Portland Daily Press: June 25, 1896
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 33. PORTLAND MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 25, 1896. |SBS55i^3!giK| PRICE THREE CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. __MISCELLANEOUS._| Those corresponding members were ii!g is at Bay Point iiotol, Kockland best man. It was a ring ceremony and m BOWDoirs mm. olooted: Kobert Hallowell Gardiner of HANDLED WITH GLOVES. , ireakwater An informal reception was DROWNED IN THE COTE. little Miss Louise tteddes Li a;tired Boston; Benjamin "Vaughan of Cam- l ield this ovening with musio by Pul- in white silk mulle, with a renth cf on's orchostra. Tomorrow forenoon and bridge; Kobert C. Winthrop of Boston, daisies, put the ring in place. After the ftornoon will bo devoted to business ses- ,T. Y. |i Hinds of the was at the bride's Windsor, N. 6.; Robert ■ with bail wedding reception ; ions grand and banquet in the G. Carter of on The Washington, D. C. New f vening. Manchester of South Port- rosidouoe Suffolk street until 9. Continnation of Commencement Ex- The society voted to hold Us annual York Democntes Say to Sliver Alfred couple left on tho Pullman train for the THOMAS-MERRILL- field day or days at Castine, July 9 and wedding trip. Mr. Tapley was president ercises. 10, tho occasion of the town’s 100th anni- Brethren land Meets His Death of last year’s common oouncil. Mrs. versary Messrs. F.H.Jordan, H. S. Bur- L.Notable Wedding at Cumberland Cen- Tapley is beautiful young lady whose Great Discount rage and Joseph Williamson are the com- ter Last Evening, home until within o year or so was in mittee of arrau gem gents. Portland. BY OVERTURNING A BOAT NEAR ANNUAL MEETING MAINE HIST02I- THE ‘BALL GAME COME LET IS REASON ONE WITH The Congregational ohurch at Cum- • HALLOWELL MASONS CELEBRATE. lerlund Center was the scene of one ol WILLARD’S CASINO. CAL SOCIETY. While the grave and learned members ANOTHER. he prettiest of the season last of tho historical sooiety were in session weddings Hundredth Anniversary of Kennebco < The were CLEARANCE SALE they must havo heard from time to time ________ vening. contracting parties Lodge F. and A. M. Observed. the ories from the ories ] )r. John Blanchard Thornes and Mist nearby field, per- Unable to Swim He Sinks to the Bottom— laud Wilson The Is the Graduation of Medical School Students— haps not dissimilar to the war of Silver Cannot Be Maintained at Parity Merrill.; groom whoops His William of June 34. —Konnebeo * on of Mr. and Mrs. Orin S. Thornes ol Companion, Fielding, Ilallowoll, lodge the for the national "With Gold and Wickedness of Events at Bates Yesterday—Sew Pro- aborigines, game Bepubli- No. b\ and A. DON'T DNSS IT. Cumberland and is well known in Port- Rescued in the Sick of Time 5, M., of Hallowell, ob- was and there was an abun- Willard, fessor Elected—Alumni Literary Exer- being played cans is to Blaine For itall—Other Con- served Us 100th The in and anniversary today. dauoe of enthusiasm. an- | and where he spent some time the by Messrs. Woodbury Skinner, It was the ventlous, cises. of Mutual Life Insur- day was one of the greatest events in the nual contest botween the alumni and the mploy the Union Who Heard His Cries of Distress by June 24.—The Democratic of the For the two TO THE Saratoga, ,noe he went tc history lodge. past [SPECIAL PKESS.] college team, this year the champions of oompany. Subsequently Mere Chance. state convention was called to order at Dartmouth Medoial school where ho days the city has practically been in the the state league. But how are the grad- June 24.—The 12.20 Alfred Manchester of South hands of the a Brunswick, college and James Boyd. Thatcher chosen , with honors and afterward Porltand, docorntora, and presented mighty falleu 1 For the old wbo luted town has on its attire for boys about 18 old was drowned about 11 again pat gala permanent chairman. I ook oourses at the years gayfappearance. The lodges in this dis- played ball in the ’90 and post graduate the annual commencement and sel- early even way o’olook laBt at Simontou’s Cove ATKINSON week, The roll was called and and after the ; Graduate and schoo! night by trict that participated In the celebration Post baok in the dark known as the ’80s Polyclinio dom have and alum- ages a the of a boat. William are: students, graduates appointment of the usual committees j a Now York and served for sometime it overturning Augusta, No. 141 j Bethlehem, No. trooped onto the diamond in costumes ni had weather than today recess was taken until 3 m. of Willard, who was with Man- 35 of No. 32 of Gardi- FURNISHING pleasanter p. I be hospitals there. fielding Augusta; Hermon, motloy Bud and to GO., has afforded for their exercises. It Is picturesque prooeeded came near but was A number of contested cases were set- The bride is the second of Mr. chester, drowning, ner; Monmouth, No. 110; Morning 6tnr, 21 show the twirlers of the how it daugher Monument Senare, weather too that the hearts of present tled and tne Shepherd delegation from rescuod in the niok of time by A. IS. No. 41 of 104 delights 1 >nd Mrs. Louville H. Merrill of Cumber- Litchfield; Dirigo, No. Ij. was done in the good old days, winning was thrown out. The eABUETQN,■-- Wanager. the summer who are hero in Brooklyn tempor- of Willard and Andrew Skin- Weeks Mills; No. 25 of ’Win- _ girls goodly 1 Mr. Merrill a In the Woodbury Temple, the a soore of 10 to was ary organization was made permanent. and, being partner game by 8. There ner his and pleasing array. They were as fresh Senator Bull from the committee on ■ of South Portland, ^who heard throp; Maine Commandery, No. 1 of SPECIAL KOTICKS. Fairbanks, veil known Merrill-Thornes Co., whole- captain of last years’ team, cries for and as smiling today as though they had resolutions presented the platform, which ale dealers of this help. Gardiner; Trinity Cotnmandry, No. 7 cf who was again in command. Plaisted of fancy goods olty. says, in part: The action of a Republi- It was about 11 o’clock last when mm TRUNK RAILWAY not danoed into the small hours at the Both bride and are night, Augusta. Many more Masons from cher ’94 did most of the and oooked can Congress and Republican President groom very populaj ball of last pitching most of the had retired for the of tho state lfir\ GLOVES, evening. silver of its with j n Cumberland and this fact was cottagers parts attended, to do honor the team in his inimitable way. Hink- deprived equality gold arnplj f\UJ The of the class of for of na- and a few men remained to one cf the oldest in Maine. SLIPPERS, graduation proper money, aDd the ourrenoy the , ol night, young lodges ley, and of ’94 were also videnced by £the Jlarge gathering Chapman Sykes tion. Prom this aot(for wliioh the Dem- in the Casino and were The SYSTEM. ’96 will ocour tomorrow. This has been which the ohurch to com- bowling alloy, exorcises commenced at 1.15 p. m., BOOTS, LACE CURTAINS there; Leighton of ’95, Jones of Wil- ocratic in no wise 1 [nests packed a ’93, partywas responsible. to start for above the with a day of meetings and reunions after the iletion. hands had made the about home,-When grand parade under tho direction liamson of ’88, and Talbot of ’87. Wil- Silver greatly declined in commercial 1 Loving excitement of class The trustees and sound of the waves on the of C. K. marshal. The commit- PIANO ; day. value, and there now exists a wide do- < hurch a veritable floral bower and over- breaking Fielden, COVERS, Dnaperie; THE * * liamsons' two base hit was a feature of SEA SIB>E overseers have been in session and the parture of the two metals, from the coin- beach, a few yards away, came the cries tee of who have been un- tho 1 seen and wild flowers were massed ir arrangements, game and he was rewarded with a age standard of value. The restoration — — of a man’s voice for Furniture AUD Maine Historical society has held its an- irofuslon The baok of the shouting lustily help. tiring in their endeavors to make this a COVERINGS,&c huge bouquet with whioh the of the equilibrium of the raotals is a 1 everywhere. nual Then there are the seoret irrepressi- Mr. A. of Willard and An- memorable meeting. the solution of which is of the < iburch was a solid mass of the N. Woodbury Masonic event, consisted of Cleansed at Short at ble Plaisted raced across the field. And problem, evergreen, Notice, a drew Skinner of South Portland beard Hon. WHITE MOUNTAINS societies of which half score have hold greatest ocnsequence, but wholly beyond j ront relieved festoons of white G. A. Safford, Hon. L. D. Mer- then as the game drew to a close and It being by their reunions. our power, witnout the co-operation of the and tried to locate the from J. M. Robinson. J Lowers. the end of each re cry place chant, looked as the alumni be other nations. The free of silver Upon pew FOSTER’S S'peoletl. In contrast to the of though might coinage whence it came. At first The celebration at 3 o’clock striking groups the can nave no lerved for the families of the bride anc they thought opened beaten after all.