STYLE GUIDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT GABAY SA ESTILO PARA SA GOBYERNO PRESIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT PRESIDENTIALAND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING OFFICEDEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING OFFICE RESIDENTIAL C OMMUNIC AT I ON DEVEL OPMENT AND ST RA TEGIC PLANNING OFFI C 1 STYLE GUIDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT GABAY SA ESTILO PARA SA GOBYERNO PRESIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING OFFICE 2 STYLE GUIDE FOR THE GOVERNMENT Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office ISBN 978-621-95495-0-9 All rights reserved. The content of this publication may be copied, adapted, and redistributed, in whole in part, provided that the material is not used for commercial purposes and that proper attribution be made. No written permission from the publisher is necessary. Some of the images used in this publication may be protected by restrictions from their original copyright owners; please review our bibliography for references used. Published exclusively by The Presidential Communications Developmentand Strategic Planning Office Office of the President of the Philippines 3/F New Executive Building, Malacañan Palace, San Miguel, Manila Website: Email:
[email protected] Book design by the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office Published in the Philippines. 3 4 THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BENIGNO S. AQUINO III President of the Philippines PRESIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING OFFICE MANUEL L. QUEZON III Undersecretary of Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Officer-in-Charge JAN MIKAEL dL. CO Assistant Executive Secretary Senior Presidential Speechwriter and Head of Correspondence Office JUAN POCHOLO MARTIN B. GOITIA Assistant Secretary Managing Editor, Official Gazette GINO ALPHONSUS A.