Minutes of the meeting of LITTLE HORSTED PARISH meeting Date: 06/02/2020

PRESENT: Simon Autie (chairman), Laura Sparshatt (clerk), Cclr Dowling, Cclr G Johnson and 11 members of the public.

1. Apologies JP / HM

2. Minutes from previous meeting - 05/12/2019. Proposed by WS, 2nd by KS

2a. SA noted that currently there are cases of the corona virus within the local area. He assured residents that in the unlikely event of situation worsening we will keep them informed with any information passed on from Wealden and that Parish meetings can continue using remote methods if necessary.

3. Finances Solar Panels / CIL

SA updated residents that the Parish currently has money from 2 sources - 1. Solar farm (which is held directly with the Little Horsted Church of School and St Micheal and All Angels Church as the Parish meeting had no bank accounts at the time of receipt) and which continues for 15 years and has no constraints on how it is spent 2. CIL funds totaling approx £13K. The CIL money has constraints as to how it is spent. The Parish has taken on a clerk which is an expense (which currently comes 2nd tranche of solar panels fund held with Little Horsted Parish meeting). The Parish has money for a year or two to cover the expense for the Clerk but for the long term it needs to be thought about.

SA suggested that the money from solar panels could come to the Parish and that the CIL money could go to school / church to improve the infrastructure. Sa advised that information on how the CIL money can be spent. CD recommended Wealden’s legal team be consulted.

KC noted that Wealdens / East CC finances are stretched due to budgets being cut. She recommended that the Parish should look at where money can be spent such as verges and road repairs - options that will benefit the parish as a whole.

JG informed residents that he paid over £150,000 to the council investment levee. CD noted that 15% comes directly to the parish and that it is important to spend in the community to mitigate the impact of development. He also advised that it maybe some of the residue of the 85% comes back to the community indirectly.

SA assured residents that no decision will be made but the issue will be discussed at the next meeting.

LSp to send info out on what CIL money can be spent on. LSp to check money from CIL / % that we get. SA to get answers from Wealden and send info out. JG will get exact figure that was given to the levee

4. Worth Farm Site update with new plans - S.A. / J.G.

JG circulated plans of the proposed development to residents and informed them that it ​ would be impossible to build more dwellings as large open areas are set aside for drainage and can't be built on. Formal planning gone into Wealden Planning. JG agreed to sign a letter stating no further building on the plot. GG noted that he appreciated JG taking the time to take questions and wanted to ensure all comments regarding drainage and traffic movements had been resolved. JG assured residents that all queries had been dealt with in the planning application. The dwellings will meet the A rated eco build criteria. There will be less water on site than currently due to new soakaway which will be shown in the planning. WS asked about the time scales for the build, JG noted that he intended to start ASAP and be completed within the year, using the same contractor as the current development. He also noted that he estimates £135,00 in CIL payments for the development.

SA informed residents that the council has not come back with regards to the ditches on Worth Lane. JG noted that he intends to deal with ditches and road himself

5. Bradfords Lane verges - S.A SA informed residents that LSp has been in continued communication with Kier regarding ​ the verges. LSp updated residents that she has been asking for a date for the work to be started which has not been forthcoming - however she has been assured that it is on their radar. KC noted that there has been a lot of words but no action and that the pothole by the white bridge was still not resolved. CD suggested asking Highways to intervien.

LSp to chase kier and pass on information to Ccl Dowling to assist with Highways.

5. Meadow Farm Update

SA noted that this field borders the Parish on 3 sides but is within the parish who we are in liaison with. This matter was passed to Wealden Planning however after 5 months it was referred to ESCC. ESCC renforcment will be having a site meeting on 11th February SA updated residents that he has requested a formal meeting on the grounds that the site is an issue with regards to incorrect permits being used / blocked footpath and other issues. He noted that this issue is more difficult as it could open the door to illegal waste being permitted. SA also mentioned that in his personnal option, screening land off allows for unwanted activities to take place.


SA noted that he had submitting this planning application in order provide accomodation for two workers. Due to his poor health he noted that he required onsite assistance to with the livery business. The two workers have horses at September farm currently. The mobile home would have a 3 year permit which would then have to be renewed with Wealden planning. He then passed over the chair to MC CB noted that he understood that a mobile home made of wood with no foundations would be permanent after 10 years or if brickwork with foundation it would be 4 years. K.C. raised concerns that a small livery doesn’t justify a person on premises. Economically there is no case to make and that it could be viewed as a shortcut to getting planning. MC asked residents to only consider the planning application as is.

No objections.

7. AOB

7a MC noted there was a violent attack at the sangs in December. CB noted that lots of ​ ​ people are using the site from morning to night. He noted that the car park is working well but that lane is the problem due to the number of cars. The verges are in poor condition as people are passing on them and not using passing places. He noted that the car park has counters on it. LSp to try and get information from car park counters. CB also said that the ​ ​ new car park and footpath access will help the situation.

Cclr GJ noted that phase two has outline planning permission and that the car park is part of this. LSp to request time scales - Email Cclr Dowling and Cclr Johnson. ​ 7b LSp raised a concern from residents regarding the Dog bins. CB noted they are emptied everyday.

7c GG updated residents the appeals for Waverly house have been rejected in full and all business activities must be ceased in July.

7d SA noted that theTelephone box needs a clean. CB offered to carry out works. ​

Meeting concluded at 21:03

Quorum : 4 members S.A / M.C / L.Sp / LS

Financial matters were signed off. L.Sp to look into the possibility of a grant to fund the Clerk.