Board of Selectmen Move to Enforce Oil Ordinance

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Board of Selectmen Move to Enforce Oil Ordinance n,.O..i,:..?} imiOivIi.L- LIBiua^Y T. rT Il..VKi*, GT. "t Thursday, March 23, 1950 THE BRANFORD REVIEW - EAST HAVEN NEWS Page Eight to servo all departments In handl-, Ing common functions of personnel, WHAT EAST HAVEN BOOSTS I i public works and gonsral admlnl."!- G.O.P. Women North Branford CLASSIFIED ADS DEMOCRATIC WOMEN trativo services. BOOSTS EAST HAVEN! 4. Fixing clear responsibility for CONGREOA-nONAL CnURCH bettor management on the Chief Hear Writer Kcv. B. C. Trent, Pastor HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED MAKE EAST HAVEN A BIGGER, HEAR LENIHAN TALK Executive 1 and providing him with Miss Ethel Maynard the meons of discharging It. Organist and Choir Director BUY - RENT SELL - HAVE IT REPAIRED BETTER, BUSIER COMMUNITY 5. Defining afresh the status and Talk Politics 11:00 Morning worship ON REORGANIZATION role of roads and commissions. 9:45 Sunday School WORDS FOUR Combined With The Branford Review 6. Providing more full and Inprcsslons of the Washington $1.50 M. J. tcnihan wns the guest Mr. Lcnlhnn outlined the pro- systematically for effective citizen scene as viewed by Mrs. Helen ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH 25 or LESS 50f( TIMES B Conh Per Copy—Two DolUi't A Year Democratic Club meeting held last po.sals as follows: participation In the work of the Lombard, prominent newspaper Rev. Francis 1, Smith, Rector One T'imo EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1950 fi flpcaker at the Federated Women's 1. Grouping all slate functions so departments and In the formula­ columnist of the nation's capltol, Edmund L, Stoddard VOL. VI—NO. 29 aa to bring related activities togeth­ tion of tholr policies. who was guest speaker at the meet­ Lay Reader Classified Advertising Must Be Prepaid Monday In the Acadofny. Tlio Mrs. Paul R, Hawkins speaker discussed the proposed er In a manageable number or man­ Mrs. Marie Luclan will 'be chair­ ing of the Women's Republican For ad over 25 words, 10 cents for eacti additional 5 words I ^ ageable departments. Organist Solutions to the six needs for better man of the next meeting to be held Club at the homo of .Mrs. Samuel . Mrs. Edmund L. Stoddard YOUTH WEEK organization as presented by the 2. Setting higher sights for de­ on April 17 whcli the club expects Orlswold on Monday, gave the CHARLES E. DOWNE REVEALED partmental management. to have a representative speaker members an Inslehf. Into national Choir Director CLASSIFIED DISPLAY "Who will be the town .sclcrt- Commission on State Government 9:30 B.m, Morning Service, and for n day?" Organization. 3. Establtshlng competent agencies from the World Federalists, Mrs. and International pdlttlcS. Sermon • . BOARD OF SELECTMEN MOVE Luclan win be assisted by Mrs. Mrs. vyiUlam Smltlj,, a member of 50c per column inch 'I'hat i.s llic thought uppermost Charles Callahan. Mrs. Fred Oeorg, Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd, and in the minds ot (he youngsters the Membership Committee of the Sth Sundays Classified ads must be received by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday HOPES OF REORGANIZATION AV > Mrs. Andrew McCutcchcon, Mrs. New Haven Women's Republican Morhlng Prayer 2nd. and 4th ot Kast Haven following the n«- John KasoUnas and Mrs. Edward Association, spoke ot the member­ Sundays for publication in Thursday edition. TO ENFORCE OIL ORDINANCE nownccnicnt this week that lliR Evls A social win follow. ship drive now bolnfc made by the Church School will be held at 10 notary Club will sponsor a liny County organization. Mrs. A, E, and Girl Week from April 29 to o'clock In the Rectory with In­ The Branford Review - East Haven News ni.iy 6. ROTARY LUNCHEON THIS NOON /. Harold Stewart Hammer and Mrs.' Alice Peterson structions given by Rev. Francis J. c-o THE BRANFORD PRINTING CO. discussed the Report of the Com­ Smith and Mrs; Smith. WITHIN EAST HAVEN LIMITS Brent W. Barker, proprietor ot Will Speak Before mission on State Government Or­ Lenten Devotions will be held in PHONE 8-243! BRANFORD. CONN. the Kast Haven Hardware Store, Members of the East Haven Ro­ ganization, --, Zlon Episcopal Church at 7:30 Is the general chnlminn In tary Club this afternoon gained Cost Accountants In an effort to strengthen the | charge of the avcck-long festivi­ first hand knowledge of the mean­ "It Is a false assumption," Mrs. o'clock on Sunday evening with a LEGAL NOTICES IMMEDIATE DEUVERI: Iron bui- FIFW^FOUR NO^ BULOm Lombard said, "that we can buy guest preacher; ordinance of the BulldlnK Code] REHEARSALS INTENSIFIED ties. Others assisting on the com­ ing of llie Report of the Commis­ dealing with oil and oil burners, The Bianford Committee of the Immunity from the Communism by DISTRICT OP BRANFORD, .ss. mel Drainboard Slnki, and Lava- mittee art I'Vank S. Clancy, sion on State Government Organi­ New Haven Chlldrcns Center will our effort to bolster European re­ t«riea; Chrome Bran Toilet Ac- the Board of Selectmen this week Harry Falkotf-. Ralph Illlsingcr, hold a Rummage Sale on Friday, ST. ACGUSTINE'S R. O. CHURCH PROBATE COURT, March 8th, authorized the enforcement ot the Armcn Krikorfan, Peter Lucas, FOR COUNTY JURY t)UTY zation. Charles E. Downe, the City April 21 at 10 A.M. In charge of the covery and economy through ECA." Rev. John J. McCarthy, Foster 1950. eeasorles; Copper Gotter and law, which was established on FOR VARSITY SHOW AT Plan Engineer of the New Haven Mrs. Lombard criticized President Rev. John McDonald, Curate Estate of SUSAN PALMER late Leadem; Rootlnf and IniDJattoo. John P. morgan, Harold Nash committee are, Mrs. H, E. H. Cox, Truman's refusal to permit Con­ Frank Frawley of Branford, in said District, de­ October 20, 1933 but which has and Joseph Wirtj;, City Planning Commission and a chairman, Frank Blgelow, R. Earle gressmen to have access to Infor­ Organist and Chob: Director ceased. TBS CONN. FLtJMBINO AND never been heeded, they said. Eiich day of the week from BY SELECTMAN CLANCY member of one ot the nineteen or Beers, Dana L. Blanchard, Joseph . .Permits and licenses will be HIGH SCHOOL IN APRIL Saturday to Saturday will high­ CoUopy, E, G. S. Crttlg, Samuel A. mation In official' files regarding Mrs. Charles Donadlo, assistant The Court of Probate for the LUMBER COMFANT available by April 1st a^ the Build­ Firiy-four East llavcn voters are twenty survey units, wliioh made men In the State Department whose Masses 7:00 - 9:15 District of Branford, hath limited light sonic special ncllvity, the on the list of por,soiis available for OrLswold, Alden J. Hill, John H. 17» SWte St. New Haven, OMW. ing Inspector's office t .d will take chalmian .said last night. Board Of Safety detailed studies contained In the Ai 5. WU€HES Hart, W. E. Hitchcock, Jr., Harrison loyalty Is under question, although Mass 8:00 Northford Congrega­ and allowed six months from the efledt thirty days later. Rehearsals for the coming Blue Town Installs jury duty in East Haven according Report was the speaker at the M. Lang, T. F. Paradise, Howard secret Information regarding the tional Church date hereof, for the creditors of Tel. l-WOi and Gold Varsity Show, scheduled Fm-lhcr infonnatlon will be lo the list forwarded lo court of­ Religious instruction will be held said estate to exhibit their claims The ordinance applies to all forthcoming soon, Sanctions Hiring ficials by First Selectman Frank S. regular weekly luncheon meeting Prann, B, H. Beeves, M. D. Stan­ hydrogen bomb Is readily divulged sales. Installations and servicing ot for the high school auditorium on Gas Pumps In held In the audlloriuin ot St, VUIT f ley and Miss Olive Pratt. More to Senatorial committees. on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. for settlement. Those who neglect Of Police Women Clancy this week. Dominican Nuns from New Haven to present their accounts properly REMODELING and ALTERING oil burners In stoves, ranges and Thursday and Friday evenings, Economy Move Among iiomlnaled are; cent uc Paul's Church. • Branford children are at the Cen­ It Is largely to the credit of the similar devices and the storage April 29 and 21, were being In­ ter for treatment than In former aroused women of England,- New will Instruct. attested, wlhin said time, will be of Women's and Men's clothing. and handling of fuel oil within the At a nicctlng ut the Ilnnnl ot Mary Anderson, IIB Pros|icct Road; Downe, president ot the Now Ha­ Tfie most beaufi/ul watches cMit created I; times, and funds are needed to pay Zealand,' and Australia that the A Lenten Evening Service will be debarred a recovery. All persons We specialize In Rellning, Re­ limits of the town. tensified this week as the cast ot First Selcctm.Tn Fmnk S. Town Players Public Safety held on Tuesday Nellie Allardico, 44 Saltonstnll ven Junior Chamber of Commerce the extra charges for these Invalid conservatives have ro'galned power held at 7:30 o'clock on Sunday Indebted to said Estate are re­ pairing, Reftttlng and Remodel­ • It specifically states that no per­ 100 started putting the fUiishlng Clancy issued Idlrectivcs this night hi tlie ofllcc of the First Place; Mae Bucchele, 00 Minor In 1047 and chairman of the Pop children. Anyone having donations In those countries. Ih the United evening. Rev. Charles Harris of quested to . make Immediate pay­ ing the clothes in your wardrobe son shall engage in the business ot eleventh annual week to four of the town's de­ Selectman, It was voted to ap­ Road; Anna Carter, B20 Tliompson Concerts in the •ifale Bowl In 1041), West Haven will be the guest ment to you no longer can wear.
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