Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 1

Long Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introducing the Concepts of Stereotyping, , and

Race and Culture

Historical Views of Ethnic Groups

Cultural Influences on Perceptions of Race and Ethnicity

Group Privilege

Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination




Interpersonal discrimination

Organizational discrimination

Institutional discrimination

Cultural discrimination

The Relationships among Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Targets of Prejudice


Gender and Sexual Orientation

Age, Ability, and Appearance



Theories of Prejudice and Discrimination

Scientific Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 2

Psychodynamic Theory

Sociocultural Theory

Intergroup Relations Theory

Cognitive Theory

Evolutionary Theory

Where Do We Go from Here?


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussions

Chapter 2: How Psychologists Study Prejudice and Discrimination

Formulating Hypotheses

Measuring Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Reliability and Validity

Self-Report Measures

Assessing stereotypes

Assessing prejudice

Assessing behavior

Advantages and limitations

Unobtrusive Measures

Physiological Measures

Implicit Cognition Measures

Self-Report versus Physiological and Implicit Cognition Measures

Using Multiple Measures Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 3

Research Strategies

Correlational Studies

Survey research

The correlation coefficient

Correlation and causality


Experimentation and causality

Laboratory experiments

Field experiments

Individual difference variables within experiments

Ethnographic Studies

Content Analysis

Using Multiple Research Strategies


Drawing Conclusions

Were the hypotheses supported?

What do the data mean?

Verifying Results

Theory and Application


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 3

Social Categorization and Stereotypes Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 4

Social Categorization

Why We Categorize

Types of Categorization

Basic Social Categories


Factors that Affect Categorization


Situational Influences

Consequences of Categorization

Ingroups and Outgroups

Ingroup Overexclusion

Origins of Stereotypes

The Outgroup Homogeneity Effect

Reasons for the Outgroup Homogeneity Effect

The Cross-racial Identification Bias

The Ultimate Attribution Error

Social Role Theory

Illusory Correlations

Transmission of Stereotypic Beliefs

The Media

Language and Transmission

Linguistic Intergroup Bias

Stereotype Communication Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 5

Stereotype Accuracy

Defining Accuracy

The Risks of Assuming Accuracy


Suggested Reading

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 4

Stereotype Activation and Application

Stereotype Activation

Automatic Activation




Cognitive Busyness

Motivated Activation



Social Adjustment

Motivation to Control Prejudice

Stereotype Relevance

The Activated Stereotype

Stereotype Application Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 6

Motivation to Inhibit Stereotyping

Motivation to Control Prejudice

Comprehension Goals

Cognitive Style

Self-Protection and Self-Enhancement Goals

Social Power

Ability to Inhibit Stereotyping

Consequences of Stereotype Use

Biased Interpretation of Behavior

Biased Evaluation


Cultural Artifacts

Stereotype Maintenance and Change

Lay Theories of Personality

Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Models of Stereotype Change

Functions of Stereotypes

Ego-Defensive Function

Social Adjustment Function

The Five Ds of Difference


Suggested Readings

Key Terms Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 7

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 5: Old-Fashioned and Contemporary Forms of Prejudice

The Transformation of Prejudice

Prejudice Continues . . .

. . . But Only Bad People Are Prejudiced . . .

. . . So “They” Should Stop Complaining

Theories of Contemporary Prejudice

Implicit Prejudice

Modern-Symbolic Prejudice

Characteristics of Modern-Symbolic Prejudice

Psychological Bases of Modern-Symbolic Prejudice

Modern-Symbolic Prejudice and Behavior

Concluding Comments

Aversive Prejudice

Characteristics of Aversive Prejudice

Psychological Bases of Aversive Prejudice

Research on Aversive Prejudice

Aversive Prejudice and Behavior

Avoidance of Intergroup Contact

Overly Positive Intergroup Behavior

Pro-White Bias

Anti-Minority Discrimination

Derogation of Higher Status Minority Group Members

Ambivalent Prejudice

Ambivalent Attitudes Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 8

Psychological Conflict

Response Amplification

The Problem of

Putting the Theories Together


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 6: Individual Differences and Prejudice

Personal Values

Value Orientations



Perceived Value Differences

The attribution-value model

Terror Management Theory


Religious involvement

Proscribed versus permitted

Intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation

Quest orientation

Religious fundamentalism


Social Ideologies Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 9


The authoritarian personality

Right-wing authoritarianism

Social Dominance Orientation

Social dominance orientation and prejudice

Social dominance orientation and authoritarianism

Political Orientation

Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation

Personal values

Value conflicts and bipartisan prejudice


Emotions and Stereotyping

Emotions and Prejudice

Intergroup Emotions

From stereotypes to emotions

From emotions to behavior

Individual differences in emotions

Intergroup Anxiety


Chapter Summary

Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 10

Chapter 7: The Development of Prejudice in Children

Awareness of Social Categories

Implicit Awareness of Social Categories

Explicit Awareness of Social Categories

Patterns of Prejudice Development

Racial/Ethnic Prejudice

Majority-group children’s attitudes

Minority-group children’s attitudes

Intergroup behavior

Gender Prejudice

Young children’s attitudes

Older children’s attitudes

Intergroup behavior

Sexual Orientation Prejudice

Processes of Prejudice Development

Genetic Influences

Cognitive Development

Social Learning

Parental influence

Peer influence

Media influence

Developmental Intergroup Theory

Developing category rules Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 11


Development of stereotypes and prejudices

The drop-off in prejudice

So Where Does Prejudice Come From?

Reducing Children’s Prejudice

School Desegregation

Desegregation versus integration

Long-term versus short-term effects

Cooperative Learning

Educational Interventions


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 8: The Social Context of Prejudice

Social Identity Theory

Social Identity and Intergroup Bias

The categorization-competition hypothesis

The self-esteem hypothesis

Factors that Influence Social identity


Optimal distinctiveness

Threat to the group Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 12

Chronic social identities

Individual differences

Issues in Social Identity Theory

Ingroup favoritism versus outgroup derogation

Social identity and intergroup tolerance

National identity

Looking Back at Social Identity Theory

Relative Deprivation Theory

Relative Deprivation, Dissatisfaction, and Resentment

Relative Deprivation and Prejudice

Relative Gratification

Realistic Conflict Theory

The Work of Muzafer Sherif

Contemporary Views of Intergroup Competition

Situational antecedents

Ideological antecedents

Psychological effects

Intergroup consequences

Integrated Threat Theory

Hate Group Membership

Why People Join Hate Groups Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 13

Racial attitudes

A search for answers

Myths concerning hate group members

Recruiting Hate Group Members

Group Socialization

The socialization process

The outcomes of socialization

Leaving the Group

Disenchantment with the group

Relationships outside the group

Chapter Summary

Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 9: From Prejudice to Discrimination

What Is Discrimination?

Blatant Discrimination

Subtle Discrimination


Covert Discrimination

Interpersonal Discrimination

The Relation between Prejudice and Discrimination

Personal stereotypes

Attitude-behavior correspondence Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 14

Perceived social support

Motivation to Control Prejudice

Internal and external motivation

Restraint motivation

The development of motivation to control prejudice

Social norms

Losing Control: Regressive Prejudice

Controllability of behavior

Executive function


Moral credentials

Reactions to Having Acted in a Prejudiced Manner

Discrimination in the Workplace

Organizational Research


Performance evaluation and promotion

Individuals in the Workplace

Stereotype fit

Shifting standards

Contemporary prejudice

Conformity to perceived norms

Hate Crimes

Hate Crime Offenders

Motivations for Hate Crimes

Intergroup attitudes Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 15

Thrill seeking

Ingroup defense

Peer group dynamics

Effects on Victims


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 10

The Experience of Discrimination

Social Stigma

What Defines a Stigmatized Group?



Aesthetic Qualities



Stigma by Association


Responses to Prejudice and Discrimination

Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy

Cognitive Explanations

Motivational Explanations

The Costs and Benefits of Claiming Discrimination Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 16

Recognizing Discrimination

Willingness to Confront Discrimination

The Social Costs of Claiming Discrimination

Claims of Discrimination by Ingroup Members

Strategies for Confronting Discrimination

Consequences of Prejudice for the Target

Stereotype Threat

Key Features of Stereotype Threat

Individual Differences

Psychological Processes Affecting Stereotype Threat

Reducing Stereotype Threat

Stereotype Lift

Vulnerability to Stress

Minority Stress Model

Indirect Effects of Minority Stress

Threats to Self-Esteem

Coping with Discrimination

Psychological Disengagement and Disidentification

Behavioral Compensation


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 17

Chapter 11

Gender and Sexual Orientation

Gender-Based Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Gender Stereotypes

How Widespread are Gender Stereotypic Beliefs?

Accuracy of Gender-Associated Beliefs

Change Over Time

Attitudes toward Women and Men

Subtypes of Women and Men

Attitudes Toward Women’s Rights and Responsibilities

Hostile and Benevolent Sexism

Women in the Workplace

Role Congruity Theory

Women in Faculty Roles

Consequences for Girl’s and Women’s Career Choices

The Male Gender Role

Heterosexism and Sexual Prejudice

Stereotypes of Lesbians and Gay Men

Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men

Gender Differences in Anti-Gay Prejudice

Attitudes Toward Bisexual Men and Women

Heterosexism in the Workplace

Coming Out Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 18

Prejudice Against Transgender People


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 12

Age, Ability, and Appearance


When Does Old Age Begin?

Beliefs about Older Adults

The Forgetfulness Stereotype

Fear of Death and Dying

Subtypes of Older Adults

The Double Standard of Aging

Age-Based Discrimination

Media Portrayals of Older Adults

Workplace Discrimination

Communication with Older Adults

Health Care for Older Adults

The Effects of Self-Stereotyping



The Stigma of Disability Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 19

Attitudes toward PWDs

Employment Discrimination

Anxiety about Interacting with PWDs

Communication between PWDs and the Nondisabled

Mental Illness

Perceived Controllability and Dangerousness

The Experience of Mental illness Discrimination

Consequences of Mental Health Stigma


Physical Attractiveness

Gender, Age, and Physical Appearance

The Benefits to Being Physically Attractive



Why is Anti-Fat Prejudice Acceptable?

The Social Consequences of Anti-Fat Prejudice


Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion

Chapter 13: Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination

Individual Level Processes

Stereotype Suppression Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 20

Stereotype rebound

Why do stereotypes rebound?

Is stereotype rebound inevitable?


Developing cues for controlling prejudice

Using cues to control prejudice

Automatic control of prejudice

Self-regulation in action

Intergroup Contact Theory

Conditions for Success

Equal status


Acquaintance potential

Institutional support

Effectiveness of Intergroup Contact

Types of changes produced

Limiting factors

Indirect Contact

Extended contact

Imagined contact

Media contact

From Personalization to Common Social Identity

Personalization Kite & Whitley 3e, Long ToC, p. 21

Attitude generalization

Common social identity

Other aspects of the model

Workplace Interventions

Affirmative Action

Valuing Diversity

Managing Diversity

Racial Color-blindness and Its Alternatives

The Color-Blind Perspective

The Assimilationist Perspective

The Multicultural Perspective

The Polycultural Perspective

Comparing the Perspectives

What You Can Do to Reduce Prejudice

Influencing Your Own Attitudes

Influencing Other People’s Attitudes


Chapter Summary

Suggested Readings

Key Terms

Questions for Review and Discussion