Council to Consider Press Control Bill
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p. Council To Consider Press Control Bill Compromise Editorial Board Could Remove Daily Editor 'PARTAN By FRANCINE MILLER one member of the Student Coun- DAILY the idea that seven people can Spartan Daily Staff Writer cil chosen by that body. arrive at a more objective view '1'he editors of the Spartan Daily Also sitting on the board as ex- of a situation than one. "A board SAN and other ASB-funded publications JOSE STATE officio members would be two fac- comprised of people with various COLLEGE will be held responsible to an edi- ulty advisers selected by the Aca- interests are more able to judge torial advisory board if Student demie Council. and have a more objective mind Vol. No. 73 Council passes the compromise bill 54 41613e " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1967 POWER TO than one student or one group of reached by representatives Dick REVIEW Although the board would not students with a vested Interest," Miner and Ken Shackelford yes- Shackelford argued. terday. decide editorial policy nor serve Although graduate representa- Editors of these publications as a censor, it would have the tive Dick Miner agreed to the com- Minority Groups Discussion could be removed by a two-thirds power to review and evaluate the promise proposals, the chairman of majority of the members of the ASB publications as to truthful- the Campus Policy Committee was board, which would be composed of ness, responsibility, and accuracy. quick to point out that "in the appointees by the deans of the In line with this, the bill also provides that the board requires society we live in, veracity and there be no promotion of private relevancy of the news is judged City Problems Forum Opens Monday no--h-N of the college and Interests contrary to general wel- by the members of that society." fare or partisanship in editorial "The DAILY CRITICISM Dilemma of the American Originally, "The Dilemma of the up to study it. Is "to educate and inform student comment unless all sides are pre- City: Plane Crash Racial Problems" is the con- American City" was an ASB com- Committee member. Mary and faculty members of the prob- sented. "Creating a board to do this troversial topic headlining a bevy mittee started last fall but it was Pepys, Bob Kelley and Pete Ellis, lem, with special emphasis on "Every individual at SJS almost starts to hedge on the prerogative of speeches and discussions begin- later discontinued. then decided to hold a major con- ghetto life and minorities in ur- without exception is responsible to of the community as a whole to ning with an open forum in front The idea was revived in De- ference in the spring to discuss ban areas," said C. K. Moreland, At Tahoe someone except the editors," stated judge the news," he stated. of the cafeteria Monday at 10:30 cember and a sub-committee of racial minorities. ASB information officer. Shackelford. "He has no responsi- Miner also told the senior rep- a.m. the College Union Board was set The object of the 3-4ay forum bility except to himself," he added. resentative that the majority of HOPES TO FIND PROBLEMS Kills Senior "I want to promote freedom of the criticism now leveled at the Moreland hopes that within the the press, but I want continuity Spartan Daily is not for how the three days the forum participants An SJS aeronautical operations and truthfulness," the senior rep- news is printed, (Shackelford's will "get at the problem and find student was among four persons resentative asserted, "There is greatest concern) or even for what out what the problem consists of." killed Tuesday night when a twin- only one person discerning the the paper prints, but for what the He stressed that the talks would engine plane he piloted crashed in truth now," he said. paper doesn't print. not center predominately on the a meadow near South Lake Ta- SLAP EDITORS' HANDS "It's useless to draw up a pro- Negro. Discussions on Mexican- hoe. Shackelford, who has repeatedly gram for the board if it doesn't American and Portuguese will also Leonard Lee Dorn, 22, a senior blasted the Spartan Daily for lack hit at the source of the com- be included, from Riverdale, Calif., was re- of accuracy, said the board would plaints," said Miner. portedly flying two San Jose Both conservative and liberal have the power to "slap the hands Shackelford couples to South Lake Tahoe when agreed to compro- factions will be represented of the editor if he steps blatantly mise, so the bill also provides the accident occurred. Also killed throughout the three days. out of line." He indicated that the in the crash were Mrs. Jeannette some measure for the responsibil- James Farmer, former CORE board's evaluation would not be a ity of the board to Rosendin, 37, of San Jose; Patrick apprise the director, and Saul Alinsky, head of case of prior restraint but would Spartan Daily editor of any news W. Regan, 44; and his wife, Emily, the Industrial Area Foundation in be punitive in nature. Items which the paper about 40, of Saratoga. may have Chicago, author, and ghetto or- Basis for the editorial board is overlooked. ganizer, will be on hand. Regan, executive vice president of A. J. Raisch Paving Co., was OTHER SPEAKERS one of the original directors of Other speakers include: Ivanhoe Spartan Foundation, an SJS boost- Donaldson, assistant national di- er organization. Diplomats, Educators rector of the Student Non-Violent SOLE SURVIVOR Coordinating Committee; Dr. Oc- Sole survivor of the crash is tavio Romano, a research anthro- Ray Rosendin, 40, a San Jose poligist of behavioral sciences; Dr. electrical contractor. Rosendin lost To Attend SJS Forum Harold M. Hodges, chairman of both legs in the accident and is Creation of a forum for sharing rector of the Office of Research the SJS sociology department; listed in critical condition at Bar- views between educators and U.S. and Analysis for American Repub- Patty Newman, member of Orange ton Memorial Hospital in Tahoe diplomats will be the goal of a lics, Department of State; Philan- County's Constructive Action; Jes- Valley. Foreign Policy Conference for Ed- der P. Claxton, special assistant to sie James, director of Mission Reb- Funeral services for Dorn will ucators set for tomorrow at &TS. the secretary of state for popula- els in Action, a youth-labor, self- be today at the People's Funeral The conference is designed to tion matters. help program in San Francisco's Chapel in Hanford at 2 p.m. Pri- give educators an opportunity to Afternoon workshop sessions Mission District. vate burial services will be at Bel- will share views with career diplomats. be led Dr. H. H. Brookins, Los Angeles mont Cemetery in Fresno. jointly by State Depart- More than 600 educators from ment officials and SJS faculty civil rights leader and director of According to first reports re- throughout northern California will members. Participating the United Civil Rights Organiza- leased by the EiDorado County from SJS participate in the conference will be Dr, James E. Watson, tion; San Della Maggiore, chair- sheriff's office, one engine of the asso- sponsored by 5.15 in cooperation ciate professor of political science; man, Santa Clara County Board of 11-fated Aero Commander ap- --Photo by Bill Bayley with the State Department. Dr. Lela A. Garner, assistant pro- Supervisors; and John Antonne, di- parently failed as Dorn approached The all-day conference, which fessor of political science; Dr. Em- SIX SJS'ers prepare a giant, multi-colored, one- Farmer. The activities start Monday with a 10:30 dector of DESTINY, a self-help South Lake Tahoe Airport, and begins at 9 a.m. in Concert Hall. bert Hendrickson, associate ton, twenty-four foot, fold -out bill board to an- a.m. open forum in front of the Cafeteria. youth program in Los Angeles' Dorn accelerated the other engine. pro- will feature presentations by the fessor of history; Dr. Jack W. nounce the three-day forum featuring James Watts ghetto area. Officers said the plane apparently diplomats on their views of cur- Sutherland, associate professor of was thrown over on its back. It rent world situations, workshop secondary education; Dr. Gerald fell straight down into some small sessions in the afternoon, and a E. Wheeler, professor of history; bushes in a foot of snow in a mead- Open End Forum major address by Ambassador Dr. Harris Martin, associate pro- Hearst Winner ow 11S miles north of the airport. George V. Allen, director of the fessor of history; Dr. Peter M. A $100 scholarship has been CAA TO INVESTIGATE Foreign Service Institute. Buzanski, associate professor of awarded to Jim Brewer, junior The crash will be investigated Other speakers include the fol- history; Dr. Billie Jensen, associ- journalism major, for his three- by the Civil Aeronautics Author- lowing State Department officials: ate professor of history; H. Kent Tower List Faces Critics part series on marijuana usage on ity. Charles Frankel, assistant secre- Schellenger, assistant professor of the SJS campus. The article ap- Dorn was a pilot for Trans Exec. tary of state for educational and political science; Dr. Fauneil Rhin The Tower List goes before its evaluation of faculty is a worth- Gene Lokey, assistant to the peared in the Spartan Daily last Co., a charter service out of San cultural affairs; Walter J. Stoessel associate professor of political month. critics tonight at 7:30 in Tau Delta while idea but criticizes "the way ASB president, will serve as mod- Jose Municipal Airport.