted us to believe as wit h them, after them." "And why zrouna after?" "Yeah, nobody knows. I would have said he too began Prajz. Švejda and ground." "God, God," she said strips. "And now the high cost of living! Půldruhýho thousands per candle!" "And I would like rivers," said Blahous, "that the war the Jews had happened to their income. That I'd rivers." "It would rain," said Blahoušová. "Like that tiny potatoes SOU. As rafts." "Well," continued Blahous, "and they'll have that God is just vyštudýrovali to whom it had to whiz. It was their vymejšlenost. They wanted a war and Vejmluva. Seck it smells so dressed." "And who smell?" "I do not know žánej. I'd said he conspired with the Pope and židama, seeding, seeding ! You you Kalburáti," exclaimed Grandpa Blahous upset. "Jackets I'd said it to them against! Cák The Lord 's new one needed? We could venkouje to the old. Zroun a enough it was nice and was kind of a rozšafnej and spráunej. And did not reveal to anyone, and was at least room " "And you začpak, Prouzová, vajčko you?" "Nyčko tisicouky for two." "They say the Trutnouje SOU three." "And I say," chafed under the old Blahous, "that I had to argue with. People hav e been overly rude to him. Sak your deceased husband, stripes, let God put his e ternal glory, therefore, was out as spiritualists and Spirit, and I told him onc e poudám jokingly: "You, Prouza, call me back the 'bad spirit, what vyklouz me,' a nd out of the dozer and until my death I did not speak. And it was a neighbor, a unt. And there Tonda Wolfy again held at foksfáty you, what with them as mulches, and who did not adhere to them, the deliberations and consultations nitpicker n itpicker like pořčenej. And my son, as the professor says, it is even so. What plea ses you something, she wants it each believed. And there's not room. And so the water came from. " "Oh yeah," she yawned aunt stripes. "Cák Seck is valid." "Oh," sighed Mrs. Blahoušová. "It is already on the ride down," she said Prouzová. "And would you women clucked nejrači whole day long," he concluded Blahous grumpy grandfather and shuffled to the gate as the world's armies battled in world hi story, and "born to a better tomorrow" as assured thinkers of all camps. CHAPTER XXIX LAST BATTLE In the autumn of 1953, the greatest war it was coming to an end: There was no ar my. The occupying troops, mostly cut off from their homelands, the tenčila and wan ed as the water in the sand. Selfappointed generals went from town to town, or rather from the rubble of the ruins, led by five men, one of whom was a drummer, a thief, a scholar, a man with a record player and one whom nobody knew further , charging a ransom or at least held Benefit Concert "for the disabled, their wi dows and orphans". Nobody knew how the warring parties. In this general breakdown of the inexpressible and come the end of the greatest war. Happened so quickly that it is not known today, which was called last and d ecisive battle. Many historians dispute the fact that meant the end of the colli sion and resolve global conflagration. Some (like Duhr, Assbridge particular Mor oni) inclines to the view that it was a battle of Linz. This operation is rather big part in sixty soldiers from various opposing parties. The battle broke out in a large hall at the Rose Inn, and the waitress Hilda (it was actually from Ne w Marena Ruzicková Bydžov). The winner of the battle remained Italian Giuseppe, who also Hilda did, but because he ran off the next day for a Czech Vaclav pear is, indeed, this battle is irrelevant. Usinsk indicate a similar battle at Gorochovky, Leblond crash in Batignolles, va n Groo Nieuport leap closer but it seems that they decided local patriotism ra ther than truly historical reasons. The last battle of the greatest war is simpl y unknown. However, it can be determined with considerable probability of striki ng the same sources, namely from a number of prophecies that preceded the bigges t war. So going back to 1845, the paper maintained (švabachové) prophecy that a hundred yea rs "aukazy stražliwé nastanau Armed Forces and many of the people we wojny goes," bu t that "a hundred nations under měsýců třináctero břízau the battle field will compete w zau lém can handle, then apparently occurs fifty degrees. 1893 San Wali prophesied Turk (?) That "a dozen expire five years before there i s peace and all over the world, that the thirteen emperors to battle and will me et under a birch tree, and then will the peace, what never was or will be ". From 1909 to see some colored quotes from Massachusetts, which saw "the monster black dvourohatou and yellow monster, a monster threecornered red osmirohou, wr estle under a tree (birch?), And blood sprayed the whole world." Interestingly , the number of corners is the sum of thirteen probably sign for thirteen nation s. In 1920, Arnold reverendissimus prophesied that "the coming nineyear war that e ngulfs the entire world. One of the great emperor killed in this war, TRE great empires fall apart, ninetynine major cities shall be overthrown, and the last b attle of this war will be the last battle of the century." The same year, "Jonathan's vision" (printed in Stockholm): "War and pestilence e xterminator ninetynine countries ninetynine Empire disappears and rises again, the last battle will take ninetynine hours and will be so bloody, that all win ners have come in the shade of a birch the tree. " German People's prophecy of 1923 speaks of the battle field on birch (Birkenfeld ). Deputy Bubník 1924 budget debate, said: "... And will be better if a single soldier to serve under the birch." Similar oracle documents from the period between 18451944 have survived over tw o hundred, fortyeight in the presence of the number thirteen, seventy birch tre e, the tree just fifteen. It can therefore be concluded that the last battle bro ke out somewhere in the vicinity of a birch tree; who fought there, we do not kn ow, but there remained a total of thirteen men from various armed forces, who pr obably saved after the battle in the shade of the birch. By the time the war end ed most.

However, it is possible that the "birch" here stands symbolically instead of the village Břežany Březenec, Březhrad, pregnant (which is in Bohemia, 24), Brezina (which is 13), Březnoves, Březinky (4), Březinky, Brezina (3) Březka (4) or Březka, March (2), Břez nice (5), Březník, March (10), Birch (11), Birch Mountain, Brezovice (6) Březovík, Březůvky, Břežany (9) or Březolupy. Or is it German Birk, Birkenberg,feld, Haid,hammer, etc. Birkicht or English Birkenhead, Birkenham, Birch, etc., or French Boullainville , Boulay, etc. Thus, the number of cities, villages and localities may demolishe d the last battle, limited to a few thousand (if you stay only in Europe, which certainly has a preferential right to the Last Battle), and detailed scientific investigation at least find out where it happened, if you can not absolutely pro ve who's won. But perhaps after all is the seductive idea standing near the scene of the l ast act world tragedy slender silver birches, perhaps singing the battlegrounds, and some that lark rape butterfly fluttered over the rugged warriors. And behol d, there is almost no one to be executed, is a hot day in October, and one hero after another party retreats back to the battlefield, relieving the physical and the desire for peace goes to lie down in the shade of birches. Finally, there i s all of thirteen, who survived the last battle. He lay weary head on a shoe nei ghbor, that his ass, the undisturbed (mean soldier's) oddechováním. Thirteen of the last soldiers of the world sleeps under a single birch. Toward evening he wakes up, looking at each other with distrust and reaching for weapons. And then one of them never will tell the history of his name says: "Damn, you guys, so I quit." "And you, man, the truth," tell relieved the other, put off a gun. "Then give me a piece of bacon, dude," you will hear the third with a certain te nderness. The fourth said, "Heck, guys, I smoked, do not have any ?" "Guys, now ulejem," said the fifth. "We no longer playing." "I'll Sportka," says the sixth, "but you give me a piece of bread." "Home, the nature of thought, the instinct of home," said the seventh. "There yo u your old?" hear the eighth. "God, I'm already six years did not lie in bed thoroughly," says the ninth. "Was it a boy bullshit," said tenth and odplivuje. "Oh yeah," says the eleventh. "But now it moves." "Progressing beyond the basics," repeated the twelfth. "We' re not fools. The boys, home!" "I myself glad it's over," demonstrates the thirteenth and rolling over on the o ther side. Somehow can not imagine that the biggest war ended. CHAPTER XXX END TO ALL Many years have passed. The inn sits Damohorských In Brych machinist, now owner of the plant, and reads Popular newspapers. "I will be sausage," reports the landlord starting from the kitchen. And behold, after all, this is John Binder, formerly the owner of the carousel; thickened a nd no longer wearing a striped shirt, but it's him! "Plenty of time," said Mr. Brych slowly. "But here, too, Mr. Jost priest yet. An d Mr. Editor Rejzek neither." 'A. .. how are you Mr. Kuzendovi? " asks Mr. Binder. "Well, you know. Sick slowl y. Mr. Binder, this is an overly nice person." "Indeed it is," said the innkeeper. "I do not know sir ...... Brych if he brou ght me here a White Pudding Sausage. You did, sir Brych, and if you wanted to be so good ..." "But with joy, Mr. Binder, you know, it pleases him to remember. But yeah, I do not like." "Praise the Lord," came the spring in the door, and Mr. Jost canon, fresh freeze flushed, he hung his hat and coat. "Good Evening, Father," said Mr. Brych. "But you're waiting, waiting." Father Jost špulil mouth and gleefully rubbed his hands okřehlé. "So what is in the ne wspaper, Mr. Mister, what we say?" "But just read:" The president appointed youn g scholar private docent dr. Blahous adjunct professor. " You know, sir canon, i t's the Blahous, then what he wrote about Mr. Kuzendoj. " "Ah, ah," said Father Jost wiping the brejličky. "You know, infidel. Everything is at the University neznabozi. And you are also one, sir Brych.

"Well, Mr. Canon is no longer pray for us," said Mr. Binder. "It requires us to heaven for kaufcvika. About two and one, Father?" "Of course. Two and one." Mr. Binder has opened the kitchen door and shouted: "Two and a sausage and black pudding." " Brýčer," growled the editor Rejzek he entered. "Winter, folks." "Dinner," Mr. Binder zašveholil. "They are guests." "So what's new?" Mr. Spring as ked the Father Jost. "Are you in the newsroom? Oh yeah, I also used to write his youth in the newspaper." "But I also Blahous this time in a newspaper named," said Brych. "I have it cut out somewhere., Apostle Kuzendovy sect 'or something like that written about me. Yes, where are those times." "Dinner," said Mr. Rejzek. Here already, Mr. Binder and his daughter carried the sausage on the table, stil l hissing foaming fatty bubbles, lying loose on the cabbage as the Turkish Odali sque in the cushions. Father Jost strongly and smacked his lips rozkrojil first beauty. "That is," he said after a moment, Mr. Brych. "Mm," he said after some time, Mr. Rejzek. "Binder, you will be done," Mr. Canon said appreciatively. There was a grateful recollection and silence. "The new spice," he added Mr. Brych, "It makes me feel like I am." "But it shoul d not be too much." "Not exactly so." "And the skin has just crunch." "Mm." And again came a long pause. "A lot of cab bage to be white." "At Moravia," said Mr. Brych, "do as cabbage pickle. I was there as a journeyman . You just flows." "Come," he asked Father Jost. "Cabbage is yet to percolate. But do not say, nor can it be to eat." "Oh, and eat it there. Lžicema eat it." "It's horrible," trnul canon. "Folks, this is a strange nation. After all, the c abbage has just omastit that, Mr. Binder? That I do not understand how someone c an do good or bad." "Well," said Brych thoughtfully, "it probably is as that belief. Also, one reali zes that something else may believe otherwise." "Give peace," said Father Jost. "And I believed in Muhammad more than one good o r bad I would cabbage. It does make sense that it is only omastit cabbage." "A faith that can not reason?" "Our belief yes," Mr. Canon said firmly, "but others can not sense." "So we are back where we were before this war," sighed Mr. Brych. "People are always there again, where it used to be," said Mr. Binder. "But it a lso says Mr. Kuzenda. Binder says no truth can not win. You know, Binder says, t hat our Lord of the excavator was not so bad, and yours in the merrygo either, and look, yet disappeared. Everybody believes in výbornýho own business comes from G od, but believe druhýmu man that he too believes anything good. People have to bel ieve in people first, and othershave found. So says Kuzenda. " "Oh yeah," said Mr. Brych. "One may be thinking that the other faith is bad fait h, but does not think that whoever has it, is wrong and stupid and podvedenej gu y. That's politics and všom." "And that's why so many people hated and nail," said Father Jost. "You know, big ger things one believes vzteklejc the contempt issue, what they believe. And yet the greatest faith would believe in people." "Everybody thinks it exceedingly well for mankind, but every single person, no. I'll kill you, but mankind Spasim. And the lowest fine, Father. The world will b e bad if people begin to believe in people." "Mr. Binder," said Father Jodocus thoughtfully, "so I need to do it tomorrow, Mo ravian cabbage. I'll try it." "This must be a bit zasmažit and a choke. And this i s the sausage that's pretty good. Every belief and every truth has anything good , and if it was just that the other guy likes it." Outside the door opened and he entered a police officer. Byl froze and wanted a glass of rum. "Oh, it's you, Mr. Sergeant Pear," said Brych. "So, imagine we were?" "But in Zizkov," said a police officer and took off a great glove. "There was a raid." "What you vyšťárali?" "Well, two vagabond. A few nepříslušnejch. And the house number 1006, is in the baseme nt, such a repair." "What den?" asked Mr. Rejzek. "Chubby lair, Mr. Kramer. Karburátorek They had little of the old bikes before the war. And one of those vermin orgiím to go there." "What are the orgy?" "Well, such a nuisance. They pray and sing, and have visions, prophesy, miracles and so many things." "And it is not?" "No, it's police prohibited. You know, it's like the nests as they smoked opium. He also was one such in the Old Town. And the carburetor vyšťárali dens we have seven . This bunch went there. Homeless, whores and individuals. Therefore it is forbi dden. It's a mess. " "And many of those dens?" "Not anymore. I think this was the last of the carburetor."