First Meeting on Expansion September 12

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First Meeting on Expansion September 12 •. •• i Dfcvoled Presented Fairly, Clearly ' '•'! i - |llP Community Interest And Impartially Each Week |/,,|l Local Coverage Complete News Pictures :l . taunt u In4 OIM UMI Carterrt, N. J., Thursday, August 15, 1963 to p o. Ovum II J PRICB TEN CENTS I(.III Candidates Boncelet First Meeting Whni floes .-iliiuin Btm |.,; thr start :,nl propert;y Drive Is Begun iliiiriKiui and ..,1 it n rri'-d- •• ,itic County To Register All On Expansion :;iiir candl- Boro Residents nift "With rARTrnpT ',.!• the Krtke CARI-ERET - A drive to '. this prove 1P«1*ter »" qualified boro re*l- (nr rcvBlu- dent* for tnf November dec-' 'mil of taxes tlon ""* bf('n lao'ichfd by the •nir ftskrd -R«PuWlcan OrKaiib.atlnn. The. ''. with the '"iiiounremnit »•»,, made by RRy September 12 It..publicans Hechlar, chairman of the; , ,; ivmlorlty, ""Kistratlon commlttw, nitiipstoad-i This 1A a civic project being :.;iw Rcvalu- performed by the members ofi C. closer Car- 'he Republican Party "who be- Boncelet Defends MVIIIK taxes lieve In our priceless right to : hi hnrne- vote," Hechler aald. '•'•'L To be eligible to vote on No- In Answer To Otlowski nlDptln* this vember 5, you must be 21 years To Air • because It of age on or bofore thLs dAte CARTERET — "The Repub- 1 ..wner. but It you must re*lde In the state an Truth Machine will con- Abasia To Be Named ...tiu are de-:at least six months and in the' nue to grind out the truth for : ii Council- county at least 60 days on or ie benefit of the cltiezns of To Borough Council unt brought before November 5 !arteret," Councilman Charles Plans IT WAS QUITE AN HONOR — To two Carteret brothers. Mts. Joseph Samn, 2F Bergen Street, holds the other In- urn- revalua- Hechlar stated thai the fol- oncelet said last night. CARTERET — Raymond Steven J. and Joseph Sama of Carteret when song were fant, Joseph Edward, Steven John Jr. weighed six pounds, "Despite the desperate at- CARTERET—With the data) io rhis study, lowing people have been depu- born to their wlves at the Perth Am boy General Hospital, Abazla of Colgan Avenue x eight and half-ounces and Joseph Edward tipped the scales impts of the Carteret Demo- f October 1 being set for th* ).»n said for 'Ixed as ruflstrars In the boro. a half-hour apart. Nurse Mrs. E. Dcbbs is shown handing at seven pounds, ten ounces at birth. In the Shorecrest section of ratic machine and former school expansion referendum, West Carteret — Julia Bryer, over Strven John Jr. to his mother, of 78 Dorothy Street. Carteret will be sworn In aa 6 1 reeholder George Otlowski, to the new councilman at the oseph P, Lamb, president of ;i. :!> value' P"" "* Avenue; Pauline ,he Board of Education, said at HIIHK to the Han'. 3' Frederick Street: ap our efforts to Improve the the Borough Council meeting t of the Carteret people, we Wednesday night. It was dis- the meeting last night that th» lall continue with our pro- closed by a reliable source 'irat general public session \ivur till* |2g» •*»• •> Mid would be held In the Carteret mid bed fWt-Bmt. Strwt. am of Improvement and last night. 'rogress for Carteret," Bonce- High School auditorium on ins personal Cari«m Hills— Jirmela Le- He will succeed the late September 12. VI.E88 Bon- <«»• U Patrick Street; Qrac* it said in answer to a recent Walter Sullivan. Abazla is a , it to see ln-iDel Vacehio, 39 Swarthmore Mack made against him and graduate of Seton Hall Uni- He urged that all interested •main nhere Drt**: Joan Majoro*, 12< he Republican Party. versity. He has two children parents attend this meeting so Whitman Street: Eleanor Tres- a boy and girl, with tbe latter that they might hear the facts, "The 'truth machine' is our and not listen to hearsay. us the coolie to, 8 Lexington Avenue. jmlmeograph machine that Ot- attending Montclair Teach- Dv Boncelet HW Section — Ann McUod, jwskl, Kolibas, Sklba, Hutnik era. Mr. Abatla is a past presi- Mrs. Julia Stupar, another , and hi* mfl* Randolph fit; Alma Kike ind all the machine members dent of the Italian-American member, said that the building 1 ; Uutrlal roidi *". IM Randolph St.: Mae >bject to. For the first time Club. committee had met with the .:.f attitude Vt\Humphries, 71 Orant Ave, many years the Carteret He will be formally accept- architect and all PTAs had i h rough ejut High School Area—Margaret iltlzens have had their eyes ed Sunday when the county agreed to spend part of their ;•;: aTaiiees Sohayda, J77 Washington Ave; ipened. The people like hear- commltteemen and women first meetings to devote to ths , i ss John Brechka. 49 Ea.n Oik 8t: ing the truth and they are go- meet. Mayor Andrew Banlck school expansion prazram. • th. re In rea- Ontnide Kappock, 53 F4iirt Oak ing to vote to continue the who attempted to place Slides will be shown and a a: ^publican*, iliminatlon of the Democratic Charles Bohanek on the [question and answer period be held. Both she" and L- '!..• side Shottcreslr- Pairkia Scotto. machine rule that has brought Council at the bit molar Of to* jald that any ovrRftizatlon rn.t: V 16 CModa Ave; Emily Davis. 53 them a 60% tax rise in six meeting was defeated by the the community Intci JMtaM Ave. ears by voting for the Three majority Democratic bloc. the .pinna cou^f &i Progress Team candidates 1 ; :ouccil In November, ; nceiins with th o»r ;mr.ds !Sy«*inore St.: Twin Clark. 77 i 'appearance of E-:ard ;.•;!)hc»n» have Mjrton Bt.: Lorrayne Sutler, The efforts *f Mayor Ban- oski Cites to discuss the mattvr vcv'<: *'.. ;mv mcttaae M Sycamore 8t.: Pran Linde- ck and Councilman Kovacs, considered. .. u :.:..iv.«<» while fflann, 30 Laurel St. and myself and William Varga ••••v-i- unintlng! Chrome — Irene Lukach, 80 and Nicholas Del Vacchio have Reporting on the conivov* ':'• 1 savings ••' ui employ- Warren: Richard Thlele, 13 •ecently saved the Carteret Made sial bus problem ths Board lv'"! !Hl«b St.: Marie Kublclc. 8 FM- taxpayers from having another besn faced with In atteniptln;. .ins hnvr said|win St $2,000,000 or more piled on to keep within the slash in the of Reval-' Mid Town— Ann Biuiick, 138 ;heir backs by the Democratic Dn Paper Towels budget ordered by Borough Council, Commissioner Ray- 'he Democrats U>vre\\ 8t; Marie Komlodi. 38 machine," Boncelet said. CARTERET — Psychology ls '•i ini>an drastic Whjttler St. mond Bonkoski said that all the "That is the minimum fig- great thing, and School Com- bids had been tallied and ac- ••••• homeowners. ure that would have had to be missioner Raymond Bonkoskl • ••'-ins have op- cepted with the exception of paid in taxes by tbe Carteret irought this point out at last Route 4. Considering this par- • •-rial Road be- Annual people for the wild 'Democratic night's Board of Education Estat* Area of the Borough. The .shelter Is only one of ticular one to be too high the • xoiild have to SI I'KKINTK.NDEM OF PARKS — Alex Faiekai. with scheme of having Carteret meeting in discussing the use many constructed by the park department throughout transportation committee de- :.• Cost. park worker, Andrew Perry and numerous youngsters en- build an Industrial road hi if paper towels in the high • "'•m, judge for joying (he recently constructed shelter in the Cornell the Borough. cided to readvertlse the route Picnic Sunday Carteret for Middlesex County.' school. ' with the stipulation that there ii'.rd In closing. CARTERET — The arniwl "Is Otlowski thinking of He said that after an analysis, be only one dismissal In the raising the tax that Carteret he had determined that the pull C afternoon for this bus route. mo. Knighu of coiumbus"» iii Femstorm 1$ Republican Campaign Committee Headed taxpayers pay to Middlesex iut sheets are too inefficient, This would in effect save cost*. t*ke place this Sunday, starting fOr Science Study County? Apparently he is. We In that students null out a half- Bonkoskl stated. ractice note tha hen he was a free- dozen or so to dry their hands •t II noon on th und^ uf The Edward George Bui holder lasts in Middlesex and this causes considerable the Columbian Club. Serving CARTEEET — John Ftm- Company was awarded the con- By Schaffhauser; McNulty and Bohanek County went In only one di- waste. In the other hand, the on the committee are Andruw tract on Route 1 on Its bid o! V\t Sunday »trom, a teacher In Carteret rection — up. Mr. Otlowski dispensers that have to be Hamadyk, William Cocco md $18,900; the same company for • Kaii>h Anton* Stanley Kalupa. There will be High School was commended was called into Carteret by the cranked for each sheet of paper 1 the Route 3 contract at $18,250 • "f the Carteret (antes for the children and con- by thr Boud of Education Are Named As Co-Campaign Managers desperate Democratic drive to would dismay the pupil from 1 and Route 5 for $4,600. 'save the machine ." • too much cranking. • w.imer football tests for the grownups. Th re hut night, after the clerk had CARTERET — Steve Trosko,, capable and are looking for- B.S. in accounting. He is pres 1 'hat the first will be dancing from 5 p.m. on "Mr, Otlowski would serve! So, the Board ordered 50 cases The Carteret Bus Service wu read the following letter ad- Jr., GOP municipal chairman, ward to bringing the people of ently employed as an accouni • f»r the 1963 Cabaret N'te the people of Carteret and of 8,000 towels at $7.50 a case given the Route 2 bid for $10,- diYSjed to the Board, Carteret sane, sensible and ant for Englehard Industries • '•'•Id Sunday, at The ni-xt cabarrt nite to be announced the formulation of Middlesex better if he tried to from the West Chemical Com- 637.
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