New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 56, 11/9/1981." 86, 56 (1981)
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1981 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 11-9-1981 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 56, 11/ 9/1981 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 56, 11/9/1981." 86, 56 (1981). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1981 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~(-)b ~ ·31-S-;:i-Bq ... U0 ·~~ NEW MEXICO---~---------"---.. ···~_·,· ~'1 ~'\(, q . D ·1 L 9 '~?,~,,;;'! R~~~~-------·-··(1__ 1~ .. ~·~----()~··---()~_· ___~_~,_~\~_.\~_" .. _. VOL. 86 NO. 55 Monday, November9, 1981 Schmitt Adds SEOG Money .. After Cutting Other Funding Manuel Franco million, for the State Incentive more than $370 million. Grant Program. If the financial aid levels pass the Financial aid levels recom Senate and Reagan signs them, mended by a U.S. Senate sub Schmitt's Albuquerque office committee chaired by Sen. said, this was the only change made universities will not feel the change Harrison Schmitt passed the Senate in financial aid l.evels from what the until the 1982-83 academic year. Appropriations Committee subcommittee on Labor, Health According to Schmitt's Thursday with student grant and Human Services, and Albuquerque office, when Schmitt funding greater than what was Education recommended in Sep- visited UNM and met with UNM previously recommended. tember. administrators early last month, the The financial aid levels that administrators said they would not passed the Appropriations mind ending federal funding for the The levels for fiscal year l982 Committee included $290 million SSIG program if SEOG funding were part of an almost $94 billion for the SEOG program; $2.37 was increased. bill which covered a number of billio.n for the PeH Gra_ nt program, Th t f' d F 'd b .· ... Laureate Hal\$ A. social s.ervice programs. a was con trme n ay Y ~ethe, ..professor .·emedtus·· ..·of >Vafiou$ videpta~ .pr(,duced · The bill contains about $270.2 which funds Basic Educational John Whiteside, UNM's associate physics at Cornell University, by the Physicians for Sochll · million in additional cuts from Opportunity Grants; $2.6 billion director of student financial aid and ResponsibiUty will . be: shown . for Guaranteed Student Loans; career services. will lecture on Nuc1eilr War. is le~els. agreed on by Congress earher million for the National Direct over the. University's ¢1o~· s186 r/nthlnkab/e at 4:~0 p.m. 'in this year. Loan Program; and $SSO million Whiteside said UNM ad- cif'uit 'fV aD.d wiU Woodward Lecture Hall., Room sYst.em be But the bill is also far short of the for the work-study program. ministrators prefer the new 101. shown frQnt 9 a.m. t()9. p.m. at· · various locations orrthe c;ampus, $3.5. billion in cuts needed to meet 'l']Jese levels are still more than financial aid levels because SEOG tle!he received the NobefPdze Prestdent Reagan's call for a 12 $400 million below the compromise funds. "provide. us with more,. in physics in 1967for his wor~ in percent across-the-board cut in all levels agreed on by the flexibility in distributing funds." atomic and nuclear physics and Events are $PoQsored by the programs exct;pt defense and en- congressional budget committees in This is because SEOG funds are for his applications Of nuclear department . of . physics and titlements. Schmitt has said this July. given directly to the universities P,hYsics to astrophysics. astronomy at UNM. makes the bill a prime target for a while SSIG funds are given to the presidential veto if it passes the Schmitt has said that aU of the states who match the funds dollar Senate. programs, except the SEOG for dollar and then allocate them Schmitt agreed Thursday to program, are being recommended under their own aUocation formula, adding $75 million to the Sup- at their fiscal 1981 level or higher. he said. plemental Educational Opportunity Even with the $75 million added on While the end of the SSlG Mayoral Runoff Sparks Grant Program in return for ending Thursday, the SEOG program is program would actually cost Lo-w-Key Issue Debate all federal fu~ding, about $50. still below its fiscal 1981 level of_ continued on page 3 Manuel Franco such executives. But Albuquerque has 45 exec.!Jtives earning over 'i'his is the first of a two part $40,000, he said. · series about the mayoral candidates Sanders said he would cut for Albuquerque's Tuesday runoff mayoral aides to two from the election. Part one concerns the present 12. candidate's debate on the ·A native of McCrory, Ark._, University of New Mexico Campus Sanders came. to Albuquerque in Thursday. Part two will appear in 1960 to work for KOB-TV after Tuesday's issue and further explore working for various radio and the candidate's platforms. television stations. WhUe Sanders has said he at The fireworks that appeared tended a radio broadcasting school earlier in Albuquerque's mayoral and took government classes at campaign did not appear at the UCLA, he never compl.eted high University of New Mexico Thur school or earned a college degree, sday night as mayoral candidates joining the Navy at the age of IS by Harry Kinney and Gordon Sanders lying about his age instead. debated at Woodward Hall. Kinney, a 57-year-old Trinidad, With Tuesday's runoff election Colo. native, said in his opening approaching fast, both Kinney and statement that the next mayor has Sanders decided not to make "the responsibility" to restore personal attacks on each other and, recent cuts in city services using the for the most part, discussed the almost $15 mi!Jion in new revenue issues. expected from the gross receipts tax City govenment is "top-lieavy increase. with executives," the 53-year-old Raised in Raton, Kinney at Sanders said. He said the El Paso tended UNM and earned a B111Wechter city government has eight mechanical engineering degree in As the sun goes down students enjoy an afternoon touch football game on Johnson Field Satur executives earning over $40,000 a 1945. He served two tours of duty year and Salt Lake City has 17 or 18 continued on page 3 day. Despite a swift, brutal, midday storm, the day was beautifully autumn. ASUNM Election Certified; 5 Senators Sworn In The Fall 1981 AStJNM election the commission unanimously voted candidates had two days to protest · the slate, about whether the slate official action concerning the was certified Friday by the ASUNM to certify the election, although the election and "I think ... the made one or two printing runs of possible overspending until the SFS El.ections Commission and five of Wronski said she will. continue to commtsston and the · attorney bookmarkers. receipts are made available. the to senators-elect were sworn in, trtto collect campaign receipts. general (ASUNM Attorney General reversing an earl.ier commission. Gary Oordon, an~ ex-officio The SFS campaign statement ASUNM Lobby Committee shows that there was one printing After the meeting, Gallegos said decision to hold the certification member of the commission) think that he . hoped the spending limits and swearing-in Tuesday. Chairman Michael Gallegos, this is a good policy." run, but if two runs were made, the representing the Students for slate would have exceeded its were raised for the next election Students slate that won all 10 open A question was also raised at spending Hmit and would be subject because the present limits are five The commissiott had agreed Friday's meeting about whether the to a fine. or Six years old and "outdated.'' Thursday to certify the election and senate positions in· Wednesday' s election, said he would still make SFS slate spent more t.han the legal swear in the settators-elect on campaign limit. Oallegos told the commission he Tuesday to give commtsston the slate's receipts available to ASUNM Chief Justice Jeff Wronski. Because the campaign spending would be willing to admit to the Luster swore in senators-elect Jesus member Penelope Wronski time to over-expenditure just for the sake collect and look at the candidates' limit is $75 for each candidate, the Salazar, Karen . Gallegos, Jose receipts of campaign expenditures. Elections Commission Chairman slate was able to spend up to $750. Campos, Shirley Lopez and Jimmy Biven Romero saict the commission Wronski questioned Gallegos of ending discussion about it, if no Bottom. The other five senators But a commissiott meeting' Was held the meeting Friday instead of and Dan Serrano, a Lobby fine were levied on the slate. But the elect are scheduled to be sworn in at called for 4:30p.m. Friday at which waiting for Tuesday because Committee member who supported commission dec:ided to take no Wednesday's Senate meeting. Page 4, Ne1Y Mexico. Oaily Lobo, No.vember' 9, 1981 World News by UPI -Debate---------- cominued from page 1 would try as mayor to set up a proper communication, which is with the Navy and came to work training program through the mY speciality," Sanders said. He with Sandia Laboratories as an Technical-Vocational Institute to said he would try to add "coun Monstersalel Preparations Resumed engineer in 1956. train people to work in the in cillors-at-large" to the council and The candidates answered dustries that carne to Albuquerque.