Project Document Template
E ffi n UN Dtr EUROPEANUNION Enwredliw nEifient nations. United Nations DevelopmentProgramme Country:Republic of Armenia Project Document Modernizatian of Bogratashen, Bavro, Gogavan Border ProjectTitle Crossing Points of the Republic of Armenia (MBBG BCPs) Democraticgovernance is strengthened by improving UNDAFOutcome:2 accountability,promoting institutional and capacity developmentand expanding people's participation lmprovedstructures and mechanismsat both centralized ExpectedCP Outcome: 2.1 and decentralized levels ensure the progressive realizationof humanrights. Capacityof governmentinstitutions to manageborders, ExpectedCP Output: 2.1.4 migration, combat trafficking and effectively protect humanrights enhanced lmplementingPartner: State RevenueCommittee (SRC)of the Governmentof the Republicof Armeniawith UNDPsupport Brief Description The overoll objective of this Project is to support the Government of Armenia in implementation of the selected provisionsof the GovernmentDecree #482 (21.04.2011)on the approvalof 2011-2015IBM Action Plan The specific objective of this Project is to support the Government of Armenio in modernisation of Bagratashen, Bavro and Gogavon border crossing points of Armenia for oligning them to the IBM international stondords oimed at the facilitation of the movement of people and goods acrossthe border. ProgrammePeriod: 2012-20L5 Totalresources required: USS 52,838,236 or EUR43.776,000 Totalallocated resources: AtlasAward lD: Governmentof Armenialoan funding from: EIB:30,316,000 EUR Estimatedstart date: 01.09.2012 Governmentof Armeniagrant funding from: 3I.12.20L5 EstimatedEnd date: NIF:12,000,000 EUR ProjectAppraisal Committee Meeting Date: UNDPregular resources: 800,000 EUR 25.07.20L2 *For the purposesof this document, a IJNOperational Exchange Rateof 7 USD= 0.8(MEUR has been ossumed. Agreedby GagikKhachatryan, Chairman of SRC,GoA Agreedby DirkBoberg, UNDP Resident Representative a.i.
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